0m ?0L I ASTORIA. OKEGON, SUNDAY NOVKmBKK 6, I8!l!) no. m 6 S I e i i I i r i f v" I i STOVES I BURN ANY OLD THING. Bought before tho ad vance and sold regard less of it on account of moving. Eclipse Hardware Co. .OH IIOND HTREET JOUBERT'S HEAVY GUNS KNOCKING AT LADYSMITH The Pressing Boers Give the English no Respite from Fighting. THE BURGHERS HAVE TAKEN COLENZO IMPORTANT NOTICE t ' T () () o () o () d If) YMtertU? we received notion from the publishers of tlie Winnm Edition ur Tin Eweri'toi-itm IIhitanmica, that owing to the fuormoui increaso lu (be prioe of paper with in lb pMl few weeks, they would shortly withdraw the tale of their Enrvclonxlii at the prtnt prioe. Our ontract with the pabllf tier enable, ni to Dinks the tame llxral of fer M heretofur. Thirty large volumes of the Enoyclope dia, one guide to Hystewatlo Heading of the Encyclopedia, Due Upright Oak IJookrase aoJ One Large Webster's En cyclopedia fros of charge. All the above will be delivered upon the iiuall payment of ONE DOLLAR Balance iminall monthly payment. Call and look Into title otfor. , LONDON NOW EXPECTS LONG WEARY WAITING It May Be Weeks Before the Fate of General White and His Men is Known. White Protatly Entirely Cot Off From the Coast-Gool Artillery Practice on Both Sides-Colonel Morely t Captarei Britisb Hussar Praises Treatment by Boers. GRIFFIN S REED. Here Is a List Oi some High Grade Goods at moderate prices Fancy Creamery Butter in Kg and Roll. Strictly Fresh Egg. New Crop Maple Syrup. Buck wheat ntul Gridlo Cake Flour. ruckflrd A Smith's Futicy Italian Prunes. New Crop Nuts, Figs, Minco Moat. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO COLENZO, Natal, Nov, 2, noon, (delayed in transmit Bioi).) Boers have commenced shelling Colenzo, their fire being directed against Fort Wylie, which defends Tuegla-bridge. 2 LADYSMITH, Nov. 2, 10 a. m., (delayed in transmit sion. An artillery duel has been in progress since 6 o'clock this morning but so far no damage has been done, the British fire preventing the Boer guns from making good practice. Firing has been heard in the direction of Coleno. CAPE TOWN, Nov. 2, (delaved in transmission.) A dis- to ft patch from Pretoria, under 'date of Tuesday, says Colonel & MiH'lly, who commanded the British IIuars captured by the (.) Boers, declined, on being interviewed, to give any details of g the misfortune, but praised the treatnient he and his men had received at tlio hands of the Isoers. . Tho British prisoners were playing football ut the time U their commander was being interviewed. that the Boer are not disposed to come to close quarters. On the other hand, m people assert U U more- probable the Boer are recuperating prior to a; fresh on.laught on Ladysmith, as, ac- cording to the latest new, after tho artillery duels and Ineffective aklr- i mlshcs 'on Tuday, the Boers Uxik up , good positions on Signal hill and t'm butwunl mountain. The two commanders continue to ex change courUl. White, In response, to JounVrt's reowt Tuesday, lent the Boers an ambulance to assist In the ' conveyance of the Boer wounded. ! Advices frjra Cape Town show the, mH.teM.tomuwENGL4ND HAS A TREMENDOUS TASK theserlousnessoftheeltuatlon In Natal.! ! vr v w an writ Merchant, are apprehensive of the' Boers overrunning the entire country, j and It la reported many have Instructed ' their representatives to lfve Plater- Britishers Begin to Realize That They are In 'For a Lonf Hard marUlburr j StrnKle-A Troopship Retnrns to Liverpool another boer meeting, j Badly Damaged ky Storms. Further Effona to Arouae Sympathy In Chicago. i " " CHICAGO, Nov. 4.-A pro-Boer maaa meeting, under the auaplce of the HoW land Society, which waa temporarily abandoned two weelca ago, ia being ar- j j ranged now for MxAaj evenipg, No vember 13, at Central Music Hall. ' Within the wit week a call will bef til lied to th imnn nnKII. t .1 X . MlIll, j society aaking contributiona for the; widows and orphans of the Boers who' hav givn their lives In defense of their country. ThcSilvcrficid Fur Manufacturing Co., Morrison Ht., lortlnncl. Ore. To the LndlcM of AMtorlnt We will av yon one lonrlli on every garment .you pttrohnae from na. bo canite we are direct nmnufHcturora, ami you will aave the midJIeinan'a prollt. ' kur CiilliirelUx. frniil .....14 ni) up fur Nrrk lliwn, mini T.Vi up liitlm' t:if 1'ulliir .MnileSiilUilroiii 120U up Uille Kino lallur Mli ( lulli Jwketii, rnmi X up IaiIIm' Kill Krrui'h i-'luiinel WmUIk. (mm .....11.7 up AltukuHcnl HklnJitrkvIa, Iiii1iii !', made ' riwlully o unlor lnm ll.jO.CO up llemHlellii( of Fur OarmeiiU Into the Latent Style at very Inw fliiiirra. Heud fur lllu.trolcil rnlitlofiie, which we will (ladly mull yu. Highest frlce I'altl Tor Knw Purs. Yours Respectfully, The Sllverfleld Fur Manufacturing Co. PORTLAND DENTAL, PARLORS Top lloor Wash ing ton Building. Lnrgcwt and Bent Equipped Offices In the NortliwcHt. Best work at our Prices, because ve have the largesrvolume of Dental lVork;in7ortland. Hi nt ('rnwn and Uriels Work, 22 knrat okl per tuoll W.tO Sot Teeth, fully Buuriuileo(l rubber $S (Ml HeRMlnld Fillinir $1.0(1 up IteHt Alloy Filling 50c up Touth uxtrui'tntl witliout pain..'.' 50c up We employ only;the most modern methods and guarantee:satisfaction. Take elevator on Wnalunirton at root, near Fourth, and ask for the rortland Deotal 1'arlora, Top Floor. 'Plion Oreuon.JUrown 403. Columbia IsOo LONDON, Nv. 5.-The evacuaUn of Culcnxo la undoubtelly a niMl aerloun mailer for th Brttinh in Natal, a It not only teatltlea to th complete Invert- mentment of iJiilynnillh by the Boers, but mak-s the relief of. Oeneral Blr Ueorgn Slewart White an eslremely dlf fli ult titration. Ciilenio la the point where the rail way from Ladymiillh, envotes Tugela river, which Is now In flood. The town Itself ia of small Importance. It la dom inated by hill on the north aide of the river, aud o was untenable If the lioera have advanced as they seem to have done. Moreover, only a amall na- 1 val and colonial fore was atationed at Colenio. The aerloueneiia of the evacuation, however, Ilea in the fact that Com mamlnnt General Joubert, while com pletely Inveatlng Sir George White at Lodymlth, can aelae thla Tugela bridge and, If he'haa eufJlclent troopa, can de tach a force and send It southward on rletermnrltxburg, and, In any cose, by destroying the bridge and railway, can prevent any relief expedition reaching Sir George White for some time. Military men optlmlatlcally predict that General Joubort will withdraw from Natal Immediately when Plr Red vers Butler's force emera the Orange Free Stale, but the latter cannot be far (tin tilii way f.r at leant three, or four weeks. DECLINED WITH THANKS. SANTA CRl'Z, Cat, Nov. 4. Major Gerrard of thla place has received a! cablegram from the British war secre tary thanking him foir his offer to raise a regiment of Englishmen In California for senice In the Transvaal, but stat-j lng that owing to existing clrcum-' stances the offer oannot be accepted. i cupled Colesburg. Cape Colony, Wedneday, meeting with no resistance from th local police, who yielded to eu nerlor force. The steamer Klldon Castle left South ampton last evening. She la the laravxt tmopehlp In the world, and has more FIGHT 0f( NATIONAL ISSUES I hao 3,000 souls on board. I S LONDON, Nov. 4. The war office at noon today an nounced that nothing had been received there in any way modifying or altering the statement . issued yesterday after noon, saying belated dispatches from Ladysmith were coming through. Nothing has been received to corroborate the reiter ated reports from Berlin of 'the capitulation of General White. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegram Company, dated Cape Town November 1, announced that the Boers had entered Cape Colony at Norvals Pruit, destroying several bridges. . , The British troop ship Papidan, which sailed for South Africa November 1, from Liverpool, is returning in a damaged condition, having encountered yesterday's storn. She signaled that her fittings wore out of order, that several horses were dead and that three of her boats were stove in. She is going to Liverpool to be refitted. (Copyrighted 1S9S by Associated Press.) fortnight Is the minimum in which r- LONDON, Nov, 4. Though the, lnforcementa of any potentiality can be . events of the week have aroused the j pushed to LadyBmlth, and then R may ARTILLERY AT WORK. WHITE HOLDING Oi;T. Reports of Contemplated Raid on Dur ban Described Courtesies lie. , tween Opposing Armies. LONDON. Nov. 4. The fact that the British war office has retvlved no news of the situation at Ladysmith seems to effectually dispose of yesterday's con tinual rumors of General White'a cap Uu'atlon and kindred stories, as If the general had sustained a severe reverse. There is no reason to believe but Gen eral Joubert would be only too glad to forward While's official announcement of the fuet to the nearest telegraph sta tion, while, it is added, hod news of a serious churacter reached a foreign gov- ' ernment In cipher It would undoubtedly, promptly bo conveyed to the British' government. The war ollloe hero is making every effort to communicate with .Ladysmith. so news may arrive at any moment. Meanwhile the best opinion is satlslled that if White keeps strictly on the de-' fenaive. he will be able to hold his own. ' THE POLITICAL spirit of the British nation to the ut- be too law. It Is this Interim, emblt '' PAJlipAlPW ENTiETV mo"t' an1 "" lts mlutary escutch-1 tered by the vivid memory of the recent VsAillr A I lilt C 11 U II LI i eon has been more stained than it ever disaster, which will try the temper of y&a before, there seems to be ahead a' the British nation, which as a whole 'still- more crucial ordeal that of sua-1 can be said to have embarked in the pense. war with stupendous over-confidence. Days, perhaps weeks, may pass be fore word comes from the Isolated Brit ish force In the neck of Natal, and the long wait will strain as does a death bed watch, the eagermss to learn how The Republican Ticket III Oh'O May the day went with the beleaguered be Suffer Heavily oe Account ft lng vy by TT'. ' dread that they have shared the fate of Sectional QuairelS. the that fell at Nicholson's Nek. ! Whatever may be the Justice or oth ' , - erwiss of the criticisms passed on Gen- eral White, it is palpable that he no CINCINNATI. Nov. 4.-Tonlght prac- Ion?r V"1 nflllc of public. He may be fully able to with- Ucally closes the debate In Ohio In the Und the a(Ucks of a ,uperlor Boer campaign for the election of state and force, and may be ready at any mo county officers. Six tickets are before merit to execute a masterly retreat, but the people-democratic, republican, non- as long ao he is cut off from communl .' . cation with the outside world there partisan, prohibition, union reform and a ,errlbw Mety wgapdlng soclalls-tlc labor. The registration in the welfare of the sewn or eight thou- all large cities is abnormally large for sand men of his command. . an election of this kind. How the vote will be distributed between McLean, N.ish and Jones la not easy to predict, at the close of the cnjiipulRn. An element that disturbs all calcu lations ia the novel candidacy of Sam uol M. Jones, non-partisan candidate. ' His phenomenal vote as an Independent-candidate for mayor of Toledo gave him wide publicity. It Is generally conceded that his vote will be considerable, and a puzzling The most optimistic believe that a and which has now awakened to a re alisation of the fact that if General White's force Is annihilated it will cause an Indefinite, prolongation of hos tilities. It is said here, of course, that it can only defer, and not alloy the re sult, and the British taxpayer, however patriotic, objects to a long drawn out war, especially when wagtd against people whom he has not been brought to believe immensely his inferior. It Is amusing to note how often the British correspondents report Boer guns knocked out of action, while next day the same guns are reported to be peppering away merrily. The British army corps will not com mence arriving at Cape Town until No vember 8, and will scarcely be able to take the fteld untU the middle of De cember, though u is likely that some units will be busily engaged before then. The Bocra at Ladyamlth Moving Into n'g Durban Closer Quarters. attest ion is from which party will he BrltUb experts smile ut the Boer plan' tak(. tne most votes. The republicans of' campaign, which contemplates sels- hliv. ,,,,, . vleorous campalirn. with In order to prevent the .i, i..u,. i,i.,n thnf the nnwident landing of British troops there. They muat aUs,nied In his Philippine pol- LONDON, Nov. 5.-A dispatch from say it has one fatal defect, namely, that ' (cy, Ladysmith, dated November 3, says: it ignores the British fleet, under whose Thati indeed, has been the most Turing the night, the Boers moved guns. It Is alleged, the t-eture of Dur-' promln'ont pon't 0f attack by the demo noar the British position and mounted ban will ba Impossible. J crat8i s0 thnt state iues, the money guns in fresh places. Meanwhile the The dispatches today show that tho ques,1( and everything else has' been naval guna have been moved to more1 forces of the Orang3 Free State are at generally Ignored. The democrats have favorable positions nearer town and' length prepared to Invade Cape Colony.' n(U, a flsM awinst trusts, and espec- commnndlng some of the B.ier batteries. These forces are not overwhelming, but Jally aRainst Senator Hanna. "At 6 o'cl.vk this morning General! tho Dutch in the neighborhood of Co-' It does not appPnr that the gold dem- Whlte ordered a bomlwrnlment of thel lesburg and Burghersdorp are excep- j oorats pf 1S96 wi!1 Join the republicans tionally pro-Boer, and their support Is tnla j.oar, and the democrats are prac evldontly expected. The objective point tically united, while the republicans "The Boers replM vigorously. They, of thla force of Boers will probably be have priou(l factlonal fights in Cincln- enemy, and the bluejackets opened the ball. The Proof 11 If -J Of Buys' Clothing is in the wearing. Clothes must be of best quali ty to - withstand ' the healthy violence of youngsters, or mother will be kept busy and Mi mending more. buying The tougher the bov ike to the better we clothe him. He's the surest test we know. fired straight, and some of the British were hit. A terrible artillery duel has been proceeding for over three hours. So far tho naval gut)s are the only ones that have engaged the enemy." Another special dispatch from Lady smith, dated November 2, says: "The artillery duel Is proceeding splendidly. The British guns are firing three shots to the Boers' one." A special dispatch from Cape Town, dated November 2, says the Boers oc- lng more cheering and as Nuauwpoort. one of tho most Important nat Cleveland and other places. ' strategic railroad points lu South At- Wth th(lss conditions prevailing, it rlca, which will probably be, it Is said Is impossible to do mow than to pro here, the flrat advanced depot of the ' nounce the result In doubt. Second division of the army corps. Naauwpoort Is understood to be well; IN KENTUCKY. garrisoned and able to take care of It-; self. Trains thence to Colesburg have' LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Nov. 4. The per-, been almost suspended. i sonality of W. Goebel, the regular nom- Dlspatches from Ladysmith, though lnpe of the democratic party, has been three days old, are regarded here as bo-1 the theme of discussion In the cam- Indicating. (Continued on page 4.) See Our Superb tine of Winter Novelty Suits $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 to $10.00 Boys' double-breasted snits at &1.00 to $0.00 , . Youths Iouk tronser suits. t7.50 tolS00 Overcoats, Kccfcrs, Hats and Furnishings. A B STEINBACH 8 CO. LARGI-ST CI.OTHIFRS IN TI1K NORTH WEST Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts.. PORTLAND, -OKEtiON. Hi Hi Hi Hi :i I- I', :f j