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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
THK MOKNMU ASTORIAN, FRIDAY XUVKMBKK 10. 1199. 7 Itch!Itch!Itch! Awful Itchingof Eczema Dreadful Scaling of Psoriasis CURED BY CUTICURA . Cvtu-VMk B(ir, to cleanse 111 K CUTU VHA OIlltlllMll, to heal 111 "kill, ailll Ct'TIl t'A Itwil.VKT, to COiil III blond, wake tli meal complete spe1 cu fit torturing, dlsflifurlng hu mor, moliM, and Irritation", with V of hair, which hvo duM liiklll of the best physicians and all other reniedla. THE SET $1.25 Ot. fcur, tt i Oit.r. i". mnwun. JvnssU. !. C- 'i. ""tea. Many example may lw put f th fun of custom, Ixith UNm mind imI body: tlwivfiirv, almw custom U the lrltM-lpai magtairnt of man's life bt mn y nil wn endeavor to obtain food custom. Dr. Shilohs .loikji. ana kvfnnsiimnlinn w mmmm . m mm nmm i mm L Ttil II beyi.n.t fiueatlnn In? .mt .WTVHIUI VIHIgn MMll Cine ever known li ;itnc: a law duw Invariably curt the rort rase n lough, ( loup nil Utrnrhil'i, whila lit won U.rlul iiicrm in th rnr of ( on.unipiiiin I. wiiinnil par allel in i be tf invtlinn, him lit fli.t i' .cntery It baa ben ml'l en finir. n Itil hn h, no d'hrr incitirtM ran ataml. I' y 11 a tough, earnestly yuu li.Hyli In t 1 vatr ami Canaila IV , Ni- and l ui. ami In Kngland Ik. l'J., U. W. anj ta.M. 301C proprietors SlCWeus.&Gq LEROY. N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN.. Thing which cannot bo altered are to b borne, not blamed; folllus past are oon(r rvnmlTJ tluin roJrl; ami time lout may well bo rrpontml, lul rmvtr tfcalloJ. UEnvifTpiiis Itatart VlUllly Utt Vlfer ia4 DUabaol Cure Imnotcncv, Nlffbt KmlMlontan4 waatlnf ditcajca, all cffecU ol aelf tabuae, or ezceaa and India lcretlon. A nme tonlo and bloml builder. Drlnci the K.lSi(nr mail 50? rr boi, O boxea fur $2.AOi with a written ffuaran Uw to cure or refund the money. 8end for circular. Addreia, NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. Olnton Jaokaon Sts CMICACO, ILL Far, aJa by Caartaa Roawr DrutrKL H.F.PraelTransferCo. Tlpkoa n. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Oooda BhlppM ta uur Car Wai lUealT apMlal At'attaa. M Duaaa at. W. J. COOK. Urf AaUrU. Or. . Tat Ua PfsrAT TICKETS HPilLVPOlNTS EAST ThroUKh palaoo ami tourlit aleopors, dining ami library obwrvatlon car. KI.KOANT VKSTIHI'LH TIIAIN8. No. 4, "Klyor." loam Portland at S:30 P n!! 3, "Flyt'r," arrive Tortland at $:30 a, m. For rate", etc, call or addtvM O. W. I.OUN.SDEURT. Agent O. K. & N., Aatorla. A. B. C. PTSNNISON. C. r. & T. A., Portland, Or. T -- - liUXURIOUS 1 HAVEL "North.Weitern Llmltd" tralnt. eUctrlo lighted throughout, botb In Id and out, and item Heated, ar. without exception, tht flnut train In th world. They ambody th latt, nwei and bet Idea for comrort, convenient: and luxury vr offered th traveling public, and altogether are the moit com. plet and iplendld production of th car builder' art. The Splendid Tralni Connect with The Grcut Northern The Northern I'aclfic nnd The Cunmllim Pacific AT 8T, PAUL FOR ' CHICAGO nnil the EAST. No extra charg for the euperlor aa. commodatlona and all clauea of ttckeu r available for paaar on th famou "North-wMtern Limited." All train oa thla line ar protected by tb Interlocking Block (yatam. W. H. HEAD. F. C. BAY AOS, Gnl Afnt, T- A. Portland Or. CANNIBAL CAlTIVE'S HARD EXPERIENCE The Thrilling Slury of a Young. Ad veiiitirrr in ilir Smiilii'M S-as. V TRKKIKLB SIT.T.KING AT SEA In a Sinn 1 1 limit Without a L'oniinss anil Ikiiilincil nt 1 line Without I'uoil or U'uttr. Hurno yarn of an -xr-!liii(ly lough and Mtiiw lmun.-11-Hk" cluu-nrlT have n apuii mul . rt ri l -t tiy imn, of llu'lr ttilvmitur n In Auairulliut ttU-r, or In thi' Hun Hi but an cxHmi'na tloti of NUi'h fturl ly any one with a ir rm m ul knuvtllge of the l'mltlr and Auntraluala ho hmii, and very diwrvvdly mi. kluxknl the biltmi out of lhim. therw are siorlea of Houih ai'tt adviMttun', wll autlu-ittlcat nl. wid am nut a hll womli'rful than th muat mitrveloua fa wliotala that any man "haa ?t told and llvrd." And tb atory of w hat b-MI John H"n titn I un of thrm, aay Iula Deck and Waltrr JfT.'ry In Cnaw-ll Mua- Ine. Like Harry Bluff, Julm Henton "w'hi'u oy l:t hi frVwk ami honw, oVr the wild do-ilif all M llf to ronm." Itentan'a htn Wiri In Ktfom n, In the Orknoya, and he iil('ii-1 rm board a yraia-l lnund fr Sydney In iSflT aa an ordinary .-iiiimn, ho Ix'lng then a lad of IS. Whii In Hydnry ho gut about among tlw Imordlng-houai-a In "aaltor town." and one morning woke up on the fonrajitle of the It'ynard of lolim IxuimiI on a crulm- for guano aiming th Houth I'lultlo Ulumla. lli'iiton had btn rrlinn, and. find ing hlmai'lf win-re bo , binhfiTl no more abi.ut It but went ehevrfully to work, not altogi-thi-r dlKpleuard at the pruepect of new ailvimturea, which would enable him by and by to go back to old folka wlht pliiity ot dollar and a itock of alartllng yurtia to tvi-l off. He waj a ttdy, straightforward lad, though iomewhat, thoughtl at time. and relvl to be a weady, atralghtfor- ward man. Th vtiaael wtnt to the Bandwlrh Ialanda and thore nhlppml a gang of Ilawallitn native to help load guano. Then alio aalled away to the aouthwan! for McKi-cn'a Inland, one of 4he Phoenix group, about lati tude S degre 35 minute aouth and longitude 174 degn to mlnutea went. On board the Keynard waa an old aalt known to all hand aa "Uomon Ned." II had btvn a whaler In hi time, had deaerted and anont aome year beach-rmnblng aniiing the Ialanda of th South Beaa. Ami very aoon, through hla p-lou tongue, he had all handa w lulling themaelvna clear of the "old hooker" and enjoying life In th lilanda, liwtead of emitting about, hated her and there and everywhere by th matea of the lUiiyard. whoae main purpo In Ufa a to knock a man down In order to make him alt up. Preaently three, or fiur handa be came Infatuated with tho Idea of set tling on an Inland, and old Ned, nothing J-jth. undertook to take charge of the party If thvy would make an atumpt to clear from the ahlp. The old man had taken a fancy to young Jtenton. And the youngster, when tho Idea waa Imparted to him, fell In with il enthua lustltully, for he waa exaHTated with the treatment he had recedved on board the guano-man (tb afterguard of an American guano ahlp are a rough lot). Tho ahlp waa lying on and off land, there being no anchorage, and before the plan had been UIucuhI more than a few hour the mm, Ave peravna In all, determined to put It Into execution. A anmll whalo boat u towing astern of the veaael, In case the wind should full light and the ahlp drift In too clone to the ahore. It waa a fine night, with a light broexe, aiul there waa, they thought, a gixl chance of getting to the outhwird to one of the Siimunn group, where they could t tie; or, by chipping on board a trading schooner there, might later on atilke ajine other Inland to their fancy. By atenlth they managed to atow In the boat a couple of anmll breakers of water, holding, together, sixteen gal lon, and the force wile break barge, with blHcult enough for three men la a day per man for teo days. They man aged also to Meal four hams, nnd each man brought pfp?8 and tobacco and matches. A harpoon with some line, nn old galley frying-pan, moat, sail and oar nnd some blankets covered the equipment. For they took no com pass, though thvy made several at tempt at first to get at one slung In the cabin und trl fd at first to take one out of the poop binnacle, but the of ficer of the deck was too wldo awake for them to rink ithat, and the cabin compass was screwed to the roof close to the skipper's berth; and so the old man who was their leader, old sailor and whaler as he was, actually gave up tho Idea of taking a eompnus, nnd these people without more ado one night slipped over the side Into the whale boat, cut the painter, ad by daylight the boat was out of sight of land and of ship. They were sailing upon the Taclflc, running six or seven miles be fore a strong northeast breeze and ex pecting to sight land In lea than a week, and were already anticipating a freedom and luxury of Island life In store for them. Three days later It fell calm, and they had to take to the oars. The iun uua perpendicular, tho i a sheet of gliuta, reflecting hark Upon th'lll the bull of fir overhead. Now and th"i a ontapnw would rlpplo oeroa tlfu plain of water, but there wr no clouds, tln-re was no sight of land. They kept on pulling, For lhr for four day it week -for t' ti days they tugged at 4h ours, except whn a favoring brze cuiiie. Tlio water waa rcducixl to a few plntN, the fiirl to a few duy half ra tli.ns. Tlielr limb were cramped so Unit they could .lot move from their pliii'i-s In tho im.t, th"lr laxlli were becoming covered with sores, and the wild had now away entirely; tlie sea wua without a ripple, and tr ever shown iibuve llietii the fierce, hot sun. llrnduall It had dawned tipn th'-in llui' they were il ihia perhaps tht y lui I run past Samoa, The Insanity of their adventure gave piaoe to despair, und by degri" their dpalr grew to iiiudticsi of a mnrj awful kind. Ol. the fifteenth day therw ap-ared to tht smith and euat a bw, dark Kin (loud. "IjuvI a Inst!" wu the uiiKpoken thought In iu-h man's heart n he looked at his comrade, tut feored to V'dce his he. And preaeinly thr cloud grew darker and more clearly defined, and one of the men. the next oldest to the author of all their mlT les, fell UKm nls weak and tremnllng knees and rals-d hla handa In Ihank- fulneas and prayer to the Almighty Ala- It aa nut land, but tho omlnoua forerunner of the flerco and sweeping mld-eiiuatorlal gale which lay veU..-d behlii'l. In leas than half an hour It came upon and amote them with aavege lury, and thj llUle boat waa running brfurt how ling gale and a maddening. fiam-whipp-d jr. And then k hat'ii'wm-d that, ill ami aufferlng aa he waa from tile nsonlea of hunger and thirst, the herolo nature of old "Boston Ned,, came out, and his bold aallor'a heart chevred and encour- mpi his wretched, despairing compan ion. All that night and for the greater Jurt nf the next day he stood In the stern F1, gTanplng the bund ing steer oar tW the boat swayed and aurgi-d along b.-fore the gale, constant ly watching lest she should broach to and smother In the roarhig was; the u'hers lay In the bottom fwbly bulling out the water, encouraged, urged, and driven to that exertdm by the -gallant old American seaman. Toward noon the sea moderated; in the afternoon It died away altogether. and again the boat lay rising and fall ing to the lung Pacific swell, and "Bos ton Ned" Hung hla exhausted frame down In the atern sheets and alept. Twenty daya out the last particle of food and watvr had be.-n consumed, and though the boat waa now steering as near wvstward aa oM Ned could Judge, before a gentle, southeast trade, mad ness and despair were coming quickly upon them, and on the twenty-third day two of th five miserable creatures began to drink copiously of sea-water the drink of death. Kenton, though he had suffered to the bitter full from th agonies of body and mind endured by hla shipmates, wa not one of the"?, and by a merci ful providence remained Bane enough to turn hi face away from the water. But, as he lay cr.mched In a heap In the bottom of he boat, with a silent prayer In hi heart to the Creator quickly to end hla sufferings, he heard "Boston Ned" and the only remaining aane man excepting hlmtwlf muttering hinrely together, and looking some times at him and sometimes at the two almost dying mer who lay moaning beside him. Presently the man who waa talking to Ned pulled out of hla blanket w hich lay In the stern sheeita a rnxor, and, turning hla bock to Ken ton, began stroplng It upon the sole of his shoe, and evwn "Boston Ned" him self looked with awful eyes and blood baked, twitching lips upon the youngster. Tho lad saw what was coming, and as quickly as possible mode his way forward and sat there, with his eyes fixed upon the two mvn aft, waiting for the struggle which he thought must soon begin. All that day and night he sat and watched, determined to make a fight for the little life that romolmd In him. and Ned and the other men nt times still muttered and eyed him wolflshly. Ai he snt thus, supporting his swol len head upon his skeleton hands, Ben ton saw something astern moving slow ly after the boat something that he knew was waiting and following for the awful deed to be done, so that, It, too, might share In the dreadful feast. Balstng his bony arm he pointed to ward the moving fin. To him a shark meant no added horror or danger to their position, but possibly deliverance. "Boston Ned" and the other man first looked nt the coming shark and then with sunken eyesf again turned to Ren ton. Voices none of them had, and Renton's parched tongue could not ar ticulate, but with signs and Up move ments he tried to make the other two men understand. No shark hook hnd they, nor If they had had one had they anything with whlc to bait It. But Uenton, crawling aft, picked up te harpoon, placed It In "Boston Ned's"' hands and motioned to him to stand by. Then, with eager, trembling hands, he stripped from his legs the shreds of trousers which re mained on them, and, sitting upon the gunwhale of the boat, hung one limb over and let It trill In the water. Three times the shark came up, and thrice Ned Prepared to strike, but each time the horrid ranger of the seas turned aside and dived as It caught sight of the waiting figure with weapon poised above. But at last hunger pre vailed, and swimming slowly up till within a few yards of the 'boat. It made a eudden rush for the bait, missed It, and the harpoon, deftly darted by the old ex-whaler, clove right through Its tough skin and burled Itself deep into its body. Then followtsd shark's flh and shark' blood, some of tlw former, after the f.rat raw tneal, Ixdng cooked on a flr made of the biscuit barge, upon a wet blanket spread in the bxttotn of the boat. The hot weather, however, mum turm-d th remaining portions putrid; but two or threo days later came Hod's blessed rain, and gave tlum hop and life again, They managed to save a considerable quantltley of water, and though th? ahark'a flesh was In a hor rlbli condition they ootid Inued to feed upon it until tho thlrty-P.fth day. On this day they saw bind, hlish and well wooded, but now the trade winds fulliil them, and for th following two days the unfortunate men contended with baflllng light airs, calms and strong currents). At last they git with In a short distance of the shore and sought f"r a landing place through the surrounding reef. Suddenly four or five canoes darted out from the sh re. They were filled with armed aavuges( who" aspect and demeanor warn-d old Ned that be and hi comrades wens among cannibals, Hweeplng alongside the IsaU, the sav age aelred the white men, who were all tor feeble to resist or evtin more, put them Into their canoes arid convey.d them on shore, fed thm and treated them with much apparent kindness. Crowd of natives from that part of the island whech wa Maliyta, one of the Solomon group came to look at them, and one man, a chief, took a fnn.-y to IWnion, and claimed him a hi own especial prperty. Benton never saw the rest of his CAmpa!.!; fr i"4 rned to the Ulterior hf" the island i ro'inblir sold to aome Of the bUH tMh-.a th "manu-bush," aa the co&flUl na tive CftiM them. Their fate la not difficult td f Uut, for the people of Ma lay'a were thetl, a hey are now; can nibal. - . On Augum 17. 1S75. the" Queensland labor recruiting schooner Bobtail Nag was cruising off the Island, trading f"r yams, and hor captain heard from some native who came alongside that there was a white man living ashore In a i'lMage about ten miles distant. The skipper of the Bobtail Nag at once offered to pay a handsome price If the man was brought on board, and at the cost of several dozen Birmingham ateel axes and some tobicco poor Benton's release was affected. He told his res cuert that the people among whom he lived had taken a great fairy to him and had treated him with grat kind ness. THET COT AND FIT. Two Fashionable Furriers Who Are Earning Well-Merited Approval Oood work, correct style and perfect fit apeak louder for the furrier than any advertisement that can be written. Applegath ft Pr&slt, the fashionable rurrlers, at lu Third street, between Alder and Morrison, guarantee abso lute satisfaction in every case where a purchase la made at their establish ment. Both gentlemen are practical cutters and fitters, who have been em- ployed in some of the largeat houaes In th principal cities ot the United 8tates. There I a style and finish to all work turn id out by thla firm that atamp both gentlemen expert In thla business. Garments will be taken to be made over or repaired, and the work turned out with the least possible de lay. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Ladles who go to Portland and destr something especially fine in the way of tailor-made suits will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at I. D. Boyer's IT Fourth street. In the T. M C. A. building. Not only does he keep a strictly first- class cutter for men's wear, but also one exclusively for ladle' work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the best of materials, as Mr. Boyer la an expert on woolen cloths. THET CUT TO FIT. Ys they do and the style and finish they give to me.i's suits, rank these gentlemen as expert practical mer chant tailors. The material they use Is also the very best and you will al ways find them busy at 269i Tamhlll St., Portland. Get your next suit there, and get It now. A POEM ON MANKIND. Like what la man, but like a sprouting weed, That grow and ripens but to cast Its seed Among the thistles and the tares of life And then to see It strangled In the stlfe? Or like the clouds that wander with the bree;:e And pass unnoticed from a life of ease? Or like a mushroom, sprung to life, alaa! To starve or strangle In the tangled grass? These are thoughts that are apt to come to many people at times, espe cially when they are sick and have to pay big prices for mediclnf. But there Is one drug store In Oregon where you can save from 10 to 25 per cent on everything you buy, and that Is J. A. Olemenson's Drug Store, at 227 Yam hill street, Portland, Ore. At that store you can get Hood's Snrapsrilla at 70-rt Slellen's Food, $1 alie, 65c; Bromo Selt zer, tl size, 70c, and everything else at the same low rate. You can get red trading stamps there, aid if you need the Natural Body Brace, you can get It there. WHITE COLLAR LINL Columbia River and ruret Bound Navl- ii.ii ,. Bailey Oatzert leaves Astoria dally, except Punday, at 7 p. m. Leaven Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets and O. R. ft N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Oatzert and Hassala A. J. Taylor, Astoria Aft. U. B. SCOTT, Telephone 1U. President WHERE TO IAT, Why at Th Eastern, of courae. 170 Third St., Portland. Ton can get a good layout for 1 cent here, wnicn will satisfy your hunger and bring you back axaln to th sain place. Remem ber the Kastern, lMPBOVED TOURIST SLEEPERS. Railroads Are Acceding to Demand of Middle Classes Who Want Better Pleeplng-Car Service. In response to the demands of th lime the O. R. A N. and Its connec tions are placing In operation a much better grade of tourist sleepers for Pa- cl13 coost service than at any previous time. The largely Increased traffic to this section of the country ha demand ed all the Improvementa of latt'-r-day transportation, and In consideration of this the rallroada are establishing a service which la excellent In every par ticular. Not only are the wishes of first-class passengers served, but those who are traveling to and from the East on second-clsss tickets are splendidly careil for. There waa a time when a t'-urlst sleeper appealed to a limited number of people who were traveling on the "cheap" order, in every meaning of the term. Now, however, thera baa been a radical chance. With the bet ter tourist sleepers In operation th clans of passenger has been Improved, and one may now travel upon them and enjoy all the privilege of a first class sleeper at a greately reduced rate. Pally, on the O. R. ft N. east-bound fast mall, Is attached on of tbesia lat est Improved tourist sleeper, a model of beauty and handsome appointment. The new car are almost an exact counter! art of the flrst-clasi sleeper. One noticeable featur of the new tourist car li tb absence of a smoking apartment. Th new cart being built by th Pullman Company are not pro- YllSil with amoklng apartments. Thl new departure has been taken because of th fact that mist through trains are t;:2vlded with composite cars, wmcn provide a imoker for the ileeping-caf passengers. ., ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA 'filVER RAILROAD, JLeava. Arrive. 1:00 a. m. Portland Union Deitf Ml and inurij for Astoria mediate points. 1 ASTORIA. I 7.4." a.m 1 10 p.m. 'fat Portland ft In U:Ma-m, termediate points 10:M p.m. HEA8IDE DITTSIOM. p m. IrmVllrU'Lv l:W 12:13 Lv ' 6:301 1:00 Ar a.m. 'p.m. ...Astoria. 7:U 4:00 ..Warrenton... 2 ; .I.Biaslde.... Lrj 6:U !:U Lv 7: l:S SPECIAL 8EA6IDE SUNDAY TRAI leaves Astoria at 1:30 a. m.; arrives at Seaside : a m. Passenger may return on any train shows on schedule on same data. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. AU trains make close connections at Ooble wtth all Northern Padflo trains to and from the east or Sound polnta. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with L R. ft N. Co.'s boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach polnta. ...... THROUGH TICKETS on sal at As toria for Sacramento, San Francisco, all Eastern and European polnta. City ticket offlc Astoria. tU Commer. Mai street J. C. MAYO. Oen'l Frt and Pass. Aareot paWWaak 1 asasMMMtk FT T1M8 SCHEDULES From Portland DEPART Aasiri PlMI Mail p. m. ! I-., env r. Ft. Wurtti. Omaha. K;m4 Mull fhlf-av,. .nil FL ro- Spokane river 1 10 p. Ei Walls Walla, Spokane. tliiineapoliii.St.Piiul, Dululh, Milwaukee, Chicago aud East, Spokane Fleer 8:30 a. m. Kiom Anuria OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing Dates tub! jwt ui change. I For San Fmneiseo 8H NiT.4 9, 14,19, 24. 29 J ' Colembla River : 7amz8u Steamers !6amexMo nday i TO fornana aaa ,naav I Way Landings, i Willametta and Ym- S:30p m. Tarn, i hill Rivers. lMon.,Wed. and Lui Ott n City, nayton, i and Frt. Lv Le wlstn 10 a m daily 1:40 a. m. I Rlarla to Lewiston. From fnrllanil WILLAMETTE RiVER m Mod? W e.l Oremn litv, Sewberg, Tuea, Thui Kri'lay lent Way-Uuda Saturday at . m 0. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent Astoria W. H. HURLBURT. Oaa. Pa Agt. Psrtlaaa. Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trli whether on buslneea or pleasure, tne) naturally want the best service ob. talnable to far as sveed. comfort aat safety Is concerned. Employes of ta WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEL ar uaid to servo tho nubile snd our trains ar operated jo aa to make close coa neotlona wtth diverging line at at Juncvtlon polnta Pullman Palace Sleeping and Cnalr Cart on through tralre. Dining Car aervK unexcelled. Meali served a la cart. In order to obtain thla n?ai class ervte ask th ticket agent to aell you a tick TheYWsconsin Central Lines. and yon will max a direct connection a1 St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee uo all points east. For any further Information call on aa' ticket agent, or correspond wtth JAfl. C POND. Gen. Pass. Agent, or JAB A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wla. OeMral Ageai M Btark SU, roraana Ore THE PROOF of tfM pudding Is hi tb sating and tbs proof of Bauora IS IN SAMPLING That's aa argument that's coo. cluaire dam n stratum. Ours will stand th tsat. HUGHES & CO. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder Housc-rnovino; Tools lor Real Lhf PALACE W. W. Whlpple.ProprletO r Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE SERVICE.... FIR8TCLAaS CCIMira.. PRIVATE ROOK ro tApixa, 53 Commercial St.. W. F. SCHEIBE, sasr A hit! lis af Pip, Tneaccs. t4 tawkars' Aruck. 74 Commercial Bi. c. a. trenchArd, Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. The Leading Visiting . . . Engravers . 22 & 23 WASHINGTON BUILDING. SAINT FIRE AI MH1 INSURANCE AM 8T. PAUL. MINN.. JAN. Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTMENT. CHARLES CHRD3TEN8EN, Manager. B. GOODWIN. Assistant Manager. ftnCalifornla St., S. F., Cal. iV vrfl ot th. old JV-T'&S-VI t Surgical Dl ' -i..-' J 1 V snteei to a DPIVATF D;eaea Thia djotor rusranteea 10 cir any "l,n,L tix of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea. Oiet. S rctul'. cured, po difference how long .landing. Spermaiomoea, 1a, cf Manhood or Nightly Emlion, cured prrannt ly. "he habit of Selt-Abu. effectually cured In a ti-ort time. VnilVf, MFNI Tour error, and follies of vouth ian ha I tJU.iU Uit.11 ffmiiKi, and this old doctor trill nve you whjiwome advice and cur you-make you perfectly tin ng anil healthy. Vou will be amaeed at his .uccens in curing Spermatorrhoea. Seminal Losses. Nightly Emissions, and other ettecta. Patients treated In any part of the country by his r.oma eysttm. Wit full particulars. Inclose 10 2c stam.ia, and b. will answer you promptly. Hundreds treated at him. who ar unaoi to com to th ally. READ Tk a elear bottl. at bedtime and urinate n th cnttra, Ml atld and look at It In th morning. If It Is cloudy or has a cloudy settling In It, you hive soma Kidney cr kiadda llseaM, and should b attended to befor y.j et an ncur able Ulseise, as hundreds dl ev.ry year from Jrlght't dla aa iif Kidneys. """""" i.i' ! 1, iit mmmm n.' " MANHOOD RESTORED BEFORE and AFTER The r?aioo nuffprpn are not cur?i by Donors in bemiuw n!nty p?r rent ar lrmir',1 with ffroiltllK CUPI DKNE li theoniknown rmKlr to cur la. A written fun.ranre dlven ftnd money riurned If mx no: 14J0 ft box, m for by mail, bend for tk drculiir and u Addreat DAWt HKD1CIHB CTOmP.O. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Uullder Cicnorol Contrnctor ' MOUSE RAISlNO AND MOVING A SPECIALTY Astoria Public Library RCAOINU ROOM FREE TO ALL. Opaai avery .ay from t clock to :TS) aa4 IK to :M p- aa. giibacrlpdoa rates B oar annum. West Cor. El mania asd Itaaa Itrta. TEMPLB LODGE NO. T. A. T. ft A. 1L Regular communication held oa th Brat sad third Tuesday evening of each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. II.; E. C. HOLD EM. Saeretary. Open Day and Night. J3 Aetorla. Oregon 'lilelle Astoria" tig-if Scheibe's Opera Staf Scbetbe's Special And Other Brands) Custom House Broker. ASTORIA. OREGON Agent W. F. ACo. and Paclle fcxnreaa Co'. and Wedding Card i i PORTLAND. OR., Over LItt's. PAUL it, 1899- $ 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07' 784,888.78 $2,523,987.72 Astoria. Oregon LOOK HERE, YOUNG MAN! Tour look tll on you. Can kt It ecret a while. Before It', too lata so and aet or rrlt 10 thtf olil doc tor. H haa ben tronlng tuch mm for over 'M year, and u perfectly reliable. Furnlsnei bti own nnj cine and tell, no talea. DR. KESSLER St. Louli Medlral and Dniry. 23uv Vamhlll Portland. Or., po.ltively utr- cure. THIS cupide;ne" Thin arraat VJetAhf ! VlUJlsrvr.lheDrtatfL'ripe lion 01 ft iftoiousirenca puyBicmn, wm qutciiiy curaj rptinr mil ncr voufl or diK'.Hr ot the ft cut run ve ork'-.n, lucb m Lai Mftnbrnxl, Insomnia, 1'ulnsln the fl-k.Mejminal EminsloD; Nervotm JrbllUy. Pituplem VnflintMS to Ainrry, J-.iiiauntinif l)ralilfs Varlrilo nnd Const !p:i!lnn. 1tnTr'll by 1:i or iirt -r-vn' rj r?I"tr- Dfw ul tliwiiniKe, wiitcU if nolrher.'?! ?Ktm tuAruitttorriit5iirti nil tht horror oMmpotncjr. TFI K cliUUW4i Uwlivw, Un ktdnevRand thwurlrmry orv-antol ftUuiipuwiie-W r w cure wiiiiuw sail uffi huuii, wu ti-suisiviii" twiilmiMJisilsa, Box Son arKeiwH fXL'Jhr<lb To 8J by Cj JILEB BOQSK&