The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 16, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    ME MOHNINfl A8TOH1AN. JMl'ftftOA). NOViCMUbtt it,,
at th custom house yesterday wtRi Parl to "t which th human tomacfc
W.OOO feet f lumber. She ru the llM vef th morals and health or tha
only vesiH that jased out yesterday, i averago mortal. Hosfcetter'i Stomach
j Dltters cures constipation, dyspepsia.
biliousness, nervousnos and All dl.
It Will I'tty You
To look up tha bargains I am offer
lug in my orockary stock. Every
thin la Inoludad at fr t discount
rrom regular prloaa. jfivaryiiiing in
plain and deooratad wart; tha (am
out Luatlo l.rand, Kngllah make. It
will pay you to look H ovar.
ttl Commercial eUraat
Tlivy'ru I'opiihir Now
Hava you aaan my assortment of
ebony brualiM? They wr pur
chased dlraot from Naw Yoik, and
ar vary popular. Am conatantly
receiving naw gooda. Coma and aao
Tha Leading Jtwtlor,
lit Commercial BtrwK.
Who Dot Your IjiiiiiJi )
Wa claim, and wa wlU prova to
avary ona, that wa hava I ha beaj
and moat up-to-dat '.aundry on tha
CoaaL A trial ordar will oonvlnoa
tha moat particular. If you want
neat, prompt work, try tha
t2I rranklln Avanua.
Our Special llnruiiliia
W hava aoma brokan line of tin
wara which wa will eloea out at bar
gain prices. Wa ara also making
aptolal prloaa on aoma brokan llnaa
of can nod frulta and rallahaa, pick
ala, labia delicacies, and aauoaa.
Thaaa ara A No. 1 gooda, and can
ba had at low prloaa.
Tha DAIt.V AITOKIANwIII be found
um tala In I'nrtlanil at ilia wll-kna
(lmrr nouM if J. V, HniKlUr Co,, SWI
Wuhliiatua Strmt, Orderi fur atlrar
llaliia lad wllK Oil Mrm will rl
ruiiitt AlUnlluu.
I:xtra Fine L'lnhrcllu
And at battar than Portland prices.
Il'a a fart. Thay ara tha ealftbralad
rollmar-Clogg maka: handsome,
dunbl allk umbrtllaa. Don't maka
tha mlataka of buying elanwhera,
Tba Jtwelar,
IM Com martial Btraat.
Uvltvr 'Hutu l-vcr
Tha Pond Btraat Flah Markat U
battar than avar praparad to aupply
rreah and aalt flah of all klnda.
Oooda delivered to any part of tha
clly and aatlaraotlon guarantied.
417 Itond "treat
Millinery Novelties
I desire to further call tha attan
Hon of tha ladle to my handaoma
atock of trimmed millinery. It com
' prlaea tha latcat creatlona of th
nitltlnary art, and I am offering ra
dioed rat a for tha nit K days.
Dr. T. N. Hull
57 J Commercial Btraat,
Orar Sohluaael'i Clothing Store,
Fine work at Popular Price.
327 Wnahlngton Htrcet,
Next Imperial Hotel
roRTiJVND, ona.
IDflTLANI), Nov. lJ.-Waahlngton,
Oivgon and Idaho. Oyoaalonal rain.
To night
"Fogg'a Kirn"
At KUher'a oH'ra house
Hwure your ,! a.'. Oriiiin at ficed'a.
Crawflah, rooked In wine, at tha Na
tional Cafe.
U. D. itogera, I ho Ilwaoo druggist, la
In the city.
J. II. Nice, of (.'alhnlinet, la ivgUnVred
at the Ocrldi'irt. (
Vim Markhurii, of llwaco, wua In Aa
lorla Inat awning.
W 1 1 1 1 i n Ym'rg wua over from Frt
(.'oUiinbla yraUirduy,
A. I. MrDiMiuld, uf Juwi'll, la a guwt
of lha Piirkrr huuio.
WuIUt II. 1'rraton, (he I'ortlujKl rull-
nMul man, li In tha city,
K. rruratMi and wlfu are rrglatervd at
the Ovcldtait from H'-attle.
Charlva KirtTcali-r, lA Knnppa. la mt-luti-r
at the 1'arkrr houmt.
Drink K. B. Cereal: Cat Nut butter
and Health Fooda and ba happy.
In the jwllce court yi-an-rday
Dim woa f.nd $j fur drunknraa.
Pun whlaky Harper Perfoct whlaky
Harper avery bottle guaranteed liar
per. Bold by Ford Btokea Company,
Aatorla, Oregon.
The W. C, T. U. will hold thHr ino't
Infra avery Tuntdity aflenKxm, at two
o'cIik k, In the atudy of the PriwhyUrlun
church until furtlwr notloa.
Rcalyn coal laata longer, la oleanar
and inakoa leaa trouble with atovea and
chimney fluna than any other, Oeorge
W. Sanborn, Agont. Telephone U1L
The opium cant which waa U tuvr
coma up yiittunlay In th poUce court
hnj h-m pitpnd until 2 p. tn. tmluy
Civing to the chy attom-y tx-lng al' nt
frixn tha city.
RbRlyn coal la tha beat and moat eco
nomical coal for houaehold uaa In A-
torla. Try It onca and you will bava
no oihtir. Oeorga W. Sanborn, Agent
Telephone 1311.
AnJi'fW l.nkf, the tailor, hua movxl
hln liUHlrn-M from lit Cmiiu'rcliil
alnn-t to 53S Commercial, formerly oc
cuplinl by A. R. CyruiT rtl tute
Take ateamar Bailey Oatsert of
White Collar Una for Portland and way
polnta. Fare, U oenta; room, 71 eenta;
upper or lower berth, 14 centa; aeotlon
berth, IS oenta.
Thr waa a vry high tide yeati-rday.
At Kiiald the awrlle rollcil over the
(Irltnca hotel bulkhnd and the water
pnurrd down the ahcll rmd. The bar
haa boon quite rough.
Mr. An,1rrw Undhulin wna In from
hla home on Young'a rtvor ynu-rJuy.
li. w. tiiigo, travriing rrrlKlit aif.ittt
of the Northern I'aclllo U In the city.
Arthur C. t'allan hua roturiMxl to Aa-
torla and wlU niako It hla future home.
Mine Minnie Ilnrtoklua of Toung'a
river a doing ahopplng In the city
11. C. Hodgtnan and wife, uf n-d
Wing, Minn., are atoppltig at the Par
ker hirtiac.
Fpko with each parknge of II. O.
Muih, t package of II. 0. Pancake
Flour, at A. V. AUen'a.
Yratirdny cout:y clerk Whcrlty la-
uod a murrliuro llctnao to Frank M.
Fiiher and Julia A. Foator.
h. F. Allen A Son are avlllng Km-
boaaed Wall Paper aa low aa 10 oenta
per roll; Imported Engl la h, 7Vt centa.
A. R. Cyrua haa moved hla Real Es
tate and Inturanoo offloa to 436 Com
mercial Mreet, oppoalta tha Aatorlan
J. W. Howerton. of Ilwaco, haa re
turnd from I'onlaid and aaya Unit
the occullKt la confident that hla ao.n
Earl, whoae eya wua pleru-d by a ahot.
will not loae hla alght.
Tha Kkiiguay nudgtrt of Novembt-r li
aaya that I. M. iAng, rormny or mm
city, but for aome time a tveidiiu of
Hkugway. haa l fl tlmt plu-e for Hono
lulu, where be will engage In bualm aa,
mm, ' :
Airrea M. Eaaon," or thia city haa a
long lotter In the Orogonlan of Wedm-a-day
taking the Kngllah aide In a con
troveray over the Boor war that la
being carried on by averol convapond
fnta. Mlaa C. Gllmore, employ at the
Aatoria Steam laundry, waa painfully
Injured and burned yesterday get
ting her hand botwven a pair of ateam
rollrra. Fortunately tw bonea were
Fir cord wood at 13.25 per cord long
and I3.&0 per cord aawed and delivered
will be the price at the Astoria Wood
Yard after Monday, November 13. Oak.
An)). Hprure llmbe Vine maple, Hem
lock, Hluliwood and Slab bark also, at
reasonable ratea.
Jiwph Rrady, a 14 year old boy, waa
a paaamiger on the atoam achootu-r Ful
ton, when aha oronaed out yetrterday.
He had run away from hla home In
Portland and Chief Hallock revvlvt-d
a telogram from the rortiatKl chior or
polio directing him to detain the boy
here, but "the telegram came too late. .
All Aatorlana who vlalt Portland and
detlre apendlng a pleaaant avenlng In
oompany with pollta peopla and In tha
enjoyment or an unxoellw! rnuMcal
program, huld go to tha Fredcricka
burg, ll'nldn vocal and Inatrumerual
aelectlona there art mtny other at
traction to delight the vial tori. Tha
new management la making the KrdT
Ickaburg a well-merited aucoen.
I1UOWN (IRA NT, Propa,
fnix-r of the Houtlurn Pacific and
O. It. d N. ntiimT lln report itih
California tourtwt traffic la exceptionally
heavy. In fact It haa not bn ao good
bifore for yu.ra. Th agenta a:crllt
thla to the general proapvrlty Ihe coun
try la now enjoying. Thry aay that en
tiro famlllea are winning their way
aoiithward to enjoy thw goldn auti-
af)hln. They furthw nUi that a
great ninny of tho paawng'f aro min
ing tnm from Uritlah Columbia, Idaho,
Washington and iimUTn tr;Kon. L'a-
ually thla travel d(.-a n U-gln utUl
after Chrlatmaa, but people have mon
ey and want to p"nd It.
A "Humane, of Coon Hollow" hHd
the b'Mirda at the oira noun ih
night. The play a,ura4d a large au-
dltiice and all wero pleow.-d with their
etrtentalnera. The play Itavlf la of the
kind that the -average theater-gtr
enjoya and mot of the pUyera handled,
wkII their parta. There were one or
two eaceptlona, but on th whole tne
drama waa well rondi-red. The apeclal-
llt) were) unuauolly good and of a very
catchy order. The "colorwl quaitfU
were repeatedly encored and made a big
hit. The aucct-aa of laat nlght'a per
formance enHurt a big crowd for
Fogg'a Frrry," thla evening.
aoclal"d with dlfffrwrt Institutions nt.
charity In San Franciaco he waa one of
lh founders of a vetrana home In Cal
ifornia. Aa a patriot, philanthrope! wvl
phyalclan he atood high In the esteem of
hi fellow mm and hla death will cre
ate profound sorrow.
The tanks of the ahlp Kate Thom;u
ore now In readlneaa to allow the veaael
to proceed to -a.
The Oriental liner Monmouthiihlre la
anchored below In reodlneew to pass out
The Brltlah ship Royal Forth came
down the river yesterday.
The British ship Fulwood started out
yesterday but waa obliged to anchor
belonv owing ta the rough weather out-
The ateam schooner Fulton cleared
To maka It apparent to thousand,!
who think themselves 111. that thay ara
n-Jt afflicted with any disease, but that
the system simply needs cleanalng, la
to bring comfort borne to their hearts,
a a coatlve condition Is easily cured by
ualns; Syrup of Figs. Mannfaotered by
the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and
old by alt druggists.
The recent peace conference bring
the power of tha Cxar of Ruaxla for
bly to mind. His subjects look to him
for food, shelter, raiment, even life lt-
elf. la no country 1 monarch's
power more absolute. But far-reaching
eaaes arising from an Inaotlv liver Or
weak kidneys.' Try It If you hava
stomach trouble of any sort, and Ms,
for yourself. It will bring yu back to
health and happiness. It wilt maka yon
strong by making your stomach strong.
A private Revenue Stamp should cover
the neck of tha bottle.
Strangers visiting In the city will fluj
the Lonvre an attractive report wherein
to spend tbe evening. The Am me Siators
LiwiieV Orchestra laetill rn the bills and
preaenta nihl!y a mnslcal program of
exrepiKwal merir, Handenme j ool ai
billiard rooms a" a feature in connection,
with the tiouoe. Palatable lunches will
be served at all noari 1
Fisher's Opera House
L.C.StLIC. Icssttiad M'agr.
The Knights of Pythlaa enjoyed
therniMve lot night. The Aator kxlge
was vllud by menibera of Ranter, (.
of lUiiler and Ivan, 82. of St. Helena
and the vloltor were made to feel that
It I good to be a Knight. After the ex-
ercl-a and bUHlixne. In the lodge room
there was an adjournment to Jeff's
renauront wht-re a splendid repast was!
dliH-uaaed and a "lively, lovely time was .
enjoyed by boats and gu.uts, It waa .
, . .... V. . . AH. ,1.. M,-, ..L...H, A-l .
ternal gulherings of the season. In the:
lodgij room Interesting and Inatructlvel .
speeches were made by Dr. Cliff. Mea
ers Dow, Watts, Cleveland, Curtis and
Two Nights
Vetlacdiy sad Tharsday, Xov. 15-16
The Big
Scenic Production
A Romance of
Coon Hollow
The report and recommemlatlons of
the txwrd of United Statea engineers
regarding the Improvement of the chan
nel at the entrance to Yaqulma bay
were agreed upon yesterday and for
warded to Washington, but cannot be
made public from this end of the line.
The board disbanded, Captain Harry
Taylor going back to his station at
Seattle, Colonel ManefleUl to Gray's
Harbor to Inspect the Jetty, on which
work Is inun to be shut down for the
season. He will return to Portland and
then proceed to Puget sound on a tour
of Inspection. In the central part of
the valley the people are greatly In
hope that the board recommended the
Improvement of the channel, as they
think that It will mean much to them.
They say that If they can ship their
wheat from Yaqulna, It will make a dif
ference of several cents a biftthej to the
producer. 8uiThea will be brought to
the consumer and eoUl much more
cheaply, and the cost of living will be
is Idyl ol the
TesstsKC Hills.
50 Dozen Ties at 15c,
Worth from 25c to 50c each.
Fedora Hats 00c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, 250.
Good Suits
Tbe Torpedo Sensation,
The Rio Htebmlmat Unco .
Tbe Cotton Press tragedy
Sceaic frodactioa
fogg's ferry
A Delightful Comely Drama
Coon Hollow
Singers, Buch and Wing
Dancers, ComediaDB, etc.
$5.00. 750, $9.75, $11.75,
$15.ft), 118.00, $20.00,
U'e Give You a Hat
With Each Suit.
Deter la Mei's sad Boys' Clotbiag iod rraishiig Coeds, aid Mes's Boys'
Ladies' asd Childres s Shoes.
225 .Morrisos Street
PRICES-Resened Seats, 75c;
Gallery, 50c; Seat sale opens
Tuesday morning at Griffin k
io citizen of Portland to
oin our immense ami well
TOW have nn otjunl opportunity with tl
make their Bolections of Clotliincr fron
Assorted stock.
All the Intent Novelties from the best manufacturers in Aineri
cu can he found on our shelves.
We are making Special Efforts on
Overcoats and Suits
at $14.85.
Same as are sold elsewhere at $20 and over.
Wben visiting Portland yon are invited to call and iimpeot our stock.
You will not be urged to buy.
Money ohecrfully refunded it goods are uot satisfactory.
The Popular Price Clothiers.
nir.NT RF.r.TJNtt Mnnnirfir. 3rd and Oak Streets. Portland
, e- , M
"Steclhead Jack," an old-time fisher
man, who has been employed In the fall
fishery on the lowr Columbia, has re
turned to Portland for tho winter, Kays
the OrofronKn. He U somewhat dis
justed with the results of his season's
work, and says there Is nothing to be
made catching sIlverHidcs and dog sal
mon, but tliHt some of the canneries
are still running under a slow bell, and
seem determined to pack as long as a
dog salmon or a humpback can be seen
with the aid of a telescope. He says
the Ashing buxlness Is going to the
1 deuce, and the okl-tlnie fishermen are
I going out of the business. "Mr. Tallant,
one of the oldest and best, has crowded
to the other side. Robert Winters quit
the bualne.), and, after preaching in
Oakland, Cal., for two years, has re
turned to the Columbia, Hud Is mow a
water-color artist, painting views of
river scenery. Howard Winters, who
might have been minister to Slam under
the Cleveland administration, but on
the Columbia, Is now planning to go as
a missionary to the Philippines or the
Feejoes. Harrington, of Pillar Rock,
Hattthorn, of Astoria, are In delicate
health, and have moved to Portland,
the damp climate of the lower Columbia
being too trying for their lungs. The
combine is trying to spread Itself all
over creation, and secure all the big
salmon in the country at a premium.
At this stage of his narrative, Jack tras
Invited to go and get a drink, and the
remainder of his story was lost.
WATSON BROS., Propr's,
fond iicUmI on the check syttem. there-
fore patrons par for what ttiejr order
(S and no more.
1W and 111 Fourth St.
Hi fliin tke Ursfsl, fkfiwst, Bt
lid urtKt servirt li tie KsrUwcst.
Open a.m. to p.m. PORTLAND
Fresco Decorator::
and Scenery Artist
Latest Designs " Wall Papers
127 First Street, Portlanl
1 in in 11
We Rent New Typewriters.
Many New Improvements Added SEE OYR LATEST
Smith Premier Typewriter
L. & M. ALEXANDER CO., Phone Main 574
ExcIimvp PaciiKs (W I ' -ei .15 8Urk St. T01 Haul
Culambia 'Phone t.
E. I riTTEUlt,
Piojirieti r.
Private Kdoki lor Ladirs.
SOS Waihlng
ton St , near Slh
4 4S 4i
Hoefier's Bonbonniere
Vhere the Finest Candies la the State
are Prepared aid AUtys la Stock
Death of a Prominent San Franciaco
Tho San Francisco Chronicle of re
cent date said:
Dr. Moses A. McLaughlin,, one of the
oldest riUKtits of South San Fran
ciaco, died yesterday at an advanoed
aire at his residence, 15ty Tenth avenue
South. For years he had been giving
his professional services free of t harge
to the children of St. Joseph's orphan
age. to 'the Sisters of Charity of that
Institution and to 'the poor people in
that part of the city, and ona of his
epeclal requ?sts when advancing years
made his visits more difficult, was that
his son, who Is also a physician, phould
continue In the good work of aiding the
orphan children and their teachers at
St. Joseph's orphanage.
Dr. McLaughlin was a brother of
Colonel H. McLaughlin of this city. He
haa a military as well as a medical rec
ord. He served as captain of cavalry In
a California regiment during the Civil
war but at the close of the war returned
to his profession. Besides being aa-
f I a TaiIap
tents' Tailor.
I. D. Coyer,
Merchant Tailor
177 Fourth St., rORTLMD, ORE.
Y. M, C. A. Build'g.
E. House's
128 Thirl Street, MUni, . Oroa.
& Home made Plei and cakes.
The Best Cup of Coflee
or ixxsoa in ibe city,
Cream and Milk
I rum our own ranch
Of Every Description Made to Order. Largs Line of Stock
Books for 1900. Attractive Prices.
loose Leal Ledyers and Transfer Cases.
Order Blanks Holders and binders.
Commercial f riming la all branches.
faTLirrt Establiahment In the Wtil,
First and Salmon tits., Portland.
Because at our house we hw neithr hath tub,
nor hot water bandy. , . .
Then go to the Russian Latbs at -17 Astor St.
25 cents is tbe price. Private apartments for
laJies. Only tbe better class of patronage Is
catered to. Try one and you will come regularly.