The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 05, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Headquarters for Dry (jimd on the I owcr Columbia
Embroidering, KnlttlngorCrochetlng
The season far cvmnitMioinit fancy
work IB at linml. Don't delay. It is
the kind of rk one cannot liurry
through Ami haw it satisfactory.
Embroidered Pieces
Require careful work, and nni."t W
of g.ixf Iitin to jtive aalifm-tion .
Oars will viir. Tl'ey are Richard-
hodi betil hand-woven una kitu
bleached goods.
Kodak and Doyhc Holders
Uf nicely tiuiahed and tinttnl eard-
limi-.. hi imped, colored, caiiv,i j
.; v-ry convenient deve, fur pio j
tll tlllK .KMUrtS HIHl UO.Mk'H.
I he 'Trbwilla" FinbroUery
Hoop Holder
N an eoeci;illy convenient arr.-uiKo-inet.i.
Screws on the table. .ii oj
ruthl Hiinclnnetit which en lo mov
ed any way desired, lio!U up th i
In iilniii lance. A full v..riei of col- :
or in livrnian, Cierm;.iiio n, im-
imrteil Saxony, Shet laud wool and
hoii, Spniiisli yarn, Fleur do Li uud
ice wool.
Crochet tbreaiis in full assortment.
Wheat and Stock Brokers
niRFPT uiRFQ in ew Yf rk Stock Exchange
DIRECT WIRES TO mm fcfarfl Qf um
i 1 4-21 ; Chamber of Commerce.
Portland, Oregon.
J. w.
Wuailt-4 1NTU.
Hill, M. D.. I'rtaolpal.
ChrUtmai Trm Oaeaa . It, 1NMX.
nlars to lay down his life In the Philip
pines. He was a young man of much
promise, ami was popular In hia homj
town and al college, and this move-1
ment to provide a memorial library for
the Institution the young- soldier left)
when he went to mt Is a peculiarly
A B.rdmt n4 rxr adhwl
ginafmnt Mno 1ST
for catalogue or luforaiatloa a4.1i
arliKlnal. J. W. HlLXk U. U.. P. O,
IT. PtfrOaaJ, Or.
Primary, Pmrtory 4 AoJml rw.-art.
Ht; Oolite Vnraratloa, Unitary Dlaolpllaa,
kWual Trainlns. &r at alt tfas m!n4.
im lb
as represented in the names. Only mod-
tit and worthy one. The collet needs : donnilWg ar expected, but the list
a library, and the utl Itarlan value of. . , , , . ,
It will be no less by reason of the facthoutd grow Ion very . very fast.
The PKIDOSed Memorial i$ AltraCtinS ht wntlment-a An and noble sen-;
- timont. ntvatninir reverence. ptunousin.
General Attention to Astoria.
Astoria Can Honor Herself la Honor
ing the Memory of Oae Who bj His
life and Death Honored Astoria.
The memoritl fund la growing, but
hardly fast enough to deserve the praise
the city Is receiving: from the press and
The following contributions for the
Edward C. Young n.emorlal library
fund have been reoelwd since those
last reported:
A. YOl'NCr 150 00
comradeship will speak from every
volume, calling up memories of a heal-thv-mlnded
youth who lhvd not to him
self alone. A memorial library will be
a most appropriate monument to the
young soldier, and Astoria will honor
herself by carrying to success the pro
ject so liapplly conceived and so aus
pleiously begun.
The Con-allU rnlon-Garette makes
the following comment: . .
Amon the many brave boys of the
O. A. C who Joined the ranks of the I
. . i . j . 1
volunteers, ten nome ana lovea iu
go far away across the sea and fight for
the honor of Old Glory was Edward C.
Young of Astoria. And he, too. was
among those noble fellows who gave
their lives for their country and hu
manity. .
The people of Astoria, through the
fr,-.n nt the Astorlan of that city, are
endeavoring to raise a fund to purchase ent.
a library to be donated to our agncui- r,. , ,. , ,
nH to he known as the Mr. J. D. McGowan. one c4 the old
Firfward r. Toun library. No move-1 guard, visited our alleys during the
Rainmaker Johnson has the bowling
A ball in the alley Is worth three In
the gutter. Cooper.
Four successive goose eggs hatch one
poor captain. Hardesty.
F. II. (Hud) Goodell and Harry Burk-
holder are bowling In fine form at pres-
bowler, spwit a few days In the city.
He and Cooper oh xl lor get! any two
bowlers for an oyster gume. They were
accomodated, and hnd to pay for the
oysters on two sucoentlve nights.
Wednesday night (ladies' nlghl at the
A. F. C. alleys) Mnemlly brings out a
good crowd. Mrs. Btine Is nw the rec-
ognlwd champion among the ladle.
Miss Mangle Iaws and Mrs. H. Wise
are also playing In good form.
To make tt apparent to thousands.
who think themselw III, tht they ore
not amicted with any disease, hut that
the system simply needs cleansing, Is
to bring comfort home to their hearts.
as a costive condition la easily cured by
using Syrup of Figs. Manuraotered by
the California Fig Syrup Co, only, and
sold by all druggists.
The Eastern
H Mlllluary.
MISS McKEA Corner Tenth an
CnuiWrclal streets.
V. B. Edwards
I very variety of Uoueli und
DrvtMid l.iimhoi, l)oors,
NNIlidows, .MoiitdhlKN uild
i.eoar Minifies
Vl"iri n '""iih.ii Slab, Park, Kir
V JJU lli-ii.KK k,Alder.rUlali
OlVIco Seventh Street Dock
Nut ("on.
Nut Hutter.
K HCcreiil.
Health ('rncUoiN,
Nut Koat.
Are few uf tit Health Fool sold by
HEALTH FOOD Co. IH.rtlund. Or
rosing a Specialty.
The Photographer
public of the state.
There is to be no personal soUcita- m.nt , j j, more worthy, and no j WMir.
tion. The fund has simply been opened . movement will touch the public pajrl- j Th hjml tfnm m(ufc, R wy
foe Toluntary contributions, and in such ! otic heart more Qu'CKy- ',. i showing against the Road Club the oth-
amounts as tne aonor xeei memseiveB , - . ;fcu nMi, it
perfeotly free to contribute. It may ing monumenl to the memory of one of ; Burroughs. Sovey and Goodell tied for
be 20 cents, It may be Jl, It may be! those whose life-blood was spilled In j first place wlth 173 In the Fvy.-nhel-more
buf whatever the amount it is fighting for the glory and honor of hu- mer trophy contest
more, hut wvfr , 1 " manity and of the American people in Herman Wise won the weekly button
advisable that tt be not delayed too rtlcu,ar j last we,,k- It a
long. ' We are glad to see the people of As- tween him. Sovey and Hardest)'.
The proceeds of the entertainment, ! toria enter this work with such a spir-j Tne on'gon Rfid Club hAs promlse.1
next Wednesday it is exoected wUl 11 of PaC'01"" ftnd determination. The t0 visjt the A F c on Thanksgiving
!u hrtow!;. when a friendly match will, be
swell the fund to JIOO Just one-fifth of , ar,d whle tt recei-s at all times the; paye(j
the amount Astoria ought to raise, and' hearty support of our town people, does " ht . , .
which probably Astoria will raise, but not belong to .V of I melfhe
for the credtt of the city we should I J"f' """"f. SLSrl2 movement m i P'.k Queen were only In the place of
not go this in a moss-back fashion, i nonor 0f one of her sons should and KlnS F,n-
The Oregonlan yesterday said: I will receive the united support or ore-
sronlans In general, for It will be a
. T laJV Vl J LA 1 fm 1 1 1 fair Ly 4 w ivuoi ssaa I l j . . .
nounoed, the Astorlan Astorian Is rals- i monument that will bring to the minds
Former Captain Will C. Laws Is now
manager of the A. F. C. alky's; salary,
kicks and growls of all the bowlers
ing a fund for a library for the state
agricultural college, as a memorial to
Edward C. Young, an Astoria youth
who was a student at the college when
the president called for troops for the
of the thousands of students who will; uho can't make -scores.
enter Us walls for years to come the
deeds of a fallen hero of the institution.
The following are high scores for the
n-nolr- Monr!.v. f"oorer. 6: Tuesday.
It is not intended that this fund . f.ardetfy. 0000: Wednesday, Sovey, 0;
should be a tost of the giver's Income. , Thursday, Ogdn. 56: Friday, Cooper,
Spanish war. and who left his studies snoulu w vl l"c e'" " "7 1 5 Saturday Goodell 57
to volunteer in his country's service. It Is not the amount so much that Is , 5- Saturday, uoodeii, 61.
He was one of the first of the Orego- j desired as the good spirit of Astorlana 1 Mr. II. M. Ogden. a crack Multnomah
Dininyrooin and Restaurant
J. V. Wrnintr, lro.
1'rlvite Pisig-rooD!i tor Ladies
Meals IV Ip Opti til Night.
.....Pet. .Motrisos ad Tsnhill
F'ortland, Oregon,,,.
Millinery .
At prices within the
reach of all. Call
niul cxaiuiiie tbent-w
N. V. Corner
Soveuth and WashinHton
Holmes' English
Business College
414 Yamhill St, Portland, Oregon.
m lltb .Street.
FtiKlish, IlookkeepltiK.
Shorthund, Typewriting.
Seud for circulars.
pursuits art much mure profluMe to the avenie ppranti than any of the profit.
Ions, A studious yoini); limn or wonuu cnu )iemie for a liuslnns Mint la about
oite-fouitli lite time rrimireil to educte for a profrwiloii, and at about ont-fourtk
the cost, lite succrnn of bundled of our yr.idtintci Is rveiv ilny proof of tha
value of piactlciil cdiu-ntlon. Ixtiiiiine into the inrriU of our chiH)l, I,rr
how and wht we teach. Imrstiiilciiti of "Armtroii's Ooiiihincd Theory ao4
Ptactlceof DookkrcpliiK" Iratn to keep books exm tlr tliry ric krrp lu bust
nri. New way to tench; tiinkrs Itookkrrplnu cosy, InvcMiate. Call, or write,
Portland Business College
Tilth nnd Yamhill St.. A. I. Armatrons, I'rln.
Ojyn all tlic year. Students may enter ut any lime. lluiiKHS, Shorthand
and Knglish ilrturtmcnti. Private or rlaw imlnit tion, Catalogue free.
The Leading Visiting and Wedding Card
. . . Engravers . . .
Wholesale and retail dealer in
Kranich and Iiach,
Hchaire, Schiller,
and many others.
Hchults and Co.
Miller, Ann Arbor
lleutley and other
n-V!ilA,id,eVl,re,er,,J P0RIUND OREGON.
Plays any Piano.
Can Play It.
nstmments Sold on Easy Terms,
M. C. .MATTIJIFI.L Manager. Head olll.e 141 Hint Ht Sali m.Ote. '
Wherever there is a
Piano there should
be a Pianola.
20 Days from Today
Saturday, Nov. 25, '99
The Pianola will
be shown in Astoria.
Representatives of the Sole Oregon Agent will be dt the
Occident Hotel for ONE WEEK ONLY.
1 fjra i
THE Pianola brings into use thousands of pianos which are now
lying idle. It makes every member of the family a player
and master of a repertory, which includes the musical classics,
both ancient and modern, the latest popular airs and an endless variety
of both song and dance music.
No technical knowledge whatever is required on the part of the
The Pianola supplies perfect technic,
The expression is controlled by the player and responds instan
taneously to his will. He has, therefor, the double pleasure of hearing
an artistic rendition and actually producing it himself.
Pianola, in Connection with Grand Piano, Price, $250.
M. B. WELLS, Sole Agent for Oregon.
Representing The Aeolian Co., (S
The Larjrest Manufacturers of Musical Instruments in the World.
Portland VVarerooms, 335 JlorrUon St.,' jvyarquam Bid's.
Now York, 18 Went 23rd St Loiidon,''225 Regont St.
( Pnria .19 AvAntm fl'T.V)nro
I Fiictories At Mcriduti, Couu., Worcester, Mass., Detroit, Mioh.