8 HIE MORNING AST0K1AN. HEUNKSDA. NOVEMBER 8, m. riii Millinery. Headquarters for Hry (mmkI on the Lower Columbia MlbS MoREA-Corner Tttth and Commercial starts. CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers MRFfT uircc m Nw York Slock Exchange DIRECT WIRES TO akm um Qf faJc Seasonable Cloafcings fi "' 214-21 s Chamber of Commerce, Portland, ( )iv'on. At lv.knvd priot'. Five attr binatious and to stylos h cloth for coals or goh' cajvs. active mm- Y caw curly T BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY J. w, ra44 ur. U1U, M. D, PrlipJ $2.K) and $2.50 values for 14S yard this week. ! BtiMw VMM OHW tt It, It. W. B. Edwards Every xurlety of Kotmh and Dressed l.uinber, Poors, Window, Moulding and Cedar HiinglcH I V.WUll.mlork.AMi.r.l'uleOiik Office Seventh Street l)ck A MKII W. HIUTm. IX. P. O. 4rw The German ship Adolph was towed Op the river yestetrday. The British ship Crown of England left up yesterday for Portland. The steamer Alliance left out y--4erday for San Frandsco. f The steamer Brunswick arrived IB yesterday from San Francisoo. Chaa. J. Gallagher, whose back was broken while working' on the German hip Nlobe, at Portland, has com menced suit against the ship for 10,000 and costs. It is thought that Galla gher cannot live long. died with the rags of poverty about his poor limbs, and there is every reason to believe that with proper attention and prompt medical attendance the life he had risked in battle for his country would have been spared. This happened scarcely beyond the shadow of the Dewey home, and almost before the echoes of Dewey parake and re ceptions had died away. perhaps, for T. Partita. Or. VttmwT, nMHtT Aouamt Ppr. Mat cums nmrawa Miutwr mi'im jtawK nuB. wos au Both these speukers aw scholarly men and In high ivpute as convincing orators and btxmd mliukd educators. The main subjoot for consideration during the day mtwtons of the institute will be the course of study prepared by It is proper.. II. Ackvrman state superintendent those who so desire to of public Instruction. I 7f I I! a tMjbA asAV IB. sssaala m , gaHSBBBMsl i THEY CUT AND FIT. , I Nut 'i. Nut flutter. K 11 Cereal. bestow their plaudits and their atton-j It Is called "Stale Manual of Course tlons upon the prominent war figures, ; of Study for the Public Schools of Ore. but It is delightfully refreshing to see the Astorians turn from shoulder straps and epaulets to pay their! tribute to the men behind the guns. 1 Ir the movement Astoria citlaens are leading other cities of the state should Join, and by prompt and munificent action show that we appreciate the ser- vices, not only of our commanders, but ' gun," and Its one great object, as told in the Introduction, "is to so arrange the work that the children, especially thow of the rural schools, may follow from time to time a plain, simple, pro gressive line of study to the ond that, at its completion, they shall hove a good common school education." Its aim Is to "introduce nothing that " ASTORIA'S GOOD TASTE. Corvallls Times. There is splendid exhibition of public spirit and patriotism In the movement in Astoria to found a li brary In honor of Edward C. Toung. The movement of the Astorlans differs from the usual trend In such matters. It to only a dead private's memory that the Astoria people propose to commemorate. The dead volunteer, though serving his country with all his strength, even to the giving up of 'tis life, had never risen to the star spangled and epauletted grandilo quence of a commander. Men of his sort we have been accustomed to al together too much not to fully recog nise. Indeed, a comrade of the dead Astoria volunteer died the other day. of our common soldier boys. All honor j should not be taught and make the to Astoria and to Edward C. Toung. classification as simple and Intelligible Astoria s silent volunteer! - possible." ' The one idea of the manual Is to aim mxraXTinv r TFirHrrsa P11 the of all and at the same r. ..' '-via- t,m prove more to the enlightenment ' ' '' f0f th pup" and Wwen the teachers Public Instructors of Clatsop County jabor8 Convene Today. j I(g unvepMl Bd)ptlon can noi faii """""" ' to be to the betterment of the school. The first session of the Teachers In- Two Fashionable Furriers Who Are Earning Well-Merited Approval. Good work, correct style and perfect (It speak louder for the furrier than any advertisement that can be written. Appletalh Pranll. the fashionable furriers, at 143 Third street, between Alder and Morrison, guarantee abo lute satisfaction In every case where a purchase Is made at their establish ment Both gentlemen are practical cutters and fitters, who have been em ployed In some of the largest houses In the principal cities of the United States. There Is a style and finish to all work turned out by this firm that stamp both gentlemen exp-rts In this business. Garments will be taken to b made over or repaired, and the work turned out with the least possible delay. RUSSIA'S POWER sti-tute to be held this year will convene ' today.; The forenoon will be devoted to ! organization and a discussion of the1 Th recent e conf'renc brin9 subject "Characteristics of a Good 1 ,h Pwer of C" RuMl twl' Recitation" led by Prof. Payne. This I blJr t0 mlnd' Hto b look hlm meeting will be conducted Jointly TSy ,or food' nelter' ment- even llfe U" Professor Pa-ne and Superintendent In no country monarch's Lee. State Superintendent Ackerman l"" more bso' But far-reaching will be present to the afternoon and i - tts "inutnoe ' 11 not comJ will thereafter preside. j P"1 to tnat whJcn the human 'H nas ora me munus onu neiuin 01 uio Evening seslons will be held Thurs day and Friday at the M. E. church, at which President Whitaker. of Port land University, and President Camp bell of the State Normal at Monmouth will deliver addresses. The subject of President Whltaker's address will be "Expansion," President Cam bell's subject will be announced later. average mortal. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters cures constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, nervousness and all dis eases arising from an Inactive lived or weak kidneys. Try It if you htve stomach trouble of any sort, and see for yourself. It will bring yu back to health and happiness. It will make you strong by making your stomach strong. A private Revenue Stamp should cover The Eastern Cranoxe, Health ("rnckcr. tiluten, Nut Roast, Nutene. M altoli Are a few ol (lie HomUu Foods iM by KNAI'P UKOS., IIFALTM FOOD Co. Portland, Or Foitii a Hpeoialty. HVLflflD The Photographer Dinintj-room nml Wcstanrant J. U. Wanmr, Jrp. rrlvite Diaiig-room lor lidit Ntili I V t'p Opts all Si(ht. 170 THIKD STKCCT. ....Dft. .Inrrisns nd Yankill Portland. Oreson.... Beautiful MllHnery . At prices within tlie reach of all. Call and examine the new styles. j the neck of the bottle. MRS. ROSS. m llth Street. N. W. Corner ScTfuth and Washlntfton POUTLAXD. OKKOOS v. Holmes' English AND Business College 4U Yamhill St, Portland, Oretfon. SIX DEPARTMENTS English, Ii(MkkeepliiR, Shorthand. TyrewrltliiR, Penmaithhip, Ail. Send for circulars. "Armstronit'a Combined Theory mid I'ractico ol Bookkeeping." A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS We liuvr nit hitudieds of our grsdimtcs to good potillont. Wt eiptct to send tliriiMn mire, Cull or write for our catalogue. I.csrn wAsfunil Aotr ws teach. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill St. A. I. Armstrong, Prln. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time, llimitrst, Shorthand and English department. Private or t lavt innriu tion. Catalogue free. Wc Carry the Ralston Health Foods Wheat Flakes, Crano, i Whol Wheat Crackers, Breakfast Food, Select Brar), Yeast Cocoa, Ko y, C. A. WHALE, Wholesale auj retail dealer iu A- V. ALLEN Pianos 2 Iffl Krnnich and IWh, SchafTrr, Schiller, and many others. I IMU-IIti Union Avenue and iW:l East Alder Street Organs Kchull and Co. Miller, Ann Arbor lleollry and others PORTLAND OREGON. Instruments Sold on Easy Terms. M. C. MATT!) I ELL. MaiuiKer. Head office Ui Blato fit. Sult'm.Ore. Plays any Piano. Anyone Can Play It. WTO Fry n rw? i v v V W a w Wherever there is a Piano there should be a Pianola. We'll Show You The PIANOLA Monday, Nov. 20, '99 and will Continue One Week. Moszkowski The Grcnt Composer and PlntilHt Bridorscs the . PIANOLA . (Literal translation.) "Any one hidden in a room near by who will hear the I'innola for tho first time will surely think that it is a great virtuoso that plays; but after u while ho will perceive his error, because your instrument never plays false note." MAURICE MOSZKOWSKl" Pianola, in Connection with Grand Piano, Price, $250. M. B. WELLS, Sole Agent for Oregon. Representing The Aeolian Co., (rHSrS""'' Th. Urge M, olMusical IS.ruments in ta Worid. j T. ,