The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 14, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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V'.-.- Um,
I f
'I IK great rush of people to take advantage
ol our extraordinary offers in uncalled (or suits and overcoats has teen marvelous from the very beginning.
m i
I t. ,ru ,.f .1,., l,as become so crcat that we have been compelled to open correspondence with over one hundred of the largest Tail-
orin- concerns throughout the country in order to get these suits fa enough to supply the enormous demand. These are not misfits, but suits
made to order on which deposits have ken paid and which for imkown reasons remained uncalled for. Such things happen to every Tailoring establish
establishment. It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits that they find it more advantageous to consign them to us than to attempt
to dispose of them from their own establishments.
Uncalled for Garments at Half Price.
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10 00
$26.00 Suits and Overcoats, $12.60
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $16.00
$36.00 Suits and Ovei coats. $17 60
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00
These garments are so tar superior in
style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth
ing that comparisons are odious. Call
and examine them and see if we can
fit you.- T
Suits to Order
We make suits to order from 5.00to?15 cheaper
than any other first-class tailoring establishment
in Portland. . . .
We are Tailors, Bear That in Mind
Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits Js the price.
Our suits have that style-fit and finish about them that well-dressed gentle
men appreciate. Astorians are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods
whether they buy or not:
cj 3 ' 1 " i J 0 fl
250 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
Financial Demands are Pressing
Upon London From Every
('lip,', but New York In the pnrent
tm miuiw f our upi'i-t'li'-nnlon. WV
fur not only wltlxlrawuta of our m'ii
W atm-k. but tho IntcrtMirtlon of our
Aumrallan aupply, now more" than ever
ni-i'MMiry hIik-o we lout that from
South Africa. Then-fort' th-tilera In
buiikluK credit watch your market iiiix
loualy uid will only tv reli-ved when
they your bttnka becoming atronger
j through the tvturo of currency In the
I Interior. Two milium tnaen irom
our atock by you wuuld almont cer
talivly force a. alx per cent rate from
u, and after tra the Jeluge.
nut there l no truce of thin drwul
on tho utork marketB. The gambling
therw laat week wan very wild. Doll
ing centered mainly In the African
anal at tlmea the xclUtnt tiv.-mendou.
NEW YORK, Nov. 13.-T1W Tlmea' The market bote cauaod to be eir-
nnanclnl correanondmt cable: culaunl akllfully concocted ftitlmuB
Once more alt over Eurotw there la , f tneiud nrofiu aertoln to How
pnnHlng a wave of dourer money, A from the Tronavaal mine one the
fortnight ago discount In Germany waa Hrltlah Hag wave over them awl the
little bettor than Ave percent; yeater- ilrit of gambling km therefore cx
day It waa 6?4 per cant and a fur- oivded to anrh an extent that the
ther advance In thu bank raxo la by no whole estimated advantage la already
Kussla .Must Hove .Monty Very Soon
or She Will lie Driven to Do
Something Desperate.
be aoun ubllfvd to wnd mora to the J thing - hat wlih th, overloading cn-
Jltlon of her own budiM. the unre
mitting preaaure of dotivctle demand,
the exhibition li Pail, the Metropoli
tan Hallway and public work through
out the country.
Here we would not lend money in
lunula If we could, yet It la a ue with
her of borrowing or burst, but th more
the preaaura fur financial aelataitce In
creawa elsewhere, the more rapidly la
Iluaala being driven toward the preci
meant Improbable,
In Parla money fell away aftr the
bourse settlement ajid even In the open
market 3 per cent la now quoted but
mora than dlMrouivted.
Let no bad new ' come, however,
and the giimblhtg would probably
apread In othor direction until no sec
Mialnoaa cannot bo dome at thla Hgurei ()an ot 1no ,,,,1,-Ket would be. left whol
at an appreciable extont and French' ly ut8lJo lu influence.
banker, are calling for fund home.) The mooJ g m ,)f
Foreign Nations Hulng War Vessels
tiullt In the United States.
With us the week Ju endel haa aeeni
a rapid advance In dlarount from 4ft
per cent upward and It la doubtful
whether much recoil la to be expected,
victories would Induce an outburst
compared with which we have yet
would be trivial. The ministry aluo
aeeiiui desiroua of Introducing real
All aort. of demand are Pil , by cumng d(Wn (ne nftval
and military budget.
Should this policy be aqunrely fJ-
upon ua, not tho least from our munici
pal It lea, habituated to apend from
twelve to flftijen million yearly with
borrowed money.
The French have born heavy seller
of accurltles, principally mlnea, In the
last fortnight and may draw money
away. Only gold would be In New
York, llknly to prevent our market
from slipping back,
But real ease Is Imp.KWlblo because
ot domestic uondlUuna. We are less
afraid at the tnomeit of gold demand
from the continent and the story about
India ear-marking gold In the Dank of
England 1b absurd. India la more
likely to rajulre a loan to enable
It to cop with the disastrous famine
now raging there.
Stray driblet of sovereign! are sure
to leave us, and the government will
lowed, Spain would soon havo cause
to thank you for relieving her of her
sucker-like colonic.
From Russia another story altogether
reaches us. The Russian finance min
ister frequently protests that It Is all
right with the empire; the financial
position was never better; money Is
abundant; banking and Industry sound
and so forth.
The truth la that tho Industrial and
financial' crisis to ovoet severe with
frequent failure and scandals, Yry
soon, It appear to me, Russia must
have money from somewhere, or else be
driven to do something desperate,
And her bosom friend, republican
France, can't afford to give her a far-
NBW YORK, Nov. 13. Concerning
the projected combination of leading
shipbuilding concerns, outlined In a
dispatch from San Francisco, Jefferson
Scllgmnn, says!
"The subjsot of a combination of
leading shipyards of the United States
la aa yet In embryo. It has been
talked of, but t Is too soon to speak
about It; It Is all In the air. The) ship
yards are all dolns a good business and
the Cramps, In which we have a large
Interest, are particularly busy just now.
There are perhaps eight or ton leading
shipyards in the country and all are
getting big demands from foreign na
tions to build their Bhlps.
The work our ships did at Santiago
and Manila and their great endurance
have attracted the attention of foreign!
powers. The Cramps especially, have
orders from Japan and Russia, The
shipyards are making so much'money
at present that they may not care to
enter Into a combination. There Is no
other firm associated with us in the
I cannot say anything as to the ship
yards mentioned In the dispatch be
yond what I have sold about the
Cramps. The year, however, Is draw
ing to a close and nothing may be done
at present. The statement that the
consolidated value of the shipyards
mentioned in th-i dispatch exceeds $20.-,
OiW.'IOfl Is oorrevt."
The San Fru'ielsco dispatch waa
shown to Collls P. Huntington iai
evening- He read the dispatch through
cwfully and thm said: "About a
month ag, C. F. Candy, manager of
the Krslgn Car Works, of Huntington
V. Va., asked me if I would go Into a
comulnatl.Mi of shipyards. I have not
given a thought to the matter, and do
not know anythln? about the proposed
combination. I dot know one thing,
however, and that Is, I have the best
shipyard In the wwld. I also know the
Sellgmans are large owners In the
Cramps shipyard.
"The dispatch speaks of the concerns
mentioned as being worth more thanj
$JO,iXK),000. That Is undoubtedly true,
1ks I value my shipyard at about that
figure. I would dispose of It, however,
and should not ask tliat price, but I
should want to get what It cost me.
The shipyard at Newport News, Va., Is
mine and Is not mortgaged.
"It was my orgimU Intention," Mr.
Huntington went on, "to start a ship
yard plant In the best location In the
world and ! succeeded In my purpose.
It Is right at the gateway to the eea.
There Is never any Ice and It Is never
so cold but you can hammer metal out
of doors. Ships can also got cool there
of the best, and as cheap aa anywhere.
"I would put my shipyard Into the
combination If I got my price and also
take some stock, but the United States
government should have my yard. One
reason why I do not want to part with
It, Is that I am experimenting with
labor. I am thinking of putting up a
cotton mill to give some light work to
the women and children of the men
employed In the yard, which I know
would be welcome."
taken at night will make you 1
feel right, act right and look
right They cure Constipation. 4
1 0 ctati eCa,tllitat
military uniform. The minister of war
by a decree forbids French officers of
every grade to wear the dress of civi
lians. The only exception tolerated Is
in favor of the offlows of the Paris
garrison when not on duty.
General De GallKfet declares In his
preimble that the new regulation Is In
tended to diminish the expenditure oi
officers with limited means who are led
to imitate the fashionable attire of
their richer comrades. He adds that
In the "best European armies" the
rule of wearing uniform at all times is
strictly enforced. The general, of
course, alludes to the German military
ayBtem, of which he has always been
an ardent admirer.
Paris Correspondence of the London
General De Galliffot has reversed
what he considers to be the lax regu
lations of his predecessors, Gervrrals
Farre and Thlbaudln, In the matter of
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It fail to cure. H. W. Grove's sig
nature la on each box. Sto.
Ns Quarter I
There is no
sense in trifling
with disease.
Death is a foe
adv enough to over
power poor human
ity at the least op
portunity wunoui
our adding- any
thing to the deadly
chances Dy uncer
tainly or inaction.
Death is noi me
sort of an enemy
to dilly-dally
with, nor give
the slifrhtest
quarter. He should
be bayoneted to
the earth with a
lure and vigorous thrust.
. There is just one medicine which cat. be
tounted on with absolute certainty to over
tome the deadly assault of wasting disease
and restore the rtiRged. masterly power of
perfect health. The "Golden MrUical Dis
covery" of Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buffalo.
N- Y., creates that keen digestive and
nutritive capacity, which niRltes healthy,
nourishing red blood, and keeps it pure
and alive with bounding vitality. It nour
ishes, vitalires and builds up every oran
and tissue in the body ; tones the liver ;
heals the lungs ; strengthens the heart, and
restores complete energy and cheerfulness.
I had been troubled for several yesrs with
tnells of livrr complaint," writm H. N. nrnns
field. Kq., of 8weeispriiijs, Monroe Co., v. . a.
" and atiout two vetrs tgo my health gave way.
' tried Sarsaparilla. 1 waa filing- worse all we
(Vue. I had a weakness in my left side and
hiuba, palpitation of the heart at times, crumping-
pains in the stomach alter eatitiR ; ne"'"
weak, and no enerey for anything;. I took Dr.
Pierce Golden Medical Discovery, ami heiratt
to mend from the start. I soon felt JiVe a ac
person. I am now enjortng ipiemim
and have a splendid appetite, good digestion,
and also a peaceful, quiet mind."
Dr. Pierce' thousand paife book, "The
Common Sense Medical Adviser" contains
over two hundred reliable prescriptions
with directions for self treatment of all
' such diseases as are curable without a phy
: sician. Anatomy, physiology and the laws
i of reproduction are explained, with over
'aeren hundred Illustrations. One copy,
i paper-covered, sent absolutely free for 21
one-cent stamps, to pay cost of ma11"
only. Address, World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Foe a
handsome cloth binding send 31 iUoj
Wall Paper and
Room Mouldings ,,
Gj peine. Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, etc.
Plain and Decorative Paper
ouse and Fresco Painters, Etc.
343 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Telephone Red 1955.
J. 0. GiHen 6 Co.,
Dealers, Manufacturers ard Contractors
Of Asbestos Boiler
and Pipe Coverings
229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE.
B. P. Allen & San
House in
Wall Paper, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Etc.
No House Can Beat Our Prices.
365 Commercial St.
DAVID HA RUM, $1.50, our Cut Price.. $1.15
RIDHARD CARVEL, $1.50, ourCutPrice ... 115
JANICE MEREDIN, new book by Paul Leiceater
Ford, $1.50. our Cut Price 1.15
Stevens, $1.50 our Cut Price 115
We will nieet any Cut Price on any book made by any
bouse in the world. Send us your ordera.
Jones' Book Store,
291 Alder St., bet, 4th and 5th,