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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1899)
IKK' .WiltlAS i ASTORIAN BAkGAIN COLUMN It Will I'.iy You To look up th bargain I un offer ing In my orockwy atook. Erwry iIiIiik li Included at fraaU dlaoount (ruin regular prloea. Itivarythlng In plain and dooorated wan; th (am iiiii Luatlo Lraml, JCnwllah makn. It XMll pay you u look It over. C1IA8. LAHHON, IU Commercial Hireat. TlicvYo I'oimiIiii Now Have you in my aaaortment ot ebony brualiraT Yhny were pur thaaact d I root from New York, and are vary popular. Am oonatanlly, receiving new goooa. come ana eo them. Q. W. SMITH. The Leading Jeweler. Ill Commercial ttlreet. Who Doj Your lotiuidry.' We claim, and we will prove to every one. that wa have the brat and moat up-to-date laundry on the Coaal. A trial order will oonvluce the moat particular. If you want nt, prompt work, try the CITY KTICAM LAUNDItT, til Franklin Avenue. It. 8C1I IMITEHMAN, I'rop. Our Special HiunaliiH We have aom broken line of tin ware which we will otuae out at bar gam prim, we ore a no miuni apeclal prloea on aom broken line of canned frulta and rellahe. pick- Th..'!; rNorgcuSrctn, i.. ... ... l,. nrlrtM. I ROHHL IIIUQINB k CO. A tllaaa lit SpimlKh i win m .tarted. to moot evenlnga at the homea of the member. Plan Two leeaona a week, 10 oenta a ! aim, eight monlha' oourae. Conault by mall or call at the achnol after 110 p. m. W. W. PAYNE. Principal of High School. Fxtra Fine I'nibrellaN And at baiter than Portland price. If a fct. They ara the celebrated Follmer-Cl.igg make; handcome, durtble silk umbrellaa. Don't make th mistake of buying elaewhere. II. KKBTilOM. Tha Joweler. H0 Commercial Street littler I huii Fver Th Pond Street Flah Market I belter than ever prepared to upply fredt and Halt fish of all kind. Oood delivered to any part of the cliv and satisfaction guaranteed. FOND STUK1CT FISH MAIIKICT. 417 Itond PtreeC Millinery Novelties I desire to further call the atten tion of the ladlea to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises the latest creations of the millinery art. and I am orfaring re- c1(mmm1 al Central church, Portland, re duced rates for th neat 10 days. MISS McllAE. Dr. T. N. Hall DENTIST. 673 Commerolaa Btreet, ABTOIUA, OUE. Over Schluasel's Clothing Store. A Portland Buyer Mrs. DALTON, who lum year' of twiu'rirncc us it . Buyer . lllKl Will l) ltiMtttl tn jito )ornoim nttontion to all cii-Homcr. Corrosjiondoncf wilicitotl. 3G3 Second St., Portland. 6 Comltiir! the Great Electrical Production OF Battle f Manila Admiral Dewey's World-Famed Victory as Actually Occurred. ! ft The BpiH'tncle iu motion. The liiu guns boom V ami the ships sink before the eyes of the Hiidienoe. 2 BATTLE OF SANTIAGO REPRODUCED t. a MnnkilAk. .;.. Kt. tlm uiM ..f nlitf trirtltv A IIIHrVt'lUUn ivi'iunuwiiiuu kj & Tho Huttlc Ship ureuon m action. The (irent Spimlsh-Ameiicnii Fight tit bun Jiniii. 1 he host of '4 bluo-jiiokft undor tho Stars and Htripes ia seen itorming the hill, life si size, with the thundor of cannon and musketry plainly heard. $ The fcpw'tiimilar Hull FiKht, conducted by the Spauinh govornmont in bebnlf ot its soldiers to fight tbo United .States. This wonderful scone r doctrine all beholders. p Kitty other moving picture that display the grnndeurof the gny I'.tiro- ""lotwetintwo and three hour of tire most thrilling electrical effects k ever wilueMMcd. I AT FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY er.d THURSDAY NOV. 1 and 2. Door open nt 7 :!J0. ForforniRnoe AJmiBBion 25 ami 50 cents. TO ASTORlANS. TIi IMII.V .KlOHIAN alll be found l li Hit ill I'lirllnml l ll. wolldiliiwn Unit. I) tollHM l.f J. f, llMlllllVX .'., HI I Hililiiiin Kitrl. Ilnl. rt for ail.r ll.llia If I Willi llila Hun tt.ll fomlve ir.inii( allnulliiH. TODAT'0 WEATHKR. I'OUTLAND, today. Nov. 1 Fair watlir a HOUND town. Crawflili, rooked In win, at the Na tional Cafe. "l Vurinvtm For Balo-Tlia Aalur j Holme. Inquire at Uia prml. prnk K. If. Cereal; Eat Nut butter' i and Ho lih Fooda and be happy. ! In the polite court yratrday John aelnctlona there are many other at i Uko wai fliwd 110 for drunk nrM. iractlona to delight the vlillora. The ' j iifw management li making the. Fredcr- Mlaa Ml lwla mturnrd on hurt j ickaburg a well-merited ucca. nlght'a tialn from a ahoit vlalt to Tort lund. II. B-jw-re. with the Unw.ln t arter! W. Iti'iimiliber ttto MaJrK) the oily. company, la In The Nei anli um Hi)ru Lumber Coin.1 puny, of Hiiuilil", haa complefd a new idry kiln. It. F. Allen k Bon are Illng Em- ix,-a wan taper aa low aa 10 oenu r mprt-d Kngllah. 7H oenta. ,r r l- nigh,'. , wu- delayed In ritiiilnir dnWll fur a eoutilo of hour by rW..,.n of H... m.inm hneklnir down, i Wan led-Experienced r'-r drygoode atore, young lady j Anawer by' mall. Addrrw "W," care the Aatorlan. I Mr. " Ivte" Meyor, of Portland, came j down from Portland yoaterday to take the piIUNi of presainun In tho Aato-j rlun ottloe. Italalen, the "blka king," came, E. J. down last night to arrange for a match rtio with Albert Hliaw of Salem, who la In tho city. j Pure whisky Harper Perfect whlaky 1 Hirper every bottle guaranteed liar I per. Hold by Ford & Stokea Company, Astoria, Oregon. j Wanted Immediately, a ef-r'Uant ; woman of good addrem, who lias had some experience In caring for the lck. Addr"aa "M," Aatorlan offloe. ! Take ateomer Hailey Oatiert of j White Collir line for Portland and way points. Fare, ii oenta; room, 76 oenta; upper or lower berth, 60 oenta; section berth, III cent. Dr. Peart and wife and the delegates of the Kpworth League who have been Attending the League convention just ! "Just like Join." Till I what Portland gntleman void of the delto j lou chooolate made at the Spa Candy ! Factory. You will sny the same when you try them. There are none better. A number of passengers on yeatcr I day' delayed train became o Interest ed In discussion of the excellent viand I set before them at th Clotskanlo hotel i thul thi y missed ttw relief train and ':! obllg.Ml to w.iit Jut II evening. In tinier to come home. Ycstenlivy' noon train from Portland was dolayed several hour by reason of a lnk which took place on the track near Clatkanle. A transfer of passen ger was made to a train sent up from Astoria and which returned at the depot at S p. m. A force of men waa at ono ot to work on tho Injured track so that the delayed train waa able to get through by o'clock last evening. I In the circuit oourt yesterday the case of X. S. Brown executor of the e tate of Hiram Brown deceased vi Mary Case wa argued. The motion of Coming. THE It nitv i vhvhivii commences at 8 :;!0. I Ihe plulntlir In lh ea of Hamilton v. City of Atilorln to mitkoUw nwer inor- explicit wu argued and taken undor dvlnemi-irt. An order of dure wa made In the cuae of A. V. Allien v. O. llinilrlckion. Iliwfkr'e Unto'ur rwived yi-tr day a ahlpmont of Ijwncy' fumoua contortion direct from the manufac torv. It la the lime ihlpmi-iit of Lowiify' candy that eter niurlwd A- loila, and la the frvahoat. Thrughout th United Hta,t Iwwy'i rhocolalca am riM'Kiil-d u the Ix-at, and, aa la well known, th IJwiooiinltre only kip the beat of rVTythlnir. All Aatorlan who vlalt Portland and dcilre epcndlng a pleaaant evening In company with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled mimical program, huiii go to trtv rreaencxe burg. Ileildee vocal and Inatrumental Mlaa Blgne Talmberg, recently arrlv- from tn Kn1, ,M,I, 40 announce' to tho ladle of Aatoria that ahe hn I opened droeameklng parlori on Ninth utroet. near Commercial, next door to fX-lllngwr'a printing oin. e. Mine Pulm- Ix rg haa had thorough exp rt- nce In I cutting and fitting larHea' garment of; all kind, partliularly tailor-made aulta' j n,,,j doitk of the lateat and moat faali-; i.nmblo dealgna i The Aatoria Cua Light Company haa JUal received from the Caledonian Coal Company. Auatralla. another cargo of llvlr o-lebrated Wallaend Coal. Thl,not a magnificent beginning, but uch bit uinlnoiiR coal haa the reputation of being the flnet fuel coal In the world, and our coke made from the ame con - tain 90 per cent carbon, making It an, excellent fuel. Bee that your drayman deliver you none other. Prlc, IS p-r ton. A very appreciative audience greeted the first nlghf entertainment of the! ' Dottle of Manila" and oth -r seen.- presented t Flslcr' opera house loot night. The battle oeti" at Santiago, ! both on wa and land, were presented - In a manner so reullaJc that the audl- j ence cheered anj applaud 'd a If the i real thing were befjre them. The bat- tleshlp Oregon In chaae of tho Spanish j ships and the de.uh of a soldier might be mentioned a being particularly fine,. ! The battle of Manila harbor equal -1 the ! Cuban tattle In realism and murtllng i tffm-la. Views aside from battle scenes ' w?re given, and Included a cake walk by ftviiulne colored people, Imatlng on the Hudson, a Sp.mish bull-fight and on Innumerable hont of other. To night. In addl'lnrt to lout night's enter ! nlainient, ther. will be Introduced a , numlh-r of iu-w pl.ures. Tlu- enter lalninent I really one of the hcot eir liroiight to Astoria. . . "Oft vs The atoamer W. H. Harrison left out yesterday. The ship Benecla arrived In yester day from Ban Diego with a partial car go of cement, which she discharged at thla port. The steamer Columbia arrived in from Ban Francisco yesterday morning. After unloading freight at thi port, she proceeded up the river. The Northern Pacific Steamship Com pany's fast Oriental Utter Monmouth ahlro Is due from the Orient Friday or Saturday. She left Yokuhama October 20. The British ship darnet Hill started out yesterday, but owing to the rough ness of tho bar waa obliged to return. She will leave out today if the weather Is reasonable. Details have been received regarding the British ship Scottish Hills. Captain Ulackmore, which waa reported arrived at Calcutta, on Ocitober 9, from Port Iilakeley, April 28, damaged and with deckload Jcttlaoped. She encountere a gulo on May 2, In which her stanchions were started,' and In latitude 4 north, longitude 170 vest, she waa struck by a tornado, and; her aolla were blown off, and in a hurricane that followed she was thrown on her beam-ends, her wheel was carried off, she sprung a leak, thetmaln winch was torn up, tak ing with it a portion of the main deck, and various other damages were sus tained. The British bark Ancyra, which went to Plight sound seeking last spring, when freights were at a low ebb, and was obliged to take a lumber charter, is coming north again. She was char tered a few days ago to load wheat at Portland nt 40 shillings, and it will be along in time for December loading. There is very little chartering being done at the present time, exporters not caring to experiment with 40-shllUng ships, very far In the future, and there being very few that are near by ob tainable even at that figure. The big ship May Flint, which in early Ufa was the steamship Persian Monarch, has been chartered for Sound loading. She Is over 3,000 tons register, but is a much poorer carrier than the Royal Forth, now loading In this port ' ; v?llDpiMr NMaOlllL I iff BEGINNING OF THE MEMORIAL FUND The First ('oiitrilia ions fur il;t' Kil ward ('. Youn Ufoui). LCTTEKS W COM RXPAIIOX A (irutifvlng Assurance TJvnf Asto ria's Trilititc to an A-.tnrU Solilii-r Will he Worthy of the City. When ICdward C. Young dnpp'-d hl li'iok and ehoulderod hie rifle at the caII if hU country he rnado a aar-riflro that all can appreciate. Whi-n lie died, ftlva). fn)m hme awuy frim the mto li'K mlnlMtratlona of loved oiu. the ac rillce of the young aohlh-r waa made complete. All that he had, even his life, he gave to hla country, Aatoria, hi home, propm to give to the college from which he went forth to war a library which rhull commem orate the B-rvlcea of Edward Young and be of gnat help to othor young people ei-eklng to fit th.-mwlvo at the Ore- gon Agricultural collegv for a uif-ful life, The fund wu openod UMlay. It 1 w,i nt expected. There have bn no p-raonal aollcltatlona, aa It Is desired : that the offering bo the free-will con irlbutlon of the city. Many have lg ' niflcd their Intention to subscribe lib-1 erally who name do not appear. The! (beginning Is far from being a dlsap-1 ! polnlment, for It la a beginning. In such can aa thla It Is usual to wait fur the starting before we subscribe. The Aatorlan 1 In receipt of many letter aprovlng the movement. There l rm In these column fur but a few. H're l.i one fmm a deservedly popular A'torlun. a faithful servant of the siate and a member of the bnard of regents of the college: "Editor Aatorlan: Tour proposed memorial to Edward C. Young In th' f'irm of a library for the uae of the Plate Agricultural college I a project which should receive prompt and hearty tutprort. Ilia option In promptly re Biiindliig to the call for volunteers, thereby giving hi life to his country. Hhould N perpeuated. The plan pro p.iihMl I commend as a tribute to a young man who wis a credit to Oat op county, and also that the memorial will nut only be a useful one to the col lege an Institution of which we can J all feel proud fr the good work it I doing but will aljo be in recognition j of the students who honored the state j in promptly answering1 the call for vol unteer!". F. I. DUN BAR. Mr. Dunbar enclosed a check for a handsome amount to be added to the fund. Mr. P. S. Pague of Pcriland, well known aa the Oregon forecast official and section direct w of the weather bu rnu, Is an enthuslnstlc friend of the college and one of Its most active re gvivts. Mr. rajrue wrltt: Ki'Hor Atorlnn: An Edward C, ' . ' .. . f . iiM:"Ii'..iiy at the Oregon Atfilcultural college would be the most fitting tribute to one of our honored di'ad and It would constanitly tend to irstlll patriotism In the minds of the I living, thus showing that the people i are not unmindful of tne saennces which are made to uphold the dignity of our ling, and to preserve our right against an enemy wheresoever located. There is no Institution In the state of preater value to the people than the Agricultural college, or aa lit can well i be termed, Industrial college. The stud ents In the college represent families of the state, farmers principally, upon : whom depends, to a great extent, the development of the state's wealth. The m.ire thorough the Instruction, the I jTi iater the means placed ojt the disposal of the students for the acquisition of ; know ledge, the mo. perfect will be the ! graduates for the affairs of life and bet- t t citizens they will become. ! A moment of marble is a mute recog- ! idtlon of valor or renown and a silent reminder ir tne aeparteo; a uorary is , monumpnt fully a memorlat. to a shaft of granite, and possessing the greater value of being useful to the llv li'.K. I view with great favor this movement on your part, and beg to unsure you that I shall be pleased to assist and to co-operate In any manner in the furth erance of it. Astorlans are pushing and energetic; they possess as much publlo enterprise as can be found In any city; they are prosperous and happy, and I have no doubt but that they will view with favor your proposition, and that the amount which you desire to raise will ba subscribed without delay. May the utmost success attend your efforts. Very truly yours, B. S. PAGUE. Professor . B. Horner, at the head of the English department in the college, was one of Edward Young's Instructors and he Is glad because of Astoria's pro posed tribute to the memory of the warm-hearted, manly boy. He says; "Accept my congratulations upon the success of the Edwin C. Young library. Without question, this Is one of the most Important as well as appropriate movements of the kind suggested In Or egon, for while the library wit blless and enlighten the young men and wo men for whom Edwin Young's precious life was sacrificed, that they might en joy the peaceful pursuit of knowledge and happiness, those numberless vol- nine will te a permanent frknVnto Unking popular patrlotlam with eclen tide and clanelcal Inatructlon In one of the growing educational Institution In our great country, "Ood bleaa you and your noble co worker In thla laudable undertaking. "J. B. HOUNKIt." CONTRIUUTOnU TO THE Fl'ND. F. I. Dt'NBAn $25 00 I'ltOP. 3. H. ACKKRMAN 00 Hit. ALFKKU KINNEY 5 IX) If. H. HOMiATB 2 5ft k. crtAWFOitn t oo i:. IIKNHKN 1 00 It. H. PMITII M J. T. LIGUTKft i W A HINT TO ASTORIA ROYS. L'aat Oregonlan. The carrying of a coricealed weapon I a ticket of aJmlnnlon to the penlten tlary, or to the hangman' noow. Boy ahouM be o Inatrueted and young men hould take the hint. The daJly hand ling of a dangerous woKpon baa a ten dency to cre.Oe an undervaluation cf the right and Uvea of other. The man who consider hi life ahould be pro tected by carrying a concealed weapon la keeping bad compiny an! destroying reapect for the law by depending upon a cowardly advantage over hi aHaoclate or opponent or enemy. The pistol and dirk have gotten few person out of trouble, but they have wrecked thou aund of live and homea. The moat peaceful, law-abiding man la always the braveit. AN IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE. : To make It apparent to thousand, who think lhem.-lves 111, that they are I altllcted with any dlneaae. but that I the system elmply need cleansing, It i to bring comfort home to their heart, , as a costive conditio! I easily cured b using Pyrup of Figs. Manufoctered by j the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and I sold by all druggist. j Ui.ts' Tailor. Ctali'Tailnr. I. D. Boyer, Merchant Tailor lp-to-Date KHoorlkSI., fOKTLUH, DEL Y. M. C. A. Huild'c. i BROWN'S RESTAURANT A fin-t-clHus place at moderate prices Koonis for bdies and private parties Open nil NlgHt... 10S Pourth St., near Washington roitTUND, or.t;ox. PHONE BLACK iKjis- The Eastern l)ininij-ioui:i anil KioUiurant J. V. Wonnor, FVop. I'rivate Dining-rooms lor Ladies ' Meals 15c lp Ope ill Night. 170 THIrlD STREET, Bet. Morrisoi and Yamhill Portland, Oregon "1 CdlntabiaThtnfil. The Portland Reatouront K. K., Pioprieti r. rr.vate Roonii fcr Ladies. MuSt,ncHr5th PORTLAND 5) OPEN DAY EstKbllslied w AND NIGHT... J) 3 E. House's NCafe, g 12S Third Street, Portland, Oregoa. li, (j) $ The Host Cup of Cufleo J;, or Cocoa In the city. , fS Cream anil Milk 0 fn.iumir own ranch ' W V Home made Pica and cakes. ) Wo f fciria-i'c; 1 Restaurant WATHOS Blius., rropra, () ,n...l..n...l A.. .1...' u.-ufAn. llinNL. tore ikimii pay for what tlicy order and no more. ' t Claim the LarsMt, Cheapest, Best and (uifkest Servir in the Snrthwest. g ItWandlll Fourth St. Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. PORTLAND ss Jackets! Jackets! Jackets! FOR 'I HIS WF.F.K ONLY Wli GIVF. SPIXIAL FRICr.S ON IMMU.KAbl. JACKETS Pine Tailor-made Jacket reduced from $ VIM JM .f 10.00 in.00 to - 8.nn S 00 to - 6.00 An Unusual Opportunity to Get an Elegant Jacket at a Bargain. Have You Seen Our Fall Line of Winter Mack (oh!h i'oplin.H, Venetians Whipcord, ' CaimTa Hair and Ocpons. THE -BEE -HIVE zvxfinjwruvnnnninruvwwuw HATS GIVEN AWAY! With every Suit, even if the Suit costj no more than $5.00 (We have gool Suits for this price) fit Lottery. Every One Treated Alike. Boy also get a Hat with a Suit, anil Hints nvwaros iroui You buy the Suit, we give the Hut. The better the Suit the better the bat. No toys being given away, but something owful. Having low rent we can do this. WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE Bealer i .lea's and Boys' Clothing and I BriiiV.iimj Cvids. aid He' Boys'. Ladies' aad Childre' Shoes. L STRICTLY A aERIUX CLOTHING rrLnjuxrinnnnnrvirium nnn lill - I EARNEST MIUUER Fresco Decorator.1: and Scenery Artist ALSOtDEALER IN" Latest Designs lUST RECEIVED r-v . We Rent ! , -.- Li . jt QSSIK Smith Fj-JJtC.,:. NEW ART CATALOG! To-L- & M- ALEXANDER S CO., " Excit-ne i ?,'X?X 1 JMIer's Bonbonniere Vhere the finest Candies in the State ire Prepared and Always in Stock BLANK. BOOKS' Cf Every Description Made to Order. Largs Line of Stock Books for 1900. Attractive Prices. loose leat ledijers and Transfer Case. TUC ID 1)11 U UfinCnW Pfl Order Blanks Holders and Binders. nt 111 Wlll'ilUUoUfl bU. Commercial Printing in all branches, XV-Larteat iiauuiiiiuui iu the Weat. First and Salmon St., Portland. (5SS0j DO YOU BATHE? NO. nut; S(SiSSi!:,:--' we have good i 71 9 norriso Mrert a STORE . Bctaee. Tirst ad Soeond p 111111111 Wall Papers 127 First Street, Portland New Typewriters. tuou ah-" iuij'iwiv uiviiio auuvu ui.aj wit uaiiiUl Premier Typewriter OGUK FREE Phone Main 571 i.a.. - u.,i ijc.ieis. 145 Stark SL Tortland 543 COMMERCIAL ST.. ...ASTORIA. OREGON g 3S&ii'f 3?5 Becaiiso utour bouso we bave neither a bathtub, n .r bot water 1 uudy. . . . Tben go to the Ruwian Baths at 217 Atttor 8t. 25 cents is the price. Private apartments for Jj ladies. Only the better elm's of patronage i fj catered to. Try one aud you will come regularly.