The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 07, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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TH E great rush of people to take advantage ol our extraordinary offers in uncalled for suit and overcoats has been marvelous from the very beginning.
The popularity of these suits has become so great that we have been compelled to open correspondence with over one hundred of the largest Tail
oring concerns throughout the country in order to get these suits fat enough to supply the enormous demand. These are not misfita, but suits
made to order on which deposits have been paid and which for unkown reasons remained uncalled for. Such things happen to every Tailoring establish
establishment. It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits that they find it more advantageous to consign them to us than to attempt
to dispose of them from their own establishments.
Uncalled for Garments at Half Price.
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats, $12.50
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $15.00
$35.00 Suits and Overcoats, $17 50
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00
These garments are so tar superior in
style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth
ing that comparisons are odious. Call
and examine them and see if we can
fit you."
Suits to rder
We make suits to order from 5.00Jto$15 cheaper
than any other first-class tailoring establishment
in Portland.
Vc are Tailors, Bear That in filind
Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits is the price.
Our suits hayc that style fit and finish about them that well-dressed gentle
men appreciate. Astorians arc cordially invited to call and inspect our goods
whether tlu-y buy or not:
Tailoring Company,
250 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
"No News" Anmuinml From war
Oilier, Hut Important Information
May lie Held Hack.
luhnnncsliury Kcfuijics Describe the
I'entn.stic StcncsKhlih followed
the Commencement of s'nr
SICW YOltK, Nv. fl-A illHimtelt t
tho Tribune from Inlm wiym I
V It H tho war ollli'o iviltiivil In the!
cxlri'iiilly of IiuMImk I'ut'k Impoi'lunt '
liifoniialloii iiihl unimtmi'liiK from
Ihiii.1i- to linn" that thi'tn In no iii'WH, ,
mid tin" wur oniT HHiiiili,titj, 1n tho! upi'll'"! Iiy (Inint to lltilli-r. j
"Iiilll-il up" ii li I tlKlitly corked,
South A dli a i'-iiim I mil until mlilnlKltt '
"ilillki'Ht Aftlrn." I
Tht'iv hoio Npllnu-tii of Ih'luti'd now'H
ri'tfiirdlnn Tliiiinduy'(r urtlllory duel nt
Ladynmlth, In which a ltocr 410-potind-j
vv wns wrecked, ami uln a Husplclounly j
brief niviiont of il brilliant Bortlc ly j
which a Oner camp wan niirprlwd at
Il'-Btrr'n hill, l.ntcr mine a nieiwiiKo by
Idipvn poHt, forwarded hy Oetvral Hiil
lcr, Hhowlng the town holding out on
Friday and hard fight Iiik RoIiik on.
There wuh nlH. a. brief iefr'ncc to n
IWr attack upon Colcnuo, tho sviuonce j
of which had already came In the tld-,
Intff from the colonial officii that the
Itrltluli n a rr I. son had fallen beck find j
almnd'ined I ho defenso of tho brld(?o
over the TukcIii.
(len. .loubert'd object wan apparent- I
ly secured In breaking communication)
w ith the count, and preventing tho j
movement of reinforcement to Lady
Binlth, but boiiip military men wero pre
dicting that ho would sot a Inriw force
In motion for I'lotennarllzburff and
Durban, and comploto the continent of
Natal bef.irn 'ho arrival of tho rtrltlnh
army corps.
This would bfl a bolder and rnord
rocklcM movement than Sherman's
march to Huvunimli, niiico the llrltlnh
ll'-ct cominanlH the mn ca.i. Tho
mure pri'bablo theory Is that Joubert
litis dom-d In iiHn Ladysmlth after
driving the KnKllsh out of Oletiso ami
Is making strenuous cfToits to over
whelm White's army with his suivrlor
A rumor of a Keneral uprising of Ha
sutos against the Oriiniru Free Htatc
his n it Iwn olTlclally conllnned at
inldnlKht. Thi'lr chief has a force of
60,iO wvll mounted, well-trained war
riors, which Is cnpablo not only of plac
ing the Free State iui the uYfciwIVi',
but also of rousing the Swasls, Katllrs,
. hi a and other black races and setting
all Houth Africa nfUmo as far an the
Zambesi river.
This black inetiiuv adds a new terror
to the darkness nov brooding over the
ciunps and garrlsms of the two war
ring white races. The Orange Free
Slate w the traditional foe of llasuto
land, and the- moot familiar with the
coiidlllens of nuv resentment In South
Africa have fearM from tho outset that
Mlloer'n agents may not bo able to hobl
under restraint Ibis tribe, once all pow
erful under Chief Monhelsh.
Public anxiety has beon Increased by
tint Inviislon of CaM Colony at two
points where the population Is entirely
rnrtch, and therefore sUHncts of dls
alfectlon. This seems to have been done with a
larger force than earlier reMrts Indi
cated, and Deaar Junction, where the
ltrltlsh base of supplies has already
lu en established, Is thought by timor
ous military writers to be In danger of
a sudden attack. The latent Information
tends to minimise theso raids, The
keener critics ivrolvo that the Dutch
alius are scattering their forces, and
by menacing too many points on the
western border, the southern frontier
and In Nnlal, are wasting the ndvnn
tngo derived from their superior
si ivngth.
Englishmen who are Irritated by the
war ollicc's 'contempt for public opin
ion may fairly be said to bo counting
the hours before the arrival of the fresh
batteries of the army corps. Ton trans,
ports are scheduled to reach South At-
rlca during the next three days. The
rear guard of tho English representa
tives of the mining companies of the
Hand hag straggled Into London by the
last steamship arriving from Cape
Town, Its leaders give fantastic and
dramatic accounts of the closing scenes
at Johannesburg when the mining
camps were ulmndoned by the English
Evacuation had been In progress for
weeks before the final signal for war,
and then the English rear guard of
court lentlal advisers and trusted em
ployes of every great mining corp mt
tlon were ordered to go. The richest
gold fields in the world, with the cost
liest mechanism for crushing and
chemical treatment of the sandstone
conglomerate and deep-level mining,
wen- left under charge of foreign un
derling and native servants.
1'altulul rtsldeiices were turned ovir
to care-takers, and their occupants
locked and barivd front doors and
drove to the station, convinced that
their furniture and art treasures would
be looted before the end of the war.
Strange as has been the mushroom
growth of the English mining city, Its
sudden desertion was a grotesque mar
vel among the vicissitudes of human
The tolerance with which these re
turning pilgrims from Johannesburg
speMk of President Kruger astonishes
their London friends. He Is credited
by them with a clear perception of the
outcome of the war which may be the
earliest results of the conillct. Presi
dent Steyn Is described as a sluvwd,
intelligent, ambitious man.
The roar guard came away from Jo
hannesburg with the conviction that
President Krug"r had been dragged
Into the war against his will and Judg
ment, and that Steynlind Involved the
Orange Frte State In a fatal struggle,
In which It had everything to lose and
nothing to gain, and that he had no
other Incentive '.linn n divam of a pow
erful Dutch republic.
A representative of one of the .largest
mining properties, said after his arrival
from the Transvaal that many Intelli
gent burghers wero bitterly opposed to
the wnr. Ho quoted Johannes Rlsstk,
who surveyed the city named after
him. as saying that he himself would
glndly have granted to the Utlnnders
all that they had asked and those con
cessions would have been merely equitable'.
Pilsslk and other Doers who shared
his view of what would have been a
Just and reasonable solution are now
lighting strenuously on (he Dutch side.
UlFflik Is described as having no Illu
sions respecting tho ultimate result,
but also as forecasting hard fighting by
the Boors and great destruction of life.
The P..ier Oovernmont Could Not Issue
Letters of Marque If It Di-sired.
NEW YOP.K. Nov. 6.-A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
It Is doubted here whether th Boer
government could Issue letters of mar
que to privateers that would give the
vessels carrying them the right to be
treated otherwise than as pirates.
In thu first place, the Uoors have ac
cepted the suieralnty of Groat Britain
by the treaty of 1SS1, the International
status of the flag Is very doubtful. As
suming, however, that the flag of the
Transvaal would be recognized on the
high seas, there are serious practical
difficulties In the way of the Issuance of
letters of marque by a government that
has no seneoast and no ports.
The vesels could not be armed and
equipped In any neutral port without
making the neutral government liable
to heavy damages to the British govern
ment under the principles laid down
In the Alabama case. Tneycould not
procure coal In any port In the world
with. ut a violation of the principles of
neutrality. If any nation should allow
privateers with letters from the Trans
vaal government to Issue from Its ports
'or to coal In Its ports, It would be al
most equivalent to a declaration of war
against Great Britain and the British
government would probably so regard
Aside from this, the general senti
ment of the clvlllzntod world Is strongly
against privateering. By the deelara
Iton of Paris, the signatory powers
agreed to the abolition of prlvatoering.
The only maritime nations not Joining
in this declaration were the United
Staites, Spain nnd Mexico. Tho United
States refused to Join because it do-
sired, to secure from other nations a
declaration exempting private property
at sea from capture. While not pledged
to. abstain from privateering, the Uni
ted Slates would probably never resort
to It unless In retaliation.
In the recent wnr with this country,
Spain Was forced by the public opinion;
of Europe to abstain from Issuing let-'
tors of marque.
taken at night will make you 1 1
tieei ngnt, act ngm ana iook?
right They cure Constipation.
become an article of commerce. It is
claimed that one pound of tropon is
equal In nutritive value to five pounds
of meat or one hundred eggs, and its
cost is only TO cents. The hospital pa
tients liked tfce troion so well that near
ly all of them preferred It to meat It
Is now being used as an ingredient of
various foods, as. for example, In flour,
a roll containing five per cent' of the
powder equalling In nutritive value
five eggs or half a pound of meat. It Is
needless to enlarge upon the future of
tropon, If there has been no exaggera
tion In the accounts of the experiments
wlht It. The Inventor Is a professor at
An Ohio man by paying $75 has se
cured a perpetual subscription to Har
per's Magazine. This sum would pay
for the magailne for only fifteen yeurs,
but it is to be noticed that four per cent
of It Is VI, which Is the annual subscrip
tion price of the publication. The sub
scription Is assignable to the subscrib
er's heirs and since there can be little
doubt but that the magazine will lie
published for at least fifteen years
longer, th-j arrangement seems to be
favorable to both parties.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature Is on each box. 25c.
A Portland Buyer
Mrs. I) ALTON, who has had
years' of pxihtu'iico ns a
Will he plcasoil to civo persona
' attention to all customer.
CWrespoiuleiUT solicited.
Merchants' Review.
Experiments In German hospitals i
with an albuminous powder rolled'
"tropon." a substitute for meat, havei
been so satisfactory that It Is likely to
303 Second St., Portland.
Fin ork at FojVilur Trices.
327 Washington Strccti
Next Imperial fWitel
Gypsinc, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, etc.
Plain and Decorative Paper
House and Fresco Painters, Etc.
Wall Paper and
Room Mouldings
343 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Telephone Red 1955.
J, 0. Gillen 8 o
Dealers, Manufacturers and Contractors
Of Asbestos Boiler
and Pipe Coverings
229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE.
B. P. Allen & Son
House in
Wall Paper, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Etc.
No House Can Beat Our Prices.
305 Commercial St.
DAVID HARUM, $1.50, our Cut Price $1.15
R1DHARD CARVEL, '$1.50, our Cut Trice ... 1.15
JANICE M1.KI DIX. new book by Taul Leicester
l'or.l, $1.50. our Cut Price 1.15
Stevens, $1 .50 our Cut Trice 1.15
We will meet any Cut Trice on any book made by any
bouse iu the world. Seud ns your orders.
Jones' Book Store,
291 Alder St., bet, 4th and 5tb, PORLLAND, CREGON,
I i;
' 1.