The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 31, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    ill. MuRXlNH ASl'OlUAN. TMfcDAi, OCTUBKK 'U, !
The Corset Question
In one o( tlie most iniHr
taut of iranv pcrlNining t
uomnli'x iln .ln-l Hit
!. i . i. ,...,.,. r .... 1.1 ni'iiM-. iiiMti ne.vui I'H in.
Illllin in Ml' rtwij,i.
Form, C mtort to ia-r. lltjsan. c o viotume Koyal WincH.r
Cor .--f is mm Hut lenilt i in .11 1 1 m .: in ioimlIoiii.
Goods ot in'rii'-ii' wont
only a to cold ln-rc. I 'icy
Hro'tl o only Mm. I ilmt
Lauics' fall Underwear
kwinllv up ml initio i.o :im. !,:,.. Ti.oy for i:.o i ,
llfsllll. t'fllll t. ' ION M'II - - I I I .itHl III llll M7.l "col.
jilnioil "Oiio. iii" i-iy , c ii t In i . i i-1 Hi n... v ;iikI Viilm s for ; I ind
f 1 .01 1. Ill MlnatO 1 .. II 01 I". M'iol I'.l'l Ml' !l O 111 lHll-lllllOill .V lillil
7.V . i.rli; Hi.ii.inl i. o i , I'l. .. t 51 lint i I Ad : it : m "
KtiMll llll.XII I OS, llH'!l l!" II I fllk. C' I'll Hi-.
Ifiii A. -SilNBAS CO.,
llcaJmii.i-tcrs for Pry (iols ni the I nwer Columbia
Wheat and Stock Brokers
riDrn vine in rtwYttkMCCk hXClungC
JlhiidJjJJll1! fhicaso leara of ra:e
The Big Iriillinery Store
,M Portland..
"2 1 4 "2 1 s ChamW-r ot Coniuu kt.
KuuuileJ INTO.
J . Ill 1 1. ' I'rlui lil.
Tort mil I. rc;oii.
Chrtatmaa Trm Oiirnt Sfpl. 14,
A Hoarding an4 tr fc-huol Undr praml
Sianactmvnt .no ISTa
r"r oattluM or infonnatlOQ a.Mma tM
rtnclpal. J. W. HILU U. D.. P. O. .Irawar
I;. l"urilrJ. Or.
, ....It .1... l,,A
I aVDia, "H ruiwiHvn, "''"I ,
I Manual Training. bu ot ait afa racl4.
The Largest Asscrlmcnt
Tlie Lowest Prices
I Cold-Blooded Statement of a Govern
Official Report of the Work at the' offloii!
Mouth of the Columbia. J
There is a growing disposition among
General Wilson, chief of engineers In Portland business nven to trmt tho "As
his rcently cubmittej report, doscribea- toria propoftlon" with favor. Thoy soo
tne nnmary aw at tne mouin ot, mo naiu,rm. ... nr ..a... ... .., th;-mn)lnl,-, ,h(, hunmn bHly than
the Columbia as follows: i are Inclined to make a virtue tf mix-: ,,. b,,f,liv. t. has founj t!mt all
" The defens.- Include two works of s'ty. I achievement, mctwt or f.iilur hapoi-,
old type, both of which were jrarriponed Among AMortatv there is an Implicit ! ness or misery. I e.ntn.U-d V!
at the elevse of the Hscal year. The 10-! confidence that we shall siwn sev the j JV'- cn on y ;V j,, i
inch smooth-lmre guns In the left face fruition of our hopes and efforts. Tl l,s,uioU8 rfuse. and debilitates every
nf th nM f.irf hA Wn dit,mnnft a helirhia of thtwo honei panni be mftj!-i oriran In the bxly. It may be made
IWnch front pim.e platform built onj ured by the depth, of Poland's j urkiTx! aalKwn?
the site ix-cupled by them, and the car-i for the most rabid AsUrian divu n.t ' h nmty whlch acts quickly and, MRS. ROSS,
rlaire and gun mounted. (expect that Astoria's prosperity shall j gently. It will cleans the system. , . .
be built upon the ruins of Portland s ak- up tne liver, stimulate me iu.-. C 1 .1
business. On the contrary. Adrians I n-yi CV V 111 !!
' ; Ask vour druggist for It. and s,. tnat a
sve In the conditin which they are ' nri..,. riev-onue Stamn civers thei ....
atriving to onng urx.ut. tne sie tmiva-: nock or the Dttie.
Science Is paying mre attention to yyM f J
At prircH itliin tlie
rctiili of all, t all
ami I'liiinine tl.o now
.. i..
be made!
.'f - i t -
VW ',ivi ,( '
Kca-lMil an Klipnt A?m rtuicnt New Street Hats Stltfti
pl I'elt Tain Crowns, In l'le Sew Shnies.
'c thrM-CimiiIs Direct from our own Munurttor.
The only store In I'ortlnml thnt tnri) these Eulusl.c St .lc
Chllilrcns ami Mioses HntH all Styles.
"A numbrr of minor repairs were
made during the year frMii appropria
tions for preservation and reixiir of
"During the fls?aJ year eight em
placements for U-lnch mortars and
three emplacements for eight-Inch guns
on disappearing carriages (two L. F.,
mixlol 1!0. and one experimental, imidel
1S!M) ha-e be'n completed anl turned
over to the artillery for care. All of
the mortar battery carriages are
mounted, but not the mortars. Two of,
the eight-inch carriages and guns are
mounted, the third carriage (experimen
tal) has not yet arrived, but the gun Is
on hand. For the eight-Inch battery
the wiring Is done, but the electric lipht
plant is not yet installed.
"Two additional 10-lnoh emplace
ments have been complot.d from funds
alloted from act of May 7. 1S9S. and are
now ready for the carriages.
"Funds alloted the latter part of the
year from act of July 7, 1S9S. provide
for four emplacements few six-Inch
guns on disappearing carriages and
four emplacement for 15-pounder
rapid-fire guns. At the close of the
fiscal year the sand has all been re
ceived and the work of reoelvelng
broken stone for their construction Is
In progress.
" additional concrete cable tank
and a torpedo storhrose have been
nstrueted during the year.
"Torpedo material used In preparing
for submarine mine defense during the
war with Spain was taken up, cleaned
and stored.
1S."1 11th Street
tion of Portland as the commercial me-
tropins of the Nwthwt. '
Facts are facts, and farts will ob- j
tmde themsi'lves where leant wantl. !
For Instance, in the report of General ;
Wilson. United States chief f engi-rw-rs.
there Is this statement regarding
th Columbia river:
"The season's work has benefited the
Improvement to the extent of affording
easy navigation for the Increased traf
fic, although no permanent results
have been obtained, and while the
shoil above Tongue point will carry ,
only 19 feet at low water, ships of even
greater dmft navigate the channel on
the higher stages of tide. Twenty-three
fvwt has been carried from Portland to
the sea by wh-at ships at different
times during the fiscal year."
Th? Oregonlan cannot ascribe this
Matem-m to "Astoria malice."
In describing the work at the mouth
of the Columbia this paragraph oc- 1
"A survey completed on June 28 ' (irano-.c.
shows a decrease in the depth of the """""""
channel of one foot, whic h limits the
depth of the channel across the bar to
With the exhilarating sense of re
newed health and strength and In
ternal cleanliness, which follows the i
use of Svrnp of Figs. Is unknown t 1
the few who have not progressed be- j
vond the old-time medicines and the:
rhea p substitutes sometime! offered ;
!iut never accepted by the well-Inform- ,
ed. Huy the genuine. Manufactured J
bv the California Fie Syrup Co. i
I'hr Mllllni-ry.
M1S3 McREA Corner Tenth and
Commercial streets.
Nut ("on.
Nut Huttcr.
I The Wonder Millinery Co.,
) .niLLINEKY KETAILEI) t'onur Moirwon aiul Kint SU
Posing n Specially.
The Photographer
K H Cereal.
If CHlth Oiuketx,
Nut Ront.
2S feet at the mean f the lowest low'
water, the width, with not ls than 18
fe-t depth, being about 22CN) feet." j
These paragraphs contain the pith of
the Astoria pnpition. They need no
comment, save, perhaps, the statement ; Are a fe
that competent men say that the pro
ject of securing a 40-foot channel from
Columbia harbor to the sea Is a practi
cable one. ; HEALTH FOOD Co.
of the Health FixmIh soM by
Portland, Or
Ktarliiti fur tin' delicious
made at 1
The Spa Candy Factory:
Tlie lurgtstt lino of Lownt-y's'
ranious ('liocolatcs ever brought
to Asforin.
A. n. COONLEY, I'rop'r. 'Phone 20(4
N. V . Curlier
Sevi'iilh hihI Wnfliiiik't'in
P0UTI.AM). OliKiioN
Holmes' English
i -AND
; Business College
414 Yamhill St., lVnluinI, Oreun.
KiiKlisli, 1 ItookkeeriiiK.
SliortliatiJ, TypeM ritiiiK,
Pciiuiiinsliip, Art.
. 8eml fnrcirniilnrs.
What Is it, do you ask ?
It Is a new way to tench bookkctpinn Students lrarn 'to keep
books exactly as they are kept in business No text-book is
used. A tcxt-look teaches, in a theoretical way, how books mar
be kept Armstrong's teaches, in a practical way, how books
are kept. It is bookkeepers method. Investigate. Call, or write.
Portland Business College
Plfth and Yamhill SU A. P. Armstrong, Prln.
Open ill the year. Studentt may enter at any nine. Holiness, Shorthand
! and English departments. Private or claw initru tion. Calalogue frtv
j! The LliTle rCm?! W 7
Uwl illilJlni liiliyioMlillyl Vic,ftii bLtfililM.
Jv7w7o I ',.'"'J?I1::' l ------ - --,
" - mmMfc This is Why!
A funny question you think 4, 77; .. . -
iNoiw of mv business vou siv &-?-e'e'&'P,?--e'?----&-S'- it-j
I.ut it dors concern you &f?&f?ffrf-
I Wliether his clothes fit ..JV,
Whether hclias"-!iiil to much for thtni ''''''MM" 1 1 '-
3 If he has bought them from WISE THEY ARE EIGHT MMh
This is Why!
All $10 Suits or Overcoats, now $ 8.15
All $l2..r)() Suits or Overcoats, now 10.00
, All $.r).()0 Suits or Oveicoats, now 12.00
All $17,00 Suits or Overcoats, now . M.00
All $20.00 SuitH or Overcoats, now lfi.OO
All $2.r,00 Suits or Ovai'coatH, now 20.00
20 percent Reduction on Boys' Suits, etc.
20 per cent Reduction on Hats.
20 per cent Reduction on Underwear.
20 per cent Reduction on Pants.
20 per cent Reduction on Mackintoshes.
20 per cent Reduction all 'round.
H ) af I 1 I