THK MORNING A3T01HAN, WEDNESDAY. XOVKSIHKK 8, 1899. I ii i inn i ., ... ... . . - ENGLAND WILL BACK AMERICA IN CHINA "Open Door" and No "Zone" of Influence Wanted by This Country. MUCH CONCERN IN EUROPEAN CIRCLES th Doric, glv lotulU of Rrwt fir In Canton at ml.lnlnht on th M, by whir ft ovr SO pernou Uwt tli.-lr Hvva. tt aw ma a nmtuhtsl ihctur had been lullt hy th rlvorxUn ail iumul iihoiit loo Hour IxnH ht Nwn aiuh.nvd. Wlille the thi-atiifiil porformam-e n KIiir on, flrv brk out on oih of tho boat. It npivn rnplilly to tho Intlam timhlo nuttorlul of th thou lor. Thotv wan a IM rush anionic tho aitilloncc anil many boats ro owpsUoil. Over no v.'rs.ii woiv bnrnoi! or ilivwiidl. Demand Will Be Made By Continental Nations for Disclosure of the English-American Motives-They Will Be Accommodated. NEW TORK. Nov. ". A upeclal to , the proposed (,isroenibemvnt of China. the World from Washington says: There Is not lacking conclusive evi dence that thre exists an understand ing between the United States and Creat Britain regarding the share each shall have In tha partition of the From a high official authority the World correspondent has obtained this outline of the situation: 1. The United States demands that the open dour policy be continued. 1 That none of its treaty .rights Chinese empire. Japan is expected to shall In any manner be disturbed by side with these two countries In their demands. Confirmation of the statement that the continental nations that are plot ting for a slice of China will Inquire Into the motives of the United States and Great Britain came today In the shape of an admission by Count de Casini, the Russian ambassador, who eame to Washington thla morning. Count de Casini said tonight: 'The statements in the newspapers that I Lave been charged with a mis sion to unite with my colleagues and lnvi;e the United States to declaro her policy In regard to China, either chocing a sphere of Influence (a port to be under her JurisctiotUwi) or de claring for the 'open door" policy, 1 must decline to affirm or deny. I haw not as yet time to look around me. I must ascertain the American views and sentiment before I give out statements on such interveting and absorbing questions. Later I may have some thing to say." The World corespondent Wrns to night that Count Casini will not pre sent the views of his government to the United States until the arrival of th ftther MWllniMtlal 1 I .V.IIUIU1M, uiuaiauur0i whose governments are Interested in) foreign powers selling Chinese terri tory. J. That American trade and com mer.-e shall be granted the same rights as the country owning a particular port enjoys. t That each power seizing territory shall furnish a written agreement to continue in force all treaty rights now existing between the Chinese empire and the United States. a. Great Britain, having always maintained open ports, will co-operate with the United States In securing Its demands. 6. These demands, once halr.g been made, must be enforced. 7. It Is believed that the demands of the United Sta'es will be granted. S. It is hoped diplomacy will secure the concessions asked, but In the. event! it fails, other and more rigoro-Js meth x!s must be used. J. Because of possible trouble, thei rt'T in moss. Pan of Crew of Tranort Afraid to Face Filipino, nt Manila. S.N FUANCISCO. Nov. T.-Tvnty two East Indians employed as oilers. owl passer and nrenien on the Hrltlwh ihi? I"nlhan. recently chartered by the THE EICELLENCF OF SVRIT OF FIGS isuue not only tj Iho unpnaHty and simplicity i,f ilu . oiii'.in.itioii, but !i to the euro airl skill with which It I manufactured by M-'-ntthV prtkvssp known to the C.iikoum Km f-'YHt'r ia. cniy, ana we wi-.ii to iinpiesa upon ail the illicit a luv i.f tiroiiNsiiiir the true ami original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of l'g- is muuufactured bv the CAi.irioiviA l-'io Kvuin Cn Untied States to carry tni to the onlji a ,nm.l1(;t. of that fact will Philippines, have been put In Irons by assist one In aroulinir the worthless order of Captain Butler because they 'citations mutmniotiired by other par- t u Thokltrl. (,..,. I!.,.. ,. r... objected to going to Manila. M,, . Pln Svul.n r .,' " Ml profession, and the satisfaction pone In September for an IS months' Vchth (genuine Syrup of Ftjr has voyage. They are afraid of the hostile given to mlllious of families, makes contracts. GERMANY BLOCKED GAME. the Dame of the fotnnanv a iruiraniv Filipinos, but the captain thinks he 0f the excellence of its remedy. It lk will soon force them to rompke their laJMQ advance of all other laxatives. as II acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irrita'.injr or weaken ing" them, and It does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get iu beneficial effects, please remember the name of NEW TORK. Nov. ".A dispatch to the Company tho Tribune from London says: CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP m. The Sr. Petersburg correspondent of S4.irnaxrwoc.rat the Momlnr Port throws llirht on the MWIU4L W TtRK. N. T pllcy of the European powers. He atates on authority that the govern nients of Russia. France and Spuln discussed the question of Intervention in the dispute botween England and the Transvaal, and agreed on the dls patch of a Joint note sug'stlng arbl tration, but the condition of the ac tion was the cooperation of Germany which was refused. BLIND MAN'S BLUFF IX OUTER DARKNESS SITtATlOX IX LADYS.MITH Asiatic squadron is being strengthened) The Garrison Holding Out With Eng' to its maximum. 10. It is not the purpose of the United States to seize a Chinese port, or a sphere of influence. It being the intention of the government to pry.eci all United States Interests In all ports and provinces of China. MORE TROOPS NEEDED. ANOTHER COMBINATION. Beresford Says England Must Restrain ! BlcycW and Aut.miobi! to be Made the Blacks After Conquoring' j by One Consolidated Company. the Boers. I - --. j NEW YORK, Nov. 7. -The Times ' LONDON. Nov. .-Kar - Admiral I My,: Charles Breeford. speaking at Sunder-j Al-'W0.0 combination Is pro land, confessed he regirded with great ' J"ctM- T" informal meelirj to pr- anprehenslon wwhat minht rh Mt tnis fnt organization tude of the blacks toward the van quished when the British had con- Ifch Grit A Qaestioo of Sb pcrior Artillery I'ractlte. quered the Bors. 'I must repeat." said Lrd Charles, "that in view of ui-h a contingency, the government is tvil evn now s-nd-, Ing out sufli i-nt tpxr. As to th poREibility "( f'T-isrn inti-r.'-ntiun, I contiidr that tho ?r-it naval, milirary' and financial rs"Ur.--si of tb- empire are raHuiatw to ward fit any undu" Enr.'P'-an dictation. 'Whatever hoty-s may hiv lf"n ili rectly h-rld out to the l!-rs the war, it Is a srr-it-r matter that v: can now mor- !han -v-r, count uiin the affection and sympathy of the great Am-iica-n rtali-i, the great-sts and r,n of the m '. tuhing f-rsni-. pies of which i :h" Amricm laiii.-s hosnltal ship." will be ' held at the Waldorf -Astoria tiKlay. It : i. int -nd--'l to combine all the rubber. ; bi' yc. and aut mobile compani-s Into ime great conc-rn, which will enntn)l the production of evnry article nter Ip? into th- manuf icttire of n bicycle or an autom-iblle. In th- prip..s-d company. It ! mid, , all uf the con.pail- slr-ady formed rl,Jin(f n(,,.,)SS will l- participants. .Msia. Htu l--bik'T and l:ik.-r, who own nim-rous patents, are said to r panl'-s it :h- anting -rnnt, and they are also m-!r.lon-d as largely Inter ted in the autorn bi'e cumrianjr In- c ii -pei-ate at Wilmington, Ic!., r,n ;-fir la-. ' HAit'JEij Tin-; i:ni:i:s. I'-rlti.Jl'. Ca;a!ry at La tysmi h Make SorM" on the En my. A NOT) IF. P. RAILWAY FA K V.. Right of Way and Franchise for Pre-' tended Transcontinental Line from F-n TMcgo, SAN DIFOO. Pa!., Nov. T.-A rail-; way franchise, including a right of. way Kfl feet wide along th hay ofj San Piego, hs br-'n granted ,y the I common council to IT. S. Orant. C. W. Marston, Oeorge H. Rallou and ; f.M'F TOWN, Nov. 4. -Aft-ino..n.-A ilispa'ch from Ladysrnith rays that on Thursday aft--rnoi th I!riih favulry charged ihc while th" latter were maneuvering south of the ', ami cut their way thrcugh them. A lun? "torn" posted on Rulwln hlli shelie, th'.- town, hut little damage wa done. I Jhe r.aval gunners put the he inin situated on Hepworth's hill out of ac- t:on. NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-A dispatch t the Tribune from London says: The war in the Transvaal remains a game of ''blind man's buff," played In outer darkne. Th results are known when a carrier pig-on wlngx a flight of 1S9 miles, or when a rough rider carries news hundreds of mll-s across swollen rivers and open country. Press agencies) which expand Into victorious sorties, cavalry raids accu rately described as reconnoissances n force, are convinced by cold, hard Rteel that the faithful mes-nger tells nothing but the truth,' and the ama teur strategist In a smoklnfr-room of a comfortable London club Is at th-m-rcy of thf ruthless frontiersman, who Is liable at any moment to upset the most scientific expert opinion by: country and proving that what cannot possibly be true has' happened, an'l I" the most natural j thing In the world. It is a time when the official red tape system can well afford to despise th- foroes of public opinion, and wh-n the London Journals which have In vested thousands of pounds In system atic arrangements for describing th' Inopportunely and convict him of men daclty in raiding Boer camps and l lenclng the enemy's gun. The Ijidysmlth situation Is In real fty unchanged, pending the arrival of th next carrier pig-on. . The garrison Is holding out with English grit, and the lt, r genera'. nrv fintsl to admit that the rapture of La lysii'lth Is practically a qitefftlon of superior artillery pnullre, and a direct attack u-smi the ntivnchinetits rather than a mutter of d-s-r Ktalklng and s. iting traps for rash birds ! hunter's ll-s. There is still .-.insl.lerable d-.ul-t .-v r what lias happened at i'olen... but none whatever p-s-,-tlng the i sity f.-r a supreme effort on the part of th- to,rs If they wish to win " decisive victory before the arrival of the British reinforcements, whlc h are due at Cape Town and which can lie dispatched at once for Durban. The retirement of the garrison from Stromberg Junction before It could be attacked by a Free State force ad vancing from Hurgh-rwdorp Is regard ed by military writers as a proof thnt Fast London will not be used as a base of supplies for the army corps. and that Re Anr and Naauw-port will be the first line of the British defense of f'ape Cnlnny. with Cape Tmn and Fott Elizabeth behind them. Stnrm- berg was occupied b half of the T . I... I. I i. . . . . . iiemsture regiment witnolit field guns or cavalry, and Sir Hedvers Hulh r has wW-ly onl-p-d the gaiTison to r-tre The retention of Naauw-port is of much gr-ater Importance, sine- It eomminds the approach-- from f'ort Fllals-th. the near-nt base of supplies for either Klmb-rly or I!lo.-infoni-ln. Th- k-enest nillltary writers who analyze Hi- situation lav stress iir(n the fact that the I Mitch ulll-s are wasting their resources by attacking th- urltlsli at tisi many i-olnis Instead of cencentratl ig th.-lr efforts upon on or t'.io points. This Is true. natev..r advantage the H,. rs have won has be-n from the ivK-klesnness of their enemies. The liners buv 6 jfi, ,i'li 7y r-'TOv-'.J Wilson Improved Air Tlslif Heaters ...FOR COAL... litUll.e- This lioator is i's,viitllv adaplt'il for ift (',,,,1 iitnl Lipiitf. rim ImkIv' is mu,,- f itiiu., Li....i i.-i . i.ii. . eici-i. r.u luiivv Miukini; iiiul Ki'iiic. Has nu'kfl platt'ii foot mils. Tholiol draft is socoiistriu-t,.,! t lint tlio osciij.iiijr jrs,.. ,-,. ..onmim.'tl, w liirli makes U groat saving in tlm ronmuni it ion nf furl. c Kiro pot pxlra hoavy witli largo a!i pit. nickfl urn, niikcl na plalo mid two Price, SI2.00 to $25.00. All Varieties of Wood Air lights at FOARD 8 STOKES. The "Delsarte" and "Regent" Shoes for Women All Styles, One Price, $3.50 Equal to Any $5.00 Shoe Books Bought, Sold niii Kxchangt-d t tho Old Book Store History, lliirsnliy, Mechanical, Reference, Wry. Medical, .0 IW'lflotn, Sclcutifle All ttandahl works. Second lisn.l ,-liool books, lurk'e .bs k Cheiip Stti-olld timid .....!.... I HYLAND BROS. IDHTI.AM), OH. Xto-mi Yamhill 81., Mow Second. Teleplioiiii IUhI 'JK1 Umbrellas Best and Cheapest Atao RanlriiiK nnJ ltooorerlif at Meredith's Wanhinictcm llw,-eu Tilli iul mh 8tret. lHtTI.AM), OHH JohnJCoffey, elercliant Tailor M AI.PKU HT., K'll. illlKH. Portland, Ore. Also "Queen Quality" Shoes for Women $3.00 E. C. Goddard & Co. Orcgonir Iliiililinu, Portland. R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington Si, corner Fifth Oppoait Hold rerklni Lilies Hair I)re?ing a SjeciUy I .adieu entrance to bath on Fifth atrcet W. C. A. Pohl, toim cttmt. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director Caakcla ami Fmicral Sntiplle oonatant j 011 liatul. Corner lltli and Uiianv Rta, Aalorlt, 0r IDRTUM), OKEOnx. tigHomPHtoii Hlll.l (H-raentut rhtnlral nr InxBllrn mln4 mora, M4 st. Helen's hall. Columbia EleetHe & Repair Go A BOARDING AND Successor to Itcopi-ueil ScpteinlK-r 1.1. For rirculiirH aililrexH. maue (tremer tactical nilxtak-s than i th-; KnirllHh maff, ultliouKli I' rerun! Is not particularly lirlllhmr In ,i..f..,. war day by day, at 4 nhllllntfa a vor,l . wvf work, and they have allow-. tt,m can learn Christian fria.e and huniilltyi ., ,, ... . .... n-, iu nni uy nnnoiii wintiitiK n an'i ij" tnanKrui ir ini-ir p"nny-a-iiriem arf- not turned out of the war oltk-e to The enemy at Orohler'a Kloof en. iii. i. uuu-r, inur uhv h mot in-, gaged flucntlal reBldents. The purpofv. of (frantinir the fran- a company of the Royal Irish fusiliers, and brisk flrini? occurred on both sldc. An armored train, with fid c-hlfie is to facilitate the construction of i,,,.-,, , , , , inrantrymen on board, drew the f-ne- a railway from the bay of San Dle?o . fire the volunteers tQ to the Colorado river ard thence east- make headquarterfl The ml. ward to form a new transcontinental tary are ,0ffiz,.d for iMv Umely "n' (help to the volunteers. The grante of the franchise hnvei until January 1, 1903, In which to carry j out the undertaking. A croDosedi rouie vja oau i.aite meerH witn favorl SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7.-Hong expansionist cere. KIO FIRE AT CANTON. stand In the rain and foif and co-il their heads. The London Journala an-, of course, hr.pini; for ly-tter thingn wheij the army corps, of which fully 20,0o0 men will arrive at the Caix? this wo-k, once takes the field, and their own relays are on the ground to d scribe the tri umphant march through the two Dutch republics. Apparently they do not know what manner of man Sir Red- vers Buller is. He does not consider war correspondents enner useful or ornamental, and the Incrv-aiv-fl pres H'jre put upon the ceriHorshlp since his arrival at the Cape proves how little license will be allowed to even privi leged social experts when the real business of war begins. On the English side, meanwhile, there are rumors barely In excess of the demand for special editions. The afternoon papers' midnight editions Know uitr ui&ciiuojr oft nor press neWSI 1 who Is paralyzed by th decisive xui-c-ss by virtue of r.vr-r-whelming supi-rlority In number. gajvuuiAAninjiAtiAAmuuvuArin I Kong papers of October 6, received byj fear lest another bird may come horn V Cannot be found wbinli lire exaot- ly alike in diineiiHioiii. We brar this faot in mind when fitting eye glasses snil achieve results winch Kive relief to tlie eve and oouifort to the now. It Cimti nothing to consult us. It mar cost yon more NOT TO. (iIh8mch to Fit, Nose. Face and I'ursc. Northwest Optical Co., Th Labb Bldv,, Bccond and Washington Htm DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths fZZ 2 H Lomrs Supplies Kept In Stock I. ok King HnglncM Ittillt nncl Kcpnlrcd Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty mish i:M:N(itKTiiii!i!ins, vu. i I'riin-ipul, I'ortlmi I Orcjoti Telephone Red 391. BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light and well baked. Well there la a knack In mak ing It. But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. Ills mother used a Suit Manufacturer's f the I'nsurimsscd ... " Harrison Secton" Propeller Wheel ... Ciintnictors for Electric Lights nnd Tower I'lants. ...The Esmond Hotel... J PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Kiirnii'-ii'i plan, 'we 1 1 I,VI per d-iy. Aiiit-rii-Hii nlnn. II.IM in 2 mi 11. r iL star n,Biate Jon(;eL0 1! OSCAR ANDERSON, MuP. J J. ('. I'KNIIKOAST. Chief Clork CHAS. HEILBORN cS: SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In nil size nnrl styles. We shall continue to sell Iron ami Brass Jludstcads at the same Low Priced regnrdleu of the mine in the price of iron and brass W, J, SCULLY, Agent, 431 Bona itreet. ginLruuiruuinruwvw - mam mm ' ' ym ra. 1 -m PORTLAND, OR. 7 The Onlv Plrat.Cfnaa Hai im eam j p " ... witiriia4 s owAwinAftnruirinnnnnriiirinjinr d --I.WMUUUUUlUUa V- ... .'- VW. 4 1 r