The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 03, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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THE great rush of people; to take advantage ol our extraordinary offers in uncalled for suits and overcoats has teen marvelous from the very beginning.
The popularity of these suits has become so great that we have been compelled to open correspondence with over one hundred of the largest Tail
oring concerns throughout the country in order to get these suits fast enough to supply the enormous demand. These are not misfits, but suits
made to order on which deposits have been paid and which for unkown reasons remained uncalled for. Such things happen to every Tailoring establish
establishment. It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits that they find it more advantageous to consign them to us than to attempt
to dispose of them from their own establishments.
Uncalled for Garments at Half Price.
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats. $12.60
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats. $16.00
$35.00 Suits and Overcoats, $17 50
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00
These garments are so tar sujerior in
style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth
ing that comparisons are od-ous. Call
and examine them and see if we cln
fit you. '
Suits to rder
We make suits to order from 5.00to$ 15 cheaper
than any other first-class tailoring establishment
in Portland. . . .
k are Tailors, Bear That in Mind
Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits is the price.
Our suits have that style fit and finish about them that well-dressed gentle
men appreciate. Astorians are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods
whether they buy or not:
Til B
250 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
mm i
Uoue nut only t tlm originality and
simplicity uf thy cotnliinution, but also
totlio euro nnl hklll with which it 1
( manufactured ly hc'ciitiflu processes
lcnbwD to Jho J.ijtViiNiA I'm Hxnvv
Co. only, aiufwo w lnli to Imprest up6n
, aH the jiiiMrtuiu'0 of ptirchnslnK the
true 'and 'original remedy, Aa the
genuine Syrup of I'lst in manufactured
by the Camkohnia Fin frirnup Co.
only, a knowledge of tliut fact will
isslst one in avoiding the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
tie. Tho high standing of the Cam
orria Fio Svhup Co. with tjj ncd.t
oal profession, nuil the satisfaction
which the ffonuluo Byrup of Figs hna
given to millioii!i of fumilies, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excullcnoo of Its rcmody. It U
far in adrunce of all other laxatives,
as it auta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irrltallujr or weaken
ing thorn, and it docs not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial
effeots, please remember the name of
the Company
aaif nuNouoo, o.l
MtlltTlLLB. Kj. NEW TOKK. N. T.
A TAtiCJ, Proprietor.
Special atlontion given to family orders.
In Imw or HiimII
(juuntllleH ,
Aitcnt (or
Special uttontiou nlven to family orders.
WholoBitlo mid Retail Dealers in
4S.') Commercial St., Astoria, Ouyou.
Kepublitan Politicians Spi'culaiiiif:
as id Ids SciiiTSMir.
Fina work at Popular Trices.
327 Washington Street.
Next Imperial Hotel
I'rolinhillty That General Grant Kill
Also be a Candidate Mr. Ho
bnrt's Engnglnn Ounlltics.
NICW YORK, Nov. 2.-A special to
the Herald from Wahlnirtoii eayn:
Vice President Hobart'a announce
ment, through mtMiibere of his fnmlly,
of his retirement fron public life will
make It neeesary for the- republican
national convention to chooee another
running mate for Preeldot McKlnley,
should the prealdMt bo renominated
next yenr. It will also necessitate the
choice of a prold!Vt pro tern for the
nennte to preeldo over Its dollbratlon
until a new vice president takes office.
Republican politicians are practically
agreed that Mr. Hobart's sucoewor on
the republican ticket next year must
come from New York state. Senator
TUvtt was In this city today, and It Is
undemtood that condldates were dl
ensued. If Governor Roosewlt had not
ho clearly Indicated hl disinclination
to accept the second place on the ticket,
he would be an Important faotor In the
speculations tut to tho candidates.
Ills nomination Is regarded, however,
a being praotlcally out of the question,
and tho two men more dlHcunned are
Secretary Fto;rt and General Frederick
Grant. Which one of thorn receives the
republican nomination may depend up
on the fortunes of war In tho Phlllplnea.
There are men who have served with
General Grant slnoo hla appointment to
the army who believe that he has In
herited to a great degree the military
genius of IiIh father, and that all he
needs Is an opportunity.
' He has not thus for had a chance to
show whether those opinions are well
founded, but If he should command the
troops In some brilliant action against
Condition Thtin the Conqueror
uf Pltzinmons.
the Filipinos, or perhaps direct the Anal
movement In overwhelming the nsu
rertlon, there !s Utile doiilit that h
would be the man nel-ot 1.
Should this opp irtU'ilty not come to
General Grant, and should the Philip-
,loe war end su-efuny within the J(; ('ON TEST TONIGHT
next few months, the nomination would :
probably be given to Secretary Root, j '
who Infused new life Into the war de. I
partment. nod whone xeal In enlisting ; ToC Suilor ,S ,n 0 Bc,tcr hskal
and sending forward reinforcements
has made It ponlble for General Otis to
undertake an aggressive campaign.
There are many Indications already j 1
that he may be the administration's
candidate. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Jim Jeffries
Mr. Hobart will bo greatly minted inj and Tom Sharkey say they are already
the senate. Probably never In the hls-j for tomorrow night's prize fight for the
tory of the country, and certainly not j world's heavyweight championship.
In recent years, has a presiding officer j Everybody who know anything
of the senate been so generally ad-. about training, and who has seen Shar
mlred and respected by senators re- key, knows that the sailor Is fit and
gardlcss of party lines, j trair.ed to the hour. Jeffries and his
Mr, Hobart has made an excellent j trainer and manager cay that he is In
presiding officer, mastering the details' cndltlon, but a great -nany sporting
of ithe senate's business, rules and tra- men who have seen Jeffries question his
dltlons, and none of his rulings has ' Judgment and the Judgment of his
been questioned, i ' - " "
Upon the occasion of tAe vloe presi
dent's first absence after the beginning
of each congress, tho senate elects a
vice prsldent pro tern, who occupies the
chair whenever the vice president Is
Senator Frye of Maine was the pres
ident pro tern In the last congress, and
trainer and manager on his condition.
Jeffries may be In condition, but his
condition is not so guod as that of the
man he will meet.
Tli-i trolling of both men has been
completed. Nothing remains for their
trainers to do but to send them Into
the ring and coach and attend them
there until one or tho other Is knocked
he will without doubt be re-elected for' out, or the batfle has gone the full 25
tho new congress, and will be the real
presiding officer of the senate until
March 4, 1901.
rounds. The last tap of hard work has
been done, and both men not only ex
press themselves as well pleased that
tho days of training are over and the
day of battle near at hand.
This will be a day of rest a day In
which the muscles and sinews and
nerves of these mighty gladiators of
the modern arena will be feasted for the
rough work they must do tomorrow.
Because of tills brief relaxation, they
Another Fight Arranged and New York
Will Have Another Big Time
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The match
between Peter Maher and Kid McCoy, I
scheduled to tako place at Coney island will enter the ring tomorrow brighter,
on November SO, was clinched lost I stronger In limb, quicker In movement,
night. As a guarantee of good faith, I mighty and more vigorous In every
Maher and McCoy have each posted . Way.
$1,000 with Jimmy Wakeley to tnsurej AH round town the battle of dollars,
their appearance In the ring. According i which the men will back their opln
to the articles of agreement signed by, ,,g Wlth their money are engaged, la
the principals, they will fight 25 rounds bslng waged vigorously. Hera the Jef
at catch weights for a purse of $;n,000. ! f,Ioa forces are mlshtlest. Tho cham
The winner will receUe $17,500. Maher! ipon continues to rule favorite, 10 to 7,
will begin training Saturday at Chester.
McCoy will receive his preparation for
the battle at William MuNoxm's farm at
White Plains.
and many bets have been made at these
In the Delavan hotel last night, Tom
O'Rourke, the manager and trainer of
i Sharkey, made one of the biggest bets ;
I recorded on the fight. He wagered '
tl AMI ... iVin M.iftln Tk.urltnfr inlrlnff
,1,1'. V lu aWV, ...'' . . . .. .o j
the Jeffrls end of the bet. O'Rourke;
is conldent that his man will win and
has more mooey to wager at the same
odds. Many smaller bets were made at
j 10 to 7, although in some Instances the
backers of Jeffries got 4 to 5 for their
The Indications are that the odds
against Sharkey will shorten rather
than lengthen. Alr.ndy the Impression
that Sharkey has an even chance or
better of winning this battle is gain
ing ground. A lkttle more ground gain
ing and It will be even mouey and take
your pick.
Both men will come to town today.
This afternoon, Billy Brady, represent
ing Jeffries, and To.n O'Rourke, repre
senting Sharkey, will meet George Slier,
who Is to referee the fight, and talk over
th conditions which will govern It. The
object of this conference Is to preclude
any possibility of any difficulty or ar
gument arising at the ring side. .
i , m
NRW YORK. Nov. 2.-Jim Jeffries
and Tom Sharkey will tight tomorrow
night In the arena of the Coney Island
Sporting Club for the heavyweight
championship of the world.
Although Jefferlos as the champion
and bigger man Is the favorite of sport
ing men, many strange stories have
been told of him since he went to Eng
land and since his return.
Both pugilists left their training quar
ters and came to town today. Sharkey
was never In better condition. A com
parison between his condition and that
of Jeft'eries could scaicely be drawn.
Both are fit.
A prominent man up tow n who Is In
the habit of holding a great many bets
s;ild tonight:
"There seems to be a lack of sporting
blood, so far as bets go on tomorrow s
fight. The Interest seems to be at a
fever heat and yet men will not wager
their money. Queer reports In the re
spective training quarters of the fight
ers as to the!:- Inability to put up a
good argument seems to have had a
deterrent effect in the betting market
Wall Paper and
Room mouldings
Gypsine, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, etc.
Plain and Decorative Paper
ouse and Fresco Painters, Etc.
343 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Telephone Red 1955.
Glass doors are used in some of the
new cooking stoves, to enable the cook
to watch the food In the oven without
opening the door.
J. 0. Gillen 8 Co.,
Dealers, Manufacturers am Contractors
Of Asbestos Boiler
and Pipe Coverings
229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE.
B. F. Allen & Son
Hauco in
Wall Paner9 Paintsf
Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Etc.
No House Can Beat Our Prices.
365 Commercial St.
Are you aware there is a movement now on foot
which proposes to combine all business interests,
and to issue and use combined credits instead of
money, and to make' those credits absolutely safe.
If this succeeds, interest on money will be a thing
of tho iast as far as the commercial world is con
cerned. If you wish to understand the plan,
send 10c in stamps for a copy of an Ornam 3
pamphlet, "Credit versus Cash.v Address
Jones' Book Store,
291 Alder St., bet, 4th and 5th, PORTLAFD.
Ageoti Wanted lor riacing the racific Coast Installment library' Write for rarticnlirs