The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 02, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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gaily 2Utortmt
Telephone Main ML
Sent by mall, per year
Bent by mall per raoath M
Served by carrier, per month W
Bent by mail, per year. In advance $100
Postage free to subscribers.
. All communication Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the edi
tor, business communication! of all
kinds and remittances must be address
ed to "The Astorian."
The AstorUns guarantees to IU ad-1
Tertlsers the largest circulation of any.'
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
There Is a substantial beginning of (he na.Ueg of Cnlni dml Japan AT
the monument fund In the list pub-, THK ,5 THET NOW PAY FOR
llshed today. It is not a large sum. but( IUCE, Xow (S. lh, Agriculture r--U
is only the commencement and gen- ,enlb.r tna, ,he qUen of Egiana
erous additions are expected today. j proUb,y tfatg bre4j maJ(f out 0re.
It is not for any self-glory that the( gon our and ,hat :h;ife ls unltmlt.
Astorian undertakes to forward thls( eJ (,enianJ tlm,Ughout all Europe for
movement. It only realises that It is tng wllnt of tne inlanJ Emplrt to
good for Astoria to thus remember that muk(! bpead for whae Mr
it has a fallen soldier whose memory Hi has for lhe purpose of
deserves a tribute from his home town.j roakil)g more mi)neT tor bJmself in the
and that a newspaper is the best means, transfKirtatjon buslines, and for hia al
through which to reach the public. I ,iwJ , tne mlu business, that hereafter
Every Aatorian is willing to aid In tb ,es8 wheat gna to Europe and
movement and in a few days the fund at Lverp30l prooe6t but more
should reach a figure that will be cred- shn gtnt t0 the 0rlent goM at
l,able t OUT clty- I China prices. THIS IS WHAT MR.
Locally the whxt market Is very ;
quiet, the price of wheat has gone down
This-Is the result of Inactivity in all'
the world markets. The pre-!
ent ship rate is 2.6, with a prospsct of
another raise, and a consequent fall in
. ' .. ,
the price of grain. The shipowners are ,
right In it. and the wheat owners are'
up against it for a time, but prices must!
go up some time In the not distant fu-'
ture. Shippers from the Northwest are'
Sighing lor the time to come wnen tne
United States will have a merchant ma-
rine, and foreigners cannot have such '
a sure cinch on the situation. A fleet
of vessels in Portland tomorrow would
doubtless cau a lowering of charters.
a rise in Drice nalJ for erain and a
strong, healthy market-Goldendale
Agriculturist. '
Will the Agriculturtat accept a point-,'
er from the Astorian? The last een-
tence in the item above quoted tells
the story: "A fleet of vessels in Port-
land tomorrow would doubtless cause
a lowering of charters, a rise in yice
paid for grain and a strong, healthy
market." But the Agriculturist will
look a long time before it sees a fleet
of vessels in Po.-tland, especially one of
the kind the Agriculturist refers to'
a fleet of unchartered ships competing
wilh each other for the grain of the
Inland Empire to supply the unlimited
marktt of Europe. Can't the Agricul-
turist unit-rsiand that one of the main
purposes In view by the wheat buyers
and transportation companies is to
prevent the consummation so much de-
sired by the wheat producer of a fleet
of vessels clamoring for the privilege
of taking his wheat to the markets WHEAT, THE WHEAT BUYER'S
of Europe? Can't the Agriculturist see COMMISSION, THE COST OF RAIL
that so long as the main market for WAY TRANSPORTATION AND THE
Inland Empire wheat is maintained at FREIGHT ON MR. HILL'S STEAM
the inaccessible inland port of Portland SHIPS ACROSS THE PACIFIC. The
the farmers of the interior will look in Astoria proposition ls designed to give
vain for a fleet of ships which will ma- the farmer at the mouth of the Colum
terlaily lower charter rates. bia river the LIVERPOOL PRICE
But what does the Agriculturist think FOR HIS WHEAT LESS, ONLY, THE
of the probability of getting such a fleet n.n.WAV RATE TO ASTORIA
of competing ships in the magnificent AND THE CHEAPEST CHARTER
harbor of Astoiia, right at the sea- RATIi THAT CAN BE OBTAINED
coast, where there is no expense for FROM THIS NEAREST POINT OF
towing, pilotage or liability of deten- LAND TO THE LIVERPOOL MAIt
tlon? With the wheat wt the interior KKT.
laid down by the railroads at thy very Under which one of these arrange
mouth of the Columbia river under ne-nts does the Agriculturist think the
common point railway freight rates f:irmr would get the most for his
that ls, at the charge now made for wheat?
carrying It from the place of production Will the Agriculturist answer?
to the ports of Seattle, Tacoma and -
Portland the Agriculturist would in
truth soon see such a fleet of ships as
would result in a lowering of charters.
Another thing the
ghould bear in mind in (studying the'
wheat question Is that wheat buyers,1
wheat speculators, even the transporta-
tion companies In fact, every non-pro-,
ducer who getB a graft out of the farm-
er's wheat, can only hope to do so in
proportion to the extent to which hej
can Interpose himself as an obstacle on
the road between the farmer and the
ships which come to the coast seeking
charters In wheat. Doesn't the Agricul-
turlst know that every possible ma-
neuver ls resprted to by these middle-
men to obstruct the flow of the farmer's
wheat to the m-acoast? Can lh Agri
culturist ivcall a fortune that has Iwvn
made In Portland that did not repre
sent some direct or Indirect toll taken
from the fanner's wheat on Its
way to the sejooast? Doe the
Agriculturist understand that th
stoppage of these unnecessary grafts
Is the chief merit of the- Astoria
proposition," and that It Is for this
reason sr. much opposition Is at all
times In evidence airUnut Astoria?
With this thought In mind, perhaps
the Agriculturist can understand why
It hn Iwn suoh an uphill fight to
bring Astoria to the front, and w hy she
hiis been mlsivptvs.'Ued and maligned
by almost the entire outside press and
the influence of millions of combined
capital, until the people of the Colum-
blar. busln have received a totally
wroll(r ,)rvss,vi, of what is meant by
propolulon Pl.rmM, lh,
Agriculturist has lately noticed ac
counts of Mr. Hill's preparations to ship
larger quantities of flour to the Orient.
Ills own statement Is that he Is building
two ships larg-T thin the Oceanic for
the purpose of selling the wheat of the
Inland Kmplre In the form of floor to
Now oa ne mht.r hand e juiorlti
... ... ... I
proposition proposes to cut out the mid-1
dlemen t0 the Pibl- extent.;
It proposes to reduce trade and trans-1
poriation to the nearest possible ap-!
proach ,0 natura, conJiaoM anJ natur. !
I al competition. The Astoria propo-
8ltlon insists that the larger propor-
tion of Inland Empire wheat shall be
9di,i ,0 feed wnite nyetl whlUl mtM1.
prices in Europe. It insists that there
are ,,ut two the farmer ouht to,
pay between his farm and the
consumer. Fiist he should pay a rail-)
way rate the same rate charged to
Tacoma, Seiule and to Portland with '
the cption to the farmer to have his
wheat exported at Astoria, If he prefers
ta do so. Second, Astoria Insists that the
only remaining toll which shall be
Lrken out of the wheat is the lowest
competitive charter rate -vhlch can be
obtained from the first class seaport of
Astoria to the market at Liverpool.
Can the Agriculturist see the difTer-
The present Hill railroad-steamship-,
grist - mill - wheat buyers' combination '
proposes to forrv the wheat-producing
farner of Klickitat county to takej
the exact price at his granary '
for the finest quality of wheat that ;
. i
Before hostilities actually began In
South Africa it was perfectly under-
stood that the British forces on the
ground were entirely inadequate to a
campaign against the Boers, and the
necessity for sending large reinforce-
ments from England was regarded as
one of the reasons for the government's
unwillingness to bring matters to an
Issue. When, the Boers, recognizing
these facts, determined to take advan
tage of their position by assuming the
aggressive, everybody understood that
the British commanders on the border
would do as well as could be expected
if they could hild their own and ward
off disaster until additional trvns
could be sent to them.
The first report of the Hoer advance,
either on Natal or toward Klmbcrtey.
mused no alarm even In London, atul If
the Hrltlsh had steadily retired before
them It would have Uvn no more than
was prodli-ted., Hut lu the advance on
runde-;, the Wnet plans miscarried, and
the alert Hrltlsh rottuminder. Instead of
waiting to be attacked, went out to
meet the enemy and struck him a very
hard blow. There can be no doubt that
the ilrst buttle was a distinct l'rltlsh
success, but It w as In no sense decisive,
N-vertheless people In London Immedi
ately forijot all their previous warnings
and began throwing up their hats and
diclarlnj that the war was over and
Kruger about to surrender. He ha I
hardly begun the fight.
It was a natural sequence to this pre
mature enthusiasm that when It wa
learned that the Boers were still ad
vancing and General Yule had moved
back to a' better defensive position.
London became correspondingly de
pree.d. The linaginarg bulletins were
as alarming as they had before been
exhilarating and the war offlce was ac
cused of keeping back Intelligence of
overwhelming disaster. One extreme
of unreasonableness Is as absurd as the
other. No Intelligent person, and evi
dently no one In military authorrty.ever
supposed that this war was to be sVttled
in the first skirmish, else the prepara
tions making in Kngland were a foolish
The Bom must Indeed be poor fight
ers and Incompetently led if they can
not gain marked advantage in the
campaign which they have eagerly pre
cipitated, notwithstanding that they
have met with sharper opposition than
they looked for. At neither point of
attack ls there yet a sufficient British
force to do more than hold them In
check, even If It can do that, and In
neither case Is a really decisive battle
probable before the troops now on their
way can reach the seat of war. Then
the war will be fought out in earnest;
Since the disovfty of the Philippine
Islands by Magellan, In 1851. the inhab
itants, Malays and Negritos,
have been und'jr Spanish rule, und dur
ing these four centuries they have
never been able to gain their Indepen
dence, for the reason that they are In
capable of organization and of main
taining a stable government among
themselves. They have never possesaed
that liberty of which we hear so much
about, and of course, can not be de
dprived of something they never had.
With the exception of a few simple
productions, such as bate tobacco and
sugar, they have even failed to develop
the natural resources of the islands,
which, according to the best authorities
are various and most abundant.
The vast public domain, of which only
about one-fifth In occupied, has never
been owned by the Filipinos, and th-y
Rre, therefore, losing nothing by the
cs!on of It from Spain to the United
States. There are seventy or eighty
tribes and as many languages and dia
lects. One tribe, headed by Agulnaldo,
who has been getting rich out of the
rebellion business, together with a
small tribe In the United Staj-s. is
making all the trouble with our country
while the other tribes wish to abid.- in
peace under the American flag.
The United States now holds the ab
solute title to this rich domain. It came
to us as a legitimate fortune of war, as
an indemnity for the losflea we have suf
fered, and we have also the treaty title
by purchase. When we have full pos
session, the Maylays will have a!l they
ever had and mire. They will have a
decent government. They have lived In
darkness and In Ignorance long
enough. The wondrous riches of the
I can't take plain cod-liver
. Doctor savs. try it He
i oil.
might as well tell me to melt
lard or butter and try to take
a them. It is too rich and
4 will upset the stomach. But
you can taRe giilk or cream,
so you can take
Scott's Emulsion!
It is Fke cream; but will?
feed ani nourish vhen cream t
'will not. Babies z?A chil-5
dren w;t thrive grow
fat on it wiun the!, ordinary f
i j .'.t. it. . w
roou aoes r;-t iiouio-i uicuu a
Persons besr. kr.own to gaffi m
1 a pound a cy wc.ui uwnij an f
1 ounce of SvAi'i Lir.j'jlju. It Sts J
1 the digestive nnchinery in working f
order so tlut the oicinary food Hi
1 i ? i t f ..
.'Mi, i.;a.:i, f twYork.
But a tme iHMiitilirr, Wf. tlieonlv tep
aration sold uiuler a V"-invc guarantee of
fl.tMHI ih.'i it otf. r n t a vr'"
fraction tlieicot o: i :-oiious or ileleleii
ous substaiKi. luloi il by tin- ! t
celclir.dod rtMi-le o- 'lie H r!c ntid itr"
malic stage: viviimenilel ov emitient
physicians. uui jeuiioinu'r.i ii.ttiniiv- I')
leading cliemi.-t'
mmt fi'XS CC3RT!KE.
Itithronl v 1' ''"'iiM' iniwot tiv fshi.n'n,Oe
Ulie lo nrtcluiiU m ltutl: ' om! u -'
your ilriii!i-4 toi 'I un-l 'lo iM W hiIiut.I In luWt
an)1hlnii fle ll .'ii ith! t lioitlc
i dormant archipelago must be. utllliu-d.
The brch clout must give way to
clvtllx.itton. S im- body must irovern the
. Dhltli...lHa UUn.l. iintlim fnimt
j direct th'lr fortunes, and develop their!
! resources, which are of Infinite value.
! t'li'ler ev.'iv role of humanity and In-
tv-rnntlonnl law, the United States Is
emitted to 'hat Hilllon.
"solid South for expansion" Is
ne of the political possibilities of the
m..iin.- rntnr that Are irlvln the 1
nme Hate future mat are giung tne.
' 1mm
Rrvanltes alarm. The South Is gradu-
1 allv renlir.lng that Dewey plunted ouri
llag nt the gateway of a vast market
, for American cotton. Will the South
vote to pull It down?
! Henry Watterson of the Louisville
' Courier-Journal and Senutor Morgan of
I Alabama are among those who were
quick to ee that a new highway for
i the staple of the South had been open
ed In the Tactile, and they have xeal
! ously labored to Impress the South with
i the magnitude of Its great commercial
opportunity. Now comes Senator Mc-
i Lnurin of South Carolina
who Joins
with fervor and earnestness In the ad -
t ... t ,,
vo-acy cf the retention of the rhillp -
uines ns being the solvation of the cot-
ton manufacturing Industry of Hint
When the treaty of peace was Under
consideration .it Paris Senator MrLau
rin was undecided as to the wisdom of
the polle) about to be Inaugurated by
the iidinlnisinitlon wp.h reference to
the new acquisitions In the Pacific,
' Subsequent stuly of the situation, how
I ev;r, has made him an enthusiastic ex
! pe.rwionlst. In response to a letter from
. th- united colon manufacturers of
, South Carolina, In which they urgo re
1 tentlon and control of this gateway to
the Orient. Senator McLaurln VU:itowv
oii Lup-jm eiiioomiiLvii uip impor
tance f the expaimltn policy to the
expansion policy to the cotton growers
and cotton tnaiuf.icturrs of the South.
He expresses the belief that the future
of the cotton mills of his own state de
pend upo.i the maintenance of the
hlnese mark -t, which is being con
stantly m"n.v:d ly Russia. The sen
ator, in fact, ih-s further than the
man'ifiw tui'rs on the expansion ques
tion, declaring that American trade In
..... ...I.I. 1-1 .1 . . . I
the oil.. nt is wholly dependent on the' Good work, correct style and perfect
r.-tenslon of the Philippines. On this!"1 "PK louder for. the furrier than
,, ... any advertisement that can be written,
question he says: Applegath & Prasll, the fashionable
.My ju. igmcnt is thiu tne gontrol of
them, or at least some portions, Is the
nly safeguard for our trade Interests
In the The abandonment of them
irieans the !l.4membei'ment of China, Its
partition .uiDtig 'he European powers
and th" inevitable loss of our China
With a vast market for Its chief sta-
, pie prduot opn.-d up by the retention
of th Philippines hanging in the bal
ance, the South is not apt to listen long
to the mournful wall of Atkinson's in
surgents, nor is It apt to analyze the
argmniit. that underlie their doleful
lamentittl ns. The South may yet be
solid for expansion.
Thrice during the two days given to
him Dewey wept, says a writer In Les
lie's Weekly, In a description of the re
ception In New York. First, when he
was presented wilh the flog that once
floated ov?r Farragut. fjVcond, when,
during the naval parade, he looked from
the Olyropla over the great assem
blage of vessels crowded with cheering
men and women. He then seemed to
realize for the first time the profound
character of the fueling which he had
inspired. Several times he raised his
handkerchief to hit- eyes, and men who
had known 1,1 in for the greater part
of his career said they had never be
fore seen him co moved. Third, when
he suddenly came Into view of the 2,300
school children on the great stand In
Seventy-second street. The children
had grouped themselves In blue letters
fifteen fe?t high, forming the word
"Dewey," on a white ground. Led by
Frank Damrosch, they Joined In a
mighty chorus as the possession passed.
Dewey halt. id In front of the stand and
stood up, hat in hand, bowing his grati
tude. For a few moments he tood
thus, bareheaded, the tears trikllng
down his face.
Comparative Estimate of Expense in
Different Cities.
An investigation Into the comparative
cost of living at the various European
caiiltnls resiiltml In the following facts:
At Vienna yio priet of most article
of food are lowest; at Madrid they art
dearer than In any other capital, and
stioh thtiiRs as bread, meat, miliar and
coal are very expensive Indeed. At tt.
Petersburg, also, lhe prliw of bread l
still coitslhn'd a luxury above tho
means of the working classes. Nexl
to Vienna, Hruancla Is an nixiKnsl"e
city: Paris Is, little higher In the
scale, w hile London Is still more txpen
slve. An American sprnils on an aver
04r i0 d year for food, a Frenchman
MS. a German tin, a Spaniard 13, an
Italian $24 and a Russian M'. Of meat
the American eats 109 pound a year,
the Frenchmun 87 pounds, the Herman
t!4 pounds, the Italian pounds and
Hit) Kusslan M pounds. Of bread the
American consumes SM pounds, the
Frenchman MO pounds, the German 660
pounds, the Spaniard tW pound, the
Italian VH) louikIs and the ltiiaslan 60S
pounds. Outside of Europe In times
of peace, ManlH Is cheaper to live In
than onv other city In th world,
Woman's Welfsre
within her own contnl; gr'atest
French mrdlcAl triumph of this ten
tury. for al I fomal Irresuiaritles,
weakness, etc.: a positive blessing to
married ladles. Call or write for
seulcJ Information. Inclose stamp.
Wash. St., Portland. Or.
WI.en you are In Portland snd want
a really good home meal, just give Mr
Prown a trlil. 10S Fourth St.. near
Washington. You will like It surely.
This restaurant Is open all night.
Ladles who go to Portland and desire
something especially fins In the way of
Ladles who go to Portland and desire
! tailor-made suits will do well to remem
j ber tha, ,h,y can , w fltleJ at j
Buyer's 1'7 Fourth street, in the Y, U
C. A. building.
Not only does he keep a strictly first
class cutter for men's wear, but also
one exclusively tor ladles' work, and
all ran rest assured of getting not only
good work, but the best of materials,
as Mr. Hoyer Is an expert on woolen
The North Pacific- Dental College,
whose advertisement appears In anoth
er column, opened Its doors October S,
Ith 75 students on Its roster, The col
lege Is well equipped with every facll-
' o rnuJiiate students In all the late
knowledges of dentistry. A. R. Baker,
( uu a demonstrator in charge, and
is well qualified to Instruct all student
1 who at id this college.
Y-s they do and the style and finish
they give to iiie.i's suits, rank these
gentlemen as export practical mer
chant tullors. The man rial lh"y uao
is also tho very best and you will al
ways find them busy at W-i Yamhill
j s, ' jlrt,an,,. at.t your re'xt suit there,
and g.-t it now.
Why nt 'Tho Eastern of course. 170
Third St., Portland. You cau get a
good layout for IS cents, which
will satisfy your hunger and bring you
I ber the Eastern.
We know of only one book store In
Portland where so complete a line of
novels can be obtained, on all the radi
cal subjects of the day under discussion
as can be seen at Jones' Hook Store,
291 Alder street.
Two Fashionable Furriea Who Are
Earning Well-Merited Approval.
furriers, at 143 Third street, between
Alder and Morrison, guarantee abso
lute satisfaction In every case where
a purchaso Is made at their establish
ment Both gentlemen are practical
cutters and fitters, who have been em
ployed In some of the largest houses
In the principal cities of the United
States. There ls a style and finish to
all work tumid out by this firm that
stamp both gentlemen experts In this
business. Garments will be taken to
be made over or repaired, and the work
turned out with the least possible de
Like what ls man, but like a sprouting
That grows and ripens but to cast its
Among the thistles and the tares of life
And then to see It strangled in the
Or like the clouds that wander with the
And pass unnoticed from a life of eas ?
Or like a mushroom, sprung to life,
To starve or strangle In the tangled
These ore thoughts that are sot to
come to many people nt times, espe
cially when they are sick and have to
pay big price for medlclnn. Hut there
Is one drug store In Oregon where you
can save from 10 to 25 per cent on
everything you buy, and that Is J. A.
flernensnn s Drug Htore, at in iam
hill street, Portland, Ore. At that store
vou can get Hood s Sarsnparllla at 70o:
Mellen's Food, $1 size, 65c; Ilroino Selt
zer, fl size, 70c, and everything else at
the same low rale. You can get red
trading stamps there, and If you need
tho Natural Body Brace, you can get it
T H li LOrVKE.
Htriin(.'ers visiting in the city will find
the Invre air iittrantive resort wherein
to spend tlie eveniiiK. The Amine. Sisters
Lndiim' OrclieHtrii in slill on tlm hills and
presents nightly n musical program of
exceptional merit, llntidHOtne pool and
billiard rooms are a feature in connection
willi the liouK'. I'lilatiitilc lunches will
be served nt nil nonrs
Headquarters for Cutters' Logging
Shoes and Loggers' Outfits. THE ItED
FHONT, 269 Morrison street, Portland.
Improved ranch, consisting of 120
acres, on Young's river. Apply to John
L. Hayseth, Wise, Or,
Merchant Tailors
r-ou' ltmhlll Stictt
tlctRtti tird and 4tli.
Tlil'ine (lifiinii Kindt oS.t
(iiitlicr tip TIkinc.
You liavo Nlxitit your lioincs nml lisvo llietti iiiadti Into Handsome Hook.
Old Uwlis reUitiiul and nuulii an good ns new. We make nil kinds ut
books Ntid lisve Hie only Hook liimlery in Anlorln
Will lie pleased to submit estimates.
J. 8. DFl.l.INU K.
P. n. Sharpie's
Builders Heavy and Shelf
Pacific Sheet
Fnlt - Syrcp
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Falrnaven, Wash.
Write Uas for Prloen
Whjli-imle mill rrtnll ilmliT in
Pianos Organs
Kriuiicli ami llacu,
SrliRlrVr, Hohlller,
and iniiny others,
Instruments Sold
. M. C. M ATI III F.I. I .ManiiMcr.
$ Ttlaphon No, (13
I Handles Only the Choicest Meats
1 41 CofliSMrclil St.. atit Pslse Rtdsarsi.t.
Pacific Navigation Company
R. P. Elmore
W. II, Horrlon
Connecting t A -torm with tlio Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. for
San Francisco, Portland and all points, cast. For freight arid passen
ger rates up;ly 8rrMel Elmore & Co.
f val Agents, ASTORIA, ORE.
COHN ACO.. Agente, Orego .llrowl Nnvlgntiou Co.,
STRONG COURSES-Well equipped training departments, Normal course,
quickest and best way to State Cerlinct.tes.
Expenses for year from 1120 to 1100; Board J2.W to B per week; Tuttloa, OI
per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins September Vth; Bummer term June If
to September L For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, Presides.
or W. A. WANN, See faculty.
Portland, Oregon
Cor. Ninth a it J Commercial Si:
Cream Separators
ami Kent
General Supply
Mouse for
Family Groceries
Hardware, ShipChandlery, Etc.
Metal Works
ScliulU ami Co.
Miller. Ann Arbor
lleiitlev and others
on Easy Terms.
Head olll.e HI State Ht Siilem, Ore.
Normal School
Training School for Teachers,
Now Buildings
Now Departments.
Ungraded Country School Work,
Graduates Secure (loodgjl'osltions.