The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 02, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Li W
THE great rush of people to take advantage ol our extraordinary offers in uncalled for suits and overcoat has been marvelous from the very beginning.
The popularity of these suits has become so great that we have been compelled to open correspondence with over one hundred of the largest Tail
oring concerns throughout the country in order to get these suits farn enough to supply the enormous demand. These are not misfits, but suits
made to order on which deposits have been paid and which for unkown reasons remained uncalled for. Such things happen to every Tailoring establish
establishment. It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits that they find it more advantageous to consign them to us than to attempt
to dispose of them from their own establishments.
ill U ili !: '
Uncalled for Garments at Half Price.
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats. $12.50
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats. $15.00
$35.00 Suits and Overcoats. $17 50
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00
These garments are so tar superior in
style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth
ing that comparisons are od'ous. Call
and examine them and see il we can
fit you.' -
Suits to rder
We make suite to order from 5.00tof 15 cheaper
than any other first-class tailoring establishment
in Portland. . . .
We are Tailors, Bear That in Mind
Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits is the price.
Our suits huve that style- fit and finish about them that well-dressed gentle
men appreciate. Astorians are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods
whether they buy or not:
250 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
U due not only to tlx' originality tod
simplicity of the combination, but b1m
to the car ami "kill with which it !.
manufactured by ic'?ntlllo processes
known to the California Fio Svbup
Co. only, and wo wish to Impress upon
all the Importance of purchasing the
' true 'ami' original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is mupufactured
by tlio C'ALiroiiNiA 1'ia SVRur- Co.
only, a knowledge of Hint fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthlcM
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The Ii Iff It standing of tho Cai.i
Porn i a Fio iSvitui Co. with the medi
cal profession, and tho satisfaction
which tho ffenulno Syrup of Figs hits
Klven to millions of families, mukes
cho name of thu Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
fur in advance of all other laxatives,
u it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, ami It docs not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
A TAUll, Proprietor.
Special attention given to family ordois.
hi 1 -n i u or Hm hII
Axi'iit (r
Special attention given to family orders.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
4S.'I Commoroial St., Astoria, Oregon.
Sulu Islands Not Included In 'l
(pplne (VsIuii.
Sultan Has the Right to l'mctkc
Polygamy and This Country
Cannot Suppress It.
Fin work at Popular Prices.
327 Washington Street.
Next Imperial Hotel
WASHINGTON. Nov. t-In view of
the cunvnt dtiK-umtlon of the military'
agreement between Gnru.l Dates and
the HUltnn of Zulu, tlie views of Presi
dent Schurman of tho Phillplno com
niltnluii on this subject ar tnteivotlng.
Mr. Schurman . was ono of the first
Americans to visit Jolo, the seat of the
SpitiilHh government In the Sulu archl
pelotro, and hod an extended Interview
with the sultan before tho arrival of
General Bulce. The arrangement en
tered Into between General Dates and
the sultan was considerably Influenced
by this meeting. Although the full text
of the agreement with the sultan has
not been made public by the Washing
ton authorities, It can be stalled that It
practically conforms to the previous
convention exlatlng between the sultan
and tho Spanish government.
In this agreement, Spain never
claimed any more than an external pro
tectorate In the Sulu group, the right to
suppress piracy In Its waters and pre
vent the periodical migrations of oath
bound Mohammedans who went to the
northern Inlands under a vow to kill
Christiana and thus secure an entrance
Into paradise.
Profoaor Schurman eaid today when
questioned about the probable continu
ance of polygamy and slavery in tho
IkIiukIh after they came under American
dominion that tills was a subject which
would have to be dealt with In the most
careful fashion to bring about an ultl
mately satisfactory solution.
"It seems to me," sold he, "that were
It not for the Ignorance displayed, the
present hue and cry about polygamy
and slavery In these Islands would be
abholutely irlmtnal. In taking over the
Sulu group we have acquired n rights
exci-pi those bciUvathed to u by Spain.
She whs bound by her agreement with
the sultan not to Interfere with the re
ligion or customs of the Hands, and It
would be most unwise for us to attempt
this by force when It can be ulti
mately accomplished by the slower
method of civilisation and education, i
"The Sulu group contains about 100.-,
OM Inhabitants. They are all Moham-'
medans, as are about 150,000 of the res- j
Idents of Mindanao, directly east. To'
attempt to Interfere with the religions
of these people would precipitate one;
fnlted States, but It is my honest be- the number was John Jacob Astor. He ,
lief that what I haw just stated Is the Is now one of the prominent movers In
truth, and that any attempt to Inter-! the concern. J. Pierpont Morgan, whose.
fere by force In the Sulu Islands at name has been mentioned In connection :
this time will bring on a bloody and
wholly unnecessary war."
of the bloodiest wars In which this
country has ever been engaged. TheVj
aij? a different race, physically and(
mentally, from the residents of the'
VlBayan Inlands, powerful men and re-1
llglous fanatics of the most pronounced j
typ. who care nothing for death and;
believe that the road to heaven can bej
attained by killing Christians. Polyg-i
amy Is a part of their religion, and the,
slavery about which so much Is being
said Is a mild type of feudal bondage. I
"The sultan believes from what he
has seen of Americans that they arej
ready to b friendly and deal honesty
with him. Our soldiers and officers al-l
ready travel into the Interior of Jolo j
with perfect Impunity where Spaniards:
never dnred to ret foot. It has beeni
suggested Indirectly to the sultan thatj
he should maintain an American of
good standing as a confidential adviser j
at his court to aid him In the work of,
material development, for which the
beautiful group of Islands Is ready, and
which Is bound to come when they are!
thrown In touch with the civilised!
world. j
"I believe that he will take kindly to
this suggestion, and the leaven of civ
ilization Introduced In this way ulti
mately will do the work which armed
Interference with Immoral religious
customs never could accomplish, We
have before us In this case the exam
ple of England In her varlbus posses
sions and the Dutch In Java, where a
remarkable work of civilization and
progress has been accomplished. We
should take a leaf out of their book,
which shows that semi-barbarous peo
ple frequently can be led where thay
could not be driven.
"I have been already harshly criti
cized for taking this stand In regard to
the Sulu Islands since I returned to the
Kill Be Consolidated With Cable and
Telephone Companies Under
One Management.
North American this morning says:
Ono of the greatest financial combi
nation of the century Is In progress of
formation. The organisers of the Con
tinental Telegraph, Telephone & Cable
Company, recently Incorporated In New
Jersey, have obtained control of all the
Independent telephone companies In the
United States and aim to combine these
with the great telegraph companies and
the five Atlantic cable companies.
Th-j office of the new concern is In the
American Surety Company's building,
New Tork city.
From various sources, information
reached the North American that the
capitalists Interested in the venture In
clude J. P. Morgan, George J. Gould,
John Jacob Astor, William C. Whitney,
P. A. B. Wldener and William L. El
klns. Verification of the story was obtained
tonight from Mr. Wldener at his home
In Ogontx. He talked freely of the co
lossal scheme, which, he says, will bring
about a sweeping redaction In the cost
of transmission of electrical messages
all over the country. Among other
things he said:
"The plan has been under considera
tion for some time. Mr. Martin Maloy,
who was the active agent In the enter
prise, and may be said to hove engi
neered K, has been In New York for
about a year.
"His efforts culminated when he suc
ceeded In sufficiently interesting sev
eral big financiers In New Tork. Among
with the consolidation, is not connected
with It In any way."
Repairs Now Completed, and She Is the
Finest Troop Ship Afloat,
transport Hancock will be taken off the
drydock today, having been entirely re
modeled, so that she is now considered
the finest troop ship In the world.
An additional deck was built the en
tire length of the vessel. An Isolated
hospital, with 60 beds and accommoda
tions for nurses, has been fitted up be
tween decks. A refrigerating plant has
been added, with a dally capacity of 60
tons of lee, producing 600 gallons of
wattr and furnishing ample cold stor
age. The soldiers' quarters have been sup
plied with all the comforts that could
be desired.
WaH Paper and
Room Mouldings
Gypsinc, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, etc.
Plain and Decorative Paper
House and Fresco Painters, Etc.
343 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Telephone Red 195S.
J. 0.
By virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for the county of
Multnomah, on the 3d day of October,
lbJ9, upon a Judgment rendered In the
JuBtice Court for Portland district, of
Clnld nf Hracrrtn for the nountv i.f
Multnomah, on the 25th day of Octo
ber, 1891. in favor of T. W. Schulze,
plaintin', and against Geo. Relchweln
and Pauline Relchweln, defendants,
commanding and requiring me to levy
upon the property of the above named
defendants to satisfy the sum of IS2.15.
now due on earn judgment, wun inier
oot thumnn At tha rate of ft ner cant
per annum from the 25th day of Octo
ber, 18M, ana tne runner sum ot
&ISO now MU uu ontu juueii"j"4 mm
Interest thereon at tthe rate of 8 per
. .1 n-.i. j m
cent per annum iruiu me wui uaj ui
October. 1894 to the 14th day of Octo
ber. 1S9X, and Interest thereafter at ths
rate of I per cent per annum, ana aisa
. v. a nf anri unnn thin writ. T did.
on the 4th day of Ootober, 1898, levy
upon tne following aescrmea reai prop
erty, towlt:
The K H of the S W U. the W H of
the SE. 4 of section 13, township 1
north of range (, west of the Willam
ette meridian, In Clittsop county, Ore
gon. Notice Is hereby given that I will, on
Saturday, the 4th day of November.
1899. at the hour of 2 o'cock In the' af
ternoon of said day. in front of and
at the court house door in the city of
Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, s?l
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the above described real prop
erty, or so much thereof as may tx
necessary 'to satisfy the judgment, In
terest costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or.
Astoria, Or., Ootober 4, 1899.
Dealers, Manufacturers m Contractors
Of Asbestos Boiler
and Pipe Coverings
229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE.
B. P. Allett & Son
House in
Wall Paper, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Etc.
No House Can Beat Our Prices.
365 Commercial St.
Are you aware there is a movement now on foot
which proposes to combine all business interests,
and to issue and use combined credits instead of
money, and to make those credits absolutely safe.
If this succeeds, interest on money will be a thing
of the past as far as the commercial world is con
cerned. .If you wish to understand the plan,
send 10c in stamps for a copy of Van Ornam's
pamphlet, "Credit versus Cash.v Address
Jones' Book Store,
291 Alder St, bet. 4th and 5th, P0RTLAFD.
Aytnts Vasted for flacintj the Tictfic Coast Installment Library- Write for rrticIart