The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 15, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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gaily otca-tam
Telephone Main ML
Judgement Is Impartial and thi experi
ence of lh gtvat enstom railways In
oruap transportation by rail Is worth
mr-rv than the thoorio ,f O. K. N.
official, or even of that gtvat railway
authority, the On'
Bent by mall, per year
Bent by mall, per moath
Served by carrier, per month ..
American railway m&:iiigMT (ovept
. -.1 the Oivgonian) have prowU to the
M.0 world (I'oitlanil exit'plll that with
M mtvl rails ana sttMtm. frvlght onn he
! nioveil far more ehnply tluui lit any
artificial waterway T river channel.
SEMI-WEEKLY, rnfortunately ifr the ptvdtuvr of
6ent by mall, per year. In advanoe 11.00 E.l!)t(,rn on-Ron a:il Washing-ton till
Postage free to subscribers. I My UIlJ,.MiW, (b,
the Oregonlan and th O. R. N. of-
aid the eot of rxuxoskvin; the higher
the iiiwe.Miio.itn ajwl taxes. Ax In the
case of rullwty hois, the heurt of a
gn-at and growing; town la the worm
psaihl place. The milium dollars ench
nMd hat plaoel already on It termi
nals will give a continuing chargv
against Its freight, a charge givulng
relatively creuti'r aa rales xt ton
tulle decrease. The O. It. A N. Coin pan y
ha.i a chance to nv.iid much f thin bur.
diii by st-enring oh.ii Astoria t 'rml-nals.
llratlon should be directed to tht edi
tor. Husiness communlcatlona of all
At the Fiftieth-street Mw,r hoiisk r'
ntly At the first meeting of the Mt
lar with reeetit progress in the railway, rpollun Str-et Kallway AssoeLitl.
I i Xllh-il thai I h IXDl .t 1,1 Lkl rl b elm
klndi ana remutances rau.i ( m m. Nw V(rk 1r)ri(,,)nl VlVvllllll-
ed to The Astonan. . on mill oer ton tvr mile. II contjMK'r; .Mlverv.1 an dlri i,. hi.
One mill per t.Mi pr mile. 11 cents per
ton fivm Portland to A.toria!
The Astorian guarantee to Its d-l The attempt ("f the Oregonlan and;
Tertisert the largeat circulation of MT n, K, ft N. official! to revive atr
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising ratea can be bad on ap
plication to the business manager.
. The Engineering News in Its Issue
of October !4. last, hag a very Impor
tant article upon the superseding of In
land waterway transport arton by
cheap railway transportation. Th Im-j
mediate subject that called forth the'
article was the monster type of engine!
recently adoped by the Illinois Central
Railroad and which has enabled that
read to compete successfully with river
transportation. We quote a few ex
tracts from the article In question as
This locomotive is built to haul, solid
transportation In place of rail trans
portation is doomed to only a tempor
ary success. In the end the law of the
"survival of the Ittest" will prevail and
It will not be the steel railway ifrom
Portland to Astoria, or from Seattle and
Tacoma to Astoria) that will be given
up. Hill and Mellen are substKutlng
the obsolete Inland water route of the
Sound, and Mohler the Columbia rtver
obsolete inland water route, for the
steel rail route. Both are running onuiv
ter to all the advance of transportation
mKhods of the rest of the Vnlted
States. Hill does so because his north
ern road Is unfortunately cut off from
access to the ctasu Mellen does so be
cause his system has an aching void
from Pasco to Portland. Mohler does
so because there is an aching void In
that molar from Portland to Astoria.
! Any one of these systems (we say It
trains of 2000 tons of Davine load. Wei aavis-aiy) wouiu guwiy maw Astoria
have steadily .pointed out to our read-, the terminal if that system had not
ers how the steady growth ;n the power ; gucj, unfanuniUe gap between hself
of locomotives and the weight of trains: , . . . .
. , ajid Astoria. This broken up condition
mis ruueva ine nwt ik nioving irigm
by rail. The first triumph of the loco-1 ' ''" 'W- M regards access to As
motive was as a carrier of passenger . toria, is why each of them Is fighting
traffic. There were railway managers against the law of railway pnren.
contended that only high-class freight 1 k. . im. k,.ii u ii 1 A. 4 C. railway and use H to All th
ruiLi XT v.xiiiiitvlj 1" va LJ t att. i
To this dav. In Erurland and on the : chlng void. In truth it is a question
continent of Europe the inland water-j whether Hammond's ownership is help
ways are able to carry freight as fuI t0 Astlrla 1( it pre-ents tlvov sys
j'lg rax nay A.iiitrrirn rcuiwajn, n
however, have develope-1 far beyond' ,"" M- Hi" M'',lw,
those of any other country, and Ameri- j dyepalring of this, have been Investing
can railway managers- haw proved to, heavily In Seattle terminals. The O. R.
the world that with the steel rail for
a roadway, and steam for a motive
& N. Company, without any deep wa-
power, freight can be moved far moreier "'nl. now fighting hard to
cheaply than In any artificial waier-ftrce an A. C. recelwrehip and e
way or river channel. Unfortunately cune control. Tlw situation of that
this fact Is not as yet clearly under- f eompany ln Vlew of the deep water
stood, save by Uie few who are conver-i , . , , . , .
' , . ' , I and deep draft terminals of the other
sant with recent progress in the rail-1
way field. I roads, Is desperate, tt caiuiot be en-
Now let us make some estimate ofldured much longer, and the fight to
the actual cost of moving bulk freight ! a nnish Is now on. If the inwotlon of the
O. R. A N. Company Is to fall In line
over long dl.-9ta.noes in 2000-ton train
loads: I
i ..vnT--c-c i with railway anwress, and move
1 . cis. per I terminals down to deep water at the
traln nille. eu.jjrt lne pie (Jf Astoria will wish
Fuel 15
Locomotives repairs S ! that eoini.any all success.
Water, oil. waste, etc 03:
Engine crew, wipers etc 10, Finally, if the (). K. & N. Company
Interest. depr-ia:ion on 1 mo'.ive. M m m
i( trade, it must co.Mntrate its -m-rgt!s
Estimate of total cost of movement J :
of long-haul freight in 2000-ton train , upon the c.u-s:l.m of n-duclng the eost
I d (excluding trrminal expei.s-s). 1 of ,andling freight at lu terminals. It
Cts. n-r
train mile, j must have terminals of great coiven
Loctmotlve expenses Wl i(.npg at low vn Th-(t. lt ann e.
fu. r-nlola o tiA train VItrMh fi t.'i .
fitatlons. station service, slg- . ; cure in cramped and costly Portland.
corning railroa! mamiKvicm anil oper
at Ion. In which ovcurreil an Interest
ing history of a nickel. He snld:
to tne minus or people like u. en
gaged In a business, the financial foun
dation of which Is a five cent pffe, th
mention of millions of d.illans milly
OHiveys only a dim Idea. There Is
certain point at which the mind loses
grasp of the significance of figures; It'i
like talking of the vast Imerstclla
spaces. We know they are great, and
we let It go at that. When It comes
to Ave cents, though, that Is right
our line, and In order to bring wlthl
the understanding of ewry one Just
how each flv cent plow you m-i col
kct Is divided, I have made the follow
Ing analysis from the company's r-c
ords to show where we stand with th
capitalists who own the proM-rty w
operate. You will observe that they
do not get much the best of us on th
divide, for this Is how the nickel Is dis
Labor 01
Material OOlsi.
Taxes , 0i'5
interest 0144
Leaving for stockholders
The fact that les than seven-eights
of one cent out of every fare goes to
the owners In other words, the stink
holders of the property will, I doubt
not, be Interesting to a great many
public instructors, who continually dis
cuss the railroad business as one where
then is nothing but Income to em
barrass the management.'
Another Interesting fact was devel
oped In this Investigation of mine, and
that was out of every dollar spent In
operating the Metropolitan system 80
cents went for wages and only 20 cents
for material.
Though, Hard to Believe, Youth
the Best Time of Life.
nals, etc
Add 'J) per cent for empty car move
ment (excluding car rentals)...
Maintenance of way and struc
It can secure them at tile ample and
3! cheap Antorla water fronts. As costs of
. ! main lii-t tl'illur.i.r-fU tiltn ttt-V rutl-miLt
tures ' . i i
Intetest on cost of road 1V d"orfase. teimi'ial ii'Sts assume greater
Total 200 ;
1: Is possible to move bulk freight '
by rail "n low grade roads at a total
cost or one mill per ton-mile, and this
civrt. it will be n .t-id, Includ s the in
terest on the of the railway and
rolling stwk.
We have omitted entirely the matter
of terminal charges fur the reason
tliat to include the.n is always mis
leading In iiny computations based on
the ton-mil" rate. Moreover in cm-'
paring rail and water transportatiori.
It must l- remembered that eauh alike
is gubeft to termnial charges. In:
ral it 'Jin le :ild that terminal
for railways are cheaper than those
for waterways. Water front improve
ineiMs are nf nec.-sslty expensive, both
in first cst and cost of improvements,
while rail freight can be deliveivj;
whet ever sour tra k can be run.
We hav- sh ovn that the railway can
curry freight at less cost than any In-,
lard waterway, river .r canal. The
iit:..'n:pi. to .evive water transnorta-:
tion in the fac- .,f rail competition are
diKtmeil. therefore, to only a temporary
success at best. In the end the law of
the "survival ef the fittest" Will lire-, and it will never be the stt:-l rr.i'-'
way that will lie ?lven up. i
lteides this, it is against the public
interest that iralfic should be diverted,
from the railways. The riifht of the
government to fix and regulate railway
rates has lyen fully established. - The!
proper method to resrulate railway;
rates Is not create competition -by
parallel Inf. .'riot- water routes, but liv,
the exercise of this government control.,
Diversion of traffic to waterways means
binder rales for freight moved by rail.!
since the cost has to be born by ft,
smaller volume of traffic.
Tf New York would retain lis piltion!
in the export trade, H must conceiiliatej
Its energies uiKin the question of re
ducing the cost of handling freight at i
tts terminals, so that it may bear cim-l
parlson with the coat at terminals built
on cheap land at competing ports.
The editors of the Engineering News,
the leading Journal of Its kind In
America, can hardly be called visionary
Astorians, or partial to this town. Their
relative imp"itari e. This law w ill
bear very hard against the Great
Northern at Seattle and the Nnhwn
Padiic at Tacuma. The larger the
town, the more expensive the first lost,
The Best Food
for Infants
Nature planned that infants
should have only milk for at
least the first year of life. But
thin milk, skimmed milk, will
not nourish. It's the milk that
is rich in cream, or fat, that
does the work. This is be
cause fat is positively neces
sary for the growing body.
Scon's Emulsion
contains the best fat, in the
form of Cod-Liver Oil, for all
delicate children..
They thrive greatly under its utei
Soon they weigh more, eat more,
play better and look better. If (tut
the right addition to their regular
food. The hypophosphitei of lime
and soda in tt are necessary to the
growth and formation of bone and
At all druiffijti ; sac. anil fixo.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, ChemuU, New York,
.ill in m tin n .hi.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
"Mother wants to keep me a baby un
til f am 20," pouted a girl of 14, whose
wise mother wanted to have her retain
the loosely flowing lock and the youth
ful simple garments suitable to her
years for a couple of years longer. Thlr
complaint 19 very frequently heard
coming from the Hps of Maidens who
are to be wivied owing to their ador
able youth, the very thing they despise.
The rosy Hush, the slight figure, the
clear eyes will never belong to them
but once. One only can a woman be
young. She may In time be a gloriflc
snlnt, but she will never again be a
girl. Do not forg't this, oh, ye young
ones so anxious to put benlml you the
one period if your existence when the
sun shines as It never will again, and
when the bird sing with a sweeter
meaning then will be hard when thi
miming has passed and high noon
with the greater heat and pressure of
the burdens of life has rushed upon
you. Isn't every young thing sweeter
and purer than th world -hardened,
old.T oiios of the same species? Look
at the lambs at play, note the tender
green leaves that shoot out In their In
nocent verdure from the old winter sea
sored branches. Kittens and chicks
and young birds are the most appeal
ing creatures, and when one comes to
bablfs there nevw can be. In all this
lovely world, anything quite so sweet
and lovable as a dear little, dimpled,
cooing baby.
Therefore, girls, stay young. You
may have to 'jeer some Inconveniences
of restraint owing to - your extreme
youth, but the time will come when you
will long for the. Incidentals of the
youthfulness that -vlll have passed
away fpm you forever.
Strangers visiting in the city will fiml
the Louvre au attractive resort wherein
to spenil the evening. The Amme .Sinters
Lnilic' Orchestra is still on tho bills and
presents nightly a musical program of
exceptional merit, Jlaudnomu pool and
billiard rooms are a feature in connection
with the honpe. Palatable, lunches will
be served at all notirs
The North Pacific Dental College,
whose advertisement appears In anoth
er column, opened Its doors Ootober E,
with 75 students on its roster. The col
lege Is well equipped with every facil
ity to graduate students ln all the late
knowledge of dentistry. A. R. Baker,
D.D. 3., is demonstrator In charge, and
Is well qualified to Instruct all students
who ateid this college.
When you are In Portland and want
a really good home meal. Just give Mr.
Prown a trial, 108 FourtH St., near
Washington. Tou will like lt surely.
This restaurant is open all night. I
No More Back Ache
l .ifiRE i A
a mm
l'urlfles the blood by eliminating all
poisonous matter, stimulating the se
cretions, regulating the bowels and aid
ing nature In throwing off that which
makes a yellow skin. The effect on the
I O.MPLKXION Is oulte pronounced, as
a few days' use will demonstrate.
Notice Is hereby given that there
will be a republican primary city elec
tion on the 17th day of November, 1899.
for the purpose vt electing delegates
to the republican city convention. The
Judges and polling place of said elec
tion to be as follows, to wit:
First ward Judges. Charles S.
Wright, Martin Johnson and A. C.
Fisher; polling place at county court
Second ward Judges. D. II. Welch.
Walter Itobb and R. Carruthers; poll
ing place, Welch block.
Third ward Judgrs. T. P. Cornelius,
C. Oramms and Maxwell Young; poll
ing place, old school house.
The number of delegates to be elected
at said election being 11 from each
ward. It Is recommended by the re
publican city central commute, that
said convention be held on the list
day of November. 1W9.
Paid primary election to W held be
tween the hours of 1 p. m and i, in.
of raid date.
Chairman Republican City Central
F. V. LKINEN W'EIIEU. Secretary.
Do you want a good meal when you
vlMt 1'ortlandT If so, go to the Port-i
land restaurant, SOS Washington street, i
If you want any Health Food that
your grocer does not havo. write Knupp
Ilros. Health Food Co., East Portland,
Kiiapp Hro. Health Food Company.
t'UHt Portland, carry a full line of all
th liattle Creek Sanitarium Health
R. House's Cafe at t:S Third street,
Portland, la regarded by many pceple
as the lending restaurant In the Pa-!
rifle Northwest.
Merchant Tailors
iM Yamhill Street
tklwrc (ltd and 41k...
Portland, Oregon
Tlt.ln lliuoi I IIiicW oM
P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators
Ltitent nml I lent
Ocnernl 5upply
Mouse for
Pamily Groceries
v:ncyolopcdla Ilrlttanlra, !8 vol.,
sheep, JV lteet teachers' Dlble. now, I
at Kylawd's Kros.' UiMk Store,!
Portland. See advertisement i
A good meal with meats rich In flavor'
and one you will enjoy with a relish, Is
Just what you get at the Creamerle
restaurant. 371 Washington street, near
Third. Try It when you go to Portland.
If you are going up to Portland and
nils going to the Creamerle Hestau-.'
rant. JT1 Washington St., you may con-1 '
gsiM?ry5i Pacific Sheet Metal Works
Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, StiipChandlery, Etc.
Holmes' English and Business Cot-,
lege at No. 411 Yamhill street. Portland,
la prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupils this year. Already c.i
the classes are well crowded, a fact ; NtlulOD
that Indicates the excellent character ot : VtirttiKli
the institution. jVCgCISBIC
Mr. N. R. Bridge, late of the Ellis , r
rilnllng Company of 1'o.f land, has as-!
sumrd the management of the Astortan
Job printing department, and Is pre-'
pared to do all kinds of flrst-clasa, ac-1
curate, up-to-date printing. All work
promptly delivered.
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Fairbaven, WaslL
Improved ranch, consisting of 1J0
acres, on Young's river. Apply to JohnJ
u. Hnysetn. wise, or.
Why Is Watson's restaurant In Port-!
land patronised by thousands of people
dally? Simply because It Is the largest,
finest and best equipped eating resort'
on the Pari fie coast. Watscn's restau
rant has sixty-eight white employes on
Its pay roll. Remember the location,
109-11 Fourth street.
A tailoring establUnment of some
pretentions, located on Washington
street. Portland, claims to have made
47 suits for dressy Astorians during the
past six months. This statement Is de
nld by the firm of Povey Rlrrhail. at
3?? Washington street, near the Im
perial r.otni. who are patronised by the
grat majority of outside customers.
Povey ft tltrrhall make the ew-ll suits
frr most of the stylish Portlanders, and
frel that they are not excelled by any
Portland firm for out of town pat
ronuiti .
Astoria. Ore.
Write Us for Prles
flem Zealand Fire Insurance Go
Of New Zealand.
V. P Thorium, Mgr., Snn KrnnelHco.
Subscribe.! Capital - $3,000,000
Taiil-Up Capital
Assets ...
Aasetti in United States
Surplus toFolioy Holder
Railroads Are Acceding to Demands of Ail klida of reading! There Is only
lMX20S&tw whVyou c'an flKi tt bks "as been Undcrwritii.R on the rinc CtmM over Twriity-two .vcar..
i und ptniinpiets on tne most aovanoea
In response to the demands of the
times the O. R. A N. and Its connec
tions are placing in operation a much
better grade of tourist sleepers for Pa
cifl3 coast service than at any prerious
time. The largely increased tramo to
this section of the country has demand
ed all the Improvements of latter-day
transportation, and In consideration of
this the railroads are establishing a
service which Is excellent In every par
tlcnlar. Not only are the srishes of
first -class passengers served, but those
Who are traveling to and from the Sast
on second-class tickets are splendidly
cared for. There was a time when a
tcurlft sleeper appealed to a llmhed
number of people who were traveling
oil the "cheap" order. In every meaning
of the term. Now, however, there has
been a radical change. With the bet
ter tourist sleepers In operation the
class of passengers has been Improved,
and one may now travel upon them
and enfoy all the privileges of a first
class sleeper at a greatejy reduced rate.
Dally, on the O. R. ft N. east-bound
fast mall, is attached one of these lat
est improved tourist sleepers, a model
of beauty and handsome appointments.
The new cars are almcst an exact
counterpart of the first-class sleepers.
One noticeable feature of the new
tourist cars Is th absence of a smoking
apartment. The new cars being built
by the Pullman Company are not pro
vided with smoking apartments. This
new departure has been taken because
of the fact that mist through trains
are provided with composite cars, which
provide a smoker for the sleeping-car
Why at The Eastern,' of course. 170
Third St.. Portland. Tou can get a
good layout for 15 cents here, which
will satisfy your hunger and bring you
back attain to the same place. Remem
ber the Eastern.
A Portland Buyer
Mrs. DALTOX, who has had
years of experience (is a
. Buyer .
thought of the day. many books on sub
jects of advanced up to date topics not
to be found In other book stores can
be obtained liere. It Is worth your
while to call when In Portland and ses
for yourself. Jones, 291 Alder 81.,.
Resident Agenta, Astoria, Oregon
Ys they do and the style and finish
they give to men's suits, rank thess
gentlemen as expert practical mer
chant tailors. The material they usei
is also the very best and you will al- ;
ways find them busy at 268Vfc Tamhlll '
fit., Portland. Get your nest suit there, ,
and get It now.
I Delivered al your
Office, Store,
or Residence.
Only 60 Cents a
Month .
T(TTT TTYTTTrtTTT . ttttsm
OF LONDON. raciTiciNayigationuompany
Enubllshed during the rMgn of Queen
Anne. A. D. 1T14.
uoacroed capital I iMti.tut) uo
seta l.fl.MI N 1
Surplus to policy holders fMl.S M i
Exclusive of paid up capital
Law Union and Crown
Fire and Life Insur
ance Co.
tt. F. Elftior
W. H. Harrlnon
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Itailroad k Navigation Go. and
also the Astoria A Columbia Klver K. R, (or Sao Fram-isco, Portland
and all points east. For freight ud passenger rates apply .
HnrrMl Blmore A Co;
Will be pleaMeil to give persona
iilteiitiori to till ciHto'ii'ir.
OorreHponleiH.'e solicited.
363 Second St., Portland.
A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil
waukee A St. Paul Railway, known all
over the Union as the Great Railway
running the "Pioneer Limited" trains
every day and night between St. Paul
and Chicago, and Omana and Chicago.
"The only perfect trains ln the world."
Understand: Connections are made with
all Transcontinental L'nes, assuring to
passe genrs the best service mown, Ixix.
urLous coaches, eleotrlo light, steam neat,
of a verity equaled by no other line.
Bee that your ticket reads via "The
Milwaukee" when going to any point ln
the United States or Canada. Ail ticket
igents sell them.
For rates, pamphlets, or other Informa
tion, (address,
Trav. Pass. Agt., . General Agent,
Portland, Or. Portland, O.r
Subscribed or guaranteed cap
ital IH0O0MM
Capita, paid up 1.IM.MM
Assets u
Catton, Bell & Co.
Cpne-al Agents, San fYanclsoo, Cal.
Samuel Elmore & Co,
Restdent Agents, Astoria, Oregon,
i CO UN k GO AgeuU,
TILLAM0r lite.
Omars) AireDts, ASTORIA, ORB.
Oregon lUllroad Navigation Co.,
A. 4 f. II II C PORTLAND, Ore.
Dally to
Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha,
Chicago, Kansas City
and other Eastern cities.
Baggage checked tnrourn to aeetlnatloa.
fin km it
o Isle
Tour looki oil on rou
Mcrtl Khllt. Utlon II I too
(o nd irt or writ to Ihn old do
Urr. lit hu iMxn IrMtlnf U'-h man
for ovtr 'Mi yeart. nd ! ort()Ur
X reliable. KurnlahM till own n J cln
V and Kill no talta.
nn. kFssi Ff?
Of th old HI Uoull Mrdlcal nt
SursU'il liUpanury, 2.V) YimMII
irrrt, t'orilund, Dr., poalilvtly ur
nli to curt.
DOIVATF Dlwawi. Thlt dnolor stiinnlroi to curt inr
rniiniu M f orphlllt. Oonorrlmtt, (Jlntt. 8'r fturot
curH, no dirTurtnn how long titndliig, Hptrmttorriott,
!, ct Mniiluxxt or Nlrhtly EmUilont, ourtd ptrm.ntnt
y "ht hublt of Hir-Abuii trTtciually curtd In ti'ort
VnilMT, MFN Tour trrort tnd follltt of vouih fn he
iuuiiu niLii r,m,d(tdi an4 ,1,1, d jMlor wm rlv, ou
whilMoint sdvlrt and curt you makt you ptrftotly nrnif
Slid livolthy. You will bt tmagfd al his autoa in curlns
XiMrmaiorrhoea. Btmlnal Lonn, Nightly Hmlulont, and
otntr tlftolt.
Pitlcnla truitd In any part of tht country by hit horn
ryiittm. Wrin full partlimlara, tncloM 10 M atama, and
fit will antwtr you promptly. Hundrtdt trtattd al twrnt
who are unablt to com to tht ally.
Take a eltar bottle st btdtlmt and urinate s the tcnttle,
tt mlda and look si It In tht morning. If l Is cloud or
a cloudy Milling In It, you hart tome aldnty cr bladder
lliaait, and thould bt attandtd to btfort you gtl an incur
able ulatue, at hundreda die every year from Urlghrs 4le
ate i4 Kldneya
lion Depots, fast time, lowest rates,
nntacn ngnt in all cars.
For rates and other information call es
or address
O. R. eV N. Co.
Astoria, Oregon,
or J. H- LOTHROP, Gen. Agent,
1 Tklrd St., oor. Alder. Portland, Or.
II v
4 tlon nf a famnusi Krunrh ith vali liiit smIii ahIaWI
ii. auco aa l-oil
a Dralna. Vnrli
Inutlon. II alopa all Iommi by Day
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