The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 11, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    iuk mokniMj amokuh midkhai. notembhk it. m
It Will I'uy You
To look up ths bariaJna I am offer
ing in my orookM-jr stuck. Brery
ihlnR li luoludtd at imtt discount
from regular prloa. jflvsrything In
plain and deooratsd war; th dm
out Luatlo irand, English msk. It
will pay you to look It over.
Ml Commercial Street.
They're 1'opulur Now
Havs you seen my assortment of
ioiiy brudioaT Thy wr pur
chamcI airot from Nw t. ana
' art vary popular. Am constantly
relvlng nw g ooda. Com and u
' there.
0. W. BMtTIl,
Th Leading Jswtler.
IM Commtixlal Street.
Who Dog Your l ituiiJiy
W olalm, and w will prova to
vtry one. Uiai w bav th lt
and miMt up-lo-dat laundry on lb
Coast. A trial order will oonvlno
the moat particular. If you want
neat, prompt work, try tns
ta Franklin Avenue.
Our Special lliunulim '
W bav aom broken llne of tin-
war which w will close out at bar
(tin prices. W are aleo making
special price on aom broken line
of canned fruit and rllhe, pick"
eit. lable dellraclea and sauc,
Th in A No, I good, and can
be bad at low prloe.
ROSB. iiiaaiNB CO,
Extra l ine rmhrelln
And at better than Portland price.
Il l a fart. They are th oeltbraUd
Follmer-Clogg maki handsome,
durtble silk umbrella. Don't make
the mlelak of buying slswbrs.
Th Jeweler.
MO Commercial street.
Ikiter I Imn I'.vcr
rh TinnA IinmI Fish Market tl
better than vr prepared to supply
rrein ana aaii nin 01 an iui.
Ooods delivered to any part of th
city and satisfaction guaranteed.
4)7 Bond PtreeC
Millinery Novclllc
I 4 nl re to further call th atten
tion nt (h larilaa in mv handeam
stock of trimmed millinery. It com
prises ih latest creanloni of the
millinery art. and I am offering re
duced rate for th nert 10 day.
Dr. T. N. Ball
t7J Commerolal Street,
Over Schluaaera Clothing Stop.
Improved ranch, conalallng of IN
aare. on Young river. Apply to John
L. Uayth, Wl. Or.
Th North Pacific- Dental College,
wh advertisement appear In anoth
er column, opened It door October I.
r,w a,i1tifa mi Its fvwten. Th flol-
Irgo la well equipped with every faoll-1
lty to graduate atudenta In all th lat
knowledge of dentlitry. A. R. Baker. I
r n a i mnnatra.tnr In ehtxa. and i
I well 'qualified to Initruot all tudnts
who atieid Ihla college.
Btrangort visiting In the city will find
the Lonvre an attractive resort wheruln
to spend tlio evening. Th Amme Hialera
Laliot' Orclicelra U -till on tlia bills and
presents liililly a musical program of
exceptional nurit, Handsome hxI and
billiard room an' a feature In connection
Mi the house. Palatable lunclie will
Ix) served nt nil uour
Here Is
Of HlgH Ornde Goodie at
Modemlc Prlceti
Fancy Creamery LUitter in Kegs ami Kolk
.strictly Fresh Kggs.
New Crop Maple Syrup.
Ihickwhent find (Jridle Cuke Flour.
1'acknrd & Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes.
New Crop NuU, Fig, Mince Meat.
it.n. w
Yesterday we reooived nulieo from the imbllborn of the
Weiinkh Edition of Tint Knckilui'buia Bhitannioa, that
owiun to the enormous incrcaau in the price of pnpor willi
'In the paBt few weeks, they would shortly withdraw thesnla
of their Encyclopedia at the present price. Our contract
with the puuliHhoi'H enables us to make the mime lihcial ot
for as heretofore. Thirty lurne) volmnea of the Encyclope
dia, one iinide to SvBtouiutlo lUadiui of the KucyclopedlH,
One Upright Oak iiookcaae and One Large Webster's Kn
cyolopedia free of charge, All the above will be delivered
upon the small payment of
Balance in small monthly payments. Call and look into
this oiler.
Th HAII.y ASTOKMN will b fiiund
a Ml In I'orlUml l Ilia II Iimowb
lli.M.r Iiiium nf J. r. tlandlny t.( Kill
Vta.hlniimi irl. Iiniii rr silver
tUiug Uit lih Ihla Arm will rl
iruiuit AlUatluN.
PORTLAND, Oil. Nov. 11. Wash
tnvton. Oregon and Idaho: Light rain
Crawflih, cooked In wine, at th Na
llonal Cafe. .
Drink X. II. Cereal; Eat Nut butter
and Health Food and b bappy.
Fr', with etch pAcake of II. 0.
Muih. t parkag of II. O. Pancake
Flour, at A. V. Allen'a.
The regular mwilrg of Ht. Am"
Quilt of Orai o i hun h will be held at
the rectory at 3:39 thl iftornoon.
The fool-bull game tmlny will be
rll-d at two o'tliik thle afternoi.
Adinlmilon to lllf grund. 25 Crnl.
R. F. Allen Bon ar sailing Em
boeeed Wall Papw a low aa 10 oenU
per roll; Imported English, TVk cents.
It C. McCormlrk, of B-attl, the pur
chiur of the tunr "rnvgon"' hue
been mrlatered at the l'arkrr Ilouair,
For Rent Partly furnlahnl liouee, 1
n,m; well loraU-d. AiMri-M A, Axto
rlon oftloe.
O. P. Irving, forwium of BulUm's
legging camp, Gray's river, la In Hie
rlty and Is etopping at tlm Tork'-r
A. R. Cyrus has moved his Real Es
tate and Insurance) onto to 43( Corn'
mrrclal atreet, opposite the Astorlan
Pur whisky Harper Perfect whisky
Harper every bottle guaranteed liar
per. Bold by Ford A Bloke Company,
Astoria, Oregon.
Services at Orar churvh tomorrow at
11 a. m. and 7:M lit thi owning. Hcrv
Ice at Holy Innorvnla at 9 o'clock to
morrow moriung. (
Roslyn coal laata longer, la cleaner
and make less trouble with store and
chimney flues than any other. Oeorge
W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1311.
Wanted Woman to do light house
work In family of three on a ranch
four miles from town; good home; kind
treatment. Call C93 Franklin arenue,
Roxlyn coal la th beat and most eco
nomical coal for household use In. As
torla. Try h once and you will have
no other. Oeorge W. Sanborn, Agent
Telephone 131L
Take steamer ilalley Oatsert of
Whit Collir line for Portland and way
points. Fare, IS cents; room, 71 oents;
upper or lower berth, M cents; section
berth, IS cents.
MIhs Clara Slmpeon who Is attending
the Portland bualnoM colUnro In Port'
land, arrived down on lost nlghfa train
to visit her family and will remain until
the beginning of wxt wet-k.
Coroner Pohl yeitterday ait the body
of Captain Bhoepama to Portland. Cap
lain Shwpsma w Uie captain of the
German ship Adolph who dh-d a few
days ago at Bt.'Mary's hospital.
There Is not much Interwt yet manl
feiited In the city elvctlone except on
the part of thoee likely 'to be candi
dates and they are apparently not
losing any sleep' on acount of the ap
proaching contest.
a List
Thn 3:nd birthday of Mrs. Chris
Ahues whs honor Thurwlay evening
by ' mottt dellghtfo party, whUt,
dancing aiwl rvfrenlitiK'nt wer the
prjgrani, and All thanked their hostess
for a pleasant evevilng.
At tlwi lluptlst church tlrre will be all
Hi usuttl ervlot' tomorrow. At 2:30
p. m. Momlay two iv! pru.lMrr of
the Christian Alliance will begin a two
day meeting In this church. A cordial
Invitation Is exttmded to everybody to
Prwibyk-rlan church aervivrt as
usual tomorrow. Them of the morn
ing swnnon, "Perfect Penoe"; evening
theme, "Home Thoughts About Death."
There wilt be special music by the
ch'Hr. A very cordial Invllullon Is ex
tended, to all.
If there Is any pnoepect for a clear
sky on the night of th fourteenth
there will be several "meteor" parties
In Astoria. Th world will got Into the
the path of a disintegrated comet and
the ,atmoHphere will make a brilliant
display. This event will be regarded
a a social opportunity.
Th Atiirla I'ut'ohuntos ladles sue
cesfully entertained their brothers, the
Red Men, lost night. A cuke walk was
one of the foaiun. 'Corky" Hanson
and Miss Mary MeCullough won the
prise. In "bvan-bag" throwing, a
b-uiltlful bodge was won by Mlxs Llz
(I Laxeile. Light ix:fnhmen were
Service at th Bwedliih Lutheran
church tomorrow as follows: Swedlch
. rvlo at 10:30 a. m., Sumlay school at
II: 15. Reformation aervlrfia In Swed
ish at 7:43 p. m., topic "Luther as a
Preacln-r of the 0(MsL" Kxtra e-slon
of the congregutlim at 3 p. m. for the
purpoee of calling1 a poetor, the prvn- nt
pa'Aor having renlgned a week ago.
All Astorlans who visit Portland and
desire spending a pleasant evening in
company with polite people and In the
enjoyment of an unexcelled musical
program, should go to the Fredericks
burg, ilesldes vocal and Instrumental
selections there are mxny other at
tractions to delight the visitors. The
new management Is making the Freder
icksburg a well-merited success.
Miss Blgne Palmberg, recently arriv
ing from the East, desires to announce
to the ladles of Astoria that she has
opened dressmaking parlors on Ninth
street, near Commercial, next door to
Delllnirer'a printing omce. Miss Palm
berg has had thorough experience in
cutting and fitting ladies' garments of
all kinds, particularly tailor-made suits
and cloaks of the latest and moat fash
ionable designs.
Owing to thei very inclement weather
and counter attractions the temperance
lecture lost night at the Presbyterian
church was not as well attended as the
ladles of the W. C. T. U. would have
liked, but the addresn by Mrs. Dalley
was excellent and thoee who attended
felt more than repaid for having done
so, Mrs. Halley leaves for her home In
New York, but will remain In Port
land awhile before proceeding with her
There will doubtlem be a large at-!
tendance at the foot-ball game this
afternoon, the first game of college
foot-ball ever played here exoept ex
hibition contests between leJ teams.
Fo'H-ball Is Interesting Intensely so I
and Is a sport that might have bn i
made especially for Astoria fill wvaJh-
er. It may rain "cat and dogs" but j
men and women will put on their over
ahoee and rubber courts and tramp In '
crowds to the gridiron to watch the!
long-haired players struggle for su-l
premscy, and they never catch cold.
Subjects at the Mothodtet Episcopal
church Lord's Day "The plowman
shall overtake the reaper and the tread-1
er of grapes him that soweth seed; and '
the mountains shall drop sweet wine'
and the hills shall melt." Mrs. Mad-!
dock and Miss Bennett will sing a duet, j
In the evening the subject will bej
worthy of the beet thought In the city. I
The theme will be. "A Btranger seen a'
vast city and not a man In It." There!
will be a thirty minute sacred song!
service including and anthem by the
choir and a by Mr. Johnson; also
by Mr. Maddock. Everybody is cordi
ally Invited to atte-nd these services.
"A Itomtnce of Cojn Hollow" which
will be seen ot Klmer's oper house
next Wednesday evening, rag some of
the most exquisite scenery on the road.
The first act reveals an autumn view
en a typical southern plantation, with
sum. and moonlight .-ff-'ets, Dickering
lire-lllee, a cpU'iill electrical dl3play.
The second act Is a facsimile of '.' -on
Hallow," rU!d glen In tne Tennes
st hills, painted from sketches made
on the spot, anil is made sensational
by a strong and thrilling climax. The
ihl.-1 uti,ii', n lmivl lnn.llnir nn the
Mississippi, and nlfint view ot the fam-;
ouh Lee-Natchez steamboat race, lhe
boats being lgh!';l up i uninv full I
head Of steam. The last net la given
to an actual oottm ptvss lu operation,
and Is thrllllngly draniailc. The play
will bo given here with all the effects
used in tin original run ox the Four
teenth Stret Th.'ntre, Ne-,v Yt.rk. In
the wood-landing sctne U Introduced
a rollicking melange of songs and
dances by a trou(e of colored boys anJi
girls, which Is the best of the kind be-1
fore the public. The ,hiy is now com
pleting Its sixth successful searon on
the road, and this Is certainly a strong
guarantee of merit.
To make It apparent to thousands,
who think themselves 111, thoit they are
not afrllcted with any dlseaae, but that
the system simply needs cleansing, Is
to bring comfort home to their hearts,
as a costive condition is easily cured by
using Syrup of Figs. Manufaotered by
the California Fig Byrup Co. only, and
sold by all druggists.
An Interwtlng flame L'ndtr the Col
lege ltuU-s.
Thx Portland high school football
team accompanied by a number of
"spielers and rooters'' will be down on
ths noon train t battle with the As
toria kickers. There will be more than
a hundred Portlonders down to see the
game. '
The Astcrla team had Its final prac
tice yesterday and Captain Crosby was
detlghtxwl with the showing his players
mad. They are quick and strong and
will go Into the game with a feeling of
confidence. '
Doth teams will average about 16
pounds. Th line up ot the Astoria
teem will be at f'dlows:
lllght Knd CURTIS
L. Tackle JoNBH
It. Ouard MINARD
Quarter Pack HfFFINGTON
Full Hack CROSBY
Bubs FL'NGE and G1RARD
All but two of the players are or
recontly have bwn Atorla high scho.l
The Portland team is comoonod of
th following high echoed tudent:
Roy Dobie. captain; Bam Holbrook,
W. R. Wllhelm, C. R. Van Kuran.
""Hoot" Kerron, Roy Klrkley, Frank
Bmlth. Carlysle Wlndle. Alfred Trow
bridge. E. C. Tldcombe, Lawrence Com.
nell, Percy Davis, Fred Wilcox, Frank
Trowbridge and Oeorge Bteadmaji.
The game will be called promptly at
t this afternoon. Of course rein wlH not
Interfere, football Is a rainy weather
outdoor sport.
Yesterday Evening's 1'rogram a Pit
ting Close for a Successful
Convention of Teachers.
Yesterday the lost day of the Insti
tute found all the teachers in atten
dance and the days proceedings were
as interesting and Instructive ns any
that had 'already been held. '
President Campbell, of the State Nor
mal school, and State Superintendent
Ackerman were the rpeakers of the day
and addres.d the teachers both morn
ing and afternoon.
In the morning President Campbell
spoke on the "Advancement In Litera
ture." The speaker treated the subject
with breadth of thought and lucid ex
pression. During the Ir.termlslon between
President Campbell's and . Superinten
dent Ackerman's address Miss Holden
entertained :hj assembly wltji a bril
liant selection on the piano. . ,.
Prof. Ackerman began; If a teacher
counted his wealth by dollars ami rents
he would be poor indeed. This morning
In the warm welcome given to Presi
dent Campbell by old pupils, true riches
were shown. Inlluence is ever going
out but nevir ending."
As in his former addresses the super
intendent's remark related to and ex
panded the course of study. Geogra
phy v. a the them? and he began tell
ng how to usslsra the b-ssions and the
material to be used. "There Is work
lying all round us, but we do not
utilize it."
The valU' if m.: drawing was ex
emplified with , rtrong Illustrations,
"Never teach a geographical' fact un
less you can rivj something Interest
ing about It."
The teachers received many valuable
hints and suggestions all of which were
pertinent and ever to the point.
The afternoon session was introduced
with a chorus by Miss Holden's pu
pils. They favored the assembly with
an encore In recognition of the hearty
applause that greated their first effort.
Superintendent Ackerman addressed
the convention on "How to Teach His
tory," but preceded his address with a
happy little discourse on boys and the
ti-'.M.tmen accorded them as contrasted
to that accorded girls suggested by the
sight of the Juveniles In their chorus
work. He concluded this little speech
by saying, "Roys are not all bad, and
the worst one will be the most loyal
to you if you reach him right, and It
Is your business to reach him rlht."
His address on "History" was then
taken up and was discussed In pretty
much the same manner as he had prev
iously treated geography.
President Campbell was heard In an
"Advisory Talk to Teachers." He gave
many suggestions as to material to
use, works to peruse, and different text
books to have on hand. He said:
"Teaching is the nobleat of arts but the
poorest handicraft. Dignify your work.
As we teach so we build ourselves.
The sculptor whan he carves his marble
with every stroke of his chisel carves
himself. So with us s we put In
our work the best that Is in us so we
lift ourselves up higher."
After an Intermission Mrs. J. E. Grat
ke, by special request from Superin
tendent Ackerman gave an interesting
talk In regard to the "Color Scheme of
Music," giving the teachers Information.
and address of tho who have
brought this "scheme" into. prominence.
An interesting feature of this session
was the query box opened and an
swered by 8uprlntmdent Ackerman.
Much Interest wn Indicated by thes
queries which were most helpfully an
swered by the ur-r!nuwlent who com
plimented the teacher on the queries
submitted. He thn closed with an en
thusiastic and rousing talk.
A vote of thanks wa tender' Mrs.
Gratk for her kind h-lp and also to
Superintendent Ackwrman, President
Campbell, Dr. Whltak'T,.Prof. Payne,
and J. T. Lee, for their untiring efforts
put forth In making the Institute the.
sucoes It bai proven to be.
. a"
In the evening at the M. E. church
Prwldent Campbell closed the Institute
with a brilliant address on the subject
"Are We Being Overeducated?"
"There were time when education
wa not conducted upon the fight
plans. Improvements have gone to ex
tremes with the result of Inaction and
retrogression. New England led in ed
ucation but experienced such a reaction.
Then Horace Mann came forwerd and
said the only salvation lay In the com
mon school. Thse reached to the west
with the difference that there they
were free from predjudlce and In the
end became superior to those f the
east When more apparatus and book
were needed the reaction began and the
question arose as to general education.
Fisher's Opera House
L. f . SELIG. Lesee d .1'igr.
Two Nights
j Veatsdy sad Thitsdnjr, Nov. 15-16
The Big
Scenic Production
A Romance cf
Coon Hollow
la Idyl ol ike
TtsiesMt Kills.
The Torpedo Sensation,
The Big Steamboat Race
The Cotton Press trsgedy
T01RSDAT MOflT-A Complete
Scesic Frodictio
Eogg's Ecrry
A Delightful Comedy Drama
Coon Hollow
Singers, Buch ami Win
Dancers, Comedians, etc.
PRICES-Reserved Sesfs. 75c;'
. Gallery, 50c; Seat sale opens
'luesday morning at Oriflia & ;.
Reed's. . . , '
WATSON BROS., Prepr', 0
rondncted on the check system, there-
fore pairoM pay lor trliM Uiey Older
and no more.
We flails the Untcst, Cheapest. Bet
sod Widest Xm;f( is tie Wtkwest.
m iud HI Fourth St.
Open 6 t.m. to 8 p.m." PORTLAND
felumbiaThene U.
Pioprlet. r.
PriiatfRon;i fcrLadjw.
S05 Washing-
tnst,uear5th PORTLAND
Ladies Tailor.
' I. D. Boycr,
Merchant Tailor
W7 Fourth St., rilRrLWD, ORE.
Y. . C. A, Iluild'g.
W OPEN DAY Established
E. House's I
Cafe, i
12S Third Street,, Oregon.
1 I
The Best Cup of Ceflee &
Cream and Milk ft
Irum eur own ruich
' Horn made Pies and cakes.
This comprised grammar school, high
school, college- and wnivemujr. , ,
"Manual work should be put In gram
mar grades. It would emphasise tl.e
dlKnltv of labor.
"More complicated social life will
soon follow present conditions. We
will need more enllghtoned and more
effective work."
Much credit U due BuperlntendtTt
Lee for the progressive dlspfaitlon
which brought together eminent in
structors and for the provision of reg
istration blanks and other thoughtful
plans for the convenience ot the teacn-
lie vs. LeLacbeur and Funk of the
Christian and Missionary Alliance will
hold meetings In th Baptist church
on the 13th and Hth as follows: Mon
day at 1:30 and 7:3 p. m., Tuesday at
10 a. m. and ::M p. m. Eeverybody In
vited. uvuxnrvuu lAAAuuuxarLruvinAru
V W aV
With every Suit, even if the Suit coista'no more than
(We have good Suits for thia price)
No Lottery. Every One Treated Alike.
Boys also get a Hat with a Bait, and we have good tf If
Hails upward, from aJSs 1 '
Yon buy the Suit, we give the Hat. The belter the 8uit the better
the bat. Xo toys being given away, but something nseful. Having low
rent we can do this.
Dealer i. Nes's asd Boys' Clothing sad rirsisil.g Gmds. sad fles's Boys'. 5
Ladies' aid Childres s Shoes. c
225 .lorrisoa Street p
Fresco Decorators;
and Scenery Artist
Latest Designs Mcoio,y Wall Papers
just Deceived
We Rent
Hoefler's Bonbonniere
S Vhere the fiatst Caadies ia the State
g are Prepared sod Alttays ia Stock
Of Every Description Made to
Books for 1900.
loose leal Ledger and Transfer Cases.
Order Blanks Holders and binders.
Commercial I'rinting in all branches.
XVLargeHt Etalllhmiit In the Weit.
A failure establishes only this, that
our determination to succeed was not
strong enough.
The recent peace conference brings
the power ot ths Cxar ot Russia forci
bly to mind. HI subjects look to him
for food, shelter, raiment, sven life It
self. In no country is a monarch's,
power more absolute. But far-reaching
as Its Influence Is H cannot be com
pared to that which the human stomach
has over the morals and health ot th
average mortal. Hoatetter's Stomach
Bitters cures constipation, dyspepsia,
biliousness, nervousness and all dis
eases arising from an Inactive liver or
weak kidneys. Try It It you hay
stomach trouble of any sort, and sa
for yourself. It will bring ru back to
health and happiness. It wilt make you
strong by making your stomach strong.
A private Revenue Stamp should oover
the neck of the bottle.
uuviinruvvinAunj inuuvuvrnip
-W.sT 3
1 23
STORE Betweea Tirst aad Soeo.d 5
127 First Street. Portland
New Typewriters!
Many New Improvements Added SEE OUE LATEST
Smith Premier Typewriter
L. & M. ALEXANDER & CO., Phone Main 571
Exl'iive Pacific Coast Dealers. 245 Stark SL Fortland
Order. Largs Line of Stock
Attractive Prices.
fiir I D f I M UfinCflfJ Pfl
first am' Gio., PORTLAND.
Because at our bouse we have neither a bathtub,
nor hot water hanu). . . .
Then go to the Russian Baths at 217 Astor Bt.
25 cents is the price. Private apartments for
ladies. Only "the better class o( patronage Is
catered to. Try one and you will come regularly.