The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 03, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    M) .,., i i i " mM" " " 1 Ill I I "II r I 1. I IIUMIII, II.H.I - ' W Ill, i I.I.MII i, M.ifl. .1,1.
Vlih. MoKMMi .xMOKlAJx. H lli.W , NOVKMHKK H, ibvi
I lea J quarters for Pry tioods on the lower Columbia
Embroidering, Knttligor Crocheting
The M-a-ou for oiniinMicihtf fancy
work is Hi Iihii.1. Don't do!:t. It lit
the kind of ork one oain nl hurry
throK'l and have il Mitudav nry.
Embroidered Pieces
Require work, and iwist ln
of jjood linen lo Kive itif.'tiin.
Otus vr. ri an? Kioiiard
sou's tvnl hand -wovtn and icraMi
blenched Koixii, 1
Kodak and Ooylie Holders
Of niivly tliiislied and tinted Card
board, HlMlll(Hni, t-olorvj, IMIIV! OiV
en; wry cunvonii nt device fi pu
tiH'tuix i tme and do) lie.
I he "PrKcilla" Emhro'dery
IIkp Holder
U an fM.d.)' convenient atmnne
meet. Sere iou the table. .A'i lip
ne'it H'tm hnietit which cn In- mov
ed hiiv wny demrtd, IioMk no tin
In ulHlii.l A full vnrietj of col
his in (i.Tii.un. (leruiHiiiii n. iui
IMitr,l Saxoii). SUt tl.iud ho. .1
tlo-s, Spanish yarn, r'lenr de Lis ami
i.'o wool.
Crochet th'e-vl in full asoilimit.
Wheat and Stock Brokers
niRFCT io vYcikSKck Exchange
Every Hand
,'' .!)
i V
VV;fA -J.
214 21 5 ("lumber o! Commerce,
Portland. t ruM.
J. v
Fonmlrd IS TO.
Hill. M. I), I'rlnvliial.
I whom observaiKV of law and order is so,;
j universal that an arbitrary enforce-!
... . . ment of authority la seldom required, !
Gov. (Jeer Formal y Announces Thanka-1 , , , k . 1
a ru 81 tn,MV ' no c,oud of apprehension
giving Day. to mar the hortion In any direction. !
Ckrlttmti Trrm !. IWSv.
A Boarding and VT School. Un4 sraaaM
Binaiant alnc laTS.
Nw cailouTa or information aJrta IN
rnvliol. i W. H1U. U. U-. P. O. dnww
(ril i. Or.
Primary, PrriratorT and Aradamle Drrt
rnil, t'ollrf Vraioralioa. UI11IU7 PlutrllB.
Mnul Trmintn. Duja tl mii em noMn4.
SALEM. OR., Nov. l.-Tho year just
drawing: to a clone has been one of gvn
rul happiness and contentment. The
earth has given forth an abundance ot
Its products, for which In all casee 4
better compensation has been receiver
than In some former year, and In
many lines of business in which our
people are engngvd th result of labvif !
are better rewarded than ever before.)
They have hoped for a chanired condl
Hon, which would guarantee them
In view of thee and other blessings, ;
I recommend, in accordance with a'
well-established custom, that Thursday
the Srtth Inst., be recoKnlied by all our
people as a day of gvtveral thanksgiving !
to the Supreme Ruler of the universe'
for the numerous mercies that have'
been vouchsafed to us, and that tht-y,'
the defendants were deprived of nn op
portunity to use the evidence given prlr
or to the prvsent testimony for the pur
! of Impeachment,
The defense Intnvluced 10 wltmssi8
who attemineJ to prow alibis r the
prisoners. Today many witnesses werv
Hue Mllllu.ry.
Commercial treeta.
Tenth and
as far as practicable, abstain on
day from thHr usual vocations, and
that they devote themselvta to deeds of
charity, to expressions of comfort to
that 1 introduced by the defense and test!-'
mony was ptvsenul to show that all the
prisoners, except one were engaged in
thos? who are troubled, to words of business atia were not present
.v t . , . " .. i sympaty for those whose dear ones , w non tne mill was Mown up: that th. y
and, with but few exceptions, theit K J . i
wish has been granted. There Is no?, -" " " . ,i, 1.' '
lajvd the mall train.
The defense will put three more wit-
At prires within the
reurh of a!. I'all
and cxaiiiiiie tlie new
tx es.
. v'Yr' ; V''
Kt'iulios for tlip lU'licioun
iiukIo lit
The Spa Candy Factory
Tlit lurp'Mtl lint of Lownoy's
Fninotis Clitifoltitos over brotijjlil
to Astorin.
A. II ('WON LET, Prop'r. Thouc 2t)tVt
only no famine anj-where In the land,1
but we are supplying the most distant
parts ot the earth with the products of I
the farm, the factory and the shop
We are entirely free from all kinds of (
nttiUnA ind rcitiA hMLlth rtreVAila In'
all part, of our beloved country. Our! ar of our
laboring classes, whose, welfare should
always be uppermost In our minds and j
hearts, are more generally employed at I
wages more nearly satisfactory than at, I
any previous time for a generation. 1
service, a.nd that they meet In their
usual place of worship and hestveh ai
continuance in the year to come of the
favors already granted.
Done at the capltol. In Salem, Or.,
this the first day of November. In the
T. T. GEER, Governor.
By the governor.
Secretary of State.
; nesses on the stand tomorrow and this
' will flnish the evidence.
lSd 1Kb Slnet
I'lisiiiK a Sproinliy.
W. B. Edwards
The Photographer
Our public schools are generously sup-
Attempt to Prove an Alibi Made by the
Defendant Idaho' Miners.
NEW YORK. Nov. . George Dlx -n, I
', featherweight champion of the wvrld, j
1 more than he Id his own tonight against I
Will Curley. of England, and afti-r j
fighting 25 rounds the American was de- j
clarvd the winner. '
ported and their flattering attendance.'
Is a sure guaranty of our continued;
growth as a nation along the lines of j
Intelligence and civilization. There has t
been no time sine the establishment of 1 .
our government, when our people were ; MOSCOW, Nov. 2. In the trial of the
more firmly attached to Its benefloent Coeur d'Alene miners for Interfering- j i5,S?S'?!'S552'-S,-?'5S'5
Every variety of Rouh aitJ
lrecJ Lumber, I lours,
Windows, .Mouldings and
Cedar Mutinies
"fr Common Slab, I'mrk, Fir,
VY KJUU HiMiil.K' r.lVlctiak
Office Seventh Street Dock
purposes or more loyally consecrated to,
the defence of Its flag. j
The mandates of a spreading civiliza
tion, which from the beginning of time
has sought out and eradicated the dark 1
and uncivilised spots of earth, are call-:
Ing upon us as a great nation to carry ,
forward the banner of progress and en- j
lighten ment. and the task is being per- j
formed with a willingness and enthusi
asm that do credit to our recognition of
a duty that we, could not shirk if we
would, and should not if we could.
with the mails, the prosecution closed .
its case at noon yesterday. During the
prowjdings the defense made a motion
to strike out cf the case all of the testi-
mony by witnesses who had testified be-1
fore the coroner's Jury on the death of ;
Smith and Cheyne who were killed April
29 the day of the alleged obstruction of
the malls.
The ground taken was that the de- :
nr u n stale is binned with a rjatri- tense had been refused access to the
otic, Industrious and happy people records. of this proceeding and therefore
Nut ft m.
Nut Hotter,
E. House's
lis Thir4 Srrct, Uthni, Irn.
K IH cteiil.
: (iranosc.
Health Cracker-
Tlie BeslCiiporPi fli-e
or('io in ihe Hit.
rrrsra inl
In .in ur own rwh
Home m te Plit ml rki
N. V. Corner
Seveutli mid Wnxliiiiuton
I'OUTI.AM). ()KK(i(N
Holmes' English
- AND -
Business College
4M Yandiill St., rurtlund, Oreeon.
Nut Roast,
M altosia
Are a few of the Health Fonda fold by
HEALTH FOOD Co. Portland. Or
EiiKlish, HookkccpliiK.
Sliorthund, TypcwritlitK.
Eenniaiislilp, Ait.
Send for circulars.
it nt-cii.u y t miwm. Student) of "Armstrong's Combined Theory antf
Practks of I) ni.'ik.iing " acintits this. They beulii by writing; up a model set
of hoiks jirejure I to illiMlite the neitact of sccoiltits. Uncll iteu In thli work
Is fully cXi!.iii;cd hy tlu tmclier. In dinposinit of f oiiiplii'ittrd ImiiMcliorj
alter, (lie ntudeut tefert to au entry in thin modrl e toiiluiiiiiiK liiiillar con
dm. nn, .nid 4iu lir out the application hlinrlf the teacher ureiuu "i" 'k
U done correctly. The utmleut tliu develop Into a self rrlmnl thinker. Invest!.
te thin new itietlKhlof trachiiiK. It uukra Imokkrepiiix runv Call, or writs,
Portland Business College
rifth and Yamhill St. A. P. ArnHta.;ii;. Prlii.
Open all the year. Siiidonts may rntct at any time, llusiiu v-, Shorthand
and F.nclish tlcpartmrnN. Private ot clasa invim imn. Ciulouo free.
The Leading Visiting and Wedding Card
. . . Engravers . . .
Whalesalti and relail dealer in
Pianos f-sSS Organs
Kranirh and Ilnch,
SchalTir, Kchlllrr.
and luuuy otlieni.
SolailU and Co.
Millar, Ann Arhor
lleiitley Slid others
I l'2-l A 1(1 I'nioii Avenue and
:W: Eust Alder Street
Instruments Sold on Easy Terms.
M. C. M ATTIIII MatuiKer. Head t.lli.-e 142 Stale St. SmI.hh. Ore.
'aUaaatSBF SHBSBSSBll tSBSaMaMal MMMi SMssaali
tiiniii J BaMaai i aawja tmniA ImmA aLm IJ
You woulil mt tliink it jiossildc, but it
is so. We can .sell yon a Mack clay worsts!
suit, liiieil with tlie 1-st of material we know
of we use no other for $10. These suits
are made with round or square corners.
Ask for lot 7172.
Then we have some fancy worsted .suits
also with round or square comers, for 9.75.
These are made as well as our factory knows
how to make clothes, and if you can't cl
fitted in these, no ready-made clothing will
fit you. Ask for lot 0095,
Here is a particularly attractive line,
the material is elegant and the workman
ship superior in every way. They are
cheviot suits of winter weight and we ask
only $a..-,0. A-k for lot 903.
Tlie foregoing is not the only line of
cheviots we carry. Ask for lot 719 and see
what they are. You will he pleased with
them as they are nice enough for anybody
to wear. We have marked the price on
these $10.00 just for a surprise
We are selling twice as unit h young
men's clothing this year as we did a year
ago. Tin's must mean that what we sold
lust year suited a lot of young men, and
they have been telling their friends about
it. Yes, and it means that our stock this
year is just -new and nobby enough to catch
them anyway.
Ask to See Some of These
Single-breasted sack suits, brown mixed
cheviot, strong or faint plaid as you choose.
Double-breasted sack suit, brown her
ringbone cheviot.
Single-breasted sack suit, fashionable
collar, double-breasted vest. Gray and red
mixed, making a broken plaid.
Single-breasted sack suit, with double
breasted vest of gray Scotch plaid cheviot.
Single-breasted sack suit, with doilble
breasted vest; gray cheviot with ovcrplaid of
Single-breasted sack suit, line cheek
Some of these are pretty -gay, some are
juiet just like Joting men.
Somebody's small boy is going to be
mightily satisfied with himself when his
mamma gets him one of those new capo
coats that have just come. We don't make
any money to speak of on these, but we have
to do something to stop some people from
buying cotton. Now, whether ho is three or
fourteen years of age, he shall have one for
$2.3). Don't believe it? Well como in
and see, and ask for lot 3932.
Just another word about the hoys. Do
you want your little fellow to look real swell?
If so, we have u line' of boys' blue serge
double-breasted suits, ages from 7 to 14, that
are positively beautiful. These suits, in
cluding an extra pair of pants, we are going
to sell this week for $0.00. We won't tell
you how we can afford it for the story would
be too long for our space. Ask particularly
for lot 17183.
If the above price is too high, ask for
lot 1 74S'J. These are suits of a gray mix
ture, including an extra pair of pants, for
$3.7.r). They are dressy an are sure to de
light the proud little wearer. Don't fail to
examine them.
Our assortment is a surprise, I'oit
landers would come down to price and pur
chase these.
LOT 7310. Men's covert cloth over
coats $9.5(1, Stylish and astonishingly low
LOT Koto. Men's blue b.avcr over
coats, $9.00. If you say you ean duplicate
these for the money anywhere else, it would
bo a statement hard to behove.
4QO Commercial Street,
Astoria, Oregon