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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1899)
1 .... t'nttnto 1--U ' A") J I VOL L ASTOH1A. OMtiON, TUESDAY. NOVCMUEU 7. inn.'" 10. 187 STOVES I 8 BURN ANY OLD THING. Bought bofore the ad vance and sold regard less of it on account of moving. Eclipse Hardware Co. .SOI9 UOND BTRCET I IMPORTANT NOTICE . - ENGLAND IS WORRYING . AND GETS LITTLE NEWS Landing of Transports Alay Be Diverted on Account of the Present Torn of Events. LONDON UNPLEASANTLY SURPRISED MINERS SENTENCED. MOSCOW, Nov. .-The Un mlr-ori found guilty of Interfering wrth United HUdeu mail rvrar Wardner were each sentenced to serve 22 month at San Quemln, California, and to pay a line of $1000, except O'Rourke, who get 20 month and the fine. YeaterilsT we recoWe! notion from the publisher, of the Wiunkh Mixtion or tii EnriuiRnu llWTiMICa, that owIiik to tli mormon, tucrwv III the prltM) M papei with in tlm pnt few weeks, ttier would" shortly withdraw the sole of their KncydniHxIi at Inn rvwtil prim. Our contract with the publi.hom wiuhln tt. to make the tame lilx'tnl of fer hurotnlore. Thirty larua voIoiiim of the Knorclope din, one guide to HvttaiuntlO Reading of the Encyclopedia, One 1'prlglit Ouk flookrate and One large Wrbiti-r't En eyolojwdiii free of ilwrgo, All the nbove will be delivered upon the .null payment of ONR DOLLAR BtiLnoe iu imiill monthly p.ymciiU. Call and look ilito llil) otfor. GRIFFIN & REED. iH&---!H&- Here Is a List Of Hlgt Grade Good nt Mode ml Price Funcy Creamery Mutter iu Kogs unJ Hoik Strictly Fresh I'rh. Tie Boers Have a Force In the Field Much Larger Than It Was Ever Deemed Possitle for tbera to Raise Joutert's Intention a Mystery. m R-H. New Croj Muplc Syrup, ltuck wheat ami (iridic Cake Flour. l'nckarJ A.Sniith' Funcy Ituliuu Prunes. New Crop Nuts, Figs, Mince Meat. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. The Sflvcrf icld Fur Manufacturing Co., 2H32Hf4 Morrinott HI., Porllntnl, Ore To the LLodlcH o! Awtorloi We will avn you one-fourth on every riiriiint you purchase from us. be cause we aro dirit iimnufiirttirerit, and you will a the middleman's Kiir riillinTtlin, from HA" up r'urN'ik llima, frniii ".' up IjiiIImT KltiTHllr..Miii1' Null from up Milieu' Uno ntllur Miole I'lolli .lm kelH, muu ti " up IaiUm.' Klun Kri'iii'h Klumicl, riiim Jl.7' up Aluk Hiil Hklii Jui'ki'U, I.i'IkIimi lye, muilu ixpiTlnlly lo onli-r Irnm HM.iW up KmHli'lhiK (if Fur (liirmciiU Into tin' Ulml Style Hi very low fliium). Heiul for lllu.lmti'il rll(giii', wlilrli wr will gludly nmll you. Hijjhcst Trice I'nld for Kaw I'urs. Yours Respectfully, The Sllverf leld Fur Hanufacturln Co. PORTLAND DENTAL, PARLORS Top Hoof Washington Building. Lorscst orid Best Equipped Offices In the Northwcste I LONDON, Nov. 7, 4;30 a. in. This tnoming'8 news g S enrrieu public knowledge with respect to the hostilities in W South Africa very little further than tho evacuation of Co- p leiiso and Stormberg. ft! g Tliese movements, taken together with the admiralty an- 5 i! . .. i: ... i.. 1: -l..,l,l 8t ffi nouncemeni uiat me punnc iiium uui do oimijijhjiuuu euuuiu the transports not reach their destination on the dates indi- cated in the published lists, may indicate somo change of j plan necessitated by the bad position of affairs in Natal. JsJ It was. cxected that the army corps would land at Capo )t Town for the invasion of the Transvaal through the Orange i Free .State, but the landing may now be diverted to Durban, Natal, whither it is fully exptcted Lieut. General Sir Duller ': will L'o within a week. S Thcro is also a possibility of a movement through Dehigoa ! Day, and the admiralty notice regarding the transjwrts simply I means in all likelihood that the news of their movements is- to be suppressed. LONDON, Nov. 7. The war otTUe an- the Boar's guns made the position un- nounc J at midnight that no dispatch U-nahl. hud been n'lved bynd th sm; already ...... I v ..ill. II.. .. 1 I hit t .i Mrm t iirthr-r A HEAVY LOPS. I'STCOIT.T. Natal, Nov. 4. It 1 re REED'S SUCCESSOR. PORTLAND, Maine, for. 1,-Amoi T. Allen, (rep.) haa been elected too- frettman.from the flrwt Maine diatrtct to tucoeed Tfcot. B. Reed, by a majori ty of 4,151. CIVIL GOVERNMENT IN THE ISLAND OF NEGROS Native Officers Elected and They Will Be Answerable to American Authority. THE INAUGURATION CEREMONIES BUT IT'B TODAT, PORTLAND, Nor. 4.-GnreJ Neleon A Mllew wilt arrive In rortla&d tomor row from Tuget sound. He will prob ably Inepect tho fjrtlflcatlonw at the1 mouth of the Columbia Wednesday. Property and Educational Qualification of the Voters-Tie New Regime Ushered In Anil Feasting anS Rejoicing of the Wbole Island. S23 PORTIAND LINE TO CAPE NOME. ' g; PORTLAND, Nov. .-Flnal arrange mcnte were made today for a steamship line between Portland and Cape Nome. The California k Ortffon Coast Steam ship Company will operate a line and the first steamer will leave about June first. STEAMSHIP OREGON SOLD. ! PORTLAND. Nov. 6 The steamshlpi Oregon was sold today by the O. R. 4 i N. Company -today to Seattle parties.', It Is understood the Oregon will be run between Seattle and Cape Nome. A WARA1 TW1E IN MANILA, Nov. 6. AtBacolor, in the Island of Negros, f an autonomous government of Filipinos was established today. General Smith, governor of the Island of Negros administered the oath of office to a judge of the supreme court, who, in. a turn, swore in the governor, three judges, twelve councilmen, ft the auditor and the secretary of the interior. The natives of $ the entire island attended the ceremony. Three day's feasting will follow in celebration of the now government, and the first anniversary of the surrender of the Spaniards to the Negros revolutionists ending with a ball in the government house tonight American flags are displayed in the village. The celebration consisted of horse racing and other sports. The bull tonight attracted the wives of wealthy planters and there was as great a display of rich costumes and costly jewels as would be seen at a similar affair in America or Europe. MANILA, Nov. t. The elections In" the, General Smith la an Interview re- ' Island of Negros were held October 2, OLD KENTUCKY the number sm would t lHud bffore noon twlay. J ported that the Hoeru lost 800 In kille TIiuk. not a inltary olllfliil Item of, Theri were 48 candidates for the var-j ious offices. Mt'lection Revlrnlo was j! PREPARING FOR TROUBLE elected governor. iifWn hn tx-n posted for nearly woundt-d and captured In Thurwlny's The suffrage was' determined by hours, This hits k'V'Mi rise to a rrop t ulunnliiK rumors for all of which there j inlln Is nlwoluh'ly no foundation. At the same time the rirttlnher has had lltlle to Mlmulute him within the last Tho n,Vg Hepul!d but Return to the battle on Tathams farm, near Lady-.SUte TfOOpS Ready for Any Emer- property quallllcatlon and the ability to marked that It was of the utmost im portance that the Filipinos should be taught to recognlae the sovereignty of the United States. "The great danger," he added "threat- ( entng a peaceful administration is the ' intrigue among insular politicians," and A WARM TIME. Best work at our Prices, because we have the largest volume of Dental Work in Portland. Real Crow n mid liiiJgu Work, 22 kiuiit gold . per tooth ' Bet Teeth, fully gun run teed rubber ; .$5 00 Heat tiold Filling $1.00 up Bout Alloy Filling flOc up Teeth extracted without pnin fiOc up We employ only the most modern methods and guarantee satisfaction. Take elevntor on Washington srcet, neir Fourth, aud ak for the Portland k I '.1 T.l iwntai l'ariors, ioprioor. 'Plion Orenon.lllrown 493- Columbia Ia69 hours except m-ws of the confident at titude of the Ladysmllh garrln and Its illKht successes a Thursday and Friday. Advices from other parts of South Africa are distinctly unpalatable and everything points to a critical situation In Natal anj Uie northern portions of Cape Colony, likely to grow nure acute until General White '.a either relieved cr decisively defeat M.. CROWDING ABOUT KIMBERLET. LONDON. Nov. 6. A force of about 11,000 Boera Is concentrated near Kim berley. Opposes! to them are only 7,000 Uiltlsh. COMMUNICATION SEVERED. LONDON, Nov. 6.-A dispatch from Pletermarltxburg dated Friday reports that the railway communication with I.adysmlth is severed, the Boers having effect?d lodgment at Nolthorpe, south of Ladysmlth about seven miles. A- mong those Invested at Ladysmlth are Coloiel Rhodes, brother of Cecil Rhodes, and Dr. Jameson, as well as most offthe press correepondents. THEIR LONG RANGE GUNS. Boer Artillery Made the British Posi tion at Glencoe Untenable. ESTCOURT, Natnl, Nov. 6. Colenso Is now In the hands of the Boers. Be fore the evacuation was decided up n the enemy tried to cut oft our outposts. The Durban light Infantry under Lieu tenant Mollneux and a force of Dublin fuslleors were sent to the relief of the outposts and a brisk light ensued. The Boera were repul?d leaving 12 dead. The chief motive for the withdrawal, however, was that the long range of rencyThit May Arise and Gover nor Stays at the Capital. I he declared that the United States must for years keep control of the Phlllp- I pines in order to prevent such a condi tions from existing. LOUISVILLE, Ky Nov. 6. Cover- Attack. nor Eradtey, In his capacity as com- i ESTCOL'UT, Natal, Nov. 4,-Noon. j mander In rhW of the state national read and write. Colonel Minor wel comed the officials on behalf of the United States. In the course of his re- marks he said: "Negros lead In the, I van of civil government In the Philip-1 A recently organlied revolutionary pines. Tour honor Ilea In adding a new movement has been discovered la A 'reliable messenger has Just arrived! guard, is the central figure in the po-j from Ladysmlth passing the Boer l!nes iuiral situation tonight during the night, who reports that The governor believes the situation i star to freedom's flag." j Northern Negros and the leaders have Senor Severlno In replying said the been forced to withdraw to Ranay. A I best thing for the future of Negros was number of bandits under the leadreshlp .v. r.e nir ivia.tirn. with of Papa Isio, a religious charlatan have heavy lighting occurred Thursday so serious that he would not go " , Ct , I been driven' into the mountains. A to his home at Lancaster, only about ' force of 250 native soldiers armed with 109 miles from Louisville, to cast his General Smllh thn "wxi Springfield rifles are helping the Amer- grantlng of freedom to political prls- icans and found to be valuable as oners In commemoration of the event, scouts. around Ladysmlth. The hottest engagement was on Geo, Tatham's farm, on the Orange Free State side of Bewtos. The British drove vot tomorrow. j All the companies of the Louisville the Boers back to their camp, Uie en- i,siin, a local militia organization, has' emy suffered great Kss and 30 mounted, boeri ordered to report for duty lomor Roers were captured. The fighting was. morning. The disturbed state of resumed yesterday (Friday) the Boers1 political feeling In this city was aggra flrlng from Nosdwathshona hill, near vajed this evening by the action of the Hepwomha farm. Again they were board of election commissioners, which driven back with loss In their camp. Aj ia controlled by the democrats, in re large Roer force with artillery has tak- j movlng 87 republican election officers en up a position on the left of Beacon, j anj substituting for them names sub Tho messenger says that he heard the ' m(tted by men, It Is claimed by the reg Boers would be In Colenso today and I uiir ivpubllclican orgiuilzation, who that the volunteers were leaving. I io not present the party. :3 ESTERHAZV CONVICTED. PARI?. Nov. 6. Major Count Ester-, hay, the reputed author of the border- J i eau which brought about the convic tlon of Captain Alfred Dreyfus on the! charge of treason was sentenced today j by default oi his cousin Christian's' charge of swindling, to three yenrs lm- prlsonment and to pay a fine of ?0 francs. He was also ordered to ro-' I fund 35,000 frauetw claimed by Christ HONORKD AT HOME. IN OHIO. i Much Uncertainty owing to Republican' Desires. j CINCINNATI. Nov. 6. It is certain! i ! .l... .-l.u....v.k 1.- Vuah rMOlhltr.fln '. or John R. McLean, democrat, will be; I elected governor tomorrow. The un-i J certain quantity Is the Jones vote. j It Is conceded that all the votes thar .... ,. . r... U lean he controiiea uy innmiw uufu- noil, ex-Chairman Kurtz and other ' anti-IIanna ivpublicans will be cost for ! Mt Lean. Meantime the gold demo-1 I era is as well as the Bryan democrats tare supporting McLean and there Is no SEATTLE. Nov. 6. Four hundred of factional fuss among the democrats. the First Washington volunteers ar rived here this morning on the steam ship Queen and were given a reception fa The Proof Of Boys' Clothing is in the wearing. Clothes must be of best quali ty to withstand the healthy violence of youngsters, or mother will be kept busy mending and buying more. The tougher the boy the better we like to clothe him. He's the surest test we know. M'KINLEY WILL VOTE. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. President never to be forgotten by those who wit-' McKlnley left tonight for Canton, Ohio, nessed It, on land or bcu. See Our Superb line cf Winter Novelty Suits $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 to $10.00 Bovs' double-breasted snits at 83.0tl to 9.00 . Youths long trouser suits, $7.50 to$18.00 Overcoats, Kccfcrs, Hats and Furnishings. A B STEIMBACH 8 CO. LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST an ft ft ft w here he will vote tomorrow. Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. Y r- -