The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 14, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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gaily glotovian.
Telephone Main ttL
Bent by mall per year
Bent by mall, per month
Served by carrier, per month
. M
Sent by mall, per rear. In Jvae UN
Pcstag fret to subscriber.
All communications Intended for pob
llcatlon ihjuld be directed to the edi
tor. ButlneM communication of all
kinds and remittance rauat be ddre.
ed to 'The Astortan."
The AstorUn guarantee to It ad
vertiser the largest circulation ol any
newspaper published on the ColnmbU
Advertising rate can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
Chicago Times-Herald.
In Kentucky the people registered the
most significant protest against boos
ism and gang methods ever recorded In
the annals of state politics. AH other
Issues were subordinate to the clear-cut
and well-defined Issue of "Goebelism."
The efforts of Mr. Bryan to divert pop'
ular attention from the high-handed
frauds that were prepetrated by the
Ooebel machine !n the Louisville con
vention were without avail. His rear
platform spellbinding tour could not
dissuade tha Kentucky Democrats from
their determination to avenge the out
rages that were committed to secure
the nomination of Goebel.
The regular democratic nominee stood
fir Quayism of the most offensive type
in state politics. He was not the choice
of the Kentucky democracy. His pollt
leal career was tatooed with corruption.
His nomination was accomplished by
unseating regularly accredited, dele
gates and substituting for them his
hired scullions.
The democracy of the "old school"
bolted the ticket. The republicans un
der the leadership of Taylor were unit
ed and harmonious. Goebelism was re-
buked and the Kentucky democracy
ag redeemed from boesism.
result while prowvutlng n war on the enmUyed? Pv the OtvRnln.n really
same scale. The treasury Is alnad o( tvllive the foreigner Is cheaper when
the fixcal year which bgnn July 1. and all thing are taken into consider,
also ahead on the tin tn.uKhs tf lsjj tlnn
that have I-a.t tVtoUr the
deficit of the month was IlLKM.'
This year th.-re is a surplu fr Octo
ber of .;.ie. The first surplus stm
war preparations begmi appeared tavt
Marvh and was followed by a surplus
of over $.0OO.iW in May and June.
The first month of the present flana!
yvar. July, showed a'dVnVU of $S.S0.SK.
but August. September and Oe toiler
wipe that out with a margin of over!
$3,000,000, SI nee January I last there!
have been five months with a surplus
and four with a deficit. -October calls
for htevy pension payment, but the
welcome monthly surplus Is reported
as has be usual of late. Unless some
thine; unforeseen happens there will be
a handsome surplus at the end of the
fiscal year.
Before the war the annual expenses
of the government were about J3T3.00
000, exclusive of the Poet Office Depart
merit, which .xtmes within a few mil
Uons of paying its way. Revenue now
is coming In at the rate of 5a.000,000 a
year, Including about Illfl.WO.OO from
the war taes, which, like the Dingley
tariff, have yielded more than the est I
mate. Thse results are due to a hgh
degree of prosperity, and the prosper'
Ity istdue to the Intelligent work of the
republican administration and the con
fidence it inspires. The new Congress,
republican In both branches, will begin
its labors without the leant misgiving
as to revenue. It is refreshing to find
democratic papers urging a reduction
In taxes. When they had a democratic
administration on their hands deficits
piled up steadily, and bonds were sold
largely to meet current expenses hi
time of peace. Now, In time of wax,
there Is more than enough revenue, but
a different party Is on deck.
The Insurrection In the Philippines Is
practically over. Our troops no longer
face an opposing army: they are only
chasing the fleeing leaders.
Congress will soon meet and will
decide as to our future relationship
with the Islands. It is certain that we
will retain the Philippines giving to
the several islands the form of govern
ment best adapted to their Individual
It will very probably be found the
difficulties In governing 'thoee far-away
possessions hve been overestimated.
Tlie Filipinos are not warriors and
they love an easy life. They are
treacherous, but not deliberately so
they are childishly, Irresponsibly way
ward. They can be controlled easily
if controlled rightly.
Aside from the soldier police and thej
number of uniforms on the streets
there Is no more In Manila to sugg-st
war than there is In Astoria. Ameri
cans, foreigners and Filipinos go about
the streets without thought of danger
and all on the most friendly terms.
This will be the condition all over
Luzon soon after we establish civil
government there and the people learn
our purposes.
The "robber bands" will not long be
very troublesome when the Inhabitants
realize that our army is there to pro-
San Francisco Call.
From the Portland Oregonlan comes
a curious argument against leglsla
tion In the direction of upbuilding an
American merchant marine. It says:
'Several San Francisco shipowner
were fortunate enough to have steamers
available for the transport service, and
the charter rates paid for these steam
er by the government have Invaria
bly been higher than the rates paid
foreign steamers for the same service.
As the people as a whole will foot the
bills for these transports, it will be teen
that the burden will rest more lightly
on them had every ship In the service
been under a foreign flag."
By reason of the lack of legislation to
encourage shipbuilding at home and to
put our mercl.ant narine on an equal
footing with that of other nations, the
United States, when the Spanish war
broke out. found !t Impossible to ob
tain enough American steamers to
transport troops to the seat of war, and
had to charter furign ships. In that
fao: the Oregonlan finds a reason for
not building American ships in the fu
ture. To must Americans the fact will
b'; a reason why we should build them.
It is not of advantage to any nation
to be dependent upon foreigners In
time "jf war, even though such depen
dence might be a little cheaper than In
dependence. But the Oregonlan Is wrong in argu.
Ing that reliance upon foreign vessels
is economical. Had the United States
possessed a merchant marine In any
way adequate to Its commercial rank.
It would not have had to pay such high
prices as It did for transports. Great
Britain has been liberal In granting
subsidies to shipping, and a a result
of her wisdom she was able a soon
! as President Kruger Issued his ultlma
i turn, which meant war, to at ob-
itect their lives and property. The
sufferers can then be depended upon to the "wv" ot e'Bhtr nr-clasa
furnish needed Information. j " transport troop to South
The .natives have their long estab- Afria' She "blalnf'3 milch
llshed customs that munt not be too'chwW "ht ':"m haW! d"n had
rudely disturbed. Our representative ' 8he nut hUllt up h"r "WPPm industry
In the islands will have to adapt them-' "me cf pear;'
selves to the conditions as they are and The Oregonlan, however, need not go
I back to th t'
but slowly and very carefully change
those conditions. A tactful governor nor 10 ,orvi
will have no serioua trouble; a tactless' l"fW,ns tn
one will have all sorts of trouble.
! ing our cor
The fighting is practically over and: ba ma"y
whether we like the idea or dislike it,! enan,a,,le I"
the United States will k"ep the islands.
Sensible anti-expansionists will cease
to disturb their minds over the matter.
"What Is, is and what will be, is
Though an American army of 80,004
men will be operating on the other side
of the Pacific by the end of the year
th9 revenue of the United States Is
greater than the expenses. Probably
Tin other country ever achieved such a
ports that
"'. he war with Spain
'Tie to pet object
"1'irlance of upbuild-
ii marine. Oregon
iea.t and either mer-
Tor sale, f he baa
"i upon the Pacific
on the further hi. i of which are
markets for all that Oregon can pro
duce. The ,, moreover, the ma
terials for b-i.'-m.g ships and men who
knew how to ihem. Why, then,
should nm the produce of Oregon be
carried to ma-V t vma the sea In
V ,'n? Why leave the
; ' "iih to the forelgn
" t'iTi tribute on every
! 'ace of Oregon that
Vl.v Oregon ship-
'I' workmen un-I
Suicide of a Woman Claming to be Dl
votvej Wife of Lucky lUldwin.
NKW 1 PltK, Nov. 15 -Jennie tle-
n-n. w ho said she w.vs once the wife of
' Lucky" Baldwin of California, and
w ho committed suicide Sunday by
swallowing carbolic acid, came Kas;
five years ago and fir made her ap
pearance In the upper part of the city.
Sh was well dressed a! seem J to
have plenty of money. She was often
seen about the large hotels at Ir
Ursiich. Manhattan Reach and other
resorts near the city. To her Intimate
friends she said she was drawii.g u
large sum monthly as alimony from
"Lucky" Baldwin to whom she ex
plained, she had besn married several
year bef ore she had come to this city.
Her fund seemed to diminish and she
went to live In upper Eighth ave
nue. She obtained a position as cashier in
a small restaurant conducted by Pfter
Kringel, who remained her friend until
the end.
She became despondent during the
last few months and frequently re
ferred to the "good times" of days
gone by.
She went out after the restaurant
closed on Saturday night and returned
shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday morn
ing intoxicated. Oolng to the kitchen
she drank carbolic acid. Cringle went
Into the room and found her uncon
scious. He called an ambulance, hur
ried her to the hospital where she soon
afterward expired.
t v ej ,
But a true bemititirr, In ini; the only preii
arstion sold ttmlrr a is.itive K,",rH"u'c
fJ.IHHI that it coir.iu''". not h :r,M,, '!f
(rctioti thereof ot . iM'tiotis or deleteri
ous si listnit r. lnilnrMr.1 hv the mol
celrbratetl urtivtis ut the Uric and dra
matic stafce; miimtiifnilril by eminent
phvticuuK. am! proii.imutil lianiilr by
trading cheilites
It U Iheonti .rtii " w u"' fl''',l
lidim lo teluH' iTniiOl"! xiintlriii
nr iliuK1"' le' il "' " ' "i,,,KJ '
aBihl!l l-' - .rt-t. nrr UOllc
of Chicago Will
Send an
CHICAGO, Nov. 13. President Har
per, of the University of Chicago, has
been granted permission by the board
of trustee of the university to under
take to raise 13,000 for the purpose of
sending an astronomical expedition to
the southern states to observe the total
eclipse of the sun on May 2S, IWV
Prof. Kurt Laves, who Is In charge of
hte department of astronomy at the
university and Dr. Harper say the ex
pedition is practically assured.
It I planned to have different mem
ber Of the party take observations at
a number or places in tne soutnem
states. The chief point of view prob
ably will be at John B. Stetson uni
versity, Deland, Fla., which Is affiliat
ed with the university of Chicago.
Other stations will probably be Chat
tanooga, Mobile and Atlanta.
CHICAGO, Nov. li. Edde Mi Duff!
added another worlJs record to his lis
today, going one-half mile In 40 2
seconds, motor-paced.
from the heavens a .aln di-s. There
were so many w l-ns.s to Ml of the
stnuige iHTUrr.-nce that there could be
no doubt of the .tccurney of the story.
Some mo whs elapstl before the re
markable phenom?inn was explained.
It was learned at List that some far
mers ri.r the northern oat of Mo
rocco had been thrashing wheat with
Halls when suddenly a tornado swept
over the ground and carried all the
what and chaff on the threshing cloth
Into the air. The clcith was swept clean,
though the wind storm w,s not
sufficiently violent to do any damage
to the workmen, who Ml to the
ground and saw to tlxir dis
may that th- result of their labor
hail disappeared In the air. There
smixl to be no doubt that the fall of
wh-at Ui Spain was the shabby trick
the tornado pluved the .MoriniaJi far
mers, the iai:i ha. ing b"ii wufied
ct-ar acro. the Mi-dlterraiKun before
it wis drepp'd to the earth.
A somewhat similar phenomenon
hasTecently b-n ob.TVil further eujt
of the Mediterranean region. A steam
er was on hi r way along the North
African coast from Asia to England
and had entered the ilnllta channel
between the island of that name and
the coast of Tunis, wh.-n a fine d'Jst
began to darken the air and Immedi
ately thereafter fell upon the vessel's
deck. Quantities of the dust col
lected and later submitted to a chem-
Ileal analysis In Europe. About a th'rl
of the dust consisted f rock particles
containing calcium, magm-slum and
Iron, proving, what the prevailing
wind had already Indicated, that the
dust had been carried high In the air
from the Sahara desert, paswUig over
the whole of Tunis and finally dropping
Into the Mediterranean.
Another curious occurrence of the
same sort occurred In Hungary In lHStf.
when there was a full of dust which
analysis proved to be identical with
the sediment of the Nile. The dust was
declared to have been brought on the
wings of the wind all the way from
Egypt. These Incidents show how the
atmosphere helps to change the aspeet
of the earth's surface by removing
small particles of matter from one re
gion and depositing them In another.
tlon f K W
?iB'H IVTr. a rt -C-. DnTTrni! rfvr A
Merchant Tailors
this section of the country has (let
ed all the Improvements of latter
trnnsportatlon, and In consideration
this the railroads are eatabllshln
service w hich Is excellent In every par
tlcular. Not only r the wish of
first-class passengers served, but those fi
ivlio are traveling to and from the Kasl J
on econd-rlH tickets are splendidly J.
cared for. There was a time when ft1 ,j
tourist steeper appealed to a limited M
number of people who were traveling f
on the "cheap" order. In every meaning M
of the term. Now, however, there has .
been a radical ensnge. vt nn na oi
tr tourist sleeper In operation th
elasa of nassenrer has been Improved.
and on mv now travel upon them fx'
and ney all th privilege of a first
clan sleeper at a greatoly reduced rat.
- Dallv, on th O. R. A N. east-bound
fast mall, Is attached on of these lt- r mm t e a
.SV;Vhr.;.nmmri,i P. n. Sharpie Cream Separators
The new ran ar almrat an tat
L'fiO'a Tinihlll Street
Drtwcc Hid id 4th...
Portland, Oregon
Tllin t)ruin IllncU us.
cc. ut' ter art of th flrst-clas sleeper.
One noticeable feature of th nw'
tourist rar 1 th absence ot a smokhig
apartment. Th new car being built
by the Pit!lmn Company ar not pro-'
vided with smoking apartments. Th!
rew deiartur ha been taken becaua
of the fart that mist through train
are provided with composite ran, whloh i
provide a smoker for th sleeping-car.
passenger. I
I.titM anil llevtt
General Supply
Mouse for
Family Groceries
Do you want a good meal when you
visit Portland? If o, go to th Port
land restaurant, SOS Washington strest.
Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardaiare.ShipChandlery.Etc.
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
If you want any Health Food that:
your grocer doe not hav. writ Knapp
Pro. Halth rood Co.. East Portland.; Sirfl00
! Vegetable
V'napp Bros. Health Food Company. 1 PrB
rast Portland, carry a full II n of all,' mli
the Haiti Creek Sanitarium Health
...CANS... " "i
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
K. House Caf at lit Third street, i
Portland. Is regarded by many pepl .
as th leading restaurant In th Pa-, " , . ...
cine .Northw.L San FmiicIsco. dl Astoria, Qtt. F!rbven, Wisi.
Write Us for Prl
Couer d'Alen miners convicted at Mo
cow arrived here tonight.
Rlmvn From MorrvX!co Across tne
Mediterranean to Spain.
New York Sun.
Some year ago the villagers In
town near the southern coast of Spain
were surprised by a sudden shower of
white wheat, which seemed to come
l Is a food medicine for the S
baby that is thin and not
J well nourished and for the J
mother whose milk docs
i not nourish the baby. M
It is equally good for the y
I ! Jl I Df
ships built In
ocean carryl
ers? Why
pound of th
he carries?
yards Idle r
M boy or fiirl who is thin and S
2 pale and not well nourished ?
7 by their foodj ebo for the X
Eansmic or consumptive f
sduK that is tosin Eesh
?5 ' In fact for all conditions
X of wasting, it is the food
v tntVtiY thai will nourish
S and build up the body and S
V gve new life and energy
J when all other means fafl.
SJtfmid b taken In lummtfM M
well at winter. J
S fCOIT BOWNE, ChCTiww, Nrw Yol. 3
Notice Is hereby given that there
will be a republican primary city elec
tion on the 17th day of November, 1899,
for the purpose of electing delegates
to the republican city convention. The
Judges and polling places of said Sec
tion to be as follows, to wit:
First ward Judge, Charle 8.
Wright, Martin Johnson and A. C.
Fisher; polling place at county court
Second ward Judges, D. H. Welch,
Walter Robb and R. Camithers; poll
ing place, Welch block.
Third ward Judges, T. S. Cornelius,
C. Gramms and Maxwell Young; poll
ing place, old school house.
The number of delegates to be elected
at said election Deing n rrom eacn
Knrycloptdla Brittanlca. SI vol., j
hep. J2V Best teacher' Bible, now,,
Mr. it Hyland' Bros.' Book Store,
Portland. Be advertisement.
A good meal with meats rich In flavor '
end one ynu will enjoy with a relish. I
Just what you get at th Creamert
restaurant, 571 Washington tret. ner
Third. Try It when you go to Portland. 1
If you ar going up to Portland and
miss going to th Creamerl Restau
rant. ?71 Washington St.. you may con
sider that your trip will not ix suc
cess, as other will tell you, w ho do not
miss It.
Holmes' English and Business Col
lege nt No. 411 Yamhill treet. Portland.
Is pr'-pured to accommodat a large
nuiiitk-r nt pupils this year. Already
the rlaises are well crowded, a fact
that Indicate the excellent character of ,
the Institution.
Mr N. R. Bridge, lat of th Ellis
Prlntlig Company of Po.tland. ha as-'
mimed th management of the Astortan
4nh nrinfln itonartment AnA la Tire !
pared to do ail kind of nmt-claaa. ao-' Resident AjZCntB,
curate. up-to-dj printing. All work
DroniDtlv delivered. i
(leuiZealand fn Insurance Go
Of New Zealand.
V. P Thomas, Mr Son Francisco.
Subscribed Capital
Paid-Uj) Capital
Assets in United States
Surplus to Tolicy Holders
Has been Underwriting on tlie TariHc Coast over Twentv-two jcart.
Astoria, Oregon
Why I Watson' restaurant In Port
land patronised by thousands of peopl
dallyT Simply beoaus It la th lrgt, l
finest and best equipped eating resort
on th Paclfl coast. Watson's restau-'
rant ha sixty-eight whit employe on
It pay roll. Remember th location,;
1M-11 Fourth treat. j
A tailoring establishment of torn i
pretention, located on Washington
t nest, Portland, claim to hav mad
7 tt for dreasy Astorlan during th I
past six month. Thl statement I de
nld by the nrm of Povey 4 Blrohail, at
Jt7 Washington atret, near the Im-1
perial hotel, who ar patronisM Dy th
great r.iajority of ouurtds customer.
Povey tt Blrchall make th swell suit
for moat of th stylish Portland!, and
feel that they are not excelled by nay
Portland Arm for out of town pat-rooag.
Delivered at your
Office, Store,
or Residence,
Only 60 Cents a
Pacific Navigation Com pan y
R. P. Eltnoro
W. II. Hnrrlnon
All kinds of reading! There I only
one nlac w know of In Portland
where you can find all th litest books
and phsmplet on the most advanced
thought of the day, many book on ub- OA RIB A.LDI
Ject of advancea up to aaos topic not
to be found In other book tore can
be obtained here. It la worth your
while to call when In Portland and e
for yourelf. Jone. 2l Alder St.,
Stranger visiting in the city will And
tb Lonvre an attraoliv resort wherein
to spend the evening. The Amme Histera
Lsdie' Orehestrs is still on the bill and
ward. It is recommended bv the re- present iiiKuii.v a miis . ai urogram
publican city central committee that .exceptional merit. Handsome pool and
said convention be held on th 21st
day of November, 1889.
Said primary election to be held be
ween the hoirs of 1 p. m. and 6 p. m
of said date.
Chalrmsn Republican City Central
F. P. LEINENWEBER, Secretary,
The North Pacific Dental College,
whose advertisement appear In anoth
er column, opened It door October I,
vith 76 students on It roster. Th col
lege Is well equipped with every facil
ity to graduate student In all the late
knowledge of dentistry. A. R. Baker,
D.D. 3., Is demonstrator In charge, and
I well qualified to Instruct all atudent
who at' thl college.
Improved ranch, consisting of 120
acres, on Toung'i river. Apply to John
L. Hayseth, Wise, Or.
When you are In Portland and want
a really good home meal, Just give Mr.
Prown a trial. 108 Fourth St., neer
Washington. Tou will like It uly.
This restaurant Is open all night.
Railroad Are Acceding to Demand of
Middle Classes Who Want Better
Sleeplng-Car Service.
In response to the demands of the
times the O. R. N. and its connec
tions are placing In operation a much
better grade of tourist sleepers for Pa
cific coast service than at any previous
time. The largely Increased traffic to
billiard rooms are a feature iu connection
with the house. Palatable lunches will
be served at all noiir
Connecting at Astoria with the Orctron Ilailroad A Navigation Co. and
also the Astoria & Columbia Kiver It. 11. tor Han Francisco, Portland
and all point east. For freight and passenger rates apply i
SarttMCl Elmoro &i Co.
General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE.
CORN 4 CO Agent, Oregon Navigation Co..
Ys they do and the style and finish
they give to' men's suits, rank these!
gentlemen a expert practical mer-'
chant tailors. The material they uaoj
Is alsn the very best and you will al-
ways And them busy at 269 V4 Yamhill t
St., Portland. Get your next suit there, (
and get It now.
Established during th reign of Queen
Anne, A. D. 1714.
Btroscnoed capital x,iov.uuu iio
Assets l,MA.tMJO0
Surpl'il to policy holders 4.04121 M
Exclusive of paid up capital
Law Union and Crown
Fire and Life Insur
ance Co. .
Subscribed or guimtaed cap-
It f 100 000 00
Capita, paid up 1JM.MW
4iwi av,ja,VD
Catton, Bell & Co.
0ft al Agents, San franclsco, Oat
Samuel Flmore & Co.
Resident Agams. Astoria, Oregon,
Tour lookt tail on tou. Csn kp it
Mcrtt s whll. B.tur It't too lit
(0 n4 m or writ lo Ihn old oo
lor. Ha Imi bn trutlnf iuoh
for ov.f 'Mi yan. and la Mrfactl
ma. rorminaa Ala on siaJ cin
lalll no lalaa.
Of tha old SI. Loula Medlral and
Burjlral lUpTHr, TW V.mhlll
air.ri, Portland, Or., poalllvaly ur
anlaaa lo euro,
PRIVATE D""""1- Thli dorior (iiiruiiMa to rara anr
r n,k mm of Hyphllli, (tonorrhrx'a, Olaat. g r cluma
cured, no ilirr.r.nca how Ion Handing. Bprma.iorrioa,
Iaii cf Manhood or Nlfhily Emlialotia, eurvd parmintnt-
ly. ma halill of Beir-Abuae afr.clually eurad In a alort
YOUNO MEN Tm" wr8r ,no 'nls "f vou,h 'an ha
wh liom advlca and cura you nialta you parfaally tin ns
(iid Utllhy. You will ba amaard al hla au'Tana ,n curlns
HtiarinaiorrhOM, Seminal Loaiaa, Nlfhily Utnlaaloua. and
oinar rltroia.
Pallnnla tr.aiad In any part of tha' country by hla Home
syatam. Wriri full particulars, Incloaa 10 2o atamM, and
ha mil anawar you promptly. Hundrada Iraala at atrma
who art unable lo soma I lh ally.
Taka a alear bottle st brdtlme and urinat in tha Mthv
;at ailda and look al It In lha momina. if it la (.oudy or
haa a cloudy attllnf In It, you hava aoma nldnty or fcUddar
llaaaat, and ahould b atlandad lo bafora you git an ncull
able Ulaoaaa, M hundreda dla ayanr nu CS '.IhIk.- iiZ
'4 Kldnaya. '
."L1; ..' ",'.'" l-'u,","' 1 Jtr.Urn(lill.ftSKla
W a.illa, dll,-ilo C Cur.-, Loi MsnhOO. Im-
porsnoy, M) rower, Ntiiit-t-osnsv Km;rmir.rrhoai Iniomnla. n m
I've P?V'noyto rower, K!ght-a.osrisv .tprmir.rrhoe Insomnls, rain
'7 5i'a,.JfflSi?iSS,,'li?,,'n" , " . y, 1 49 ,.l a or- ,min, Vn 1T0005J,
. ,.."''. """" U" 'II. a en.. ."Tfl H'.lfrt Mull, unrtwl"
"Mm. y 1 1-, a 1 1 . . 1 .,,1 t-UJ a mn runiM, tows
""" w. wit. mui Vint ccnura. w
-""'. witk a inua. QkuIui AddroM. " 11
1 .irnttty do., tan rranolsooi Oak