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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1899)
MollNIMi STOHIAN, 'I HIIJXSlM . NOYEMBKM i. J. 99. 7 Take Cuticura Resolvent Bertus It li to pur kinl wholesome that mothers CM glv It freely to children ci til age. II cools and cloajiset tlis Hood, and I) Of til great. Velu In Speedily curing dltflgarlng, burning, caljr humor, raalica, and Irritation, whon taken In con- Unction with hot batlit of Ctmcuiu Boir, ml geull anointings with Cirricuiu, th great (kin cur and parent of emollient. , l-MttiiikiMlllkail4. r.irra. Darn i.n fan. i Cw, I'lvy... )! Hull 1UU lUU'trea. We mIuiiiIiI manage our fortune Ilk our cuiatltutlon: enjoy It when good have puilem whn bad, and never ap ply violent ivtnwllm but In case of ni- amty -uix ncrnueauwi, IMS 'V . ,4Jltr A -X., WW 'I t.rv uk Hi. l( ' itCTINf. lit' DISEASE fa? J-XL THE AMERICAN RAILWAY SYSTEM The Remarkable etiIi'Vcni nt Willi In Hie Lust Half IVnuir;. i'Kksidiint danikl's addkkss The lhuiic in 1'iilillc Scntliiunt To- wurd Knllrouris us Ind Kutcd liv the Clutlun of C'hiiuntcy Uqitw to I nlticl t'lutis Ncntitc. Karl's Clover Root Tea in ""'" hm I"iiH( llt Hlil, llin l Irar Skill. ( urr.l im lllii, iMliir.iiiin, and all (.iiki..u. l li hklii, Ail I. on,. rt Innlr. h,t nn a'.lut nuat.tili ly all il'"X l Ufk-., 6ik. and C. WCLL 4 CO., LtNOV. N. V. oiff aaoeairTO I'm proof again! tlmt word failure. I've seen Itchlnd It. The only failure n man ought to fi'iir In failure In the purpose- lie jams to bo best. fJERVITA PILLS Bettor Vllallljr Lent Vigor tad Manhood. Ctirc Imiiotrin v.Mnht KinlHsloiisand w;iMtlii(f disease, till effect of self- if'JjA alitiMc, or execs and India ji rctlon. A ncrvo tonic nnd 'TIiUhhI builder. Urine tlic I W VVTIUIIK JJIOW U) JMIC lllCCKB UI1U f,ar restore the lire of youth. J TSaV Tltv mall AOo )i-r box, boxen lor v-.ouj witn wriiton ininran too to uro or rcCiiiKl the iiuincy, ik'iul fur circular. Addrcwi, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. CJInton A Jaokton 8t CHICAGO, 1X for Bala by Cbarlaa Biatra. Dniiilil. Aatarfcv Orcon. .FPraelTransferCo. Talophona XI DRAYING AMD EXPRESSING Ail Cooda ShlppM 10 uur Car Vi.ll Raoalf BpMlal AfaaOoa. r n Dum tt, W. J. COOK. W Aaurla, Or. Km. Tat lit. A St. Taul paper ay "llio atrtt re vIvuilKln who won arrwited In Chlca, go wouldn't hava boon arrtAA If they had been running blind plira." What mil thing It la that temptation ahould thus be pin 111 the wny of the right- oui. rriil'lcnt OerKn II. Dnnlela, of th Amerliun AaoilttlliMi of (.wrral I'aa- linger Agenti, and ri'ienU NU.'iiKer fttoift nf h Nw York CVntral and Iluilmin liiver rallnxul. mul on "Hx panHlon Day," bffom the InUrnalloruil Commenlal (.'(iiigrrM at riillndelnhla. paper on "Ainrrlcun luilniada: Thejr relullun to oonitiurclul. IndUMtHal and agricultural lmcrmiii." ItevWwIng bclelly the hltry f tlw huK two or three yeari affeotlng th cinnnierrlHl relatlona of he nation, particularly thone of I ho United HI aim with th Ciiient, noting thn rhiniKin In public i-ntlment In thla country towurd r.tll riad, an Indicate! by the rn-ent elec, tl'in of ( liuumvy M. I-pa.w to the lilted HlMin iwiaK and III Germany nd iliualu and the far Kiutt. by the rald Incroaae In rullr-un n, and ilnt out the givNU il.i'llin' In canal trnftle, due to nUlrtnnl foiuiHitlllon. Mr. I'linli'ln In (he latter ixr- tl.ina nf able and lili:ivrtlnK paper, a follow "We are upproui hlng the end of the nlnteenlh c'niury, a Mrtury which Henry Iirutnm md Haiti, "Iiuk adib d more to tin mini of human U-aniliiK than nil I lie ceiilurUti that have plUWiMl." A few exuiiipiiw of the achievement!! of Amerlrnn rallrwuU In a Utile more Ington, and It la murvlou thuX fir tlw yiiiir ending June M, 1N3V, tliern wu ex ported from the Columbia river valley le.d'W.O'XJ bimhelN of wht, and from Hip I'uget aound r-glin, 10,000,000 buith el, (fri'ifon and WimhlnK'ton furrn the noithw-.nt rorner of th terrltm-y of the United HtiUea, aouih f the lino of llillMi Columbia, and are directly on Iho Youte to our extmrw northw-Kl piiaaeiwlon", Aliutka, The wlic lit rrp of the male of Oriron ml WuNhliiKlon for the year IKOil In IH.OeO.OOO bUMhela, Ther won exported during Iho year rnd"d June .10, JIM, from the Columbia river dlre'-t to firivlKti porta, l.l'iO.O'fi hnrrela of flour, and from I'ukW aound pnlntH Mtft.ttM barilla. l la beyond jU4tlon that American rnllroada Imlny furnlah the l-at wrvlce In the world, at thn lowent rule of fare, nt the anme linui (wylng their em-pliiye- very much hliftu-r wiorin than are paid for almllor advice In any other country on the 'Kioto. In the Tnlied Btuti-a th nrat rtima paHienger fare lout year averaif-d l.l eerMa per nille, allhoUKh on aoinn lawer rallwnya ihn ivingp. won aeverat mllU lean than two ent per mile; In KiiKlan,) the Trnt flawi fare la four cerrta per mile; third clnwi fur for votly Inferior aervlre la two p-r mile, but only on certain itarllamentary India. in 1'ruania, the rare la 2.99 cenU p-r mile; In Aumrln, S.05 centa er mile, and In France, 3..1I evnt fur mile. Our puawnKi-r cora excH thuae of foreign roiintrlea In all that umn to make up tlK i omfirt and ctjiivend me of a Jnurnvy. Our alm-plns and parlor cur ayxiem Ih vuHtly auperliH- to Ihelra; our buKifitKe ayiflem la lufliiltely bter than thelra and arruiiRed upon a much more liberal biiala. American railnwda carry .",0 pi.umla or liiiKifiiife free, while the Ger man rnllroiulH curry only U, poundii rr.. The lluhtliiK of our tralna Ih aupeib, While the llifhtlnil of tralna on moat fiTelun llm In wrenched. I miiy le- pardnneil fur rltlng two ex am; le of what I m-an by the unnur I iiKsed piun.n.r train fai llltli-a of Am-il'im ralhviyi. A hIhkIi licino- pu."r atiited that it would take her thr"'( rnonthi to nu'h her dmtlnntlon. Itullroud men will bo Iritn-n-wted In knowliiR I hint the Manila and Davupan rulLroad on the lulu-id of Luzon, which In the principal one of our 1'hlllpplm vroiip, la laid upon mulnifiny tl the roud piiHwa throuifh fonvta of that val uable wiMid and over Inexhauatlblo IxIk of coiil and other rich rnlrwrnla. Hhnll wf wonder then that Anurlcan rail roudN are .-a-kli g connection thut will a -ctire portion of ith cmimerce that iimul come from the development of thla rich renlon, which Jiaa ao recently b";n added to tho territory or the Uni ted Htatea? jr It la truo that "trade folUiwa the dun," then wMh c)-oiTM.tiim and re clpriclty b-twwn the givat tranaiHrta llim lirterenta of the l'niud Htatea and the commercial and IndUMtrliU Inti-reiKa or o ir i.-jiiilillc, and with proper en couruKeiiiviit glv'n to AmTlcan ahlp plng, our cornm'X'o ahould be an dl- veralfled aa are the producto of our poll, our inliu-a and our mlllx; ami our export trade ahould reach every mart on the enrth, and ahould nounah on every aeu and river where vifwla ply; fur, lnce the dlmoat mlraculoua eventa in MnnlUi bay and off Hantluso, we nmy puraphraae the anitlnwut of Joa quin Mllli-r in reKurd to Coloralo and iiy of our flag, "rt lloata forever In the nun." BUSINESS POINTERS. Fresh cracked craba at the National Portland A good meal with meata rich In flavor and one you will enjoy with a rellxh, la Juct yoj get at the Creamerle rtnurnt. t"l Wanlilniflon atr-t. near Third. Try It when you go to Portland, If you are going up to Portland and mini going to the Cretimene Heatau rant, l'7l Vaalilngton Ht.. you may con alder that your trip will not be a aur ceaH, na othera Till tell you, who do net mine It. Holme' Engllnh and nualneaa Col lege at No. 414 Yamhill atreet, Portland, la prer.rd to accommodate a large number of punlla thla year. Already the rlaanea are well crowded, a fact that Indicate the excellent character of the Inatitutlon. Mr N. n. Hrldgea. late of the Ellla Printing Co.mpany of Portland, hat aa aitmed the management of the Aatorlan Job printing department, and la pre pared to do all klnda of flrat-claaa, ac curate, up-to-date printing. All work promptly delivered. Why la Wataon'a rentaurnnt In Port land patronized by thnuaanda of Deonla Iilly? Hlmply becaune it la the largeat, finest and beat e(ulpp"d eating retort on the Paeine coaat. Wataon'a reaUtl- rant hat alxty-eight white employe on It pay roll. Remember the location, 109-11 Fourth atreet. All kind of rending! There It only one piiwe we tcnrw of in Portland where you ran find all the lateat booka and phamplet on the moat advanoed thought of the day. many booka on tub J.-cta of advanced up to dale toplct not to De round in other book store can oe outainer hre. It it wonh your wnue to can when in Portland and ae for youraelf. Jonea. 231 Alder Bt.. SoMoKL ri H i SCHBOVLEi From fortliid Aaaivt Mal. p. m Hp..(.ine H er 3 le e. rr all jme, ear r. H Worth, Omaha Khu CMy, "t. l-lnil-. I i.'lilraa'i, mi i aat. Wnla Willn. Hj me. I MlnneaKili.. mi.P nl liululh, MH.. ( nlexKo ami fa-1 M,.ll r p in, ' 010 Art..fll .OCEAN STEAMiHIP .All wil.lni Ihitea .iiiij Jel tM:hMiiire. ! : For i-au Kruocin-'. Hl l i Oe . 8 10, l at, 25 t-1 Hixiku. Hv.f K .W . ni 1 a m ei Ha nday Colrmbla fUvnr flieamera To V'ir:iaad aa4 Way Landing. , bum ex Me QtT I THE NET "North-Western Lusted" (20TH CEfTDItY Tit!!.) bet wet n Minneapolis, tt. Ptui and Chicago, Is entertiiningfy described in an Illustrated booklet, which will e fur nished rue on appIicatiM to W. H. MEAD, Gen! Ajt., WatblDgtm Mtt, fORTLANB, 0L , W. PARKER, 0 Com. Aaeat; aoerimATMM, SEATTLE, WASg ' WllUniatt aad YH I W n. m 7a.m. i hin uiwr i u,.,. u.-. . Tu,Tliurn .... .. J ...dFrl. Hlmrla dlyj Mb a m. i 5oak Slvar. KlparttUi Lewlaton. LrLewUtu I Id a in daily 8weit cream In any amount at I'urlur. the Hire factory. rout beer at the Spa candy litirbank potatoet, II a tack, at Pat't Market. J.'tfs U White cixjkl. 'the only" rcntaurant. llnme made chocolate, 30 centt a pound at the Parlor. ltrst 15-ceiit meal, Hlalng Sun Reitau runt, 61 J Commercial street. We KUarantee our Ice cream to be wide of pure cream. Tho Parlor. A tailoring eetatillinment of some pretention, located on Waahlngton ttree'. Portland, claim to have made 47 ault for -Iretny Antortan during the pant tlx month. Thla atatement la de nied by the firm of Povey ft Blrcha.l, at IV Waahlngton atreet. near the Im perial hotel, who are patronized by th great majority of outalde customer. Povey & Rlrrhall make the awell ult for r.ioat of the ttyllnh Portlandert, and f-el that they are not excelled by any Portland firm for out of town patronage. I Fniin Portland it'lli . li pith u.t'ru Mod, Wed "TOW mi, .".ewoerf. Tuea.Thai Krlaay ouiem nay-juaa. Saturday O. VT. tODNBBERRT. At ant Aatoru . a. duRLdUKT, Oaa. Pas. Axt- rrtiaa4. Or t Ihi n half u century, und ninny of them m" reivnuy hauled a powteng-r train' II nf 16 ciira, of which w.-re Hli-cnlmr ' and parlor car, frrnn New York to Al b'ltiy, a dlHtaruv of 14.1 mll.-a, In 3 hour nnd 1" minute, which I 41 mile per h.itir. und In tin. regular achcdule time of till Iniln. The tniln w.-lghed l.S;!2. (HD pound, nnd wa 1,212 fiK-t or n tuly u iiuurter nf .1 mll. loriqr. I he Kinpire tla:e exprewi haf. fur )i-ii.- OI-.M1 iii ikiiik wie run irom :scw c(, llm n York to Iliilfiilo, 4t'l nill.K. In S hour ins, elu-i-p' am' IS mlnui', an averare F-ed of j tloiial Cafe. rli mile mi hour, Incliidliig four KlopB The Cruel Knife! It li absolutely qmVsm to Tpt t nrgioal operation to sure tatMur, or an j other blood dUa. Tb orualtj f auch tratmnt is iUaaatl In the Jarmlng number of tUatht which re sult from It. The dktM is to tke blood, and heooe oan not be out ut. ISine timet out of ten the tutgeou'a knife only hastens death. My mb had a moat BiaUanaal Oaaaar. fei Whtoi th doetort uld aft Operkttvn wat th aaly hope. Thanp atlon s a aevnre ne, an It win neoea tary to cut down to th Jaw lion e and orape It. llnfnre a great while the Can oer returned, and ! an to arow rapidly. W gave hlin many ramatllea wltllimt ni- Uat, and finally Dnn th advloe at i tntni, deolded to try b. s. a. (Swift' tneolllo), and WlU tmm aitnAiiJ tmttla ha begaa U laiuriive. After twaaty hotllat hai bean Ukan, ilia Cancer il!apiwrKl entlraly. Tho onra wa a nBnanl Ttr bad a alxa of the dreadful dlaau at re- rnnA hm wu niinul The flllra wB a BalBli on, for ha I nowaevnnteenyaanalil.aai hat ?u' tarn. . J.. Mwaixwa. m taodgraai iU, Dailaa, Tax. Absolutely tho only hope for Canoei Is Swift's fipeciflc, For Dlnnil IhoUlUUU as it It th only remedy whloh goes U the yery bottom of the blood and foroa oat every trace of the ditaase. B. 8. S. it guaranteed purely vegetable, and eonttuos no potash, mercury, or other xaineral. Books on Ouncer will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific Oo AtlanU, Qa. within the lam twenty-five )var. can not be Inappropriate, 1'cfore thj nillr"ail vre built It took a wn k to K from New York to llufTalo, nearly thr" w.'k from New York to Chli k. and .it that lime, no man notild have thoiig'it of making a trip from New York to the I'lieltlc count, cxci pt a few of th.. hardlitH pioneer, nnd whi n on uch dcukIoii the goiel- be were uld. t wit exiTted on both tide thut It would 1 fort'wr. If to iiiorriiw nlifhl you w.iuld pi tee a letter mi the I ii Me and (irU-iitiil inull traJn, which leave Nw York at K.15, you may l" mn. thut your cireKMulent in San IViiiii'Ihco will tie ri'iullng It next Mon day iiIkIii four day from New York The fruincr of our cnnrtitutlon wouUl have cminhli'i'iil a man entirely ImiI lilniK.'lf who would have UKK'tcd auch a poKHlhlllty. In ls7r- th KUitm eimt of the Mliwourl riv. r were vending fiKnl iuid dialling to the lurvlnit innpl'' t Kiuian. Ihunk to tho fiu'HIUin a IT or. led by the rail roud the corn crop of Kanna thl year I thre hundriHl and forty tiillll.iii Ii'diIi.'Ih. It eem but a very few year alnce I made my flint trip to Colorado, and Ktopped on my way nt the homo of Itulfulo Hill, at North I'latto, Neb., on the Union I'licitlc. At Oguliilta, fifty one mile w"Ht of North Platte, the Plnux Indian vivrw roaming over the prairie and making .niw or le trou ble for tho whl'e sKtler who ven Hired to out of the path of clvlll zullon. The Nebraakan corn crop this year oown elffht million acred, and the yield I two hundred and ninety million bUHheki. Previous to 'Hie cojmtruotlon of the Noithem Prulflu, the Ureal Northern, Noi'tlnoitern, 8t. Paul, Burlington and othtvr railroad that trave-rse that won derful reglri known an the "wheat belt," there wat nothing to be seen but pniliie grit and occasionally a band of untamed navix". .Minnesota this ytMir will ship ninety million buahJta or 'vhoat, 8outh Dakota forty-fivt million buahel, North Dakota slxty-flve million bushel, and Montana four million buuhMt. In 184!) theiv came acrotw the conti nent reports or the discovery rf gold In California, but the only means of reaching tho Golden Gate was by a around Caie Horn, or tho long: and per ilous Journey, with ox team, ncrot the plains, Including wlnU was then gtvlcd In our geographies the American dwert, and throURh the hazardous mountain! piuutca or the .Vfltorn part or the con tinent. The completion of the raclfic rail roads changvnl all this, and oiwnod new field for all kinds of enterprises, In an unexplored territory, stretching over more thnn two thousand miles to the wrt, northwest and southwtst of the Mlsslflslppe river, the products of which region were practically valueless until the meant of transporting them were provided by the rat I roods. Tho wheat crop or California this year is 57,000,000 bushels. The largest crop ever produced in California was In 1880, when owing to exceptionally favorable weather conditions that state produced 63,000,000. The gold output of California for the year 18M Is estimated ait $18,000,000. Tho vineyards and orange groves of California would bo or practically little value were It not for the faot that the railroads, by their trains of refrigerator and ventilated fruit cart, make It pos sible to transiort the products of her fertile valurys to all sections of the country, It teems but yesterday that the rail roads were completed Into Portland, Oregon, and Tacoma and Sealttle, Waah- Clilli i'ou carno and Miotics at Lee Quit's National Cafe every day. Pl-.isant furnished room for rent. U2 Fuui teeiith street. In private family. Until rurther notice the Astoria rreum-ry will pay 2414 cent fur butter fiC The lutein In the confection line are ihov .li lhaie Ice Cream Chocolate at The .SIU IMPROVED TOURIST SLEEPERS. Itullroadx Are Acceding to Demands of Middle Classes Who Want Better Sleeping-Car S.-n-lce. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS aak tb ticket agent to aell you a deke I pickled pigs' feel, oya tongue, etc., ul the Na- makes them Tb, v.ill Lii.iii' finiuli.mii. -two of -.hem for changing engine- Slump 1'ln.ioa? Call and see und ;s iowdown, on lu count of run-1 They uiv nil the go. mug through lncoi-)onittl tnwiw and ! ..i.. I Cream Pure Kye, Amerlca't flnett . ' , I whlt-key. The only pure goods; guaran- Imii- one stMi h of 22 mile, another teed rich find mellow. John L. Carlson, of IT mile, another of IS miles, and an-' ole agent. ..ih... . en ...ii..- .i.- .......i..- ,.hm-i i, tiiii'-i,, tin- i,'(uii,i u.iiuie tlui" I 60 mile an hour. Fur one stretch of 12 miles It I 6.1.40 mile an hour. For another stretch of nearly I') mlli it I 6I.S6 nlU- an hour. The weight nf hl train Is 60S.0O0 pound, nnl it ha seating oapiu'lty lit iwKNentrer. These are some of the achievements of American railway In (nmenger mrvlce that ha not ien approached In any other country of the globe, and In my opinion It I achievement of tht char acter that have made It poaudble for Uw l ult."d Stat.'s to txixind IU c.ium.ixv with such astounding rapidity. The rnct that American passenger si-rvlce attracts the attention or pple or every other country who visit our shores is demonstrated by the desire or all foreigner to ride on the Empire 8tat.i express the fastest long-distance train In the world, and the further de sire to examine the nmgnlllcent ma chine that haul our great trains. The extent of our commerce, both do mestic and foivlgn, may well ostonlah the representatives of other lund who visit us for the first time, but the ex tent of the territory of the United States made possible by the negotia tions or Admiral Dewey In May, 1S118, supplemented by those of the peace commission at Tarls, will surprise our own people, a well na our cousins from across the waters. We thought before the purchase of Alaska that our territory was large, I but what vistas of commercial enter prise present themselves to us as we contemplate the fact that It Is 3,144 miles from San Francisco to St. Ml. !. aels, Alaska, where on empire in ex tent awaits by American capital and energy and that It is 7,- 72.1 mile from San Francisco to Manila on the Island of Luzon, and that this Is only one of the hundreds of rich islands that await similar development, not overlooking the Hawaiian Islands which lie It. our new ocean paith. Saturday arternoon last a United States cruiser left New York for Manila via the Suez canal, and the Sunday For Itent Furnished rooms, with first tliiits table board. Apply Mrs. E. C. Ilnliten', corner Ninth and Duane ytn-.'is. NORTH PACIFIC Dental College loth and Couch Sts I'ortliintl. Member of National Association of Dental faculties. Hoy Koelyn coil; the best coal for heating and cooking purposes on the market. George W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1311. Itoquet de Cuba and Key West Gems are the llnest 6-cent cigars that ever come to this market. Henry Roe, op posite brewery. Ri slyn coal lasts longer, is cleaner , ..,oi'i,. - ' cM.i.iiev tiuea ih,.n at. oih. r. O oijjt W. Sanborn, Agent, Telephone 1311. When in A t rlo. transient ruests can .cure unsurpassed accommodations at the Astor House. Perfect cooking and nice, clean rooms. Rates, $1 per day. Visitors from Portland and elsewhere will find the pleasantest room In AS' mrla at the Bay City house, 179 Tenth street, Mrs. E. S. Andrews, proprietress. Roslyn coal is the best and most eco- romlcal coal for household use In As tni'la. Try It once and you will have r other. George W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. , Kelley's transfer wagons deliver' box wood to any part or the city on short n"tlce. All order left at Zapf's fur r'ture store, 630 Commercial street, will r-flve; prompt attention. Telephone nit. The following reduced ratet are In r feci via the O. It. & N. between Asto r'i, Portland and Intermediate points i'Imiuv iiie riii'r; Fare, 25 cents; section, 2". euiUn, lower or upper berth, 60 cents ench: stateroom, 75 cents. Go to the Columbia Electric and Re " --y for all kinds of new and r 'pair wurK. rrom a cambric needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Logging machinery or all kinds a specialty, Shop opposite Ross, Hlgglns & Co. The concert hnll opened by Charlie Wide nt No. 339 Astor street Is the one and only popular resort of Its kind In that vicinity. Mr. Wise is doing some thing new among concert halls. He Is not only selling a class of pure liquors, but Is giving his place a management which Insures gentlemanly attention and treatment to his patrons. The good music nnd the crowd will be found at Charlie wises piace. When people r contemplating a tr.i whether on builneea or pleasure, u naturally want the beat aervtee oh talnable o far as speed, comfort anf safety la concerned. Employe of Ui WISCONSIN CENTRAL LIN El or uald to aerve th public and our train are operated jo u to make close coa neotion with diverging line at rnJ Juncvtlon points. In reepunse to the demands of the! Pullman Palac Sleeping and Chair Car. time the O. It. & S. and Its conne- on through tralre. lions are placing In operation a much; Dining Car aenrKi unexcelled. Hl belter grade of tourist sleepers for Pa- gerved a la carta in.- coest s-rvtce th.ui at any previous; ln w obu!a fl,t eiaM rrle. .inn-. i lie i.inuei mi irumi iraoiu to, this section or the country has demand- I eil nil the Improvements of latter-day! trinportatlon, and In consideration of ft. tlJ,- rl I J-.. thU the rallrivads are establishing a! 1 lie YV1SC00SIQ lenlr2l LlOeS. service which Is excellent In every par-; . ... ., , tlcular. Not only are the wishes of!"d yu w"' m" atreot connections at flrst-clnss passmgers served, but those! 8- P'ul for Chlc- '""-ukee and w ho nre traveling to and rrom the East i al P'nts east. on scond-class tickets are splendidly! "or any further information call on a, rnred rer. There was a time when a! ticket agent, or correspond with t.'Urlst sle.-p,'r appealed to a limited JA8. C. POND, Gen. Paaa. Agent, number or people who were traveling J or J AS A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wla. on the "cheap" order, ln every meaning. General Agent or the term. Now, however, there has 146 Stark BU. roraand Or Ix'.'ii a radical change. With the bet-j t"r tourist sleepers in operation the class or passengers has teen improved, and one may now travel upon them and eni.,y all the privileges or a first- .-lna alennpr nt n trrvn f el v reH llfeH rnt ! Dally, en the O. R. & X. east-bound I lHYUDlflll I tJflVFT fast mall. Is attnehed one of these lat- "UAUIIVU' l,u' Mt Improved tourist sleepers, a model i of beauty and handsome appointments. The new ear are almost an exact of the first-class sleepers, .i J electric lighted throughout, both Pi One noticeable feature of the new;sid and out, aad ateam heated, are. tourist cars is th absence of a smoking without exception, th finett traint In th apartment The new cars being built WOrld. They embody the latent neweai by the Pullman Company are not pro-: a d f eomrort. convenience v ded with smoking apartments. This . , , " new departure has been taken because,""1 ,ver otr traveling of the fact that mist through trains public, and altogether are th mott com-.1-. r rovi ied with composite cars, which ; plete and splendid production of th car .moker for the Uplng-car: hnller' ar , .iiH,i iv rs. liUXURIOUS Tl fpHE "North.Wetern Limited" train. i J 2f' S""' -ni mm smith LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIV1 OVERLAKT BTT. PREtW. for Salem. F.K.8acrjnnto, Ogdea, 18:00 A-k. eao jrranciaco, lo-1 lav. Lo Aogelea, El Paao, New Or leans sod tb East t: A. M DaHy except Sunoar fT: A. M T4:W P. Mi Roaeburg pasaenger Via Woodbura, for Mount Angel, 811 venon. West Bclo, Brownvtlle, Bpring-nel-J and Nation.... Corvallls passenger f Auucpcuooncc paaw 4: P. M Dally except Sunday t:M A. M Iti.js A.M Dally, toaily except Connecting ac Ban Franclaco with Oeot- Hunaay. daotaJ ft Oriental. Pacific Mall aad Oce anic steamaoip line ror JArAn, UH1MA, AUSTRALIA. HAWAII ANU THE PHIUPP1NES. Rebate ticket on aale dmiv Iwiaua Portland, Sacramento, and San Francis co. Net rate til flrst-clasa. and til aaav ond-claaa. Including aleeoer. Hate and ticket to eastern point ana Europe. Alao Japan. China. Honolulu, and Antra!la- Can be obtained from J. B. KtKKiAjj, iicaet Agent i;h 'inim t, R. KOEHLER, C. H. MAKKHAM, Manacer. U. F. ft P. A. Thratigh ticket East for lowest rata. Call on C. J Trenchard. local fnt. WeT.a Fargo Conoxajr a Bfl e. A at oris. Through Tickets TO THX- EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VlA- a' ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave, PORTLAND. Arrive. 1:00 a. m.lPortland Union DVpot.lU:15"a.uT 7:00 p. m. for Astoria and Inter :4 p.m. I mediate points. "ASTORIAl 1 7.45 i.m. For Portland A ln-U:$ 6 P9 pjn.fteririediate point 10:Sp.m. ' SEASIDE DIVISION. p; S:0Olll:S5!Lr :.:KI 11:551 Ar :5nil:lJiLr ' 6:S0 l:00Ar ...Astoria..., ,.Warrenton, ...Seaside..., Ar Lvt "Arl Lv a.m.ip.m. 7:40 4:08 7:l S:SS 6:52 1:10 8:151 1:30 I'ormcrly Ta.oma Colletje f Surgery. Dentn Dental Infirmary open dally from I a. m. to 6 p. m. Free oral surgical cllnl Saturday, 1:30 p. m. to S p. m. A. R, Baker, D. D. 8., Demonstrator tn charge. Students desiring Information, ad dress North PaclQo Dental College, Fifteenth and Couch street, Portland, Oregon. NEW BudliitSS LOCALS Do you want a good meal when you visit Portland? If bo, go to the Port land restaurant, 305 Washington street If you want any Health Food that your grocer does not have, write Knapp Bros. Health' Food Co., East Portland, Ore. Knapp Bros. Health Food Company, East Portland, carry a full line of all ttv itntiv. rvoit Sanitarium Health )roou, B. House's Cafe at 128 Third street, Portland, Is regarded by many people a the leading restaurant in the Pa cific Northwest Encyclopedia Brlttanloa, 28 vol., sheep, $2". Best teachers' Bible, now, jOc. at Kyland's Bros.' Book Store, Portland. See advertisement SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:90 a. m.; arrives at Seaside 8:45 a. m. Passengers may return on any train shown on schedule on same data. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren top. All traint make close connection at Goble with all Northern Pacifio tralna to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with I. R. N. Co.'s boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach points. THROUGH TICKETS on sale at As toria for Sacramento, San Francisco, all Eastern and European points, City ticket office Astoria. 524 Commer. Hal street J. C. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and Pa. Agent These Splendid Traint Connect with The Great Northern The Northern I'acific and1 The Canadian I'acific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these luperlor ac eommodatlona and all clasaes of ticket are available for passage on th famous "North-western Limited." All trains os tblt line are protected by th Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVAGE. Gen'l Agent T A. Portland Or. and other Eastern el tie. Baggsg checked tnroug-n to oeatlnatloa. Union Depot, fast time, loweat rata. Plntach light in all cart. For ratea and other Information call oa or address G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent, , O. R. A N. Co. Aetorla. Oregon. or J. H. LOTHROP, Gen. Agent, 135 Third St.. cor. Alder, Portland. Of. Wnie nil in hi Hg5rpo.nTs TICKETS to all EAST J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools lor Rent. L. LEBECK Carpenter nnd Builder Gerterol Contractor HOUSE RAISING. AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY Through palace and tourist sleeper, dining and library observation cars. ELE3ANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 LI ul ted leaves Portland at 1:10 p. m. No. S Limited arrives Portland at 1:81 a. m. For rates, etc, call or address G. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent O. R. N., Astoria. a' B. C. DENNTSTON. C. P. & T. A.,Portland Or PlCTO CLLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. TOURISTS SLEEPERS und FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City A familiar nam for th Chicago, Mil waukee Sc St. Paul Railway, known all over me union as tn ureeu Kaiiway running the "Pioneer Limited" tralna every day and night between St Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicatfo. The only perfect trains In -the world." Understand: Connection are mad wiK all Transcontinental Lines, assuring to pas9egenrs the best service Known. Lux urious coaches, eleotrio light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other Itn. See that your tlcxet reads via roe Milwaukee" when going to any point ln the United States or Canada. Ail ticket agents tell them. For ratea. pampniet. or otner lniormav- tion. iaddress, J. W. CASEY." C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt, General Agent, Portland. Or. Portland, O.r WHITE COLLAR LINt Columbia River and rmget sound Navi gation Company. Bailey Gatzert leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dolly except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets and O. B, & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Agt U. B. SCOTT, Telephone 111 President TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7. A. r. A. M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening ot each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W. M.; E. C. HOLDEN. Secretary. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Lin, or th Rio Grande Scenic Line. LOOK AT THE TIME 1J Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3 Days to Chicago 4J Days to New York. Free reclining ohairs, upholstered toon, 1st sleeping cars, and Pullman palac sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information, apply to G. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N., Or Astoria, Oregon. C. O. TERRY, W, B. COMAN, Trav. Pas Agt. Gen. Agent 124 Third Bt. Portland. Or.