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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1899)
THh. MORNING ASJTUUIAN Vj:tKSlA . NOVEHBEU t. I KM. gaily tatortftn JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephont Main ML te:rms of subscription. DAILT. Bent by mall, per year Kent by mail, pep rooaU Served by carrier, per month 90 8EMI-WEKKLT. Bent by mail, per year. In advance $100 Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub- tnr Uiii umi communications oi u highest order, and the enrly v Mortal ot porlaUHns." But the evidences if goml the Kngllsh. If thvy iilly were Motor- time and of unoxrolled Industrial ai- les. hav been empty one.. ,,v,,y- n" ult f " toratlon of business eonfl lonoe In lhi currency ays- Arm.-I.alr crltlolsm of a imml fight- um ww M niuft.8t l41, PVlt.y h(lm, Inn a larger force than his own and op- tnMt ,Mr. Itryan finally ctmcluded that poncd by a skillful and determined en- another campaign for rotten money emy Is easy enough, but to be ju.t. one ',u failure. Business, big crop and the law of nature wviv against him. Following this came live announce ment tluki the Bryan lenders had do-t-rmlned that "Down with the trusts!" would be a winning slogan for the bnniors of dem -rncy In 1;00. Mr. Bryan catm to the trust conference In should wait until more particulars are known before condemning White for that worst of crimes. In times of war, a m intake In Judgement. Everything so far as known, however, and even the words of White himself. t-nd to show- that Joubert brilliantly rhlcig ) loaded with a aerie of resolu. i planm-d and brilliantly executed a tlons that were to set he hole eoun movement that for Its success depended tl' bltt' ttltn 'H"lm o the . w.... a, , . .h. ti- ... , ..... t......,K inuusmai eon. o.iuu ions, wnten lie Jicauon buju.u w uhcvivm - j uj..r. me m n irew m uir r.imnsui . . , u I lIKHni .,,,.. M III..,.'..eiV I1UI Lmmnni Ktr ami l wiia siuxveMful. I . . ..i . ... . . .. . . -,... W.AArn. great ly 10 ii .ii.iKr-n anu o.snppomi K111UI JIU .Cllllin"-" '-- ' d to -The Astorlan." I commanuer anu n s succetwiui. The events at LadysmKb .prove the nienl he found that the e.ple hud wisdom of the Knglish war department come to regunl the tru question aa an In rul-sing an Inmiemw omty for the! onoinl'' problem and that any attempt The Astoriana guaranteea to Ita ad vertlnera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia rlvtr. ' Advertising rates can bs had on ap plication to the business manager. contllct and justifies the trenH'naous THE OREOONIAN HAS THE FUXJR to make it a poll'.lcul or party luel would InvlU' diistriua cVMeiuences. preparations. OreiU BrttoJn has no ne fl(Unj ,niU tnt. people wvrw studying slight task befrv her and the end may the trust question 'or themselves and: le a loiig way off. tnttf the' not accvpt any broad or sweeping denunciations or all ln-j du-tilnl combinations as being a men-; The second number of "Church I ace to the people. So thoroughly was he News" the little monthly published by Impressed Hh this fiu-t that he never Rev. Edw. Outran has been Issued ,he wlutlia which h.. carriHl( It contains mai,y Inteavstinff notes and suggestions. "Betwixt Hir sv Bi.ojm." The sufferings tf the youno;, the tender, and the inexperi enced always excite sorrowful compassion and a yearning desire to help them in their troubles. And in the light of a great discovery all the rose buds of sweet womanhood may see the promise of their speedy release from all those sufferings which have been the bane of their sex from the earliest tunes. They need only take that greatest of modern medicines, Warner's Safe Cure, as directed, ajnd their past sufferings will soon appear to them as a painful dream from which they have awakened to dream no more. " It is a remedy," says Mrs. II. P. O, Carnes, of Hutler, "that can be relied upon, a lemedy that never fails, and one that has proved to be woman's best friend." Ir. his Inside ixvkvt from Lincoln, Ne braska. j Only one course Is K'fl for the des-! rairi'is. dlsanuointed silvor lU-mni-nirv. i hiiihwnvmnn. The Uttir struck hint It must Join the force of Aguimtldo: heavily on the la-ad, cutting an ugly In s general niv-ln-lhe-tvar assault! um rniU hlm tl,w,oua upon our authority In the Philippines. 1 .... jw In the Philip- it must raise the flag of the Insurgents' nml omy :a ,vm" '"r "'""" Next came William How man and Mrs . -J ... ! .. , h .. Till. ' siuyvesuni rwn, vi nols Central and Taioo and Mississippi ( ' VaUey railroad companies, app'ared Edward Brady of Sprlngdale, Kan., a before the industrial commission at gra(Jua,e of h, tlM tm. -a'aahinounn mi rtatober 11 and made n exhaustive anrument in favor of the! versity. served a shiDment via New Orleans of products, pin-s as a private In the First Colorado In this country and emblaton Its ban- of the Mississippi valley Intended for volunteers, which was mustered out nw" wun '"'v sioan. -aiui-; itowman ana tneir oaugmer. innin imperialism. mis win draw to th.-i y-vU, ,, n; aI Mrs. lUtwtnan h.-r I gold watch. The roluT then, with the i export. The speaker ciaimea tne aa- ,onj vantage or a aescenamg gnme "u . -...k ...nn fivirht t democrat prints an The St. Louis Globe- ranks of rotten naney Carl Schurt. J. Intervle-w with Sterling Morton. Horace W'hlto. ex-Sen- vilely ...j . u- , k.,.u ... k him. His ODinlons about the PhillDolnes ator Kdnunds. ex-Oowrnor Bout well Pli htl.l in tne iaus num. Gulf seaport than to New York. Rail- and the war are intending as coming nl prhai four hundred other Ad-1 Itwulted them. He kept all three ve- road rates hav become so low. Mr.! from a younf man intu,. ""amiies scuiterea tnrougnout the ror- Mandlng. In the street until Pish said, that river transportation Is1 ... .. . . t -Ave states of the Union . . .ki. ,1,. nt.! Knce wn nas "n 0,1 lne "P01- ial With this formidable armv of Insur n,iU.ik nln. ,a th American I m. .n mlv,ni. It I. .11.. th-ii drivers on and dlnipvre,t. way companies. r " - - ' , thinUKh with the hold-up, and then sent Th Sir. Fish, in answering the summons. Mestlios. He says that the better class th banners of Bryan and Agulnaldol ollcers are scouring the country for the of the commission, presented an In- of ,he Filipinos want the Americans to caa be rUn Up 00 ,he natlonal cP'll r -bber. terestlnr statement or tne scope or tr.e . .. ,.,... ... . "uiiimwh. -uut a- uousuuun. nner.ued In the MissliDOi "'c """" cf Imperialism- It I. believed the Ger- valW-y and states tributary thereto. He guinaldo will confiscate their prop- mnn-merloin voters of the Union. ' WIIITL SIFFEIIS TIIK LOSS declared that railroads are "of the peo-( 'y; that tne American soldiers re- wna nave tojd nice a wall for sound ' nl and for the People," because they card Aguinaldo as a fraud: that the currency, can oe stampeaa into tne are permanently attached to the soil .ppo,nttd by Aguinaldo from "I"" J T. TP.Ud.'"!ln and Insisted tnat capital invesui m , 1 " m? unuu them is irrevocably dedicated to a pub-! ,non h'8 1nonul half-savage ,r, f AsnaHo, with their tin whls lie service. He announced he presumed followers is only a mockery, ' not rep- j tl and bows and arrows, Don Quixote it was for this reason the commission resentaiive even of the Tagal. and aim- n&s fr-'ntl-man of rrreat profundity t,.,H ,.ni n mmv tmdi1.nts of rail- ... ... . . of w isilom and Infinite discretl mi , r- , y,y 11. a....'.rj iv fiei irwfimuun (.ruin roads Into Its pwnc4.-W ashlngt . . ovfore, and the testimony of another inere are iw iniiui .11 ...i. .of two mors M) .mux (Contlnusd from Brat pags.) 11 mmiI, r i mil -.f the cuii-Ktlon. Hut now th iv in 110 kniwini; what Htep will ill .Idv.'il upon. to Sokane, and will n4 take part' In tli Pontile ivh'brallou. the Mosrow Titi.vt.. Damaging Kvldetnv Against tin- De fendants. MOSMW. Idaho, Oct. 31. -The most damaging evidence yvt prtwnteil agaliiKt (he iikmi on trial for olwiriicttug maila was given today by the ltn.Mu-s for the prosecution. Olijectliins by Colonel lleddy were the order of the day. He exeiclsed all hl ingenuity In criiM-iUilloulng the witnesses ti haw them modify their stali'ineiils and put lie- i-vldi-nce ami the credulity of tile niile testifying III a prejudicial light In-fore the Jury. The leiiil-ncy nf Ms efforis wons to linpnss the Jury ilia I I lie witnesses W' iv i inploy-M of the Hunker Hill & Sullivan Mining Company, and (Hand ed on that coioruiiion fur a llwllh'iod. and conseiiuently It vllcy to give evld-nce In accordanw with thf wishes of their employers. Ed Cleminen. one of the miners who was released from custody yeotcrday has gvt Into tn-uble. He attempted to Intimidate one of the gowrnment'a wit nesses t.xlay. A warrant Is out for his arrest. The Leading Visiting and Wedding Card . . . Engravers . . . 77 CSV'" ctnd 21 '.: WASHIMiTOX Ill'ILDIXi;, I'OKTLAXI), OK.. Over Lltt's. TAKE TH.NSlOHT3 THURSDAY. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. Jl.-The Thirty-ninth Infantry. 1.300 men. and two companies of the forty. fifth, will .ave Vancouver barracks fur IVrtland to tak the tranaMrts Olympla and lVnnsylvanla fr the Phlllppuie Thursday next. The troops revived two months' al vanc pay. witness from tlie neighborhood is only cumulative. Fish's testimony which the Astorlan desires to commend to the thoughtful considera tion of the Oregonian. First, Mr. Fish ; " says, with the advantage of the de-' " late reports are true that come scending grade, the products of the' from South Africa, the Boers will lose Middle West can be more cheaply car- a great deal of sympathy which would ried to the seaport of New Orleans by g", and Indeed was gMng, to them. rail than by waiter to New York, and said ths English garrisji.A hive etas that rail rales have become so low, that e.J all elf oris to cover thrfr dead, slain river transport itijn is no Kngr a in the first engagement, because the rival of the railway companies. He, Boers refuse to respect the Red Cross says, second, that railroads are "of the Hag. which all civilized nations have people and for the people." because they . agreed to honor. Unfortunately, It Is are permanently attached to the soil, not the first time they have been charg- and that capital inverted in railroads ed with cruel and uncivilized conduct. BOLD ROBBERY AT PEXDLETOX A FEARLESS HIGHWAYMAN. H.ldslp and Hubs Four Men and 1 Two Women at One Time Within the Citv Limits ! LONDON. Oct. .!l - A s-.-la! llsurli from I jul smith says th.- Boer suffer".! sevr-ly ilurln the engiigi-ment. some pi i-4ilmatlng their loss at 0 (,, I.'mhi kilM and wounded. A TKST OF I'ATRIOTWM. I Kiigiand Must Sumimiii All Her Dogged 1 Fortitude and Take Kv.-nts Cooly. LONDON. (H t. .11 The Usie of edlto rials of the afternoon jxiiiers ran b summed up in the following statement of the St. .Tame's GngwUx: "It Is evident the patriotism and for- PENDLKTON. Ore.. Oct. 31 A lone tltlide of the nation are to lie t.-.i.l in is lrrevocaDiy .leaicateo to tne puDiic in- rrners were oui or tneir element highwayman performed a bold ilee earnest by th.-se i o-ratlon of biwli '' What tht OTS.ff-ini;.n when thfv nrrpmntH ... n)nir u-i.h ... .....l. .i, . v.A nv i..n I . - -- "" ill- Natal against gr-it think of this kind of talk as applied to tillery. at the affair of Olencoe Hill. The dletun this evening at 7 o'clock, when Wnt n,, ( ,nm,,U, ours odds. General task hlm. THR BEAR RETURNS. Sti- ilrinirs Hiuk Large Numb.-r of Sick and IVfitltute I'r sp-tor front Alaska. SEATTLE. Oct. 31. After a In Alaskan waters aa far in.rtli .is Point I arrow, the I nl'ed St.tti-s n-ven .e cut-ti-r Bear, ('apt. il l Jarvls. iTturned to S...UI.- today. She hid sixty-odd sick and destitute pn'sx-ctor, gathered up at vai l us north land points. At St. Mlch-l.'l. which port she ","ft octoh-r N. the lli ar look aboard 10 cul led States prisoners, five of whom are u11us.1l of muid.-r. und conveyed them to the united Stales is-nlli-ntlary at Sitka. Fifteen men who had been ordered out of Cap; Nome by the local author Itles were also brought to this city on the Bear. NORGARD & PETTERSON, Merchant Tailors So0 Tisiklll Stttn Dttscti Sid tid 4th... Portland, Oregon lSJL Tslspltons Ortuim Itlnvk sus.l (iiithcr up Those. MAGAZINES You Imve slsiiit your liomes and lave tliem mn.le lulu Hnnilsotne l'siks. DM books rebound ami niado as kimkI as new. We niske all klmli ol IxK.ks and bsv Hie only Hook Riiidery in Astoria Will lis pleased to submit estimates. J. . ifi.un;i R. (r. Ninth 1111J Coiniucrclul St. P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators Latent anil Kent FISHER BROS. General 5upply Mouse for Family Groceries Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardajare,ShipChandlery,Etc. Pacific Sheet Metal Worl5 nnd we must take the disaster w'lth th.- the transportation situation In the "-l"ph;int rille" In their hands Is said he held up and robbed four men and Northwest? 1 to be a terrible wvaixm, and with their two women. He had thw vehicles T a tt riiutinftlV Km rfTttm ifc-rnd th!.t i-IJrri I Li l,-flt- nwut Hi. r..,.rlc . , I h...,..!.. ,,,, In Ik. tfmdl at .it... Sim.. ' ' - ' -" ' how to display. We shall .iwalt the these are nm tne utterances or some tne invailr. In all previous eunllictj. and all the -xrupants ha1 th.-4r hands (jnftl rKHUt wi,n,)Ut apprehension " tvni In the schisil of economics. They the Fiitish were handicappe)' by the ab- d . 1.1.1. .t. ' While the announcnnenit tisliiy of th are not the socialistic ravings of some senie of cannon, and no less by the fact A dairyman naned Cheney and his of On worilil ? d.-masogue, envious of the of the superior marksmanship of the on were on ttwdr way home when they pn.sptrity of thrift and who seek to Dutch riflemen with the smaller Are- were stopped at the point of a pistol excite prejudice against the private arm. Now the obstacles to th? employ- by a man, who w.ire a w hite handker- private arm. 1 rights of corporate wealth. They are ment of artillery no longer ex- chief over his face. Bmh were ordered the deliberate and well-considered on the pirt of the Brit- ti throw up thlelr hands. The high statHments of a master In the science !sh, and thev an. etr.r.loyir.i' it wayman then went through their of transportation. They are the care- with deadly cff.-cl, while the Afri- pockets, securing only S3 in cash Just then a teamstr In tbe employ of j O. W. Rugg drove along. The r.-bo-n fully prepared opinions of the president kanders, In their attempt to put of one of the greuitest railroad c-ompan- themselves on an equality with their les In existence the suggestions of aj foe in that particular, have not found stopped him and the man ma.:. recognised authority throughout the Mississippi valley on all questions ir- lating to tne physical and commerelal 1 in the world are, without doubt, the competent teachers In the Herman ar- j attempting to wrest the pistol from the tillerlsts. The mot skillful artillerists development of that vast region. There is food for thought In thse Americans and the riritish, In the order named, a fact that has ls-n demon weignty arguments of tn pnsi'i-nt of stra-tf-d freimently enough to silence the Illinois Central. Tln re Is a text i dispute. Hut, .-f n.urHe, ti-achi-rs of nere irom wnn-n 111- nivgonmn '-an mat sort were not available to the preach a splendid s. 't.i ,n 10 the Harri-man-Mohler-HIll cou.biiuiliori und the tollers of the NorthM-.-st. iv.-ry paper in the Inland Empiiv rpilnt this testimony of I'r-ideiit Fish, fi-r-haps It may be lirniglit thus more forcibly to the atl.-htloii ol th" 1 n-.-uo-nlan, Perhaiis In this way tin p.ipl of the Northwest can get some '-x)irvt-' slon from the onironian on thi- impor tant subject of the applicability of President Fish's views to ihe situation with which they luxe le-re to The Astorlan will defer further c mi- ment on fr-idfnt Ush s argum.-tits until the Oregonian can have the first chance to be heard. The Oregonian has the floor! Trciisvaalers, for :h-r .--rison that Eng- expens would have regarded it as a treaHoi.aiile act t impart such ln strucilon undr the eln umKiani-ef., and an American never care to meddle in what he considers none ..f his busi ness, like the quarrels of K-ope in another hemisphere. YOU THE ENGLISH DISASTEH. The tactics of the Boers have one merit that laymen can understand the1 merit of success. So far as tit war' hag progressed, indeed, Joubert and other leaders of the burghers have pwvn themselves strategists of tlie HKi.XMTES ADOPT INSCBDENT BATTLE CRY. If ih. i M.u( any douhn that "anti imperialism" is to be the battle cry of the Bryan free silver opportunists in lSHsj It has b"en officially removed by the conlerenoe of democratic leaders held at .St. Louis on Monday. After a "canvass of the situation" the Bryan ites unanimously agreed that no other issue offered any promise of victory for the silver democracy at this time. A few months ago the silver leader from Nebraska defiantly announced his purpose to keep the old ratio to the front and to make the fight on the is sue of 1SD6. Hp indignantly repelled all suggestions to the effect that silver should be relegated in favor of the newer issues of "monopoly" and "im- need not lose flesh in summer if you use the proper means f 1 to prevent it You think j you can't take SCOTFS ' but you can take it and di- cii 11 as wen 111 duiiiiiicr 09 4 in uintor H ic nnf lik 3 m T ia tmf I V M IV 1 : plain cod-liver oil, which is j ' diiticult to taKe at any time. ir vou are losins flesh. t you need I Scott's Emulsion and must have it to keep up J your flesh and strength. If 1 . 1 . ... a y jvu nave uccil IdMIll II aiHJ - prospering on u, aon i iau 10 ? f: continue until you are thor-$ oughly strong and welL $ j) 50c. jnJ $1.00. all druggUtf, jr g SCOTT4BOWNE,ChtmUt,NtwYoA J leral HuIUt at Cape Town was received by the Hrttlsh with un feigned satlsfiudlon, It Is pointed out th. gvneni! cannot und the war without the army corps, and some of th troops which are to compow kt have not even left England for Bouth Africa. ARE THESE HOER MEAT? Six Thousand English TiiHipB Will Ar rive at t.'ape Town Hunday. LONDON, f)ct. 111. About 6.000 fn-sh troops will arrive at Cap; Town Sun day next from England, and will 1- availanle to relnfon Kir Cieorgw White The transiKirts will arrive there daily after Sunday until, by the end of next week, H,tm tnsips will have Wn land ed In South Africa. The- men are Intended for General Sir Red vrs Huller's army, but they will undoubtedly lie sent to NaUil If the sit. uatlon there should become perilous The lintish army will eventually reach the huge total of 8!l,:i0. BOERS AT DEWDROF. IOWA'S LIBERALITY. Her Troops Will Be Taken Home In Fa lace Cars Frev of Charge. SAN' FRANCISCO. Oct. M.-The Flf ty-first Iowa volunteers have Ixvn no- tilled by Adjutant General Byers that the state would furnish tr.msHirtatlon from here to each man's actual horn, no matter where he enlisted. The state has provided thr-- special sleeping car trains and subsistence, to leave here tomorrow with the regiment as fast as It is mustered out. SHUimiCK LAUNCHED. rr-.-sld.-nt McKlnley AtU-nds the Using of a Torpedo Boat. Bap Will Form a Camp That Will Extend Over Four Miles. LONDON, Oct 31. Advice from Caps Town show that 'the Boers at gathering In considerable force at Dew- drop, southwest of Ladysmlth, while a large force of Boers Is advancing ovtr Helpmaaka road. A big camp of Boors is to be formed Ixftwoen Harrismlth bridge and Polgle- ter farm camp, ait Dewdrnp, which, It Is said, will extend four miles. RICHMOND. Va., Oct. 31,-The tor pedo boat Shubiick was launched hvre today In the pri-scnce of President Mc Klnley, many members of the cabinet Governor Tyler of Viim. and un Im mense outpouring of eople. The dem onstration was marred In some of Its features by a h-avy rain storm. The presld.-t.t delivered the address al the launching. GOING STRAIGHT HOME. SPOKANE, Oct, 31. It was definitely decided today that companies A and L will return direct from San FranclBCO DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice In hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between A. J. Megler and C. S. Wright, under the nrin name or M.-g..-r & Wright, has tins nay ticen dissolved by mutual con ent, Mr. Wright tetlrlng. All the In- iicmedness or tne firm has been assum ed by Mr. Megler and all hills due the nrm must be paid to him. Dated October 5th, 1S!i9. A. J. MEOLER, C. S. WRIGHT. THR LOrVKE. SlraiiL'crs visit ini in the i-iiv will rin.l the Invre an nttniclive resort wherein to Bpcml llio (-veiling Tli Ammo Histers LmlioV Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nililiv a tn.isinil program of exceptional merit, lliin.lsonic pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with tlin limine. J'ftlatiiblc lunches will lie served at nil nonrs Salmon Vegetable Fnit MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... spice and Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Sao Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Fairbaven. WastL Astoria, Ore. Write Urn for Prleen C. A. WHALE, Wholesale nml retail ilcslcr in Pian0SiOanS IIP Kranlcli and lincb, fichairer, Sobiller, and many others. 112-lll.(i Union Avenue und ;W:l luist Alder Street Hch n I In aud t'o. Millor, Ann Arbor llcutlcy and others PORTLAND OREGON. Instruments Sold on Easy Terms. M. C. M ATI II I ELL. AlunitKcr. Head ollice Hi .State Ht. 8i.lmn.Ore. LOGGERS ATTENTION! Headquarters for Cutters' Logging Shoes and Loggers' Outfits. THE RED rtivrn, 26 Morrison street, Portland. FOR BALE. Improved ranch, consisting of 120 acres, on Young's river. Apply to John L. Hayseth, Wise, Or. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY ! Telephone No. aj S Handles Only the Choicest Meats I 4a Commsrclsl St., ntxt Palao Reitsarai.t. ? Pacific Navigation Com pany STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. HarrtHOfi ONLY I1IRECT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK GARIBALDI BAY CITY MOIJSONVILLE Couucctiiid at Aatnria with tho Oregon Itnilroad & Navig-iitlou Co, for 8an Francisco, Portlnnd and all points east. For freight and passpn ger rates apply l , Samuel Elmore i Co. f rol Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN AC0W Agento, Oreo ,ilroa.l NaviKntiou Co., TILLAMOOK C re. PORTLAND, Ore.