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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
IHtC MORNING ASTORIAN FltllAl, NOVEMBKK 10, im. gaUtf glotoriaw. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall, per yew Bent by mail, per moath M Served by carrier, per montn w SKMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year. Id advance U-M Postage free to subscribers. All communication! Intended for pub lication should be directed to the edi tor. Business communication! of all kind! and remittance! mutt be address ed to -The Astorian." The Atorian guaranteea to Itt ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising- rate! can be had on ap plication to the buslneea manager. The Astorian has always contended tliat Astoria could never .be developed against the opposition of Portland. It has always ben the Astorian's en deavor to obtain the cooperation of Portland in the utilisation of Astoria's undoubted advantages as the seaport of the Pacific Northwest as against any port on Puget sound. It has been repeatedly asserted by the Astorian that the people of Portland were like any other people, and that their preju dices against Astoria were born of fan cied self-interest and out due to feel ings of malice or sentimental concern over Astoria's possible rivalry us the metropolis of Oregon. Once convince Portland people that commerce cannot be held at Portland. Once convince them that the Columbia river is losing - trade and commerce in consequence of th. ...pmn. t maintain th. apnnort of : uregon at a iW miies in.anu ( from the ocean. Once convince them I that Seattle's wonderful strides ahead of Portland are due to nothing else ... v.. , but the artificial restrictions now !m- poseaon ine commerce ot tne coiumoia river through efforts to hold dwp-waser tonnage at Portland Instead of allow- j ing It to come to Astoria, Once per suade the bard-headed business men of Portland as to the truth of these prop- ositions. and no power on earth could stop their energies from at once con-! cemrating at the mouth of the Colum-' i bia river. But. with all due respect to u: viiiiiuiis m ure uirgimn, me ah- sanitations in wis city yco are auvo torian cannot agree that the best j eating the appointment of Mr. Wheeler. wayto bring Portland people to the proper realization of present condi tions; that the best way to circum- Vent the well-laid plans of Oreg-n's commercial enemies, who labor inccs-' , . . ! samly to create such a strong tendency of trade and traffic to Puget i sound that even the restoration of nat- j ural condition on the Columbia river! will be unable to prevail against It fori the next 109 years the Astorian tan- not agree that the best way to; when It was recollected that tt had accomplish thece important ends Is' tn said just as positively only a day to indulge the hallucinations of Port-'01" tw' a tnat tne Prdetit had all ,. . . ., .. Jhut appointed a man from Ohio; also land people as to the practical) ty of . . , , , 1 ' tnat he would certainly name Judge a 100-mile, 30-foot Inland channel from ; Paxtun o p,nngyiva,iia. These rumors Astoria to Portland, or that the L'ni-1 having failed to discourage the advo ttd States government, after the years' ca,os of tn; appoirvtment of a repre and years of delay that must en3Ue man fnm the Pariflc I t!ie more circumstantial report about surveys and Investigation as to th-) Ff(,r Wdlf out While the, clum- feaalbility and public policy of such a moves on the board have been pro project, will eventually appropriate iUv reading. Mr. Whaler has been further millions of dollars requir-d f,.r such''"'1"'"1 ,,y representative bodies of . F'a';iilc coast citizens, an experiment. nat the A.Jtonan would ure uponPortlu:i'1 people is their quickest iJOSHible reO-rtic-iliiient to the inevitable law of nature and comm r; which debars Portland from the race for seaport supremacy with Pu?..t sound. What the Astorian wi. iM Jo is to bring to the attention of the .y-n-aible business men of portl.itnl I,--enormous lof which h;is aire.vly ).. suited to them and to Or-gon frjni the ton-development of Astoria. Wht-.t .h.. Astoiian would bring lo the r-aiit. ; lion ! I'oUland jjeople- is Hi.; st. rn ri-.--C'-.ssity for the Immediate recgtiiiloji cf Astoria as Oregon's seapoi i, i,.i the, theapnes?, the surpassli s t-u'V..n-' i i-nce and inestimable value cf tha; ! reaport, as jigaitist all oth'-r s-ap'inxi for the outuoing and incoming cum-! merce of the Pacific North-st. Arici! the Adtorian humbly BUgg -stg Jiat the! right way to bring these important facts to public attention; the right way to force them upon the minds of InM. ligent business men In Portland, Is not by indulging the dreams of Portland's future greatness through the impossi ble creation by government bounty of a 30-foot deep sea channel, but rather to tell the plain truth as to Oregon's de cline as compared with other Pacific coast ttates; to stir up the men of Ore gon to face the crisis brought about by present conditions; to make them comprehend the advantages which He at their hands unutilised, nml to enroll rago In thorn the dtfrroe of united effort whlrh may ntiik'e the Columbia riwr the mightiest artvry of vm mwe w the ww ixnllnont and convert rortlsnd within a brief ifMt of time Into the lrs and mi miig nifioent trad-1 center on the entire Til rilir coast. OPPOSED TO WHEELER. Southern Pacific Company Trying to Hnv? Chlpmnn Appointed on Inter state Commerce iVminisatan. The Southern Paelrto Company Is try. Ing hard to get Oen-nil N. P. Chlpman Into the Intel-state Commerce Commis sion. Within the past two or three days the activity of the hired men of the big corporation has Ixvn partlru laxly in evidence, says the San Fran Cisco Call. The newspaper orgiu cm trolled by It In the Interior, following out the tactics of ofTU-iol dwellers In the yellow "knockery." have begun a campaign of abuse against William R. Wheeler, who Is the candidate of all the commercial bodies on the Pacific coast from Puget sound to San Diego. The purpose of this Is to affect the minds of those wh are friendly to Wheeler, and also to get the idea abroad that the people of the slate of California are opposed to Mr. Wheeler, and especially to make an Impression of that sort in the national capital. Marked copies of papers containing at tacks and reflections upon Mr. Wheel er are going out to senators and mem bers of congress representing' the Pa ciflc coast states. Still another scheme has ben put Into operation, which Is to have rumors published that President McKinley has expressed his intention to name one or another man from the Middle West to All the vacancy upon the Interstate Commerce Commission and to ignore the Pacific coast, which has never had a member of the commission, and is now united for one candidate prartlc ally, the exception being the Southern Pacific Con-pany. Within the past three days friends of Mr. Wheeler Have been quietly Informed that President Mc Kinley had decided to name S. H. Flfer 0f IIlinolS' ImUlry ha invariably led j to the knowledge that the rumor start- from thf yeow ..knockery . An Ingenious form of the story wait given out in a morning paper yester- day nd ft ran thU: "Chlpmtn not be appointed. The Southern , . Pacific Company has evidently lost the flght to secure the position for him." Then the following was published ' Word was received from Washington yesterday that seems to Indicate that President McKinley has no Intention of selecting any from this coast. Mr. Calhoun's successor will be. tt Is said. ex-Judge S. H. Fifer of Illinois, whos appointment wlU be due to the .-m f 8?x' CUllom maoia " This storv ha1 n effect In rh riltvo tlun of dlscwragirthe commercial or- There was no quloo that this story cam from the "knockery." After It appeared it was connected up with this Interesting story: That Calhoun re signed to take the position of attorney for th St- L0"'8 .Jobbers only after he had reached the conclusion that his ... , , . , successor would be appointed from ininos. alfc0 tnal Senator CuUom would after the settlement of matters close t0 the administration resign and tuc- ceed Fifer on the Interstate Cnrnmls- . siun. This story caused some amusement AFTEIl HILL'S SLEEPERS. Pullman - Wagner Combine Seeking e C'Oitrol All Sleeping Cars. A plan is how b-lng advocated by J. Plerpont M'-rgan, on behalf of the con solidated sl-eplr.g car company, to ac lulre the simpers of the American roods now nvniiig their own equip ment, thus turning over th'- entire !", Ins car biisitvss to th" r.rtisolidat company. ii'r 1 ;uu iian ra ilic runs a slevper s-iA'ici. of hs own from wan to ocean, fr. l a i : 1 not ),.. Mpiroa:h rl by the con s. !!'! fi Iniei-est; but the Great h. in. Miiwauk'-'-, Soo line and S:. I'i'ii and Idiluth all op-rate their own sl --,er and it is these lines that Mor tcai. is aft'-r. it is argueil that under a system such as prMVMed the iailroa1 compan ies could be relieved of the heavy ex pense of maintaining a service during a Iare portion of the year equipment not in use. With the sleeping car com panies th"re Is never a shortatre of cars since unusual demand In one portion of the country can be met by furnish ing cars from points where thfre Is no pressure, with a road which owns Its own equipment there Is often con siderable dilllculty in obtaining equip ment in times of heavy travel. lie plan of the consolidated com pany, as outlined, Is to gain control of th? Independent sleeping car service In the NorthweHt by purchase, after ward making the usual contracts with the different companies. The form of contract used recites that the road on which the sUvpors are used sbult haul th equipment and ktvp It In exterl.w repair. The eojslMted com pan) agrves to keep the Interiors in g-od repair, furnish porter and conductors Rod ojx'rate the rnrs for the road. In payment for the i-aIc percentage basis of division of revwnue on a slid ing srale Is used. CLAIMS FRAUD IX KENTUCKY BOTH SIDES MAKE I'll AMES The Khal Claims of Democrats and Kcpvbllcaas I'rumlse a Contest in the Legislature- LOUISVILLE. Nov. J.-A i-onfuslon of claims and counter claims to cUltt which an official count or perhaps a contest before the legislature will be necessary Is all that Is left of Tuesday's election. Above it all vehement cries of fraud, committed or contemplated, are heard. Each side claims th election of Its ticket by a plurality of about 4.000 and present! figures to back up the claim. These figures in some counties vary widely and it is Impossible to tell which side, if either, has accurate returns. Chairman Long of the republican campaign committed, said; "I have no estimate to give, but I can furnish actual figures. On the face of the re turns Taylor's plurality is 4.136. All preclnts have beem heard from. Twelve counties are not ofhYlal, Including the relu-ni from Kenton and Breathitt." A special from Frankfort quotes Gov ernor Bradley as saying: "Taylor has been elected by at leant 10.0"0 najority and he will be the next governor of Kentucky. The returns from democratic sources show a plurality on the face of returns of about 2.000 for Goebel. This, they claim Is to be affected by returns from some missing preclnts, where th? ilem- ocrats can hardly do woi-se than break even. Goebel and "ssnator Blackburn. In Interviews at Knnkfirt Way open ly charged the republicans with fraud in the eleventh district, from which returns ars coming in very slow ly. In dications point more strongly thnn erer to a contest before the legislature which there sems no reason to doubt will be controlled by democrats. IMITATE ASTORIA LINKS. SEATTLE, Nov. 9. As an introduc tion to the local rate war between the three transcontinental lines, begun thlsi morning, the first and second class tick ets to Chicago and Atlantic coast points dropped $6 today. The trouble began through alleged rate cutting- by the Great Ncrthern. KID M'COT WINS. BUFFALO, X. V.. Nov. 9. Kid Mc Coy knocked out Jack McDowuirh of St. Paul In the fourth round at th Thorne club tonight. A NEW WAY TO MAKE COFFEE, The latest word of those who know Is, that to be perfect, coffee must never, while It is making, come In contact with any mutal. For the breakfast table, at least. It should be made In glass. First buy from a depot of medical supplies a flask of annealed glass which looks like an ordinary water bottle. need not lose flesh in summer if you use the proper means J i to prevent it. You think i you can't take SCOTT'S i EMULSION in hot weather, J I but you can take it and di- ' ; gest it as well in summer as 4 in winter. It is not like the jj : plain cod-liver oil, which is j difficult to take at any time. II yvu eti v 1U31115 ntjii, 4 you are losing ground and you need i Scott's Emulsion 1 your flesh and strength, if $ you have been taking it and 5 t prospering on it, don t fail to t continue until you are thor J 5 oughly strong and welL $ S joe, and 1.00, all druggltU. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChrroUti, New Yock, J The price Is 30c no great outlay con sidering the bottle will stand boiling water without breaking. Then pay Tu tor a glass funnel, to fit Into the tnrttle neck, and 10c for u doien round bits of clean, coarse white muslin. Coffee Itself Is the next thing. It l reiil Java, bought green of a denier who has rvttnrd for his word, at SOo to cV a pound. It Is rousti-d to a nicety at home, one half pound at a time, and ground Just ns It Is wanted. It nniy go into a ehed silver lidded bowl without the lejft harm. The water may HH' I e bell In a sliver kottle. over a brass mounted spirit lamp or vwn on the plebeian gits stove before It comes In Right. The one essential thing Is to have It In plenty and freshly boiling. First pour 4 cup of tilling water in the ilink and then turn It .h-ftly about, hearting the lliusk all the way up. Then pour It ut. whip the funnel In the fliisk mouth, llm the funnel with one of the mutllti rounds, and put Into it three heaping tablesioonfuls of the ground coffee. Then slowly, steadily, graeefully pour ni :he warer which has bvn kept bubbling over the uplrlt lamp. As It beirlns lo drip through. stir the wel eonve ugntiy wun a u-a-spoon. More water goes In ns the first pouring tlltei-s through. Three wponn- fuls of dry isffev ought to yield three flips of the coffiv essence. It Is renlly coffe." essence which will come out of the flask. It Is almost blark p.-rfiH-tly clear, full of coffee flavor and aroma. Only the mst conflrmeil coffee toner can drink it ne.vt. ixher Ndk re- aulre the cup fo he half filled with boll Ing water. Those who like whipped cream in It make the water a third Thus a single filtering will serve a con. Merable tea party. The miiolln and the spent grounds, are thorwn away af ter each Altering. I1ALKP MOXKY Holiert Purdette In Iw Amf-les Times. f tut speaking of eu ton Htrnnge how the subteet s'l.-ks to on.. 1 once asked a small farmer In le-orgta. "Why do you ralsv' cotton year after yer? It seems to me It's the hardest thing In the world to rals-; it -.niiirvH more care thar anything I kn-w if; tins I" be plowed oftener and after more carefully; why d.m't yoii r.ii- some thing to ent?" And the man with the two mule farm laughed and sail. "I'll know you was fpm .he N-n"!i Just by that fool si-vh. Haii.- I owe fr my land. I have to lave money overv yeai to run thin farm. I can ln i" '.' money on my m-xt crop of t t :i A- I the man ho lends me the noioy inn keep his eye on mv eri fnn Ih ilio - tno KWj tn thH Kr,imi uiitl' It H' londed on the cars. Ills security Is all right. But If I go to hi in in the spring and tell him I ain't going to raise any cotton, bin only corn and garden truck, he can't kei track of no such perishable security as that. He won't lend me a cent. So if I want any money I ve gut to raise rotlon." And I mnde what haste I could to swim uwhore. it Is so easy, son, for us to tell people !,- 000 miles away Juki what they iMight to do. ;io much eitsler than It Is to go there and do it. Thai's one reason why so many men who think that the buiu g-s In at the muzxle of the gun and that the powder Is put In first when you load It sre trying lo manage the I'hll- Ipplne war In Boston, Mass. A SINV.n.AH HKS'TK. Sm Frnnrlscn W ive. A well-known cleric was addreiwInK u i congregatl n of wiuneti at a water- front mission. Thinking to be Impres slve, he pictured a ship trying to enter a harbr against a head-wind. I'n fortunately for th- succ- ,,f the tne. taphor. his Ignorance of seamanship piiced the ship In several singular jx sltions. "What shall we do next?" he cried. "Come down off the bridge," cried am old Lar In disgust, "an" lenirne take command, or yeil 'ave us all on the ro.-ks In am her 'arf n second!" How much trouble lie avoids who does or thinks, but nly to what he does himself, that It muy I- Jimt and pure. Every man takm caiv that his neigh bor iles not ch"at him. Hut a day come when he In-glns to care that he does not cheat his nelKhlnir. Then all gen-s well. Id. hn chang.-il his mark" cart Into a chariot of the sun. .NUitUI-; OF REPUBLICAN' PUIM- ARV CITY ELECTION'. Notice Is hereby given that there will be a republican primary city elec tion on the 17th day of November, 1M9, for the purpose of electing delegates to the republican city convention. The Judges and polling places of said elec tion to be as follows, to wit: First ward Judges, Charles S. Wright, Man in Johnson and A. C. Fisher; polling place at county court house. Second ward Judges, p. 7f. Welch, Walter Uohh and It. Carruthers; poll Inir place, Welch block. Third ward-Judges, T. S. Cornelius, C. Gramms and Maxwell Young; poll ing place, old school, house. The number of doW-gaitcs to be elected at said election being 11 from each ward. It Is recommended by the re publican city central committee that said convention be held on the 21st day of November, 1899. Said primary election to bo hell be tween the hours of 1 p. m. and 6 p. m of said date, JOHAN E. YOUNG. Chairman Republican City Central Commute. F. P. LEINEN WEBER. Secretary. MEALS LIKE AT HOME. When you are In Portland and want a really good home meal, Just give Mr. Brown a trial, 108 Fourth St., near Washington, You will like It gurely. This rertaurant is open all night. No More Back Ache 1 MM i i r c I vi f Constipation, INFlAMATlOMt1 BLADDER. AID 5 AU KIDNEY DSCASCS . Purifies the blood by eliminating all poisonous matter, stimulating the e rivtlonr, regulating the Imw-Is and aid ing imtur In throwing oft that which makes a vllow skin. The effect on ths COMl'LKXIOX I unite pronounced, as a few days' us will demonstrate. NEW BUSINESS LOCALS Do you want a good meal whtn you vllt Portland T If so, go to the Tort land restaurant. 106 Washington street. If you want any Health Food that your grocer dost not have, write Knapp Bros. Haltn Food Co., East Portland, Or. Knapp Urns. Health Food Company. Fast Portland, carry a full line of alt the Mat tie Creek Sanitarium Health Foods. E. House's Cafe at l!l Third street. Portland, Is regarded by many peoplt. as the leading restaurant In the Pa cific) Northwest. Kncyctopedla Brittanlca. M vol., heep. $3 Best teachers' Bible, now, JOc. al liyland's Bros,' Book Store, Portland. Pee advertisement. A good meal with meats rich In flavor and one you will enjoy with a relish. It Just what you get at the Creameiie restaurant. 271 W.uhlugton street, near Third. Try it when you go to Portland. If you are going up to Portland and miss going to the Creamrrte itritsu rant, 'J71 Washington St., you may con sider that your trip will not be a suc cess, ns others -vlll tell you, who do not miss It. Holmes' English and Business Col lege it No. 411 Yamhill street, Portland. Is ; ir.-1 -to accommodate n large; rumi'i" or pupus mis year. Aireauy the c'ses are well crowded, a fact that lc 'Icntes the excellent character of the Institution. Mr V. R. Bridges, late of the Rills Printing Company of Po.f land, has as sumed the management of the Astorian Job printing department, and Is pre pared to do all kinds of first-class, ac curate, up-to-date printing. All work promptly delivered. Why la Watson's restaurant In Port land patronlied by thousands of people dallyT Simply because It Is the largest, finest and best equipped eating resort on the Pacific coast. Watson's restau rant hat sixty-eight wV.lte employes on Its pay roll. Remember the location, 1M-11 Fourth street. A tailoring establlmment of tome pretentions, located on Washington street, Portland, claims to have made 47 suits for dressy Attorlant daring th past tlx months. Thlt ttatement It de nied by the firm of Povey 4 Blrehad, at SV Washington street, near th Im perial hotel, who are patronised by th great majority of outside customers. Povey tt Blrchall make the swell tulta for most of the stylus rortlandert, and feel that they are not excelled by any Portland firm for out of town pat ronage. All kinds of r-adlnc! There It only one place we know of In Portland where you can find all the latest book and phamplets on the most advanoed thought of the day, many books on tub Jects of advanced up to date topic not to be found In other book stores can be obtained here. It Is worth your while to call when In Portland and see fur yourself. Jones, 291 Alder St., Portland. THR L01 YKH Strangers visiting in the city will find the Ixjuvre an Httraclive resort wherein to spend the evening. Tlis Amnio Histnrs l.nilii-s' Orchestra is still on (lis hills unci presents nihility a musical prounini of exceptional merit, Hiimlsouie pool nnd billiard rooms nre s feiitnre in coiinedtlon with Mm home, l'lilatiilile lunches will he serveil fit all uonrs ron sale. Improved ranch, conslstliiK "f ISO acres, on Younir't river. . Apply to John L. Hnyseth, Wise. Or. FINE OPENING. The North Pad do Dental College, j whoM advertisement appears In anoth er column, opened Its doors October 6,' with 70 students on Its roster. Ths col-1 lefre Is well equipped with every facil ity to (rnifluate students In nil ths late, knowledff! of dentistry. A. It. linker, j t).V. 8., Is demonstrator In chance, and j Is well qualified to Instruct all students ! who this college, j NORM PACIFIC Dental College loth and Couch Sts I'ortliinil. iMemhcr of Natiunnl Association of Dental Faculties. Formerly Ta:oma CoIIcqc "f Dcnta Surijcry. Dental Infirmary open dally from I a. m. to t p. m. Free oral surgical cllnlt Baturday, 1:30 p. m. to t p. m. A. R. Baker, P. D. S., Demoturtrator la charge. Student! desiring Information, ad drss North Paclflo Dental College, Flftnenth and Conch streets, Portland, Oregon. ixukuaku rui ickuh, Merchant Tailors ii ' 800tv Ymhlll Street Prtkcea Aid anil 4h... Tlpliin t)ruoi lllneli os. (iatlicr up IhoNc. MAGAZINES You Irnvc slxiiit your homes and livt them uml into HhiiiIsoiiis IViwika. OM IsKiks rebound snd msdn hi good a tirw. We uiaktf nil kinds of books siul have I lie only llook Hindcry In Astorln. Will lis pleased tostitunlt rstlumles. J. 8. DI I.I.INtJI.K. P. fl. Sharpie's Latent Builders' Heavy and Shelf Pacific Sheet FISHER BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon ... Jl Fruit ms Syrup Lithographing on San Francisco, a 1. Astoria. Ore. Writ Dm for Prl) (leuiZealand Fe InsiiFanee Go Of New Zealand. W. P ThomuH, Mgr., San Krnnclco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDER Subscribed Cnpitul Paid-Up Cnpital Assets ... Amiia in United States Surplus to Tolicy Holders Has been Underwriting on the Tacific Coast over Twenty-two years. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, OreKon PacificNavigationCompany HTEAMKR8 R. P. Elinoro W. H. HctrrlMon GARIBALDI BAY Connecting at Astoria with theOreirnn Itailroad & Navigation Co. ami also the Astoria A Coliimhia Uiver It. It. for San Francisco, Portland and all point' cmI, For freight and passenger rates apply I, HomMel Elmore i Co. Of noral Aifi'Dls, AHTOHIA, ORE. COHN & CO Agent, Oregon lUllroatl Navigation Co., TILI.AMOOh Ore. A. A 0. It It. 0 I'OHTLANU, Ce. ! 8TRONO COURSES-Wsll equipped training departments, Normal oourts, gulckest and best way to State Certificate Eipenses for year from JIM to 1160; Board ti.W to IS per week; Taltloa, M per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins September 19th: Bummer term Jun IT to September 1. For catalogue oddreaa P. L. CAMPBELL, Presldswt. or W. A. WANN. Bet of Faculty. KOPP'S BEST r The North Poolflo Brewery, of which Mr.John Eopp is proprietor, makes beer (or domeatio and export trade. fforth Pacific, Brewery Portland, Oregon Cor. Ninth uuJ Coiiiiuurclitl SI. Cream Separators and Het General 5upply Mouse for Family Groceries Hardware, ShipChandlery, Etc. Metal Works Tin a Specialty. Ffttrbaven, Wasti. f'i.OOO.OOO 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 ONLY DIRKCT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOIiMONVILLB State Normal School MONMOUTH. OREGON Training School for Tsachsrs, New Buildings New Departments. Ungraded Country School Work. firadiiales Secure Hood Positions. A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Bottled beer for family use or keg beer inpplied at any time, delivery In the city free. Y r