The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 01, 1899, Image 1

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22; o fl,r,.. ;
NO. 132
n. .
I !
Bought before tbo ad
vance and sold regard
less of it on account
of moving.
r fill I L JU1 1 Ll J I IIL LVJJ
than to the fault of that splendid Indian ' IlfJtJ IT'Q PHIll TP
V-liran fVn r-.l Whit- In f hl.l IHIIAI I O I U 1)1,11
As the day wore on the crowd a
f'urd the war office sn'illed to enorm
oim proportions, and at Gloucester, the
horn of many of tlKf engaged, th?
wildest excitement prevailed.
I Kpeclal Ki'.'Umn of the local news-
papers were spoedlly exhausted and the
I him thin occurred at Bristol and
Eclipse Hardware Co.
' tori
f Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
Hox Decorated rpr
and Knvelopewioo
Here Is a List
I Ol some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
Fancy Creamery Imttcr in Kegs tuxl HoIIh.
Strictly Fresh Kgg.
Now Crop Maple Syruj.
nuckwhoiitiind (iridic Cuke Flour.
I'uckiml & Smith'H Fancy. Itulitin Prunes.
Now Crop Nuts, Fig", Mince Meat,
A Brilliant Victory' for the i Trans
vaal General. r
Two Regiments and a Battery Fall Into the
Hands of the Boers. "
possible the ambuiih of the Eighteenth
hussars at Glencoe and now the loss of,
two An regiment ,
It li feared that Blr George White la
no match for the Boers In that cunning
for which the Doera are noted, and ft
la pointed out that If the British com
mander continue to lead the men Into
obvious trap further disasters must be
looked for. - - i ' w .
Bays He Formed the Plan Which Led
to Disaster and Is Alone to Blame.
LONDON, Oct. 3i.-Followlng la the
I ao aoon after the engagement at Riets-
fontein, whine the Glouoestershlres auf-
I fered heavily, this frt sn disaster
brought the keen, sorrow to house
holds all ov-jr the country whose name
th regiment bears.
' The dlsas:er had Immediate effect on
the stock exchange, where consols fell
one-half; South African securities
dropped heavily.
LONDON, Oct. 31. General White, In
a subsequent dispatch aays:
"The following is a Hat of officers
The Silvcrf ield Fur Manufacturing Co.,
2H.12NH Morrlaoti Mt., Portland, Ore.
To the LtullcH ol AHtorlat
W will sitvo you oiioloiirtli on every gatnieiif you uroliao from us, be
enow arodirect manufacturers, and you will save tint middleman's
Ktir (iilliiri't(.x. friiin H.i l
Fur NVt'k lln. frntn J' l
Uillm' KIiik Tailor Mml" Siill from SI2.UI Up
ljuli Kino illiir .Miul'rlolh.Urki, from SI V) up
U.II.V Klnr Krrnrh Hiilun-I Wi.l.l, Innu 11.7.1 U
Aliuk Hnil Mk In Jurkola. lAindou I'yp, luntlo
nxpwlitlly to onlcr Innu . tlJU.00 up
ItiMiiodi'lhiK of Fur (liirmniH Into the Ijilcnl Hlylc st very
Hend fur llln.truK'il cdliiluc, which we will (lailly mull
Highest t'rlce I'nld for Knw I'urs. Yours Respectfully,
The Sllvcrfleld Fur Manufacturing Co.
Consternation Seizes London and the War Office ts Be
sieged by Anxious Inquirers-Mary Mourning Homes
In England and Ireland-Rushing the Troops to ' Re
lieve Laiysmith The Disaster a Staggering Btow to
Great Britain-White's Position Critical.
J.ONlHJN.Ot. ol. Tlure continuous strcum of
! ii ... . .1 n: . ... ,:i - ! . I i'. ..l...,l
g CUIHTS III llie Wlir Olllie uiilli a nuui luuini, iuiiuuu
r anximicly inquiring regarding yo.stcnlay's casunltiff, iut the
f war t'tliri' tli'iliiivil tlmt nothing hiul ln'tn received since Sir
(JfiTge Wliitii's dispatch Cdininnnii iitiiig the i:tture .of the
Knyal lnli Ktisiht is and tiie liloiiceiteriiire regiments.
i Tlii1 di-lav in gelling further inlelligenee i- atirihnted in
f! part to a hri'iik ilnwii die cn.( ciui'-l cal le, hut it stands to
reaMHi that tln war cilice n.ust he i'.-m s-kI n!' further n. h
(ii w liidi it is pinhahly int thetight advi.s.hlo should he jmh-
lished as vet.
........ ,; i'ii&fiiWfM&iGW!, ....!.....i.v.visftwXs?
"Tinfloor Wasliingion Iiuilding.
Lrnrgest nnd BeHt BqMlppcd Offices
in the Northwest.
Best work at our Prices, because we have the
largesrvolume of Dental Work in Portland.
Ili'BtOrown nnd lriil!0 Work, 22 kiirat Rold
per tooth Jfi.lO
Hi't IVftli. fully Kiiiiriiii'.i't'tl ruliber $S 00
HcRt ( iold Filling $1.00 up
HchI Alloy. Filliiiir W)c up
Tcotlipxlnu'tfHl without piiin SOc tip
We employ only the most modern methods and
guarantee satisfaction.
Tnke elnvntor mi WaiuiKton street, neRr Fonrth. anc nek forthePortlsnd
Dental 1'orlors, Top Floor.
Phono Oreuon.'Urown 403. Columbia lao
LUNhON, Nov. 1. An ominous cur
t iln han Htinln ilomn-(l upon affulrs
In Natnl. No llHp.itch.-, vxtvpt the
mill In I tlt'KT.inis of (U-ih-nil Hlr QHrgi
Stowurt While, haw thim far Ih'OH per to mention the tljwutr. nnl no
telegram from lailynmith has Wt'ii re
celwd In Uuulon sliu-e h advlewi from
the Itilili'h rommander.
Thin Klves rim.- to the belief that com
munications have already been cut. In
which event some time muirt eJapse be
fore the details regarding the IlriUsh
Ioswh aii recelviil.
If the war ottlelals have reclwd any
Irforniatlon on thin lnt they have
refralne.t from puhliHhlnR It.
Ill the ahueneo of nrnVH, the mornlnp
paM'iH ale reiluo'il to nHvUliitin nn t
how lh lliiinler oeeuwd. The Keiievul
opinion la ihul the ulauae of the cav
u'ry was the real tvason fir the fall
Into the lloer trap.
The 'rimes says:
"We have mot with a considerable
ivverse. It Ih for th nnilon to show
that It can bear 111 fortune with cour
age and dignity."
There Is no general desire evinced on
the part of the morning paers to crit
icise Sir George White harxhly, pending
h arrival of further details. On the
contrary, the disposition Is to admire
his manly couragv in assuming full re
sponsibility. Abroad, especially In France, no pains
are taken 'to disguise the satisfaction
f"lt In consequence of the British re
Fear That Joubm Is Outgeneraling the
llrltlsh Commander.
LONDON, Oit. 31. Disaster has
caused a feeling nkln to consternation
nnd In Gloueesitershtiv and the north of
Ireland where tho captured regiments
wciv recruited, the blackest ghmm pro-
valN. families awaiting with x atlng
hearts the nam. of the killed and
wounded which are fully expected to
reach a high figure.
Many homes are already In mourning
In consequence of losses sustained by
these regiments In previous engage-
text of General White's dispatch to the taken prisoners today: Staff Major
war office : ! Adye, Irish fusil?; Colonel Cart et on.
LADTSMITII. Oct. M.-ll. p. m. Major Munn. Major KlncaJd, Captains
I have to rport a disaster to the col- j Burrows, Rice and Silver, Lieutenants
umn sent by me to take a position on , Hard, Southey. Phibbs, McGregor,
hill to guard the left flank of the Holmes, Kelly, Doooer, Kentish, Kllle-
troops, tu these operations today the
There is No Hope Fur a Perma
nent and Complrie Kccovrry.
His Paniiljr Authorizes the Auodicc
meat That la Ro Event Kill He
Retir to Kashiagtoa.
PATERSON, N. J., Nov. L-Vloe
President Hobart's conditions was fa
vorable at t o'clock this morning.
"There Is no immediate danger," la the
Utect bulletin.
A statement of the origin and devel
opment of the illness of Vice President -Hobart
Is authorised by his family and
tJ'e physicians who have adoended him. :
Several reasons are given why the ex
art nature of the vloe president's mal-
ady has been withheld from the public.
In the first place, the family have de
han, Jeudwlne, Chaplain Matthews. Of
the above Captains Rice and Silver and 'red to reserve to Itself the privise
Lieutenant Donner were wounded. j of retaining such facts as were of a
'Gloucestershire regiment: ' Majors private nature, at .the same time reeog-
Royal Irish fustier, No. 10 mountain
Lattery anj Oie Gloucestershire regi
ment were surrounded In the hills, and
.ftr limine hesvilv. had to cawtulate .' Humphrey, Capetlure and Wallace.: nlzlng the right of the public to accu-
Casualtles have not yet been aacer- Captain Duncan, Captain Connor, Ueu- rate information In the case of an In-
UilrMl. ' ; tenants Bryant, Nesbltt. Ingham, Da-. valid holding a high public office.
'A man of ths fusilers employed as vey, Knox, Temple. Radice, Breu, mil. Moreover, there were reasons connected
a lviiHal orderly came in unoer a ciui". "--''-. '"- ....v
flag of truce with a letter from the sur- Of the above, Captain Duncan ar.d ; the government which prompted a slm-
vlvors of the coUtmn, who asked for aa- Connor were w.iunde I. j liar policy. This was done, however,
elstance to bury the uead. I fear there "RoyaV artillery: Major Bryan. , not for the purpos? or secrecy, Dut to
is no doubt of the truth of the report. "Mounted battery: " Lieutenants nvold embarrassmerit. '
I formed a r la In the carrying out of j Wheeler, Nugent. Moore and Webb. ! In addition, the effect of publicity
which the diraster occurred, and I am; upon the vice presHent s health had to
al jne responsible for the plan. There
ba considered. He was a diligent read-
mem. The public anxleny was increas
ed by a special dliatch from Lady
smi'.h published In the late edlUone of
Linden afternoon papers to the ef
fect that before diu-knetw yesterday,
the Boers, n.-occupli-d the old imsttlon
held by their heavy artillery, which
General White had reported ullenced by
th" guns of the naval brigade from the
Powerful, and had opened fire again.
The dispatch further nays: The en
emy Hiv again cloning In and the situa
tion Is one of grave anxiety. Beyond
doubt the Roer tootles of yesterday
tMonday) was a ruse to draw General
While Into the hilly country nnd away
from the British camp.
This hint sentence Is significant and
ccniiniis th- opinion of the military ex
pi rts here that General While If allow
ing himself to bi oiitgvneraled by C'om
mnnilant General Joubert.
From the scant advices received up to
11 p. m., It scetna tolerably certain that
the disaster Wiis simply a rvpetltlon of
the battle of Majuba Hill, though on
larger scale. Two regiments were aV
lowvd to march into a trap sot for them
by the Roers. It is simply a caw? of
Boer spider and guileless British fly. In
fart, the whole engagement seems to
have been brought on by Commandant
General Joubert. who skillfully con
ceived a gigantic trap, out of which, as
the official dispatch shows. Sir George
White only escaped with difficulty.
General White advanced with the
Idea of driving the Roers from a hl'.l
seven miles out, which General Joubert
mad an ostentatious show of fortifying
The Boer commander left a force suf.
tlclent 'to draw General White on, while
the mass of the Boers he moved
stealthily around the British right, to
deliver a (lank attack and to endeavor
to cut oft eneral White from Lndy-3inllh.
The British commander succeeded In
lie'illng off the attack, but only with
irreat dinVulty, and during the turning
movement his troops suffered from a
Hanking fire.
Harsh things are said in military cir
cles of the British taatlcs which made
Is no blame whatever on the troops,' aa( a Second Army Corps Will be Organ- " newspapers, and It was observed
the position was untenable." Ucd and Rushed to Service at Once. ; ht O" alarming reports which crept
j LONDON, Out. Jl.-The commander- j Into the papers and there met the vloe
A 3TAGGERINQ BLOW. j In-chief, Lord Wolseley, has Issued an president's eye had a meet unfavorable
. . ' ....... .. ! ordr for the mobtixatlon by November! effect. For this reason. It was deemed
Th. !. A,,i:i,. n General .Vhlte.l of the ierves of Suffolk, Essex andj advisahle to keep certain facts from the
and It Is IVllewd Hi Is Pr.c- I Derbyshire teginvnts. who will be ad
ti allv Surr wiidel. ! d -d to the South Africa forces.
LONDON. Oct. Sl.-Whlle minor re-1 LONDON. Oct. 31. The war office has
Verie-s wer uot wholly unexpected. ; fent tno following dispatch to General
nothing like th Htagerln? blow Gen- riuller: " Three extra battalions of foot
eral Joubert "delivered to General olw mountaln battery with re-
Whl.e s forces yesterday were amid-! gves. will leave England during the
paled. The full ixtent of the disaster pour. o ten days to make good your
is not yet acknowledged, If It Is known.1 caguaitles."
at the war offUv. The loss, in effect, 1
must be appalling to General Whit.
who is priotically surrounded. Twj
of the fines: British regiments and a
LONDON, Oct. 31. It is learned by
I the Associated Press that the war of
fice has ordered the second army corps
mule battery deducted from Lady-i
smith garrison wenkeng It about a fifth j
of its total strength and alters the
either for a demonstration In Europe
i of Great Britain's capabilities, or for
tlie sending of even a larger force to
the scene of action.
Until the receipt of news of the Lady
smith disaster, the latter course was
to be In readiness to be called out. The
military officials have not yet decided
i whether the consummation of the plan
I ...111 t. . wmr K.. X !ldl,..
whole situation very materially in favor "'" w " "'
of the Boers, who have again shown " everything in tvadiness
itheinselves strtuig fighters and military
strategists of no mean order.
This disaster eost the British 1.500 toj
2.1KW men "Uid six seven- pound screw I
guns, nnd as the Boer artillery Is al- j
r-ady slrong-r than imagired, the cap-.
ture of thew guns will be a givat hell;
to the Hk'I-s. Furth'-r news must be.
uwuiled before it Is attempted to fix
the blame when- it belongs. White man- j
fully accep'.s all res(K!isitlllty for the,
disaster, which wa at least partly due:
to the scampering of mi les with the j
guns. I
Interest In -he news was universal, j
pervading all conditions of London's j
population. The newspaper extra 1
w ere eagerly read in business houses,
( Continued on Fourth Page.)
public. His aliment has been diagnosed
as dilated right heart due to myocardi
tis. The following la authorized:
"It is apparent frm this statement
thmt the vice president Is in no condi
tion to resume his political duties at
Washington. His family desires, there
fore, to announce that he will not re
turn to Washington, nor will he again
take part In public affairs. His condi
tion today Is such that a fatal result
may ensue at any moment or his condi
tion may be Indefinitely prolonged."
PATERSON. N. J.. Nov. 1.-2:30 a. m.
Vice President Hobart la resting qui
etly. Dr. Newton reports his condition,
OLYMPIA. Wash., Oct. 31. Governor
Rogers has announced that the day of
the arrival of the Flint Washington
volunteers In the state will be declared
a legal holiday.
1 in: sTi.iSB.vcii i.ahfl sk;mfh "iui oi aij i y"
on the streets and by women In their)
carriages. Then there was a rush toi
the war office, which by noon was sur-j
rounded by private carriages and han-
soms, while many ot the humbler closs
of people came on foot, all waiting and
watching for names they held dear.
Never was the old saying, "Bad news
travels quickly" better exemplified than
today. By noon, sorrow prevailed
throughout the British metropolis. At
the government offices, no effort was
made to coneil the feeling of dismay
prevailing. One official said to a rep-j
ivseivlative of the Associated Press: ''It,
is Inexplicable, and I am sorry to say.
thnt Its moral effect is inestimable. We
have lost hi-avlly In many ways and had.
regiments almost willed out, but to have
regiments captured, and by Brs, It Is
I -rrlble."
An official of the war office said to a
representative of the Associated Press:
"The disaster Is more likely due to tha
craze of our younger officers to dis
tinguish themselves, obtain mention In
dispatches and earn a Vlotorla cross,
well Pali and
. .Winter Clothes. . .
There's not a better store in all America
to j;et your frtj-lish, reliable elntl.ts.
Our gathering of Suits and Overcoats has
all the betterments that the best made-to-order
ones haveand they are a heap cheaper.
"Stoinbach" clothes for' boys and men
wtre never known to he other than best.
Their distinguishing feature is nicety of fit
they satisfy the eye, the mind and thfe
Come when'youjean and bring your hoy.
A. B. Steinbach 6c Co.,
Largest Clothiers
in the Northwest
MAIL OKDERS SOLICITED. CorncrJFourtiYaiid Morrison Sts.