The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 08, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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im Morning astorian wepneshai, November b, im.
Telephon Main ML
n 1 TT T
Sent by mall per year !
Sent br mall, Pr month
Served by carrier, per month
Sent by mall, per year. In advance SIN
Postage free to lubacrlbera.
All communications intended for pub
lication should be directed to the edi
tor Himlnma communication of all
kinds and remltiancet must be address
ed to "The Astorlan."
The Astorlan guarantee to Its ad
rertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can ba bad on ap
plication to the buslneaa manager.
The sale of the steamship Oregon I
k to the Columbia rlvr. This
ahlp, ko far from being old and use
less. Is really yet In her prime, and one
Of the b-st adapted ship to Pacific
coast trade In exist, having been
especially constructed for this ser
vice. It Is hard to understand why
th Oregonlan so persistently pursues
the peculiar policy of withholding from
lta readers that frank admission of the
alarming decline of Columbia river
commerce which might Incke them
to some effort toward the recoupment
of past losses and the retention of the
little general trade yet lingering. To
show the absurdity of he Orvgonl&n's
attempt to quiet public uneasiness
over the Oregon's departure, by say
ing that ship has survived hnr useful
ness. It needs only to be remembered
that the transport Pennsylvania.
which left Portland the othr day wl:h
a regiment for the Phllipplrw. Is a i
much older and more antiquated ves
sel than the Oregon, yet she has ben
praised by that paper as one of the
best transports In the government's1'
Pacific ocean service. There Is rea-!
son to believe If Portland business;
men were apprised of the extent to j
which Oregon is being shut out of the
general commerce that properly be-1
complied, March, ISM, the Wilson
Gorman tariff wsa In operation. The
second set of figure are for a tltne
nearly two yearn after the Dlngley
tariff went Into effect. A great war had
been waged In the Interval, and, In one
of Its manifestations, that conflict may
be sr.ld to be still In operation, yel there
has been a sweeping gain all along the
line In the number of persons employed
ami In the wago paid to each. Such
an Increase as this nas nnrdly ever
taken place before In the United States
In the same length of time, Kvery
person who wants to worK has It or
can get It, and almoin everybody who
has It Is getting more wages thun he
received four yvars agv One of the
great causes of this Immense Improve
ment In the condition of the country
is ti e change of tariff, a republican act
which I Intelligently protective to all
crunches of lmlus:ry that mvd any
protection haxlng displ.uvd. a demo
cratic law which exposed the American
producer to tlw ruinous cometltlon of
foreign low-pricM labor.
(Continued from first page.)
meagre reports front the Mate received
up to 11 o'clock tonight Indicate that
the republicans of Maryland have been
overwhelmingly defeated and that John
Walter Smith, the- democratic candi
date has been elected governor by a
maioruy of 10.000 to 15.000. There Is
also a reasonable- ctrtalnty that the
democrats will control both branches
of the legislature. The republicans are
Inclined to attribute the mult to
treachery among the followers of May
or Malster and United States Senator
BOSTON, Nov. ". Forty precincts In
the city of Boston give Crane, republi
can, 5.S9: Payne, democrat. 4.S3T.
BOSTON, Nov. 7. One hundred and
t-?n towns In Massachusetts give
Crane, republican, !$,92t; Payne, dem-
, oerst. 13.jS9. The same towns last
I year gave Bruce 14.260; Wolcott, 32.S68.
110STON. Nov. 7. Returns from 110
cities and towns out of JS3 give Crane,
republican, 37,721; Payne, democrat,
1S.3S0. This shows a republican ls of
11 per cent and a democratic loss of 5
per cent. On this basis the republicans
have carried Massachusetts by about
67.000 plurality.
DRS MOINES, la., Nov. 7,-Retuma
to 1:30 a. m. indicate that Shaw, repub
lican, for governor, will have a plur
ality of 60,000, .
lUt.TtXIOUR. Nov. T.-A special
from Cumberland to the Baltimore pun
quotes Senator Wellington as saying
that this was one of the happiest days
of his Mfe.
CLEVELAND. Nov. 7. - Sons tor
Hanna at midnight said: "UmW the
cindl tlons It has lxii a splendid re
ptibllcar victory,"
FRANKFORT. Ky., Nov. 1-A btille.
tin Issued at 1 a. m. by the Coxhel
democmtic canuxUgn rommltteo says:
"Wei have not enough Information con
cerning the state to go Iwo details, but
are confident we have won. though
the majority Is small."
JACKSON. Miss.. Nov. 7.-Tbe entire
democratic state ticket Is elected by a
majority ecnnervittlveVy estimated at
ABERDEEN., S. D.. Nov. 7,-Chalr-man
Herrer of the republican state
committee says: "We will carry the
state by at least 8.000 majority."
It would take too
long to tell all the
diseases that Wak-m-r's
Safe Curt
protects us from
that is to say, ait
that arise from di;
:.sal kidneys ant!
I'.wr. A jjreat t!v
', has saitl that "i.n
:.uuher is :: h
('ualcd 1)V the ;!
rUiousncss ot then
Warners Sai-:
Cure is an infallible
preventative ami
specific for all dis
orders in the above
named organs.
ton will resume his advance tomorrow.
The Thirty-fifth regiment will reinforce
him tomorrow.
A force of 300 Insurgent attacked
the Fourth cavalry last night making
three futile charge.! und losing three
mn, the Americans losing none.
(Continued from first page.)
BOSTON. Nov 7 Tn lh Pmnblln.
tongs to me ioiumoia river a move-,
, , . , I hampshlre district. Senator Herbert C.
j Parsons, ami-imperialist, who ran on
' an lndepndent ticket, was defeated by
i the regular republican nominee.
BOSTON. Nov. 7. The republicans
have carried Massachusetts today by
63.000 votes, electing W. Murray Crane,
governor. The entire republican state
ticket was elected by practically tho
same plurality as the head of the ticket
j and the legislature Is republican by the
I usual large majority.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. In New Jer
sey the republicans carried the state
and retained control of the senate and
house assembly.
TKENTON. N. J.. Nov. 7.-Rturns
at midnight Indicate that the republi
cans have carried the state by about
20,000 plurality. The republicans will abandonment of Coleium ar.d a rwlie-i
control both houses of the legislature, nient to Estcourt. i
I (omeral While had uscrrMlm-d thai i
SOUTH DAKOTA. t were alia, king Colenso but!
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Nov. 7. Ar-: he wax not aware of the British ivtir. . j
gus Leader, republlcin. estimates th ment. II - had determlm .1 ih-r-for.'. t
republican majority of the city of, attack the Ifciers In the r-ur. Or;.
Sioux Falls at 200. Last year for gov.! White's dlvUL.n caught the Ho is i
ernor the city went republican by ... 1 the r-ar and itft-r the hills hud U--n
shelled, the British luftmitry t..r;n-d
llvUllil.C l.N M.MI1M. i the pillion.
I lit the meanwhile (he Brltlxh ravalrv
No More Back Ache
u ..ore i y
i0 v Vr0nUBLES
l'mill.K the IiIikmI by eliminating nil
polMonoiis ii'.uter. stimulating Die se
eivtlous, regulating the bowel and aid
ing imtiiie In throwing oIT that wlilel)
makes a yvllow skin. Tho effect on the
COMPLEXION Is ()l'e pronounced, a
a few days' use will demonstrate.
Merchant Tailors
Tinthlll Strcd
Iktketi .ltd mil 4th...
Portland, Oregon
Tleltns (Irtiiini Illri. U us,l
(intlier up Tluisc,
You linve slxml your homes ninl have llicm Into llntiilsome IWka,
Old Uniks relmnnd and made ginxl n new. We make all kind of
books atui Iihvo Hie mily Hook Hin.lcry In Aninrln.
Will l0 'leiiml toitlliiult cetlnmles.
.1. S. DI I.I.IXtJKR.
Cor. Mnth iinJ Commercial Su.
towiu'ds iewdr- Tle tr drve
the Boers back a eor-sidornble distance
and dl-wliU-d a gun.
"There was also fighting WW llulu
nui.a. our loss, altogether Is irlght
kllliil and about 20 wound-d."
fhttige Treachery Against ths Il.ier
Tro i.
IU'RBAN, Natal, Nov. 5.-5 M p. m -A
native eye u lines of Thursilay's bat.
tie D' ur Iiil tnlth. says tht Ioer
wre caught on '.he oHn ground and
rul-ied several white flags. The British
lirii a.lvaineil without firlrg to accept
the surrender f thw Boers but wen
rciflved with a voiu-y si rl.e nirjw,
Enraged ut this Inticliery the lan
eers. husoars and dr.tgiHns followKI by
the Infantry with bayonets,,
i liatK-l lhroiu;h and throtiKh the en-
mv an.l Old tvat evi-cutlon, A it
f ptisonei and .-ot were captuivd.
P. h. Sharpie's Cream Separators
LtMt and I lent
General Supply
House for
Family Qrocerlcs
Bailders Heyy and Shelf Hardoiare.ShipChandlery, Etc.
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
in rrancisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Falrhaven. Wish.
Astoria, Ore.
Write Da for lrle
Neui Zealand Fife Insurance Go
ment would be at once started to re
move the obstacles which have
brought about that unnatural condi
tion. The Oregonlan must know that
the very trade In which the Oregon Is.
to engage from Seattle could be car-j
ried on much more profitably from thej
mouth of the Columbia river under t
common point rates with the O. R. A
N. Company. How many readers of
the Oregonlan are aware that Cape
Nome Is much nearer the seaport of
Astoria than okher Seattle and Ta
coraa, and I hat freight and passengers
could be more quickly and cheaply car
ried there from Astoria than from any
Puget sound port. The same fact Is
also true of many other points in Alas
ka as well as Hawaii and all Oriental
points. All that Is needed to give Ore
gon and the Columbia river the bulk of
all this great coastwise and foreign
commerce Is the extension of the same
railway rate to Astoria now made to
SAX FRANCISCO. Nov. 7. Nlnety-
five precincts Incomplete give the fol-
lowing on mayor: phelan, democrat,
1.2M: Davis, republican, 843. If the
present ratio Is maintained Phelan's
I plurality will be about 1.500.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. The re
i publican city commitoee at 9 p. m. con
! cedes the ele.-tl-m of James D. Phelan.
I dtm'K-rat. mayor by 3,000 majority.
Governor Bradley Orders the Tns to;
go to the Polls I
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Nov. 7-At
o'clock this evening Colonel Menget re
ceived orders from Governor Bradley
to semi to the polls at once the Louis
vllle Legion which had been under arms
at Its armory all day. I'p to this time!
the election had been one of the quiet-'
est ever known here. !
wfc ..- i,. i , .. . shown by official dispatch fnm the
inspector representing the Interests of! ff,;neral at Elm a" m,t
,h. n ,ii,a. ..i ,i I fw'tnry, encouraging a hop that 8lr
m.nMul,nHt.nn.nw.t,hth.l.,l,,nt George White may yet compMely re
swept round the hills and as the re
treating enemy asc-n-led Into the plains
' with British bayonets Ix-hltx! ami th
rlvej In frnt of them, th'y were
I charged by the cavalry' and wnt to
! have perlnhed aJtmwt to a tntui.
I While the British troops were thus
engaged In a successful endeavor to
wipe out the Nicholsons Nek disaster,
the situation Inside Ijulynmlth. as
h-'. lie Kxeeutloil i.f Bi'r H..!dlrl
N'-ar Ijid) jinlth.
i:.-T Ml ltT. Nov. S-A reliable nu-j
tlve lun Imught I'oiitlriuatory evlileiut. t
..r ",i.! t 's light smith of Iji.lysnilth !
I ..iid .iid the iviiuilaiHt In force was
made by a British dlvlsl.m the objevt W. P TllOIllClH, Mgr.,
IHng to ri-lleve the Culenie column
tthlih hud ltn nttarked by the Boers.
Tln British Infantry charged tli
This was done under an Injunction is-
trievt his shaken reputation and that
sued by Judge Toney. of the circuit h'" f"m mtty """ ,rlun",han' '"
SeflttlA And Tflrnma Tr 1 eertnlntv th
Oreironlan's dutv to advocate a measure ' VIRGINIA
so immensely to the benefit of Portland.' RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 7. Both
Astoria and the whole of Oregon. Yet j "ranches of the legislature are over
that paper nt only refuses to support! helinir.gly democratic.
such a proposition, but openly opposes
It In every way in its power. Why does
the Oregonlan not only continue a pol
icy seemingly, at least, so much at var
iance with the best Interests of Its state
and Community, but In addition posi
tively refuse to make any explana
lion mum iniiiiii i-ua to jusmy it with MICHIGAN
hundreds of mystified and anxious ' DETROIT, Nov. 7. The offlcial count
readers in Astoria and elewti.-re in the shows Mayor Muyburg, democrat, re-
drawn elected to a thinl t.-rm l.v 2 .W.7 ninlor-
DENVER, Nov. 7. Today's election
rulted in a complete victory for the
dnnocratic ticket In this (Arapahoe)
county by a plurality from 3,000 to
state whose attention has Wn
to the farts In the case?
. ity.
has ben done well
Protective Tariff Iy-aue.
h.-.Ul LAKE, Nov. 7. IK-turns up to
A pi-'ce of work which ought to have 'I'idniijrit indlcat that Thompson, r6-lx-en
d'ne by some p-rson or persons' publican, for mayor, has been elected
by the American i,v :,(n tjA m.Mi.-.rtt v
!"dy vi'iot' v... - n't...
has compiled a table showing the '
changes which have been brought i York a!,!,eml,Iy xtands !1 republicans,
about In the condition of the wage-1 ",3 democrats. Republican gain, 14.
earners of the country In the past feWj SAX FRANCISCO. Nov. 7. Todays
j,.. ,a.,n ,..m u nan maue, municipal elation n-sulted
anmi'8 uusiness etftaoiisnments of
various sorts It has found that the
number of workers employed by them' ma'"r a plurality of at least 5,000
in March, 1895, was 191,732, which has 'lV,r Horace Davis, republican,
been Increased to 267,486 by March, I
1899. This was a gain of 39.56 per cent
In the four years. The wages paid by
these establishments In March, mr,
court, shortly before noon, restraining
i tlie orval through which It Is now pass.
tha city authorities and officers of elec
tion from Interfering with the Brown
The republicans secured a similar or
der for their Inspectors on representa
tions that they were threatened with
Interference. In a number of places the
Inspectors were refused recognition and
Governor Bradley's order for troops to
go tc the polls was made upon a state
ment by Judge Toney redtlng this state
of affairs.
According to Buller It Was a Slight
LONDON, Nov. 7.-Followlng Is the
text of a dispatch from General Buller
from Cape Town, dated Nov. 7. 12 :,'..":
The following dlapatch has bei-n re.
reived from the general commanding
at Es court, dated Noten.lx-r :
"Since Friday there has be-n a ces
satlon of hostilities. A fi-w shots were
exchanged yesterday at the output.
Friday's bombardment was h'-avy.
There was a smart action Friday
lt.'m who werv strongly posted on
til(il Kloof hill and drovi. them down
on n plain toward the Talula rtvw
when the Biltlsh cavalry executing a
tine flanking movement, charged ths
Boers almost annihilating them. The
plain was strewn with d-nd Dorr.
HI'LKNA, Mont., Nov. 7. Cnlted
States Senator Thus. II. Cnrter was ar
onied today ,uid fined ae dollar for
spitting o the sidewalk. Complaint was
made by it man iirn-sted and flnwl yes
terday for the same ofMiwe, The fine
was mld.
Of New Zealand.
Son FranclHco.
Subscribtsl Capital . . $5,000,000
Paitl-Up Capital . . . 1 ,000,000'
Asset 2,545,1 14
Assets in United States . . 300,000
Surplus to Policy Holders . 1,718,702
Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast over Tweiitv-two years.
ReBident Agrnta, Astoria, Oregon
All kinds of rending! There Is only
one place we kno of n Portland
where you can find all ths latest books
and phamplet on the most advanoed
thought of the day, many books on sub
jects of advanced up to date topics not
to l found In other book stores can
be obtained here. It Is worth your
while to call when In Portland and se
for yourself. Jones, 291 Alder Bt..
R. P. Elmore
W. H. Hrtrrlnon
Weather Good and Everything: Aus
picious for the Complete Capture
of the Insurgents.
In the re-
democrat, for
was S,398,044.53r which has grown to
:).85!),280.3S in March of this year. The
Increase In this case was 54.09 per cent.
There was a gain. In wag ln March,
1SH9, as compared with that month In
1895, of 10.43 per cent per person.
The signficance of this great Increase
ln the wages of workers will appeal to
every intelligent person. At the time
for which the first set of figures are
mates from all the counties in the stat
Indicate thnt Harnett, republican can
didate for state treasurer will have a
Plurality over Creasy, democrat, of
TOPEKA, Kans., Nov. 7. The re
publicans were generally succesglul In
the county elections today.
MANILA, Nov. 7. 5.-neral Whea
ton's orders were to lard at or n'-ar
San Sablun, a fishing village 20 miles
northeast of Dagupan. The Insurgent
force there only numbers about 100
mem, entrenched, whereas at Dugupan
there are some thousands of insurgents
and five miles of trenches.
Mounts river Is blockaded. General
Wheaton Is supposed to have landed
today though communication with him
is not expected until tomorrow. The
weather has beon good flnne the start
and he should have been able tl take
the trenches without a great loss of
From San Bablan, General Wheaton
can control the roads of escape from
Tarlas to the northeast making Junc
tion with General Lawton. General
MacArthur will begin his advance to
wards Tarlac tonight. General Law-
Baby Thrive!
t If not, something must be
I wrong with ifs food. If the '
mother's rr.iik doesn't nour ', !
f ish It, she needs SCOTT'S
J EMULSION. It supplies the ; ;
4 elements oi fat required for-
tne baby. II baby is not
; ; nourished by its frtificial
j j food, then it requires
I Scott's Emulsion 1
t Half a teaspoonful three
i or tour times a day in its I
bottle will have the desired f
' effect It seems to have a T
', magical effect upon babies i
- and children. A fifty-cent I
' ' bottle will prove the truth f
-i .1.1 i.
i ui uur Maicmenu.
' ' Sbouli be tnktn in turnout M
' ' well s winter.
' ' nl f ,oo. ill drurlts.
. SCOTT Ik ttow M., CUinitu, Nt Yofk.
THE 1.0 IV Kit
StrHiiKcrs visiting in the city will fln.J
tlie l-ouvre hii iittru'ttive remir't wherin
lo Hpcu.l tlie eveniiiK. The Amine Misters
l.nilic' tlrHii-Mtrn U titl mi tin, bills sixl
pre.Hi'iils nitiliiiv a niiiHinil iirocriini of
exct'iiliotml merit, IIhihI-oiiic piil hikI
liilliaril riKiiiiN nn- a fciiliiie in cuiiniTtioii
with tlie imiiPf. I'lilalnble Inn, Ins will
Im served lit III! Honrs
Cotinectins t Astori witb the Orcein llallnmd A Nuviirstlou Co. for
rian Francisco, Portlnnd slid all itoliit. east. For frellit ntnl pamton
got rates apply Ij Hsitmel Blitior t Co.
( f ral Aleuts, AMTOKIA, ORE.
COHN ACOM Agents, Orego ,llroal NsvlitHtion Co.,
Improved ranch, consisting of 120
acres, on Toung s river. Apply to John
L. Hnyseth, Wise, Or.
The North Pacini! Dental Colleire.
whos iidvci tlH'Miiciit appears In anoth
er column, opened Its doors October 8.
Hth 75 students on Its roster. The col
!"ire Is well equipped with every facil
ity to graduate students ln nil th lot
knowledge of dentistry. A. It. linker, I
D.D. H., Is demonstrator In charge, and 1
Is well riualldcd to Instruct all atiulant. I
who in.-j.ia mis college,
Dental College
loth and Couth Sts I'ortlnnd.
Member of Niitlomil Association of
Dentnl Faculties.
Normal School
Trlnlns School for Tsacasrs,
New Rulldtncs
Ni'W DcpiMments.
I''i(rraded Country School Work.
i rati uatcs Secure Hood Positions.
STRONG COURSES-Wsll equipped t mini,,, dep.rtm.nts, Normal eourss.
quickest and best way tu Stat CerllKce.tM.
Expense, for year from I1J0 to 1180; n.isrd $2.60 to IS per week; Tultlos, MS
per tsrm of ten wN,ks. Fall term bntms September 19th: Summsr term Juns It
to September L For catalogus address p. l. CAMPBELL, PrMldssJl
or W. A. WANN. Be sf Faculty.
Pormcrly Ta:oma College f
Dental Indrmary open dally from a.
m. to 6 p. in. Fres oral snrglosj cllnls
Saturday, l:M p. m. to I p. m. A, R.
Baker, D. D. 8.. DemonatraJnv In
Htudents deslrlnv Information, ad.
om North Paclflo Dsntal Collets,
Fifteenth and Couch atmwta. Portland
A Delicious and
Palatable Drink
Absolutely Pure
The North Pacific Brewery, of wbicbf Bottled beer for family use or Vcg
MrJohn Kopp is proprietor, makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery in
tor domesMo and export trade. the city free.
ftorth Pacific Brewery