111. MOIIMAO AawhUK MUM. ' N 'VEMfln.it -MM ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN It Will I'ay You Ta IiwiW un I ha h&ririln 1 m offer ing lii my orookary bum. Bvnr (lilntr It Included A trmal disoount (rum rcular prlo. UVM-ythlnc In plnln and dooruil ttra; th fm uu Lullo trend, Knllli mka. It I Py you W hhjk n ovw, CIIAB. LAHKON. Ul Commercial Btrt 'J livy'rv I'opuliir Now llav you wn my UMortmoiit of bony lruhT Thy wr pur chased dlroct from Nw Yutk, and art vary popular. Am ooiulantly nc tvln now good. Cum and aav thanu O. W. BMIT1I, Th Leading Jawalcr. Ill Commercial Blrtwt. TO ASTORIANS. Th. IMII.Y AMTOHMN will I found an Ml 111 I'm llnnil l lh well known llmirry hum tj. If, llmiillvy Co., WI WIiIiiIim nuoi-i. Oriivr fur ! r tUIn li with iliU III ni will rwelr iruiiiit A tlxiitlim. Who lo; Your Ijiuiulry? Wo claim, and w wlU prova to very una, Uial vra hava tin brti ami miMt up-to-date laundry on tha Cuat. A trial ordnr will oonvltioa the moat partloular. It you want tirat, prompt work, try tha CITY UTICAM LAUNDUY, 121 Franklin Avanua. R. BCJUMITEnMAN. I'rop. Our Special IIih'hiiIiin W hava ainia broken Ultra of tin war which wa will oloaa out at bar lin prlom. W ar alao making prclal prior on om broken line of ciiinml frulta and rollahea, plck-j eli. talila dollraolwl and aauona. TDra ar a wo. i gauum, w t had at low price. R08H. 11IUOIN8 CO. A ilii- in Spnnlhli Will b itartod, to mtat veiilic at Ui home of th member. Plan, Two lr"ii a week, 10 omt a lea eon, tight month' course, 1 fonauli by mall or oall at th tchool after I; to p. m. W. W. PAYNE. I Prlnolpal of High School. Kxtru l ine I'mbi-vlla And at belter than Portland prlorei. ' It' a fai-t. They ar the ceW'orated FollnwClngg make; handomi, j 4.ilil allb iimtiMllai rwin't make th mlatakt of buylmr elenwhrr. II. KK8TROM. Tb Jeweler. WO Cimmerclal Blreet licit vr Mian l.vcr J Th Pond Blreet Flah Market la better than ver prepared to tuppty frcth and tall nth of all kind. Oorwla delivered to any part of the rliy tint tlfaetlrm guaranteed. j p.INU KTKKET riBH MAHKET. I 417 Ilond Ptret Millinery Novwltlc I drlr to further call th atten tion of th ladlr to my handtom took of trimmed millinery. It com print th latent ereewlon of the millinery art. and I am offrrliiK re duced rate for th next 10 day. MISS McllAE. I)r. T. X. Halt DKNTTBT. 671 Commercial Street, AJBTOniA, OIIB. Over Brhluar Clothing Btor. TODAY'S WKATIIEH. PORTLAND, Nov, .-Wutern Oro- gon, probable light ruin today, AkOUND TOWN. Crtwfliih, cooked In win, at th Na tional Caf. Mr. Hurry Vldiillln luut nKurrwd from a trip to Portland, Jutlir" Frank I. Taylor tame up from Hi'unlili' yetTiltty afternoon, Mr. I). K. nt antiunion 'of the Port liiml TitU grum In In tho city. Mr, AiigUn Oor wan a puMi-nui-r on limt night' train from Portland. Mr. M. A. Cumin or Corvalll It vlt- lllng Mr. J. C. Mayo In thl illy. Drink K. 11. Cereal; Eat Nut butter and Health Food and be happy. Itolx-rl Currutlx-m kiu a pajMMnger on ymtrday' train from Kfimlilv. In the pollre court yiwh-rduy A. D-l-andir wa flii-d $3 for dniiikiini. Mr. (b th tkMUililo powlmaalur caiim up on yintfiHlay afternoon' train. Mr. Tallaiit wan anmng the(pa4un'n gnrt on InM night' tr.iln from Portland. Captuln Itlgnoy ho Ixi-n In Pnrtlaml for tlx) pat few ilayt, and rotui-ned law night. Profiwaor H"g' n"w (lancing cliian for iniu-rVd aopl will nnit at Han thorn' hull thl evi-iilng. Mitt Iv'-I) ll'ilMKin, who lum own via lllng In Portland for tl pajt fr day, rvtuini'd home lant night. B. F. Allen & Bon are aelllng Em ImirmhI Wall Paper a low a 10 cent per roll; Imported F.ngllah, 7H cent. Pur whUky Harper Perfect whtaky Harper every botlla guaranteed Har per. Bold by Ford A Stoke Company, Attorla, Oregon. Among Aeiortan itt Portland hot"'! yeWerdny were Mr. J. T. Roe, L. B. ltuiTotiglm, H. A. Elgner, Mr. H. Il() and W. a. Oonlln. ! Eimlgn Mil I lieu, .n of HiUem will tnke ; rhnrge of tho Salvation Army work. u ml will hold a "welcome meeting" next tfeturriny evening. I Take learner Palley Oatiert of I White Coll-ir Una for Portland and way point. Fare, 2S oenU; room, 7S cenU; upper or lower berth. M cent; tectlon I berth, 25 cent. I Harry Johiimm. a flulierman, died I Wedneadoy evening at 8t Mary' ho pltal from a cancer. HI funeral will I bo held tomorrow afurnoon from Polil't undertaking parlor. Frank Hun born who hu boen iiutw 111 with typhoid fever for tho puat, month It Improving In health. Judge Mclirld dwdiM yenterduy that Attorney Alhn'a anwc In the eu of Hiiiiilllon v, clly of Attorla w uflderrtly definite anl certuln and over-ruled pluntlfr nioilun. Couiniy Jul(r Yray yterday In rntuned the lim of England' lotte. Thomn Mltihvll. a natlvo of Great Prlluln, hii now all thn right and privilege of American clllwiwlilp, "Jut like Joll'." Thl I what a Portland gentleman told of th dellc lout chocolate mado at the Bpa Candy Factory. You will oy the tame when you try them. There ar none better. The entertainment to be given next Wwlneadiiy evening for the h n fll of the memorial fund, will ! of unutual excelU-nce. Antoiiana rcmeml-r with pleature the prognun Sir. BliMd put on her during the n gatta, and he promlM for next week' an even more Interentlng collH'thm of fuuturet. All Attorlan who vltlt Portland and dealre pet)dlng a pleaaant evening In company with pollt people and In the enjoyment of an unexoelled mujilcal program, huld go to th Frederlck burg. Ilenldet vocal and Inatrumental election there are miny other at traction to delight th vltltor. The new management I making the Fred. r Ickiburg a well-merited ucoet. Don't mitt a trou, which you will al way rgret, but hear Mr. I. E. Pulley who will U-ctur on "Home or Hnlinn" at Methotllnt church on Sun day afternoon at i o'clock; alto at 7:30 at T mx ranee hall In Unlontown, and Mondiiy evening at the name hour at the DunUh Methmlim church In rppcr town. Every Unly Invited. Admlaslon free. Mint Blgr. Palmberg. recently arriv ing from the Eat. delre to announce to the ladle of Astoria that she ho opened dressmaking parlor on Ninth street, near Commercial, next door to Dclllngvr's printing ofTlce. Mle Palm-' iK-rg ha had thorough experience In cutting and fitting ladles' garm-nt of all kinds, particularly ullor-mado tult and cloak of the lateert and mot fash ionable designs. Jack Keating wn "Jut bj tjv- Bun Went Down." It wa one of the nvwt t-.miliir on km Inspired by our rio nt war and It whlsth-rt and sung In every, hamlet In the I'nlled Blalea Mr. K.tlng It a pianist possessing that happy dashing touch that pleaws a u...ni.rl audience and Mr. Shiel.ls hus ' .ured hit service for the "memorial fund'' entertainment to be given wxt WiMnesday e-enlng. ti. Astoria C.a Light Company ha Just received from the Caledonian Coal Company. Australia, another cargo of, tlwr celebrated Wallsend Coal. Thu bituminous cool haa the reputation of. being tho finest fuel coal In th world, nnd our cok mad from th nam con tains W tier ct.nt carbon, making It an excellent fuel. Hoc that your drayman deliver you non other. Prlc, 18 per Ion. Htate IllologlHt F. U Wahburn wn In Albany Wednesday and met there 10 barrels of young Eiuflern oystr which he to-jk to Youliia tmy. wh'-re they will be planted. Th shipment weighed a ton and a half. Profsor Washburn sayt the experiment with Eiisf-rn oynler at Yuiulna has proved successful, the oyster having spawned nnd developed satisfactory growth. The conditions at Yiiqulna having proved favorable, this shipment Is made per rnanently to stock the oyster beds th' re with Eutlcrn oysters. THE LIUHAHY Ft'ND. The MowriK-nl IUtlve the Endorse ment of (Jovernor (JT. The governor of Oregon ha written uu endorm-ment of the prpo'lon to honor the neinory of Edward Young. He suys: "Tho pnposel movement would be a very fluting and beneficial testimonial to the appreciated valor of the voung men who to loyally and promptly responded to the cull of duty, and I trust will meet with the generous support not only of the people of Astoria, but of other sec tions of the state where the opportun ity for contribution Is offered. I am sure the library would be highly appre ciate by the collefv, not only for k Intrinsic value, but for the patriotic ob ject which was the Lasts of Its contri bution. T. T. CJEER." THE HATE FIGHT. A repr'tentotlve of one of the t-m-boat lines declare that the tariff fight will condnuo. until the railroad com pany fixe th rar lcwen Astoria and Portland at 12.50, with 14 for the round trip, ' All the line Insist that they are prof iting by the heavy cut, and their pok-rnn will tell the lno,u!rT that they are vastly pleated with the profit able business they are doing, yet, tin gularly enough, none speak kindly of those they claim are r.pnslMe for the present lucrative state of affair. There ar no vUlble pr.pect for a cesuUim of the war. fhore is little by .which to determine Its object whether It b a conVnt over th "dlf-f.Ti-rrtlal" or a campaign for the posses sion of the A. & (', It. One man's guess Is about as g-xl as another. Portland aoi Astoria 1 ..FREE.. To provide the citizens of Astoria and vicinity with the snmo advantages as tho people of Portland, wo will, during tho continuance of tho prevailing rates, furnish round trip tickets from Astoria to Portland and Return Absolutely Free By giving one round trip ticket with each Suit or Overcoat, purchased of us, no matter what price the garment, This will enable thoso desiring to visit Portland to do so without cost and at tho saino time to tako advantage of our enormous selection of FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCUAlb g For Mons, Boys and Children. All our goods aro marked in plain figures. CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will bo honored for a round trip ticket and an admission to tho exposition with each purchase of a Suit or Overcoat. Mover Clothing Co. ij IHOM TW'I CADETS. As'orla College Hoy Write Concerning the Library. Corvallls, Octob-r SI. Editor Astor lan; I noticed In the columns of the Weekly Astorlon a piece about the rals- Ing of a fund to purchase a library to the n:emory of Edwin C. Young. Edwin Young, a former member of the O. A. C. always had a reputation us being a tcholar ind gwitlcman, and made friends aiming the students ami people of tMs city. As a student of the O. A. C. I and many other stud'-m highly appreciate your plan, Un.t.vlr, i.mhlng con be too go.id to perietuate the name of Edwin Young. Hoping that you will be suco-ficful, I remain, your respectfully, AI-RERT KINNEY. Corvallls. October 31. Editor Astor lan. While looking through the col umns of your paper I nothvd an article oniicenilng the raising of a fund for the Edwin C. Young library. I think that this Is a great movement and that nothing better could be done to the memory of the late volunteer. The noilee wna shown the president and he wa highly pleied. Ii was soon among the mudetits that this movement was on hand and I tak- the responsibility of saying that It will r 'celve a hi-arty supinirt by all of us. The ca.Uss worship the nunie of "Our. Hero." ai'.d whenever It Is nnmtloned a sjwI look comes Uxn the fiui of those around. Ills name Is held In honor by the entire school. When the report c:- - i-' : V .' t.'.i :: . f-r eff Thilio pln there wa an expression Usn each face that told of the love we had for him. He died a hero far one 1s a hero who would risk his life for his country. Tut all mum answer to Fate's call even monarch must go. I heartly agree with your plans and hope thiit a popular subscrlpton be made, and that it will prove successful. I remain. Your truly, Cadet BERT O. WILLIS. O. A. C. UEAI.'THTL CALENDAR FREE. Falrbank's Fairy calendar for ISot a beautiful six-piece art calendar, 10i: Inches In slw, on heavy plate tock. There are six different design (one on each sheet) elegantly litho graphed In color and tied with silk ribbon. Thesei designs ar original wa ter color paintings by one of America' te-st artists, and show pretty children In the uniform of our navy, cavalry, Infantry, etc. They are trlkingly beau tiful and will please everybody. Thlj calendar Is eoual to those usually retail ed for 50 cent to $1.00 In the leading art and stationery torea throughout the country. Hy sending your name and ad fires to The X. K. FalrbonU Company. Chicago, I1L. and euchwing live (5) Fairy SrjaP wrapper, or 10 cents In stamp to cover expense of wrapping and mailing, you will be able to obtain a copy of thl beautiful calendar. AN" IMPORTANT DIFFEREXCE. To make It apparent to thousands. who think themselve 111, that they are n it afflicted with any disease, but that the system simply need cleansing. Is to bring comfort home to their hearts, at a costive condltkn 1 easily cured by using Pyrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all druggist. I WHERE TO EAT. Why at 'The Eastern,' of course. 170 Third St.. Portland. You can get a good layout for 15 cent here, which will satisfy your hunger and bring you haci asain to the same place. Remem ber the Eastern. 1 Udits' Tailor. tru!' Tailor. 1 I. D. Coyer, Merchant Tailor lp-to-Date In rurlk SI.. ruKUND. out. Y. M. C. A. r.uild'g. '3 3M BROWN'S RESTAURANT A lirBt-class place at moderate price Rooms for ltulie and private parties Open all Night... 108 Fourth St., near Washington rORTUSD, 0REC0S. PHONIC BLACK i35. The Eastern aJ I Tho Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Malinger. 3rd and Oak Streets, Porllafd The Garnet Hill was able to got out yesterday. Yeterdoy the ship Guernsen arri-ed down from Portland. The three muster ship Artie Stream arrived In port yesterday. The dredge W. S. Ladd is at the foot of Ninth street taking on coal. The German ship Ferdinand Fisher came down from I ' i : .lorday. The schooner T. S. Jewett with lum ber from Kuuppuiu ieit out yesterday. The new tug Jessie Borthwick was flying around the harbor yesterday on a trial spin. The ship Alclnous which has been discharging coal at the gns company's wharf was towed up the river yester day. The sU... ..." unsuccess ful in getting out on Wednesday owing to the rough sea and wtifl obliged to put bock. Sii ... j w. .erda.y. It has not been decided Just when the schooner Jessie will make her third cruise. It will be necessary to ship a mate and a port of a crew before any movements can be made and after that is done the date of departure will be settled on. It Is fully Intended, how ever, to make tho trip. Dining-room and Kcstaurant J. U. Wanner, Prop. I'rivatc Dining-rooms lor Udies Meals 15c I'p Opf nil Night. 170 THIRD STREET. ......Bet. Morrison and Yamhill Portland. Oregon.... Jackets! Jackets! Jackets! $10.00 8.00 (i.00 FOR THIS VVF.FK OM.Y WE GIVE SPECIAL PRICES ON HIGH-GRADE JACKETS. Tine Tailor-made Jackets reduced from $12.00 to 10.00 to " " " " 8 00 to - An Inusual Opportunity to Get an Elegant Jacket at a Bargain. Have You Seen Our Fall Line of Winter Mack Dress GjmkIh Poplin, Venetlaiw, Whipcords, Camel' Hair and Crepons. THE - BEE - HIVE fnlumltiaTlitint i. The Portland Reattmrotit ' E. R. riTIELkU, 1'iopriet. r. Pnutf Rwei fcr lato. ton St., near Mh PORTLAND niyiutAAfuinArirtruuviAriiAnAn,nui GIVEN AWAY! With every Suit, even if the Suit costs no more than (We have good Suits for this price) No Lottery. Every One Treated Alike. Boy. also get a Hat with a 8nit, and we be ood-f' 'TCL Suit upward from 4JS M 7 You buy the 8ait, we give the Hat. The better the Bait the better the hat. Jo toy being given away, but (omethiiiK useful. Having low rent we can do tbi. WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE 9ealer i AC. al" Boys' Clolbiig nil rraihing Goods, nd He' Boys'. Ladies' iod Children's Shoes. 223 .lorriso 5treet p 6TRICTLT AX MEKICAX C10THISC STORE Bttt.ee rirst and Soeood 5 li EARNEST MILLER Fresco Decorators: and Scenery Artist ALSO DEALER IN" Lalest Designs y Wall Papers IUST REQE1VED 111! I 127 First Street, Portland jj 127 First Street, Portland We Rent New Typewriters. Many New Improvement Added-SEE OUR LATEST Smith Premier Typewriter I ''rV:;c-; V V NEW ART CATALOGl a FREE L.& M. ALEXANDER & CO., Phon Main 574 ExchiBiv o i aouic (Joast Draiera. l4o Mar &1. rortiuna Hoefler's Bonbonniere Where the finest Cudies i. the Stite g tre Frepared tod AUiys I Stock. 543 CO.n.lCRCIAL ST.. ...ASTORIA. OREGON Watson's 1 Restaurants WATSON BROS., Pnrr's, Contliiotoil ou the check system, thoro- (S) low painuia im) "" tte flaint (lie hwst, Cheapest. Best He tiaint ine i.arM, tueupi. ri ind uirlest Service in the Xorthwest. g liJHiill II Fourth St. Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. PORTLAND j S BLANK BOOKS Of Every Description Made to Order. Large Line of Stock Books lor 1900. Attractive Prices. loose Leat Ledijers nd Transfer Cases. riir IDUJIW UnnCHM Pfi Order manks. Holders and Binders. NIL I II II 111 1 1 U U wUll UU. Commercial I'rinting i all branches. fjTUrint K.ui)lUhnint lu the w.t. First and Suliuoti Sts., Portland. i?5 DO YOU BATHE? I ISO. WHY? Becuuse at our house we Lave neither a bathtub, nor hot water handy. ... Ttatlia ok 917 Ator ft 25 cents is the price. Private apartments for Indies. Only the better class of patronairo is entered to. Try one aud you will conic rejularly. 2 fJ gXSS'5i:i. S'tii5;