TUK MOKNINU ASI'OttlAN.' NI'M'A i , NOYKMliKK M!u i H Hj I'-.. """ 'All J'lUJAL.l-g-TCg. E-n-i--rama n 7oj n rpp l mMMm ' """" :J ! i I) I- .4 During the past few days we have talked exclusively on Men's and Boys' Clothing, and an exceptionally fine lino of Overcoats which were placed at prices that drew even the attention and presence of Portlanders to givo thorn a trial; and all who purchased are mightily proud of the bargains tin y realized. Now, We I m Something Else to Say 13 is this: We have in stock a rich and varied assortment of Underwear and Neckwear that in comparison is fully as reasonable to buy as the Clothing. Really these goods must be seen to be appreciated. They are new strictly so in material ami design, and are identically the same class of ;oods as will be found on sale at this moment in the leading houses of New York City. - - UNDERWEAR -- Read the price we are now making on Swift's goods. As is well known, Mr. Swift is recognized the country over as the most conscientious manufacturer in this line to be found any where. SWIFT'S CONDE WOOL-RIBBED UNDER WEAR, $1.50 per suit. Always heretofore they have been more than cheap at $2.00. Here is a line of Camel's Hair and National. Wool Un derwear at 50 cents per garment. They are excellent for the price asked and are sure to please the purchaser. Many of our best people select them by reason of the soft character of the material. While inspecting this department, auk uko to m o Ixt K T-B. Tliese are what are known ns Ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers. We have decidi-d for a few days only to Hell them at $2.00 a suit. This is a remarkably low figure, if you are posted as to values in this direction. And now we are making a still further cut on the justly celebrated Lu zerne Underwear. Think of it! Only $2.50 a suit. We have just been selling it at $3.00, but we want the bulk of Astoria's trade and we propose to get it. You cannot beat this price nor the goods anywhere on earth. This Week, Wright's Health-Fleeced Underwear, $2.50 per suit. All who wear underwear will understand that this is an amazingly cheap price for Wright's noted make, They are unexcelled for winter on account of be ing fleece-lined on the inside. In the same connection we have the Famous Arabian Fierce Underwear. We are also cutting it for the time being to $2.50 per suit. Chjpfc Attention all ! Fancy Bosom and Colored Body O II 1 1 lO Shirts with one pair of cuffs $1.00. Certainly after examining the quality you won't believe it, but it is the truth., We are going to sell these very same shirts this week at the above figure IfatC mftn w'10 's fi'r'c'lv up-to-date in style wears a lulu derby hat. We carry two lines, one at $.'5.00 and one at 4.00. They haye just been received from the factory and ore Latest Fall Shapes. This is a good time to tender our thanks for the splendid trade in hats we have enjoyed. Neckwear A imliliy llo make any ninii look rciHilullr. II tin urn n lmiiilaomn tin i'urllninl mrri-liitnl run walk llie nity!t lirm iiml not U iuiiinfel on. We Iiiivb n beautiful variety jtut in from llio r!nat. Include, I hi it in tlx avrell HufiiH Y'tirlioiHo Nm kwfr. . Mr. VaUriitua iiiatHifiiclurca tlio Hurst llm of tit In tlm 1'inted Slate., and the tmttertia nru iiiiiilnnrulltt. Auk loses our Imperials, Trek a, rour-iti-IUnda, VniU unl HhloM and Hund lltma. I'rnta rniitto from otk! upward". I 490 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. RATIONS OF THE BRITISH ARMY England's Soldiers will Not Fare So Well as Did Our Troops. ADOPTS THE CANNED BEEP It is Considered a Good Wholesome Ration Notwithstanding the Uproar Made In the Spanish War. P. Hugo Sksad of the City Club, Cape Town, South Africa, -was a visitor at the agriculture department lately arid had a long talk with Secretary Wilson, Bays a special to the St. Louis Glube Democrat. The special object of his Vlfllt was to secure advice from Secre tary Wilson as to the best plan in the army which Is now fighting In the Phil-' Ippines. "No country In the history of the world has ever given such generous treatment to Ks soldiers as the United States gave to Its army during the Spanish war, and Is now giving to the army which !s engaged In putting down the Insurrection In Luzon. Why, we are now sending refrigerated beef to Ma nila, and are building an immense re frigerating plant there, so that the sol diers of Oen. Otis' army can have re-, frigerated beef at all times. This Is the! same beef which we send to England, j and which Is the highest priced beefj In the English market. It Is the best : beef In the world. The British soldiers j In South Africa are not likely to get' any of this kind of b-ef, because, as I said, England Is not prepared to fur-' nish It to them, even if she desired to do so. The English soldiers fighting with the Boers will have to get along with our canned beef and canned pork meats. And I have no doubt whatever they will get along very well with them. "Ir. normal llms we send 400,000 head -if cattle to England a year. The Increased demand for our cattle In con s -riu-nce of the war will raise the price. i We are also having an increased de mand fur hardtack and flour with which with whk-h to make It. This where the merchant shjp Olympla was od) of freeing being loaded for a voyage across the beasts of prey. the community from As a price was onoe Pacific. I said to the agent of the line, j offered for every head of a wolf, so the fridges: thirty-three Catling guns, with who was standing by: 'I am anxious conscript furthers of the Danish capltol to know just what Is going Into that ; engaged to pay a certain sum (we do ship, where k came from, and where not know the exact amount of their fft vmirrsrBrafa Celt automatic guns, with an aggregate ammunition supp'y of 1,000,000 car- more than 7,000,000 rounds of ammunl tlcm, about one-third of which Is smoke less powder: twvmty-one two-pounder ducat") for each dead rat. An official ; mountain guns, twenty-one twelve- report of the statistics of rat slaughter ; pounder mountain guns, with J000 each gun, dynnmlt it Is to be delivered.' He got an Inven tory of the cargo for me, and I mar veled when I saw It There were ties ! has been issued every week since the! rounds of ammunition for umiea ouaea to purcnase muies ior tne ll8rd tat-k is the cracker with which we use of the British army. Secretary , supplied our soldiers in Cuba, and be Wllson advised him to go to St. Louis. j r!,us ,h' V had nothing but this and Mr. Skead will leave for St. L uls to- h-con. for a few days, we Were charged morrow. with having starved them. A man Mr. Skead's visit brought up the gn- , "ho raised his voire in defense of hard era! subject of the increased trad- ,a('k a 5"ar af?" In this country would which the war in South Africa is bring ing to the United States, and Secretary Wilson discoursed upon it to the Olobe Democrai representative in a must In teresting manner. He said: "Of course the war will greatly in crease our trade with Great Britain. The. producers of th United States are already reaping benefits from the oondl ditions In South Africa. In normal times 54 per cent of all the things we sell goes to Great Britain. That per cent Is certain to be largely increased during the present year. "Great Britain is dependent upon us for her supplies. She is now purchas ing from us for the use of her army in South Africa large quantities of canned beef about which such a howl went up in this country during the Spanish war. There is nothing the matter with that beef; it is the best of its kind In the world, and England knows It. She has been using large quantities of it for years. England Is compelled to uso the beef. She can not feed her army In Africa on refrigerated b:f, such as have lyn in dangT of violence. But now that we have recovered our senses I may remark that hsrd tack Is the rrKit pef-.-ct ratlm known to men, ex cept milk. "Speaking of nllk, I think It quite likely that the British will buy a great deal of condensed milk from us for their soldiers In South Africa. Inas much as the British army cannot enjoy the luxury of ;-efrlgerat-d bef, such a? our buys In Luzon are supplied with, I have suggested to them that they might find something like a substitute In jerked beef. There is not much of II Is to be had l the United States, but the South American countries turn out a great deal of It. It keeps well, is nutritious, and I believe would make an excellent ration. "Th'i Increased demand for horses and miles In consequence of the Transvaal war has sent up the price of thefe animals and this is another source of profit to our farmers. And where do you think all these supplies of grain and cattle, which we are now supply- NEW ORDNANCE FOR OTIS ARMY which had been cut In Oregon, going to be used on the railroads In China; there was steel lrjn from Pennsylvania and Alabama for the same purpose; there was flour from the Mississippi valley states; there was beer from St. Louis and Milwaukee; there were can ned meats from Chicago and Kansas City: there waa sugar machinery from Philadelphia; there were 1200 tons ofj tobacco from Virginia; there were bales of cotton from JCorth Carolina, and there were bicycles from various parts of the United States, all going to China and Japan, "When I got back to Washington I had the chief of one of our divisions get me up the figures on the Pacific coast trade for the past ten years. And I found that while, ten years ago, this trade amounted to $35,000,000, lost year It amounted to JT3,000,000. Toil don't ST g'reat" deXSr 5S know COST COUNTED BY MILLIONS all about it. They feel It. Their minds are made up upon the benefits of ex pansion. Talk to them about bringing home the flag, and hiding it away un der the bed, or putting It out in the chicken coop for a hen's nest; well, all I iave to say Is that the party which attempts any such thing will have to reckon, with the producers of this country. And what we are doing In the way of trade with the Orient today Is nothing to the possibilities of the future. Walt until the Russian railroad through Si beria Is com Dieted, and the railroads opening the interior of China to the world are completed. We vlll supply these countries. We are bound to. Our commercial development will be noth ing short of marvelous, We are now opening of the campaign. In the first : and twelve Sims-Dudley wek the rat catchers, professionals and ; guns. amatiiers, gave In the heads' 'of 6,000; Orders have been Issued by the chief rats, in the second week 6.616, In the ' of the bureau of nrdlmincu for the ship third week 6.7S0. We are told that the' merit to Manila of 25,000 sets of Infan avenige weekly bill of mortality among try equipments and 2000 cavalry equip th rat population of Copenhagen has . merits. Orders have also bn Issued fr now risen to about ten thousand. Other supplying the field mortars and Bvlgc towns and communes followed the ex ample of the capltol, and the Panes are making a patriotic attempt to extermi nate "the petty wlf," as Hendrlk not inaptly named the rat. guns now In the Philippines with the necessary ammunition for the coming campaign. If 1 i 7 m tf.yi i ' V Vi I 3i i Guns and Ammunition for Infantry, Cavalry and ArtilK ry Branches of the Service. When ilenth comr to the door of a Htrnnit. ruggrtl, hralthy constitution hr iitiiln It closed. He i nlwiiyl munlcirig . around look. 13 itur for otirn. iniiit throiiKli which be ciin liivude Ituppy honitsand leave them forlorn mid (IcMilatr. He f& lookn for wrnk plnrt ti(7 hiuI broken doors which enn be caily battered down. When a man vigor a no in to be. v. come imrrttain. V" then the door to hisvitalitvurowa shaky And there if an opening for the grim visitor to enter. It is commonly said that people die of this or that particular disease. The truth is tbiy die of constitutional weakness. If more people realized this they would understand why the great l.olilerr Metri cal Discovery" invented by Dr. K. V. 15 -v A V I"im " v,l" i' J'Vtv energy bfir ,Sf VSv weaken and 'J S. conic imrrrt You never Know what form of blood It loo Into to shut tlw stnblo :1oor poison will follow constipation. Kop wm. ,lu, W1, , rUtU.n the liver clean by using DeWItt Lit- tie Uiuly HlwM-a and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills It will not Iw a surpriw to any who for constipation and llwr and bowel are nt all familiar with thn good quail trouble. Kor sale by C1IARLKS KO(l- of CliiinitMtrlaln'a Cough Kemedy to KIIS. I know Hint poopli everywhere take I pleasure In relating their experience In Manners must 'adorn knowledge nm! !h" "IT "f I"!1,1 "I'1"""'1'! .... .. i Mt. ..it i l'111" of the lMiein they htivn r. stmn.th Its way through the world. ,elved from it, of .d colds It tins cured, of llireul'-iied utlm-ks of pnru- J n oriiu it has averted ami of th chlldrn J. D. nrldg., Ldltor Domocrat. tt liU) ,.,.,! frt,m ai,lltKI( f (.rollp ai, Lancaster. N. II., says: One Minute w limping cough. It Is a grand, good Cough Cure Is 1h best remedy for , m.ieinn. K.ir sale by Clms. Itogrs. croup I ever used." Immediately re-i lleve's and cures coughs, colds, croup, Nthnia. pneumonia, bronchitis, grlpixti "'" ''"'- llv' Amwt; anil all thnxa anl lung troubles. It society avoids many tlang. is. iirevents conaumptlon. For aalo by' - CHAHLKS HOOKK8. t'SKO IIY ItrtlTISH Hor.ntKltH IM Our greatest falling, but In full. I AFltK'A. glory consists not In I rising every time v,e t'npt. C. O. Deiiiilsoii u well known all over Africa as tlio rouitiinuiler of the I forces that cuptur-d the fitmoua rebel Oeo. Nolnnd, Rockland. O,, says "My (iallshe. Under date of Nov. . 1HD7, wlfa had piles forty years. UcWItt's Witch Hnrel Salvs cured her. It Is lhu best salve In America." It henls everything and cures nil skin diseases. For Snln by CHAltLKS UOUKK8. When desperalo Ills tlemand a speedy cure, dlnlruKt Is cowardice, and pru dence, folly, j ii om i) bii in, lleehuiiriiilnnil, he wrltis; "llefont iitnrtlng on the last campaign I bought a itiimt It y of Cham berlain's Coiir, Cholera and I'lurrhoea It'iiKiy, wlilcli I used 1'iynelf when troutilt'd wlih bowel complaint, nnd had Itivell 10 my illi'il, find In every case It pDVicl most beii'flcl.il." For sale by finis, lingers, "I wouldn't be The next rule of mural conduct Is, without neWllt'a Witch Hazel Salve for any consldera- "' "'"I. respect of ilme, I Hon," writes Tlios. IJ. Ithodes, Center- 1 (hid, O, Infallible, for pH"S, cuts, I burns nnd skin diseases. Id-ware of ! coumterfelts. Kor salo by CHAltLKS UOGISH3. I t'llAMIiKHI.AIN'H . PAIN HALM I'UkKS OTIIi'InS, WIIV NOT YOU? A special to the New York Sun from Washlngtin pays: The bureau of ord nance of the army has Just completed VleTCt of n,,fr,,lo, N. Y , cures ao many arrangements to ship to Manila guns, ammunition, ordnance supplies and equipments for uso by Otis' army In the coming cajnpalgn against the lnsur- cast s of lingering roughs, throat, bronchial, nnd kindred affection of the sir pa-sngea. It gives thorough abundant constitutional vitality. It gives the digestive and blood making organs, where consumption usually begins, power to do llir ir work completely ao that no poisonous dregs can get into the circulation to fasten on the lungs and vital gents. The cost of equipping the army In tills brunch alone will reach several million uoiinrs. r.acn service lias Its tissues. rmrtlcular -viiilnmen's Pr the Infnn. ! "1 liave troubled with broirrhllla for s.-ndlng Immense quantities of cotton ' try thm wl, ,)p ,n()re tfln 70000 , j -veral ZZTaTuTV'C to the far E.wt. It Is marKeiea uorn . f . ... rounds of am- ! I'1"1-' 1 h"1 "re thr""1; 'Kt"mi """" i iee,-,...i Tt r-nn rctwh the far East -.m.uw rounds or am-, , l((jt v,)rjol mrllldn, , K0, no LiveiK,ol. It can reacn tne lar muni:ion arc provided. Eighteen mil- Instinir relief. We mmie our mm.tit to try qulck-r by the Pacific route, and there . , nlreidv on hand in' the ihr medinne n,lvertie,l as rr Fierce -ioliten u , na fahniiM not' "on r"u,1" "f" alra''y on nana in tne M,.,jiai ,j.c..verv. Afirr I had taken owe buttle Is no reason why Manila snouiu noi ph)pIpw an(1 7i000(00n wm k- dlstrlb- we thought we ,il see a mile change Wt Income In a few years such a cotton ., am.ne (he different volunteer enr nwl k.,1 anther tKule of the 'OoWeti Mt-,11- t i 5en'utors! amng me mm rent Voiuntctr reg- , CIll ,J1Kt,wery. nii'l also one of Favorite lre- cent;-r as Liverpool is today, bcna-ionr n(.n(H or,jr.(1 t0 Man,a, The cost of aeriptioti.1 r t,,,k them alternately, and hi i a Morgan of Alabama and McLaur,n o, . ammunIllo , at)(tllt m tor IZZrSZ .-vmui .u.i-uiiiid. neo lo.b. - , rnillioil rounds, or a total Of 1625.- ; Uiscoverv' anil two ul I'avorue i-rescripoou, been telling it to their people, and thf-! 000 Southerner are Winning to get their j Jn a,,,.(m t0 Ilfantry the .mry Habits ure soon assumed: but when we strive to strip 'them off, 'tis txdng flujed alive, Dr. H. H. Haden, Summit, Ala., says, "I think Kotlol Dyspepsia Cure Is a splendid medicine. I prescribe It, and my confidence In It grows with contin ued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and Indigestion. For sale by CHARLES ROOERS. Much learning shows how little mor tals know; much wealth, how little wi. ridings enjoy. My wife has lieen using Chamber lain's Pain II, lint Halm, with good re sults, for a lame shoulder that has pained her contlnualy for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicine and doctors without receiving any bnn cllt from any of them. One day we saw nn advertisement of this nuvllolne and thought of trying It, which we did, with the heat of satisfaction. She hns used only one bottle and her shoulder Is al most wen. Adolph L. vllllett, Man chester, N. II. For sale by ('bus, Hog-cm, eyes open. DANISH CAMPAIGN AGAINST RATS from? hy, from the mates of the Louisiana purchase. If It was not for our army in Cuba and Porto Rico was.! '"(? the Xirhi.sh market vilth, come supplied with after the first few weeks. She has no refrigerator eliips to carry it to South Africa, and no refrigerators that purchase we would not have a keen it in after it arrives there. The ! enough to feed ourselves. But as It is English army in South Africa will not fare as well as the American army dur lng the Spanish war and the American we can supply the world. "On my trip to the Pacific coast I visited one day the harbor of Tacoma, of war has glvjn to General Otis nine batter-leg of H.2 Inch field guns, each battery consisting of six guns. The i cost of each battery and Its equipment From the London News. ! Is pi iced at $30,000, .naking the total We hear that In Denmark a campaign ! cost of the nine batteries $290,000. They against rats is being prosecuted with ' are to have 1,000 rounds of ammunition vigor. It has originally Started In for each gun. The hiiiiiUiiIUoii comdsls Copenhagen, about a month ago, where: largely of shrapnel, 009'Jng 3 a round, the alarming multlplcatlon of the rats It is estimated that the ammunition for induced the municipal authorities to those batteries will it an additional resort to a mediaeval method perhaps ' $270,000. we should even say a prehistoric meth-1 The Philippine army has also twelve and, really. I have not felt as well in yeara. aleep ueller man 1 n;ive lu twenty yeari. Dr. I'icrce'ff Coiamon Sense Medical Ad. viser, a idoo pane illustrated book, will be sent free bv the World s Dispensary Medi cal Association for 21 one-cent atarnps, to pay the co-,t of mailing only, or a more sub stantial cloth-bound volume for 31 stamps. A new broom swecpeth clean. Lilly. Dr. W. Wlxon, Italy Hill, N. Y.,says: "T heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wife Immedi ate relief In suffocating athrnn." IMeosant to take. Never falls to quick ly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. "I had dyspepsia flfty-ssven years' and never found permanent relief until' I used Kodol dyspepsia Cure. Now I1 am well and feel like a new man," writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Nob. It Is the best dlgestnnt known. Cures all forms nf Indlgtlon. Physicians every-, where prescribe It. For sale by CIIAS. ROGERS. I To what gulfs a single deviation from the track of Jillman tiulles lends! DEAFNESS CANNOT RE CJ'RED Ry local application, in they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only one wny to cure deafness, and thnt Is by conntltutlonal remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con dition of thn mucous lining of the Eus tachian TuIm. When Hits f.i .... , . , ' flrunod you havo a ruii.lj.lnjr nmiml fr I am no herald to Inquire of men's lni,r,.fert hearing, and when "t l. cn. pedigrees; Jt milllctth mo If I know of 1 1 rely closed, deafness Is the result, and th Ir virtues. Sidney, I unless the Inllamm -it Ion can be taken out and this tube restored to Its nor mal fondlilon, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases nut of ten nre enured by catarrh, which Is nothing LaOrlppe, with its after effects, an nually destroys thousands of people. It may be qulesly cured by One MIn- nn Inflamed condition qf the mucous uto Cough Cure, tho only remedy , V" ,, : n lr , .' .u . , , ... . we will give One Hundred Dolars for that produces Immediate, results In any cae of Deaf new. (caused by ca coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneu- tnrrh) thnt cannot bo cured bv Hall's monla and throat and lung troubles. Catnrrh Cure. 8nd for circulars; free. It will prevent consumption, by CHARLES ROGERS. For sale! F. J, CHENEY & CO.. Toledo O. Sold by druggists, 25c. Hall' Family PIUb are th best 1 f