THfc MORNINU ASIOUIAN KK1UA1, MIYKMBKH d, mm). gaily gtatovimt JOHN T. LIGHTER. Elltor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. "" DAILY. Sent by mall, per year Sent by mall, per moath 40 j Served by carrier, per month 00 SEMI-WEEKLY. i Bent by mall, per year. In advance M.00 , Postage free to iubtcrlbera. InfatiMMfd Chlran convention and It followers. The convictions exprnt0 by Gcnvrnl Kin?. hhJ by the sound money l,mo- riHtH of Maryland, huw taken dp root among thoughtful dfiih-onus In every section ol (he country, wid they are more than likely to turn the scale ag:iiimt the in Mnrylsml. Ohki. Kentucky and Nebraska. With lryamnt overthrown In those male thl year, thiv will be aonw hope of an honest democratic party with hon est O.nHK ratio f;Uth coining to the front to rght the grvnt national battle of 1900.'KlX' IXIHSTKIAI. PK1UTY. TKOS- All communlcatlona Intended for pub- tics Hon should be directed to the edl-' The iron Interests of the country are tor. Buslneat communlcatlona of all the owner-stone of irvneral prosporky. kinds and remittances must be address- j Wh- n the Iron Industrie are gynerous ed to 'The Astorlan." ' employed there must be very gen- ' oral prosperity throughout all the In- " ! iliKrl-s of the land. It Is the one great The Aatorlana guarantees to lu ad- Industry that i most Immedintely af- rerOsers the largest circulation of any, fect-.s! by any change in our .uslnes newspaper published on the Columbia! condition, and a demand for Iron rtver j product can come only w hen there Is j a general employment to labor; genera I profit in all commercial ami business 1 enterprise, and general prosperity for ! our great trmisprt.ulon lines. The most conclusive evKVnce THE INSURRECTION MUST BE OliKLLKl) SO SAYS THK COMMISSION Admiral Dcvtcy Sas Nit Alliuiucuf Any Kiml U'ns .Made With Alllll)!tllll. Advertising rates can be had on ap-( plication to the business manager. that : i has yet been given of the general and I enduring prosperity of the country at unime many towns oiicn larger c nw lg fHI1(J , w ,ymarkllWe on the Pariflc coast. Astoria has an in-1 announcement re-.-enily made that 1. terest In he selection which it Is be- j .VO.'W tons of steel mils have been Ueved the president will make from this contracted for to be deliver- . , ed during the year 1300 at tSi per ton. l .... ,.v,v, wfK11 g.w, j,, WVV .j, i3l) state commerce commission, me vast lon ,he raHrjaJs 0f tn country- could quantities of the salmon product j not afford to buy them, as business and shipped each year sjid at all seasons of Industry were rwrilly depressed and the year from Astoria to ewry state in the Union gives our business men a pe culiar concern In the proper regulation of inter-state (traffic For this reason. there is a strong hope in Astoria, not only that a Pacific coast man shall be appointed to the commission, but that the choice shall fall upon Mr. V. R. Wheeler of the well-known firm of Hol bruok, Merrill & Stetson, who has been recommended by the executive commit tee cf the Pacific Cont Jobbers and Manufacturers Association. Mr. Wheel er has been connected with the groat No More Back Ache U ..fBt . J 1 mum Jf 1 F7V Lo i i i j x y I i f I I B lAV'V 1 QJ CONSTIPATION. INrLAMATlONoff BLADDER. AID ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . rurilK-o the IiI.mhI by ellmluatliiK Histious it-.itler, stmiulntlmr the e citlor..j. iiriilatlim the 1miw, I. mid aid ing nit line In tlmi!iK olf that which makes a yvllow skin. The effect on the l'OMPI.KXIX Is unite pivn.iUi.oei., as a few dHys' use will demonstrate. transportation lines were thus deprived of a large measure of their general profits; but now when eurel rails com mand $33 per ton, the largest order ever given In the history of this country has Just been made by our railroads; Th fact that the contract covsrs the peri od of the whole next year proves conclusively that. our best advised busi ness and financial men are entirely as sured of continued Improvement In all industrial channels. By great combiation of capital and economy in product this country can now prvduce iron or steel and undersell anv olhT time." ther countries In the markets of thej Continuing the report suys. Deplor- WASIUXiJTOX. Nov. S.-The Philip- rliio commission today submitted to the president the pivllmlnury rep.'it which It had promised to ptvpajv. The rvpn .ippewrs to be a compact s'immary of conditions on the Islands as the commission left them; of th histor ical events which preceded the Spanish war and UhI to the original Filipino n urrvotlon: of exchangea betwen Ad mi ni Dewey and other Amvrican com- Ins i onuiilssury tlenonil W.slon. c monders and thv Insurgents; the break- i ' !?."'.. Ing out ?nd progrvsa .f the present In surrection and finally the statement of the capacity of the Filipinos for self government. A notable feautrv of the report Is a memorandum by Admiral IVwey ex planatory of his rvlatlons with Agui M!du. The ivjwrt says: It was de cided to allovr Aguinaldo to come fnim Hongkong to the city of t'avlte on board the McCulloch. He arrived May 19 and immediately came on b.anl the Olympla to call on the Commander In Chief Dewey, after which he was al lowed to land at Cavlte and organize an army. This was done with the purpose of strengthening the United State fore- and weakening those of the enemy. No alliance of any kind was entered Into with Aguinaldo nor was any promls of independence made to him, then or at V1CK I'UKSIliKNT Sl.KWS. PATKKSOX. N J . Xo. 3 At 2 3i a. in: vice-l'iesldent I lobar! Is sk-eplng uulotly. KANSAS tiUKS Arrival of Kunston and Volunuvrn Cre ates (iival KittluiMlicsiii. KANSAS CITV. Nov. J. A spec in', from Kinpoi ui. Kan., sas: The ap piw li f the iniln beiirtng home the Tweiiticih Kansas oglinenl this morn ing was Ulltlotinceil by the blowing of whistles .ilk! ringing of bells. School and colleges were clos,'d and bulns practically susj-ikIo.1. s-veral thousand people going to the train. In response to loud cries for a hihv.1i, 'Vncrul Funston mounted a wagon and madn a shurt sp-eoh. To a Star coi respoiidenit. Funston said I In regard (o the reported suit for UU-I They demniuleit a reduction of time fivrn 10 to nine houi on w night shift an I woii. refused. All except otu em ploye walk.M out. , AN ATTKM1TK1) AMHl'SII. MANILA. Nov. S 10 a. m.-Tlie In sut'genti) ultemptel l ambush Captain liaison's scouts holwoen Sauliago and, hui Capluln liaison ctmrio'd Ihem nud drove iheiu out fiMm their position, killing nnd wounding several. One Ameilciin oltlr was kllUd ami one private wound. si, STATIC TUiXil'S ON tU'Alth. liOlSK, Ida.. Nov. 3.-A dlMpiitoh from WunlinT !o (he Slahwnmn says coin liiny II. Idaho national guard, wen! on guard a! the prison last nlglil. Ad jutant tleiiernl Weaver, lets a dispatch from tfcwral M.-nimn which says the ISsteral trooiw will remain In their camps In the Cvur d' Wonin's Welfr within her own control; greatest French mdlral triumph of this con. tury, for al 1 female Irregularities, weakness, etc.; a positive blessing to married ladles. Call or write for sealed Information. Incloa ttnmp. 3.i4 Wash. St.. Portland, Or, MCAI.S LIKE AT HOME. WI.en you are In Portland nnd wsul a really gil home meal. Just glvo Mr. Prown u 10 Fourth Si., near as.iiogton. Aou will like It surely. This n'staumnt Is open all night. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE 8 1. 'ITS. Ladles who go to Portland and desire something especially fine In the way of tailor-made suits will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at I. D. Hoyer's IT Fourth street. In the Y. M C. A. building. Not only does he keep a strictly first class cutter for men's wear, but also one exclusively for ladles' work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the best of materials, as Mr. Iloyer is an expert on woolen cloths. FINS OPENINQ. The North Pacific TVntnl Pnli. I hi inning such action, hut ( w hoj advertisement appeurt In anoth- uijiiinst Archbishop Ireland, that he did 1 worm, ine great MD-nan railway, or able ttar the one whl,,h ! finn in which he is now a partner near- K Y i now enM amlv,)1(Ullll, , . .. . , , . Trom tenni-ylvuma, on ties taken from . . ,, ly ei't r since it was founded. Fr .m boy- . . .. , . Jnw nitu hv . h.,1.1 ..u. ""' 1,11 uregon, anu us trains are urawn oy - 1 er .olumn oiw.n,l u. ,i,w,r- o.k... i hood to mature and middle-ag,-i man- Am,ric31l IoCumoUves. only reevntly a 'and enthusiastic army. No alternate lhM h" w"1 ih" ii,llt '- l A "tu d"J on 'u, rCt7r.The col-' kood, Mr. Wheler has made a study, Philadelphia iron firm astonished and j was left, to us, except Ignomlnous re-: " rn""lM" vi wiuu t t'arti n.iiuuitii?. ne ii nuuiiu-; i'j"n mi hk- uuvici trvaJ hiililmir thm fir tn mtrtanr hHilirfa : in Eivrt wherv mllliarv necessitv com. ! "Iialew the future of the Philip- antly qualified to understand the com- Tlii K nf:KAHFUL FOUS. merx'ial needs of the Pacific coast and pelled its speediest construction; and P1'v', ma' 'here is no course open to Pug und W-athar U.'sulis in Had Collision. b ge Is well equipped with every facll It y to graduate students In all the late ; knowledge of dentistry. A. R. Paker. i D.D. S., Is demonstrator In charge, and i Is well qualified to Instruct all students wno at'.Mtl tnis college. " - -- --" .T-f vl .'. vi J NORQARl) & PATTERSON, Merchant Tailors 2()Ukv Tamlilll Street nctkrti Hid and 4 1 li ... Portland, Oregon IVIvphone Oreuuit IlloeU alus.l T--r-v c-' T" "r rrrr t -frff (iatlicr lip 'riliiNC, MAGAZINES You luivo hIniiiI your liiiiues mill have llieui iirndp into Handsome Honks, Old lxKiku rebound ami imide imk ns new. We miikc nil kinds of Uxiks nnd hsve tin only Ilook linnloiy in Asloiln Will be plcusisl to silbinit iwllinnli. J. S. Dl I I INtil K. (!ir. Ninth miJ Cotiimcrclul Ms, P. TI. Sharpie's Cream Separators I.titHt anil I lent FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, ShipChandlery, Etc! Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vegetable Fnlt MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... spice Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cat. Astoria. Ore. Falrbaven. WastL Astoria. Ore. Krlle Us tor Prloosi to protect th? rights of this section in ur ilon 1iw.s are now furnished to al- us now except the prosecution of the war ! Its relation to the vast internal trade: most every country in the world. Af-j UI)U1 tj,e Insurgents are reduced to! of the country. No better, and it is' ter a., the Kreat marKet for our Wn Tf)e comml8alon of , SKATTI.K. Nov. 2,-The local f.-rry doubtful, if as guod, a selection could ard steel products is at home, and when our railway can at I Al iiviiic. wiu n uru i, j .,,1 , .mrMt f..r I.-Uioono1 "Pin'"" tlwre has been no time 1 il " ' ',ulr ' 1,1 ' revenue be made as Mr. Calhoun's sUcceor on long oC st, vlng morf. than a ' since the destruction of the Spanish i ( ,,,,"r f't':,''!" h'T arcliorng tlil.M the inter-state commerce commission year for their dellvjry, and Involving ' squadron hy Admiral Dewey than .Mr. Wheeler. The united influence an expenditure of some J50.W0.000, the morning. The long overhang of the when It (wan rvwult.U t, wlthrtran- for,.i ' "r' "'.! nil., tne sue or the I'at- of the press and business men of the! " ?s"n lhat. , ,,.,, klM.klnK ,he mot-rs out of their Northwest should be centered on Mr. Wheeler, and evfy pofsible exertion made to secure nis appointment. a c 'i I ami mitm biiH 1 1 n v luiula rt general industrial, commercial and 1 ourselves or with safety to the Inhabl- ,'unk''- Th,'rv '-H 11 h"l " h the trade prosperity than at any time In , tants. the history of the past. cutter lu feet wide und eight feK high I The commissioners say the rebellion Is ' j"!'t aboVe ,he wa 'r Th,r as TIIEV CUT TO FIT. V-s they ,i,i and th style and finish they give to ,ne.rg suits, rank these gentlemen as export practical mer chnnt tnllors. The material they u is ulso ttia very best and you will al ways find them busy at !9t4 Yamhill St., I'ortlmd. Get your next suit there, nnd g.-t It now. j Wh.n Industry and trade are pros- T , d , J no uumage to the ferry and no casual- i perous our railways ke-p up their lines . ! and equipment- stel buildings are; Luzon u must ?nd throughout the arch-1 ' BKYAX ON FREE SILVEIL " 1 erected in every part of the country, ' ijielago. While Mr. Kryan deliwred yome raih- 1 bridges are constructed whenever need- j Ijegurdlng the failure of a native form er conservative HiKwhes on the mon.y ed. and every branch of business prog-,. In ,nH v-,.,,.H tallin,. A.MKltli'A HoNuUEU. f 'ur '.iris Selected to I'liriBieii Knglinh llittt,-slili. RADICAL LITERATURE. We know of only one book store In Portland where so complete a lino of novels can be obtained, on all the radi cal subjects of the day under discussion as can be teen at Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder street. question when camnaiarnlnir in ih. Flout r-s srives bountiful markets fur our em Mates, he bl...:m. cut in the Iron and steel; but when buIn-ss de- nn'1 the SUeCs of Anierit'ft c"'"' in full fer.thf-r as rami.nt for free si' pi-sion comes, railroads halt the iin- the commission Bays: ver (inag- at 18 to 1. and declar-s the piowntent of their llm and machinery, The flat failure of this attempt to h-- Chicago platform, with all its repudia- buildings are limited to extreme neen)-! (.ure an independent government in Ne- lion ami agninai reatur.f. one of the si;i.-'. the erection r brlilges is hnned, , . . , , . tienhin t'i.i..,i,i i,. ,,. i ... , . ' . i gp,. conducted as U was under most t'esnip ein iable here today was ac flnest specimens f de-notraUc ant. b-H-aitse iron s the one product that ; . ,. i'..nii,.i,..,..i-. i. ,ii.,i . , favorable circumstances, makes It ap- mp.inle(l by nc-n. t unusual cnthus Neb., a folUws: j flraiicial conditions. ' 'HATHAM, Knglan.l. Nov. .'.-The liiunching of the Ilrltlyh fir -class bat- "I desire agtin to say to y..u that the Thoi-e who are th oizing on the pres silver Uestion, as presented four years ent phoperity of the ountry as ephem ag the issue of 16 to 1, if you nl-a-- I , ,-, , , Is as alive t.iay a ever. In spite of the' eMl aml Uk"ly to 1,"riKn paniC any frantic efforts of the republican party : 'lay. should look the fae.s in the face to befuddle '.hat paramount issu,. The and understand that at no time in all Chicago platfo-m is as fine a specimen' U. t.yau history has there been such of democratic art t.lay as ever l fore, , , ,, , , . ' . and there it lothing in it. as originally multiplied evidence of the mW sub drafted, that should be repudiated after : stantial and enduring prosperity for four years of experience. Therefore, let' v hoP- iieople of the United State, the lovers of free silver be not dlsap-! pointed i,r fear that the Issue Ik being neglected. Naturally, new issues arise. I following great foreign complications, WIL' NT STAND THF; STRAIN. but tney uo not necessarily obliterate old issues, though for a moment they! " may over shadow them." Light Freight Cars Cannot Be Male It will be "en that Bryanism means I'p in Trains With Those of cliear money and eyudiation as the Latest Pattern. ooiner-s'one of dni'MTitic faith, with1 anti-imperialism and enti-xpanslon as . , , , Taeorna Leilger. , tcinmirn I-v eVTtemmu un,. if K(u Bt.tA . ., ... ' ' . ' Trrtffir oflk-lalH .f roa'lH that have a f..r the !..., '..i. e... f. . s" llt niany old style freight cars on imu'i itre conironieu wiin a ntw proo- lern. which Is more or less I ami not Infrequently the cause of accl- parent that there as well as In less fav- I'isni. The christening was -rformed ored provinces, a large amount of ly Mrs. Joseph ChamlsTlitin, formerly American control Is at present nhsnlut- Mif,8 Kndlcott, ..f Washington, who was ely essential to a successful admlnlstra-' accompunled by her husband, the Brit tion of public affairs. '"h secretary of state for the colonies. They received a great ovation. Th' COST OF SUBSISTENCE. launching was very successful. The j Venerable is of 14.700 tons, and 15,000 in- WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. The subsist- j dl ated horsejK.wer. eiice of the army during the past year, ' according to the annual report of Act- for the pr.-sidency i xt year may be ac- c.pteo. as ineviianie. I It Is this nlw -ni .Ht..ti...n ,.f ,.i. ..... 11 " monev ,hst it ,..i..r., . ,,"nt' "Thousands of the old style cars cur Industrial and business conditions' from center to circuaif-ren.;.-. that is1 unking many ,l..m, iiT,l ,p... clde that any dern cra!ir vl'.-tori.-s won are made useless by the new patterns at st'rel cars and the heavy l'j0,000-pound wooden ones. It marks a new era In freight car building. A gnat number tins yeai w iuM lie faUl to dein)f racy. I leader- j as tney woiilci lie won under th' ship if Bryan himself. One of the most signilicant of the re-j tent expressions i n the .subject by prominent democrats, was given by the! sound money democrats of Maryland of old cars become greatly weakened when made up In trains where the heavier cars are used. Under ordinary traffic conditions they would latrt for months yt, but wnen forming parts of trairs made up with big steel freight cars and the forty-eight ton wooden a few days ago. That has been fol-i V ' . ' '""V. l'U. Bpa" V lowed un hv (-.,,..1 n i"e or crusnea oy tne application the .ea.lin. '.., , Z. niS, 1 "' air democratic club, w ho in a recent letter! nx n.-arly all of these rvsitrniiir hist niMtTilkruhir. r.r.tT, v, gani-atlon, said: " 'rvl"e or run in ,rainR r-l"y ma-le "I hope to live to see the return of the Up "i,h S"nl,ar CarS' uemocratlc party to its time-hoiioml I principles, when this mid-summer mad-! ins;, of Uryaniam and populism shall have passed away. In the cominv na-l tlonal contest thire is no place for a flllrH ntirlv m,.v,.mr.f .T T ..i.-.n .1 hesitate to work with the party that! thentlcated history is the great bhoo stands for honest money, the supremacy! lr"e ot Burmah. For twenty centuries of law and the unnualiflt'd support of! It has been held sacred to the Buddah T " - n-on ,s allowed to touch the democracy, nnd I reject the Epurloua trunk. When the leaves fall they are article foisted upon the party by the carried away as relics by pilgrims. It is estimated that ths nearly all of these light tars will have to be taken out of B'JRMAH'3 SACRED TREK. The oldest tree on earth with an au- GRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION and I am afraid I have in herited it. I do not feel well ; I have a cough ; my lungs are sore; am losing; 2esh. What shall I do? Your doctor says take can of 7ourself and take plain cod-liver oa, but you can't take it. Oaly the strong, healthy person can take it, and they can't take it long. It is so rich it upseta too stomach. But you can take SCOTT'S EMULSION It is very palatat'; and easily digested. If you will take plenty of fresh air, and exercise, and SCOTT'S EMULSION steadily, there is vry iittie ooubt about your recovery. There L5 poho;-pbites in it; they give streuglli and tone up the nervous system w bile the cod-liver oil feeds and nourished. yx. inii i.uu, ail d'UKfrutt. SC0I7 ft H'lWNk (MtiMU. New Voifc HKAVY FAILURK. Invested Too Recklessly In Western Se curities. PORTLAND, Me.. Nov. 2-The pri vate bankinx firm of Woodbury & MouHon has made an assignment. It Is estimated that the liabilities may reac 1 $7,0ii. The deposits held by tbe firm are emlmaled at $200,000. j The caiiNe of the aHslrnment Is not cU-arly known, although It Is said th house lost lnnvlly on recent Invest menits In western bonds and on securi ties of a recently formed industrial combine. THEY CUT AND FIT. Two Fashionable Furriers Who Are Earning- Well-Merlted Approval flood work, correct style and ncrfect fli speak louder for the furrier than any advertisement that can be written. Applegaih 4 Prasll, the fashionable furriers, at 113 Third street, between Alder and Morrison, guarantee abiO' lute satisfaction In every ca; where a purchase Is made at their establish ment Both gentlemen are praotlcal cutters ana niters, who have been em. ployed In some of the largest houses in tne principal cltlea of the United States. There Is a style and finish to all work turn.'d out by this firm that stamp both gentlemen expert In thl business. Garments will be taken to be made over or repaired, and the work turned out with the least possible de ay. MILKS AT 8KATTLE. Inspecting tlw Formications on the Coast. SIATTLi;, Nov. 2. Oneral Nelson A. Miles and party arrived here at noon today and left this evening for the In spection of the new army fortifications at Port. Townsend. He declined lo discuss the Philippine puliation further than to say that peace depended upon circumstances, and that he would go to the Philippines If or dered. STRIKE NEAR BAKER CITY. BAKER CITY, Or., Nov. 2-The min ers at the Bonanza mine struck today. A POEM ON MANKIND. Like what li man, but like a sproutln weta, That grows and ripens but to cast It seed Among the thistles and the tares of life And then to see It strangled in the sure? Or like the cloifds that wander with the brec;:e And pass unnoticed from a life of eas. Or like a mushroom, sprung to life, ains: To starve or strangle In the tangled grass? These are thoughts that are apt to come to many people nt times, esne clahy when they are sick and have to pay big prices for mediclms. But there Is one drug store In Oregon where yo can save rrorn lu to zs per cent on evtrythli.g you buy, and that Is J. A. ciemeiison s Drug Blore, at 227 Yam hill street, Portland, Ore. At that store you can get Hood s Sarsaparllla at 70o llellen's Food, $1 size, 65c; Hroino Belt zer, $1 size, 70c, and everything else a the same low rate. You can get red trading stamps there, and If you need the Natural Body Brace, you can get It mere. THE LOrVKB. .Strangers visiting in the cilv will II nil the Ixmvre an sttructive resort where in to spend the evening. The Ainnifl Sisters Lnilien' Orchestra is still on the bills and prcseiitM nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms an- a feature in connection with the hooxe. l'liluinlile liitii bes will be served at nil nours LOGGERS ATTENTION! Hoadquarteri for Cutters' Lnirelnr onoes ana LiOggerr uutnts. THE RED r kijin i, -m Morrison street, Portland. FOR SALE. Improved ranch, consisting of l?o acres, on Young's river. Apply to John L. Hayseth, Wise, Or. fleuiZealand pipe Insurance Go Of New Zealand. W. P ThomciH, Mgr.t Snn FnmclHeo. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. StibscritKMlCnjiitnl - . - I.I.OOO.OOO raiI-Up Capital - 1,000,000 AbmcU . - . 2,645,114 Assets in United States 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders 1,718,702 Has been Underwriting on tlio Tut ine VmA over Twrntv-two wins SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident AgentB, Astoria, Oregon ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Tsltphons No. aa Uanrilac finlv tfiA PhnlrAct Maitc ii J Of Csamsrtlsl It.) Pslsos RntMru.1. Pacific N ay igation Com pany HTEAMERS It. P. Elmore W. II. HarrlHOti ONLY DIRECT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK OARIHALDI BAY CITY HOHHONVILLE Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Itiillroml A Navigation Co. for Sun Francisco, Portlnnil nm! all points cast. For frolglit ami passim ger rates np;ly fiamucl Elmore & Co. iral AitontB, AHTOKIA, OKE. COHN &CO AirenW, Orco illronil Nnvi(?ation Co., TILLAMOOb tre. I'ORTLAND, Ore. State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON Training School for TetcWs. New Bulldlnfs Now Departments. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure (jomlRPosltions. BTRONO COURflBS-WslI equipped tlntn r., ,,. dulckert nd best way to mate Cerliflc.te. ' Expenw ror yew- trom 1120 to 1100; Board M. 10 to per week; Tuitlom. MS oer term of ton weeks. FaU term beg-tnt HentemW mi,, ih,-,. t... . to Beptember t For catalogue addr. p. r. campbibt.t. p-m or T. A. WANN. Be of Taxmlty.