The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 10, 1899, Image 6

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During the past few days we have talked exclusively on Men's and Boys' Clothing, and an exceptionally fino lino of
Overcoats ; which were placed at prices that drew even the attention and presence of Portlanders to rivo them a trial;
and all who purchased are mightily proud of the bargains they realized.
Now, We Bflavs Something Else to Say
r, t,U& thi3: Ye haT 'n stock a rich and varied assortment of Underwear and Neckwear that in comparison 'a fultv as reasonable to lmv an the nmthlno-
ISffll"68 seen t0 be appreciated- Thc' are so'm iwj, 5 w .oil cbSaJ SffiSSSfflS
Read the price we are uow making on Swifts goods. As
is well known, Mr. Swift is recognized the country over as the .
most conscientious manufacturer in this line to be found any
WEAR, f 1.50 per suit. Always heretofore they have been
more than cheap at f 2.00.
Here is a line of Camel's (lair and National Wool Un
derwear at 50 cents per garment. They are excellent for the
price asked and are sure to please the purchaser. Many of
our best people select them by reason of the soft character of
the material.
While insjxvting this department, atk also to fee Lot R
T-B. Theso are what are known as Ribbed Wool Shirts and
Drawers. Wo have decided for a few days only to k-11 them
at $2.00 a suit. This is a remarkably low ligure, if you are
posted as to values in this direction.
And now we are making a still further cut on the justly celebrated Lu
zerne Underwear. Think of it! Only $2.50 a suit We have just been
selling it at $3.00, but we want the bulk of Astoria's trade and we propose
to get it You cannot beat this price nor the goods anywhere on earth.
This Week, Wright's Health-Fl eeced Underwear, $2.50 per suit. All who
wear underwear will understand that this is an amazingly cheap price for
Wright's noted make, They are unexcelled for winter on account of be
ing fleece-lined on the inside.
In the same connection we have the Famous Arabian Fleeco Underwear.
We are also cutting it for the time being to $2.50 per suit.
Shirt Q Attention all I Fancy Bosom and Colored Body
OIIII Id Shirts with one pair of cuffs $1.00. Certainly
after examining the quality you won't believe it, but it is the
troth. We are going to sell these very same shirts this week
at the above figure
Hate A man who is strictly up-to-date in style wears a
IllllO derby hat. We carry two lines, one at $3.00 and
one at $4.00. They have just been received from the factory
and are Latest Fall Shapes. This is a good time to tender
our thanks for the splendid trade in hats we havo enjoyed.
A nobby lie makes 117 man look rmtwubl. If he
wests a namlsom tie i'ortlaml merchant ran
tBalh lit ....I .. k 1 1 .
it iioiu mm nui ihi ihiuihvi cm. w
5"' w'ui"ui wi.iy jii.t m from the Eet. In.-ltnM in it li the swrll
Kufui nalKrbouM Nevkweer. Mr. Watri house nuuufsotnrrs lbs llncM
line of tie 1 Id the United Stales, ami inn itrrua are imumriiblv. Ask
to , our ImMli. Treks, Four-ir-lUndi, .'uH an.l HI.IpM and Hsnd
Bow, l'ncee range (roiu 6O0 upwards.
490 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon,
A Part of Russian Territory That
Has More Gold Than the Klondike
Convicts Work the Mines and They are
Kept so Employed That Their
Chains Never Get Rnsty.
San Francisco Call.
The schooner Vine returned to port
yesterday, after an absence of six
months in Siberia and Japan. The
greater part of the time she was on the
Amoor river, only stopping at Hako
date on the way home to secure a car
go of sulphur.
The Vine left here in April last for
Nlcolaefskl with a general cargo and
had a good run across the Pacific. She
as detained some time on the Amoor
river discharging her cargo, and then
went to Hakodate in ballast to load
eulphur for San Francisco.
'Nlcolaefskl is a pretty little harbor,
something like Port Townsend." said
Captain Small yesterday. "There are
Their Prowess nnit Gentnilship In
I'iylits With the English.
their looks deserved the punishment to
which they were condemned by the
Russian government. During the trip
across the continent some of them es
caped, but were eventually rantured.
One man had cut off hla right foot at '
the ankle to get rid of the chain and
ball, but was given up by the peasant.
in whose hut he had taken refuge. Th ARE EQUAL TO AM' TROOPS
peasant was his friend, but fear oft
discovery made him give the poor fel-
lOW UD to the RoMlonl ft naj uni!
over to saghaiien along with the other A British Critic Recalls Intnncesof
"Saghallen Is the Russian pmal set
tlement. It Is an Island off the mouth
of the Amoor river, about 614 mites
long, and from 17 to 78 milts broad. It
Is covered with low forest clad moun
tains, and the climate is probably the
severest in the world. There Is an abun
dance of coal on the Island. I have no
means of Judging, but I should think
Russia has about 15,090 convicts there.
''At Nlcolaefskl the fishing industry
is very great In the season the
Amoor river simply swarms with flsh
and salmon are caught by the million.
Why, at times it would be possible to
alk across the river, the fish being
parked close- enough to form a bridge.
This Is no 'fish story', as I am telling
you what Is an absolute fact At times
the salmon are so racked in the river
that they can get neither one way nor
the other, and all the fishermen have to
do is to scoop them out of the water,
A Kansas City Judge, after studying
the features of a boy who was before
him the other day on a charge of as-
American Review.
It Is usual, I know, for military men
to sneer at the generalship, or want
of It, which, as they allege, was respon.
slble for the Majuba disaster these
critics are wise after the event. It Is
forgotten that the Boers met other of
ficers than" General Colly at Bronkhorst
Spruit In a number of fight about
Pretoria, Potehentrjom and other vil
lages, and that In no case were our
men and military leaders able to stand
up to the enemy. At Durban, In Natal,
in 1S48, we got the worst of it, as we
did at Doornkop, where English officers
of the ordinary type commanded. The
only military success which English
olflcers can claim In a good many en
counters with-the Boers is the battle
of Eoomplaats, fought in 1848 between
artillery and flintlock guns. It Is,
therefore; nonsense to take, refuge be
hind the lack of generalship of our lead
era. If such factors as courage and
leadership do not come Into the con
troversy, except to a very limited ex
tent, in what direction must we look
for the explanation of our defeats?
At Lang's Nek the action began by
our guns dropping a few shells into the
Boer lines, and, is admitted by the
Brjrrs themselves, the small low they
suffered from the fire General Joubert
was nearly bit by a splinter of a ahell
induced them to think seriously of
A force of about 00 Infantrv set out
for the summit of Majuba Hill on the
night of February 2. ISM. There were
tbout 6J0 combatants. After leaving
some companies on the road about 4K
men reached the summit, nnd were dls
IMised In various ptajitlon about the
rim of the mountain. The first shots
wcr? fired about H o'rlork. und the
combat went m unlm.-rruptnlly for
hours. In the final mug.n th, main
body of the Boers crept to within forty
yards, and for a constdt-rnlile time
fUHllladed our troops at that distance
Many of the mn fell In ill.- mil).. Uent
tl'icht; but when the fighting huh ov.-r.
at 1 o'clock. i ur casualties wcr.- 2M
killed and Wounded, while the liter
lost one killed and four woun.i--1 At
Bronkhorst we hml 120 killed ltnd
wounjet: within ten minutes, the Bots
losing one. In the Jaimnon raid our
losses were about 100 killed and wound-
eo. tne liner naving live kllM and
wounded In the actual fighting.
It is usually maintained that these
Transvaal fights were fought t a dis
advantage, and that our men in eurh
case were nutnuml.n r o.
accept the Boer accounts, our forces
yrrm IIUI uu UIUIII WITH. At .VlUJllOft they
say they hiid about 400 men. But even
assuming that there were as ninny as
1.000 Boers, the result In still exlr-tuely
We know of only on book tor In
Portland where so complete a line of
novels cn b obtained, on all the radi
cal subjects of the day under discussion
is enn b teen at Jones' Book Store.
Ml Alder street
about 4,000 Inhabitants there and an' saultlng another boy, said:
immense country behind it. Everybody "I ;Ike to see a boy with big ears, and
seems to be doing well. Nearly all the I am Inclined to give you a chance on
Interior country is mining land and account of your big mouth and gener-
the merchant of Nlcolaefskl told meous ears. A man with little ears like
that fully 200 tons of gold dust came' a fox's or a squirrel's won't always do.
down the Amoor river last seas-zn. Now, . He needs watching."
don't say that I made that statement' Thn v
of my own knowledge, but the Z7r ! v, i f some good ad'
chants told me that amount of go d iT " ? K
., a . . 8 i Tn theory that a big nose is neces-
doubt them Siberia is fabulouxiv n,h - gnminess nas long Deen '""""'S me position, xney were
in mlneru" aTl donf thint our '' ,0 'fave the attack by a
Klondike la in ir h.i, . , omuy ui pnyw.gnomy nut tniB i munuer or mojntcd infantry and
HussIaJ Piters i MI"90Url lo have Bald the I a fw cpan, of Colonel Deane's
"All the street work In. Vlcoiw.i,, ' g0d WOrd for bi,? "arH' Tet 11 '! r-&mt u made. Only one of our
of them there and thev hL. Ti 0t the world 8 great m"n t,,r f'rwf bHn Uopv tt Bhort distance away;
in chains The iron toes Z.nH the fi"UmJn"S8 ' hi d"ctriw- Camr and. as they w unsupport. thce
waist and tten Zs 2, TZ i . T CromweU had blg -ars. hvere driven back down the hill. Result:
the anS wherl Jr7 1 Nap,eCm had bl bl that 190 killed and wounded on the British
bind Ahed to tt bJd . 17 Whe" a yUng man he trtd lo hide I Me. against 24 Boers killed and wound
add;h,sAtrivlctthehbasndto Z ?L a
. . wo uiiu uik ears, jin-i u. ioree oi aooui suu mm ana
Cliaf- rin haA V,I j - . I
iwo guns were stopped on a small plat
eau, and, after an action lasting all
day, our men, with the two guns, were
withdrawn during the fight, leaving
dead and wounded on the ground. The
Boers also left the field at night. At
this fight the Boers crept up to within
sixty yards of our guns. They lost 17
re Wnlhim- TST Gran hid b
ing the chains are as bright as burn- ears
ished steel and the overseers see to it j So' there is no reason why the boy
"Whiethe Vine lay at Nlco.aefski '1.
over 1500 prisoners arrived, bound for conclude that they alone ,vill makTnim
Saghalien. They were the hardest ir . . m
of citizens I ever .w rv(. " , T "c ,mve DUl 10 "tudy the mule1 ty yards of our guns. They lost 17
them was a cZ.nai nf ,Z , , SOme big'eared H of MM and wounded, while our loss was
thera was a criminal, and Judging by us know to be convinced of this. 142 killed and wounded.
Fresh crackfd crabj at the National
Hire's root b-er at the Boa Candy
l url.nnk potatoes, $1 a sack, at Tat's
JfF' U, "the on" rlurant
white cooks.
! Best 15-cent meal, Rising Sun Restau
j rant, 612 Commercial strrot
Chill con carne and frljollea at Lee
Herring's National Cafe every day.
Until further nmlu
creamery will pay 24 oenU for butter
Cold lunch, pickled pigs feet, oys
ters, sheep's tongue, etc., at the Na
tional Cafe.
Toil never know what form of blood
poison will follow constipation. Keep
the liver clean by using DeWltt'i Lit
tle Early Risen and you will avoid
trouble. They are famous little pills
f'-r constipation and liver and bowel
truilil. s. For sale by CHARLES ROO-Kits.
A ninn thut hath no virtue In Mm-p-lf
ever envi.nh virtue In other.
J. J). Bridges, Editor "Domocrat,"
Lu;caNtT, N. H says: "One Minute'
Ciitiali Cure Is the best rvtnrdv for
crou; I evr used." Immediately re
llevre and cure coughs, colds, eroun.
asthma. Pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe'
and all throat anl lung troubles. It
prevents consumption. For sale by
II will not be a surprise to any who
are at all familiar with the good quail
tl of ChambprlaJn'i Cough Remedy te
know that people everywhere take
pleasure In mlatlng their experience In
the uw of that splendid medicine and
In tolling; of the benefit they have re
reived from It. of bad colde It has
runvl. of thrwilfiusl attacks of pneu.
nmnlii It has averted and of the children
It has saved front attacks of croup and
whtjopltig cough. It Is a grand, good,
medicine. For sale by Chas. Rogers.
Next to knowing whim to m ix an up.
portunlty, th ni'Mt ImiH.rtant thing In
l!f Is to know whim to f.irgo nn tid
vintage. r Ik-lit.
What appear to be calamines are
often the sources of fortunes.
There U a
tnd false im-
pres lion
in at a man,
in order to
be a vnnn
physician, must bt
piiynician, musi ot
more or less heart-
1cb. People mis.
take hfflrtlcniinpM
for nerve. The two
terms are far from
BjMuujmuHa, n
man may have a nerve of steel and a heart
as tender as a mother's.
Of all the specialists in the world, there
probably are not two that have as wide an
experience in the treatment of women's
diseases as Dr. K. V. Pierce, chief ronnult-
jtlcr nhtfaician In 1h Invnlirla' TI.f,.1 nHJ
Surgical Institute, at iiuffalo, N. Y. With
the assi-itance of his staff of able phvsj
cians, he has prescribed, in the past thirty
years, for many thousands of women. Or.
Pierce is pre-eminently a sympathetic div
sictan. Perhaps more than any other man
in the brofession he realizes the linrrllilf
of woman's work, and the disadvantages
under which she labors because of the
weak, delicate and susccntihl Htnirttir,. n(
.. ... v.u.. ...... iii.iiuuituTC yitK-
tic in flitifsu.a rtprtiliir tn C I
" - y ... ... . w noiiu u HJifi-u
upon his recfignition the fact that women
Jf . . 1 ll tinvr (air Hi. tir...i.. n.. .. . I . '
-"v... .v iaic ui innr
health, so long as that care required the
fi-IMiornQnt "va,njnqtinnB " M...I 1 1 I ,
treatments" insisted upon by nearly all
physicians. After y ars of study he invent
ed a remedy now known as Ilr. Pierce's
Favorite Pre.-irrintinn that ia an aV.r.l..t.
and unfailing cure for the most complicated
nu uuannaie cases or nisease peculiar to
women. .This wonderful medicine cures In
the privacy of the home, and does away
with the necessity for obnoxious "local
treatment." It imparts health, strength,
vigor and elasticity to the organs distinctly
feminine and fits for wifehood and mother
hood. In paper covers, one-cent stamps; cloth
binding, 10 cents extra. Dr. Pierce's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser, Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Do you know B nod grass
Stamp Photos T Call and ee
They are all the go.
Geo. Noland, Rockland, 0 ssys "My
wife had piles forty years. DeWltt'i
Witch Harel Salve cured her. It Is
the best salve In America." It heals
everything and cures all skin diseases.
r,am Eure Rye- America's- Anest!
whiskey. The only pure goods; guaran-1
teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson,
solo agent. I
Trust him Utile who pruiws oil: him
less who censures nil, and him least
who Is Indifferent to all.
rsED nr British soldiers in
Cnpt. C. CI. Dennlson Is well known all
over Africa, as tho command.- nt tk.
forces thot capturd the famous rebel
Gsllshe. Under dale of Nov. 4. 18W,
fiom Vryburg, B-nhuanaland. he
writes: . "IJ.-fore starting on the last
campnlgn I bought a quantity of Cham,
bcrliiln's Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea.
R.-iiicdy which I used myself when
troubled with bowel complaint, and had
given to my men, and In every case It
proved most ben-'flclal." For sale by
Chas. Rogers. '
Til 1 V rftuilvn nul. . V. . i . -
heating and cooking purposes on the I
Telephone 1311. ' "
Boauet dn Cnhn nl tr tv.
- - - fc
are the finest 8-cent cigars that ever
won io mis margst. llonry Roe, op
posite brewery.
Visitors from Pnrtlan1 ma .la.k..
will find the pleasanteat rooms In As
toria St thm Rnv rltf hnliaA 170
street, Mrs. E. 8. Andrews, proprietress.
Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box
wood to any part of the city on short
notice. AH orders left at Zapf's fur
niture store, 630 Commercial street, will I
reofive prompt attention. Telephone
"I wouldn't be without DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve for any considera
tion, writes 'rnoe. u. nnodes. Center
field, O, Infallible for piles, cuts,
burns and skin diseases. Beware of
couraterfolts, For sale by CHARLES
To succeed one must sotnHlmc be
very bold, and aoiinllm.n very prudent.
Be noble! and tho nobleness Hint
lies In other men, slocplng, but never
dead, will rise In majesty to meet
thine own.
The following reduced rates are In
effect Via th fl P N karaan
ria, Portland and Intermediate points
Dlinv tl.A In. .... nr . . .
ruri, to tenia; section,
25 cents; lower or upper berth, 60 cents
utt, mmcj will, io cenie.
Go to the Columbia Electric, and Re
pair Company for all kinds of new and
fVnn I r work fmm a nomWA . -
: a uicycie, nouer or engine, yuick work
arn sansraciion guaranteed. Logging
machinery of all kinds a specialty.
onou opposite itoss, iiiggins & co.
The smallest act of charity shall
stand us in great stead.
Dr. H. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says,
"I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a
splendid medicine. I prescribe It, and
my confidence In It stows with enntln.
ued use." It digests what you eat and
oulckly cures dyspepsia and Indigestion.
For sale by CHARLES ROGERS. i
Great occasions are the newssltl.'s
only for which great men are the sup
pile. Great mm even make great oc
i My wife has been using Chamber
Iain's Pnln Balm Balm, with good re
sults, for a Intno shoulder that has
pained her contlnunly for nine years
We have tried nil kinds of medicines'
onfl doctor wl'hout receiving any ben
efit from any of them. One day we taw
nn advertisement of this nvdlclne and
thought of trying It, which we did, with
the best of satlsfaotlnn. She has used
only one bottle and her shoulder Is al
most well.-Adolph L. rflliett, Man-
chest-ir, N. II. For sale by Chas. Rog.
A Round discretion Is n:i so milch
Indicated by never making a mistake
ns by never rcHNitlng it.
Dr. W. Wlxon, Italy Hill, N. T.,saye:
T hesrtltv imvtmmitnA nrta. Ul...
Cough Cure. It gave my wife Immedi
ate retlpf In anfrn4tjl.tlno BalhM. if
Pleasant to take. Never falls to quick
ly cure all couarha. eolda. hrna.t
lung trouble.
"I naa dyspepsia nrty-soven years
and never found permanent relief until
I used Kodol dyspepsia Cure. Now l!
am woll and feel like a new man,"i
writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb. It la
the best dlgestant known. Cures all'
forms of lndlgjutlon. Physicians every. I
where prescribe It. For sale by CHAS
Choose such pleasures
much and cost but little.
as recreate
LaGrippe, with Its after effeots, an
nually destroys th.-nnn,ia
. . - --in w , umJUID,
It may be qule.gly cured by One Min
ute Cough Cure, the only remedy
that produces Immediate results In
coughs, colds, croup, bronohlUs, pneu.
monia and throat anil lima- ...v.i
- w llVUUICf,
It will nrevent rnnaiimnin v - .
by charles nooma. ur
By local application, 'is they cannot
reach tha diseased portion of tho ear,
There Is only one way to cure deafness'
and that Is by constitutional remedies."
, neatness is caused by an Inflamed con-
I dl"r." 0,ih? mUnou "nlng of the Eus-
tnchinn Tube. When thlS tube Is In.
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
mporfect hearing, and when It is en
tlrely closed, deafness Is the result, and
union, the Inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing will be destroyed .
forever; nine case out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which Is nothing
bill Sn lnflfimnrt nn.nllflnr. it..
iurfaoes. 'uucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any cos. of DeafwM (caused by ca.
IftlTlal inLt nBTItlrVr Ka AiiauJ t ....
Catarrh Cure. 8md for circulars; free
Hold by druggists, JBo.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat
r ,7V ,