The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 04, 1899, Image 1

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    HOT OK! ,
Bookn, Periodical "-'"im.-. 3c.,'
Aro Notto be Take.i . -'The
library without pernio. . Any
STOkl.. OllKWN, SAIlKDAY. NOVE nBMK 4. ls:i!
NO. 18a
If. .
The Proof
See Our Superb Line of Winter Novelty Suits
$2.50, $3.50, 15.00 to $10.00
Ik)) dunble breurlt"! uiU M IJ.00 to 10.00
Youth, long truusor .nit., 7.M to $18 00
OvcrconU, Hccicrs, Hat nnil ruriilHlilnfi.
f& : Fourth nnJ Morrlw.n
Bought before the ad
vance and sold regard
less of it on account
of moving.
Eclipse Hardware Co.
Yesterday w receive! nntiro fmiu tlio publisher, of the
Wkunku EntTioa or tiik Eni'Tou'Iujiu Huitannic, that
owing to tln rnormoua incrvnm' In tin prioe of paHr with
iu tho past (w weeks, they would .liorlly withdraw the!''
of tlii'ir KiicyHo'MNlia at the present prio. Our contract
with tlii publishers enulilcs u to make tlieaiime lilwial of
fer hh heretofore. Thirty largo volumes of the Eiicycloj'
din, one iiuhle to Myatomatlo Heading of the Encyclopedia,
One I'priKht Oak llookcaae and One Ijire Wvbator'i I'n
cyploprdin five of clmrKi. All the above will be dvliwred
npoti thetroall paymtiit of
Balance in .mall monthly payments. Call and look into
till, oiler.
Top lioor WtiNliington BuiKlinjr.
LnrRCHt otid Best Equipped fOI flees
In the Northwest.
Best work at our Prices, because we have' the
largesUvolume of Dental Work in'Portland.
P.est Crown and ltriilce Work, 22 knrat ;olil
per tooth ffl.10 t
Set 'lVi'th. fully Kiuirniitiitl rubber. . . . . .$5 OO
Heat (iold Villi)? $1.00 up
HeHt Alloy Fillinir SOc tip
Teeth extritelml witliout imin SOc up
We employ only the most modern methods and
Guarantee satisfaction.
Take elevator on Waslnnirton Mre'st, nenr Fonrtli. and aek for the Portland
IVntnl Tarlnrs, Top Floor. .
Thrnu 0nn,'Brown 4.1- Columblii l59-
Of Itoy.s Clotliiii it) in
tin wwiriiijr. (;1(i(Ikh
nuit v of hcht quali
ty to witliNliiud tlio
hniltliy violuiicc of
yoiingKloiH, or mother
will In kcjit my
mending mid buying
Tlio tougher tho boy
the tatter wo like to
clothe him.
Jle'tf the BUrcnt tent we
6b REED.
Gets the Decision
the Twenty -
Majority of Spectators Thought the Sailor
Entitled to
A Rushtog Fight From Beginning to fehl and Doth Con
testants Receive Terrible Punishment Sharkey In
Perfect Condition and Shows Great Improvement in
Ring Generalship-He Will Demand Another Trial
NEW YORK, N. Y., Nov. 3. James J. JVtlries retains
if the championship of the world, Kcfertf George Silcr giving g
him the decimon at tlie end of the twenty-fifth round over
S Sailor Tom Sharkey, at the Coney Maml sporting club to-
niclit. It was one of the most nmrvelmis buttles that has ft'
s taken dace, and the greatt crowd that ever gathered in the '
j Coney Island cluh houe witnessed tlio desperate struggle for
supremacy. 1
VI.W VMlfk' Wv 'X S5)i.iil-PV nu inpittiiilnhK mwl
crii! like a child when he went to his iioarkis. Tom vi
( . , w
O'Kuuke his manager, expiv-N-ed tho ujiiuiou Uiat the .-uihir
l should Iiavm reeeivixl the ilceiiou. Ik said t of blutrkey's
$ ribs were broken and that during the last four rounds Tom's $
$ left baud was useless, having been broken on Jeffrie's head.
$ He said Sharkev would seek another match. I,
(A " i
Nt.W Y0RK, Nov. I In five raunda knn'kout. JeHrlea rtotti the terrific
J.ffrle. had the better of the flght-ln Pmhment. and with Ma ye. noe and
the first two and last three. During
the other twenty, Sharkey forced the
Usw, and. like a bull terrier, waa at
his man with both hand, unceasingly.
In those twenty rounds, Jeffries' great
weight and brawn helped him to hold
or the sailor, and in the twenty-.ocond
nnma ne swung m a coup.e oi
upper cuts that made Sharkey groggy,
Tom ennw back again In the twenty -
fourth ar.d twenty-fifth, but he waa
weakened greatly by Jeffries' vlelous
One niliwte before the gong sounded j Ie8Si but the Xtitef looked to
to end the fight, Jeffrie.' left l"ve jJn better comllllon, the Callfornian be
came off, and practically the contest ,,n)r uov ftnd havl staring. eyea
was over. The reforree motioned
Jeffries' comer, an American flag wa(
thrown over the charaplon'a shoulders
and the crowd on that side and end of
the arena cheered wildly. The crowd
on the oposlte end, in Sharkey'a corner.
ii . cu.-Itav oti t h. mpn were
ed back to tluir aresfnng rooms. i
ThousamlB of spectators were banked
40 feet high in the building, the place
being packed ringside to rafters,
and the aisles around the ring were
lined, A tremendou. crowd sweated uij
der the glare of 400 arc lights. Fifteen
feet or less from the canvas of the
squared circle, the heat was Intense.!
The fighters were almost exhausted,,
and the spectators shrieked themselves ' Jeffries' ribs and jaw almost at will ana
h((nrse I there was. wild applause.
It seemed at first as though It would As the fight wont along round by
lie a short fight, for In the second round, the sailor fought his way into the
round Jeffries put the sailor to the hearts of those who marvelled at Jef
ropts with a left on the jnw, and tho fries.' capacity for punishment. The
referee btgan to call off the seconds California n crouched down low and
as Sharkey kneeled on the floor. But ( though his ey.a blazed, he smiled and
from the third round on Sharkey, with ( generally over at O'Rourke who was
his vicious swings to riba and jaw, kept coaching his man over the ropes,
the crowd on Its feet waiting for a' Sharkey's vicious punches began to
Over Sharkey In
Fifth Round.
a Draw. 1
er split, came bock junt an vldoUHly
In the last three rounds And almost re
trieved hlmsrif.
Then came the unfortunate and un
satisfactory ending, Jeffries' glove flying
iff, bringing the fight to an esd, al
though the crowd urged Sharkey to rush
in and end it, This he tried to -do but
Jeffrie, fought him back and Che ref-
mt rU!thtd t0 lhe
j n was notable that Jeffries used his
; weight to the host advantage throwing
'"himself all over he sailor but the latter
dldhis share of hugging too, and both
were warned repeatedly. Jeffries
weighed ill pounds and Sharkey 25
.anj gv.inK other evldanoe of not being.
n (he beat .condiUon.
They shook hands and shaped up well.
Jeffrie then landed several timva but
was generally over or unaer. un me j
other hand the sailor waa wild, going
l into the flght 'vlth both hands swinging
I wildly, but he did not land the first
I Again in the second round Sharkey
t i was flopping around and he camo In
for a nsty left that rolled him over.
It looked then as though Sharkey was
I clearly outclassed. O'Rourke however
gave the sailor a talking to, and to
the amazement of all Sharkey swung on
gaU; movement continue, of lmincrui
'volume: In faot. If the amrre(rat tit'
! bank clfaringn In th country outaide 1
II, rd at the cIjws of the teventh It the nwtropolL l a trutworthy Index,
mi nv-d b. thtugh JfTr. could bard-, a It no doubt la, the country', trade (
Ijr walk to hla cornjr, and it mmt4' reached lu hlghoat mark In the month
. .. I .1 f M . . I -V. V
oeruiiii mere would DC a new cnamplOn.
oii-.Kcjr wu spin in lae cifnm
and it made him like a bull. He ruabed,
winging lefta and right, and landed
nearly all of lham, with Jeffrie, throw
ing over the aallor.
The CalifornUn pujihed hi. man over
the ropea at every opportunity and In
omt of the round, rested bla gret'
head on Sharkey'a ahrul'lera, ao much
that he wa. .hi need ai.d )wred. '
Jeffrie, landed a terrific uppercut In
the tenth and Sharkey'a eye lid wa
pllt, but In the twelfth Sharkey got
back with balf a dozen .wing and
a straight right, uid It waa wonderful!
that they dlj not end the fgbt Jeffrie
hugged the aallor bard and .hook bit
head aa he went to bla corner. Every
round carrkl Bhtrkev icrosa tbe ring :
W the .tart and be waa fighting tbe!
champion all over the canvaa.
In the fifteenth Jeffrie, made a bluff
at forcliig, but Sharkey waa at him
agln tike a bull dog and .wung high,
and low ana lanaea aimon every ume
bt .wunf. The California made little
effort to lead. He preferred the defen
Ive and be waa winded. Sharkey too
waa tiring faat and they punched and
awutig and staggered and clinched all
round the ring for the next few mln
uu. Uoth men were lovetvd with
blood and Jcfferit wu bleeding badly
from hi. nose which Sharkey'a right
had Kpllt.
Suddenly, In the twenty-second round,
Jeffrie, seemed to take new life. Just
at the close of this round the champion
wung his right and left on Sharkey's
jaw and almvt took him off hi. feet'
He reeled and .he gong saved him. He
ra me back hard however In the next
but Jeffries had the better of it putting
In two right uppercu-a.
Jeflrlea' friends howled themselves
hoarse while Sharkey's urged him with
li.uu cries no go In hard and rougB yona poluc pureuing them into the
it. He throw down his terrier like bead niountai,W( capturing nine of their cav
and though his strength was fast leav- a)ry (orces geVeral guns, considerable
Ing him. he had Jefferies guessing until property killing, wourding and captur
the gong sounded. ing a numbr of the enemy. The ln-
Nu one could say who would get In ; 8Urgent' cavalry of that section is
the knockout blow and neither seemed practically destroyed. Bell's casualties
aWe to put enimgh force Into a blow to, were one man killed and two wounded,
diwip the other ee and In the midst Of "OTIS."
the twenty-fifth round, nearly one mln-' "
e before the close. Jeffries glove flew ! TESTIMONY CONCLUDED.
ai-nvs the ring and Slier ran to help
klm on with It.
Sharkey held back until his friends
yelled at him not to stop and It was a;
threo cornered fight for a few minutes. PrxWcuting At-
The ref'.re B Jeffri-.V glove and tried CpzJer wouM ,vltn.
to draw U on. This was a difficult . Mrd C0UnU of
thing to do. and then Sharkey rushed- indictment and wvuld hold the defend-.leffrl-
thr,-w up 1.13 gloved and un-j on)y that f
gloved haul and with the former up
j erout Sharkey.
Siler ran between them and made a j
second alt mpt to assist Jeffries. The
sailor waited a moment but wildly ex- OLYMPIA, Nov. 3.-Governor Roger,
vited by the shrieks of spectators, he I has Issued a praclamatton naming Mon
rushed again. Siler dragged J.-ffrii! day Novemb-r 6th, a general holiday
away and the gong rar.g. The referee j in honoh of the returning volunteers,
pointed to Jeffries' corner and his sec-i
onds and friends cheered wildly. j
The majority of those at the ringside j
hardly thought Sharkey would get
worse than a draw for the sailor fought
viciously, always after his man with
good judgment and out pointed the
champion . On the other hand Jeffries,
while he had the better, by long odds,
of the last three- rounds, did very little
leading in th other twenty-two and
when he led he was either too high or
too low, gottl ig In but few good pun
ches. The decision was not announced from
the ring or If It was, few heard It, and
a prt eat mob surged around several mln
ut' S yelling and shouting for victor and
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. In his re-
pirt to the state department Consul,
McCook at Dawson, rays the gold ship-1
ments for the season aggregated $9,247.-1
74'i. '
'V i
Bradstrf-tt'a 8How That the Aggregate
Movcm.-nt of Trade Continue, to
Tie of Immense Volume.
NEW YORK. Nov. 3-nradtr!fii
tomorrow will .y: '
D-plte Kom variation In the cur-
' rent, of trade distribution, the ajyre-
wuuer. j
i hundred men of the First Washington ,
raluei'., I" IMfc IUC w.....'-f
sailed for Seattle on the ateamer Queen
today. In all, W offlcert and 587 men
went on board.
The ttsCObcbc Soldiers la L'tOu's
Division Do Good Work.
y-asHINGTON, Nov. t.-The war de-
parunent has received tbe following
1 cablegram.
i 'MANILA. On November 1, Lieuten
ant Slavena and it men reconnoitred
In MacArthur'e front, and struck 40 or
more Intrenched Insurgents. Tbey lm
! mediately attacked and dispersed them,
! killing three and wounding a number.
I No caaualtle.
"Ywterday, In Lawton's advance at
Aliago, he struck the enemy both weet
and south of the city. Balson'a Maca-
bebe scouts, reconooiterlns south, struck
the insurgents In ambush. Lieutenant
Rnntelle was killed and one scout
and left seven dead In the thickets.
"Yesserday, BeU of tbe Thirty-sixth
. volunteers, with regiment and troop of
l .h kViinh ravaJrv. cleared the country
' f armed ln9llrSents from Florida
, BlHllca a considerable distance be-
MOSCOW, Nov. 3. Both sides rested
In the trial of the Coeur d'Alene miners
accused of stopping a United States
; mail train and the argument com-
I conspiracy.
Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness,
and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other leavening ajjent.
Made from pure, grape cream oi tartar.
LailjMii'iih (leiiin.jc Kfadj for
Terrible Buniltardmenf.
C0cshrn AlMinrcntlv Has Xot Yet
fallen Into the Hands of the
I'ressiag Burg-crs
LONDON, Nov. 4.-4:05 a. nt-There Is
very little fresh intelligence today but
it la believed that the Detagoa bay
route If not already restored, speedily
will be, thua giving quicker communi
cation with the Cape. The situation
Is .till hopeful.
The Boera were threatening to attack
Lay.mlth in force Wednesday and
Thursday and the wiroen and children
were being sent south. Ladysmlth la
provisioned for two months.
Dispatches from Coleaburg dated No
vember L announce that six police who
were stationed at Colesburg bridge
were unrounded and captured. Thia
ii probably the origin of the story that
the Boer, had occupied Cotesburg.
Joubert Following the Same Tactics aa
at Dundee and Will Hold Line of
NEW YORK, Nov. I A dispatch ta
the Tribune from London says:
Tbe news that r-legraphlc communi
cation with Ladysmlth has been Inter
rupted does not necissarny prove Uiat
the Boera have surrendered the town
and closed In. It oeems most probable
that they have placed themselves upon
the Brttlgh lines of '.ommunlcatlon, re
peating exactly their Dundee tactic
Apparently General Joubert means to
attempt U capture General Whlte'a
force, in the hope .-Ithor to bring Eng
land to terms or lead to European Inter
vention. A circuiiisumul reoirt ciifi-s frt-m
Pris relating that General Lucas Mey
er, after fighting another battle south
of Ladysmlth, In which the British lost
a tnousanu men, naa w.i;ui
in force and holds the railroad from
Ladysmlth to Pit terniiii ii '.liorg. Noth
ing is, however, known In regard to
this matter at the war department and
the rumor Is not credited In any re
sponsible quarter. The channel squad
ron Is' waiting at Gibraltar, but no
cloud as largi as a man's hand Is yet
seen at any point of the horizon. Rus
sia is meditating and France Is sulking,
but neither power !s yet prepared to
take advantage of England's big cam
paign In South Africa. The secret un
derstanding between Germany and
England operates to hold the Jealousies
and ambitions of France and Russia
under restraint.
The German emperor, unless all signs
fall, will receive a most cordial welcome
when he comes to England. His friend,
Lord Lonsdale, U evidently sure of it,
for he even venture to argue that the
German emperor's famous dispatch to
Kruger was a prop?r protest against an
unjust and wicked raid and that the
i Continued on Fourth Page.)