X j p n n TDK MOHNIG ASTUKIaN, WEMEdDAV tOVKMBKK 8. IBM. n7 .A IP THE great rush of people to take tdvantfge ol our extraordinary offer in uncalled for suits and overcoat, has been marvelous from the very beginning. The popularity of these suits has become so great that we have been compelled to open correspondence with over one hundred f the largest Tail oring concerns throughout the country in order to get these suits fast enough to supply the enormous demand. These are not misfits, but suits made to order on which deposits have been paid and which for unkown reasons remained uncalled for. Such things happen to every Tailoring establish establishment. It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits that they find it more advantageous to consign them to w than to attempt to dispose of them from their own establishments. Uncalled for Garments at Half Price. $20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats, $12.50 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 $36.00 Suits and Overcoats, $17 50 $40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00 These garments are so lar superior in style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth ing that comparisons are odious. Call and examine them and see if we can fit you.' Suits to- rder We mal? suits to order from 5.0(to15 cheaper than any other first-class tailoring establishment in Portland. We are Tailors, Bear That in Mind Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits is the price. Our suits have 'that style fit and finish about them that well-dressed gentle men appreciate. Astorians are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods whether they buy or not: Farns 1 1 nn nom-Hsra Tailoring nrrifiomv yum Mirny, 250 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON TORPEDO BOAT turned In a riullu of 73 fkvl. or about on anil one-half tlnun her own b-nirlh. I run of two iiiIU, It In rpcomm'ndcil that two nmrklcifr buoy l plapwl 1JAI I WW Ttfcrrir HUIyt.'kli 1' llvwjll!' (,,--I, tnrin-l l luu-hoiv)! mur n of I point lvfore th nilwilf tuvl run lt th buoy, m t'lat tho Holland, after rourmv runnln, a mil una. water .-an w Th(. r(turn trp WM , about up t' t ho mirfiuv for ormorvatlon, ii BRITISH NAVY STILL ACTIVE Her Remarkable Performance In the Presence of Naval Officers. IS A COMI'LCTE SUCCESS The louitur Sheds Tears Over the I'lnnl Victory of His Many Years of Trial and Disappointment, NEW VOUK. Nov. 7. Tha auhmarln. ton' chiinv nr tnrrHl,i ami then, illvlnx uipiln, ran Murn to the fln buoy. Till would eontpMo her two mlltn under water run. A meaaurv f her cfllrlcnoy will be Hhown by the number of tliix It In nee-wary for her to eoi.ie to the urfi.'e 'or olwrvutlon. The owner of the Holland complied with Oim iolnatlon ami miRireiiti'd noine more elaborate 4"Ht but the ug irentlon for additional trials were not aetvitM by tho board. The Holland ran out to the courno and III 'ii Captain Lowe and Comman der Kiuury Oino'iiuVd luto the light Tlio lx'KltinlnK of the rourae ,do boat Holland waa .uwMfully ' "lt " h" "P "f H"ll,im'' 1 Tin .Mm U'lm kIibun! nnil Mi.. Ylolljind tented In i'eoonlo liny, U I., yenteniay. ' At the done of the trt. the member' I"vl",ll'l lo niak tho rt trip nl..nR . . I I lii mini mirnil tnllit rf th'i board of limpenllnn, Rear-Ad- mlrnt Tiodavr. Comnifindow William, ... i , ii nollrker. and ' ' ''V two red and while pol Jl. I-jlIKU J II.HI- - -r Naval ConMrur'or Washington F. " r""' apart. The wnlnntlon of the fapp, h.k hands with John P. Hoi- '"'' In the name maimer, land the Inv.Mitor, nd congratulated IVy.n.l the termination M a pole him on hla aueceM. Ho had wnMcd Ssj " " " vtr. for victory ...id lean, gtwinied ' tw" ,'I1'IH the mile were pole no that wan i et down hi cheek wh-n the naval officer gievUnt lilm. The light hoiwe tender Caotu, with tho memlier of the board left Oreen port, I.. I., at B o'clock and ran to Nw Suffolk, when' the Holland ha been ulnee June. Tho memlxT of the board then went Into the Holland a h lay nt tho dock and minutely exnmlned the mechii'ilHin and working. A J o'clock '.leir-Admlral Koger and hi fellow rubbers lxarded the alani yw;hf Joephlne. There were also on board several representative nnd guet of the Holland company. Tho Joephlno then loft for the mn uivd and tnkd course In I-econle bay. Tho requirement for the test a laid down by the board ww. (a) Have three torpedoe In place; (b) Have all arrangement .nad. for discharging torpedoe without delay; (c) Bo pre pared to Ire torpedcx at full speed when ubmerged o well a when at full speed on urfnce; (d) Have crew exerclBcd by actual practice o na to bo oble to make a required submerged rJn nnd Bteer a straight course. In order to make a trial submerged the board could note the adherence to the course or any deviation from It. The cnurMp waa by compass due north and south, the starting point being the south end. When all was ready the Holland snnk to the depih of ten feet, while going at full .tpeed, which waa attained ulmost Immediately. Thl left the tips of the I'ng pole on her deck exposed Hut for these It would haw been Itn- possible to have traced the boat, as while submerged she mode no distur bance upon the surface. She traveled at tho rate of eight knots an hour, mak- lug the distance from start to turning point In nine and one half minutes. Arriving at the end of the mile she Bhot to the surface, her turret coming Into view. Ten seconds later she had again disappeared. Within the ten seconds she corrected her course having deviated only seventy fewt from the true course and fired a regulation Whitehead torpedo, weighing Slfl pounds, which went spinning off to ward the tnrgeit RoO yards away. Slean while, as the deadly missile whirled through on It course, the Holland swung around and started back. She the sam? time as tho outward run and wus equally successful. Commander Emory and Captain Lewis then left the Holland, and Com mander Capp and Lieutenant Hen derson entered the boat and another trip wa undertaken. The result were the same, except that Instead of rising to the surface to discharge tho mUsle, tho Holland fired It while submerged. Almost before the torpedo reached the surface, the Holland had turned par tially about, and by the time tho nils sle was well on Its Journey the Hol land was on lis way back. The mlssle was well thrown, ami came so near the ling pole used as a target that It was evident that no ves sel could have escaped If In the path of the torpedo. The boat shot to the surface between the starting Hags. At no time was there any error of mo r than a few feet In calculation as to th? distance traveled. The range and course Is taken by the steersman as the boat sinks. While submerged he cannot see anything and has to cal culate, as he (lies along. Just how fnr the boat travels each second, so as to know when to rise at the end of the given distance. While doing this he must steer the compass course in new at the moment of diving. The Holland then ran a quarter of a mile on the surface, and at spe test. Thl rate, attained was eight knots, but It was claimed she would would have passed this speed had the whole nillo bewn run. The object of the short test, however, waa to see how quickly she got under way. The Holland then headed for New Suffolk, where she was tied up. She will remain at that place until next week, wher. she will be taken to Washington. She will probably travel by the Inslds route, although Captain Lowe has sought Mr. Holland's per' mission to go by the outside course, und the crew Is willing to take her thnt way. The trials were held today, with fair sea running. This, of course, did not affect the Holland while under water. AN0THEK S01ADK0X READY Continuous I'roccssioo of 'ar Ships Passing Through the Suei Canal. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. A dispatch to the Herald from London says: The Dally Telegraph, speaking of Great Piilaln's great naval prepara tions, says: A imrticular service squadron, con sisting of four of the swiftest cruisers in the navy, will be completed today (Tuesday), and after coaling It will awall orders from the admiralty. This squadron will probably make even more effeotlve1 than at present the great patrol of tho ocean now bMr carried out by our warships along tne whole coast of Africa. The channel squadron Is at Gibral tar, while cruisers are at Las Talmas. St. Vincent and othr points on the route to ihe Cape. Itri'llsh warships are continually passing and repassing through the Sues canal. A STRANGE MOVEMENT. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. A dispatch to the Herald form Hong Kong says: The battleship Oregon, which In- tended leaving Tuesday for Manila, tired a recall gun Sunday, and left port early Monday morning. She Is sold to have received orders to proceed to Cebu. She waa seemingly unprepared for sea. Pears' What virtue there is in bare cleanliness! Pears' soap does nothing but cleanse, it has no medi cal properties; but it brings the color of health, and health itself. Give it time. FREEBORN & CO. PROSPERITY INTERFERED. Columbus Dispatch. Voters are now looking vigorously ror some nretext to vote their tickets straight this fall, but the most remark able case was that of an old German, who had for years voted the democratic ticket. He was met by a friend who asked: "Well, Jacob, are you going to vote the democratic ticket straight this fall?" "i'es. I guess I vlll." "What, after going through all the hard times we have, when you were complaining so blt'.erly?" "Yes. You see, when Cleveland vas president I have plenty 'ime to go fish ing, but now I have to work all the time and can't hav no fun. I guess I wote de ticket straight dis time, anyhow." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It fall to cure. B. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. 25c. A Portland Buyer Mrs. DALTON, who has had yeare' of experience as a .Buyer. DENIED UY HUNTINGTON. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. A report that the new Japanese Toyo Klsso Kusha steamship line has been absorbed by tho Pacific Moll Steamship Company has been denied by C. P. Huntington, who said that he knew absolutely nothing of a development. Both lines, however, are suid to be working In harmony and maintaining a common rate schedule. Will be pleased to give persona attention to all customer. Correspondence solicited. 363 Second St., Portland. POVEY & BIRCHALL TAILORS Fine work at Popular Trices. 327 Washington Street, Next Imperial Hotel PORTLAND, ORa Wall Paper and Room Mouldings DEALERS IN G) psine, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging. House and Fresco Painters, Etc. 343 Washington St., Portland, Ore. Telephone Red 1955. J. 0. Gillen 8 Co., Dealers, Manufacturers and Contractors Of Asbestos Boiler and Pipe Coverings 229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE. B. F. Allen & Son House In Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Etc. No House Can Beat Our Prices. 365 Commercial St. CUT PRICES DAVID IIARUM, $1.50, our Cut Prioe $1.15 RIDHARD CARVEL, $1.50, our Cut Price ... 1.13 JANICE MERED1N, new book by Paul Leicester Ford, $1.50. our Cut Price Ms WITH KITCHENER TO KHARTUM, W, H. Stevens, $1.50 our Cut Price MS We will meet any Cut Price on any book made by any bouse in the world. Send us your orders. Jones' Book Store, nfll zvl aiuer ot., oei.nu buu nu, wi.....,