The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 05, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    THKv-MORNlKQ ASTOltlAN, SUNDAY. NOVEMHErt &, ' 181)1
General White Blamed and Defended by
Two Factions of Public Opinion.
Troops Sbonli Have Been Rushed to Transvaal Sooner-Mucb
Criticism of Military Mobilization Methods.
LONDON, Nov. 4. (CopyrishtoJ, 19,
fcy the Associate Pres). Almost the
only subject of discussion this week In
England was the disastrous reverse
suffered by General Sir George Stewart
White, the British commander at Lady
smith and this was made the occasion
for pouring out torrents of criticism
and advice. Public opinion seems falr-
ly divided, one section bitterly blaming
the general commanding and the other
. maintaining that he probably Is not so
much at fault as ho made himself out
The latter section," which Includes"
many service men and nearly all the
service publications, urges the with
holding of definite criticism pending
more detailed accounts. The Naval and
VIM ary Record, after expressing this
sentiment, sums up the situation as fol
lows: "Considering the nature of the coun
try, the lamentable unprepared ness of
' England and the unwillingness of the
opposition to allow a British regiment
to go to South Africa until President
Kruger's ultimatum wag received, it Is
almost surprising that we have been
able to hold our own so far. Not only
have the Boers themselves proved 'de
termined fighters and splendid sharp
shooters, as we knew them to be, but
they have developed surprising military
and strategic qualities.
"They have nearly surrounded every
garrison we hold, and have invariably
occupied unassailable positions, fight
ing with great courage. Against such
fighters our lktle 'orce, left Isolated
far from our base and without hope of
relief fur days to come, has not only
dont splendid work, but has gained suc
cesses which we venture to believe no
othei soldiers in the world, placed in
similar positions and In similar unfor
tunate conditions could have achelved."
Although this may fairly be said to
rturesent conservative military opinion
lis reference to the ai-Uon of tha opio
sition as preventing th- sending of
troops in good time is entirely erron
eous. Since the first news of the Lady
smith disaster reoch'-d England there
has been a storm gathering over the
head not of Sir George White, but of
the secretary of state for war, the
Marouls of Lansdowne and this ema
nates not so mu?h from the opponents
of the government as from its warmest
Seme of the ablsst of th latter have
no hesitation In saying privately that
almost criminal neglect has been shown
in not sending at leaat 10,000 more troops
berore or by October 4. and that if
JOrd Lansdowne's hands were tied by
hlghtr powers he ought to exculpate
himself beyond a shadow of suspicion
The failure to send out troops enough
cannot lie charged to the opposition for
parliament was not ih?n sifting. If
there was any Intention to hold Natal
at all costs an adequate force should be
sent out by October 4, when the excuse
that such reinforcements might be tak
en by the Bo-?rs as a menace no longer
held good, as the Indian troops were
already on the way.
Hearing these criticisms In unexpect
ed quarters, the correspondent of the
Associated Pri-ss repeated them to a
high government official. While non
commltal regarding the failure to send
reinforcements earlier, this ofTicia! de
clared thait the broad lines of policy af
fecting Natal had been much misunder
stood. "We are often asked," said he, "why
we sent Sir George Stewart White up
the neck; of the Natal unless we were
sure he could hold It. Considering the
tremendous reinforcements now on the
way to him it occurs to almost every
body at flr-st sie-ht that he ought to have
retired without risking engagements;
In Natal unless we made a vigorous
stand there.
' Natal has risked her little all on be
half of the empire, and the least we can
do Is to risk something ourselves and to
prevent the overrunning of her pros
perous towns and rich fields by hordes
of the enemy. Purely military conoid'
eratlons, I admit, might point to the
faot that we ought to have Immediately
withdrawn from our advanced position,
hut purely military considerations have
sometimes to be subordinated to the
interests of the empire and, although
many good lives have been lost la the
cause, they have not been wasted."
Deserters from both the army and
navy continue to give themselves up
In order to be returned to their regi
ments and ships for active service.
Several small detachments of county
yeomanry are going out independent of
the war office, to the seat of war, on
the chances of Joining the Light Horse,
Lord Lonsdale and Lo.-d Harris, both
yeomanry officers are aiding the move
ment. '
The heavy losses among the British
nfficets in Natal have led the Military
Journal to sug-st that the sword be
abolished, not only on account of fti
uselessness but also because Its glitter
ing attracts the aim of the enemy and
indicates the officer.
Her majesty, it Is reported, has per
sonally conveyed to Field Marshal Lord
Worseley an expression of her gratifi
cation at the manner In. which the
whole military machine has worked
since it was first set in motion by the
Hoer ultimatum, especially lr the mat
ter of mobilisation. Apparently the
queen has not forgotten the existence of
the commander in chief a lapie of
memory to which the nubile Is now
rathfr prone and which, so it is said,
tie Marquis of Lansdowne committed
intentionally. Although agreeing, that
the mobolixation, so far as it has been
arrid, is well dune, the foreign mili
tary attaches are anxious to see the ef
fect of a mure severe tent. 'Said one
of tli-m to the corn-spondent of the As
sociated Press today:
"When England calls out a second and
a tnira army corps, as I believe Is quite
possible, it will be time enough to say
whether the mobolUatio.i system is ex
cellent as at present gwmg to be the
ulatvd the bankers upon the fact that
the Veneiuela boundary award had
added to Groat Britain's bIuuv almoot
he whole'of ihe extensive ,ia fields of
that region.
Bitter Eight to Be Made for Control
of Now York City Lines,
NEW YORK. Nov. f-The Herald
Proofs continue to multiply that the
Whitney-Wtdoner Elklns-MttUvH'y syn
dlcoto Is the prime mover In th colossal
telephone 'project for fighting the Amer
ican Telephone Company, and that so
far as this city Is concerned It will fx
ervlse supreme control cf tr opposition
companies in this city.
A majorl'y of the stock of the lYo
lie s Telephone Corporation ha been
acquired by tho Whitney syndicate, amf
has been veurely locked up In the same
vault with thai containing u nmjirlty
of the stock of th Metropi.'ltnn Street
Hallway Company. In fact. It Is sold
that all but a few shares of tho People's
Telephone CorporxtUm heve been
turned over to the Whitney Interests. It
Is alleged that n deal hm b-vn jnade
with certain promoters for the Issue of
something like $1,500,000 of this stock
for patented rants auj franchises.
The Whitney syndicate has now se
cured all of the facilities or telephones
In this city that it dwlre and before
long some smrtltnc developments
expected. "N't uctiat'ors have be-n In
progrM for several days between the
rk . yaw -
U due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the oomUiuutiou, but also
to the care uml skill with which it U
manufactured by sc'entitlc processes
known to the Cai.ikokxia Ftu Svhit
Co. only, and we w lh to IniprvM upon
11 the importation of purchasing the
tru and original rvmrdy. As the
ffnuiue Syrup of Figs is munufacturrd
by the CALiroiiNU Kio Svnup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high sUtiuling of the Cam
FORMA Flo SvKt p Co. with the medi
cal profession, aud the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Fig has
(riTen to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company s guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It U
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritaMng or weaken
ing them, and It 'does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to (ret Its beneficial
effects, please remember the came of
the Company
LriSTlLLcK,. nxw THK. W. T
PeopVs Telephone Corporation and the
Knickerbocker Telephone Company,
with a view to eff jctlng a consolidation
so that !h.y may present a united
front against the New Tcrk Telephone
Company In this city. It 's consllerJ
likely that nn nniMju-Katlon will be
brought abiut within a few Jayi.
Conrress Will Be Asked i o. Pass Joint
Resolution Announcinf Suo4 In
teatloo of the Government.
lth )iigh no orders have yet been re
ceived for the commissioning of addi
tional warships, there is little doubt,
judging fium the activity on board
them, that the first-class cruisers Am-
phitrite, Argonaut und lilakes and sec
ond class protected cruiser Charbydis,
will soon hoist the Hag. In addition to
these, there Is now at Chatham a pow
erful reserve fl.t, consisting of two
battleships, thr cruisers, six
torpedo boat dsu-oy.r3 and seven tor
pedo boats.
ine ertorts r his constituents to In
duce Dr. 0. u. ,;,arkt lllK,u, member
of parliament for Caithnesshire, to re
sign on account of his p.ft.r attitude
have thus far len fiuitlss. Meanwhile
Mr. Clark publishes letters iceelved
from the Transvaal ScCi tary of state
v.uun im day the Uoer ultimatum
was presented, in the course of which
-v.. -teitz says that Dr. Clerk's protestR
against the British action has been like
"the voice of cne crying In a wilderness
of Jingoism, race hatred and militar
NEW YORK. Nov.'l-A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
It was unanimously agreed at the
meeting of the cabinet today to urge
upon congress the immediate passage of
a Joint resolution fleclaring It to be the
intention of this government to retain
the Philippine Islands, to suppress In
surrection and to grant the broadest
klndof local self-government to the In
habitants of the islands under such
form of Cnlted States civil government
as may be expedient.
footsore, to reach Natal. After peace
was established some of the murderrs
were tried by the Poer Jury at Pretoria,
and needless to add, promply acquitted.
No other reparation was ever made or
asked for by our government for the
foul deed.
Another shocking instant of Poor
treachery Is that of a civilian doctor,
who, with a surgeon major, was dis
patched from Pretoria to the scene of
the Prunkers Spruit massacre to succor
the wounded prisoners. Ills uniform
saved my friend Comerford, the army
medico, but the other doctor, the Iloer
having decoyed htm Into a house on the
pr.tPtic of giving him a drink of milk,
was stripped to his m-thcr garments
and cowhlded yes. Incrvdlble osflt may
vem. actually cowhlded to wlftfln an
inch of his life.
'The flag of truce dodge w as tried over
and over agnln In the disastrous cam
paign of 1S0-'S1, and Just us many
times our Innocents walked Into the
trap. At the opening of the ball at the
massacre of Rrunkers Spruit, when the
49th were cut to pieces, "la drapeau
Mane' was used simply as a cover un
d"r which the Hoers clM'd In upon the
doomed regiment. And at the action of
the Ingogo river these chivalrous gen
try llred upon one of the heroes of
Rorkes Drift the- Rev. Mr. Ritchie
who had gone forward with a while
flag In response t.j one hoisted by the
' w
i'li "" I
' , 1 ' - "
BMaWaWaBalBW HaMalBMBla HMaWalaM HaM MaH 'BBnBBnKHKamBKmm&BBnmKnHtlnm
Wilson Improved Air Tight Heaters
...FOR COAL...
This hoator h t'M.t-oiuly mlntwl fr ksft (,'0M
ami Lijjnlto. Tlio lunly is nm.lo f i.t,lis!a.,l
stiH'I. Kxlro lu-iivy Mliakin innl tfiiini.iiiK
P'utt). Kirti pot extm liouvy witli lurgo iish jiit.
JIiis n nickel urn, nit kel name nliito ami two
niekel nlutetl foot mils.
Tholiot blast tlnift is w const ruc'led tlmt the
cm-aping gases an all consutned, m liich makes
a grout saving in the consumption of fud,
Price, $12.00 to $25.00.
All Varieties of Hoed Air Tights at
The "Delsane"
and "Regent"
. Shoes for Women
. v tj .1
Victoria Colonist.
History repeats itsv-If quickly nowa
days. Last year It was from Oreat
Urtuiln and her colonies alone that the
Culled State re..'iv.'l .vords of sym
pathy and sunnort In :r u-nr wiih
The decision was reached after thejspam, and this too in the face of an
cabinet officers had carefully read and ' openly hostile Cumpe. Yesterday when
discussed the unanimous report of the wori1 rHme " Irtish dUwter, It was
Philippine commission. The opinion! from Un,'1 8lat,1 thllt h "r
expressions of sympathy came, and
was expressed around the cabinet that) th(.y werj ,he ony wni.h any
congresa could be depended upon to' country except Italy had to offer Tint
as the London Standard says, that is
Styles f-0f to
One I 'MA any
I Ell
-i i m p
1 Shoe
A!so"Queen Quality"
Shoes for Women
um it is xorgoctan what would happen now under British control
Lord Hillingdon of thj banking house
of Clyn, Mills & Co., in a recent address
before the Institute of bankers, said
that the increased Transvaal gold out
put for the year ended August
amounted to more than f 3,000,000. Ho
said he believed the world's gold pro
duction during the present year would
be nearly thrice as great as It was ten
years ago. Ref-rrlng to the enormous
proportion of the gold fields of the world
he congrat-
pay such a resolution. While It is ap
parent that the publication of the Phil
ippine commission report was so timed
as to have an effect upon the forthcom
ing election, the president purposes to
free himself from the charge of mak
ing It a campaign document by endors
ing it to the fullest exU-nt In his com
ing annual message, and by asking con
gress to accept its conclusions and
thereby strengthen the hands of the ad
ministration in dealing with the Insur
In speaking of the commission's re
port, Secretary Long said:
'I think the report is calculated to
have a very salutary effedt upon public
sentiment and to enlighten the public
mind, ft Is especially gratifying that
-the report backs up and Indorses the
position and the statements of the pres
ident upon this whole matter."
enough. The Anglo-Saxon stock when
It stands solidly together can afford to
face the hostility, concealed or open, of
ail tne rest of mankind
E, C. Goddard & Co,
Oregonlan Building, Portland.
QAi nnnruww mnrv uxnnnnnm nna
i ,
transports Leelana-v and Conemaugh
have sailed for Manila with horses for
the United States troops in the Philippines.
From the St. James Gazette.
After the annihilation of the hapless
94th two unwounded officers, Captains
Elliott and Lambart, were set free on
parole. They were taken to a drift on
the Vaal river and were forced to at
tempt a crossing where the river, owing
to heavy floods, was Impassable. The
Cape cart in which they were sitting
was turnd over, and whf-n swimming
for the lines the Boers poured In a vol
ley upon them, killing poor Elliott at
once. Lambart, who like myself, had
been on remount work, escaped by a
miracle, and managed, half naked and
Cuunot he found which are exact
ly alike in dimensions. We hear
this fact in mind when fitting eye
(losses snd achieve results which
give relief to tde eye and comfort
to the now. It costs nothing to
not'to " C08t yon luore
Gluosus to Fit
Kyc, Nose,
Face und Purse,
Northwest Optical Co.,
The Luhbe Hlilg.,
Second and Wusliinutun Htm
Rooms ao-ai-aa-a3
Reopened September 13. For circulars
add ress.
Priucipai, Portlau I Oregon
Telephone Red 391.
A Portland Buyer
Mrs. DALTON, who has had
years' of experience as a
. tsuycr .
Will bo pleased to give persona
attention to all customer.
Correspondence solicited.
He says was always so light
and well baked.
Well there Is a knack In mak
ing it
But don't forget the kind of
stove or range used makes a
difference. His mother used
Star Estate Range
Bought, Sold (ind Exchanged
Book Store
Istory, llltufrspliy, Meolunloul,
IWerence, poetry. Medical,
Relltf lotis, Uolent
All standard works
3ooond-liAnd sohool books, larun stock
cheap. Hecood-lisnd mawulnri. LI-
10,000 title.
22N.231 Yambill St..
Tt'li'phone IlnJ 2Hsa
Best and
Also lUpaiiing and Recovering at
WsnliingtoD Ixdwwn 511 and dth Blrwt.
John Bs Ccffey,
!ai,hhi nr.,
Portland, Ore.
Tonsorial Parlors
301 Washington St, corner Fifth
Opposite Hotel Perkini
ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty
Lndics entrance to bath
on Fiftb street
W. C. A. Pohl,
conn fOKoiti.
Undertaker. Hmbalmer
and Funeral Director
Caskets and Funeral Hnppllr constant
ly on hand.
Corner 11th and Ptiane Hts, Astoria, Or
Golombia EleetFie & Repair Go
SucceBor to
Kept (0 stock
Logging Engine Built nnd Repaired
Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty
Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed
... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ...
Contractors for Electric Light and Power Tlants.
363 Second St., Portland.
W. J.
Ul Bond ltret
...The Esmond Hotel... J
AiiiiTicun plmi, (1.00 to 2.uu per d
nui,i niiumunmsuNSIS,
"'''"'W.iwilw. OSCAR ANDEBSnw M,..n,. f
,V . . , w
In all sizes Rnd style. '
We slinll continue to soil
Iron and Brims RvdstnadH
at the snme Low Prices
rpRnrdless of tho rnlHe in
the price ol iron and brnss
1 1:
e Ttie Onlv Plrst-ClnH llntni i.-. r..i, .