tm .MKMMi ASTOIUAN. SklTiUi.U, XOVKMHKU 4, I8;M 3 . ; i .V.v I i i Headquarters for Dry fooJ on the Lower Columhiu THE A DUNBAR CO., FANCY WORK Embroidering, K.iittiflRorCroehetlng The season for tnniieiieintf fancy work is at hand. Don't demy. It is tbe kind of work one ciiniiot burry through anii luive it satisfactory. , Embroidered Pieces Kiuin' c.iieful work, and roust bo of ijoixi linen to gw fcttUfaotion Outs will wear. They are liictiard n's lsl liand-wovi n nul urn bleached goods. 1 Kodak and Doylie Holders Of nicely Iiti;g!ied and tinted card board, stamped, colored, i-anva .ov em; very convenient device for oo lectin); picture- mid doylies. Mie "IViseilla" r'tnhro'dery Hoop Holder I.i an i'f!is'!y convenient arrange mem. Screw? on the tallc. A n up riK'lit attachment which can le mov ed hut way denirt-d, bold tip tin IllKip. k'arns In al'iindaiice. A full variety of col oi s in (ionium, derimintou n, im ported Saxony, Sliet wind wool and ttosK. Spimish yarn, Fleiir do Lis an, I ioo Wool. fnvliet threads in full a-o-orttnenl. CULLiSOiN & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers DIRFCT zr m ew York Slock Exchange -11-21 lT.and.vr of (imrrct Portland C )rci5on. BISiiOP SCOTT ACADEMY J. v, Kt'iin.lrd 1STI). IHH. M. IV, rrliu-liial. Chrlatma TVrtii Open TIT FOR TAT. The Good Memory of the Astciria School Board. would Impose on the city an unjust rule, which, when applied to a,ll warrant, a It must be if aplled to one, will re sult In lanHy Increased expenses ana Increased taxation; therefore be It "Kesolved. (I), That we approve the1 action cf the city treasurer In oomput- 1 Ins; Internet on warrant held by sold J secietary of the Taxpayers' Leairue, ac-' ' cording to the ame rule by which in-! f terest 18 computed on warrants held by 1 the common people,' - ' "(.,). We iinir-rir:H lnc j For ctliku or intvrtuallaa , rrtno;; J V. HUX, M V IVrtUnl. Or. Ir1n.rr. PrrivTy and A.-Jamtr ILrt- nunis: Ciller Hriirt1crt. Mllll&rr IttectpllM. Unul Trmuif. tooym oi U Mi rwMlrti. IF" Every Hand .... .. The Astoria bcrd of school directors has been having a hard time. It has been endeavoring to maintain the effic iency of the schools undtr the depress lng circumstances of a sadly deficient income and an emhArrnmln Inrrvaa. attendance Th riirf.- hv nrVM ' condemn In Unm.Hwurd faitkfully and have worked wonders. ! t?rms ,h actlon 01 th retary of the The board remembers some caustic criticism it received when it needed ad- vice and encouragement. It needed bread and was given a stone. The fol lowing resolution, adopted by the board yesterday afternoon, shows that the board does not forget, and Is not asleep: "Whereas, this board of directors, on the JOth day of May, 1S39, received from th Taxpayers' League, under the cer tificate of its secretary, a copy of a res olution which 'condemned in unmeas ured terms' the aotion of this board in borrowing money with which to o.iv salaries of teachers and actual neces-' ary expenses of our rc hoots; and "Whereas, we had, long prior to the receipt of said resolution, in order to' relieve the taxpayers, reduced the school year from ten months to nine months, and reduced wages so low that we find it difficult to secure and re- t tain competent teachers; and "Whereas, we realise that even un-' t the exercise of the most rigid econ- - ortunty, tny In the rruinao t city and district affairs, the buran Of ' mws win continue tn tv h..o- -. .. taxpayers League in seeking to cam- pel the city to pay compound Interest ' on warrants," HIPf.lMARJrj shade Wednesday, when the Norwegian steamship CJuemsey ftnlshinl loadlnu n cargo of S,4:;0.63 fwt of lumber, or owr HW.00O feet nurv than was taken from Mobile. This is the largvst can?o that was ever set arlixit anywhere ;n lh Vnltod Ptates, and with the except!''!! of a carir, carried ty he CJuernney from a Russian port to Alexandria. Kgj-pt. Is tht larg't ever carried from any port. At that time the Querns--)' . carriinl over J.6O0.0O fvi-t of lumber. The reason given for the smaller cargo i from Portland is that the vess.-l car ried much larger timbers, which would not admit of such trood stowage- The i Guernsey was dlspatclud by the Fa- chc Kvp.rt Lumber Company, and i mnk.'s a total of over 13.000.0tV) f.-t ' shipped by that company In four car. ' goes, within the past SO days, the others i being the steamship Orange Hr.inch, ! with 2s.3S feet, from Portland, and 1 the Elm Ilranch, tw trips fim rug.-t sound, with J.9W.0OO and S.SOO.000 feet. The fiuernsey was taken down the river ! by Tilot Emken, and In spite t her Immense carg, was drawing but 3 1 f vt S'i inches. ... I M Mlllllirrv. MISS McKKA-Corner TN-nth and Commercial streets. Beautiful iVUlHtiery At prices within the reach of ad. I'sll nnd xatniiie the new stli. " y Ui in'lu'.- lor ilu tlclicion.s CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS mailo tit The Spa Candy Factory by rendering .ujicrior iervlce of some kind. The cotnmwUJ world will mw have mi ovir nip;i1y of capable oflice turn sad woiurn. We fa qualify any earnrX, faithful atudetit to do firt il oflice wo-k-lA hintl thl . Department: Uislness, Shorthand, Hnsllsh. Visit our school, or write for full artkula. iw"'""''"" CotubUed Theory and Practice of Bookkeeplmt" i new wy to ttmli. Stu.leiiU lcar to kttp hooki M-fr as they are kept In bt'ilne... !nv"iit-te Csll. or writs, Portland Business College Hfth and Yamhill SU A. P. Arm .Iron-. Prln. 0n all tlie year. Sti;dcni may fntcr at any lU:c. il.witw, Shorthand and EtiRlish (lcartmrnt. Private or cLw Instttu tloti. Catalogue !. The larjrostt lino Famous ('li'olnt(s to At"riii. of LowiU'v's cwr lu'oiilit A. IV COON LEY, I'rop'r. '1' '.HM IV'niijs n Specialty. MRS. ROSS, 1S3 thh .Stmt I W. B. Edwards The Photographer Kvery variety of Koiijili and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Window. .Mo'.i'e'liis :'d Cedar Shingles N. V. Corner Seventh and Vliinjton The Leading Ylsillng and Wedding Card . . . Engravers ... pout lam. okkoon i AN IMPOHTANT DIFFERENCE. The steamer Sadie B. Is in port. The British Artie Stream left up the . river yesterday. t To make It apparent to thousands, j The British ship Lorton arrived down who tnlnlt themselvvs HI, that they are; from Portland yesterday. She is bound nn a'nl,-,ted with rtrty disease, but that - South Africa. I the system simply nevds cleansing Is I WOOD lis llion S!;il-. I' . rlr. Fi. i ck. Al.l-r.l'olcOuk Otrie-.' Seventh tteet Dock jHolmes' English .- ti WASHINGTON WILDING. POItTLANI). OK., Our Lltt's. C. A. WHALE, Wholesale and rtdail Jenler in Jl be can -j01 c,t,ien io do ratbo k8en Public expenses, . " than to increase them; and "Whereas, said secretary of the I'tx payers League has lately lrtuted an action against the ci':, irinH. to collect compojg lnteret on clty mn-, 'tiAS, tui beliia1 llUng to accept th 'terhe method tf computing Interest on , The steam schooner" San Francisco, arn nce, frj,, i to bring comfort hom to their hearts, ? as a costive roiKimai im eoauy cur" Coa. Nut Ihitter. I -AND tn yaay ! using Syrup of fija, if " 'yi can r muiiav"-. . . ,.,,,. .nuracierea oy , morning and P l ' 1 Syrup Co. only, and . Yne transp.5rtt IVnlV ' l0ia by all druggists. uij - - i K Wueal. (rnnosc. Health ( Ytleker. gr. out this morning. The soldiers have ( o years' service In the Philippines be- , tore them, and some of them will not return. . . " J The Oregonlan says: The celebrated " GOLD-BRICKED. Boeton Globe. It may possibly occur to the thought- Nut Roast; ful mind of Edward Atkinson that he (iliiten. Vlaltosiu Business 'College 4H Yauddll St, ivitlar.d, Orescm. Nutetie. warrants that labortngmen, merchants, cargo of lumber wrucn was snippy knd indeed, all other cttlsens have been rrom siowie aooui six mu s. tn acoent. but. rather than which robbed Portland of the record for abide by such uethod of computation, big lumber cargoes, was DKPAR I AII'.MS Itookkceplitui laid In the 1 SIX : . 'i- . i ... i.l t .1. .-i.i ,.. ""k". " ? " ,ZZ Z . . , T 1 Shorthund. TypewHtlntl, other bunco steorer. one Eml o Agii- ..,., iDrb. I . i, . inaldo. knownasavery.lick-o-A-i KNAPB PROS., l'em,,.,frv, All. tor. , y HEALTH FOOD Co. IVirtttiiJ. Or Send fordrcnlais. W S r w m e t&SrX -tr-v7 r "1 1 w O " "w Kranieli and Piicb. SchafTer, Hflilllrr, aud utility others. ScliulU and Co. Miller, Ann Arbor Ileutli y and others M,-r5i,'toA,'J PORIIAND OREGON. Instruments Sold on Easy Terms, M MATTHIKI.I.. Munaer. Head (iffii-e U! Hisle St. nem.)re. UttX mm w jiAUl a During the past few days we have talked exclusively on Men's and Boys' Clothing, and an exceptionally fine line of Overcoats which were placed at prices that drew even the attention and presence of Portlanders to give them a trial; and all who purchased are mightily proud of the bargains the y realized. Now, We lave Something Else to Say It is this: We have in stock a rich and varied assortment of Underwear and Neckwear that in comparison is fully as reasonable i o buy ae the Clothing. Re-ally these g00d3 must be Seen to be appreciated. They are new strictly so in material and design, and are identically the same class of goods as will be found on sale at this moment in the lea ling houses of New York City. - - UNDERWEAR - - Ki'iiil tin' price we arc- now making on .Swift's goods. As is well known, Mr. .Swift is- recognized the country over as the most conscientious manufacturer in tins line to he found any where. SWIFT'S CONDE WOOL-RIBBED UNDER WEAR, $1.50 per puit. Always heretofore they have been more than cheap ut $2.00. Here is a line of Camel's Hair and National Wool Un derwear at 50 cents per garment. They are excellent for the price asked and are sure to please the purchaser. Many of 'our best people select them by reason of the soft character of the material. While inspecting this department, link also lo see Lot R T-B. These are what ure known as Ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers. We have decided for a few ilays only to sell them at $2.00 a suit. This is a remarkably low ligure, il you ure posted as to values in this direction. And naw wo are making a still further cut on the justly celebrated Lu zerne Underwear. Think of it! Only $2.50 a suit. We have ju.-t been selling it at $3.00, but we want the hulk of Astoria's trade nnd we propose to get it. You cannot beat this price nor the goods anywhere un earth. This Week, Wright's Health-Fleeced Underwear, $2.50 per suit. All who wear underwear will understand that this is an amazingly cheap price for Wright's noted make, They are unexcelled for winter on account of be ing llecce-lined on the inside. ... . i 1 1 i. . i . JM me same connection we nave me r anions arainan I'lerei We are also cutting it for tbe time being to $2.50 per unit. nderwear. hlPfC ''"tion all ! fancy Boom and Colored Body Ollll lO Shiit-s with one pair of cuffs $l.(Mi. Certainly after examining the oualityynu won't believe it, but it iu the truth. We are going to M'll the-e very s:iine shiris thi-- week at the above ligurcj HltC "IU" w'"' 'S stn:,'.v up-to-date in style wears a llUlo rh ihy hat. We carry two lines, one at $.'5.00 and one at $4. no. They have ju.-t been received from the factory and are Latest Fall Shapes. This is a oood time to tender our thanks for tin: splendid trade in bats we have enjoyed. Neckwear A nobliy liu iniiki H uuy man look ivkh i liililc. If In. weaiH a liiiiniHiiMio tin u l'oriliiiiil mcrrliiiiil run Hnlk tho HI rcelH hurt) nnd not iuinni'il on. Wo have n licuiitiful variety jn-t in from tin. IvimI Inrlinlcil m it j i hi- rnvt ll KufiiK WuterlmiW! Neckwear. Mr. VVali-rlioiiHe iiiuiiiifii(iliiicn the Uni-Ht lint) of ties in the Unitiid Statu, ami tlin piilleriiH nru iiiiiiiim-iiitili.. ,nk to Hee our liiiii-riiilN, leekH, roiir-in-Hnmlx, I'm tin iunl Shield mid Hainl JJows. I'riwH latino irom ltic upwimlH. 490 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. t I I N M ff" J'VK' 'TP - " ' r