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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1899)
.m.KMMi AMUKIA.V TlllHaHA,, NOVIiMHER 1 ii'uV. i i'i V i V Headquarters for hry (JooJs on the Lower Columbia THE A- DUNBAR 0., FANCY WORK Embroidering, Kci tllog or Crocheting The tnioi (or omineticiii; fney ' work it at hand. lKm't delay. It in the kind of vt o rmnoi hurry through and il Mitiwfao ry. j ErabroiJereJ Pieces ' boar I. atHitipt-d, roloied. caiivax iht en; very convenient device (or pio- tevtiug picture and do) lies. ! he "I'risciUa Kmbrt'Jerv II. -..S I Is mii e-i-i'i,lly convenient arrange mf.i. tvorvi.ou the Utile, .tu up right aUtichiueiit which, ran U mov ed any uny desired, liol,l up tlie Oop. FoKHdvd INTO. J. v. Illll. I)., I'rlaetpal. Require careful wr. ami imtst lx Vnnw of uund line I lO IIiVO . ti-f K ill n 11.; t i ii . Ours win vr-Mr. i'i .? an- liielmni- In W A full varui, ot oo , son's beat handwovm and grass-i i'l'TVTi .l'- ' ui iuku run j nR, Spanish yarn, Flfttr de l.ia and I Chri.i. Trm p. p auuak uuu uoyiie Holders i ice wool. Of nicely finished and tinted eard-i Crochet thread in full asaortiiieiit CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers DIRFC1 VMrVFS TO wYcikS.cck Exchange The E3ig Millinery Store ..Of Portland.. -14 -21 Chamber ol Commerce. Portl.uul. Oregon. BISHOP SCOTI ACADEMY THE RATE WAR. ASTORIA, Nov. 1. 1S99. Editor Asto rlan: Will you kindly tell me and oth-! rs, through your paper, who la ts " blame for the rate war, the O, R. 4 N. or the A. A C. R? X . A close study of the situation will convince any one that there is no rate war In operation. Everything mundane must have a beginning, and since bothof '.the two companies, which akne could 'atari such a content, deny that they .commenced cutting rates, ft la evident -that the war did not really begin and cannot now be on. i a. imtftv A Boarding 4 ra Scboot. Unaar ariaaM Mr.aimr.l rtnr lSTa. Fur mtlosuta or mroimallaa tdJnaa tk IV-iunJ Or Prtmr. 'riratorj anil Aclnl Papart- rtiKipal. J W K1U. U. IX, P. O. itra n or. Prtmr). I'm '. ,'tll( rraparatloo. Unitary DKelplla, Manual Tra.nlns . Uat at U aava raoalvL addition to the company la Mlm Kate Sprague, a charming vocalist and harp 1st, who came direct from Boston to Join the Shields company. The entire Join the Shields company. The entire! profits of this entertainment gv to "K lln UIder Swinish cmHim! the memorial fund. through their definition In the treaty of S8 The Largest Assortment The Lowest Prices TKIMMN) hA1 AT ALL I KKI'.S ALL XKK LATI! I'ATTKKXS ALL C.ULISIVK STYLUS i the boundary of the group. TOR THE FUND. A Refined and Pleasing Entertainment for the Benefit of the Memorial. t Edward Shields, the well-known Illus trator, was In the city yesterday and 'made arrangements to bring his com pany to the Fisher opera house next Wednesday evening and play a benefit to the Edward C. Young memorial li brary fund. Mr. Shields' company Is well and favorably known In Astoria, having nlAvvwt im iirAa thA .naVvi . ... . . , . mentioned, vi mi ir(iuia insi Augtun. i ne com- REPORTKD LOST. Kngll?h Trxp Ship for South Africa is Said to Have Been Wrecked. CHICAGO, Nov. 1.-A special dte patch to the Chicago Chronicle from London, says: It is reported in London this (Wed neffday) morning that one of the Brit ish troopships sailing for the Cape last i week has been lost at sea. No details j HOBAUT BETTER. Tlw Vice-President Able to Read the Tapers. PATEK30N, N. J., Nov. l.J-Vlce-PrcMdent Hobart took some nourish ment tonight. Mrs. Hobart says he looks better and stronger than he has appeared in two or ;hrev we-ka. He had the newspapers rend to him of the reported disaster are given, and tonight and took quite an Interest in the rumor has not been traced to ar.yj current affairs. He talked fr a time amborrtatlve source. tonight about his private business af- ; fair. LONDON, Nov. L In connection with j ; the rumored loss of a British troop ship, the names of the Peninsular The price of candy has gonn up, Just n(j ! as the young men all over our broad the Oriental steamer Nubia haw been1 'and ha,i b"n plan to m0M i oy reason or ine raci mat tne ice cream Th company. howW, ! at an entU Beautiful Millinery . At prices within the reach of all. (.'alt and examine the new styles. mm MRS, K()SS, 183 Ilth Street Every hand i.r ' 0 ': ) Kccclvcd on Hlqjnnt Asurtmcat New Street Hut-Stltfh e-l felt Tain Crowns, In I'lic New Shnpes. Kc handle these Goods Direct f rum our ow MBufetor. The only store In Cortland thnt tnrr thoe Euluslve St)le Chlhtrcns and Misses Hats ill Styles. MAIL ORDERS I'ROMI'TLV CILLRU. The Wonder Millinery Co., MllLIXEKY RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Corner MorriMUi mul First St., rOKTI-ANl). OKIXiON. pany has been augmented with several ha no knowledge of any disaster. The new members and a number of new rumor seems to have ortgnabed in Ber teatures since their last visit Mr. n on Monday. Shields' illustrated talk on the Philip- Pine is now comDlrte from Dewey's Tlatory to the return of the Oregon THE ISLANDS ALL OURS, volunteers to Portland, Including a number of actual battle scenes taken at Spain Claims a Portion of the Philip-: Fls Mllllnvry. Posing a Srxoialtv. The Photographer; 1 MI&3 McREA Corner Tenth and 1 Commercial streets. M&labon and other decisive points, , Miss Helen Lamar still lends strength to the organization with her pines. Nut Ton. Nut Hotter. Ilewlth Packers. C.luten, Xutc Miilt.l.i Keuilii'S for tlie Julicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS mado nt N. W. Cnrtirr 1 Seventh ami Wanhiiiulon ' K FrereP?. WASHINGTON, Nov. I.-The positive ' ' Illustrated recitals, and Chas. H. Whit- statement is made here by authority Jnose. lng, the eminent baritone, has a full ,.. . . . , , j selection of new Illustrated songs. A ,h8t Spa'D doe n rrtaln ,he P0"8-! novel feature will be a number of anl- slon of in1 ,sla,ld 'n the Philippine mated pictures, reproducing battle archipelago. This Is called forth by a '" scenes in the Philippines, return of the declaration in the Spanish cortes yes- m T:J1 . b Count d'Aimena. that t , , I The larpestt line of Lowncv's marching up Market street, San Fran- t Ar a few of the Hea th Fouls l.v l', i i i "i . Cisco, and several taken aboard the throush "n""" the American com- I0,il h famous ( Itocolatrs over l.roiilif OlymDla and in New York of the ireat rnlMoners had allowed the Islands at KNAPP BROS., to Astoriil. Dewey parade and reoepUon. A new the northern extremity of the archipel- II K A I.TII FOOD Co. Portland, Or A. B. COON'LFY l-m.,'r 'PI,,,,,- n ' I T jThe Spa Candy Factory! P0KTI.AM). OKKtiON Holmes' English AND- Business College 4I-I Yuo.l.ill St., rwt!Wi, I, Ori'jtun. SIX DI PA II I Mr NTS FnKllxh, Hookkcerlnu. I) rewriting. Art. ! Shorthand. Peninaii!,liip, Send fur rimilurn. t . J A I' .V prevciitH tin- i l, u of iiuny y,unK people ' o ;-iw all olher elcmeuls neci- to ajieccd. The remedy lira in thrii own hands eulitely. " It Is Never too luite to Learn." We admit (tuJcnts of all age, for a full i-ourne or for a few branches only We teach SKlling, Owtniiur, Aritlmutir. IVniuaii.lnp, Letter Wilting. Commeiw j cial La v, llookleepiii, Olfice Work. Shmihvnt, TyK-w. .tint. Iluoliita. I'orma, Mauiinl lifiK. Kte. tosr-Ariuitrong-i Combined Theory aud 1'iactlct of Hook- m-j..! uihaci mm uiucn ev. luvwtKtr. It will jv. Cill. or write Portland Business College hith and Vnmhlll SU. A. P. Armstrong Prtii? j Open ill thj ynr. Stutlents may enter at nnv time ad F.ny'nli ilq.artiin'nti. Ihinirrn, Sliortlund Private or class int:iu lion. Caialoue frc. mm n WMsMsstl IP 1 1 i ! Men's Clothing VrVrVrV You would not think it jmsible, but it is so. We can sell you a black clay worsted suit, lined with the best of material we know of we use no other for f 10. These suits are made with round or square corners. Ask for lot 7172. Then we have some fancy worsted suits also with round or square corners, for $9.75. These are made as well as our factory knows how to make clothes, and if you can't get fitted in these, no ready-made clothing will fit you. Ask for lot 6695. Here is a particularly attractive line, the material is elegant and the workman ship superior in every way. They are cheviot suits of winter weight and we ask only 18.00. Ask for lot 903. The foregoing is not the only line of cheviots we carry. Ask for lot 719 and see what they are. You will be pleased with thorn as they are nice enough for anybody to wear. We have marked the price on these 10.50 just for a surprise. YoungMen's Clothing WrVrVrV We are selling twice as much young men's clothing this year as we did a year ago. This must mean that what we sold last year suited a lot of young men, and they have been telling their friends about it. Yes, and it means that our stock this year is just new and nobby enough to catch them anyway. Ask to See Some of These Single-breasted sack suits, brown mixed cheviot, strong or faint plaid as you choose. Double-breasted sack suit, brown her ringbone cheviot. Single-breasted sack suit, fashionable collar, double-breasted vest. Gray and red mixed, making a broken plaid. Single-breasted sack suit, with double breasted vest of gray Scotch plaid cheviot. Single-breasted sack suit, with double breasted vest; gray cheviot with ovcrplaid of green. Single-breasted sack suit, fine check worsted. Some of these are pretty gay, some are quiet just like young men. Clothing WiVcVrV be his l! Somebody's small loy is going to mightily satisfied with himself when mamma gets him one of those new cape conts that have just come. We don't make any money to speak of on these, but wo have to do something to stop some people from buying cotton. Now, whether he is three or fourteen years of age, he shall have ono for $2.3.r. Don't believe it? Well come in and see, and ask for lot 3932. Just another word about the boys. Do you want your little fellow to look real swell? If so, we have a line of boys' blue serge double-breasted suits, ages from 7 to 14, that are positively beautiful. These suits, in cluding an extra pair of pants, wo are going, to sell this week for $6.00. We won't tell you how we can afford it for the story would be too long for our space. Ask particularly for lot 17483. If the above price is too high, ask for lot 17482. These are suits of a gray mix ture, including an extra pair of pants, for $3.75. They are dressy and are sure to de light the proud little wearer. Don't fail to examine them. Overcoats rVi.VVi Our assortment is n tuipii.-c. I'mi. landers would come down to prion mul pur chase these. , LOT 7340. Men's covert cloth over coats $9.50. Stylish and astonishingly low price. LOT 8010. Men's blue beaver ovi. coats, $9.00. If you say you can diiplictile these for the money anywhere else, it would bo a statement hard to beliovo. .i i B w ty) 'S ft 4QO Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. anffimiiMis SEE : f