A3TQHL PUBUC UBRARY"ASSOCLHTOS m 4 a ,.f BotfobsTakaFrcnT .telo prosecution VOL 1 ASTOJilA. OKKGON, 8ATUKDAY. N0VEM1JEK II. 181)9 NO. 141 THE ENGLISH CENSOR ' WITHHOLDS THE NEWS colored . rlilr, brcke arolhr bicycle word today by following hl motor cyi'lc for a half mllo In i HMyndx Hat. Th ir-vlou Diconl won 41 4-J held by KJdle McDume. SPECTACULAR INCIDENT WHEN WHEATON LANDED The Proof fit Of Iloyn' Clothing is in tlio wearing. Clothes lililut bn of bent quali ty lo withstand tlic lualtliy violence of youngster, or mother will In) kept. busy iiiciidin iiixl buying inure. Tlio lonelier t lie boy tho better wo like to clot ho liim. He's- tbe surent test wo know. g See Our Superb Line or Winter Novelty Suits 9$ $2.50, 53.50, $5.00 to $10.00 llmi' douhlcbroaiitetl mil Ht 1.1.(10 lo f.l.OO Youth, long Irouner .iittn. (7.A0 lo14 (HI (Hereout, He fern, Hutu mid 1'iirnli.liliiKH. A B STEINBACII 8 CO. !.,k(.IST IIOIIIIIRS ' IN I III! NORTH Wl hT Corner Tom III im J MoitIm.ii SU., PORTLAND. OKI.IJON. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi a Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi He is Responsible for the Two Days' Delay In Getting Dispatches From Africa. BULLER'S FORCES LAND AT CAPE TOWN His First Move Will Be to Relieve General White, Thus Departing From His Original Plan for Attacking tbt Enemy Iraprotatle Report of Another Serious British Loss. LONDON, Nov. 11, 4:.'30 a. m. Complete silence lias The Eclipse Hardware Co. : ijf' linn Kmiovtil to it New Quarters next j i iTi ill Hi Columbia Klcctricul & lleimlr Co., 7 1 y It y rt, iliww form tlio old htaiid, where they xIIIxIa will iimtinuo to carry the fmeHt toek of - - - BOND STREET. 1 again fallen upon affair in South Africa. The British pub- S, lie must perforce be content with the brief tcrcotyped rejxirt jj which the censor allows to filter through from Cape Town.1 js; $ TJnit this condition of affairs is no longer due to the Jjj f! pressure of work or defective cubhs bus been amply proved. (!! The Kastern Telegraph Company reckons that the real ! delay in trniisini.vioii is about two days. It is evident tbere- fur, that the cen.-orship is responsible for the other two days o! 6; delay which seems to befall all dispatches. the rortT log an. Ten IVr C'-nt Itdimurance Off'Ted on the Vtwtti-l at Han Franclnco. BAN FKANCI8CO. Nov. 10. -Ten pt-r cent relnurane a offwd today on the Brlllnh .hip, Pjrt Ian new 43 day. from San Dligj to Portland, Ore gon. ! The bark Kerrin 8. Thompson and ochooner American Girl left here on October I for Pugt sound and nothing ha. been heard of them lnoe. (The Port Lngaa wa .poken off the 1 bar a few days ago and Pilot Gunder .on wm put on board. The strong gala then prevailing blew her off and she haa not since been seen.) The Soldiers Wade Through the Surf Under a Shower of Mauser Bullets. GUNBOATS BOMBARDING THE TRENCHES 'Agoinaldo is Said by Natives to Have a Yacht Ready for 1 His Escape When He Finds Capture is Imminent-Roads ire In ao Almost Impassible Condition. NO CHANGE. The Sllverf icld Fur Manufacturing Co., 2H.l-.2Nrt Morrison Hi.. Portland, Oro. To the LLncllcH of AHtorint V will ssvu yon one-fourth on fv.ry trs-rr. "lit you purchase from u. bt cans, we nro ilimcl niniuifucturi'rs, .ml yo i will save tli iiiidilleiiiHii'. profit. Ktir CullBrrllw, fniin H.no up Kur Nrrk Hms, frmii 7.S0 up Klnn'i'nllor Mdi Suits Iron) U IjkIIm KIiio isllur Mmlol'lulli Jwkd, rroin.. yi up jilh' Kins friiili KIuimipI Wll, from I.T' up AIhHiil Hkln JnckclN Uiirton l)y, made mpxlHlly pi onlor lrin,. 1110.00 up llrnxxiplln of Fur (iiirniruts Into UieUtrat Slj lrst very low nil 11 rr. Send fur llliintroUHl oaUiliif ut, wlitnh we will gladly mail you. Highest ('rice I'ald for Kaw I'urs. Yours Kcscctfully, The Silverficld Fur nianufacturing Co. 1" ii i "i m i m ifttiYi ' T. r t 1 .Y.V. 1 1 Gfiii, 1 ' LiiNImiN. Nov. 10 With the arrlvlnl ! 111 Cup. Town of the Ilrllth irunxpi.rta I liiwlyn ramie and Mut, to Ik fnllowod j by a continuous sucoolin of troop. I liuli-n shlp, the riU campulan In South ; Africa limy lx said to have U-gun, and I the furt that tlie first ship naind was I expected to ha.ve urrlvcd at Durban j forwith Indicates at least a nw.llflcatlin ' of the plun of lulvance. ; It sterns Q n -rul Hu1It's first move will be t ndlv Qieral While. thu sonicwimt departing from the curlier ' vlnt) r adva-lr.j through the level tt iintiy of ihe Crnge Kive Ptiue and ' .oU(hwestT Transvaal. It has bwn ! apparent for mine dnys that the sltu ! ullon nt I.aly.nil(h could not he In ! ilclinitt'ly pnlin(rel. nd It Is under J rt(MKl that Infornmllon ha reached the ' gnveniinent to the etret tlwvt the qul. I etice of the i will shortly be rhung- ed by tlui arrival of a siege train from Pretoria 'Into n. determliuxl attack to ilellv-.T a telling stroke. . This. It I. added, led Ckmral Puller to prepare & counter-stroke and en iHvivor to push the Boers 'back by a direct attack. Such an operation, If at tempted, will nec-wsarily eovtall a gretil expenditure of life, as during the month the Briers haw occupied Northern Na tal, where th.y haw fortified most of the pass and other positions suitable to their style of fighting. w . i i Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL. PARLORS -T.P Floor ! wsihlngton j Bolld- Crown and Bridge Work, $4.60 per tooth, guaranteed, lien! let Tooth. 85.00 fit Ruarantseii. Best Fllliugs, up, gunran teed. All Work Positively (JuaranteeJ to give Perfect MtttlsfucUon OR NO PAY. Wnnhlnijton Building, Corner 4 th and Washington St.. riitn floor, kooiii. 4, 48, cu, 01, bi. Phon Onttoa, Brown 493. Columbia sOol rnoops AT CAPK TOWN. Doth Partle. 8U1I Claiming the State of Kentucky. LOflSVlLLE, Ky., Nov. 10. The of-, flcliU count of ballots cast on Tuesday! was begun today throughout the state. In this city a large crowd gathered at j the court house to witness the count, j ReprneenUtlvea of all parties were ad-j milted by the immlssloners and the) examination of ballots proceeded In an, orJ-rly manner. ! There was no change today In the claims of Ihe patty managers. The5 democrats assert Gobel will have a. plurality of 5,000 while the nominee. Directly after Ihe first cannon shot-..,., niD,.. i t -.1 Ihe I-iikIIbIi thought our men were at! the railway station and flrvd there. They were not, but one hot went throuirh an sjTiliulani. As lumn as they found their mistake thy ""jTHE NEGROES firing. The anibuUuice was thought to, have been 3 nillce from tbe gcvne of ac tion, so It cannot be claltmd the Boorc broke the rules of clvlllied warfare and I do not think the Kngllsh would have fired on them intentionally." 1 r.000. The republl- j cans claim Taylor Is elected by a plur-; allty of 1.000. WANT TO GO MANILA, Nov. 10. The landing of American troops at San Fabian, Tuesday, was the most spectacular affair of ' its kind since General Shafter's disembarkation at Daiquiri. The co-operation of the troops and the navy was complete Tiie gunboats maintained a terrific bombardment fot an hour while the troops rushed waist deep through the; surf ? under a heavy but badly aimed rifle fire from the insurgent g trenches, and charged right and left, pouring volley after j Will ak bllU tlWill lUliViO. Forty Filipinos were captured, mostly non-commissioned officers. Several of the insurgent dead and five wounded were found in a building. The town was well fortified. The sand dunes were rivctted with bamboo twenty feet thick which afforded a fine cover. ARE WEARY OF AMERICA One Hundred Black Men Wish Trails porution to Africa. Saytor Life Here is Intolerable. LONDON FK.lifts. Whjle .May lie Short of Long Ilunge Ammunition. LONDON, Nov. 10. While the pigeon dlnpatch of General White show. he beleaguered' garrlsm was holding its . own yesterday, It is feared here that MACON, Ga., Nov. lO.-Congressman the silence regarding what the British Bartlett and Senator Bacon have re artlllery was doing in n ply to the Boer ved a petlUon signed by about 100 guns Indicates that White is short of negroes asking them to use their best long-range ammunition. If this is true, effort, to secure the passage of a law the reported further railroad diotruc-! whereby th negroes might be deported tlon near Colenso assumes greater im portance. One very serious passage In General to- Africa. They say that conditions under which they live are not satisfac tory, they see no prospect of a changt MANILA, Nov. 10. When the trans ports arrived In the gulf, at San Fab ian, Tuesday, they found the gunboats Princeton, Bennington and other, wait ing. After a consultation with General Wheaton, Commander Knox of the Princeton and Commander Sheridan of the Bennington anchored on a .hallow two mileV oft shbire. The gunboat, formed a line Inside, the Helena, Callao and Manila close in shore. With the first of the bombardment, small boats were filled rapidly, without confusion, by Major Cronlte's battalion of the Thirteenth infantry. While the lines of boats movd shoreward the gunboat, poured the full force of their batteries into tbe trenches, soon forcing the Insurgents to flee through furrows dug back of the trenches. ' About 200 moo held their places until the keels of the boats grated on the Shore, when their Mauser bullets com menced to sing overhead. The battalion, formed in good order. Captain Buck, with Pierce's and Pat- V ... ton', companies pursued the insurgents on the left Into the bamboo thickets. General Whieaton, ' personally com manding, ordered a charge across the bridge and Captain Howland, of his (Continued on page 8.) ' f White', message give the first official and it would be better for the two( confirmation of the statements of Boer, ce to separate. J treachery, which there haa been dlsposl-1 j tlon hitherto to discredit, but which' THE MINORITY LEADER. j must now be accepted as at least partly' """""" j true. With the additional division an-' Discussing the Next Spokesman for the. Democratic Party In the House. A Ore 61) A nounced by General Wolseley at the bird mayor's bannnot yesterday even- . v, v.... , n.i.i..k Ing, Buller's force will aggregate 95.000 transport Mih having on board the of floers and staff of thrvo divisions of the Hrltish army corps, on Its way to Smith Africa, arrived here this morn ing. STARTLING AND IMPROBABLE. LONDON. Nov. ' 10. Another rumor, emanating from Amsterdam sources, says a British regiment was decimated Friday by the Free Staters. It is add ed that six hundred British soldiers were killed or wound-.xl and that three hundred horse were captuivd. A SMALL ENGLISH LOSS. General Buller Reports the Loss of a Convoy and Escort. LONDON, Nov. 10. Tho war office this evening issued the following: "From Buller, Cape Town, Nov. 10, 10:45 p. ra. by message from Bulawayo, dated November 8: A small convoy and escort under Speckloy of Plumers' force, was attacked by the Boers November 2. Six men are missing and convoy Is loet." The war office also lHsued the follow ing: A report having appeared tn South Aftica.i papers that our artillery fired on a Geneva flag, general Buller tele graphs the following account of the in cident given to the Standard and Dig gers new. by a Dutch clergyman with the Boer.: CHICAGO. Nov. 10.-A lively sklrm-j tsh for the minority leadership in thei T 1 name mii hv PhrlntniRS. I house of representatives next congress The rrinee of Wah, Duke of Cam- , is loOKeo. tor wnen me iiiemucia m. c hrl.li.. un.l T.rr1 '.,lu..L... rui.liu.o, , executive committee of the democratic tnre squaaruna ot nousenoia cavalry at . ... , national commute, together with lead Albany barracks this afternoon, pre- ing democrats of the western and cen vlotis of their departure for South t, , tral states meet In Chicago, Nov. 20, to Africa. I , , discuss the leadership and plans for AN INDEPENDENT ACCOUNT. the presidential campaign. j The claims of Congressman D. A. Two Civilians Who Escaped From de'Armond, of Missouri. James D. Rlch BeBelged Ladysmlth. jardson, Tennesee, and Congressman NEW 'VORK, Nov. 10i A dispatch to Bankhead, Alabama, will be urged, the World from Estcourt says: j Much depends upon the action of Con- Trustworthy Information concerning gressman Bailey of Texas, the present the actual state of affairs at Lady- minority leader. smith comes from two civilians who' Doubt has been expressed as to arrived today, having escaped from the w hother Congressman Bailey In view of besieged town by evading the British his contest for the senatorshlp will care patrols and st?a'.lng through the Boer' to again assume the leadership, lines. They say that both the town and British camp are completely invested and that the artillery firing back and forth Is continuous. The bombardment is heavy, but its effect is reported to be petty. The Boers are slightly superior In strength, but the British forces maintain a vigorous defense, fighting dally. The main British attack was on the Boer batteries, stationed to eastward. The British loss in that action was about 150 killed or wounded. It Is sup posed the Boers suffered far more. FLURRY IN COTTON. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. The cotton markot was in a turmoil of excitement i today with speculation the heaviest in years and iluctuatlons violent. A state ment from Washington served to check I the downward course, in that It stated that the government did not see how the crop could exceed 9.500,000 bales, this conveying the Inference that a smaller yield was not improbable. BIKE RECORD BROKEN. CHICAGO. .Nov. 10,-Major Taylor,! GAME AT PORTLAND. PORTLAND, Nov. 10. The Multno mah foot-ball team and the University of Oregon eleven play here tomorrow. is a guarantee of superior worth There are many brands of baking powders, but . "Royal Baking Powder" is recognized at once as the brand of great name, the powder of highest favor and reputation. Everyone has absolute confi dence in the food where Royal is used. Pure arid .healthful food is a matter of vital importance to every individual. v Royal Baking Powder assures the finest and most wholesome food. There are many imitation baking ' powders, made from nlum, mostly sold clienp. Avoid tlum, ns they make the food unwholesome. HOVAL BAKINQ 1WDER CO., NEW YORK.