i THK MORNING ASTORIAN, TllUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1891). .r : J - 1. OBSTUCTIONISTS FIGHT THE NICARAGUA CANAL Commission Will Not But Action Will Be '3 BILL TO BE INTRODUCED BY HEPE.URN He Regards Construction of toe Overwhelming Importance and Says Votes Can Be Had to Pass It. NEW YORK. Nov. 15 -A special the Tribune from Washington says: ! - , ..-oiiv. W. H. Hepburn or Iowa has Just returned to Washington. Mr. Hepburn was chairman in the last house of the committee on Interstate and foreign commerce the committee that has charge of the Nicaragua canal quarantine and railway an;l-selplng and pooling legislation. He said in an Interview: "I shall introduce a Nicaragua canal bin on the first day of the ses sion and 111 push It to action. The op ponent of the canal gained something in the way of postponement when they suoceeded In lnu-r?o!tlng In the last river an.1 harlnH- bill a provision for a new commission to Investigate all ' the prposed routes across the isthmus.' The Nlcaraguan route has txvn recent- ly investigated by aca--eful commission1 which had made m.t elaborate pro- vision, and submitted a most sntisfac tiry report, but by contending that :he Farama route had ben neglected the postponement of the whole matter was secured. "The new reports Inform us that the committee will not be able to report at this session. The friends of Pana ma will, of course, throw all possible obstacles in the way of tho United States building the Nicar.tguan canal, as the construction of the canal will preclude the building of others. The Panama commission say that $160,000. 0"0 will be required to finish their canal. It Is certain that they can never raise any considerable part of this sum If it is known that the United States gov ernment intends to build the Nicara gua canal. Other companies, such as the Mari time Canal Company, the" Cragin-Erie syndicate and an-xher whose name I forget, but which operated a steamboat and railway line across the Isthmus In the early Ks, also claim Interests. The Cragln people claim that they hold a right to a concession that t'k effect ion October 10 wh-n the Maritime Com pany's rights expired. Just what value the alleged concession has. I am not prepared to ay. For my part, I do not think the United Stat- nl both-r about any of these concessions. "I h?ve no doubt that Costa Rira and Nicaragua will be g'.iid to give the United States any territory ami any rights it may need to pr" rune ar.d complete the canal. The ran il U-stion is of overwhelming importance in thej develo.emeiit of both countries anij.or llley are anxious to have it built. Thre is no doubt that '.he house would have acted at the last session If It could have come to vote and there !s no doubt that both branches if congress fav.ir the enterprise. How much the opposi tion can (l -la y matters I cannot say."j "Are you In favor of the prposed new demand of comri'-n-"?" j "That matter was (?ono into at tliei lat session A namly-r of men w'-re i heard in It. and I h.e thvy will re r.ew thrle efforts at the condng session but I am not prepared to pay how the' mutter is icgarded by the committee." "Are von In favor of nn -x e'mlon - the (luarum'.ti laws?" "I am, but there is a gr-at diversity of opinion In the committee on this'1'!'" a nu.-o.,. , ,m. vha'. b-v .,i hi! point. The southern m-mliers genftral - ly are willing that the government should pay the money for a national that he was ab! ; to iais? tn- oior.ey If system, but th'-y want to select the men! he wlshe, ai;aiii s rit to hi,,,, ihreat to spend it. The largw cities also ob-' enilf that ir -oe M;ilvy tta.H ,(.t Ject. Some of them collect Iar?e sums uithin a fp.- Hi ,1 e yr,y wouid of money for the insertion of vessels. j be roomed to blm j ;l fiile, and and spnd It In salaries much larger the money ot being sent, actually than the United States government put th-lr thr-at Into effect, the d'-ad pays. New 1'ork. for instance, collects body of the lad being returned to the sc-me tJO.000 or $60,000 annually and pays father in a jar i,f brln. Its health officers 112,000 a year. Th perpetrators of this horrible out- "In my Judgment all this work should '"K" wU" at SliTK" an'' Pr.arently be done by the United States govem. STST " ' " ment alone, but as long as the states, Captain Raymond, if the stearn'-r Report This Winter, Pushed In Congress. . . vi ..- f Mrtctiw',', however, too far n.lviiiu-ed when waterway as a maiicr ui .ua. the phyU-liui were called In. mxl they faring invasion of their rights by th govcmiwnt. unite w-tth th largv cities . . ... . 1 . .- it is noi iineiy mi o.,.. w ill be enact ?d." What do you think of the Philip pines?" "I think congress should take no ac- tlon at pr-sent. and that the president should continue to control the Islands ty military law. Our original colonists were men far superior to the Filipi nos: they were skilled and tratred In self.governm-?nt and yet It tonk th?m fourteen years and much trouble before they could work out a constitution and a government. Ye th Flliplnoa want to accomplish alV this In fourth months. No. no: they should wait and congress should wait until we all know each o:hr bett.T. We do not n.ov enough atKut the Islands yrt to "ot wisely regarding thorn. Meanwhile tn" snoun nave as iiivthi a n-vit as possible." "How about currency legislation?" ' In Iow. we fought the last campaign on the gold stan lard and the result was a n;aj.nty gr-oter by i:,0 than the stat? ever gave In all Its pivvlous history. Tes. I am In favor of action." "'What railway legislation do you recommend .'" "The house has three times pass-d th anti-scalping law and the senate has killed it. Now, I think that we had better wait for awhile and see whthr the senate will pass any such legislation. If it will, the house will sp?jiily follow suit, I am sure." AS JONES SEES IT. Thinks Bryan has Obtained a Splendid Endorsement and is Stronger Than Ever. NEW YORK, Nov. 15. "Ira my opin ion." says Senator J. P. Jones, of Ne vada, "William J. Bryan is a much stronger man today before the people than he was three years ago. His own state, Nebraska, has given him a won derful Indorsement. Tlw republicans and the gold bugs sent an Immense lot of money to defeat him, but prin ciple won against boodle." "Are you confident Bryan will be renominated?-' I stop his ren.ninationj "Nothing can and he will be eWctni. "Is not the country prosperous?" "Suppose we do have th-se little re-' vivals of prosperity thf-re is not enough! mor-y in irdculatioti and every wave; rnon-tary prosprrliy is followed by I a corner in the money market. Thl single S"M standaid pe.,!,. want a con tra tel currency." LAWLKSSXKSS IN CHINA. Hands l outlaws Capture a hoy and! Return his H,dy to His Father Pickled in Urine. I' 1'I:IA, c, nuv. 1 1 An ev.iif uhic-h -aks f-r its-lf of the J.tivlws ' state .,f th... ..oui.t,-)- bordering ..n and! i.eyomi i lie re-w territory, Kowloon. "iria, look place nulte rect-ntly. ' A gai.g of s.:.,undrIs kii!.apjl a lad' 1 jf -"'"n y-ars of a,. ...itn v;,.w ,jf' ! h"l't!'K hiru .'or law-o;.,, a ;ie..-..,aK I -s suit thr f.irie- d-tn-.-.du.g of J ' and .:.!. -.,11. r.tly !' father! , rould n-it pay ir. -1 i;tm1s, i,. i.evlng! White Cloud, which founuVrvJ n th way to Manila, ha Just ben arrwM eJ In Hong Kong for taking- the wtwW tv ia In an utH.a worthy condition. OONSl'L PETTIT DEAD. Operated on for AHHWitk-ktls but too Lute rr his necovery. I'UkWOiO, Nov. 1S.-A special call' to th Ohlortin Tribune from tlorf. sayn: j rmt.M sute cvmsui r. lvttit jm I to-lay. Ills twv nhv?, the MIjw,- Moan, j of vallfori)lM. arrival hoi mi Humliiy j N v mWr i and Mr. IVttlt nt that time : swi.l ho wtia never in Vtter spirits, lie ; isunplalniM of feeling; 111 on Monday and , wu operated upon Vslnom.-iv for n i j ai'iil" altm-k of upu-.xihMcKU. Him ciise irsv no hope after the opi-miton. The body will be taken h.vme after a funeral service here. ANOTHER OARNEOIE LIIIRART. Tl SCON, Aria.. Nov. 15. Amlrew Carnegle. In a letter to M. W. nttock. a well known newspaper writer of Arl sona. offers the city of Tum-oo a sum of JI5.0OO to pay for a publlo library build ing, provided th city furnishes a site and agrees to maintain the Institution at an annual coot of 11.000. SAD CASK OF INSANITY. OK LAND. CaUf.. Nov. 15.-MU Amy Hill, a handsome young woman who re fus anything about herself. otner than thal 8h t"1" from Nebr.u. ka- violently insane, and at- k" -vervl pe,Ple before n wa 'rutnea ny tne police an. taken to the receiving hospital. KNIGHTS OF LABOR OPPOSE EXPANSION FEAR FILIPINO COMPETITION General Secretary Hayes la His Re port Finds Nothing to Commend In Improved Industrial Conditions. BOSTON, Nov. 15. The g-tieral As sembly of the Knights of Labor opened Its seaslon in this city today. The annual report of John W. Hayee, the general ec rotary-treasurer of the Knights of Labor on the condition of the order waa presented. He said that In spite of cruelty, de rision and scorn, for almost one-third of a cntury, the Knights of Labor had not only held their ground, but had grown and flourished. From the re ports received, both from assemblies and organizers he felt that he could conscientiously congratulate the order upon the proapcrous condition and hopeful lookout for the future. A most infamous nnd vicious aaaault upon or ganized labor had developed In Idaho. The writ of habeas corpus had been suspended and martial law declared, without a shadow of excuse. Over 400 unfortunate men have bem held In . fM. nlolUn. being cullty of no crime, except that of attempting to earn a support without permission of the military autocrat, because thy were number of organized labor and trla, lg gt,u lJenleri. Nothing approach- ,h ,nfmv -ni8 affair has ever . .w. K,.n.iurU. :,. 1 cccurea ouisiuu intr Wu..-.. ... ' j solution. He rcomni;nd;J that the assnnbly j urge upon congress the necessity of ' ,nuinr a. nea-j'iine invistlgatlon in caJie- s al, ln ,,,adin,c f"-1"' of the Industrial commission was tha. it was to le strictly non-partisan, but I the fact wa out of the nineteen me-n- the entire number appointed by ,, ,.rwtrl.nt. nine In all arc bitter republicans; of the ten congressional ,..w four ar reiubllcar. three are democrats and two are p'.ru.lsts on;y one is accredited to labor and he aicredl'.-J. The Investigations Ure per perfunctory. The commission was entirely discredited by all who anvhlna of Its doings, and Mked on as a mere machine, manjpu jated to prevjnt any damaging facts in .i-ji(.n to exUHng evils becoming public am far as possib'.s. Actual pro wedlnijs hail een beg'.in against them for blue penciling nnd emasculating written testimony nnd destroying th. true and Intended Impreselon nm fur ther IrvtlmidaMng In the form of prose cution in the courts for libel If certain Hta-tements of facts were not with, drawn or modlfleJ. Hpeaklng of the expansion policy, he said "We already realise the effect of the m m m ill ml n s THE EICELLENXF OF SYRUP OF FIGS Is une not only to tiie originality and simplicity ( the .'outlitmtton, but also to the care and kill with winch it U manufactured by se'-ntill." proccxsrs known to the i aucoiima Km SvHt'i' Co. only, and we w ish to imiurNS upon all th imixiriniuv of piuviiiiNlnn the true and oHkIiuiI remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Kic ix muimfaetured by the Calii'ohxia Kut Svkup Co. only, a knowUsle of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high Mtauding of the Cali fornia Kk Syki p Co. with the tnetli cat profes.siou. and the satisfaction which the (renuine Syrup of Figs has given to niillious of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It U far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company t CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM rAro OsL LeCtSVlLLK. a w vena. H. T. competition of K.iropean pauper Inh.ir. Should these Isljnls be annexed In any form. It means tn competition of I' I or twenty nilllio is of unskilled Miil.iy laborers. h:it llils woull mean to us i it Is us.-l.ss for me to -ay. Imperial's ni-ans despo'ism, the end of fr.e gov ernment an 1 the leiurn lo feudalism of the durk uri. Let the I'tilllppilie go In pon-e to work out th-ir own alva tlon with our b.wt hKIih un.l such i.s-sl-tttinv as we may be able to .xteiul. Lot the army scheme 1" crush.sl with out nieivy or iKirley. This ri- otrtiliion of the itoover of the irovrnmeiit coTce the people Into HUbiuisHlon t i ,ts arbitrary dvr s Lh the object the tl-t - tors ar? almiiiB at. This Is the m. anlnc, of imperialism and o,w-e nv. ...z.-l .j unit a mamnns iiintj me.w.., m-nj i dead, capital Is king ami the empire of plutocracy rise." He aked approval of a plan for th' stabllshment of the headquarters of the order of a school nf civic and social and political science, his tory, oratory .md composition. In order that young men may qualify them selves at nominal cos to Intelllgi'ntly and ably promulgate and defend Knights of Labor principles and study the problems of the present and the fu ture, with the aid of all that history and science can bring to their assis tance. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE 8t!IT8. Ladles who go to Portland and desire something especially fine in the way of tailor-made suits will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at I. D. Boyer's 1"7 Fourth street. In the T. U C. A. building. Not only does he keep a strictly first- class cutter for men's wear, but also one exclusively for ladles' work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the best of materials, as Mr. Hoyer Is an expert on woolen cloths. A Portland Buyer Mrs. DALTON, who hits lm.l years' of exjierii'iice ux a . Buyer . Will lie pleased to give persona attention to all customer. CorreH j ion d 1 -i 1 ce sol i ci U 1 . 363 Second St., Portlunt 1 NORTH PACIFIC Dental College loth am) Couch Sts IVtliinil, Member of National AsMiiiation of Dental Paculties. Formerly Taroma Cotlctje 'f Dcnta S11 Rjcry. Dental Infirmary open daily from I a. m. to t p. m. Free oral surgical ellnU Saturday, 1:30 p. m. to $ p. m. A. R. Baxer, u. v. B., Demonstrator la onarge. Students desiring Information, ad dress North Paclflo Dental College, Fifteenth and Conch streets, Portland, Oregon, 8M.o. iZ- -W The"Delsarte" and "Regent" Shoes for Women All Styles, One Price, $3.50 Equal to Any $5.00 Shoe " Q Qyggjj Qualify Shoes for Women $100 E. C. Goddard & Co. Ortfonlan DuiMing, Portland. BAAAAAAAAAA' iruuvuirvAAnAAnnp That's Whut Wc urc trying to do catch Hie eye - of the public Wa sre lining it, too. This is shown by the number of the public who 00 me to itee us nUoit their individ ual eye. Skill, care end honesty is a combination that mtint win. Northwest Optical Co., The LiM lllilg., Hecon.l Mtwl Wimhlnutun Mt .miii fn.j.jj.j. LruiAnvriru nniwirtnn nn uv 1 HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so tight and well baked. Well there is a knack In mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. His mother used a Stor Etfite Konge W. . SCULLT, Agent. 411 Bond street. 1 1 Ullson Improved Air Tight Heaters ...FOR COAL... Tliis hoattT in psnHMrtlly iiilaptt'tl fur Soft Ctml ami I.ignito. I'lio lunly in uimlo of ixt ihcil Htt't'l. Kxlru litiivy hlmkiiij; ainl iltiiniinj Krato. r'iro pot txtia linivy with larjjo axli jit. lias n niiki'l inn, nickt'l iiaino pinto ami two luckcl ilatoi foot mils. Tlio hot Mast f raft is so riHstrtU'ttl that tho I'scnjiinj; as(s art' all fonsuiuoil, which makes a ureal savinu w foiisiiiiiptioii of fml Price, $12.00 to $25.00. All Varieties cl Wood Air Tights at FOARD 8 STOKES. Books Bought, Sold nnd Kxchanged at the Old Book Store History, llioursi.liy. Mechanics), llclervnit', P.Hdry, Mmlloal, U. lleligiotu. Scientillo All staiularil works. Soi-ond Iminl school IxMiku, Urge stm'k rlieup K(ctiml liaml msgsilnrs. I.i bmricn Uillijlit. La'gu stock of novels, I0.IHK1 tits. HYLAND BROS. rOHTI.ANn. OH. Kli-ffll Ysmbill St., lielow 8iHonl. Telephone Ilod '2Ksa R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St, corner Fifth Opposite Hotel Parkins Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty I.alies entrance to bath on fifth street PORTLAND, OREGON. Golumbia Eleetrie & Repair Go SucceHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Logging Engines. Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... ' Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Tower Tlii'iits. J ...The Esmond Hotel... j PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Euniiti plmi, 'Hie 1 1 $l,M p"r duv. Ai.ierleii.i plmi, i.uu 10 4.uu per .my. CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In nil sizes QAurtuxriAJUuuvruvruxruuuinuuu Il tKJir I UAlU PORTLAND, OR. ' Tio Only Plrt-Cln 01 runiivrvruvvruuuviAirvnuuu Umbrellas Best and Cheapest Also llepitliliiK and llceovering si Meredith's Washington between !lli ami tlth Btrorla. ltmri.ANn, ouk. John Bs Coffey, Merchant Tailor f.ii'ffi'iS'- Ponlanil. Ore. W. C. A. Pohl, rum tiiMii. Undertaker. Embalmer and Funeral Director Caskets ami Funeral Supplies constant ly 00 hand. Corner 1Kb and Dunne 8ts, Astoria, Ore I kolltbl, reiHiaaf mwti.nlral or ln.il tali Slrlof unpiolh. I'via KipoaHius. wliaiu ; lr.,Jfltvn.MMl,. wtll. j l"AltT KKCUSVU. llalUmore, U4, Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock Unlit nnd Repaired i OSCAR ANDERSON, Munugor- j ,.KN1)K,1AHTi ch, clur k nml styles. We shall continue to sell Iron nnd Brass IlednlcntlM ut the same Low Trices reunnlloHs of the raise Jo the price of iron and brass Hotel In PorMd u I ----M?H--, a -