The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 05, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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    Til K MUUNIrtG ASTOKUN, SlM'A XOVEM15KI. ft. J!99.
And Every Form of Torturing
Disfiguring Skin and Scalp
Humors Cured by
Armor Vvtrn Tumtukxt. - Hatha tha
(1i"l ru tliiiMiclily uii llur
mill ('I'Tini'lu Hoar. Null apply ( en. i n
(liniment. Ilia ijirat liliiiiirn,iiil lull, luko
lull M llf I'l'TIIHM IIMoi.viiir. till
tnatiuunt will m.iani, rolinf mrmll
ssl inl sli, anil point lit I mrly. portna
limit, ami .'uimiiiiIiwI run wlmn all oIm 111.
tM mrrskm. PrW, Tin f. It Hi .. Vtio
Bn.r, M i i,.t.., am i H.-ii.i n.i.
r".P HRi'ti I him I u.r., !. rntpt.,
" li te t'Me Ufm,'uptf tk, Iim.
A limn linn no mum right to say an
uiii'lvll tiling tliKn tn not out; no more
right in say rude ttilnjr to another
mnn than to knock him down.
Br Shilolisl
ft louoli and i
Itynsumplion v
Thltn heyniiil niintliin th eiitsatul I ,.uk-h Well
ruin rvr known In a. icmei
lew iliwa liivrfilnlily rure I ho
url raara ul I imiih, t'nnip
ml IHiiin lulu, win In wim.
llrtful em.... IH th rut ttl
lit) t'wwumpt ii.ii U wn )i.
1 alleliitilirhi.i.iryul mr.irin.
r Mure IK lli.l liriivrir It hu
Iwen m iriiaianir
HV trif whuh Imi iilnr iiirilii'in
UA " i"'" ',"v
kA t.iliyil. In I'iiiimI Mainland
l ( anada KV , fa, mi.l l i.l. ami
1 ... L....I....I I. I.I v. VI ... I
Uws Hie Suhslillzlnif of Our Ship
ping Savlnx u Vast Sum Yearly.
At the Mercy of the Carrkrs of the
n lit Who arc Our Very
Hu Frtiiirlmi ('nil.
A rrpre'iily!lv no Ibmre of comnu-r-
furnish a mnrkot for our surplus. The
salvation of the country rtepwid on
our gttl'iir abroad. On our sturdy In.
illvlilimllHin depend tlui success 4 our
oompi-tltlon In the Orient,
"It I ulntnifij t me thai l unite tlm
Atlantic mid Porlflc! over I imi thousand
tnlk of iK'Hit'ilnn I necessary whrn
lh CDimtrucilon of lh NIcariiKiiu canal
would "lv th ilimculiy."
At tli roncliwlon of (,'olorn-l ll'tl'
l' h, will, h wan Kiuiiriuiiti'il with
iK'Hity lipluy, Hurh CrulK niovm
tluit a vln of thanks lx xtiulvil to
III" a till" Ki'iitli', and tlm thmikit,
mipl li-tti'titi"l hy chwr, wr nlvim
with a will.
From thi? lonin OloUi.
A rarllmii'Militry niturn In IhhumI to
day ri'lntlnif to th numlH-r of di atlm In
the dimity of Iiiuhm during Uii lm
ynr, upnn whlfh a romnrr' Jury IiikI
roturnc'l a vcrdli-t of riU-nlh from irtnr
vallcn or ilcttlh .irvh-riUoil by priva-
olnl nn-n w.u profit In tin. r.m f'lon. From thin It a.-ttr that th
tirial numlx-r of uch cu w.m forty
rlKht, th lend b"ln ly th KiuiO rn
IHtrl''l, wtth (lft'x-n iliMitlm: th North-nmtt-m
wn mvonil wtlh thlrtwn. Th
owrt nuinlHT wan In th Lllxrty of
tlm Tower of 1oM'I'Hi, wlicru only on"
raie wn n-Krtl.
m . lH
Weils & Col
llllili mind ro a '.Itllo affi-oti-d by
unworthy ivtuma fur wrvlco, aa tvr aun
la by thi fif which the orth tJirow
up U'lwrrn lierwlf and hi light
Retton Vitality Lot Vlfor tod Maabood.
Core Impotoncy, N'lf;lit Kmtwilonan4
waning uitH naca, all clTccta of self
abue, or cxcrna and India
Icrctlon. A ntrve tonic and
',liliM)il ttutldcr. HrliiL the
. -w awrnia K"'" j'.m-' vhwhb uuu
jMyrciitorr the fire of youth.
,Hy mall rtOe prr box, boxca
fur with n written (rtinrnn.
tr to rnro or rrlitil the money
8cml for circular. Aililrcua,
Olnt on A Jackson Sttv, CHICAGO, ia
for Sal by CharlM lliawnv DruatitL
axfia. Or. ton.
A momont I room enough for
the loyal ami wvn donlro, for Iho out
lauli of a murdvrotia thought and tht
aliarp backward lrik of repentance.
the chamiM-r of oiMiimoroe ycat'-rday f
tcrnooii to lltn to Colonel Omirge W.
I tell, fulled Htutra coiwul fir Hydiwy.
N. R. W., 'di'llvrr an liiM-nniIng oik) In-
ttrucllva adder on "The ('oiiiiiiitcIuI
OiNrluiillli- In the Pucltle." The dla
tlnirubhnl iconth-man wua lutnxluivil
by Churlr Nclmm, preelilont of the
chamber of roniinTio,'ln a compllmen-
Ury iwb, In which ho referred to : Taroma Ledger.
the fuel that Cidrnwl Hell liiul lieen Kr" tmde Kngland I Indulging In
aplftled by New Kouih WuUi U repre-ja pneftlve pollry. nlthough It In call-
nt It at the retvnt Induetrlat congreaa'rd by another name. A fortnightly
In rhllndflphla, and till of Itw'lf wa KtpHirmhlp arrvloe betweon Jamaica and
aufttclriit to d.Hennlno tlio worth and I Knglund hut Us-n oHtabllHlied, the vea
ablllty of the mail who had been ao ! of whl-h m-ele a nutwldy of 12,-
hlghly honoei-il. Mayor t'lu-lnn w not) a trip, Thla la done V counteract,
plvkenl and ww an interealed llatem-r
during (lie greater portion uf the ad-dree.
by n-guuir wrvlce and cheap freight,
the eff.v of the rvent reclprorlty
trty bntwin the ITnttnl Hlnte and
evir IdKriii ll wua In hi piilmbut duy.
It follow that he la ft, favorite at
court, the (jiieen conKl P-rlng Mm a moirt
diiMhlng defender of Imperlullinn and (if
Hie throne.
He I not a born orator, and for many
year he wa obll V comiiilt a birg"
portion of hi whea to memory te
lit tnj vernured to deliver tliem. He
begun to train hlmnelf In thl direction
wliil- mill a yoflrli by cmietaiitly wtend
liig a fllrmliigliam doliallng wwlety,
A a reult tut I alwaya If-jxmwuifd,
tiiiuve and Indifferent to the taunl of
hi oip'irienl. He apeak a) way to
lliy point, and even the who may
think hi apneche tame after hearing
tliixe of (JladHtone and John Ilrlght
r-nlly iicktiowtvilge their cogency and
good aeiiMU,
and phampleta on the moat advanced
thought of the day, many book on ub
Ji (:t of advanced up to date topic not
to be found In other book store can
b obtained hre. It I worth your
while to call when In Portland and aee
for yourself. Jones, Ml Aider St.,
A tailoring establishment of aom
pretention, located on Washington
turret, Portland, claim to have made
17 aulis for -Ire.ny Aatortan during the
pit lx month. This statement Is de
nied hy the firm of Povey k Klreha.l. at
V.I Whlngton street, near the Im
perial hotel, who are patronlr.d by th majority of oumlde customers.
Povey k Hlrchall mk the swell suits
f r moat of the styllah Portlanders. and
f-l that they are not excelled by any
Portland firm for out of town patronage.
After a brief review of the present ! (he JlrVJHh colonic. Thla muy be
commercial ami maritime cotnllllon , railed aubHldy, liiMteaii of priit.t'tion,
that prevail In thl country, Colon.'! 1 but It la In the tine of protecting llrlt-
The Original
That's It bVL
fiiii'N&lkv- v jT
Beware of Imitations
&a Dunon't Soot, Agents. New York
Never bold any mio by the button or
the hand In order "to be heard out; for
If pooplo are unwilling to hoar you,
you had bott'r hold your tongue than
SCHOI'ULA. lite.
NonegetniliieutilrM nlxiiril "Ri.ancard"
ALL liKtlC.C.rsTH.
, B. POUOIjkA k CO., N. V. Agts. for U. 8.
Tlepbone n.
All Coods Shipped to Our Cars
Will RecslT Special Attsattoa.
t M Duans St.,
AsUrla. Or.
W. J. COOK. Mgr,
Ru, Tk lit.
It. ll aald:
' Forty ng thla country built
the finest hlHt that ever brt-OMted the
iKeun, and 71 Mr.ceiit of th nation's
product were carried in American
ship, nuiouiitlng ii otu-(hlrd the ton
lingo of the World. W'o now carry b-es
than 13 mt ii-nt of our own product.
We have ImiiiImIicO t(irwlv-e from the
oornn, and my pat riot lum revolt at
the condition of 'oday. AVhy la it that
your mmiiM-rilnl men juiy almost 300, a year to foreign ship owners
ta carry their product to the point of
"Why huve we abandoned the seas?
I will tell you, WImu we were a great
people and when th flm-Kt ahliw and
the American ling werv found every
where g Id km dli-ovtrsl In far off
California. It ivaa then that ahlp
inimler and sudors deitd their hls
and plunged Into the mines. Commer
cial people left off all'Mooe of fori'lga
trade and rnewnl the land In search
of Miy dirt. InduMiry wua en-rtMl In
Interior develii'nnt and we oinmeil
our arm to all the world. Now that
the Interior ha been devbiM bi-tter
than any country In the world a rhang
In the old policy Is required. We muat
look nbriad to Improve Industrial ron
dltlona. The Anwrlcnn stomach
will not hold the American crop. We
produce one-third more of tlu Utilities
of life than do.- Knglund. Hut we are
not the only nation that priKhuv a
great surplus. We muet spcclahite, or
ganise ii nd concentrate In this uge of
pri;reis. While we are etrlvlng to p-t
Into other markctn we njuet remember
that other nut lone are doing the same
thing. Without a soil to carry the sur
plus the people who produce tt muat
remain Idle. In this war of completion
It Ih absolutely neonmiry to g't abroad.
"Now the qticHtlon Is, 'How to get
there?" Well, we tmoe abandoned the
m-a and the time has come when we
mtiMt return to the sea. You muat get
abroad with your goods, but you are at
the mercy of th carriers of the world,
who are your very competitors. What
Is the remedy? We must have hlp.
France, England and Germany subsi
dise their Hhlim to get tlelr products
abroad, and you must change your pol
icy and do the same. Sydney I the
terminus of ten greut steamer lines,
all of w hich are subsidised. This great
Pacllle ought to be a great American
lake on which American ships should
be continually floating. Suppoee we
should sulmldlso our American ship
ping to the extant of three per, cent of
tho $;lOO,000,ono we pay out annually to
foreign carriers, the result would be
the finest merchant marine In the world
and would change tho current of Amer
ican progivss through the action.
"America munt have a stronger navy,
but that cannot bo supported, without a
groat merchant marine from which to
recruit It. England's great naval power
lies In the fact that she has 2r.0.000 sea
faring men ready for war at a mo
ment's notice. Tho sea Is the best ref
uge for tho Idte and discontented.
Turn a little money In this venture and
you will have 200,000 Americans man
ning American, ships. The patriotism,
safety, liberty and Integrity of the re
public, demand that we should provide
a means to employ our Idle citizens and
go back to the sea, where we stood so
proud and conspicuous forty years ago.
"Wo have been striving In the Atlan
tic until tho TaeUlc la almost forgotten.
Japan has sprung Into life almost at
once. Its people want to Increase their
Industrial eapwlty, They want the
l.-st there Is and are willing to pay for
It. China, which has not had a now
thought since the tlmo of Confucius, Is
waking up. What will tie the appetite
of 400,000,000 Chinamen when they are
touched by tho senilis of modern prog
reB? It would bo Impossible to specu
lute on the magnitude of the wants of
China's market. The territorial lnteg
rity of China must bo maintained and
it political economy shall not bo dis
turbed by any great monarchy. It will
ish Interest,
mutt it.
and tho name doesn't
Once a Kampant Kcpuhlicao anil Now
the Turiot of Tories.
All the civilised world has its eyes
now fixed on Knglund and on the Trans
vual. and thousand tire watching with
the kecneel interest every move that
I mnde in the gnut ginie by the two
b'ad-i-s Hlr Joseph Chamberlain for
Great Hrltnln and Oom Paul, chosen
champion of the sturdy Hoer.
The tactics of the two men haw
been In accordance with the spirit of
the nations, or rather of the rovern
ments, of which they are the represent
atives. A quarter of a century ago no one
living wculd have believed that Mr.
Cha'iilH-rlaln would evir become fa
mous as one of the foremost exinments
of Imperialism. At that tlmo he was a
K'mhI deal of a red republican, and he
seem t. have cherished the betl -f that
sooner or later a republic would surely
take the phve of a monarchy In Eng
land. He even styled himself as a
communist. He admitted that the word
had an ugly sound, but he pointed out
that the leaders of the Tarls commune
had fought for the principles of self
government. Another singular fact Is that during
his early years In parliament the house
of commons was mainly busied with the
Eastern auestl.m and with South Afrl
cn, and on both these topics he went
strongly against the conservative gov
ernment. A a member of Gladstone's
government of 3SS0-85 he was also
largely accountable for the convention
of Pretoria, whereby quasl-lndepen-
dene was secured to the Transvaal.
The Chamberlain of today differs from
the Chamberlain of the old days when
Gladstone was fighting for home rule.
It was precisely this question of home
rule which Impelled Mr. Chamberluln
to enter upon the course which he has
ever since steadily pursued. Mr. Glad
stone's Irish policy was abhorrent to
him, and so he formed a party of his
own, which he utyled the liberal union
ist. Old staid politicians Jeered at him
and his handful of fWlowrs, but he
held his ground patiently and received
his reward when the conservatives
ngnln came Into power, for they wel
comed him, and the result Is that we
see him today secretary of state for the
colonies and as pronounced a tory (or
Is "Jingo" a more forceful word!) as
Living us a Servant In Her Former
J I Unbuild' Home,
iy the d"!h of Mrs. Mary Keaey m
the Myelinic hospital recently Chica
go learn of a romantic and pathetb'
!"! I diMinii, the parallel of "Hunt
Lyn-ie." The dortoy pronounced hys
teria ar the jiiuse of the woman's death,
but the nsHertlon of friends and the
clrtumstiiiiocs of Mrs. Keueey's previ
ous life and KUrro'jndlngR Indicate that
death resulted from a bmki-n heart.'
Mi. Keasey wa married In issn and
divorced. In IhW. Her husband married
again tlir- following yetr. For nearly
eight y-ur Mr. Keosey worked aa a
servant to support herself, and finally,
lat Auki'M. h.-ul to go back to her for
nur, enter his household prac
tically as a servant, live with hla sec
ond wife and her own two children, and
ce the nn lois that wvre formerly
lavlxhed on her given to another and-l-r
her rrow In silence, says the,
New York Ptv. )
Mrs. Krasey was her way from the.
home of her husbind to call on her
physiclui. when she fell in the street,
fche ni removed to the Polyclinic hos
pital and died an hour later. lb for
mer hUHliand was Informed at once, and
the body wo removed to an under
taking etitabllshmcnt. It was taken to
her old home, Houth Itend. Ind., by
her hUHhand's second wife and her own
There art? few living generals who
have been called upon' to comand more
than men In lime of peace, but
that k has recently fallen to the Ger
man cavalry gvnera). Count von Hae
seler. He Is the commanding general
of the Slxteinth army corps, stationed
at Metx, ami he was intrusted with the
rhlef command during the recent army
maneuvers, which took place on the
ground made memorable by the conflict
of 1X70-71. The maneuver lasted more
than a week, and four complete army
corps, an entire cavalry division and
more than 100.000 men took part, under
the personal observance of the general.
The second In command was General
von Fulkenhnusen.
Railroad Are Acceding to Demand of
Middle Class -s Who Want Better
Sleeping-Car Service. '
In response to the demands of the
lime the O. It. k N. and Ita connec
tion are placing in operation a much
b"ttor grade of tourlnt sleeper for Pa
cll2 con .tt ervlce than at any previous
time. The largely increased traffic to
ti l lertlun of the country has demand
ed all the Improvements of latter-day
transportation, and In consideration of
thla the railroads are establishing a
service which Is excellent In every par
ticular. Not only are the wlaheti of
flrst-clas paenger served, but those
who are traveling to and from the East
on second-class tickets are splendidly
cared fur. There was a time when a
tcurlt sleeper appealed to a limited
number of people who were traveling
on the "cheap" order. In every meaning
of th term. Now, however, there haa
been a radical change. With the bet-t-r
tourist sleepers In operation tha
c!h of passengers haa teen Improved,
and one may now travel upon them
and enoy all the privileges of a first
clans sleeper at a greately reduced rate.
Dally, en the O. R. k N. east-bound
fat mail. Is attached one of thesi !'-
eJt Improved tourist sleepers, a model
of beauty and handsome appointments.
The new ears are almrst an exact
counterpart of the first-class sleepers.
One noticeable feature cf the new
tourist cars Is th absence of a smoking
apartment. The new cars being built
by the Pullman Company are not pro
vided with smoking apartments. This
new departure has beeh taken because
of th fact that mist through tralna
are provided with composite cars, which
provide ft moker for the fleeplng-cftr
of ih pudding is In tha satlna
and th proof of liquor
Thai's aa argdcnsnt that's con.
eluitv a demitiairatlon.
Our will stand tha tsst.
Andrew Lake
...ftlerchant Tailor...
Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low I'rices.
Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Done.
if .
Those who hav. delayed buylag.
Summer Footwear
ar. fortunate. They van sav. at least
a third on tha osual cost of high grad
shoes. W. ar. closing out all of our
summer tan ahoes at a great reduction.
We hav. them for men, woman and
children, which sho'ild bring .veryona
to th. store. They ar. new goods)
which hav. oventaed their tlm..
Consider the figures.
Petersen & Brown.
New, fresh and Seasonable Goods
Plum Pudding,
Mince Meat,
Squash, etc.
Dental College
loth ond Couch Sts Portland.
Member of National Association of
Dental .'acuities.
Pormcrly Ta:oma College of Dcnta
Dental Infirmary open dally from I a.
m. to 5 p. m. Free oral surgical cllnl.
Saturday. 1:30 p. m. to S p. m. A. R.
Raker. D. D. 8., Demonstrator In
Students desiring Information, ad'
dress North Paclflo Dental College,
Fifteenth and Couch streets, Portland,
The reported fact that W. J. Bryan
was paid J600 for his siieech at Canton
lust Friday and paid in advance tak
en In connection with the statement
that all he earns Is turned over to the
democratic campaign fund, and that at
present he is earning more than the
president of the Cnlted States, appears
to be giving serious thought to the
pent' "men who are concerned with rais
ing the republican cnmpalsn fund. It
seems to be considered a piece of sharp
practice that Mr. Uryan should turn
to rnicllcnl acount the prpsperliy he Is
decrying hy doing - a turn at all the
fairs and festivnls In tha country at so
much per turn.
Ui vi. PORTLAND. A"'v-
1:00 a.m. Portland Union Depot.iil:15 a.m.
7:00 p. m. for Astoria and lnter( l:Wp.m.
Imedlate polnta.
W. W. Whlpple.ProprietC r
Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco
533 Commercial St., Astoria. Oregon
7.45 a-m.lFor Portland k In-lll:J0a.m.
( 10 p.m.termedlate points 10:3l p.m.
m .'a. tn.l
5:001 11 :!Lt
5-W 12:13 Lr '
6 S0! l:00!Ar
.Seaside.... Lvl
a.ra.ip. m.
7:40 4:00
7: 1:35
:51 1:10
:U! 1:J
Do you want a good meal when you
visit Portland? If so, go to the Port
land restaurant, 305 Washington street.
If you want any Health Food that
your grocer does not have, writ. Knapp
Rros. Health Food Co., East Portland,
Kunpp Rros. Health Food Company,
Fast Portland, carry a full line of all
the Hat tie Creek Sanitarium Health
E. House's Cafe at 12S Third street,
Portland, Is regarded by many people
as the leading restaurant in the Pa
cific Northwest,
Encyclopedia Brlttanlca, 28 vol.,
sheep, $:". Best teachers' Bible, now,
iOc. at Uyland's Bros.' Book Store,
Portland. Sea advertisement.
A good meal with meats rich In flavor
and one you will enjoy with a relish, is
Just what you get at the Creamerle
restaurant, 271 Washington atreet. near
Third. Try It when you go to Portland.
If you are going up to Portland and
miss going to the Creamerle Restau
rant. 271 Washington St.. you may con
sider that your trip will not be a suc
cess, as others will tell you, who do not
miss It.
Holmes' English and Business Col
lege at No. 414 Yamhill street, Portland,
Is prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupils this year. Already
tho classes are well crowded, a fact
that Indicates the excellent character of
the Institution.
Air. N. R. Bridges, late of the Ellis
Printing Company of Portland, has as
sumed the management of the Astorlan
Job printing department, and Is pre
pared to do all kinds of first-class, ac
curate, up-to-date printing. All work
promptly delivered.
Why Is Watson's restaurant In Port
land patronized by thousands of people
dally? Simply because it Is the largest,
finest and best equipped eating resort
on the Pacllle coast. Watson's restau
rant has sixty-eight white employes on
Its pay roll. Remember tha location,
iiiu-it I'ourm street.
All kinds of rending! There is only
one place we know of in Portland
where you can find all the latest books
Leave Astoria at t:U a. m.; arrive at
Seaside 5:45 a. m.
Passengers may return on any train
hown on schedule on earn date.
ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run
ot Flaftel and Hammond via Warren
ton. Alf tralna make close connection at
Ooble with all Northern Pachle tralna
to and from the east or Sound polnta
At Portland with all trains leaving
Union depot.
At Atorla with IRAN. Co.'a boat
and rail Una to and from Ilw&co and
North Beach polnta
toria for Sacramento, 8-in F-mc'v, all
Tw a". ' r i;".:'. ; .
City ticket office Astoria. 524 Commer.
tlal atreet J. C. MAYO.
Gen'l Fr"t and Pass. Agent.
Manufacturer" ot
the Alway Reliable
A tall Km ol Pipe. Tabscn.
ad mokera' Article.
474 Commercial St.
"La Belle Astoria" Cljar
Scneite's Opera Star
Scbeibe's Special
And Otn.r Brand
Custom House Broker.
Insurance and Shipping. Agent W. P. A Co., and Pacllle fcxoreta Co'.
Commission, Brokerage,
J. A. Fastabend
and Builder
House-moving Tools lor Rent.
Carpenter ond Builder
General Contractor
fcT. PAUL. MINN,, JAN. ist, 1899.
Capital . . -
Reserve for Unearned Premium
Reserve for all Other Liabilities
Net Surplus over all Liabilities
Total Assets
B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager.
jmCalifornia St., S, F., Cal.
$ 500,000.00
1 rtfuiiioi
Astoria, Oregon
to all
Through palace and tourist ale.pers,
dining and library observation cars.
No. 4 Li-nlted leave Portland at J:10
p. m.
No.' I Limited arrives Portland at :s
a. m.
For rate, etc., call or aotaress
O. W. LOUNst.a.iuii,
Agent O. R. N., Astoria,
C. P. & T. A.,Portland Or.
Tour looks tell on you. Can kp it
were! a while. Before It' too Ut
o ftnj see or wrlie to this oM doc
tor. He has been treating such caj"
for over -e years, and is perfectly
reliable. Kuml.liea his own n oJ cm
. and tells no talcs.
nnmiTc nin Thl d.ictor guarantees to ?ure
fMYrtlL fM ol gyphiiu. Gonorrhoea. Gleet. 3'rctul'l
cure!, ro difference hew Ion standing. (:permaior"Ka,
Lo, cf Manhood or Nightly Emissions, cured perm.nen;
ly. 1h habit of Self-Abuse effectually cured In a slort
VfllllS-T, MFM Tour errors and follies of vouth can h
I UUiU nan remedied, and this old doctor will rive cu
whjl-aome advice and cure you make you perfectly sin ng
and Leolihv. You will be amased at his success ,n curmg
Spermatorrhoea. Seminal losses. Nightly Emissions, and
other ettects.
Patleats treated In any part of the country by his r.ome
srstem. Write full particulars, Inclose 10 2c slam., and
he will answer you promptly. Hundreds treated at heme
who ar unable to com to the ally.
i-yli-T ' th li St- Louls M1" ni
U:I1 - Surgical Dispensary. 230, Yami.ll!
?,' i i'ji'VC' ""' Portland. Or., positively nurr-
'J,' 3 1 f' antees to cure.
Take a elear bottle at bedtime and urinate n the tcttle,
let aside and look at It In the morning. If It Is cloudy or
,as a cloudy settling in It, you have some Kidney cr biadder
disease, and should be attended to before you get an :n ur
nble Disease, aa hundreds die every year from bright' dis
ease nf Kidney.
Columbia River and ruget Sound Navi
gation Company.
Ealley Oatzert leaves Astoria dally,
except Sunday, at 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland dally except Sun
day at 7 a. m.
White Collar line tickets and O. R.
& N. tickets interchangeable on Bailey
Gatzert and Hassalo,
A. J. Taylor, Astoria AsL
U. B. SCOTT, Telephone DA
Thin Brent VpiAhtti
tlun 0! ft famous French physician, will quickly cure too of all orr
TOU3 or dUi'twes of tho tiieruuve irraii, gutb m fcuat Maiitiooda
Insomnia, Fains In the :ick, Seminal K missions. Jiervoim lcUiilty,
Ptmplt1!, Vnlltness to iJarry, tihttiwiimj Draitts, VartrorH Bnd
ati.....r. rl,.n I t slnna all 1l, i.v .1 , ... ..I,.l,l .,-
y Xvy ness ol dist'hnrKO, w hieh it not ch(vkl n(t to 8nrnjHtorrha and
- all Iho ImrmNi.t rmnnlimrv. t If HI l V. oAunmm Lh liVa-i. th
c3 AFTEH ki,jncv?iand thiMirinaryorpansoi aUiiopufiuea,
mJ rrPI DDNF trnirthriftnd .fitf.wftnmM wek nvimm.
The rfasoii sulTcrt rn are not curt-h bv i.- btniiufte ninety pr Cvni are tTtsubcMt wiiU
ProMtttl. CUHDKNKis tboonl wknown rvmwly to cure witbout an nr'ratlon. fiu4nilmtmi
a's. A written flruaranteeitivenanrl money returned if ix btix does not eiJoct a leruiai;eutGura
i.00aDOi,ttl-ior(tiW,by mail, bend fur FRKiceircular and lesumotiiaia.
Address DATOI. ittKDKClXE CO., P. O. Box 3079, San Franciaco, OaL Tor Me &?
For Bale by CHARLES ROQKEft.