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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1899)
TUB MORNING ASTOKIAN, TUESDAY. XOVKMBBit 7, )). AMERICAN FORCES CLOSING ON AGUINALDO'S ARMY Thirty Thousand of Otis' Troops Have Com menced a Campaign "AH Alongthe Line." IA1PORTANT RESULTS TO TRANSPIRE General Belief In Military Circles that tte End Is Nearly In Sight anlTbattbe Retellion Will Be CrusbeJ Tbls Month. NEW YOBK. Nov. t A special to the - HeralJ from Washington says: With force aggres-iting tfcan 30.WO fighting men. Generals Lawton, MacArthur and WTwaton are now cloe irg In on Aguinaldo's army. General 0:1c et November 5 and C as the dates fur commencing the campaign "all along the line" and the war depart ment has information today that the program Is being carried out. General Otis' dispatches are optimis tic In the. highest degree and the offi cials are predicting that the rebellion will be crushed before the end of the prsent month and that Important vic tories will be announced within a few days. The military situation was thus ana lysed today by an official familiar with General Otis' planes Of operation, as reported to the war department: Aguinaldo, with his army greatly reduced, owing to recent disintegra tions. Is at Bayambang, twenty miles north of Tarlac, which was his head quarters and the objectives of Lawton's and MacArthur's armies up to a fort night ago. "General MacArthur move north ward along the railroad to Bayambang, taking the towns of Tarlae, Panaque, Moncoda and others as he goes along. General Law-ton moves northward from Colantua as his base, and with columns swerving to the right and left to sweep the country to the Rio Agno river, and to head off Aguinaldo's es cape to the mountains through Rio Agno valley. At last accounts detach ments from his command had taken ' Aliaga, west of his base. Talavera being to the north and Bayambang to the northwest. "General tVheaton moves southward from Dagupan to Bayambang. His movements up to this time have b"en kept from the public, but now that th campaign is in progress, I am at liber ty to mer.tion that he headed an ex.- ditlon sent out on transports for the Gulf of Lingayen last we-k. The navy's task was to shell the towns on the southern part of the gulf, so as to ef fect the cafe landing of his expedition. "Unless Agulnal-Jo has escad to the eastward through the Rio Agnu valley, he ought to b" caught between Gen eral Wheaton's fr: -s from the north and General Mac-Arthur's from th souih within the next n hour, as Bay ambang. where he is sjp-'l to be located, is less thai " mii-.i from Da gupan and about 4fi miles fr..rn Ang-les. "Although General Ma' Arthur's forces were at Angr-I at last avjiitr, it 1b believed that one of tus columns has reached and taken Tarlac b-f -r- this time and that the railroad to h:.: point is now in control of the Arrerlcan tones and that it is only a qti. ti"n of a few days wh-.i his command wiii reac h Bayambang. "From the plan of campaign manr-- out Aguinaldo's only p'-f.sble means of escape would seem to be V the east ward through the Rio Agno valley into the mountains, as the forces und-r Generals Law ton and MacArthur moving northward are keeping scouts well out to ihe front so as to prevent the enemy from escaping southward." It seems to have been figured out by the authorities that Aguinaldo -wouldn't aUcmpt to en's.'' the mountains to tho northeastward, because when he got on the other side he would be quite as hostile to the Tagalos as the American trot-ps. The north? part of the isl and of Luzon is cut off from the central by high ranges of mountains. The other Bide is peopled by mixed races. It Is said they are friendly to the Uni ted States nnd particularly bitter against the Tagalos. The war department has not been ad vised as to the exact number of troops now engaged under Generals Lawton, MacArthur and Wtaeoton, but It Is esti mated that of the 44.000 which General Otis reported he had yesterday, at least M are engaged In the cam-j-algn north of Manila, According to recent dispatches "rm General Otis there has been a gvner&l scattering of Aguinaldo's forces and one report stat ed that he did not have more than 3.- OW men with him at Bayambang. General Otis expressed the opinion that the disintegration of Aguinaldo's men meant that they were getting tired of the war and predicted the; surren uer or a targe numoer or nanus in a short time. Some of the military experts fear General Otis is over sanguine on this point and that the disintegration may mean the beginning of a prolonged guerrilla warfare. MAGALAXG A GOOD TOWN. Captured Only After a Stout Defense by the Insurgents. MANILA, Nov. 6. 10:50 a. m. Maga lang, th- town taken yesterday by the two columns of General MacArthur's division under Coljnel Smith and Ma jor O'Brien, is a strong town situated midway between Angeles and Arayat. The movement Is a part of a plan for the Americans to possess all the coun try to the southeast of Tarlac, as the t roots c!'se In on the capital, cutting the line of the enemy's retreat In that direction. The insurgent force Is esti mated at 1,M. Colom-l Smith first encountered a small force entrenched a quarter of a mile beyond Angeles, which soon re treated, leaving two of their number riVaA The enemy made a stort stand at the outskirts of Barrios and San Francisco, briskiy shotting at the ad vancing Americans. Captain Frush deployed with the ad vance guard of the battalion and charged the Filipinos, who took flight S-ven Americans w-re wounded. The Americans almost surrounded the In sur-ents, who resisted stubbornly, but Lieiitenarrt Mamilton's artillery cut them up. Lieutenant Slavln's troops 'aptured a company of the enemy with their arms during the advance General Wheeler's brigade is formed at AngeN in order to be prepared for a f neral engagement. was that the bent form of republican gowrnment know n In the world, which would be th bowt fonn t bo found among the- Ideal, and that every step toward establishing a government In the 1'hlllpplnes should be an approach to this high Ideal. No attempt should be made, he Mild, to frame a detailed government for the islmd us a whole or for any .f the various people who Inhabited them without a thorough understanding of all the conditions and needs of the In habitants. Asked whether he- favored a congres sional commlMion to visit the Philip pines and study the conditions there be fore attempting to frame a system of government, he replied: "I think It would be wise to have such a commission visit the Islands. If we had undertaken to frame a govern rtieni for Hawaii without the study of local conditions which our commission made, I think It Is probable that we would have made some egregious blun ders. This study of conditions and of, the peculiar characteristics and needs 3f the people Is even more neeesary In the case of the Philippines than In- Ha waii, because we know b-ss of the Phil ippines." In Senator Morgan's opinion the gov ednment of the I'nlted States should have charge of the- external relations of all r.iatters relating to the islands as a group, while the local affairs should be conlided as far as possible to tin' people of the different localities. In Wi?WPofJv, f" z , : --- - - -s. IS UEDJUUAU THE EICaiKCt Of SVEIT OF FIGS is due not only to the originality nnd simplicity of tin comhiiiiition. but uKo to the care nnd sUill with which it U manufactured by M'Vntilio processes known to the Cwiio.iNU Put Syhit Co. only, and we wish to Impress upon all the Importance of iiiviiuslii the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of rVs is manufactured by the CxLifoHNt Km Svrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist ouo in avoiding; the worthless imitations tunmiiuctured by otbvr lr ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fi SiVHi r Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs lias given to millions of families, uiaUcs the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of Its remedy. It U far in advance of alt other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver nnd bowels without irrita'ing or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please iv member the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. am r tur ,. rt LSriSTILLK. Ky. W TORK. !. T this connection he spoke of the town- ""- - : ship system of the New Knglnnd states; prepared to pay lur es thi highest Ideal of local self-gov- ernment. The question of who should have the right to vote would have to be deter mined by congress, and In this conn.v tlon the senator called attention to the fact that In the first Instance the deter mlnation of who shall have the suffrage In the states and territories organized under the 1'nlted States, is an arbitrary act. In some places, men only being allowed to vote, In others men and w. nien, amlMn others various qualifica tions being prescribed. Ex'stlng Irws, the senator thought, should be continued In force as far as they were good laws because, the triple understood them.' One change that wou'd have to be mide would be to take away from the friars and the re ligious orders their power of levying taxes on the people. Senator Morgan Is of the opinion that while the United States should under take at once the solution of the prob lem of governing the Philippines, the development of that government Into Its untimate form will have to be a matter of growth. ivst upon It. The ir"'"'' ' ' . ' I 4'.: Wilson Improved Air Tight Heaters ...FOR COAL... I lis l.oator is rsjuviully n,t,i,,t,.( fr Soft ('a l Ligmlo. ri.o l.o,!y is ni.ulo f Miis, Mtvl. hxtrt .nvy slinking nn.l tlutni.ine Jinitf. I- irt) pot oxtrn lu.ivy with lurKp ash pit. iii. krl urn, niikoi mum, .,nlo nll, lwt, nit'kt'l iilntod foot mils. Tlii liot Must draft in mMtuistriU'ldl that tin. twij.nig KnwM ulv al oonsutllt,t( Wljdl a groat ouviiik i tl t'oiisiimjitioii of fm-l Price, $12.00 to $25.00. All Varieties cf Wcod AlrTlSMj at FOARD 8 STOKES. lit The"Delsarte" and "Regem" Shoes for Women DUTY OF CONGRESS IX PHILIPPINES LONDON FINANCES ARE UX0UIET estimate l that the bank still hid I ntore than C3.i""Viki ,,f ,., nli,ut one third of whii-h "ill l run o(T by th' middle of this month. A.irt fr.eii tin gold, all really depends upon the aetlon of the government, and the market Is '"til1 In the dark about the amount of treasury Mils likely to ! offered. FNtlninti-a rat'ce up to t , iHki.0i-. and t . ih.:'i are offer -d for next Friday. Iut the Issu of trv isiiry ll niters, were I' ten ttillPons, by no means Kiiiiranti- inline. llate higher ehaii.- for sho-t crxit. All d-eiiils on whir- :'i nioney Is siH-nt. and the pi- luilu t 1 is that more than half will le .'.i. u s .1 here, in which ease the Ini r -aj ! r 1 -. ury oiitl iy might m-aii a tlo...l u..i ' ket just when ev.-rybidy is t-ntin'trK on high rati-s. Thus I reach the rnnel'islnn that 1 nothing in the (lotn.-rttic pinion war rants the eX'i-t.kiiin ,,f very d.-ir inon- ey this year, although iiuoiatioiis nr-1 sure to Ih. hlghr during t;ie nex- . Kht ! Akfl "fllietn Olialitv' All Styles, One Price, $3-50 Ifqual to Any $5.00 Shoe Books nought, SuKl ami Kxclmngptl it the Old Book Store Umbrellas Best and Cheapest Also ii'iiiiiiig nnd llivorering at Meredith'5 WnKliiiietmi U'twinitioili ami litli Slrcola, r(UtTI,AM, GOLD GOING TO HOLLAND Loans and Discounts Going I p liot No Serious Troubles are feared Little Stock te Iking rJoutjht. wivks than in the Umt four. Ahmad the piwltlori remain umotn foriable everywhere, but i-aliner In most plae-M. From all the pr-at inon-tary ivntern the advames this -W point not to ense, but to a nlai-kening ,,f en. li n. althoiiKh rwlther Franre nor (i-r-many Is In a position to mat- that the banks are better off. Still no violent wi-iich of rites is bk-ly to originate In th -se (-. nteis, and we are .-ss appr--!. nslv about th-tn than about N'. u York. If you dta-.v gold from us, we must .".-t a 0 per rent bank rate, other wise w e shall Jojf alone v-ry nun h w h-i e we are. j i"ne thlnx thta war ha.s efferiually done. It ha.s stopped preat speculative I op-nitlons In mark-' ami has fore.d liiui latlon many too dlst-nded London financial corresfxindent cables: According today's aspect, our money market promi9s higher rates, but not much higher. The experience of the last few weeks hag shown It to lie un- landing alis,f; but huylng Is positions. This Week the markets have b- ii swayed under the Influence of the '.ins much less than foreseen. fii Tuesday, when the new looked the blackest, prlre 'llpjs-d, but from inside pressure alone. The publlr throughout has elth-r bs-n buying r mueh Shoes for Women $3.00 E, C. Goddard & Co. Oreuoninn Iltiililintr, I'urtland. TO ESTABLISH GOVERNMENT Stnator .Munjan Thinks This the Best Aner That Can He Made to the Anti-Ctpansicnists. Nr:w yoi'.k, xov. ;. a t-rx-ciai to th H'-ra!'l from Washington say: i.'onirress should at once take action in relation to th'; Philippines," said ."nator Morgan tonight. This action ."hould Ve taken in the discharge of the duly Implied by ss-ctlon four, article four, of the constitution, which pro vides that the United States shall guar-areti-r- ts ev.-ry state in this union a re publican form of government." l he senator said that this Imposed a distinct duty upon congress, and the discharge of that duty by action look ing to the establishment of a republican form of govr-rnnvnt In the Philippines would be the Vx-st .answer possible to the anti-Imperialists. He explained that what he meant by giving a republican form of government to the Philippines anf- tr atlou. HOicollnt trt f.lll below T.C mop per cent. At and above that rate gold was attracted to London, or at least prevented from going away, but direct ly the rate fell below It, the demand for gold for export began to revive, while supplies ceased to arrive. No gold has thug far be?n openly taken back to England, but Holland has swept away any small supplies available In the market, and on th-se falling sundry parcels of sovereigns have been withdrawn privately for shipment to Ameterdam. In the open market the week loans rose to 3 and Z per cent, where they have since stuck, and Immediately the bill brokers commenced to work up dis count, first to 4 per cent and today by steps to Whether the market will kep thus hard Is doubtful, because cheap loans always In the end defeat discounters. Brokers say we are detir mined to put a three months' rate of discount of 4V4 per cent as the mini mu;n, but they are certain to fall until loan money can rise In the neighbor hood of 4 per cent. It may do this, but hardly yet, for the Bank of England has merely lis own bill case to depand on as a means of pressure, the Japanese loan money not being under its control unless It is l more ill el-M,,ncn .tiipl,,., II... 1..... .1- ,,ullllfs m,- mm mree days. It is r.nx! buying too. The Indian cotton Industry Is depres sed localise tn(. Chinese markets are glutted through the corn-tltion of the Ann rlcans and Japane. The strike of the colleri.-s n South Wales has probably been u verted. yu nnnjumnn uumi uuuwnnnj nnp I ST. HELEN'S HAM. A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS lleopeued SciiteinWr 13. For circular! odd res. MISS KLKNOlil-: THIIIIIKTIS, Hi. I) Principal, Portland Oregon Telephone Ked 391. m O'0 Cannot be found whinli nre exnet- ly tilike in dimensions. We bear this fan! in mind when fitting eye glasses rik! achieve results which liive relief to the eve and comfort to the nose. Jt costs nothing to not'to "ty c8t yoa "l0rn J lasses to l it live, Nose. Face and Purse, Northwest Optical Co., 1 lie Lublie H1IB., Hecond nnd Wonlilriyton Htm 5 uiuuxruxnnnnjruuniunnrjuu. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light and well baked. Well there Is a knack In mak ing It. But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. His mother used a Star Estate Range UUtory, niirnpliy. Mroh.ihUI. iM-fiTt'iiii-, PoWry. Mi'dlcul, '' lwOigious, Scun!itlc All taiidurl worki). Se.-otl.l I I ...I I I I I . , .mini iHimui iiooKs, largo stock! . . ! . p. .se,omi iin,i ,11fc.llim,s. M. i John I. Coffey. e III leu iHlllhU La'g.. ht.H-k .f iiovrls, I - ' IO mil t;l 01. HYLAND BROS. POin'I.AM). OH. r.'-.t-unil Yamhill St., Mow S.von.1. 'IVIephonii im 'J.s. , R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St., corner Fifth Opposite Hold rerkiiii liiulics Huir Dnwing n Sjn'cialt)1 I.ndies entraiirc to hutb on Fifth street. fikrcliant Tailor a 1, 1 k it sr. (lK. lllllUi. Portland, Ore. W. C. A. Pohl, roim (onouit. Undertaker, Hmbalmer and Funeral Director ('nflkftN ninl Fiitii'isl Siiiillia eotittmit ly on liatiil. Comer 11th ninl I Miami Kin, Antorin, Ore Pl)lVri.AM. (lUFOttN. iii-oiiim 'ri,n,ii 1 inrriiani, al i,r liotnlltn "lrln lrl.i.illi I'nrU I um.ltlm,, life mjj lri lnl r-nir. palil. a,ui, wlllo "" I I'A'l'K.NT lll.t OKU. Ilattlmnro, Md. Golumbia Eleetne & Repair Go SucceHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrynien Loners' Supplies Kept la Stock Logging HnglncH llullt nnd Ropnlrod Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty ... . . . . 4 .. ..- Sole Manufiictnrcrs of the I'nsurpnsscd ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. i m i m 7T1 mm W. J. SCULLY, Agent, 431 Bond street. .The Esmond Hotel,., t 1 t PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. J. V.. PK.NIIICOAST, Clilnf LMurk Enniii''i p'mi, -Vie 1 1 I,W pur dy. Aiiit-rlciin pliiii, 11.00 to HMD iht day. CHAS. HE1LB0RN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In oil sizes nnl Btylcn. We uliull rontiiino to soil Iron nml limim l!eilnlcndM at tlm Ratlin Low Prices rognrdleHB of the mine in the price of iron and brims rriiruxruxruuxruxruxrmjuT PORTLAND, OR. 2 Til f Onlv Plpurinuu Hnlnl I f riyif i