iBTCRIA PBBtfC I-MRAi?! JSSvCIATv; 1 .?., 4 VOL L. ASTOUIA. OREGON, TUESDAY. NOVKJlI'EK 21. 18M iNO. 149 9 I 11 1 i J r it i At fj .. i 1 1 i I.I ' -v? " Vfl i. 6 C6 rrsfl The Eclipse Hardware Go. iIMT7, T T Y w r w i () i () WW linn ItciiiKvetl to itn New (Quarter ticxt to tlic Columbia JOIci'lricul it lijmir r V. . three door form the did Maud, where they will continue to tarry the lineal dork of ; Movi'H In Astoria. ! BOND STREET. M'ARTHUR ARRIVES WITHIN FIVE MILES OF DAUGAPAN Two Hundred Rebels Surrender With Ammu nition and Large Supplies at Bam Bam iit 1 o'clock. 1,'iklf'K th Ifadqimrter j bund wl nine cornpanl' of thi; Xorty i fourth n'Kl.iM'iit. A half hour later llif Duke of "Ifc .ilM with th b.adiuar-l-r band ari'l lx companies of the Thlrty-elghth. Th.. Ht. Paul railed 3 o'clock with nix rumpanb' of th Thlrty-Hghth and th' city t Publa at I V) o'i.I'h k '.villi thr-'. companies of the Forty-lhlPl. Th" remaining nine com jaiilea of th Forty-third nall.-d from Now York l.it we k on th? trani"iirt' M'-ade. i BOERS BEING HEAVILY REIN FORCED NEAR LADYSMITH HIGHEST PRICK FOR CATTLE. Joubert is Bending all Energy to Prevent a Juncture of the British Troops. 4 IMPORTANT NOTICE y ilnrUy rcoll malm fnm Ue I'UblUbrrs n the WtUSKH I'.IiITION ur TUK KNin'lt'KDIA IlhlTAXNICA, that oalug lit 111 ctiorrootia inrrvMc In the pro of paper with lu III paat lr wtwkn.tlipy wiiilli) shortly withdraw tl.enuln of thr ir Kni vrloixhlla al tli prracut prir. Our anntrnri with lb pufllalirtinllr ua to make III same llU-ial of. fcr at limrlnlum. Thirty lary Toluin nf tlio F.tirycloi. ilia, on ittililo lu Hvid'tuallo lUaihiitf nf lbi Kiicyr..pe.lni, On Upright Oak lookca and On rit WrUli-r'a l.n. CrliiM'li lr of rliarifi. All III alxne will m il livrro.l Ujxiu lliliuali ) inrnl ol ONIi DOUI-AK Ilalanor lu tinall monthly yiurtiu. Call aul look Hit., litis c.llcir. ....... , . . . . . . , CHICAGO, Not. 20 Thr ytar nAYi I Art URtS AWOl cHK til Y Tte ? hlirhvat prirw paid tat TtxM cattle alncej can T ' . . . . i i . . . vy rmTTi nuigv cune proujfrji! ! J5.7 today, the hJirhnt price ulncc 1884.1 5 NO ENGAGEMENT (IMPORTANCE YET Zamtoanja and tbe Second Island In Importance to Luzon Taken ty tbe Gnoboat Castlmc- Former Spanish i Naval Station. ! WILLIAM HAS REACHED LONDON ', TbeEnlish Advance From Dort3a7tBcf2f Made In Three Sepa rate Detacbments-The Boers Fepolsed at Knrnman. 3RIFFII & REED. m&jmmir!Xijmhvii& RECEPTION OF WINDSOR v . . . . P 1 Here Is a List Of High CJrntlo Ooodai nt Motlvrcilc Prli . Fancy ('renimTy UutUr in Kejjs ami Kullf. Strictly rrwli rn. New Croj Maplf JSyrup. Itutkwlicat uiul Grid lu Cuke Klutir. PacUrtl A Smitli'i Kuucy Ituliun 1'ruins. N-w f;rxij NuU, Kipi, Minco M''t. . Ail m It. II. i ' 1 1? The ncqtiMtkni of iiiiilxiunu, njxrk'tl ly (Sem-ral (Hit. in liferent iiuj-irturu from a iniliury jH.int of view. It The T0wn Gorgeously Decorated, v is uic t.rnii iimi en v oi AiimiaiiHo iiiki (iuiiunai me cniire . . . ; honlin rn Imlf of tl-at i-lainl. uhidi is !ec(Uiil in importance onlv to I.uwn. J; It lias u jiojiiilutioii of nearly 1'1,00 iK'oj.lf, and is well fortitifi), mi that it fiuall garrison of tro3 could hold it indeti- nitt ly a'aiiiHt native allude. In nddition il i tin- naval blalicii where tlic Sianiurd iimxI to rendftvoUH t!n ir war in the southern arehi- ptlllO. -'J i and Old Glory Floats Side ty Side With tbe English and German Standards. 2 I)XDON, Nov. 20.A ccial dispatch from Estcourt, dated Nov. 20, says a report has reached there of a battle at fi g Lndysuiith Wwlnesday, November 15, lasting from daybreak until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Many boere are said to have i I'll . . () ; ueen Kineu, ana many are reprted taken prisoners. I lie w 1 1 British losses are reported to be much less. 1 1 Another battle is said to have occurred Thursday, It is I described a the heaviest yet fought. The Boers' dead, it Is iHtRTSMoi-TH. England. Nov. 20- $ added, nuiiik-r hundreds, while the British losses were com- Th Gt-rman ImptTlal yat-t Hoh.nr-1-1 J paratively Small. Wrn entered th.- harlior al 10:05 i t.-rdiy, and vm..d with salute 'i4?0S2I l9 . .. . . . . . I - W'X't&$&stif ln F'm "r W1"m 4X4(1 r"rM LONDON, Nov. 21.-5 a. m.-The re-1 REPORTED BOER REPULSE. Ralston BoMtklaM Kmu1, Pancakt' Flour, Whole Wheat Flotir. Whole Wheat 1'iai kin- ROSS, HIGGINS & GO. WABH INGT 'N. N'v. 2-TIr-iallc ll( h' tf iy ,'lv-J ul tin' war l.'iai tin nt tialiiy from t;,-!irr il OtlH. Thr flrM. aya: J!rArthur ha advanced within flv. mllrt of Ducuinui, to Willi h ilol (he railroad la intact from lljimlwn. ex eiptlni thi Tnj-lac bitik. A larife iiuaiitily of r.linit itixk hn In-i-ii .1. troyed hIiM.u t Ua. Tlw- Mt.U rc t'iiinilis riu"tt allr tn tnuvirt.itn j and thf to .nv mxvtiiK from San " t.i lti' front. ' I.iMiiliium r with tl.iv yrnMinli-j. of th,' Tw nt v-rtf h Infantry, by it niicht inii'h. in'ii-l an. I i4iittit-l wliliout rlMl.llll.-. III.- lllhlll O'lll f.., ( tit t 1 1. .nn. i. rvii tiiil fiMin tlw r.ill- l"il I M.it'.'-n i'f I' iiiiImii nt i'a" t Hi.' II .IIJ C ol .l killr l. 'i ll. i 1 1; full-.1 I'lnumtol i.f f iiir trucllon of th bandit MllaX'.' In thf Inlund of Ni-tn. 'aM July. 'uilalii Rynn and about 1"0 rrni M turki'd th.- I a.nl it camp tn the night nd defrayed It. The numb.r of btnlltti klllwl larwdy oid.l the en- 1 1 iv viTiri irii unw. in ,T-n.R.,,infii ( of hl aervliv. Captain Bynx? wa; ina-li llrutrtount c.lii'l of the Fourth r-ifiiD.-nt. I'. 8. V. The empepjr and empr and their two urn land.'d at 10:30 and wvre welcomed i . by the Duke of Connaught, who wore tr uniform of the Gt-rman Huar ports of heavy flffhtlna; at Ladywtilth last Wednesday have not been confirm ed. On the contrary, trie most rvli- PIIKSIUHNT S MESSAGE. Will IW-lny I hillppine SiftiKlis hk Imit n t4lble. WASIIIMiToN. N..V. .').-Tiie -er-t.ny i.f war :.ii.nt ov.r two hour we.h th- n.'!i..-nl t .l.iy u'IhuukhIiik his an tiuitl !-.-;. ti i . on whiih rvixirt will be I .a I y..iii uf th- iinu-t Important n.'C tliuiM .if tlii- pivaid-'iit' :n. .vf'ag.' to con- regiment, of which he la an honorary b ivlop from Estcourt Indicate colonel, and by various court dignlur- that there wa nothing more than a I le. Emperor William wore the unl- desultory cannonade. Prohabw hi form of a British admiral. i . , rumor of a aerlou engagement grew T..al I ' TI i . I t. : fu, were displayed erywhei The' 0Ut f ,h taet tKat th thr" Imperial party tiH.k the train for Wind- a few harm,,-f Thunay r at 11:30 amid th laute of war- nlght, leading to the supposition that ihlp, batxhi and plying national an- an auadj waa immiwrnt. them and clers from cnwd. I Beyond the fact that the Bovr are RECEPTION AT WINDSOR. daily receiving frvnh e-nforoemnu and INDSOll. Nov. :"0. Tlw f-niptor up lies there la practically nothing and empr. of G-rmatiy and th-'ir new from the fntt. 'I. i IImI ."il ,11.11. their nll.S. 10.IVKI is mid i f ammuiii'l Ir iti.-porta lon We Rent New Typewriters Many New Improvement A,1,Ih M'K Ot'H L, AT F.ST Smith Premier Typewriter NKW AUT CATAKMil K r ItKK i I.. A.M. AI.F.XlMir.K ii CO. IMio.ic Main S71 Kxcluaivn I'acillc OhwI Irali't. Ll.) Stark St. I'ortlntiJ ' .'f ' is f'llf toll! oI'Ih and i i in . il " if llllNt. .liMliloriilili I It it i:nd -t-st h1 tli.it thl.s . tlun will i villi lal lee- '"' "I"'" '"n,f I""'"!'''"' awall- liiB development In the Philippines h It-Ii may chmiK'' the status of the ckitlllllg were Hd d!HMteh ivlat.i. lo affair ,'t"a,t,,n ,,"ll'f,t ""' v Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL PARLORS Tt ' rior ; Wa.!.!"'"" Bull''-tni frown ami lliiiko Work, fl.HO per tootli, UHranteml. IWhI net Teeth, $5.00 fit KUiiriititoeil. Heat FillltiK, WKt up, gnarHiittnl. All Work Positively (Jtmnmtecd OK NO PAY. Wiwhinifton Duildinu, Corner 4th 'anil W'agliington St. Fifth Floor, Rooina-i7, 4H, f 0, 51, 52. 'Prion Orauon, Brown 43, Columbia aftvl 5l6ESs3Mimff K5I In the oiitli. in iMlaiul. The liavy de-1 wvlliew of tlie me-sasv are n.m ly co'nplete,!. bu! to Mnlh the mes- s.'ine befor coeKiow meet will call for a large amount of hard work. Ow ing to this fact, It Is probably the pres ident will not be able to go to Nashville to pui ticlpiite in the welcome hi me of tin regiment. R'NSTO.N READY TO SAIL. piirinient al, revived the tvport of the iH'H tin. It lin of .aiiibiHiiiga. u hl. It differ In some imsm from the iiy of that event told lu llenriU litis" cable irtiitn. Admiral Wilt mm, eubbw: "i" imiiiander Very, of Cnstlne, with 'il natives ;unt Mhimm iirtiiblnisl, rup tured 7.aiiilHnin;a oil the, ltith Inst, No I'liMinllle. ACTIVITY SOl'TU OK MANILA. The InHurgent Make I) miitruiloiu In Cuvltv? Provlmv Which are Soon flleneeil. MANILA. Nov. 2rt.-Th.rv ha been a revival of InsiirtfiMit activity B.uth of .iiinila, piiinlciilarly In Cavlte ptvvlneo. At linns yesietdiiy tl.e Filipinos flrM 11 smooth botv cannon, but this wan soon silenced by the American artillery. It the con rue of the morning, Major Cowle with a battalion of tile Fourth! can hardly believe it. liifiinlry and twvt gun soutteivd the! 'During the war between the Span eiteniy from the illntrlcts around InuiH Uh and the Filipino triune were a num and In the dlivetlon of IVre Da Marl-' ber of the native churches robb.'d by nn. I Spaniard. A great dsil of the plunder The Americans could not' pursue the vt Into the hand of Chlnimcn. who' retrenilng liisurgent because, their , eventually sold considerable of the stuff He Says the Scariliir- of I'hillppin 1 nnrchi' was by the Spanish. SiWJ'HANCISfO, Nov. 20. Genie Fredli rlck Funst':i accomp.uiUM by his wife, arrived at Oakland kite lust nlgat. j He I on the way to Manila, where he. p:irv nrrlv.M here at l':4S. They wen M'i'ti n ly the Prince of W.tl. s. the Dul.e of Cajiibrlilsv- and the Duke f ork. all wv.u-ng Oerman unlf. rn:s. There v.:is tivmendou cheering In tlie Mtrivts as the Imperial mrty drove to the castle, when" they were revived by yueen Victoria at 2.i. m. The w.utlng room and platform at the station weri lavishly decorated with flowers. The tovn ;.s tilled with excursionists and decoiated with (lags. On the town hall tl.e British and German royal standard and the Stars and Stripe V lit side by side. The em 1 ror replying t.. the mayor's welcome, sal.1: "I thank you very much for your kind attention. I must tell you that It gives me very great pleasure to ho here one more." The plan of operation 0:1 both side is slowly unfolding ilsvif. General J vub ert Is evidently moving uth to pre vent, if possible, a junction of the P.rit ish Telievlng fore with the force at Eseourt and Ladymith, while on the Orange river border the Boers are be lieved to be concentrating- at Donker poort to oppose General Buller's ad vance. It is said that . Boer have already laagered at Dorikerpoort. The English plan aewiw to be a three fold advance from Durban to Lady smith, from Orange rtver to Kimberley and from East Lond'jn, by way of Quoenstcwn, to Burghersdip. The Queen's Christmas Present to th Soldiers. LONDON, Nov. W. It Is reported today that the Boers nave attacked Kuruman and sustained heavy losses. The queva decided that her Christ mas present to the troops In South Af rica Is to take the form of a tin of chocolate for each man. NAVAL REINFORCEMENT3. Number of Officers and Sailers ar at Esquimau for North Pacific Squadron. VANCOUVER, B. C. 'Nov. Special rhilitary train arrived this pfttfnoon from Halifax with 103 ortkers Ul men for the North Pacific squadron at Es quimau. N LADY SALISUCRY DEAD. LONDON, Nov. 20. Lady Salis-bury, wife of the premier, who ha been In ill health for a kng time pas, uftcrlt-g a stcJiid strike of partlysis in July last, Is dead. GAVE HIS PRESENT AWAY. WASHINGTON, Nov. JO. Th formal deed of conveyance was today placed on file transferring from Admiral Gi-o. Dewey to Mrs. Mildred Dewey, his wife, the prt)erty which wa presented to the admiral by pomilar nubscrlp. tlon. " HUNTING ISSUES ! FOR THE FIGHT will report for duty to General Otis. ft A Tod Coat ... OF THIS STYLE "I do not know anyJilng about the; rohi.'mt of church in the phiiipim: QEyiocRATS ARE CONFERRING by the Amerclan soldiers," declared the! general In an interview, "and while ltj j may be true that som of our mejt g ,n$ Ljke There' were guilty of sacriUgous thievery, I " 1 Will Be Nothing But the Anti- ; Trust Agitation for the Next Campaign. ammunition was exhausted. to the ni-n our army." MAJOR PICKETT ILL. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20.- The spies report that tlu Insurfft'iit. ore coming Into Cavlte, province from ' Calamlm, In Laguna province and other! southern provliic--. The Insurant Geo. E. rickett, payma.tr of the have smooth bor- and two nuHlern ' army who ha bev:i onlered to Manila cannon. Firing was In progress thl. and was to have sailed today on the afternoon. j H;incock will not be able to go to vhe - j Philippine for some lime, if at all. H BANDIT CAMP CAPTURED. ! Is confined to his lel with acute " . " i pneumonia. Captain Byrne Doing Good Work on, th Islo of Negro. J CROWDED TROOPS FOR MANILA. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-The war, SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 20.-Four department has made public the l-eport government transports sailed today nf Captain Byrne, Sixth Infantry, giv-'wlth troops for the Philippines, lag an account of the attack and des- The Hancock was scheduled to leave CHICAGO. Nov. 20. At an Informal gathering of prominent democrats held here today nothing was said about the nieotji's of the national committee,1 Major 1 but It Is the opinion of the most of the national committeemen that a full committee will be called to meet I" V a-shington, February 22, and that the national democratic convention will bo held the kitter purt of May or the first of June. Jones would say nothing- about call ing the committee. Some of the committeemen discussed the probable situation nxt year. They disclosed the fact that a considerable part of the committee's sitting had .(Continued, on Eighth Tage.) '.V. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft' ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1 Made from Cue selected Covert Cloth or English Whipcord in the poDiir shaijes of brown and tan; durable, fast color Kersey, or rough surface Oxford mixture. mi 'Si . salt, $12.50, fl5, $20, $2.1 to $ These coats are the exact proto types of the best New York inade-to order ones, and cannot be duplicat ed in anv other store in Oregon. Men's Fashionable Suits $10 to $:55. Hoys' and Young Mens Clothes at all popular prices. Our $3.00 are better than most of the $".00 kinds sold elsewhere. 1 Hi Hi A B STEINBACH 8 CO. I.AKIiKST CMVnilFKS IN Til K NORTHWEST iliail Ul tiers JiiiKum. . Corner Fourth and Morrison Sis., PORTLAND, OREGON'.