The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 05, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    I UK MOIUflNO ASTUllMll SUNDAl. i, JBlr.l
It Will l'ny You ,
To look up Ih bargain ! am offrr
In In my erocaary Muck. Uvnr-
Ihlnir la Inoludad at grat dlaoount
from regular prtc, everything In
plain and deoorauid war; the fam
out I.uallo Irand, ICiigllali makv. Jt
Kill pay you to look It over.
Ui Commercial Btraet
The IIAII.Y 4KTOHMN will ! found
ii K mI In riirdmiil mi tha wl.iiiuwe ib-
Ilnn.rr huuM nf J. r, llaiullv Vu., vol
Hihliiin NirMl Orilara fur aUer
llama lull with till llrlM will raealt
iruuiil AtUullun.
J hcy'rc Popular Now
Have you earn my aortmnt of
bony bruahT Thay wore pur
iiaecit dlraot from Now York, and
an vary popular. Am cotielantiy
receiving new good, coma and aao
Tha Leading Jeweler.
IM Commercial Ktrvot.
I'OflTLANP. Nov. .-Kor Wfwtorn
Oregon, occualomtl UkIH rain May.
Crawflah, rooked In wlna, at tht Na
tional Cafe.
W. W. Halo aji In fnm Young's river
lr. O. II.
ICaU'M rttiiw up from Beaaldo
Who Do Vour Limiilry?
Wa claim, and we wlU prova to
very one, that wa hava tha lt
and mMt up-to-date laundry on tba
Coaat. A Ulal ordf will oonvlnoa
tha moat partloular; If you want
nrat, prompt work, try tha
621 Kranklln Avatiua.
Our Spccliil lluiKalim
W hava aoma broken line of tin
ware which wa will cUe out at bar
lain print. Wa ar alao making
apclal price on aoma broken line
of canned frulu and rollahca. pick
ala. tablt dalloaolea and aauoaa.
Tbe ara A No. 1 good, and can;
ba had at low prions.
11088. HiaOINB CO.
.1. r, Halo of Young' riw uii In the
city yal'rday.
Prink K. is. C'orvaJ; Eat Nut butter
and Health Fooda and ba bappy.
Mia. I. M. XTt-r of Lwl and Clarke
api-nl yeaterdoy In Aatorta,
Mr. George Me Farlmwl, of the upper
Young river la In tlx city.
Bvend. Olilmra and Klrolloo PavidiKin
weie yeeterd-iy jiiIuh! In itutrrlagv.
Mm. l.-na Turlry, of Lewi
t.'lurkit a(M-tit ynaU'itlay In the city.
A CliiMa in Hpnulah
Will ba atarted. to rowt availing at
tha home of tha member. Plan
Two leaaon a week, 10 oenta a lea
aon, tight m on tha' oourae.
Conault by mall or call at tha
school after I:t0 p. m.
rrlnolpal of High School.
Mr. A. M. Bmlth waa at Clutanp ye-
(iTtluy on a wry aucoowful bunting
Mra. E.
C'lorko wa
I',. Ji-ffera, of Lewie and
i In the city yuaterduy doing
Kulra l ine I'lnbrwllaa
And at better than Portland prlooa.
It'a a fart. They ara tha celebrated
Follmer-Clogg make; handaome,
dumble allk umbrella. Don't make
tha mlatak of buying laowhen.
Tba Jeweler.
IN Commercial Street.
B. P. Allen A Son ara aelllnr Em
boaaed Wall Paper a low aa 10 oenta
per roll; Imported Engltah, 7Vi oenta.
Pure whleky Harper Perfect whlaky
Harper every bottlo guaranteed Har
per. Sold by Ford at Stoke Company,
Aatorla, Oregon.
Mr, Fred UartoMu th Youiig'i river
milk man wm doing bualnomi In Ato-
rla yi-atnrday,
A marrlge Uii'nae waa ywttarday I
ud to Hvtmd 01 in re and KlrKtlne
A very auctvaaful S month' term of
w:hol ho JUKI cI'mM at dlatrlct 37 on
tha upper Young' river.
In the county clerk' office ymU'rdny
a niarrlago lld-mu wa laaued to Tunli
ll'-ytlng and Hulitli HardT.
Among Aatorliin In I'ortlund yt;r
liny wvre W. C. Pi-U-I, A. Ulrch, tl.
Ilnwne and J. O. Hamilton.
A. II. -'yru hue moved hla fli-ol Ka-
late anl Inaurani1" olllw to 438 Com-
mcrt'lnl irin't, oiiplte th Aatirlun
The monument fund fr which tlio Or
rtronlun la doing gnut work la now !e
yund thn $1,400 mark. The Orvgonluii
la not rn'vlvlng ttw upxirt It ahould
In thla mftUi-r from Die prvsa of the
at ate.
W-Hlnnday evening will ce Flxlvr'a
npifa houiu rrowd"d to It dKra, 1f a
giHHl, oven aplendld, program for a inip-
ulur and d-Mcrvlng oliji-t can draw a
crowd. Tlii ro will not be a dull minute
In the whole evening' enU-rtaJnim-itt.
At the Congrrgutlonul chgrch today,
the rrgular communlun irvloe will tie
cumlui'trd after the morning aernion, at
II o'rhxk. The pastor will pr-u.'h on
"No Hubatltut fr the Itfllglon of
Chrifil," and again In the evening at
7:3 m "The Chiiittlan Man HI
Htn-nglh and Wcakneaa." A moat cor
dial Invitation I exvndnl to all.
erf WaahlUxilana. Ttm n-malnd'-r
of the M'KluieaL are on th-lr way 't
Kcultlo on the atwmalilp Quivn, and
there will be a big time wtx-n tht-y ar
rive. 'y ;
Mia Sign Palmberg, recently an I v.
Ing from tha Boat, dcalrv to announce
to till ladle of A at or la that aha baa
op'.-nvd drciamaklng parlor on Ninth
trutt, near Commercial, next door to
Oelllnger'a printing office. Mine Palm-
berg ha had thorough experience In
cutting and fitting laIM' garment of
all kiiiUn, particularly tailor-made ult
i.d cloak of the latest and moat fah-
lonublc dealgn.
The Axlorla Ca Light Company hit
Jum received' from the Caledonian Coal
CoiiiDiiny. Auatralla. another cargo of
their celi-brt;d Wallnend Coal. Thla
bltumlnou coal ha the reputation of
being tho flneat fuel coal In the world.
nnd bur coko made from the aorne con-
talna IK) per cent carbon, making It in
excellent fuel. Bee that your drayman
lvllvera you none other. Prlc, H per
Bunan Mottaon yeaterday filed a ult
for damage agalrutt the dty of Aatorla
to recover liWOO claimed to I due her
through Injuria auatoirx-d by Henry
Muttaon, of whom the plaintiff la the
guardian, by fulling through the went
end of Hond etr to th b-ai:h below,
a dlatanee of :J f. The complaint
HI ati (hut the you'h waa Uully dam
aged, that b-eldea brenklng hla Jaw,
loali.g hla teeth and auffertng other tem
porary Injuries, h-i la perrruinrnt
ly lumed. The Immediate roet of medi
cine waa Jl-5, and the plaintiff claim
that i2 and cunim will cover all ex
pense and anawer for all damagi-.
rived In port yeatrrday. The veaael la
from Tokrrhttma. ,
The Hrltlah ahlp Ili-iierla. whlrh r
cerilly went up the river, and whlen waa
the only free vewtel In port or Hated
en route, wa vnru-& Vtr barley, but
the figure are not given.
Arrangement for the .Portlond-Ma
rilla t-amiihlp line have been practical
ly completed, and two v--l have beeo
in-cured. The Ti-tartu will rea:h Port
land ab;ut Ix-ember 1, and the Arme
nian about the flrnt of the year. Each
will bring a carK'. Thla line expecta
to move much of the h'tnp product of
the I'hlllpplnea.
Kvttcr lliun lAcr
Tha Pond Street Flah Market I
better than ever prepared to aupply
frtah and aalt flah of all kinda.
Good a delivered to any part of the
city and aatlafotlon guaranteed.
417 Hond Ptreet.
Milliner)' NovcltlcH
t dealr to- fartheis aall tha at tan
' Hon of the ladle to my handaome
atock of trimmed millinery. It com
prlaea tha lateat creaUon of the
millinery art, and I am offering re
duced rate for the next SO day.
Itoalyn coal laat longer, I cleaner
and make lea trouble with Move and
chimney flue than any other. George
W. Panborn, Agvnt. Telephone 1S11.
The trunaiHirt Olympla managed to
gi-t dow n the river, but. tho IVniioylva
nla grounded before ahe left the llmlta
of I'urtlitiul and hung up for Homo tlim-.
Hhe finally fluatml off and came down
aa fur na Halnler, where ahn hit txittom
again, and when luM hi-ant from the
veawi wa UU font aground, with no
Imme jute proeiHt-t of gwttlng oer.
Th.-re waa a lively time when the re
publican clul nu-t at Portland a little
b aa than two yearn ago. Fartlimul pl
lilm and the aenibtuiiai conteet had en
gendered much bitlTmiw, and only the
hiiTdi'Rt kind of work by ber Ik-ada
prevented th me-tlng from bevomlng
wurxe than a howling furce.
A c.UI f'ir the blenlul coru-entlon to
The n-'jn t -;v eonf-renee brings
th- power of the tzar or Kuanla fop i
lly to Ml:iii. ii:.i aulii-te look to him
for food, alielter, raiment, even life It-
le-lf. In no country la a monarch'
power more alMHiluu. lint fur-reaching
tin Ita lillu-n( la It raiiriot be com.
pared to that w hich the human stomach
Iiimi over the moral und health of the
average mortal. Hmtitter' Htomarh
liltu-r cure cmatliiatlon, dyapepMa.
Ullinmnt-nn. nTVoManwa and all dla-
eiiaea arlffng from an Inactive liver or
weak kidney. Try It If you have
Htomnch trouhle of any wet, and ae
fr yourself. It will bring you lack to
h-iihh ami htippltnna. It will make you
Mtrong by making your stomach strong.
A privme Hvenue Ktamp should cover
the riwk of the bottle.
Jackets!. Jackets! Jackets!
DE JA(.KK'I S i.
fine Tailor-marle Jackets reduced from $12.00 to $10.00
" " " " 10.00 to - 8.00
" " 8 00 to - 6.00
An Unusual Opportunity to Get an
Elegant Jacket at a Bargain.
Ihiv You Seen Our Fall Line of Winter Mack Dress
C-imhIm Poplins Vcnctluiw, Whipcord,
Camel's Hair and Crtpon.
;! Wednesday
w w a nrtz! : . s
With every Suit, even if the Suit cost no more than
Tnka tamr Bailey Qatiert
Dr. T. N. Hull
S7i Commarclal Strwt,
ABTOniA, ons.
Over Schluaael's Clothing Btora.
White Coll-ir line for Portland and way
point. Fare, IS oenta; room, 76 cents;
upper or lower berth, (0 cents; section
berth, IS cents.
Vraterday the will of the late 3. W.
Munann wa admitted to probate. The
thrvo appraiser who were appointed
were V. K. Warren, Granville Iteed
and A. S. Tee.
Itoalyn coal la tha beat and most eco
nomical coal for household use In As-
torla. Try It one and you will have
no other. George W. Banborn, Agent
Telephone 1311.
WantedItellttblP merchants or ali'S
men to sell tlw Columbian Gasoline
tin Lamps, In every town In Oregon,
Woahlngton and Idjiho. Addreaa Co
lumbian Gas Lamp Co., Chna. F. Hoyce,
Mgr., P. O, Pox 788, Portland, Or.
j mp"t In February at Portland ha been
The t'hcmiiwa Indian football b am la ' u,uvd. It will be a more hanruinlou
very eager to mert the home leant and g:i,iheiing thim that which preoeded the
readily acetil the, offer of the latter j Airtorla r-pubUcan state convention,
to play a game on Thankxgtvlng. It The cull reada:
of! wa the Intention of tho A. F. C. to To the Itiiiubllcun Clubs of Oregon:
meet tha Iilahoi Bott on Nov, 12. but
this game has been Indefinitely post
poned and Instead on that date there
will be a ooiitint with the Portland
high school.
All Astorlan who visit Portland and
desire spending a pleasant evening In
company with polite people and In tha
enjoyment of an unexcelled munlcal
program, should go to the Fredericks
burg. Ilcsldes vocal and Instrumental
selection then ar many other at
tractions to delight the visitors.- The
mw management I making the Freder-
Ickiburg a well-merited aucoess.
Over 400 members of the Washington
regiment were In Portland yetrterday
on their way horn. They wvre feted
and entertained royally, as well they
might be. for thetv was not a better
regiment in the Philippines than these
To provide the citizens of Astoria and vicinity with tho same advantages as
tho people of Portlnnd, wo will, during tho continuance of the prevailing
rates, furnish round trip tickets from
Astoria to Portland and Return
Absolutely Free
By giving one round trip ticket with each Suit or
Overcoat, purchased of us, no matter what price the
This will eiiiillo those desiring to visit Portland to do so without cost
and at the same time to take advantngo of our enormous selection of
For Mons, Boys and Children. All our goods , are marked in plain figures.
CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will ho honored for a round trip ticket and
an admission to tho exposition with each purchaso of a Suit or Overcoat.
Moyer Clothing Co.
Tho Popular Price Clothiers.
BEN SELLING, Manager. . 3rd and Oak Streets, Portland
In.purwuunce of the provisions of the
coimlltution of the lb-publican League
of Or.'gon, there will be held the regular
biennial meeting on the first Tuesday
of February next, and a certain amount
of prcNiratory work must be done by
each club In order to entitle It to be
represented at the meeting.
Vour attention is Invited to article 10
of the constitution, which la an amend
ment thePL-to. adopted February t 1S98,
and provide tht no club shall be en
tiled to representation unk'tw It ha
been organized at kiuft four months
prior to the tm-etir.g. und shall have
(lied a list of Ita members with the
league yevreta rV ut Utun 30 days prior
The lmiortance of the double cam
paign next yeur, one ly the spring and
the national one in the fall, renders It
especially tlmirable that every genuine
republican club In the state be put into
condition to participate in the league
mivtlnjt. and thus enter with enthitoi
asm Into the work of the campaign.
CI.AfD OATCH, President.
HAnitY L. WELLS, Secretary.
It is very signflcant that Agulnaldo
ahould find It necessary to beseech his
follcwcr to "hold out until Dinvmber."
Thla confirms Dewey's opinion that the
Insurrection Is about done for.
A heavy republican plurality In Ohio,
40,000 or more, would spoil the hones of,
' aevernl varieties of antls. AiVti-expan-
i slonlats, antl-curron.?y reforms, antl
j trusts (the rapid kind), anti-prosperity
! and antl-JcKlnley will prove profitless
It the president s state doca as it now
j soems likely to do.
j An Astorlan walktM boldly up to the
! group of felUw citizens yesterday and
without tha slightest provocation re
marked "The English are being Boervd
to death." His body has not been re
covered. ... -
"Man is a social ar.lmal" saya the
scholar Ue doubtless meant to say "A
society animal,"
' ,
The world Is apparently resolving Its
self Into a more colleotJon of fraternal
and bencilcnry organization for In
stance In Astoria thre are but the list
Is too long.
The ' general" which Mr. ticebe at
taches to. his name Is Just a trifle too
general to be Impressive.
The Shield's
At Fisher's
Opera House
(We have good Suits for this price)
Lottery. Every One Treated Alike.
sod we have good jf m
Bo; also get a Hat with a Sui
Huits npwsrda from
A HeSued ami I'eli'litful Enter-Uinment.
Program of
Pleasing Novelties
For Benefit of
You buy the Suit, we give the list The better the Suit the better
the bat. "o toy being given away, but something useful. Having low
rent we can do this. . .
Better i Jlea'i iad Boys' Cloth! aad Tim'sbing Coeds, asd flea's Boys',
Ladies' aid Children's Shoes.
223 Jlorri-w) Street
LSTRICTLT A.I A.irXlUX CLOTHING STORE Betwee. firs: ui Soeoiif 5
Edward C. Young, i
1 Library Memorial.
(?) OPEN DAY Enahll.lied ft
E. House's
Tbtrl 8rret, FordaiJ, rfa.
f The Bst Clip of Toflee ft
.-. ort'ticoa In the city. Js,
rream arid Milk (5
(nun eur own ranch
, (
. Home mile Piei and cakes. (i)
liJi' Tiiilnr.
Fresco Decorator::
and Scenery Artist
Latest Designs '2,22' Wall Papers
127 First Street, Portlanl
D. Soyer,
Merchant Tailor
i:; roirtk st postlud, ock.
V. M. 0. A. Iliiild'g.
We Rent New Typewriters-
Many Xew Iraprovementa Added-SEE OUR LATEST
Smith Premier Typewriter
L. St M. ALEXANDER & CO., Phone Main 571
Esglnsit'tt 1 aciric Coast R-alei. 2'Z 6UHi i l'oniand.
A first-class place at moderate prices
Rooms for Indies and private parties
Open oil Nlgtit...
108 l'ourth St., near Washington
roitTUND, 0REG0S.
The stennit'r Columbia yo&terday left
out for Pan Francisco.
The steam schooner Aberdeen arrived
tr. yosterdfty and proceeded up the
river, t
The steamship Monmouthshire ar-
Culumbia Thone 24.
I, n tttt,if
It II . Ill')
rioprieti r.
;.ic.t lit Ladies.
J tmi st
near ot n
Sioefler's Bonbonnfere
Vhtre the Finest Candies i the State
are Trepared aad Always la Stock t
01 Every Description Made to Order. Large Line - of Stock
Books for 1900. Attractive Prices.
Loose Leal Ledgers and Transfer Cases,
Order Blanks Holders and Binders.
Commercial (Tinting in all branches.
rLar(eit Establishment In the Wfit.
First and Salmon Sts., Pobti,ani.
I Watsoii's
' l tF tit
g WATSON BUOS., Propr's,
roiirtuoU'd ou the chcik system, there-
fori1 pairoin pay lor what thoy order
g and no more. '
Be fliiim the larfst, Cheanext, Best
and QuirLcst Service in the Sorthivesl. x
HWiiud 111 FuunhoT.
Open 6a.m. to 8p.m. PORTLAND
Because at our house we have neither a bathtub, &
nor hot water handy, . .
Then go to the Riirtsiun Laths at 2 17 Awtor St. y
25 ceuta is the price. Private apartments for y
Indies. Only the better class of patronuue is ')
catered to. Try one and you trill enrne regularly.