The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 07, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Kins Mllllnary.
Headquarter for Pry Koods on the Lower Columbia
MUSS McREA-Owner Tnth and
Commercial strews.
Wheat and Stock Brokers
Mrrrr uirnc ta lcw Yerk SlOCk Exchange
piFECT wirrs to Chicag0 h(tjra of jrade
Seasonable Cloakings
At rodtuvd price. Five attractive -om-linations
and to 1 stylos heavy cmly
cloth fi-r coiilo or toll rapes.
2 14-21 5 ChaniUr of Commerce,
Portland. Oregon.
$2.00 and $3 50 values
for $1.48 yard
this week.
GerveraJ Miles and Party to Inspect the
Detenses at the Mouth of the
Ward aa received hene late last
night that General Miles will kve
Portland by special train at 7:45 this
morning and arrive in Astoria about
After lunch the party with a commit
tee of Aatorians will go l6 Fort Stevens
and Inspect the military works there.
They will then take the Columbine and
visit the Jetty and Fort Canby.
General Miles will leave for Portland
about three In the afterroon.
defeated Willamette University 10 to 0.
Paelflc University defeated McMInn
ville college 18 to 0. Thee were prac
tice games. There Is likely to be a
pretty contest between the three victors
of thx games in the race for the
J. W. tUU, M. D, Ptlaolpal.
1 M B Mini
It. Mlul or
I jaw! it nig. nmn
Vtal Tnttalas.
TanOHUklt U, .
tmt Pr oal Data llirnl
m or InfonMUaa ttinm Ik i
uaury utaatpuaak
Ua& Milttan
m all
Coming Gridiron Events That Will
v , Interest the Crunks.
""" The Astoria football team is getting
Itself In readiness for a hot game on the
11th at the home field. It is not to be
expected that a comparatively new
team will do the work of a college
eleven that is really a "standing
army," but the A. F. C. boys are hard
workers and will make things very in-..,
A Financial Incident In Which Astoria
la Represented.
In reply to an Inquiry as to the cause
of the delay In- another dividend to. the
depositors of the Portland Savings
bank. Receiver Nixon stated that he
had been hoping, for the past two
months, to be able to dtclare a divi
dend of 5 per cent, but that he had up
to this time foiled to effect the. sale of
certain cf the bank's timber land, for
which Eastern capitalists have been
negotiating. He has had assurances
that a tract of about 8.000 acres In Kla
math county and a tract of about 5.000
&ftt on the Nehalem had been cruised
and founJ satisfactory; that the pur
chase price would be forthcoming at
once; but, so far, it has no? material
ized. He still thinks, however, that Jht'
sales have only been delayed, not
ly spreading music broadcast over the fallen through, and that the dividend
land. The best people everywhere in' may be announced In the very near
every city of the United States, are' future. - - '
buying Pianolas because the instru- H has i't e?fecteJ the sale of about
ments constitute no less than a ralrac -j. ..r0 of laml la lne 8tate of
A Great Treat In 6tore For Astorians
and Nearby Towns.
It is appropriate to direct especial at
tention to the half-page Advertisement
of The Aeolian Company, of New York.
appearing on the eighth page of today's t
issue of the Astorian.
It Is appropriate t advise! all readers
of this newspeper to glance at the an
nouncement of this large Eastern man
ufacturing- concern. .
WhyT Do you ask! "
Well, this is why.
The Plan-Ma. the musical Instrument
which Is advert!!. Is an unquestion
ably wonderful instrument. It Is simp-
W. B. Edwards
livery variety of Rough a it J
Pressed l.tmttvr, lltiora,
Window. .Moulding and
Cedar shingle.
W( T 0mh.ii Kll,ltark. Fir,
W VJSJ U II. iiilH-k, AMiT.rolcOuk
Office Seventh Street llock
Nut Con.
Nut Hiittcr,
K It Cereal.
Ileutth Cracker,
bonds of a snmll HtruggHnK western
town. Apparently the bonds would
never reallie the lnt-itt. The land
might be colonised and sell fr some-
, Nut Roast.
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Td make It apparent to thousands,
who think themselves 111. that they are
Hit ainioted with any disease, but that
the system simply needs cleansing, it
to bring comfort houe to their hearts,
as a eostlvs condition Is faulty cured by
using Syrup of Figs. ManufactervM by
the California Flf Syrup Co. only, anj
sold by all druggists.
Are a few of the Health Fih1h iolJ by
IIFALT1I FOOD Co. Portland. Or
rosing a Specialty.
The Eastern
The Photographer
h'Jir.i-s of refinement which do not boast
of a Pianola.
In Astoria the people are not sio
National bank 'of East Portland ana
tanks In Union. McMinnvllle, Sprague
and Astoria, 'he Interest of the Port-
TU, L 2 J.i T- .Ui itern Florida, which was neia in
-inir for the Portland high school I.,. : ;.h prtrtiand Savlncs. the late First
lads, j S ' j . . .
The " Wankseivlna irame what Is
Thanksgiving without footballTls
" with the Chemawa Indians and from
the experience the Astoria kickers gain
next Saturday they have reason to be
lieve that they will defeat the red men.
In the Oregon Intercollegiate series
six institutions are represented. The
state university claims to have a sinch
this year and certainly everything is in
her favor. Her most formidable compet
itor, the Oregon Agricultural college,
lost heavily by the war, nearly all of the
O. A. C. team of "97-8 enlisted and few
were financially able to resume their
studies this year
Saturday Oregon University defeated
the Chemawa team, 29 to 0. O. A. C. of the people.
in appreciating something good, and it, land Savings bank being about 80 per
Is safe to say that the concerts of the cent of the whole.-Oregonlan.
Aeolian Company will color a distinct Sixteen thousand acres of land In
mark in the activity of our social clr- Florida! On the face of U this look
cleg reckless speculation, bn the
Attention !s directed to the promises part of the sif bankg owning this land,
of the Aeolian Company for that com- but U was not a willing investment,
pany is the moat famous musical In- About 18 years ago the New York
strument manufacturers in the world : correspondent of these banks. Donnel,
today The Astorian is constrained LaWson and Simpson, failed, and after
also, to mention the fact that th ! paying a small dividend there was a
Aeolian Company desiring to reach the, lot of securities that were worth little
best people of this vicinity, selects In in the market, and the creditors con
Its successful wisdom the Astorian as eluded to divide them up. The Oregon
the newspaper that reaches the homes ; creditor banks naa weir
Dining-room nml Kcstnnrant
J. f. W miner, lr,i.
rrivate Dining-room lor lailic
Heals 15c Ip 0c all Niyht-
170 TlilHO STKr.ET.
Bet. Morrisni snd Yamhill
IortlancI. Oregon
N. V. Comer
S'veutli ntxl Wasliititflon
Arnutronj'i Combined Theory and Practice of Dokkepo.,
fitixlonti learu to keep booka iacl as thy ai kept lo bilr- talk,
book, no wane cf tluia la proflltra copying. Mailt laterttUeg mi practloal by
tlit use of college currency, bualurn forma, btll files, etc. Iar allgate tUU new
mrtlioJ of teaching. It maket bookkteplng easy. Call at Iht collrgt, W writ
Our Shorthand Course
laclu . Spelllrig.Onuiimar, Writing, Conesponilemt, Shortbaml, Typewrltlaf,
Letter Copying, Manifolding, Bualnett Forma, Ltgal PiK-umf nta, Court Pipett,
actual work a fit coMrje etltt. Our graduitrt art ctablt tttaograpbera,
Portland Business College
Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Arnutronf , Prin.
Open all tht year. Gtudcnti may enter at any time. Duaincu, Shorthand
and Kngllih depart mtntt. Private or cUa Inttruction. Catalogue frre.
The Leading Visiting and Wedding Card
. . . Engravers ...
Wh ,)lvilo iiuj retail dealer In
Holmes' English
a lot or r loruia lanu aim mni,uiio
At prices within the
reach of all. Call
and examine the m't
st) les.
Business College
414 Yamhill St, Portland, Oregon.
F.iiKlish, HooVkecpinn,
Shorthand, Typewriting,
I'eiimunshlp, All.
Kotid for circular!.
Krnnli'h and Ilacti,
SchauVf, Hchiller,
ami tunny otlior.
112-111.1111 I nion AienucnnJ nnriTI A Mfk ADril(N.
;W;l l.imt Alder Street rviiiwiti
Kcliulta and Co.
Miller, Ann Arbor
lletitli'jr and others
Instruments Sold on Easy Tcrmsf
M. V.. MATTI1IFI.L. Miinugcr. Head nlti.-o 142 Hlato HI Halcm.Oro.
Plays any Piano.
Can Play It.
r A l
lilt I
Wherever there is a
Piano there should
he n Pifinoln. S
The Great
Composer and Plnnlst
EEridorscs the
We'll Show You The
Monday, Nov. 20, 99
and will
Continue One Week.
Pianola, in Connection with Grand Piano, Price, $250.
M. B. WELLS, Sole Agent for Oregon.
(Literal translation.)
"Any one hidden in a room near by who will hear the Pianola for tho
first time will surely think that it is a great virtuoso that plays; but after a
while ho will perceive his error, because your instrument never plays false
y v Ck-i "f ti rv Tt-i A-1 Portland Warerooms, 335 lorrlson St., Mrquam Bld'g.
rvCprCSCll Ling 1 He xCOllciri VOtj NowYork,l8WeHt2JrdSt. Loudon, 225 ItcRont Ht.
1 Peris, 32 Avenuo d'L'Opern.
The Largest Manufacturers of Musical Instruments in the World. Fuctoriea at Meriden, Conu., Worcester, Muhs., Detroit, Mich.