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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1899)
HIE MOHMAG ASTOKIAM V KI E.SDA . NuVKMHbK I, 18M ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN Jt Will fay You To look up th. barraln I am offer (IiIiik U liio)ud4 at rt dlaouunt rroin regular pno. wwrywmw i" . ! .. 1 n A rm ImA mM th fllftl- oiii I.uatlo l.rand, Kii-llll make. It will py you lo im ii ow. CIIA8. LAUHON, IM Commercial Htr. They're I'opulur Now Have you men my aaMorlment of bony UrualicT Thjr wn pur chat direct from New Yuik. ami are vory popular. Am conataiuly rrrrlvlng nw good. Coin and mn thm. a. W. SMITH. Th I.u1ltif Jwlr. Ill Cmnnitn'lal Htrt. Who Dot Your I.uundry7 Wt claim, and w wlU prove to tvrry one. UuU w hav tilt beat ami nuiMt up-tu-dat laundry on the I'umt. A trial unlet will oonvtiiu thr moat particular. If you want nat, prompt work, try th CITY HTICAM LAUNDRY, tit rranklln Avtnu. R. BClllMI'KKHM AN, J'rop. Our Spcclul HurttuliiM We hav mm broken lltx-a of tin war which w will okwo out at bar Kin prtoM. W art alio making ptolal prion on om broknti llnna of caniml fruit and rtliahr. plrk l, table dllraul and aauoM. ThM am A No. 1 good, and can t had at low prim. 11088. 1IIU01NS A CO. TO ASTORIANS. . Tha IIAII.V AKIIIAN will l f.Miml on Mil lu I'orllmul m tli (toll kiiiittn ' llimrry Iiuiiim if J. K. Hamllvy !!., VUI Wahliiliii irl. Oiiirra for ailtfr tlahi li wlili ilil Him will ril iruinit AIImiiIIhiii A i'Ann In Spunlitli Will b itartrd, to mm venlniti at , th hum of lh member. I'lan Two InMMwia a wk, 10 otit a )-1 on, tight mmitha' course, i i'uiiaull by niall or oaU at the chooi aftr 1:M p. m. W. W. PAYNB. I Principal of lllnh Hihool. TODAY'S WBATHKR. POIITLAND, Nov. l.-W-itern Or. lion, fulr v.ealh'r, with Inert-Ming elouillniM and probable rain tonight. AkOUND I OWN. Crawflah, cooked In wine, at tha Na tional Cafo. Hotal PudIiu'm For Halo Tlio Alitor I (nunc. Iinjulr at the premlr. Drink K. Ji, Cereal; Eat Nut buttr and Health Food and be happy. An Impirtutil iimMlng of h taxpay er li-ugue will I hi'ld Idle evening, and a full altrtmlunif U !vUitM. Tim Ixiily of John Warra arrlvrd on mv iii'iiiiiiiH inuii Hnu n im uki'ii lo twp rlvr for burial. I). P. Allen k Bon are wiling Em ImimM Wall Paper a low a 10 oent p-r roll; I in ported EnglUh. 1 oent. A 'iir Hkct tluU I (Uppiex-d to lx tlw HrHlMh ulilp Itn-riU'la wim re poiHvd outKtilo yenirduy afternoon. Wanird KxprliiiHl young lady clerk In drygoodi (tore. A newer by mall. Addrra "W," care the Aatoiian. The Urkrutlne Tarn O'Hhanter wu towfd ovnr to Knapton yrntcrday to load lunilwr. She la from Ban Fran-i-Inco. Kxtrn l ine I'mbrclhin And at better than Portland prlcre. If a fart. They are th oxWlirated rollmer-Clogf make; hnndeomo, durable llk umbnllaa. Don't make the mletak ti buying elowliir. II. EK8TROM. Th Jewelrr. IM Commercial BtneeL Pure whlhky Harper Pi-rfwt wlileky lUrpvr every lx(lW guaranteed liar pr. Hold by Kord k 8tok Company, AhIihU, Oregon. IVrrwnnK tlm aail r taken from tru? Ourni't Hill on a writ of hubena corpui, ill releitwd nTilay. the iiiialn of lint elilp mt uiiiKvirlng. Wanted - Iinnw illutely, a n.-lf-tvllunt woninn of guixl milrfM, who ha hndj Home rxperteiire In curing for the Uk. ' Addreee "M." Anu.rlun ollh-. j Th re ar no bwtter enetern confec tion mude than Lowiwy'i celebrated diooolttU'K, which ecurd the hlgheat award at th world' fulr over all com piHltore, Theae fumou chocolatii arti aol'l ut the Hpa Candy Factory, The hattl.whlp Kentucky, built by the NewKit New Hhlpbulldlng Company, wo expecUd lo go to aea ouUlde tlw; 1 Caie of Vlrglnn yewutrday, to tiwt hnr (Hugolng Uitlltle. Tlx) olll' lul trial will tuke pliue In about thrw we'k. Aelorlu h two gun tlub. one re-' oeiilly organlx!d coiinldtlng rif Meaer. (.'. W. KultiHi, (lea-e II. lrg, A. C. Flh,-r, K. I'. Kendall, O. A. Kunborr F. A. FUher, fi. H. Gordon, II. 1. Wher lly, O. C. FulUHi, Frank Pat ton, lr. J. A. Fulton and HhcrlfT Llnvllle. A con tent hunt betw"n 11m; two club hue been euglteeted. All Amorlan who visit Portland and deelr apendlng a pleoaant evening In company with polite people and In the nlnvmi.iii of an unexcelled muxlcal program, ehould go to the Frederick-j Plirg. Ilelue vocal aiu inirunieiHi anlwilon there ar many other at Irarllon to delight the vliltor. TImj new management I making th Fnd r Ickaburg a well-mertled lucoee. Ml Blgn Palmberg. recently anlv lug from th Eaat, delre to announce to the ladle of Aitorta that ihe ha opened dreaamaklng parlor on Ninth treel, near Commercial, next door to !elllngT' printing ofllce. Ml Pulm berg ha had thorough experience In cutting and Biting laW garment of all kinde, parUtularly tailor-made ult and cloak of th latest and mot fash ionable dealgn. TIm) AiMorlu fia Ught Comimny hua Junt melvinl from the Cal'donlnn Coftl fompany, Aumralln, anolhor cargo of llx-lr rvbdmiled Wallaend Coal. Thl liliumliioua coal hu Ihe reputation of being the flnet fuel coal In the world, and our coke made from the me con tain to per c. nt carbon, making It an excellent fuel. He that your drayman oVUver you none oUwr. Prlc. IS p- r ton. thu-t are now arranipd are being worked up with an Inure! and will come off wui t ljur!ii .The boy me every night In the gymnaelum f practice and CaptiUn t.'runby Invite all footplayer Iti tiie city, whether of the club or not, to j'n the learn In It work, mi that the number of available player will be Incrv!. ALMOHT A HKCOUI) MUUAKKIt. X'. H. DepurtnvMit of Agriculture, Wcalher Ilureau. ' v . Inch;. Precipitation for October, 10.2ft Preclpllatlon Hi pleiijber 1 to dat-f. 12.21 Exi-rfn precipitation Hejwmbfr 1, 1S-.9, to dute 2.09 There hu bren only one Oole.-r ln'e the eetublliihnient of tlwj Aatorla weath er bun-uu olllce during which more ruin fell than In October of thl ywtr. That wa In IK'il, wIumi the fall wa 12.19 Imhi'i. 11. D. JOHNSON, Htatlim Agent. Hotter 'I hail Tver , Th Pond fltreot Flh Market I bettor than ever prepared to eupply froeh and aalt fluh of all kind. Oo.xl delivered to any part of the cltv and atlfaMlnn gimranteed. P.)NU HTHEKT FISH MAHKKT. ! 417 llond Ptreet Millinery Novelties I dm I m to furthrr call the atten tion of the ladle to my handiome tock of trimmed millinery. It com prlte the latcat creailon of the millinery art, and I am offering re duced rate for the next 10 day. MISS McHAK. Dr. T. N. Hull DENTIST. Hi Commercial Street, ASTORIA. OnR. Over Bchluaael' Clothing Btor. Take teinier ftalley Oalxert of: While Collir line for Portland and way! point. Fan?, 25 cent; room, 75 cent; upMT or lower berth, M cent; section I Ixrlh. W cent. 'Junt like Jol'." Thl I what a( I'orlUnd gentleiiiun ald of the delic ti u chocoluti' mulo ul the Spa, Candy. Factory. You will wvy the ame when) you try them. There are none better, j The trtinnport lVnneylvanla audi Olympla with the S'Jth Infantry and a1 battalion of the 4Mh will prolmbly bej down tomorrow or Friday. The troop are being ild at Vancouver barrack today. Two lii-lnch rifle, 30 fert In length and weighing 30 ton apiece, were hipped by roll to Fort fltewmt yentrr day. They were tha oht of tr.'at Interest while at the deHl awaiting hlpment, It I aJ1 that Hum were 2'j0,(w0 paid Hdintrel.ei .u the Trnns-MlanliiMlppI ex I p wlioit to view the great el.ctrlca pnxlucilon of the oallle of Manila.! Among th- v tell or were Pr.liient Mo Klnley nnd hi cabinet, t'hauncey !) ( l w. the i'hlne and I'oreun legations, nnd olh-!T. The famous Fr-iulinnui, j Atiitiinti- Kein-rtK- of Marseille. v In the flKhl and pli.offriph.-.t It with ac cunu-y. The original exhibition will glvn at ilnh-r's ot.ra house o j Wedindy and Thursday of this wwk-j The f.K laU team of the A. F. C. I receiving lt share of Invitations to do battle with the kicking nont. In addi tion to the challenge of the Multno mah, a published In yesterday's As ,..ri..n ih leu in hna now on hand challenge from, the Willamette, the II- j v. aco and the Portland With. School t-am. A game will be played with the Willamette, .he IIwju-o luul the Port land High school trams. A game will played with the laat nam.-d team on the l!)th of next month. The 3 game LADYSMITI! AND MANILA. Tlie Inten-st Tuken by Atorla People In the Two Wars Now Waging. The two big Anglo-Haxon nation are engaged In conflicts-at arms, far away from the central government. Astorlan are not lacking irrrloUm-4hy are "a loyal a they muke 'em" ye the new that thl city eagerly awaits is not new from Manila, but lntHUgfice from Ladysmlth. Thl doe not betoken a lack of In terest In the affair of our own country and the welfare of American troop, but rather testifies to the supreme con fidence In the valor of Amtrlcan sol diery and In the ability of the admin istration. There Is not the slights fear of reven-. and we have grown accustomed to the f..-llng that "all I well on the Luson." ' There Is an element of uncertainty In the English-Hoer war that holds the Interest. The burghers are of a hearty, vigorous and shrewd nuv, bold and quick and handy with the rltle. They are no mean foe for the valiant Drlt-Ish.-r. Any hour may bring new of a preut buttle that will ixThap Ik far tvoching In Its effects, extending over the whole world and down Into coming g neratlons. The cy of the world are on the ci.nlllct In South Africa, and Astoria nn.Is Iwiself absorbed In the pnjgres of the contest. So when there come rumors of an Imimrtimt eiiK'igem-nt. the Antorlan of flce Is called upon for information al ni'Wt hourly. News dMii.-s altogether loj slowly from fur-off Africa. The Interest miuilf.'HUil here gives one a faint Idea of what the tension must be in London. Portland 2i Astoria i ..FREE.. To provitle tlio citizons of Astoria and vicinity with the snme ndvantaRCs as tlio jiooplo of Portlond, wo will, during tho continuance of tho prevailing rates, furnish round trip tickots from Astoria to Portland and Return Absolutely Free By giving one round trip ticket with each Suit or Overcoat, purchased of us, no matter what price the garinont, This will cnablo those desiring to visit Portland to do so without cost and at tho same tiino to take advantage of our enormous selection of i FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND H OVERCOATS For Mons, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked in plain figures. CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and an admission to tho exposition with each purchase of a Suit or Overcoat. Moyer Clothing Co- The Popular Price Clothiers. .ir -r - A.I 1 1 m l Tl . ll 1 liKJN HI'JIiLillNU, Manager. " ana vhk. oireeis, i oruttru v WEST SIDB XKWS. Mrs. Joslah Wst and her daughters, Miss Violet and Mies Hose, have gone to Salem to rcwlde. Mr. West has been there for some time. Kobett Schmoth who ha been living with Mr. Wm. Tiigj for the last six months has returned to lis father In 1'ortland. Mis. Leonard Harris went to Astoria to spend Sunday with her husband. Vr. "Jack" Williams and bride re turned from their w-dding trip Sunday afternoon. :,;... A. E. TuyUr and d.iug'.Ucr MIrs Mabel were calling In Sklpanon one day lat wk. Mr. 11. L. Ward and his father were over from Astoria visiting at the old farm a few days lost week. D. M. Stuart spent Wednesday on this side on tvttl estate business. Mr. Alfred Dawson was in Portland disposing of his .logs the greater part of last week. He has closed his camp for the season. Mis. Alex Campbell of Seaside was in Astoria Wednesday and Thursday. Uev. Wm. S. Short was on this side during the week, making arrangement for his assistant, whom he expects soon. A band of fifty oows were driven frem Tillamook to Warrenton, arriving Sat urday. It seems a pity that such line looking cows should have to go to the slaughterhouse. A. 11. Wlet, postmaster nt Sklpanon, npent Saturday In Astoria. The school house at Sklpanon Is being thoroughly renovated. New shaded at the windows make the room look bright and cheerful. A few friends surprised Mrs. A. C. Wlet on Saturday evening and had a gvnulne old-fashioned wool picking par ty. When the work was completed mu sic, giunes and refreshments followed. A cordial Invitation to "come again" was extended. Mr. George Dean and family leave next week for their new home In Wet poi't, Wash. Miss Amy Dean returned . Friday from a month's visit at Kalama and Portland. Mrs. D. K. Warren spent part of the week In Portland. ' , Miss Gttssle Klose of Oakland, who has been visiting Mrs . D. K. Warren, returned to her home lost week. Miss Kate May visited In Astoria laat week. Mrs. Kate Kindred Is visiting at New Astoria. Capt. W. C. Coulson, of the MeCul loch, nnd wife vlflted ( Fort Stevens saving service, po called on Capt. Wlck lund and crew at Point Adorns station. Miss Polly Dawson, 'of the Astoria high school, spent Saturday and Sun day visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dawson. Mis Isabel Mason of Woodlawn vis ited her mother at Hklpamm lost k. Mr. D. E. Pease and Mis Kva Par ker, who have b-n visiting In Jloae burg for two week returned borne In tho early part of the week. , Mr. T. B. J-wett ha bwrtf Visiting hi sister Mr. Munon at Bklpanon. He brought hi gun with Ihm bat the gues Hew too high. Mr. Wm. Tagg returned from a visit to her mother In Knaopton, and Is re ported quite 111 at pr-ent. ' '' Tuesday evening the Mlsae Carna hnn will give a Halloww.-n party at their futhcr's home on Clatsop Tlalns. A very pleasant time I expected a all the game of the season are to be played. Mr. John Mailer was pleasantly sur prid by a 'visit from hln brothrr and wife from Iowa. They will ivmnln sev eral week. Mis Uannle Klrtly returnwl Monday from Qulncy, where he wa visiting last week. Miss Alice Bweeney who Is attending St. Mary' convent In Aworia, spent Haturday and Sunday at her home In Warrenton. Mr. Wllklruwn, from EngUuxl, arrived lait week on a visit to his brother. Mr. John Wilkinson. II will also visit ,Mr. Wm. Tagg and Mr. Alfred Dawson. Mr. L. A. Conn, one of the contrac tor at Fort Str-ven. la laid up with an attack of rheumatism. THAT JOYFUL FEELING. With the exhilarating sense of re newed health and strength and In trnal cleanliness, which follow the use of Cyrnp of Figs. Is unknowa to the few who have not progressed be yond the old-time medicine and the chea p tihtltute sometimes offered )ut never accepted by the well-informed. uy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. r lU,t'UUr. limtj'TiiUr, 1 I. D. Boyer, Merchant Tailor lp-to-Date 1" f'.irli SI.. PORTLUD. 0IX Y.M.C.A. r.uild'g. BROWN'S RESTAURANT A first-class place at moderate prices ltoom for Indies and private parties Open all INlgHt... 10S Fourth St., near Washington I'OltTLXXD, ORCCOS, I'HOXK BLACK iSjS. The Eastern J. tT. Wanner, FTop. I'rivttc Dioing-rooros tor ladies .Meals 15c I'p Opc all Sight. 170 THIRD STREET Portland, Oreeon.... ....Bet. Norrisoa and Yamhill I CnliiBbiiTionf 4. The Portlond Restaurant , E. I. riTTELEir, 1'ioprlet. r. Prniite Rtotufcr bdiH. .TO Washing- . ton St, near Jth PORTLAND ' Kstsbllshed It: $1 OPEN DAY vji AND NIGHT... I E. House's I 12S Third Street, Purtland, Orfgon. Cafe, i! The Bpsl rupof Oeflee or Cocoa In the ett e ity. rn.Mi fltnl Milk ii nun cur own ranch ; Home mado l'lea nd ckes. Watson's Restaurant g, WATSOS VROS., Tropr's. Coiiduct.'d on the cheek systotn. then1- (g) fori- )WiniiS l':iy ir wuni nicy oracr g) HIIU 11U un'ii-. n riiiim thr I.;ir:fst, t'heupt, Pevl and llir.rlfst Sfiiire in Ihe orthvct. (i) inland 111 Fourth St. Open 6 a.m. to K p.m. PORTLAND ffi1 Jackets! Jackets! Jackets! $10.01) 8.00 . 6.00, 1 OK I IMS WU K ONLV WE filVK SPECIAL I'KICES ON IIKilLGKADI. JACKEIS Pine Tailor-made .liufcets rtluL'.'tl from $12.00 to " , " 10.00 to' . -" 'V- " 8 00 to - , An Unusual Opportunity to Get an Elegant Jacket at a Bargain. Have You Seen Our Fall Line of Winter Black Urea (Jooda-l'oriliiiH. Venetians, Whipcord. Camel'M Hair anJ Crcpons. THE -BEE -HIVE HATS GIVEN AW AV! With every Suit, even if the Suit cts no more than $5.00 (v'e have good Suits for thi price) No Lottery. Every One Treated Alike. '. Bj)i also gel a Ilat with a Suit, and we have good Cl 7pZ SuiU upward from qpmi M KJ You buy the Soit, we give tbe HL The better the Suit the better ihe bat. Xo toy being given ay, bat nomethirifr nsefnl. Having low rent we can do tbi. WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE Sealer i .It' aid Doys' Clitkij aid riraihing Goedv fd Net's Coys', ladies' aid Childrea's Slioes. 2'.'3 .lorriiio Street P Betwee. first aid Soeoad 5 E STRICTLY AX 1.1CIIICAX CtOTHXC STOKE tknnnruxrinrvinrinnnjij Him 111! EARNEST MILLER Fresco Decorator:: and Scenery Artist ALSO DEALER IN" Latest Designs anco.i,,r Wall Papers JUST RE8EIVED 127 First Street. Portland Via Rent New Typewriters. M.,v Von 1n.nrnmnla AiI.1o.l-SFP. OfTl LATEST Vr7. r Smith Premier Typewriter f 1 ' -J ''Hf ' ;) i .k NEW ART CATALOG UK FREE il' 2 V,iQ L. It M. ALEXANDER It CO., Phone Main 57 Exclusive Pacific Coast I'ealers. L'W Mnrt romna Hoefler's Bonbonniere 0 Vhere the Tiiest Candies ia the State to are frepared and AUays ia Stock 543 C0.H JICRCUL ST.. ..4ST0RU. ORCCOX I Blank Books.. Of every description MADE TO ORDER, for Merchants, Banks, Corporations and Counties. Commercial Printing In all its branches. Nothing too large; noth ing too small We conduct the largest and most complete establishment in the West, and invite your patronage. Ve pro dace nothing shoddy, let ns hear from you. THE IRWIN-H0DS0N CO., Portland, Or. DO YOU BATHE? NO. WHY? Because at our house we have neither a bathtub, nor hot water hundy. . . '. Then bo to the Kimsiau Butbs at 217 Astor St. 2" cMiti is the price. Trivato apartments tot luuica. "Only the better class of patronaue is j catered to. Try one auJ you will come regularly. t ' VaVaMBBVlBBkkBll HUBMHMMamMMHlMMBaVKgMB(lMBlBBB4OT '