THti MOlLNlJlG ASTOJUAN, ViDXRS.MY XoVEMMl! IS, m. flakes tht Hair grow. Clear the Complexion. Soften and whitens the Hands. Preserves and beautltlc the skin of In fants and Children. ItaHaHtf V. MMaMf aaHaHaa1. (Mat'. Itoftrss. n.r U aaa If laa mmi iMmiIi as sanlmaaa kasausata, MlMparMMiMli MHU4 aala,aa4 Mf ! a-4 mfyvlw trtM tmii Wssf, l.ul.a. tWIM U. IC. f.SS.SalS fw, I ill S. XT 4. A llv baby m takii to the New York morgue by mistake and put In an lt tox. The mlwuke wee discovered too lute, mil I ho baby dlnl, 9 Karl's Clover Root Tea lUaiillftaa K CnmpWtlnn, uHA l),s ml ,(! Kmh.llrarSaln, liiml.n llM1l.n, liuhaMll.m, and til KruiHIona jii. ttalii. An ! l.siail N.v. lonlr, HnlJ ,.n ''"las by all maMi al s&, tot. ,1HJ .(io, a. C. WCLL 4 CO.. KNOT, N. V. A iuprrtlllou native of Dominica, offered hi rhllil a sacrlflre to hi heathen (nd, In lit hp of finding supposed hidden treasure. riERVITA PILLS Restart Vliallly. Lett VIor aid Msekeot Cure Impotence Night KmlMloniand waitme dioeaac, ail effects 01 self. i abuse, or excess and India Jcpctlnn. A non e tonlo and rt lIxxl builder. Urine the i iriina glow iu pmc mcni sou jKVftlvrf,t)rf the Are of youth. ft -rMr '7 man ouc per box, u ooxct fur 2.AO; with written guaran ty to euro or refund the money. Send tor clroular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. COraon Jaokaon 8ta CHICAGO, IU For Sal br Charts Baa arm, Druggist. Oregon. H.F.PraelTransferCo. GRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Oeods Balpa is Our Car sV'll Rseolve apattal AtteatleaL . M Duaa It, asurla. Or, W. J. COOK. MflT. 3U. Tat Hi, ntstff TICKETS ?BBTHEBH to u MpAlLWf POINTS EAST Through palace and tourlit aleepen, din In k and library ohaervaUon oara. I.-I.HHAXT VK.4TtniTL.I0 TRAINS. No. 4. "Flyer k-vi I'ortlunil at i 10 p. m. No. 3, "Flyer," arrive! Portland at 1:30 a. m. For ratee, etc, call or addreM O. W. LOUNBBBRRT. Agent 0. R. h N., Atorta. or A. t. C. DHNNISTON, C. P. ft T. A Portland. Ore. Iiuxiwous Travel THE "North.Weitern Llmlled" tralni. lootrle lighted throughout, both In ' aid and out, and ateim heated, are. without exception, the Itneet trains In the world. They embody the Uteat, neweit and beet Idea (or oomfort, oonvenlenoe and luxury ever ottered the traveling public, and altogether are the not com plete and splendid production of the oar builders art. Thee Splendid Train Connect with The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT T. PAUL FOR f wf m. tr-m w a irur: n if CHICAGO and the EAST No extra oharga (or the uperior ao. eommodatlon and all claeeee of tlclteu arVavJlabl for paeaag on the famous "North-western Limited." Alt train m till line are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. 1UBAD. F. C. BAVAOa. Oea'l Agent, T A. Portland Or. ESSENTIALS THAT CONSTITUTE A MAN Negative ind Affirmative Discussion of in Important Subject. A TEXT FROM JEREMIAH Sermon 1'rcBchccl at the Method 1st Church Last Sunitny Myht by Dr. Imiiic t'enrt. The following l a ynopM of an Inlnrranlng Ttim itvtu'liel by Dr. Iwwe prart at live M1hodlt thutrh KuiuUy evening: "Wanted a Man" Jeremiah S, I. "Hun ye to and fro through the etrvet of JerueaJi'm, and now, tuid know and vk In the broail pUice thrrcof, l( y ran Ond a man." We are not to undrtiind by lhf words that thrre were no mtt In the t'lty of Jorudlt'in. No, Tlvi-re was tha opulent man: there wu iw scholarly, rabbi: there u the riulm-ut b.irtia- ter, tllerv wn the tllNtliigUlxhed legla- lator, and there waa tho at'libe of luperlntlva akllk The meaning I that there waa rui iiuin In the t'lty Unit miimureil up to the divine .irngnn or of find' rimiUu of liitrinelc man hood. Jeremiah was m4 the only mt on that was In search of a tmui. Dio genes sought with a lighted Umiirn ul liiKii'ilny In unrleiM Attune for a man. In the nmrki4 place he raid: ' llenr n'e!" and wh'n a crowd uiew-mblivl he scornfully euld: "J failed for men iK pigmies." (larfli'ld was ankel this H'l.-titlon: "What are you going to niaKe of yuurarif ?" to which he re plied: ' I muel flritt miike myeelf a man. If I do not eucrred In doing that, I cannot hop to uicd in anythnlg elan." MugninoliMii ulterance. We have even tht there were men In Je ruanlem, but not a man. Now tha quetlun art: "What ounetltuti's a man?" Let u look at the negative and positive lde of thl Interrogullon. 1. Oreat physical power do not constitute a man. ProfesiUonal pugll-. 1st art men of rolneisal phyak-al strength, but not one of them la a man, An Intelllgeu mind can only denominate such person male ani mals. A dog fight will not remind you of l noble manhood. No, but It will remind you of Ihoae gigantic animal In human form. A massive frame wltlt little mean pknure tut In U la a combination that creates within u a duel feeling, dlegust and rldlcuK but a roliMatal frame and a picture of au perlutlve Uauty thrill u with de lightful sensations. t. Hrholaatlo attainments do not constitute a mxn. An ex-chaplain of one of the largest ieni tenterlea In our huid stnte that while he was spiritual director of that Institution he .net some of the tlneet educated person It had Ixvn his priv ilege to meet. I visited Ptthm pent lentlury some four year ago and then was pointed out to ne a man of mag nificent scholastic attainments, lie was In for three years. His crime was enibslemct. I eee on muny a wall a dlplomn, the owner of which Is a moral wreck. , 3, Intellectual power do not con stitute a man. There hang In Wash ington, D. C, a picture of a conspicu ous and brilliant mtn. He was an eminent Jurist. When In college, he stood at the hend of his class. "Kuclld" Newton and La Plac wvre- as familiar to him as the finger on hi hand. Lan guage, ancient and modiTn, were hi delight. On the day of hi graduation he dfinundcd two degree front his Al ma Muter.' Thl attorney gvneial wo brilliant, oratorical, rhetorical with a logic that was pungent. Yet this won derful man was a moral wreck. 4. What conHtltuU a man? 1. He muM have Individuality. Whatever hi environment, he mint be himself. There 1 a doctrinei abroad that Is sim ply monstrous. It Is this: "While In Home do a Rome does." What a piece of sophistry. Ploy cards because you happen to find yourself In a company of persons who rim engaging In the game. "Lift the poisonous cup to your Up and enurty tho contents because you are In Home ami the Romans do that." Away with such an lnfamua doctrine. Some person are like the chameleon, This reptile Is known for Its "chojigeablenetw of color." It take th; color of It surroundings. The chameleon la brown If It Is by tho side of something brown; It la yellow If by the lde of something yellow. This reptile Is alwaya the color of Its sur roundings. So are ome people. Re yourceir. You are not a man If you do otherwise, 2. He must hnve a sncred regard for duty, hold It a a holy thing, anil look upon a violation of It a a sacrifice of personal honor and prestige. Lord Nelson said, just before the great battle of Austerllti: "Eng lund expect every man to do his duty," to which his men said "Amen." Being fatally wounded In the crwilllot, his Inst words were: "Thank Ood, I have done my duty." We cannot lay claim to true manhood without an houcat at tempt to discharge every legitimate duty devolving upon us. 3. He must huve a sacred regard for truth. . There Is no true manhood apart from ethic. Veracity 1 essential 1o sound charac ter. Our motto should be: "The truth, the whole truth, and . nothing but the truth." During the rebellion a counsel( of war was held In Harrleburg, Pa., with reapi'Ct to the movrn"r.l of On ithI lA'f. A hoy rtvn In and linpttrted Iho dculrcd liifornmtl'in. Tho governor Mid after i lie Ixry I.-Tt : "1 would give tnv right tin ml If I Viww that boy was tilling the truth." One of tho ciuimvI oi a aiiawerrd: "(lovn-nor, I know that boy. I know hi fiuhrr and hi moth-, er, ond I know lhat thro la not a dnp of lying blood ln hi Vein.", 4. To Im a coinplvt man you tnuat allow C'hrlt to put on you the flttlithliig touch. Fall prnsirle U-fore him and I'l him mould you, j TIIK RKAL nAIlHAHA FWKTCHIK The Hucrrs of a New play Revives an Old CiBrtroversy, Chicago Tlme-llerald. The auccess of Clyde Fitch's play, "Murbara Frletchle," ha revived an old controversy a to the amount of fuel which I woven Into the poetry of Whlttier' famou ballad. Ho far no one eem to rnnmnber that Whlttier hlmielf, In a letter to the Century, written shortly before hi death, ac knowledged that the Incident he give them were not hlKtorlcul. He hud received In good faith a story sent him by Mr. K, D. N. Bouthworth. the novelist. Hhe had clipped It out of a newspaper. The Incidents, u he nar rated them, followed as closely a pos slbl the account given In the newspa per slip. Many year afterward he learnid that the report wa erroneous. II doe n wem. however, to have over learned tlw,l It was erroneou only In confusing twxi event. Itarbur I'rleli hie did exist, and was associated with the waving of a Union ring In cmigr'itulutlon of a t'nlon, not In de fiance of a confederate army. It was also true that a I'nlon flag was Haunted In the fore of Ptonewall Jackson, but not by Itarhara Frletchle. Here are the irue fact In the case: Ir September, s(2. (ieneraj Htonewitll Jack mi had ben ordered to capture the Cnlon garrison al Harper's Kerry. Ills troops went Into camp war Fred erick. Mil. On the 16th dy they moved a'i'l pasm-d through the town. Itnrbara Freltchle was &n nthusiaHtlcally loyal old laly, nearly 60 years of age, living nt th time on PatHck street. Neither Jai'knon nor any of his men passed through that street. Lee did, but no flag was waved before him. Put there wo living on the line of Jackson' march another devoted Un ion woman, a Mr. Mary A Quantrell, whc husband was a cnmpwltor In the oftlc of the National Intelligencer of Washington. Mr. Quantrell was at that time a woman of 3:. block-haired and very pretty. On the day that Oen. Stonewall Jackson parsed through Frederick she and her little daughter Vlrgle were standing at the 'gate of their house. They had several small Union flags, which they had. brought, there' to wave as the confederate sol thal flag'" but the little girl kcrt wav Irg small flag many of the confed erate soldiers railed out. "throw down that Hag!" but the little girl koet wav ing It. Suddenly a lieutenant drew his Hord and cut the staff In two, the flag falling to the ground. The little girl then waved another. This, too, was cut from her hand. Then Mrs. Quantrell waved a larger flag In a conspicuous maimer until Jackson and hi men had marched pas the house. She wo not molested. Some of the officer raised their hats to her, say, Ing, "To you, madam, not your ting." Such Is the story as It w.ha told In the Ualtlmore Herald of Sept. 2J, 1SS4. by Joseph Walker, who subsequently became Vlrgle's huxband. Hut Mrs. Hurbura Frletehie had a Hug and she did wave It, though not on the 6th, to Jackson's mu, but on the nth to Burnslde's, who followed fast upon the confederate heels. Again a relative of tho heroine tells the true story. This was Mrs. Frletchle' niece, a Mrs. Abbott. "Jackson and hi men," she Informs us. "had been In Frederick, and had left a short time before. We were gliui that the rebel hud gone and that our troop came. My mother and I lived almost opposite aunt's place. She and my mother's cousin, Harriet Youer, lived together. Mother said I should go and see aunt and tell her not to be frightened. You know that aunt was then almost 86 year old. When 1 reached aunt' place she knew almost bs much as I did about matters, and Cousin Harriet was with her. They were on the front porch and aunt was leaning on the cane he always carried. When the troops marched along aunt wived her hand, and cheer after chtcr went up from the men as they saw her. Some even ran Into the yard. 'God bless you, old lady.' 'Let me take you by the hand.' 'May you live long, you dear old soul,' cried one after another an they rushed Into the yard. Aunt being rather feeble, and In order to save her as much as we could, Cousin Harriet Youer said: 'Aunt ought to have a Hug to wave.' The flag was hidden In the family Bible, and cous in Hurriet got It and gave it to her. Then she waved the flag to the men, and they cheered her a they went by. She was, very patriotic, and the troop all knew her." A FAMOUS TRAMP. Death of a Man Who Gained the Title of "Honest" by Returning a Found Bill He Couldn't Change. New York Press. To Porter's field last week Went New York' mont famous and honest tramp, who had died in tha almshouse on Llackwell'i island. II was known as Sim Wray, although the last nam Is thought to be one that ha assumed. Wray got his reputation for honesty In 1SS4, and traded on It until he died. He never pretended to be honest to his friends, and was always willing thel roiuttHtlon. In th whiter of 14, throe day before Chrltma, without a c .nt, Wray itnrted out to see what coti Ul b iMther.41 along Mudlon aven IH- about the Madison Hquare Oarden. asked several person for the prlc a ted, and got nothing, Wray us- Of to tell tho tory a follow: "I hud hfld up about forty persons, and wa afraid thuA the cop would run mo In, The Howery wa so with banhndler that I got away thick from It. We wer tackling one another, I believe thai the old Jok of I and am working thl lde of the street mye originated that winter. "This nlht It was snowing, and 1 had a head on me like a bucket nd wa that thirsty I could have drunk water. "KIk-ht In front of Parkhurst church I find a pocketbook. In It wa a H.U00 bill. I thought I'd fall d ad was afraid to do anything witn It I wa afraid U might be counteneit, I d.-clded to IiHUS It. but "I tried for two day. I tried fo rty place. 1 g"t the ha-ha everywhere 1 ww,i with It. If I had had well clothe I could have laid It down at a bunk and got change; but I wa afrai id of getting pinched, and when I as iked anybody for the rhoige of a tho usand they'ed give me the laugh. "Christmas morning I picked up a paper, and there wa a man advertising a reward for that 11,'joo bill. He w stopping at the Hoffman house went up there and had hard work getting to him. Hut I got to him and he says; 'You ore a tramp, but you the most hiMiewt man In the world.' are He goes down Int the otllee w ith me nd irels lieo and give it to me. TVn he lined me up at the bur and buy a but ot- tie of wine. A lot of swell heard the story and they buy me wine. 'Along oomes a reporter, and the next morning my picture wo In t he imner. and I wa 'It.' In a wwk I ain't got a cent, but I got the repu tation of being an honest tramp. I was picked up for being drunk, nd the old Judge. Kuffy (he hod wnt me up for u six months' stretch), discharges me. saying: 'A man that Is as honest as that ha a right to gt drunk; but don't let me see you here again.' " Wray wa a hobo about the country until abjut a year ago, when a train took off both leg. He also had heart failure, and was cent to the Island as a pauper, having nowhere to go. He never told who hla people were or where he came from. THE INVISIBLE . FLIGHT. Take a piece of paper 4 Inches by S Inches, p!ac- a peony on It, and fold the top of the paper over the coin to within one Inch of the bottom. Then fold the right hand aide of the paper under the coin, tsjatlng' the left hand lde In the same manner. You must now fold the bottom 1 Inch of the paper under the coin, and you will ap parently nave wrapped It securely In the paper, but really It Is In a kind of pocket, and will readily slip out into either hand at pleasure. Allow every one to feel th? coin through the paper; then take it from the left hand to the right, letting the coin slip out Ift'o the left hand. You now sut fire to the paper and the coin ha disappeared. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. In-avd. 1:00 a. m. 7:00 p. in. PORTLAND. Arr.lvL Portland Union bepot.lU:U a.m. for Aatorta and inter) 3:40 p.m. medial point. I ASTOKIA. 7.4;,m. For "Portland A in-)ll7s0a.m. ( 10 p.m.termedlat point 10:34 p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p.m. la. ml 5:0(11 ll:S5Lv a.m.ip.m. 7:40i 4:00 7:l I S .Astoria. Ar I.vl r.:2.M U:JAr w.rrnton Arl 6:U l:lt :)! l:00:Ar ..9. ankle..,. Lv 1:15' 1:30 SPECIAL SEASIDE BUNDAT TRAIN leaves Astoria at 1:30 a. m.; arrive at Seaside 3:43 a. m. Paasengera mty return on any train shown on schedule on tarn date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside rua ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. All train make olose connections at Goble with , all Northern Paolflo train to and from the east or Sound point. At Portland with U trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with I. R. ft N. Co.' boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach polnta. THROUGH TICKETS on sal at Aa torta for Sacramento, San Francisco, all Eastern and European points. City ticket office Astoria. (34 Commer tlal street J. C. MAYO. Oen'l Fr't and Paas. Agent Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTB TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Olvea cholc of two favorite routes, via the Union Paolflo Fast Mall Una, or th Rio Grand Boenio Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1J Days to Salt Lake 2 J Days to Donver 3 J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Fr reclining ohalr. upholstered Lour. 1st sleeping oar, and Pullman palao sleeper, operated on a trams. For further Information, apply to Or Astoria, Orsgon. C. 0. TERRY, W. B. COILAN. Trar. Fas Aft Gen. Agent 134 Third BU Portland. Or. O. W. LOUNS3BRRY. Agent, O. R. N., to tell the story of how he got , A POEM ON MANKIND. Like what Is man, but Ilk a sprouting weed, That grow and ripen but to cast Its seed Among th thistle and th tare of life And then to see It strangled In th atir7 Or like th cloud that wander with the breex. And pass unnoticed from a llf of saseT or like a mushroom, aprung to life, alas! To starv or Strang's In th tangled grassr These ar thoughts that ar apt to come to many peopt at time. cds- clally when they are sick and have to pay big prices for medtclns. But there I on drug store In Oregon where you can av from 10 to 21 per oent on everything you buy, and that 1 J. A. CIrnenon Drug Btore, at TZI Yam hill street, Portland. Ore. At that store you can get Hood s Sarsaparilia at 70c Mellon' Food. 31 lie, 85c: Bromo Belt- zer, II sit. 70c, and everything else at th rami low rate. You can get rtd trading stamp there, and If you need the Natural Body Brace, you can get It there. LADIES TAILOR-MADE ST7TT8. Ladles who go to Portland and desire something especially fin In th way of tallor-mad aults win do well to remem ber that they can b well fitted at L D. Boyer s 17 Fourth street. In tha Y. U. C. A. building. Not only does b keep a strictly first clasa cutter for men' wear, but also one xclulvely for ladle work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the best of materials, as Mr. Royer Is an expert on woolen cloth. THEY CUT AND FIT. Two Fashionable Furrl Who Are Earning Well-Merited ApprovaL Good work, correct tyle and perfect fit speak louder for th furrier than any advertisement that can be written. Applegath ft Prasil, the fashionable furrier, at 143 Third street, between Alder and Morrison, guarantee abso lute satisfaction In every case where a purchase Is made at their establish ment Both gentlemen are practical cutters and fitters, who have been em ployed In ome of the largest houses In the principal cities or the United State. There 1 a style and finish to all work turn id out by thl firm that stamp both gentlemen experts In this business. Garments will be taken to be made over or repaired, and the work turned out with the least possible de lay. WHERE TO EAT. Why at The Eastern.' of course. 170 Third St., Portland. You can get a good layout for it cents here, which will satisfy your hunger and bring you back again to the same place. Remem ber the Ksstern. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When peopl ar contemplating tni whether on buslnasa or pleasure, Um) naturally want th best seme otv tainabls so far as speed, comfort sac safety is concerned. Employe of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LIN EL ar usid to serve the nubile and our train ar operated ao a to mak elo con nections with diverging lines at all Juncvtlon points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Can on through tralra. Dining Car servK unexcelled. Mtalf erred a la cart. In order to obtain thl flnt class aenrlc aak th ticket agent to ell you a Ucke over TheVYIscoiKin Central Lines and you will mak direct connection -8t Paul for Chicago. Milwaukee and all points east For any further Information call on ticket agent or correspond with J AS. C POND, Oen. Pass. Agtnt r JAB A CLOCK. MllwaukM, Wla. General Agent 1st Stark 8t- rorttang Or ml y lyjoMfFiixid TIMQ SCHEDULES DEPART prom Portland Aauvi Fast a't Lake, Denver, Ft. . Mall Worth, Omaha. Kan-I " wM.?suftffi sr 310nTm Pnl'ith, Milwaukee ..11 "up,m' Chicago and, SM m- From Antorla I OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing Pates sub jeet to change. For San lf'raucisco-fall N.V.4 9, 14.11), 24, I Colombia River 7amx8u Steamer Jam ex Mo nday To Portland and ndav Way Landing. Wlllametta and Yam- 8:30 p.m. '" KiH River. HoiL.Wed. anDd2at! "- City. Dayton, & "Q Frl. '""'- Wsy-LandliiKS. ,,llp',rlJf, Soaks Rlvtr LvLewUto Leave dlyj anaa stiver. 1:40 a. m. RlparUto Lewlston. ()ljly From Portland 6a.m. -WILLAMBITK aVER; 4:30n.ra Mod, v'ed,Oreon Cltv, Newberg, Tue,Thui Friday Suleui & Way-Laud a. -Saturday Q. W. IrOUNSBBRRT, Agent Astoria. W. H. HTJRLBUTIT. Gem. Pas. Act Psrtiaad. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINL OohimM River and TTuget Bound Navl- gtauon company. Bailey Gatsert leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally exoept Sun day at 7 a, m. Whlte Collar line tickets and a R. A N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Uatxert ana Hassaio. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Aft TJ. B, SCOTT, Telephone UL President THE PROOF of the pudding Is la th sating sod ib proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That's an argisneot that's eeo elusive a Ancotastratloa. Our will stand tta test HUGHES & CO. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools lor Kent Lhe PALACE W. W. Wh'pple.Propriet C r Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE BERVICTB.... riR3T"CLJLSS CUXaUTB.. PRIVATE ROOMB FOR LADH4V 533 Commercial St.. W. F. SCHEIBE, A full llita el PI dm, Ti.accs. ea Saiokers' ArticW. 4 74 Commercial Ht. C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission. Brokers. "rmm Insurance an J Shipping. ireDtw.r.AcoaodpaciflefcxDrfMco-. The Leading Visiting and Wedding Card , . . Engravers . 22 & 23 WASHINGTON BUUDIXG. POKTLAXD. OK., Over Lltt's. SAINT PAUL mrip iMTi uimnr lL ST. PAUL, MINN.. JAN. ist. 1899. Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTMENT. CHARLES CHRISTENSEN, Manager. B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. S17California St., S. F., Cal. STRONG COURSES Well equipped training department. Normal oourse, quickest and best way to State Certificates. Expenses for year from 3130 to 3130; Board SI 50 to 33 per week; Tuition, 33 per term of ten weeks. Fall term begin September 19th; Summer term June 31 to September L For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, Presides. or W. A WANN. See orFaeulty. KOPP'S BEST A f The North Paoiflo Brewery, of which Mr.John Eopp is proprietor, nakes beer for domesHo nnd export trade florth Pacific Brewerg L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAI5INQ AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY Astoria Public Library BZADINO ROOM FBTI TO ALU Opm every -r frota 3 setoefe to l:B aad 1:33 to t M f m. aeWcriptlett rates 33 r sansvaa. West Cor. Cleveata s4 Dutn 3uts TZTafPLB LODGE NO. 7. A. 1. A. M. Regular conununlcatlOM hld oa the Sm and third Tnetday eveaiag of each month. J. N. GRIFFIN. W.' M.; E. C. HOLD EN. 8esrtary. Open Day and Night. ABtoria. Orecron Manufacturer ot the Always RelUf -: "Ls Belle Astorls" CIrsf Schelte's Opera Star Scheibe's Special And Othar Brands li.tjUialAA3ulj $ 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 $2,523,987.72 SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Agents, I Astoria, Oregon State Normal School MONMOUTH. ORfiuON Training School for Teacher. New Building New Departments. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions. Delicious and F Jatable Drink Absolutely Bottled Deer for family use or keg beer supplied at any time, delivery in the city tree.