The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 16, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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gaily gWorian.
Telephone Main Mt
Sent by mall, per year
Bent by mall. per month
Served by carrier, per month
. M
. M
anil another hundnpd million and a half
Leahies, NVtonal flrancv ar. In
splendid or-ndltlon, and thus lability
lit inipartod to buslnoss In gwivral. So
emurRl:iK ia :he prospect that mer
chants look foraard to the coming
ptvtlder.tlal eltvtlon with equanimity
ani not with lh-ir usual trepidation.
Fuslnoss la going right on prospering,
nnd even a national canvass will not
check It.
Bent by mall, per year. In advance W.00
Postage free to subscriber.
All communication Intended (or pub
lication h.-uld be directed to th edi
tor. Business communication et all
kinds and remittance must be address
ed to "The Astorlaa."
The Astortan guaranteea to 1U ad
vertiser the largett circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
. Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
Anything like the tripartite agree
ment for the control of the war-away
kingdom of Samoa was always against
the traditions and policy of the I'nlted
States, but H was acquiesced In by this
government to secure the execution of
treaty already made with Samoa ly ( interior wh-re it was hard to follow
A fresh war In South Africa has for
som-.- time withdrawn Attention from
the old war Klng on In the Philippine.
Indeed the monotonous reports of petty
advance and itlidran als, that led to
no conclusion, ias grown wearisome,
S'ld most xr- w .tad ceased to attach
hopeful Imp wtance to :he bulletin
from Manila. In the last few- days,
however, with the recurrence of a sea
son less unfavorable to military opera
tlons In Luson. the movements report
ed have begun grjluaily to assume
cm coherence, and at length have
an account of the oftMing of what ap
pears like a syv..M!uic campaign.
Our army has never had any trouble
In defeating or driving any body of
Filipinos it could come up lth. The
trouble has bevn. whether they stood
to tight or retreat d without fighting,
they have always got away Into the
space. For a good many years to come
the development of Am Mean railroad
Is likely to He In the Improv myit or
existing lines, rihr than In the con
struction if new on -t.
vhlch a coaling station was concedtd
us in Pago Pago Bay. As was antici
pated at the tim-?, the tripartite ar
rangement has not worked smoothly
and it is understood that U is now to
be abandoned by mutual consent. The
I'n'.ted States will take the island of
Tutuila, the only thing that concerns)
them, and came back to tight another
day. General Otis has now adopted the
sensible, not to sav obvious, plan of
getting around to their rear. He has
sent General Wheaton command upon
transports, with naval support, "to
Ltngayan. on the bay of that name on
the northwest side of Luzon, where he
us. as a "sphere of Influence." andljaj and advanced upon AgulnaUl.
Great Britain and Germany will divide j holiing the mountain passe to the
the other islands. This will secure all , east. At the same Law ton Is advanc
thut was deslr-d. with a paramount j wg frcvn ,he mtn anJ M expet.t,d
American influence in the only part of1 tnat n this way Aguinaldo will be
the islands that is of any value to us.j caUeht and held and forced to a con
and will terminate the annoying and elusion.
unsuccessful experiment of running a- While it is difficult to f.l enthusia.
fcouih Pacific kingdom by three consuls tio confidence in the success of this
of different nationalities who nev.r; plan , ls Agulnaldo' talent for
could agree. The adjustment seems in avoidance. It is more encouraging than
even- way satisfactory all around. un-j anvthing we have heard heretofore.
less It may be to th- Germar.s in Samoa ; Theie should be troop enough avail
who undertook to run the whole affair! able to make It effective and there, can
nnd are put off with some minor depet. I b(, no questino of the result so far as
dencles. . t depends upon actual fighting. The
I essential condition seems to be that
The gain of over two million dollars J YVheaton shall have troop enough to
shown by th report of the auditor of, prevent the egoape of the Filipinos to
the post ofllce depirtment is most the mountains. If that can be done,
gratifying. It was expecbxl that gains! this campaign should bring the insur
would be shown, but the balance on I rection to an end.
the right side of the ledger is much
larger than was looked for. During th
year there was an Increase of over 1.400
in the number of post office, showing
a steady increase In population ami a
constant reaching out of the people
into new regions. There was a gain in
the money ord?r department, which is
a most useful branch of the post office.
Th" number of ord-.-rs Issued during the
year was M.OOT.STO. calling for $4:'.4S3.
3.M, which is a net Increase of over a
millkn orders during -.he year. Multi
tudes of people who do nut ke-p bank
accounts find the money order system
very convil-nf. absolutely reliable M eoual to an inv?ttm-'nt of nearly
I t.?. MA 0 . l t .
and in everv wav ra'lfa.-torv. Th "v1" ""r "K " penoa.
system Is an aid to many retail mer
chants as well as :o their customers.
Earl W. Mayo, in Al.Tslee's.
In KM there were 21 miles of railroad
In this country. In 1S99 the mileage Is
Ij.hio. In the seven decades railway
building hive gor on at a rate of XM
miles every year, or nearly ten miles
fm every working day. The tirtal mile
age of the I'nired Slates Is, roughly,
one-half that of the whole world.
Thr are not half a dozn other coun
tries thai hive me-tenth as much
railway within th.-ir boundaries. The
average capitallzxrlon of th different
systems is iT,000 per mile; the total
Is steadily apprji.-hlng 120.040.000: It
The reMU death of Commo.lore O.o.
U. lWklns, l s. N., rx-ll an Inter-
wtinit epls.nte In his taval history.
He iolt ed the navy In l!wl and was a
lieutenant in 1S61 when the ib.-lllvm
broke out. During the- following four
years IVrkliM rvnd tsl gol service
an.l was almost constantly on active
sea duty, having 9 year and months
crdu for a servUf up to January 1.
IM. During the period up to Octoler
1. ISM. c f JS year 10 mooths his total
service fo.-d up only S years 8 months,
his shore service, I year months and
unemployed IS ve i month. Pro-
niollon. howe'.M. wnt on Just the
same, and he bevame a captain In
March. US and retlr.M after years'
set vie It that grade with a sea ser
vice of 11 in.wkths during that period.
It was not that Perkins was lncaia
cltHtixl to perform his share of duty.
but simply bee use his private affair
riuired so much attention. He man
aged to shirk duty a King time until
Secretary Chandler brought . him to
time. In May. 18S4. Set-rotary rhaml
ler ordered hint to take command of
the Hartford on the Pacific station. As
this onl.T was not to the captain's Ilk
Ing he called upon the secretary with
view of having the order revoked.
' Seo here, old ..tan." said Perkins,
"can't I get a chng of order? I
am willing to go to sea or perform
any duty ttrat Is nec-ssa-y, but It would
be a .rr.-ai hardship n me to go to the
Pa.-ltiu roast Just at this particular
time. Three ships on the Atlantic sea
board an? to have -lew captain and I
ask as a particular favor to be assign
ed o one of them."
"No, ' replied Chandler, "you must
"Then I'll have lo resign frrnn the
servl-e." said Perkins.
"You'll do nothing of the kind," roar-
ed Chardlc( "for I'll court-martial you
if u attempt it."
Prklns standi a few d tys later for
the Pact flu eoast. Jtilned the Hartford
and aftT serving eleven months re
turned to .lis do.nicile in Boston, Chan
dler having given olace to Whitney,
who had more consld .-ration for Cap
taii Perkins' private affairs. The lat
ter received his undivided attention
during the following five years and a
half, when he was shocked by an or
der to Join the Omaha In the Asiatic
watirs. He managed again to obtain
leave of Hbenc with privilege to re-tir-i
upon completion of forty years'
service. 0--ob-.r 1, 1391, he was placed
on the reticd list of captains.
Five yvars later Senator Hale had
a bill passed promoting Captal.-i Per
kins to commodore.
The cause which led to these years
of duty-shirking was that his wife was
very wealthy and their little daugh
ter had Inherit! s. fortune of $;,000,
000 from a grandfather. Incidentally
there was some litigation about the
inheritance. This great wealth natur
ally made him a society star and under
the circumstances he was much occu
pled. The ser-?lce was forgotten or lg
nored so far as its duties and respon
sibilltie wire concerned; he remained
on the active list apparently only for
promotion to commodore retir
But a t'tie ly uilitier. Klifv; thconlv prep
ration sold timler a positive pianmtrv of
ft.lMHi that it; not a or
Iraction lliercol ol poiM.iions or ilcli i ri
ous sidistancrv ludorrd by the most
celebrated arti-tcs ol llie h rio im-l !'. i
inatic staKV, nvotntiirmlol ' eminent
plivsicians, mid jiroiioiiiicril hainiU'M by
Ic.idini; chcmistN-
ItMhronK ti!rutitHiii now ucl l.y'nj'V
latlin to iirrprlualr a Iwnuillal onuplrtion A-L
yourltuioii-l lu it ''' ''' iloTt lu lake
aylhinK rlc Itht M ctiii h' ImiiIc
case was similar to that of Dreyfus. In
each case the victim was accused of a
crime of which he was entirely Inno
cent. In Ktl, when Jean Cula was accused
religious bigotry raged with especial
fierceness In ToUlause. One night the
dead body of the merchant's son was
found hanging below the door of the
shop. He had hanvj hlms -If w hile
the family was to supper. The futility
was Protestant. Some members of the
Catholic community In which th-y
lived suggested thai J"n Calas had
murdered his son. There wus no evi
dence, no motive, no reason of any sort,
to connect th? father with the crime.
Indeed, all evldv-nce and all reason
pointed the other way. Hut a 'atliot
vlelt I'orllamlT ir so, go m me iwsv
land restaurant, wo ningun sire,
. . t,,,W V.
li you wini any upmiiii ru um
your grocer doe not have, write Knapp
Hroa, H-llh FihhI Co., East Portland, fj
Or. h
Knapp lns. Health Food Company.
Vast Portland, carry a full line of all
Creek Sanitarium Health
Merchant Tailors
ih Hat lie
K. House's Cafe at til Third street,
Portland, Is regarded by many peeple
as the leading restaurant In the Pa-,
clflo Northwest. j
Kncydopedl Urlttanlca. It vol,'
heep, A Hest teachers' Hlble, now,
at li'ylami'i Iiroa,' Dook 8iore,
rortlanil. dee advertisement.
A giHH meal with meal rich In flavor
and one you will enjoy with a relish, I
Just what you get at the Creamerle
restaurant. 271 Washington tret. nesr
Third. Try It when you go to Portland. ,
anl'g Tsmlilll Strut
Bttucci Hrd d 4th...
Portland, Oregon
Ttliiltiin Oreuoii tllnclt us.l
P, n. Sharpie's Cream Separators
Lntnt nnd llnt
Ocncral Supply
Mouse for
Family Groceries
up to Portland and
Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, ShlpChandlery, Etc.
Creamerle Itestau- "
y con- i
" Pacific Sheet Metal Works
If you are going
miss going to the
rant, ST1 Washington PI., you may con-;
elder that your trip will not be a utt
ers, as other will tell you, who
mis It.
Holmes' English and Business Col-,
lege at No. 411 Yamhill street. Portland. '
Is prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupil this year. Already ,
the classes are well crowded, a fact MIIdOu
that Indicate the ticellent character of I.... ti
the Institution. ; VCfCHCIC
Mr. N. a Bridge, tat of the EW;'
Prlnllng Company of ro.tland. ha as
sumed the management of the Astortan
Job printing department, and I pre
pared to do all kind of first-class, ac
curate, up-to-date printing. All work
promptly delivered.
I San Francisco, Cal.
Why I Watson's restaurant In Port-i
land patronliod by thousand of people
dally? Simply because it I the largest, ,
finest and best equipped rating resort
on the rarlfle coast. Watson s reatan
...CANL p,cea
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
Astoria. Ore. Falrbavcn, Wish.
Writ Us for PrU
court and a Catholic Judge convict. d, rant has sixty-eight whit employes on
Jean Culas of the crime of having mur
dered his son to prevent him from1 be
coming a CatholK Calas was broken
on the w heel, his !aiiKlit is phu .il in
nunneries, his remaining s in In a iikmi
nstery, nnd his widow tied to tSwi.zoi
land. Years after, when no reparatl n
could lie mai . the Infamy win , -pod.
notice of nEprnucAN ritisi.
Il pay roll. Itemember the location,
W-U Fourth treet.
A tailoring rslablUnment of om
protiiitlons. hvatrd on Washington
street, Portland, claim to have made
47 suits for dressy Astortan during the
past six months. This statement I de
nld hy the firm of Povey A IllrchaJ, at
3?7 Washington street, near the Im
perial hotel, who are patronised hy the
rat majority of outside customers.
Povey A illrrhall make the wll suit
f' r most of the stylish Portlan lers, and
fel that they are not excelled by any
Pirtla-id firm for out of town pat
r.iniiK' .
i leu Zealand pre Insupanee Go
Of New Zealand.
W. P Thomcm, Mur., Son KranclHco.
Notice Is hereby given that ther
wiu be a republican primary city el.-c- A kl,, of jm,. Thr only
t ltn nn rh ITth tlrtt nf VnvpmKti 1iOl v.. ,.i-.... - . bM...- A I T.. I .
for the purpose of electing delegates wh.-re ..u ran find all the latest books ll8 bWll L Ildorwrltlllfi ('II tilt' J lirillC ( t'DHt OVCT " WCIll ' (W0 VCHrB.
. tin. I i.h.iitmUl on ths m-r aJuinna.1
Stilworiltil ('aj.iinl
rui.i-Uj r.itui
Aswti in Uuitt'( Statt
SurjiluH to Policy llolilera
I Kven these flgurvs lo not tell the
J story in its full impr-Msiveness. Down
. to 1SV the growth of railroads was
The business ws done Ian y-ar at a ''"w'- Th next four dcades marked
loss to the government of $103,106. bjt!th" "f ex-wiosi ,n. Over 13o,0i0
iMiles, considerably more than half of
the ti.tal lenirth of net in k. .,m.
in general make this 1, appr quite j , VVil)! ,,uiu iarlng a v,a from
insigniricant. If it w-re not for postal! 16.1 to IS').
mone y ord-rs a large number of people, In li.",0 the railway lins of the coun-
s-ime of them livi.ig In vila?-s and try w"r' ''",1'in'd l" the North Atlantic
... ... 'states almost "ntir.-ly, ilthouirh there
small towns, would have no way of , , " wide
j w. re a few short roads in other parts
making remittances by mail, and retail ; (J; lh.; country. During the next ten
merchants and others In larg- cities ' yeas a number .if lines were pushed
would have tivlr trade very mui-h cur-' v""Mt 10 tn Mississippi. In the fol
tai;.). ! l''W'iS d-f-a le the first trans' omln. ntal
. system was compl-rtH. joining thn Pa-
" Iclh? ,. lo tha r-m of the country.
Ar. excellent campaign dn-uaienl Is Th :-ajW.ds built in th- W-s:, when':
furnislvi-d by Hon. Ellis H. Kob -rs. 'he engire was the f!rs pineer and
treasurer .f the United .States, In his""""'1 W w-'v' :f-"-nniy to ke-p
annual reix.rt to Rer-ret-rv ,. nil' Indians, naturally w-re not
u.i .-an-mny t-1 t.ia:i..ratiy const rt
"f fri as would be those of a more nonii
course, strictly offMal, but any one: i.u and ..Id -r -.-jn:ry. Tlie hh com
can i) even a casual glance at '-' '"-'i - iro- iriMrui-inis was
i .iuk" it en-..;.. -.tJ-,)u..,.tyi tl4
surveyors rin striltfht lines so far as
, riWil,!e. t v.-a-S Oi,t l,... euu!. . ... ......
has been a marked Increase in the ; aider ,he clnims of towM r,' the pro
of gold coin, a deon In the us ofi I"-d line- t!ie towns follow - tl.e rail-
silver. A gain In revenue receipts ,f "'u'1- Th" 'oritric. ors turned up the
$:..5i!.4I9 from cuto.n? and of $10' -' , :h"y r'"''"J lh,; lln" f"r th
nt .. , , , , iiva lb-d. 1h- rc-dt t and in.,Ht con-
Ba6,;-:'0 from Interna revenue has o- v.-t ; -m ,i,u., u .. , , ,
( ' '-to nv inn i--r, whrever lis kind, was
i-ui i eU an compared wim iin. Th" U'lllz-d To,- ties ,,rid bmig.-s. Train
total revenue reoir;s of V,V,MJ.W " ru"ri'' .v-r :-ai h .action of
were the largest of any year in the his- ln fmpt'.v.-ments
tory of the country excepting 1W..
Mr. Roberts lays a good deal of em
phasis upon the large accumulations of
gold in tlu; tr-astiry, which amounted
on Sept. 30, 1899, to $254,328,821. The
time can easily be recalled when th"
flW.WO.POO of gol3 re9en-ei considered
sacred for the redemption of treasury
notes, was being trenched upon owing
to the exigencies of the treasury. Now
the hundred million fund is on hand
Captain Alfred Dreyfus Is not the
first famous Tic-Urn of French bigotry
and Injustice. But the man whose case
offers the most complete parallel to
that of Dreyfus was never In his own
lifetime recognised as innocent. His
persecution was ended only by a final
act of barbarism d:-ath torture by
braking on the wheel."Not until Vol
taire brought to Ught the somber and
blood-stained history of Jean Colas Jld
France recog-ilze that she had com-
r.,lf(e1 a crime which could not be
atoned for.
Jean Calas was a Protestant mer
chant of Toulouse. Ir many points his
Treasury c.age. Tile r-port
statements that the finances of the rv .
tlon are Insplendid concltion. There
..line wi t. .viost of the railroad In this
country was built h ti.-thinjf after this
manner. Much of it has been recon
structed since. It.H-k )t!,iMX hfJ, h.ff)
put in, lllmsy wooden t,ri,iK..s have
given place to substa itlal nt.- Htruc
titrts; heavy steel rails have tvpla-ed
litfliler on-s cf Iron; curves have been
straighten-d; st-p madea have been
abandoned fr tunn.ds and cuts; i.ow
the bUitk signal is coming and the
grade crossing Is v,8. A the com.
panics grow In wealth and the business
Increases, this process will continue
Scrofula and
People tainted with scrof- j
ula very olten develop con
sumption. Anemia, running
nf lh ear scalv eruptions,
imperfect digestion, and?
enlargement ana oreaMngj
down of the glands of the
-t 1L - - It
necR, are some 01 ine muic
prominent of scrofula symptoms-are
forerunners of con
sumption. These conditions
can be arrested, consumption
ore vented and health re-
j stored by the early use of
i Scott's Emulsion
Your doctor will tell you so.
At ill dnirtt I . a
SCOTT EOWNE, ChemltU, New York,
to the republican city convention. The
judges and polling places of said elec
tl.m to be as foUows, to wit:
First ward Judges, Charles 8.
Wright, Martin Johnson nnd A. C.
Fisher; polling place at county court
Second ward Judges, D. H. Welch.
Walter Robb and R. Carruthers; poll
ing place. Welch block.
Third ward Judges. T. P. Cornelius,
C Gramma and Maxwell Toung; poll
ing place, old school house.
The number of delegates to be elected
at said election being 11 from each
ward. It I recommended by the re
publican city central committee that
said convention be held on the 21st
day of November, 1899.
8a!d primary election to be held be.
ween the hours of 1 p. m. and I p. in
of raid date.
Chairman Republican City Central
F. P. LEINENWERER, Secretary.
improved ranch, consisting of 120
acre, on Young- river. Apply to John
L. Hayseth, Wise, Or.
Railroads Are Acceding to Demand of
iiaaie i.iasse Who Want Better
Sleeping-Car Service.
In response to the demand of the
times the O. R. A N. and Its connec
tions are placing in operation a much
better grade of tourist sleeper for Pa
cific: coast service than at any previous
time. The largely Increased traffic to
this section of the country has demand.
ed all the Improvements of latter-day
transportation, ana in consideration of
ima me railroads are estab llhin
sarvlce which Is excellent In every par
ticular. Not only are the wishes of
first-class passengers served, but those
wlio are traveling to and from th
on second-class ticket are splendidly
cared for. There wa a time when a
tourist sleeper appealed to a limited
number of people who were traveling
on the "cheap" order. In every meaning
of the term. Now, however, there ha
been a radical change. With the bet
tor tourist sleepers In ODeratton tha
class of passengers has ben Improved,
and one may now travel upon them
and enlny all the privilege of a first
class sleeper at a greately reduced rate, j
ltany. on tne o. R. & N. east-bound
rasi man, is attached one of these 1st,
Mt Improved tourist sleepers, a model
or oeauiy ana handsome appointments,
in new cars are almcst an exact
counterpart or the first-class sleeper.
une nc-ticeame feature of the new
tourist car Is th absence of a smoking
apartment. The new cars being built
by the Pullman Company are not nrn.
vlded with smoking apartments. Thl
new departure ha been taken because
or tne tact mat mist through trains
are provided with composite cars, whinh
provide a smoKer for the sleeping-car
Why at 'The Eastern.' of course. 170
Third St., Portland. Tou can get a
good layout for 15 cent here, which
win satiary your hunger and bring you
back again to the same Place. Remem
ber the Eastern.
and phampUMs on the most advanced
thuutfl.i of the day, many book on sub
ject of advanced up to date topic not
to be found In other book storM can
be obtained hers. It I worth your
while to call when In Portland and ses
for yourself. Jones, 291 Alder St.,
Resident AftcntB, Astorln. Oregon
Ye they do and th styl and finish .
they glvs to me.' suits, rank the
gentlemen expert practical mer
chant tailors. Th material they us
Is also the very best and you will al
ways find thorn busy at tt Tamhlll
St., Portland. Oet your rut ult there,
and get It now.
Delivered at your
Office. Store,
or Residence,
Only 60 Cents a
of london. iPacificNavigationCompanv
Kstsbllrtifd during the reign of Queen
Anne. A. D. 1711
BUDecnoed Capital I iw.uum u I
if a,M h i
Surpln to policy bolder ltd A M !
Exclusive of paid up capital
R. P. Elmor
W. M. Ilnrrlftort
The North Pacific Dental Collesw
whose advertisement appears In snnth.
er column, opened Its doors October t
Kith 75 students on lu roster. The col
lege Is well equipped with every facil
ity to graduate students In all th !
knowledge of dentistry. A. R. Baker,
D.u. a., I demonstrator In charge, and
Is well qualified to Instruct all student.
who this college.
Law Union and Crown
Fire and Life Insur
ance Co.
Subscribed or guaranteed cap
ital ITJ00 00IM
Capita paid up lJM int M
Assets Xi.UM W
Catton, Bell & Co.
OtMmJ Agents, Baa rraaclseo, Cal.
Samuel Elmore & Co.
Resident Agent, Astoria, Oregon.
Connecting at Astoria with tlieOrcitou Kallroul k Navigation Co. and
also the AUirs A Columbia Klver U. It. for San Francisco, Portlaud
nd all point east. For freight sod pasasnger rate apply i
HomMot Elmore & Co.
General Agents. AHTOIUA, ORE.
Oregon IUIIrna.l Navigation Co.,
A. ('. II R 0 POHTLANI), Or.
COHN k CO AgenU,
TILLAMO;? ore.
Dlly to
Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha,
Chicago, Kansas City
and other Eastern cities.
Htaggage checked tnrourn to atinatloa,
union vepois, last time, lowest rates,
Plntsch light In all cars.
For rates and other Information cll o
or address
1. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent,
O. R. at N. Co.
. . Atorla, Oregon,
cr J H. L07HROP, Oen. Agent,
IX Third Bt eor. Alder, Portland, Or.
Tour look, on you. Can kMp It
crtl villi,. B.for, II', loo Ul
in and u or wru, to ihlt old oo
lor. II, ha Imh trMitng ,urh m,h
for ov,r Hit yrnri, anil la partacilr
rallaol,. KurnUiiaa hi own niaJolne
and Kill no lain.
Of tha olit III Louli Mnilral ana
Hurl,-al Iilp,nry, 210 Vaml.lll
irrri, rorilaml, Ur potltlvaly u,r
amafi lo cuia.
"ira any
S'r , li.,t,
dirM, to dinrranca liuw lon aiandlns. Hpariratorrnoaa.
Ii, a rf h ii n hixMl or Nlshlly Kmlaalona, curtd parmananl
ly Ilia hHlilt of Half-AbuM arricitially curaa In a aiort
YOUNG MEN y"" "" ,ni1 ,ollM """n
runfdln). and Dili Ud dooior will riva ou
wh)homa advlea and cur, you-nuka you parfaoily airmf
and Ix-alihy. You will ba amaiad ai hia auinia m curlns
Mnaruuiorilioa. Seminal Un.c, Mainly Umlaaloni, and
01 bar atfaoia,
Pallont, tfatad In any pan of tha country by hi, horn,
syatam. WVlfa full particulars Inclnaa 10 2a nam m, and
ha mil anawar you promptly, tlundrada traalad .! itma
bo are unablt to com lo mt ally.
f f-
PBIVATF niawa. Thla docior luiraniao, to
rniTnii. fM ot H..l)hm, (un,irrh,lti 0M,
Tak a elaar bold, si brdilm and urinate n the Mti.
at atlda and look tt It In tha mornlnf. If It Is cloudy or
t.aa a cloudy aatilln In It, you hav aomo aid nay or bladdar
llaaate, and ahould b ailandad to bafnr you at as incur
abl UlMaaa, as hundrad, dla trtry yaar from ttfla hi't il.
M ul Xldnaya
m'Jmun li'-i 'up; 7-,na -" n w n, uia i,'4.irr ottlte Momol
n - ...w w ... it, i. r'wil. IIMIDV IIM .
of Mii tiana, Uiiiu,a, ric..., u tiKri,c m..,i,irf. Curs, Lost Manhood,
porenoTi un rowair, ainnrhomi, pnermaoorrnaai insoi
In Buck, ll psoirni;. 3tmlRil Cmlsslonst lnm SauK, f
pony, nennnuiia wnir.n,M 10 -"Brry( o Tr7m Somen , Vr
or bone'ipiiiiun, sipps uuiosnoas ,of uie- mr pnarao, jt
voua. Twitching of Cyvlld. ' ' Imma-lnw. I L'M r.,i,w ,
aer niftdlon. wt iu.i-". I. tit. a cur Il at. ImikI. I -I '"i. I Mr,in,M
nhood. Ins
Jinl, Tains
Kervoue Do
alif, aiifttullr iiimI fraai
6p Her-
ul Mrincy. aa
MBWttaM Ul WWal Iftd UCrVd tOf M n, rj
NiutKiejd, with ) boios. cucuian AdrlroM, 'hnn R m y Co.. tnn rrooloo, Oali
A rtnn ffUMranttM, toe
.., al,..