The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 03, 1899, Image 1

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Book, Periodicals, M; '; " r
Aro Hot 10 be Taken l-rcro
without permission, m..
NO. 134
M m i
Bought beforo tho ad
vance and sold regard
less of it on account
of moving.
The War Department Denies a Startling
. Rumor That Originated at Brussels.
Eclipse Hardware Co.
mm w
Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
I tux Decorated Paper
and Knvelnpe"iK3
Here Is a List
Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
Fancy Creamery Butter in Kfgs itud Rolls.
Strictly Fresh Egg
New Crop Muplo Syrup.
Iluckwhcatnml Gridle Cftko Flour.
Puck an! & Smith's Funcy Italian Prunes.
New Crop Nuts, Fig", Mince Mont.
General Wblte Wires a List of Officers Killed and Wounded Since
the Siege-News From the Stat of War Is Very Meager and
' Unsatisfactory A Vigilant Press Censor.
I.ONION, Nov. .1 A M crctaiy of the war office who
win t-hown a CiiV'Tun di.iitcli fif the llavns agency. Muting
that the 1', hud M-ized (Vh iiso and that I.adys!iiitli is ruin
1'h tt lv invc-.-Icd, iid the Mattineiits made were Utterly I MM!
less. Brussel", wheiv the llavas dispatch originated, is the
heiidiiarters of Ir. I.evds, the diplomatic agent of the Trans
vaul, and it is thought the Cape Town disjiatch may he an
exaggerated I'hmt version of ivcent fighting.
It K f. irip if ZuIuIh id, and th-y have,
tnkcn looi'Toy, SO mil-- fnm (!rv- j
limn. j
No OiNitil Information of Further
, Plhtliig.
Lo.MmiN, Nov. !. The war ohloe
illii'liilly lares It Iihk no Information
of any further Tii(.ijrmnt at Lody
smlth or nt a JMilBh vl!t.ry, us re
ported In New York.
The wur olltc- reived a t-egram,
dlnpajiht-d from Ladysmlth at 9:25 a.
in. toduy, iiuyinK Omeral White was.
w-ll anil holding bin pontoon.
i j
A special diHpiU'-h from Ladysmlth,
say. 20 Brltlnh dead and 100 wounded
have been counted on the soene of Mon-
day' disaster, while 850 prisoner were
sent to Pretoria.
Another Hut of casualties at DunIt ;
m IhhumI by the war offioe today. It
gives HI Dublin fuHllenr cmfwyp ctnwyp
(riven 82 non-commissioned offloern and
men of the Dublin fuslleers minting, In-dlr-atinir
that the Ho-rn caiured an
many fuiilli-er an they did huarg.
He Appeals to His Wavering Followers to
Hold Out Until December.
A Crisis In the Insurgent Cabinet Imminent Owing to the Resig
nation of Two Members Who Were Opposed ty
Rabid Anti-Americans.
LONDON, Nov, -l Again it is asseited at Aldershot
that the niohliatioii of the second urniy corps will begin Nov.
10, and that the reserves of the tianporl branch army wrvice
corps will all be called out.
The SHvcrf leld Fur Manufacturing Co.,
Morrlwon Hi., I'ortlnrnl, Ore
To tlie LndlcH ol AHtorlai
W will HiiVH you onc tiiurlli on wry Ktirineiil u mrolinse from iih, Ih--chiihi'
vt aro itirtt't iimiuifiii turem, bii.I you will nave the inhUlkMiiiiii
I'o'lH. ,,,.
l-'nr CtillnrelleH, fmiii "" "I1
Kur Ni i'k lltNin, rr.iin J'"" ul
Unlli' K I tie In I lor Mntt.. Hull frm l-'" M'
UiUe. Klue tailor Mmle Cloth Jm-keln, mini fVI tip
lAdlen' Fine Kreneli KliuiiH'1, from 1.7.' "
AlukM, al skin .liiekeu. Lmiilon l, nmile
minlaUy to onler Irom - iao.w up
llcmoilellni of Kur Ounnnil. Into the Utent Style l very
Mentl'fiir ftliiMmleil cmiiloiue, whloh we will gladly mull
Highest I'rlcc I'ald for Knw Purs. Yours Respectfully,
The Silverfield Fur Manufacturing Co.
Top lloor Washington Building.
Largest and Best equipped Offices
In the Northwest.
LONDON. Nov, 1 Special dlnjmlch
from Lndymlth dated Nov. 2. givi fur.
ther detail rt'tTtrdlng the bomlmrd
inent. Ml tie llfht l thrown on the act
ual ultuntlon by the newt tu hand today.
The mannliude of Monday' flpht. how
ever, Ih more than ever evident. Vlnual
ly three action were ruglng Blmultan
eoUiily. - .
The report cornea from Home that
roMUKiil will pennil the Uoidlng if
Hrllliili troop at LoreiiK Marquei.
Thin I 1'oltn-ldfnl with the 1e-w,
atniiigly prevalent In some
that the lirlllsli Invasion of the Truns-! trotps
vaul will lie made f i n that point. ' heavy.
A report that a force with guns
KiMftKitLY bksieged. j MANILA, Nov. 2. Aguinaldo has issued a proclama-
tion announcing that the American congress will meet in
stone ,,f Boer vi, tori- Have Encour-, DeccmU,r to decide whether "the imperialist policy" and "this
aged the Accns( of Many Other !(,,, , . , i
DuUh to Their Ra,,k8. i ,,lod-V WOrk t0 be
hopfti-iwv rw roionv Nov i-l g He exhorts his soldiers to conduct themselves so that
Majriwtnu Hamworth has arrived congress will consider them worthy of indejndence, and re-
from Kiipdam .md reporto there are: quests the priests to abstain from politics and to redeem the noer n,und Kimberiy and air church from the name the misdeeds of the friars" has given it
road arv wrlctly purolled. He ay g A . ia th Fijipin0 cal)inet is predicted 83 a result of
ne pdHc eiipse enouKn io rvonur-rijr j
1 (m.
to ee earchllKht, and wo Informed j ft- , . ,.,.,(-
the defender of Kimberiy were naXl-
Boer commander to keep White oc
cupied, while their strategy I carried
The only Information received this
morning from the seat of war In addition
to a brief dlpatch from White, saying
he wa well and holding his position,
were lints lif casualties). ,
An official telegram, reporting the
condition of Injured at Klmberley, addj
that Colonel Kewith. Uie British com- gorton, H. M. S. Powerful, was danger
niRiider thiv, has learned from varlou ouly woundexl this morning by a shell.
m.urtxs thut the Boer los on the oc-iin the left knv and right foot. Hi1
tU,irter ' calin of (he late ortle rf British ' life Is not In danger at present." '
fled they could hold out, but were
wearied with Inactivity and hoped a re
lieving force would arrive soon.
Stories of HoT victories have spread
rapidly along the western border, and
Magistrate Harnsworth estimates over
half the Dutch residents of Bechuana
land and Qriqualand will Join the Boers
after the declaration of annexation.
LONDON. Nov. !. The war office this
afternoon posted the following dispatch:
'Ladysmllh. Nov. !. Lieutenant Ed-
the resignations of Paterno and Beuncamino, two Filipino
lontoiN ul.o bftvr- Inst the confidence of the rabid revolu- j
tionists. 1
MANILA, Nov. 2. Some Filipinos looking catlvee outside the lines,
who attempted to come to Manila with : The Americans occupy Hollo and the
the Spanish commission received a mes- adjoining towns of Jaro and Molo, with
sage from Major General Otis saying 4.000 men.
the women and children would be given)
American protection but men who had; THREE CAPTURED WARSHrPS.
cast their lots with the Insurgents must
nitn.ln urttH 1 1
I Cruisers for Watson's Squadron.
Lltutenant Slavlns of General Mac-( gAN FRAXCISCOi Nov. j.A
Arthurs staff, reconnottering with 18 days M(n 9team8hIp Chiaa left
men In front of AngMes. discovered a Hongkong tne announcement was mad
Filipino outpost In a trench. The TO- ot the Spanish
lpinos numbered about 40 men. navy'at Manlla-the Isla de Cuba, Isl
As the Filipinos had sighted the fle anj Dm Juan de Austria
Hobson has Fixed up Three Spantsk
frim Klmlierley, were very
i Americans, Lieutenant Slavlns' only ere to proceed to Manila and
It was Inferred from this dispatch. . .harv. ., hls Darty ' , ,Hrr,n
, that the artillery duel between the J t he trench 8h00tlng and yell- The onstructfon of the vessels has
Newaix n. her,- continue to express, Boers and British continues, as T, hllled thrw inaurnts and boen under the SUDerv1sIon of Lieuten-
fiMin Koomutl IVmrt Is making It way pleasure nt the sympathy of the' tor. was a gunnery lieutenant With the j Wl)Uniied several who however succeed- aIt Hobson.
through Zululnnd is held to Indicate an ( I'nlted Slates. The St. James's C!axetUj big naval guns. . ed in escaping. N'jt one American was' STARTED HOME. "i
Intention to wixe the railway Vlw-n says: ' M Th iuot,.n.nt e-ured valuable
.... ,. , , . . . i , ,, LOOlv TO Ol'R CONSl'L. i hlt- The UeuUnam seiurett amaoie SAX FnAN-CISCO. Nov. t-Part ot
l nietiHO umi 1'itn.Tiuariin.Mus ii u nas re iin,r iiu-eiui exiuupits cvuiu i
not already bvn mixed. be Itnnglncd of the courteous spirit of
The reul question now for the British! American sympathy with this country,
j Information about the enemy's position. Washlngton giment Matted over-
i Boer Government Asked to Permit Him t The feeling of dls.tuiet arousid at (on,ght for home and the ther"
public, Ih, can General White hold out
another It) day or two week until the
army corps arrives.
The Boers Have Interrupted Communi
cation With the Besieged.
LONDON, Nov. 3. The war office to
night Informed the Associated Press
that a dlcpntch from the governor of
Natal had been received, announcing
w hich has been so often evident of late, j
than the project of an American Uultes'1
hosplial ship, which will probably be
fitted out with many of those American
nurses whose services were so highly
valued during the Cuban war."
The Lis of Chatieton's Command Who
Were- Bullet-Struck.
to Report on Prisoners.
WASHINGTON, Nov. !.-The British
government has asked that the Bier
government pennft Mr. M. Cruni, United
Staffs counsul to Pretoria, to transmit
each week a list of the British prisoners
In Pretoria with a statement of their
CAPE TOWN, Nov. 2 It la awrted j
8.000 Boers have collected at the Beth-! S'jS'?
j IlIlo by the arrest of Santiago, a (eave tomortw on tne 9teamer '
wealthy Filipino who is charged with Qun The mH)l)fl going by reU are
fonninEarevoluUonaryJunUhassub- Wagnlngtro and tno8e
sided. The natives In their quarter of haye fceen plecfed to g( by wfttpi.
the town weri sullen and restless and from ,he Wegt
w?re heard chanting a death song at
, , , ,. m,0 An Irritable man lies like a hedge
night with the refrain "the Americans y
sleep," The provost guard surrounded lni, himsel( with his own prickles.
the quarters and drove all suspicious hoo!. v
LONDON, Nov. 2. General
i tht communication with Ladysmlth- Stewart White has cabled the war office
had bKen Interrupted. since half pist two' that In the engagement tn Farquhar's
this afternoon. farm, near Iadysmith, October 30, when
Thl I not regarded by the war of- J Lieutenant Colonel Carleton'g column
fice however as in any wise confirming j Was compelled to surrender, six officers
the rumor of a complete Investment of! wne killed and nine wounded. Among
Ladysmlth or of the capture of Colenso. i w nl)n-c:inimlssioned officers and men
i 'the cnsualtli's were 644 killed and 2"
LITTLE LADYSMITH NEWS. j W(,iu1h1. General White promises a
! list of the missing later.
Public Anxiety Still Intense American
Sympathy Acknowledged and
. ...j . i..- ri..t.l v.imio, nntnlt- i
UIW Ul lUKe, unuei l I . -.....-i . ,,
George i , . . ,. ... nn(1 k
ine 'iiise ..... -
Best work at our Prices, because we have the
largest'jolume of Dental Work in; Portland.
Rest Crown and Bridno Work, 22 knrat oll
per tooth .4
HetTeelli. fully Kunrnntcuil rubber 5.l()
!est(iold Filling t. tip
Best Alloy Filling fide up
Tooth extracted without jmin fiOc tip
We employ only the most modern" methods and
guarantee satisfaction.
Take elevator on Washington street, nenr Fonrth. and ek for the Portland
Dental rarlorit, Top loor.
Phone Orauon,!Urown 403. Columbia IsOO-
LONDON, Nov. 2.-The brevity of
news from Ladysmlth since Tuesday
night has not relieved the anxiety pre
vailing regarding the position of the
British army In Lodysmith. The war
office has no Information of General
BuUcr's having left Cape Town.
Colenzo, In the rear of White's force,
la believed to tie well defended by a
composite naval and military corps, and
It Is understood two naval 12-pounders
mounted near' the bridge over Tugela,
one of the most vulnerable points alongl
the railroad ought to be able to defend)
It and prevent Its destruction. i
If the Boers succeed In destroying,
this bridge, it would mean Interruption
of railroad communication with Lady-1
smith for nn Indefinite period. While,
the Boer attempts in this direction are;
not confirmed, It is claimed they may;
be expected momentarily, and the re-
ported steady shelling of Ladysmlth, it
fording Is reported to be Impossible.
At 12:40 a. m. the war office Issued the
text of a dispatch which Is dated Lady
smlth, November 2, 10 a, m., giving a list
of the casualty among officers which Is
as follows:
Royal artlllers, killed: Lieutenant J.
T. McDougal. Wounded, Major John
Dawklns, rllghtly; Lieutenant Harold
Belcher, severely. Kings Royal Rifle
Corps, killed, Major W. J. Myers, Lieu
tenant H. S. Marsden and Lleutenati
T. L. Foster.
Buchanan, Riddell and Lieutenant
H. C. Johnson, both severly. . Royal Ir
!shT''uslleers, wound d, Cartaln J. B. H.
Rice and Captain W. B.
Sultlitr Prom One of the Ships
Pell Into the Kivcr Last Xinhb
and 11s Drowned.
PORTLAND, Nov. 2.-The Thirty-1
ninth infantry ana two comptuuwj w
the Forty-fifth infantry embarked on
the transnorts Pennsylvania and Olym-
Wounded. Major H. E.i t,,,,,,,,,
pta loatiy uounu iui i..- "...i-.
t. ...... .M,nno,l thnt the transDorts
would sail early this evening but owing W
to thn lariro nuantltles of supplies to be I W
Silver, both nrobable they will not leave
Gloucestershire regiment, ., , . . tha mnrn. i TO
ine oock oeiore uv.. ...
Ing. The men were paid yesterday and
it was next to Impossible to keep them
on board tonight.
All night long.squnds were out search- jjm
Ing for soldiers who had left the ships.
During the evening one private fell Into W
tho river and was drowned. At least flju
half a dozen are missing and it is prob- jm.
PIETI'RMARITZBURO, Natal, Nov. aMe that the ships will sail without -rff
The Proof
Of Boys Clothing is in
the wearing. Clothe?
must be of best quali
ty to withstand the
healthy violence (if
youngsters, or mother
will be kept busy
mending and buying
The tougher tlie boy
the better we like to
clothe him.
He's the surest test we
wounded, Captain S. Wllllscock, Cap-j
tain B. O. Fyfc and Captain F. S.
Stayer, nil severely. National Mounted,
killed, Lieutenant Wm. Chapman. Med
ical cups, kllK'd, Major Edward Gray. !
See Our Superb line cf Winter Novelty Suits
$2.50, $3.50, $5.00 to $10.00
Boys' doable-breasted suits at SX(X to !l,00
Youths long trouser suits. $7.50 to f 18.00
Overcoats, Reefers. Hats and Furnishings.
Cirner Fourth and Morrison Sts. I'ORT LAM), OKttu
Is added, points to the intentions of the 2. -It Is reported the Boers are occupy-1 them.