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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
! ' Is I 1UE Milium AijTOKlAfl HtlUA NOTEMBbR in, lOTii l'.!,.,., 1 , ,, ,-L - 1 1 I I to c w. Carnahttn'i. Thy are to I th California n Byni Cv orf. mtf i a a t jm i ,. ... . 1 1 1 1 in urui 1 um 1 L M 11 iu iiii'ituiit riwn v 1 jin aui . . 1 . . . A irnin ir rniwiu " r ,. " I V I1U1VIVHIWI I ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN It Will 1'ay Vuu To look up tht bwralnj X am offer- Inir In ttitf nriuikirv mttmk. fDvrV fiiiin rKular prior. lvrythln In plain ami warv, ins iin oii Luaila Irmiil, lCnKllati majco. It will pay you to look It ovor. CIIAH. LAHHON, Vtl Commercial 8trt J lie) '10 l'oMilur Nw Hav you n my aaaortmont of bony bruhT They nr pur chat dlroot from Nw Yoik, and ar vary popular. Am cotulantly rclvlng nw gooda. Com and wo xhwu 0. W. SMITH, Th LMdlng Jawttw. Ill CommaroIaJ Btroot, Who 1oom Your l-Mindryr Wa claim, and wa wlU prova to very one, that wa liava tlia bt and moat up-lo-dat laundry on to CoaiL A trial order will oonvlnca th moat particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try th CITV 8TKAM LAUNDRT. til Franklin Avanu. R. BCIIIMPKERMAN. JW, Our Hpculul IJurgulna Vti hat aotna brokan Un of tin war which w will ekw out at bar (am prtoa. W ar alao making utclal prtoaa on aoma brokan Una of oannvd frulta and rllha. pick la. taul dallcaolaa and aauoM. Tnaa ar A No. 1 gooda. and can ba had at low prtoaa. nosa. moaiNS co. A Chut In Spun lull VIII ba ttarUd. to ma vnlnr at th homo ox I ha mwnbara. Plan Two laaona a wk, 10 cnU a W aoa, lht mootha' court Conault by mail or call at tna Kbool aftar l:W p. m. W. W. PATNE. Principal of High School. , Extnt l'li I'mhrelhi And at battar than Portland price. If a fact. They ar lh celebrated Follmer-Clorf make: handaomw, dunhla allk umbrella. Don't make th mlatak of buytnf alaowher. , KKBTROM. Th Jeweler. 40 Commercial Street IktU-r 'Miun liver Th Pond Streat Flan Markat la better than ver prepared to aupply freah and aalt fih of all klnda. Oooda delivered to any part of the cliy and satisfaction guarantwrt. POND STREET FISH MARKET. (17 Dond Ftrwt. Millinery Novdtlc i im n fiirt he mII the atten tion of tha ladle to my handaome atock of trimmed millinery. It com nriu th lataat creation of the millinery art, and I am offering re duced rate for th nert M day. MI8S McRAB. Dr. T.N. Mull DENTI8T. 671 Commercial Street, ASTORIA. OTtB. Over Sohtuaael'i Clothing Btor. Tha IUII.V ASTOMAX will la found ou aal In I'lirlUinl l lh wall-known ' Ihinere hou.i. ..f J. V. Iliilly ., WI Hhliiiiu Ntrl. Onlr for iler tiling lad with thla firm will relv lruHiit ltnll"M. TODAY'S WEATHER. PORTLAND, Nv. 10.-Wlrn Ore gitn, w(iuImiiii) UkIiI ra'.n, coiUtr, to- AROUND TOWN. frawPahlng- la In lu gU.ry mow. Crawflth, cookad In wlna, at tha Na tional Cafe. Drink K. II. Cenral; Eat Nut butter and Health Fooda and b happy. Fne. with each pacak of H. O. Munli. 1 package of II. 0. Pancake Klour, at A. V. Allen'a n. r. Allan Bon ar lllnf Em- boaaed Wall Paper a low a 10 oenU per roll; Imported Engllah, TV oenta. A. R. Cyrus ha moved hi Real Ea tat and Inauranoa olTlo to 43( Com merolal airect, oppoalt th Aatorlan olTloe. Fr Ront-Pwtly Mrnlahwl houae, 7 imuiim; wHI Iikii1. Addreaa A, Aato rUn ttrfltv, Cha. E. CIovkIojuI arrtvrd hinw thin mornln from a trip to Portland and Ht. IJekna. Pur whlaky Harper Perfect whUky Harter every bottle guaranteed liar per. Sold by Ford 8toka Company, Aatorla, Oregon, Tixlay la th lot day upon w hit h Trrry MoKwin will be hrd In dra miitifi reclinJ at Warn-iilon tomorrow evening. Among tha a"l""tl"n whkh h will rndor will l hli liUftat chiir acur akotch "An Old Tlmo M;lody. Kdltor OIlHum of tha Nrw la auf-fi-rlng from tw i-ffwt of a hard fall ho experienced he (Htvr morning. HI f;t ll)td W'hlln oxnlng dow.i a doping walk, at.d In alrlklng he fell live or lx fwt. Hw woa rmUrel un, oi.iiim Iou for a ahort time, aiwl thert man a gtirrul wrenching of the mua cM of thu body. All Aalorlana who vlalt Portland and dealra apendlng a pleaaant evening In company with pollto people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled mualcal program, ahould go to Jhe Frederlcka burg. Ilealdee vocal and Inatrumental MiKctloni there are many other at traction to delight tha vlaltora. The new management la making the FrcW Ickaburg a well-mrttd aucoeaa. ui.. aims Palmberr. recently aniv- lug from tha F.aat. dealrea to announce to ln laaiea oi abiutt "i - ........ a iiMMmikina rt&rlnre on Ninth . M... PAHimawlil next door to ibiitiiiM-'a orlntlna: offlce. Mta Polm- i... krf thnmua-h exDerlenca In UTI iimm ' ...... , - cutting and fitting ladle' garment of all kind, particularly taJlor-mada ault add oloaKa or tn mm lonable delgn- The "good mada" ptHJcm are be in. nuahed. Mr. R. M. Woodon of El ale and Cliu. Oronnll of JewU were appointed to lniterw the cltlaena of A.i.wH In behalf of tha movement thev are now In tha city. They are im with atioowaji, and tha p?tl ,!,-, ar belnar very gwnerally algn -d. In the country tho oppualtlon la ex tremely amall. Holly Ranch No. 19. United Modern VlaiUntea, gave a highly aueceiwful irminnumi at . Cairuther'a hall. A Uia- lia IrlurtiDhurrt -a'm at th Four hnenth Rtrtet thoatre. New Ywk. All of thla scenery and every effect la car ried, no hiUM aowwrry being ud, and h,tiMn a strong company, tha organ. Ixatlon Incluilea tho Coon Hollow s'Te- nadi.-ra, a troupe of colored singers and dancers, boys and girls who give a danrln carnival simply wonderful. UnUiUB electric and calcium displays ara also feature, but tha piny " de pond rather on a vigorous plot and welt rvrrtraved charactera true to na- ..x than It cenlc atur. It has been a great sucx-eas In New York, Bos- ton, Philadelphia, New OrH-ana anu all the leading cltlea eutt and west. The puy ,n ,u "lxtn ,-a"on of mc' ts, and the dramatic company, which embraces most of, tho original New Vnrk eaat. Is everywhere commended. Heat sale ofx-na Tuesday morning at Qrtffln newl's. water ratea can be paid to avoid the . nunitr of Invited friend were penalty of 25 cents addpJotiul charge. After an excellent literary Parties up from tha Astoria Gun Club lukea say that tlwy are alive with ducks and many are seen. Mrs. W. L. t.'lenhart and son Lloyd, arrived home ymlerduy fnm 1'ortlnn.l, where they have been visiting for a day or uvj. nreaent program and clever ijcerdemalii work : v. Me J.aut. Mr. J. J. Bturglll. chief iril- of the order rteiivereu an aoic aildrena upon the aubjivt of fraternity. A erli-a of views closed th.; entertain ment. There will le a slmlllar -nter- tninment Saturday wening and all are Invito!. ( t ' ' The members of tha A. F. C. enter (yn t.u ."Br, " : ,.,. ,n,.lnM,.iv,.. Blll friends with a ana maKea ir irouui wiin i tutu chimney flues than any other. George W. Siinlwrn, Agent. Telephone 1311. wanieu voman to uo 11.01 nuuv-, - ... . ,k. work In family of three on a ranch bctwwn Croaby and Uwta. he trio of Ix.xlng bouta lust night at lh avmnasluiii nanns. The flrst two prov tsl tiulte IniereHllnK and were c.loai'ly followed by the H'Mnewf, but th last four mile from town; good home; kind tronlmrnt. Call 69J Franklin avenue. I 1 , .u.. . v.a It uo aheduleil t'llltT twie lit inv mi .-. v " for live rounds but although It did not take the live roundai to finish It, It was r. .1... ...1 1. th. Kmmt ant mnat aeo. nil plirhl what I her WOS of It. and 1 ..1 .i tnr hmiahnM uaa In At.' rn.iuu-h of It such aa It waa. One of the torla. Try It one and you will hav, participant was not In gmxl condition, no other, Oeorg W, Sanborn, Agent ; so th end was rather precipated. Pres. Telephon 1311. THE INSTITUTE IS PROGRESSING THIS WILL BK THE LAST DAY Ad Interesting and Instructive Lecture f5y President Whltnker Last Xiunt on Etpanslon. The steam whonner Atxrdeen came down from Portland yemenay an passed on out. The Oreg n lame down the river and cat anchor opposite the O. R. N. dock. She expects to leave out today for the Sound country. The German ship Nereid came In Wednesday evening. The UrltUh ship Tullward waa towed down from Portland yeau-rday. Ph- karre WllacUt WOS tOWed UP the river yesterday by the tug Hercules. COMMISSIONERS- COURT. 1- k fnnmv Mimmlaaloners' court ' . . w.t.ntav. T. B. Morrison, Robert M lw. and L. G. Wist were appoint vlewra and R. C. F. Astbury aurveyor to lay out a road aa petitioned for, t run from the Lewla and Clark bridge n r w. Carnahan's. They are 10 maei at U:J0 p. m. on M'Tlay at the residence of Mr. Carnahan on Clatsop plain. A communication from D. J. ingaii. supervisor of road district No. i, ak- Ing tlui the rad around Btone niu ue repaired, waa read and ordered flled. r T Tnirnlia alinervtWlT Of road dis trict No. 4, reported that he had posw-o. notloes for bids- to build tna pnoge Be tween (itavebldt landing and the End landt place, but no Mda were made. He added that he would ouiia tne bridge for $280. He wa matructed to submit specification. The institute met yeaterlay morning at Si'O, with Superintendent Ackerman In the chair. Th dlacusalon of the course of atudy. as begun the day pre vlous, was rcaumed after a preliminary address by the superlnundent This talk was a kindly suggestive one. He dwelt upon the necessity of administering praise to pupils. Many pupils are discouraged by withholding orolse. To bring out all. the good points la a student and In the ecd to accomplish good, substantial results, a certain amount of well-earned praise 1 necessary. The Idea, he explained, to to be frank and above-board with the puplla, tu h In the affirmative, not In tho m-gnttve. There Is too muoh. nefTA'ive teaching. The teacher gave their undivided at tention to the speaker, and expressed themselves a being greatly emlight by the remarks made. After this brief but pungent address the superintendent proceeded with the course of study, aa already mentioned. His address upon the subject waa brought under the sub-head of "Tests for Promotion." This apparently 11m Fisher's Opera House 1 1. 1. SELIG. ttssce nd JTigr. j VedsKdiv tti Tbmdir, Nov, 15-16 . . . a.. 11a In awtf fA 1.. . tm,.M ih inh tiled iubjrct was made so alive br 11- MO me nimnrmi tummi - v i Take .t-amer Bailey Oatiert of and exhorted the mombors to do all in "... ... Whit. ColVir lln. for Portland and way' their power to .well tha funds and dd man. mat u assume new mean ' ' . , !, lna- to those Dresent. point. Far. K oentj; room. 7 oenu-, Mvery way mey Wu.u w .v - - upper or lower barth, M onU; aecUon of tho organisation berth, IS cant. The ladle of the Baptist church de lr to announce that they will serve next The sueaker concluded bv exhortlns thrt tearhera to tieh an that th& minlla Him of the moat Interesting evwts of w ill be able to do their own work and , h theatrleal season Is announced for by using the arithmetic class for an Wednesday at Fisher" opera example gave a very lucid exposition of sire to announce inai wre? w.o - - ... ... ... a dinner on Thanksgiving day. Further house In Callahan-, big produetkm of this thame notloe will be published Ui keep the A Romance or toon w public waited as to the plac. price, etc.' the same scenery and effect used dur- A CVI Mil A IV! 7 0V have an eiul opportunity with tho citizens of Portland to x make thoir wlwtioiw of CIoUiior from our immense ami wen Assorted stock. All the latest Novelties from the best manufacturers in Ameri ca can be found on our shelves. v We are making Special Efforts on Overcoats and Suits at 814.85.. . Same as are sold elsewhere at $20 and over. When visiting Portland yon are Invited to call and inspect our stock. , . III 1 l - . 1 A. 1 I ou win nut ue urgeu w uuj. Money cheerfully refunded if ootU are uot satibfaotor)-. MOYER CLOTHING GO., titxt cit?t T tvt1 t-. - .led anA flnlr Strnnta. Pnrtlflrd ti DHjSX C31JjL11U, lUJlimgOI. " 1 j AFTERNOON SESSION. The afternoon' program was a con tinuation of the morning's. Superinfm. dent Ackerman proceeded with his dis course In the manner he had already adopted. The same attention that had previously Dald him was now centered on his remarks and continued so until the clnae. President Whltaker of Portland un iversity w a Introduced later In the day asd delivered a short addretw on the necessity of acquiring right habits and made plain his Ideas In thla regard by humorous but strong Illustrations of the dllTerent manners mem haw with hats and kept his hearers In serious att?n. tlon and laughter by turns. The evening setslon at the M. E. church was Introduced with a vocal solo by Mrs. J. T. Rows. Mrs. Ross snng In her usual cultured refined Btyle and was appreciatively recoiwd by all present. Presldent'Whltaker was the speaker of the evening and delivered a telling address upon the subject "Expansion." The word was not used In a territorial or political sense, but It was nrental and Inventive expansion- and the subject w as treated is on educated manner that evinced the close attention that must have been paid It by the speaker. He mild: J "Every Individual is under this Influ ence all his life. We are In a land ever expanding In territory, In pro ducts, In patriotism, In character. In power. The age Is expanding. This word Is the keynote of the movements which elope the 19th century." The lecturer illustrated his topic by contrasting the work of agriculture In earlier periods and the present. Also that of commerce, teaching, and the r"qulsltles for the so-called learned professions. All these Indicated not only an Immense expansd in of evry form of life, but mak imperative a larger preparation to mwt those re sponsibilities. "Training is essatlal as .a lump of Iron at the mine may be worth BO cents, but made Into horseshoes Is worth $10.50. Into knife, blades, $12.50, Into needles $38.50, Into watch springs $255.00, so endowments can v -"r ' -veloped, empowered to superlative ef ficiency." This evening will be tK ,:'n of the institute. At that time President Campbell of the state normal school will deliver an address on the subject, "Are Our People Being OwreduCated." Miss Annie O'Nen of Aatorla and Miss Evelyn Ilembre of Skamokawa were yesterday enrolled In addition to those ' already mentioned. Two Nights Coon Hollow ' ! Serenade The Big . Scenic Production A Romance of Coon Hollow As Idyl of the TesicsMe Hills. i SEC Tha Tornedo SenpatioD. The Big Steamboat Race f, Tho Putlni! Preaa tratredv ! ...v . , J TntltSDAT SlCltT Conpltte Set sic rrcxUctiua fogq's ferry A Delluhtful Comedy Drama I r f t t i t t Sine, Buch and Wing Dancers, Cotuedians, etc. PRTfTR--Reserved Seat. 75c Gallery, 50c; Seat sale open Tuesday morning at unffio & Beed'. J CS) 1 Restaurant WATSOS BROS., Propr'. (il am o.a KaV viitAm there fore pitroio pay for what they ordef 0 aud no more. 0 a ... .. i i-l. .,..,. X Ht lUIB IBS urgni, isrspnu imi mi H uifkesl Scrtire ii tht SttkHfst. S , 109 and Ul Fourth 8L ft) (Si . o ... nADTI AMn W w i.pen o a.m. o o p.i. run i k i , w (it tt' (5) The Portlotid IeatoMront E. B. riTTKUAl, j'lOjirlet' r. IVtatt Roon:i dr Ladifs. AN IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE. r ,0Va I annarmt to thousands. hn think themaelve III. that tbey are not afflicted with any dlseaae, but that tb system lmpiy neeo cleansing, is . v.!,. mnrnrt hvn to their hearts. . i . ....I.I I- mmllw htf using Pyrup of Fig. Manufactered by , the neck of the bottVs RUSSIA'S POWETt Th recent peace con fe renew bring the power of th Csar of Russia forci bly to mind. Ill eubJeoU look to him for food, shelter, raiment, even llf It self. In no country la a monarch's power more absolute. But far-reaching a It Influence la It cannot be oora pared to that which the human stomach ha over the- moral and health of th average mortal. Iloatetter' Stomach Bitters cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, nervous nea an all dJ ease arising from an inactive Urer or weak kidney. Try It If you hav stomach trouble of an cort, and for yourself. It will bring r back to health and happiness. It will make you strong by making year stomach strong. A private Revenue Stomp should cover 3 HATS GIVEN AWAY! With every Suit, even if the Suit costs no more than $5.00 (We have good Suits for this price) No Lottery. Every One Treated Alike. Boy. also get a Hat with t 8uit, and we have 7Pi Baits npwaras irora Yoa bny the Suit, we give the list The better the 8ait the better the hat. So toy being given away,, but aometbing useful. Having low rent we can do this. WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE Dealer I. .let's aid Dojrs' Clothing sad raraisbiij Goods, aid Hce's Boyi', Ladies' aid Childrts's Shoes, 225 Jlorriso. Street e STRICTLT At CLOTHING ST0KC betates rirst aad Soeoad m Washing ton St , neiir .Mh PORTLAND Udits' Tailor. s'tnts' Tailor, 1. D. Boer, Merchant Tailor lp-to-Date ITi iiiiirtk St., fORTl.WD, ORG. Y. M, C. A. BuilJ'g lilllld'g. t OPFN DAY Establlihed ; AND NIGHT... E House's I i Cafe, I lis Third Street, fortUnd, Oregon. J Tho Best Cup of Coflee or txtcoa lo me city. Cream and Milk frum our own ranch , Home made Pics and cakes. EARNEST MIUUER Fresco Decorators: and Scenery Artist ALSO DEALER IN" Latest Designs "iSSS' Wail Papers . JUST RECEIVO 127 First Street. Portland I! We Rent New Typewriters. Many New Improvement Added SEE OUB LATEST Smith Premier Typewriter NEW ART CATALOGUE FREB L. & M. ALEXANDER at CO., Phone Main 574 Exclusive Pacific Oasl Dalpr. 245 Stark St Portland Hoefler's Bonbonniere Vhere the rioest Caadies in the State ire Trepared and Alvays la Stock 543 COMMERCIAL ST.. ..AST0RU. 0REC01 BLANK BOOKS 01 Every Description Made to Order. Largs Line of Stock Books (or 1900. Attractive Prices. loose leal ledgers and Transfer Cases, Order Blanks Holders and Binders. Commercial (Tinting in all branches. Largest Eatabllihmant In tha tVeat. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. First and Salmon Sta., Portland.1 DO YOU BATHE? NO. WHY? Becanse at oar house we have neither a bathtub, nor hot water handy. ... Then go to the Russian Baths at 217 Astor St. 25 cents ia the price. Private apartment for ladies. Only the better olaas of patronage Is catered to. Try one and you will oome regularly. i 1 a. '