The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 04, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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It Will I'tiy Vmi ' ''
' T livnk nn I ha haxnln. t SJ1I offrf.
lug In my orocksry stock. Evrry
thin la Inoludwl t " (Uaouunt
Irum mfuiar prion, luvwyumn in
nlnlii ami .1 o .. I 1 WILT! th. fm-
oui Luatto t.rwiil, Kntrllsh maJcc It
py you to iKit 11 ever.
tU Commnrolnl Hirt
ThuyVo I'upiilur Now
llav you sn my sjwortment of
bony brulioT Thy won pur-
,l,. ,l illrant fnHIt NW Yofk. and
x vry popular. Ant conatajitly
receiving iww yuoas. f wnw ug
,"m' 0. W. SMITH,
Th. L4lnf J.w.WT,
IM CotnmrolJ Btnwrt.
Who Doe Your laundry?
W. olalm, and wa wU prova to
avry out. Uuu w have th. beat
nd rnoMt up-to-dnt laundry on tt
Coast. A trial order will convince
(lie moat particular. If you want
neat, prompt work, try the
621 Franklin Avenua.
Our Spoclul llui Kiilim
Vi't have aome broken Urn of tin
wart which w will clou out at bar
tain prtoea. Wa are alao retaking
special prior on aome broken I in
of canned frulta and rUha, pick
eli. table dllranlwi and aauor.
Th are A No. I Ixl. id can
be had at low prlo.
.A CIunn In NpuiiUh
WIU b started, to meet rnlni at
the liomc-a ot th member. Plan
To leeexitta a week, 10 or-nt a lea
awn, eight montha' eouran.
Consult by mall or oaU at th
school after l:M p. m.
Principal 6? Mlfih Khw1
Kxtru l ine I'liihrcllan
And at batter than Portland price.
Ife a fact. They are it ocl"bratod
Follmer-Cloff makai handsome, I
dnnhle allk umbrella. Don't make
tha mlataka of buylnir elewhre. :
' Th Jeweler.
140 Commercial Street.
littler Hum Tver
Th Pond Btrert Flah Market la
better than ever prepared to aupply
freah and aalt fish of all klnda.
Oood delivered to any part of th
clly ami aallefaollon niarnerd.
U7 Ilond Ptreet
Millinery Novwltlc
I dflr to further call th atten
tion of the ladle to my handsome
stock of trimmed millinery. It com
prises the latet creatone of the
millinery art. and I am offering re
duced ratea for th next 10 day.
Dr. T.N. Hall
873 Commercial 8tret.
Over Bchluaael' Clothing Btor.
Two Fanhlonable Furriers Who Are'
Earning Well-Merited Approval i
Good work, correct atyle and perfect!
fit apeak louder for the furrier than
aiy advertisement that can Yx written.
Appltaath At Prnell, the fiuihlonabl
furriers, at M Third street, between
Alder and Morrlann, guarantee aho
lute satisfaction In every ca whore
a purchase, la made at their establish-,
tnent Both irentlemen are practical
cutter and fitter, who have been em
ployed In aome of the largt hnuai-a
In the principal cltlea of the United
Btati-a. Thors la a atyle and flnlah to i
all work turn 1 out by thl firm tnst
fatnmp both rntlemen expert In thla
' bualneaa. Oarmenta will be taken to
be made over or repaired, and the work ,
turned out with the leaat poaalble delay.
The Sf Iverf leltl Fur Manufacturing Co.,
2H3-2HS MorrUon Hi., Portlontl. Ore.
To the UodlcB ol Astorltut
We will hhvo you one-fourth on every urmont )ou purohiwo from us. Ih""
cbuho we ariuliroct mtmufurturorn, bii.I you will vo lh mid.llpniana
fnm- Knr rollaretlea. from .' l'
Kur N.ek Hoiih. from irj'l, '
lji.11.1.' KIno Tiilli.r Made Sulla Irom I2.iw "l
lllVj Kim) ialli.r.Mn.lelioth.lekel,rr.iin JIvO lip
hcII.V Fine Kieneh h'luiinel Wain!, from.... 1I.7.S up
Alii-knH. nl Hkln.lii Dye, n.iido
expeclnlly to order Irom WfkW up
Itoinoili'lltm or Kur (larnicnta Into the Luteal Stylo at very
Hena'".rfil'"mled eataloguo, which wo will Kindly mull
Hlijhcst I'rlce lM for Kw Purs. Yours Kespcctfiilly,
The Silvcrfleld Fur Rlanufacturing Co.
Here Is a List
Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
Fancy Urcnnicry But ter in Kegs uiul llolls.
Strictly Frosh Kggs.
Now Crop Maple Syrup.
RiickwliwitanJ OritUo Cake Flour.
Packard & Smith's Fancy Italian Prune
New Crop Nuts, Figs, Mince Meat.
Th. I1AII.V ATOMIANlll l funnel
im nil In I'lirllKiHl Hi tl Hrll-known
llnnrrv It mum if.l. r, llmnlloy (' l
Wnahlii.ton irl. fr mltr
lliini wlili tlil" Itrui will ril
lriniit tllutlo.
POHTI.AND, Nov, i-For Wanhln.
ton, OrrK'in and Northern Miiho, light
rain today.
C'rawflih, rooked In wine, at the Na
tional Cafe.
Mr. Ourdlnl cam down from Port
land on liwt nlictn'a train.
rnpiiilii Down returned lnt nUht
from a trip to Portland.
Mra. F. V. Wlnlon roiurned taal nllfhl
from a trip to Portland.
Drink K. U. Cereal; Eat Nut butter
and Health Fooda and be happy.
Mi. It Thompeon wa a pueacn
Kmi on liLMt nlifht train from Portland.
Mi Annie 0'N.-ll wu moiif Hie
Pi'iiir-ri on hurt nlifht' train from
Jamie llubbiio. who U a etud'tit at
the l'irlluiid Itujlne cIWgo, la home
on a vlell.
Mr. C. II. Btroiii will aoou Uve A
turla for Kantn'rn Orfon, on a two
montha' vacation.
J. W. Juhnaon, whs ha tx-eii In I'ort
luiwl for tlie pl fww day, rwturm-d
home Iain nlifht.
A haiid o "Hup Gold" bicycle rack
iirnivimnla tin walk In frmit of L
llerrlng'f "Nallonol," ...
. -i. t j '
to. F. Allen Bon are eeillnf Em
boaan Wall Paper aa low aa 10 oenta
prr roll; Imported Enftlah, 7H cent.
Mr. and Mra. Palmer of Portland,
who have lut'n vtaltlnir. Mra. KM. Iow,
In thla rlty, ruturnml home yeatrrday.
Pur whlaky Harper Perfect whtaky
Ilirp4r every bottle fuaranteed Har
per. Bold by Ford A Bloke Company,
Aalorla, Oregon.
The funeral of Harry Juhnaon. the
rialierman v. ho tiled a tv daya ago,
t.k place yeatorduy. The Inlermvnt
wo at linsmviood eemoUTy.
Take aUMimer Ualley Oatiert of
White Collir line for Portland and way
point. Fare, IS cent; room, 75 oenta;
upper or lower berth, M cent; eectlon
berth, IS cent.
. The aad IhUOIIkvo:"' haa been re
tvlvvd by J'wph Supernairt of the death
of hl mother at dlen KallH, N. Y. Mr.
Hup-mant left lant eveiiln: to be In t-t-mluni'e
nt the funeral.
I "Jurt like Joll'e." Thla I what a
! Portland griitleman auid of thu dellc
! tou chocolate made at the Bpa Candy
Factory. You will y the nmo when
' you try them. There are none better.
, It. L. Knnpp haa Klven up the print
1 Iiik luid newapaper biuilneiia. ami 1
now, to uiio hl own epn-alon, preach
Imc Ktrnlaht. He him chanre of a nap
tint rltrull, roimlmlnR- of South Bend,
lllua and Dryad.
The engineering .V-ivirlmeiU of the
unity la g'lnK to make an up-to-date
fort out of Fort Canby, and th work la
about to begin to accomplish that ob
ject. Moat of the troop have boen re
moved fnmi the poet.
The memorial entertainment next
Wediieaday la attracting general atten
tion and a crowded hoirse I assured.
Tho pti'iwlng prograjn and Uk worthl-l
neaaof tho cauae combine to make It a
moat Interesting event
The A. F. C, lMrvl to the reading
of tlw J(.rfrl-Hluirkty bullotln luat
night and watched two or throe boxing
bout between lo.l anifttour. Not oiw
of thu apeclutlor would vuto U put
their boxera In the prof jaalomil clua.
There will be the uul eervlw at
the Uttptlat church tomorrow. The ub
J.Ht of the morning awrm.m will b"!
"The Preaent Condltlin of tlio Onoon
verted;" of that In th evening, "Uub
blah." Kverybudy I cordially Invited
to aUt.-nd.
1'reabytertan chun h ervlix a uaual
tomorrow, Thome of the evening eer
nwn, "Apprehended That I May Apprt
Iwtid;" evening theme " Tho Xleauty of
Abealom." There will bo apodal mulc
by the choir, A very oordlal Invitation
I extended to all.
All Aatorlan who visit Portland and
desire a pond lug a pleaaant evening In
company with pollu people and In the
enjoyment of an unexcelled iiiunlral
program, should go to the Frederlcka
hii rg. Hi-aides vocal and Inatrumental
a.'.Ktlona there are many othr at
tructloiia to delight th visitors. The
new management la making the Freder
icksburg a well-merited aucc a.
Mlaa Blguo Palmberg, ncenlly arilv
It.ff fivm the Koat, dcalrea to announo
to tha laillea of Aalorla that ahe ho drcaamakliig parlor on Ninth
t roil, near Commercial, next dour to
Di-lllmrvr's printing office. MU Puim-j
berg haa had thorough exp rknee in
cutting and fitting la.!ej' tarm. nU of
all kiiids, particularly tailor-made suit
n.d ctouka of the laU-t and moat fai-j
lonublc design. J
The Aalorla Co Light Company ha;
Jut received from the CakdouUn Coal '.
Company, Auatralla, another cargo of j
ilx ir prlobrat'd Wallaend Coal. ThUj
UtuniliioUa c.U hu .! reputation of.
being the flneat fuel coal In the world,!
and our cok made from the name con-;
tain W Vr Cont carbon, mnkliig It an
excellent fuel. Be that your drayman
Jell vera you none other. Prlc, IS peri
ton. j
In the circuit court yenterduy the fol-1
lowing order were made: John Lewie
et al. vs. Jaimn Mnher, confirmation of ;
sale. Ecllpi' llardwure Co. va. Qeortfe ,
Hartley, derr"i' and order of aule of at-.
laehed pmHrty. Andrew Ula- n v. i
Sllaa It. Smith, divn-e; The cane of C. 8. 1
llrown et al. va. Mary Cane wa argued
and BUbmltted. 8. Hamilton va. City of'
Aalorla, demurrer of plaintiff to defen-1
dunt's answer argu-d and nubmltled.
While uwiilllng the return, for the:
h u fight lain night At the athletic club
rooms the time wiia a pn.prldtely oc-'
cupled In a aparrlng match Ij.-tween'
two of the member of the club. Mr.
Win Crosby, who hna won quite a local
reputation as a aelen'.ltlr hoxer, and Jir.
Hoax Trulllng-r engiged In the mitch.
linlh hoys eh wed many ginid polnth,
and thi lr efforts at entertaining were
highly appr-'elat'tl by the naemhlcd
initfil, and altogether very di
verting. The averng' eltlten will perhaim ron
demn a glove llitht auih aa the Jeffrli-a- ;
Sharkey content aa dlfKUajtliiKly brutal.
Itilt the avenge cltlien wivhea to be
fulr. Even a prlxe-fighter ehotild not
be condemned unheard, ao the average
cltlxi'ii will win carefully the nporta
of the content. m mlMiifr a Word that
mltiht hel him to a wine conclusion,
nod then he will feel Justified In de
nouncing the authorities for permitting
aueh occurrence and the newspaper
fi pandering to deprawl tantea.
Al Hie Methodist Episcopal church
Lord's day morning the aubjict will bi
"Some pungent reaaorui w hy we should
be stated In our attendance at the ser
vices of tlw sanctuary." In tho even
ing the pastor's theme will be "The
tragic death of a maed person, or
hanged upon a strange gallows" a la
mentable end of a distinguish person
ality Mixs Halsead will sing a solo In
the morning, ami Mrs. Maddoek. who
now has charge of the music, will sing
a solo in the ewnlng. A hearty wel
come Is extended to all.
Peonle mnv come and people may Sto,
and there Is not generally a gr-'nt deal,
of comment mode on their movements, '
but nn old couple on the advanced lde '
of 60 recently left Astoria by the A. & I
and thereby hiwiKS a talc. !...'.
this old couple left their home In St. :
Paul a few weeks previous for the far ,
West it was not without somewhat the
sum feeling that they now experi
ence at the beginning of their journey
Enat. The following will probably ex
plain this seeming paradox. Wttliln the
confines of St. Paul ithere had resided
for many years an old man and his
wife, who were happy and comfortable
enough, albeit they were not rich, but
rather poor In this world' goods, until
the western fever seized them, as u
offen does the young, but rarely the old,
and thev sold their earthly if......
started for Oregon. It seemed a grand
Idea to them to spend the remainedr
of their days beneath a Western sky,
nnd they were happy as tho train thun
dered out of tho depot and left St. f'aui
behind them. Thy came straight
through to Astoria, and the flrwt thing wnfl a hravv. oln-
rnehlonpil rain that Is occasionally oo-
served in this locality." They discovered
before long that In this pntt of the
world, as In others, mortals iiiuca uusne
for a living, and it wns not altogether
a land of milk and honey, as they had
evidently anticipated. They soon be
came lonesome and discouraged, and
were sorry for what they had done, and
finally decided to retraoe their Journey.
Shortly after this decision was arrived
at, two happy and satisfied old people
were among the paengrs on a tralr.
thai drew away from the A. it C. de
pot, and they were bound for Bt. Paul.
Bervlces at Orace church tmiorrow.
Holy communion with sermon, 11 a. m.
Junior auxiliary with tatchllng and
address on "Alaska" at t p. m. Even
lug prayer at Holy Iruwcetil'a chapel,
Uppertown, at 7:30 o'cloc k.
The public la liH.klng forward with In
ln;st for the United Wute champion
hlp conum In Mryckr trick riding to
take pluce tonight at Klalwr' oiwra
houae. There will bo three Judge to
d'-cld the, two of whom have
alivitdy been appolnU-d. The third will
bo aid.-ted from the audlenow by the
two now appointed, wlw are Chlrf Hal
lock and Jam'? Hannaford. The rid
ers will uk no voice In the election of
the third Judge. The point that de
cide) a contest of thl charaoter are
baaed on gnw-e, eone and confidence,
so It I a matter of how h la done
rather than what Is done. The point
relating to th contest tonight will be
fully explained to the audlenoe before
the rlillng beglna. ao all pr.-a.-nt will be
able to Inteiiig.-mly follow all move-mc-nta
made by the cycUst. Iidie
and gentlemen alike will be Interested
In aueh an entertainment, and all will
be ecjually entertained and edified.
These same performer engaged In
rentes at the Portland exposition, but
Mr. Hhaw. the participant from Salem,
was dissatisfied with the result, but re
fused to meet Mr. Ilaisden again In
Portland. A HiUsd.-n will not mwt
HhHW In Balem. Astoria has se
lected as neutral ground h.-re the con
ttanu will be equally sure of fair
dealing. The price of admission has
been reduced to the very small sum of
21 wuts. thus giving all an opportunity
to see thl contest of national Interest.
An Imaginative Inferrer Might Find
Something Favorable to Fort
Suvons. "
The secretary of war has f.-pll- d to
Governor Geer's communication reconv
mending the establishment of a ren.
d"ivous for troops at Fort 9ievns
Whet he doesn't say regarding the pro
ject Is of the graleat Interest.
His letter Is aa follows:
"I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter urging the advan
tage of the Columbia river route for
the d-lwrkallon ard embarkation of
troops, etc., for the Philippines; also
the practicability of using the reserva
tion land at the mouth of the Columbia
river (Fort Stevens) as a suitable
camping ground for soldiers. Replying
tlietvio. I beg to inform you that at the
commencement of the war with Spain,
the headquarters of the military de
partment of the Paelllc cout was lo
cated at San Francises, w here the gov
ernment had a large reservation fitted
Ui for the care and accommodation of
larae bodies of troops, a factory fr
manufacture of army cliMhlng. and
where every facility was already at
hand for the fitting up and reivilr of
the army transport shliis, and th. head
hunt ters of the army transport service
wns accordingly established at that
point. Such supplies for the Philip
pine us can be more economically pro
cured on tha North Pacific coast have
been purchased and shipped from
points on that coast from time to time,
and a ship Is no being lltted up at
Portland, Or., for carrying animals and
suplle to Manila. This method of pur
chase and shipments will be availed of
w henever the Interests of the military
service will be promoted thereby.'
Some of the Things of Which Politi
cians are Thinking.
A gentleman from Oregon's 1st con
gressional district was In town yesterday
and in a conversation with an Astorlan
representative, said that "the politicians
are politicking" notwithstanding the
apparent inactivity.
"There la a treat deal of figuring" he
remarked, "on Tongue's succss;r.
T.iunge hlmslf seoms to be unaware of
the extent of the opposition he will
icive to overcome In order to secure a
rvnonilnatlon, although It may be his
plan of campaign, to falgn a feeling of
P 'rfect security.
"The opposition Is of course among
ilie politicians only as his course In
oo n trees has beon very satisfactory.
There Is ar avowed or proposed candi
date for the honor in nearly every
county of tha district and some irf the
counties have two or three aspirants.
"Vtiownell' "will have his count?
Clackamas at his bock, but it Is hard
ly possible that he can secure another
vote. Harry' Miller of Lane county Is
given credit .for a congressional bee and
oodcock Is also mentioned as a possi
ble wooer. Woodcock could gel the
uciegation. In Marlon, Claude Gatch,
"little" Dr. Smith and others are sug-
ge&ted. Gaitoh, howler, will support
"Southern Oregon has ex-speaker
Carter among other mentlonables and
even Dr. Kaene might possibly be in
duced to overcome his life long antipa
thy toward polities and shla his cas
tor Into the ring. But all this opposi
tion seems unorganized and I think
Tongue will suoceed himself."
In this district there Isn't a ripple on
n. nolttlenl sea to indicate that
Atoudy s bark will nave to race an op
posing wind. One would hardly ima
gine that there Is to be an election next
spring. '
The senatorial question has Inspired
gomo comment. There is a prevailing
sentiment that McBrlde's Interests have
hopelessly suffered by the reappotlon
ment net. although his friends have an
air of confidence. Two or throe new
piifier of the state are urging the elec
tion of Editor Hoatt of the Oregonlan,
and those? who have othor plan have
waited so far In vain for thfe vigor
ous and picturesque denials of .'nator
lal ambllUlon that were wmt formerly
to proceed from the tall tower.
Astoria photographer are In high
gl. General Mile Is coming to town.
"Ihla town nver suffer from Area,"
boasted the loyal Astorlan. ' I should
think not," growled the visitor who had
forgotten his umbrella.
Ai!orla has a football team, ird It
"rrxrter" have powerful lungs. The
Drifter is Informed that the club haa a
new yell with which to weaken the
nerve of It Portland opponents. It l:
Through the center, round the end,
punt, punt, punt;
Common jolrit, common point, is all we
Report from Ohio Indicate that the
election returns next week will show
thai tbTe Is nothing serious the maiter
with Hanna.
The State Agricultural colleg la de
stroying precedents as well as harmful
Insects. The last legislature mad an
appropriation of $19,363 for a heating
plant for the Institution. The regent
contrived to have the work done for
tl'.f'W and will turn back to the state
$?.0"0. Such pitiful simplicity Is enough
lu turn a politician's hair gray.
Two traniports will pass Ast.rla to
day. This does us no harm, but If there
Is anything exhilarating In the view the
average Astorlan has missed it. Of
course as Americans we can take the
Interest that any American ml;M, but
as Astorlana the event means nothing
to us. -'
f AND MIGHT... Mi "
I E. House's I
i US ThiH S'reet, P:rtlaaf. r?i.
; Tlic BealCi.pilC.iflee
ort'eccw In Ihe rltv.
rrram anil M'k
. (r m i'Ur own raoeh jj
;' Home mate Flet ami eaxe. (j)
LaditO Tailor.
Cf alt' Tailor.
I. D. Coyer,
Merchant Tailor
ITT rurlk St.. tmiWl KL
l asan n nn aniVwryVrYc i mm aaiia...
. .11. -J V. 1MI1IU Jbj h
A first-class place at moderate price
llooms for Indies anil private parties
Open oil NlgHt...
108 Fourth St., near Washington
The Eastern
Dining-room and Restaurant
J. V. Wanner, Frop.
Private Dininij-rootn lor Ladies
Meals 15c lp Opc. all Slant.
Bet. Morrison and Yamhill
Portland, Oregon....
I Columbia Thanr ?
E. R. riTTELk.ll,
l'i opriet. r.
Private Roonifci i La dies.
ton St ui'ur sth PORTLAND
r. W A. n s 4
Z KCSiaHi anv
m WATSON BROS. i PMpr's,
romliiotod on tin" cheek system, tlier?-
fort- pixin'tis pity ir wimi iiiey uruvr v
snd no more.
fliiim (lie Liiriiest, Cheapest, Bfsl
una uirkrM jiiimp hi uh hifhuimm.
g) 10U and 111 Fourth St.
r. . i.m
Open 6 a.m. to p.m. rutii lhiiu
Jackets! Jackets! Jackets!
i'lne Tailor-made Jackets reduced from $12.00 to
" ' 10.00 to
" " " " " 8 00 to -
An Unusual Opportunity to Get an
Elegant Jacket at a Bargain.
Have You Seen Our Full l ine of Winter Muck Dress
Goods Poplirw, Venetian!, Whipcords,
Camel's Hair and Crcpons.
xiinirufnnnrunnru uuwjvuu
With every Suit, even if the Suit ctats no more than
(We have gool Suits for this price)
ISo Lottery. Every Cne Treated Alike.
Boj. also get a Hat with a Suit, ami we have good fCZL
8uiU upward, from aTr 1 '
Yon buy the Suit, we givfe the Hat. The better the Suit the tetter
the hat. So toy. being given ay, but bomething useful. Haviug low
reDt we can do this.
Btslcr i. Se.' tti Boys' Clothiog aid rsraishiag Goods, asd .He's Boys', a
Ladies' atd Children's ShiKs. c
g 225 Jlorriso. Street g
? STRICTLY sSritlCAt C10TMIXC STORE Bctwte. Iir-t and Somticl p
nrtrijinrijuruwrinAnn rinnnnr
Fresco Decorator::
and Scenery Artist
Latest Designs Wall Papers
127 First 'Street. Portland
.X.-- ' .. '
i - . ' . 1 . . . .
-'jpr-.rU' ' 1 L.. 01 .11. t
i:; .'kioive 1
Hoefler's Bonbonnierc
$ k'htre the finest Candies i. the State
are Trepared and Always In Stock
Of Every Description Made to
Books for 1900.
loose leal Ledgers and Trnnsier Casts.
Order Blanks noiaers ana oinucrs.
Commercial rrinting iu all branches.
frUrrll Kaut.iuhm.nt in th. w..t.
$10.00 1
8.00 i
6.00 '
We Rent New Typewriters -tfs
Many New Improvements Added-SEE OUR LATEST
Smith Premier Typewriter
kcw irt catalogue: free
, -1- r . m UK..,,., M 't cti
l.r.A'i.iUC.lV vt v.vr.( """v .'"'
ul.iic Coast Dealers. 215 Stark St Portland
Order. Large Line of Stock
Attractive Prices.
jnr IRWIN. UniKflN TO
MIL. ilium iiuuwwii ww.
First and Salmon Sts., Poktlasd.
Becance at our Louse we have neither a bathtub,
nor hut water handy. ...
Then go to the Russian Batbs at 217 Astor St
25 cents is the price. Private apartments for
ladies. Only the better clu-w of patronage is
catered to. Try one and you mill come regularly.
i I 4 SS$a?3