HIK MORNING AS1DRIAN, UEDNESDA, NOVEMBER 15, 890 2SS3S 1 Prices That 65 Mens Covert Cloth Overcoats t Count 1 Without question the best bargain ever offered. Equal to tailor made garments. Never offered at less than $13.0. . , OUR PRICE FOR THIS WEEK . . r nx vn Lay It Will Pay You to Inspect This Line. SPECIAL. Latest pattern Colored Body or Fancy Bosom Shirt $1,00 SPECIAL.-Our $3,00 and $4.00 Stiff Hats are the Best Values ever offered. S. DANZIGER, 490 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. t i 1 "I ! THE POWERS WANT TO FOOL UNCLE SAM They Are Too Pleasant In Regard To Oar China Contention. THE GUARANTEE WORTHLESS They Already Own Chinese Territory and Pnsent Arrangements Kith U. S. Are Therefore Void. There is, cays Maurice Low in the Philadelphia Times, good reason for be lieving that Russia, Germany and France will in due season give the United State the written guarantee which it has demanded, that the em pire of China, now in control of the powers, shall not be clos.?d to the commerce of the United States; and there are equally good reasons for be lieving that these guarantees will be worthless. Germany and Russia have already announced that they have no Intention of closing their ports or shut ting their spheres of influence against the commerce of the world. Official dcl&ratlons to that e-nd have already been made, and will be repeated If nec essary. In fact, the diplomatic representa tives of these countries in Washington profess great surprise that any further guarantees should be needed. Germany has announced to the world that the Shantung peninsula was to be thrown open and has published Its tariff. Rus sia has declared that Tallenwan was to be as open to America and Great ' Britain, or any other nation, as it was to Russians. The Russian govern ment doesn't understand why the Americans are so unreasonable and want further suarar.tees. Of couree, if the American government wants these professions of faith put in writ ingwell, perhaps that may be done as an evidence of good faith and friendship. No diplomatist represent ing any of the Interested powers will goi so far as to say positively that thia will be done, because It is a matter of policy which the home government alone can determine; but they Intimate very strongly that after the declara tions that have been made the others follow as a matter of course. On the surface everything Is lovely, but beneath it the twisting and turn ings of diplomacy can be seen. Inas much as the Chinese policy of the gov ernment U thing which will occupy much spaoe In the newspapers Curing the coming months, and as it Is a sub ject not very well understood by most people, H is not out of place to enter into a brief explanation, China at th present time is being cut up, not oy actual annexation, but by the more insidious process of leases, concessions vtd spheres of Influence. Thus Germany, nominally to week re dress for the killing of German mis sionaries, forced the Chinese govern-' merit to "lease" it the Shantung penin sula. Nominally this vast tract of territory is leased to Germany abso lutely, and as a matter of fact It has passed into the direct porsesslm of Germany. Germany makes the tariff and collects the revenues; Germany makes the laws and administers them; th Chinese government is a mere looker-on. It is the same In the British, Rus. aian and French concessions. The farce of nominally pretending they are Chinese is still kept up. The truth is that China has already alienated her territory without compensation, forc-d to it by the threat of armed seizure if she resisted, and the governments who have profited by China's Impotence have transferred their languages, their customs and their laws without re gard to what China cares or thinks. But so long as the territory Is nomi nally Chlirej '.he United States ran Insist upon Its tr-aty rights wi;h Chi na being observed and the foreign gov ernments to play the farce are studi ously polite la saying that every one of the lights of the United States shall be most carefully observed. That is good enough for the present, but what will happen in the near fu ture wilt be this: The German and Russian and British und French con cessions will suddenly be transformed from concessions into possessions; In stead of being territory leased they will be territory annexed. When the time Is ripe for It and shrewd observ ers believe that It will come In a very few years our treaty with China will be Haste paper. The great powers of Europe want China not because they are land hun gry, but because they are money hun gry. They want China because It is the great commercial prize of the world. The- policy of Germany and Russia so far has been to keep their colonies as much as possible for them selves, to shut out competition and prevent the foreigner from Interfering with their own people. At the present time the bulk of the Chinese trade is in the hands of England, with the United States a long way behind and the rest of the world cutting only an insignificant figure. Bue when compe tition becomes keener, when American merchants are able to undersell Ger man merchants In their own sphere of Influence, when they are able to land .their goods at Tallenwan and sell them cheaper than can the Russians the question is asked here how long before the so-called "open door" will be closed by Germany and Russia? The cleverness of Russian diplomacy is proverbial, therefore it will surprise no one to hear that the Russians al ready are prepared to show to the peo ple of the United States how Ill-found ed their fears are. In thj building of the colossal Trans-Siberian railway the Russian government has been forced to buy locomotives, machinery, rails and other things in this country. They have bought them because they could buy to better advantage here than else where, Just the same as they would have placed their orders In London or Berlin If the markets had been able to offer more favorable term Yet because the Russians bought In the American market they point to that as an Indication of their welcoming American competition. This was what Count Cassinl, the Russian ambassa dor, said today to the writer. These pui chases indicated the purposes of his government to throw Tallenwan open to the world and letting commerce find its natural level. The orders for steel rails placw?. in the rolling mills of Pennsylvania and the cruisers built at the Cramps' yards are doubtless ex pected to serve a double purpose, not the least being that of throwing dust In the eyes of America. No nation is watching the develop ment of our Chinese policy with keen er Interest that the Japanese, who know what Russian diplomacy means While the Japanese legation In this city will not admit that Vt has received any special Instructions, in fact the Im pression Is sought to be conveyed that Janan Is merely a passive spectator, I have the highest authority for saying that if the guarantee demanded by the administration from France, Russia and Germany are given, Japan will at once follow our lead and make a sim ilar demand. Japan received verbal assurances after she had humbled Chi na and she knows precisely what they are worth that is nothing. HIGHER FREIGHT RATES The Upward Course Has Been Pro ceeding Steadily for More Than a Month. ' Chicago Times-Herald. Like every other commodity In the market, railroad transportation Is steadily advancing. The upward course of freight rates began more than a month ago, and it has been proceed ing very steadily since. It shows no sign of having reached the highest point or of having taken In all the arti cles on the list that it is Intended to cover. Grain, coal and Iron were the first to be effected, but gradually other things were embraced, and now It Is intimated that no commodity is to be allowed to escape, but all will have to bear an equitable proportion In the in creased cost of transportation. Plaus ible reasons are advanced by traffic officials for the action they have taken In this regard. It routs a givat deal more to carry on the work than It did a year ago. The price of every ar ticle required in the maintenance and operation of a railroad has goie u;i Immensely, and unless the Muds c:i i get more for the work done by them they will have to go Into bankruptcy, while every othrr Industry is prosper ing. Throughout the period of gem ral de pression many attempts were made t'i advance and maintain rates. They all proved abortive. If the advances wer. put into effect at all tin y were not maintained for two days together, Now it la declared with the greatest of confidence the advances will hold There is an Immense business to be handled, w-lfch comparatively limited facilities for handling H. Consequent ly shippers will be willing to pay the higher rates If they are thereby assur ed of prompt service. The roads on this occasion have been gntttng the benefit of the advances from the very moment they went Into effect. Owing to the scarcity of cars traffic official! refused to make contracts In advance, so that the higher rates were collect able at once. Opposition to these ad vances was prevented by making them gradually. One thing at a time was taken, so that any general outcry against the. rise was avoided. This course Is to he adhered to In whatever future action of the same kind may be taken. THE GREAT SALT LAKE. The reason why the great Salt Lake In Utah Is growing smaller, according to Prof. James E. Tammage, is that the volume of water from Its four tributary rivers Is being more and more diverted by Irrigation. Professor Talmage says that the water of the lake is growing each year more acrid as it shrinks In size, and he thinks that In another hundred years It will be replaced by a glittering bed of dry salt. LUCKY FOR HER. Miss Gabby I think I am lucky to have this mole on my cheek. Mr. Asklt Why? Miss Gabby WelJ, It might be on my nose, you know. Miss Alma Powell, a member of the Castle Square Opera company, is going to study for the degree of master of laws, having already completed the the course In the woman's law class at the New Tork University. She studied music abroad, where she made her professional debut In "The Magic Flute." She Is related on her mother's side to Daniel Webster. RADICAL LITERATURE. We know of only on book store In Portland where so complete a lln of novels ran be obtained, on all th radi cal subjects of th day under dlsousslon sa can be teen at Jones' Book Btort, 231 Alder street BUSINESS POINTERS. Fresh crackfd crabs at tht National Cafe. Hire's root beer at tht Spa candy factory. I'.uriinnk potatoes, II a tack, at Tat't Market. JefTi la "tht only" White cooks. restaurant Many New Tork corporations have proteHted against th? making public of their reports under the franchise tax law. Best lS-cent meal. Rising Bun Restau rant, 611 Commercial treat. Chill con earn and frlJoUe at Lee Herriiig't National Cat every day. Until further notice th Astoria creamery will pay 2414 cent for butter fat. Cold lunch, pickled pifs' fast, oys ters, sheep's tongut, tc, at tht Na tional Cafe. Do you know Bnodgraat makes Stamp Photos? Call and set them. They are all th go. Cream Pure Rye, America's finest whiskey. The only pure goods; guaran teed rich and mellow. John U Carlton, sole agent. Buy Roslyn coal; tht best coal for heating and cooking purposes on tht market. George W. Sanborn, Agent Telcphont 1311. Boquet de Cuba and Key West Gemi are the finest 6-oent cigars that ever cams to thlt market Henry Rot. op posite brewery. Visitors from Portland and tleewher will find tht pleasantae rooms In As toria at tht Bay City house, 171 Tenth street, Mrs. E. S. Andrews, proprietress. Kelley't transfer wagont deliver bos wood to any part of tht city on short notice. All orders left at Zapfi fur niture store, 030 Commercial street, will receive prompt attention. Telephone zm. The following reduced rates art In effect via the 0. R. N. between Asto ria, Portland and Intermediate points along the river: Fart, 25 cents; seotlon, 25 cents; lower or upper berth, M oenta each; stateroom, 76 cents. Go to the Columbia Electric and Re pair Company for all kinds of new and repair work, from a cambric needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaranteed. Logging maenmery or an kinds a specialty. Shop opposltt Roes, Hlggins ft Co. Vandals have mutilated the statue facing the Staditschlose, at Potsdam, Dr. W. Wlion, Italy Hill, N. T..aays: "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure, It gave my wlfa Immedi ate relief In suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Nevt-r fails to quick ly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Suricun Gwneral Wymnn says Key V est yellow fever has run Its course. Ton never know what form of blood poison will follow constipation. Keep tht liver clean by using DtWItt's Lit tle Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They art famous llttlt pills fi-r constipation and liver and bowel troubles. For sal by CHARLES ROG ERS. The Greater American Exposition at Omaha, Neb., closed tlOO.OOO In debt. "I had dyspepila fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief until I used Kodol dyspepsia Curt. Now I am well and feel like a ntw man," writes a. J. Fleming. Murray, Ntb. It U tht best dlgestant known. Cures all forms of Indlgxtlon. Physicians evtry. where prescribe It For sals by CHAS. ROGERS. A Texas convict forged a pardon and walked out of tho Rusk penitentiary unmolested. , Geo. Noland. Rockland. 0 says "My ! wife had piles forty years. DtWItt's , Witch Hanel Balvt cured her. It Is Ills urnfc rivw .- ."- everything and cures all skin diseases. For Sale by uuakliUs ituumw. A petrified snake weighing more than 100 pounds and 27 fewt long has bn found near Pottsvllle, Pa, LaGrlppe, with Its after effeots, an nually destroys thausandt of people. It may be ouleicly cured by Ont Mln- utt Cough Curt, the only remedy that oroducea Immediate results In coughs, oolds, oroup, bronchitis, pneu monia and throat ana lung troubles. It will prevent consumption. For sale by CHARLES UPPERS. Andrew Carnegie has sent $17,000 to the ladles of the A. and I, of Dennison, Tex,, to pay for Its building. It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with th good quail tic of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to know that people everywhere take pleasure In relating their expert en o In the use of that splendid medicine and In tolling of the benefit they have re ceived from It of bad oolds It has cured, of threatened attacks of pneu monia It has averted and of the ohlldrea It has saved from attacks of croup and trooping cough. It Is a grand, good medicine. For sale by Chaa. Rogers. It may be that Quern Victoria will have to take personal command of the English force, in th tadysmlth district. I'SEl BY BRITISH SOLDIERS IN AFRICA. Copt. C. G. Dennlton Is well known alt over Africa aa the commander of tht forces that captured the famous rebel rinllshe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1SV7, front Vryburg, Iiechuanaland, he writ's: "II' fore starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Cham hertaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llonwdy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and In every case It prjved moat beneficial." For sale by Chas, Rogers. It Is real mean of (few. Otis lo wait until the Filipinos (M Into thnlr new trenches before driving them out. CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM CURES OTHiCRS, WHY NOT YOU? My wife has been using Chamber lain's Pain Balm Balm, with good re sults, for a lamt shoulder that has pained her contlnualy for nine years. We have tried nil kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any ben efit from any of them, One day wt taw an advertisement of this medicine and" thought of trying It, which we did, with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder Is al most well. Adolph L. rflllett, Man shester, N. H. For salt by Chas. Rogers. J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat," Lancaster, N. H says; "One Minute Cough Curt Is tht best remedy for croun I ever used." Immediately re lieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, i asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe' Dr. H. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says, "I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a splendid medicine. I prescribe It, and my confidence In It grows with contin ued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and trdlgestlon. For sale by CHARLES ROGERS. and all throat &nl lunar itrntihlaa prevents consumption. For sale CHARLES ROGERS. It by Of over 48,003 persons examined dur ing the punt year for tho fvdeiral civil service, not quite 75 per cent passed. "f urnllMn't Ka vrtttimia- TaWfa Witch Hazel Salve for any cqnaldera ' tlon," writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Center-' field, O, Infallible for piles, outs,' burns and skin diseases. Beware of I counterfeits. For sale by CHARLES ROGER8. e blooming Britons are learning to their sorrw that the blooming Boer Is a blooming fighter, don't you know, DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local application, ns they cannot reach the diseased portion of the -. There Is only one way to our deafness,, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness It causod by an Inflamed con dltlon of the mucous lining of tht Eus tachian Tuh. Whan tfcla tuha I. I. - " a tii rlamed you have a rumbling sound or Impetfect hearing, and when It Is en tirely closed, deafness Is the result and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed, forever; nine case out of ten art caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed enndlttnn nf tia mno. - - ' - IIIUVU, surfaoes. Wt will glvt Ont Hundred Dollars for any case or nearness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sand for clroulars; fret. Fv J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 2Eo. Hall's Family Pills art th best