The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 28, 1899, Image 1

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    f, , WOTIOKJ
'tfazmes, &c.
vV'(iaOie to A
VOL. Ji,
isiol.lA. uMm, SA'J LUUAV. OCTHHEK 28. J8!!l
no. m
Till-. SM IMIACII I.AItl'l. SKJMI IKS "111:81 i)VU I V"
Swell Fall and
. . .Winter Clothes. ,
Colonel Bcott Turner with 270 men had .
enag"d with th Boers, during which
a detachment of YJ) men of the Lanea-,
hire regiment distinguished themselves
mid the armord trains did good service, j
Th Hri were unable to withstand :
the splendid charge of the Lancashire, :
; u u -v,
liH H
There h not a belter Mmc in all Alin iicn
to p-t your Mylitdi, clothe.
Our jjntlii'riiiK of Suits and Overcoat tin
nil the Wttcniu'iiU that the best mude-to-order
oni'S liavoJiiultjy tire aheap cheaper.
".Stfiiihiich" clothe for lioyn and men
wtru never known to ho other than bent.
Their lihtinuisliiiiK fcaturo in nicety of fit
they natiif,y tho eye, tho mind and the
Come hciiyoui an and bring your hoy.
A, B. Stclnbach & Co.,
Largest Clothiers
in the Northwest
MAIL OKDI KS SOI.ICI II I). CorncrtFtitiith mul MoitImhi Ms.,
I IIC LUnbtl VdllVt LilljlUalC rldb EltUlQ Dyimy at the Mntofthe bayonet. The
a Large Majority.
Prominent Yisayan Who Had Taken Oath of
Allegiance Engaged In a Conspiracy.
New Developments From the Stat of War Pirllamen
Adjourns After Making tbe War
Here Is a List
Ot some High Grade "Goods at moderate prices
Km icy Creamery Huttcrin Kprs and Hoik
Strictly Fresh Kg.
New C'rop Maple Syrup.
Huckwheatand (iridic Cuke Flour.
Packard A Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes.
New Crop NuU, KigM, Mince Meat.
!' IUK15AN, Natal, ct 27 An interesting incident in )j
f coniiii'tioii Willi the Lluiet h Lnuipite hglit I reported licre.
' When the lire of the Iirili-ii jiuns becaine too hot eight
Ilm-rs ran forward out of cover and standing together, coolly
;! opened tire at the Imperial Lijjht Horw, with the evident
I purpose of tlrawiug tin hittt-r's tin? while their comrades re
5; turned. Sevt ii f tlif hruve fellows weie killed,
liter losses are described a very
hi-avy. Bvott Turner's force consisted
of local volunteers, who, with the Lan
cashire, completed the rout of the'
burgher after Monday's artillery had :
dr... the. out of their entrench- OUTBREAK AT IL0 IL0 RUMORED
YouDf's Column Drives tbe nemy Got of Trenches Beyond
Totioatia River Witb American Loss of Two Kllkd and
One Wounded Manila Volunteers forSootb Africa.
The Sllvcrflcld Fur Manufacturing Co.,
2H3-2HH MorrUon HI., Cortland, Ore.
To tho Ladles off Astorlot
V will suvti you one-fourth on every irnrmuiit you puroliHi (rom u. bo
CHiiiw ws are ilirw't uianutm-turors, bii.I you will shvu tlit iiiUdleuiHii's
Kiir eilliirillMi, fluin H.tHI up
Kur Nrrk Hikik, Iniiii 7 up
laillmi' KIiik Tullcir Mmlc Hull front up
IjiiIIiw' Kino nllor .Miulc Cloth .Urki'ta, from up
l(IH' Klne FrMii'li Kliimirl ull, frum I.7S up
Aliuk KihiI Hklu Jnekew, I.imhIciii iy, nwilo
prellly o unlvr lnmi.,. ,. 1 150.00 up
Rrninilxllns of Kur Onrmrnls Into the Luteal rtiylp it very
lW fllMiriM.
Hand fur llliialratrd catnlnfiii, whu-li we will gladly mull
. Hlfbcst irlce Paid for Kaw IVs. Yours Respectfully,
The SHverfleld Fiir Klanufacturlng Co.
l.ON'lHlN, Oct. 'J7 Tin pariiiimeutHiy electii-n for the
Mow and Urmnldi'V divi-imi nf 'rowerhaiulcU, lx)iidoii, held
today to ivplace Lionel It. Holland, con.servative, was
fought on the gnwrnineiitV Tranvnal polk-y and rotilted in
a li victory for tin- goveru'in-nt; tin- conservative candidate
Will, (illtlll ic, hi illg elected.
.. . s
l.o.N'I'ii.V. )'t. 28. The war sltuutlon "My Lords and GnUerr.en; I am hap
tliU morning; prviM-nU n new fraturve. j j.y to be able to release you of the ex
it Is prmumed tn Natal that the H'r! (-tUmal duties whleh have beti Im-
nre rff'onntructlna; thi'lr plans anil that M.-d upon you by exigencies of the
the Knclton are nmtlnit, but ti'lrcrams pulrtlc service. I congratulate you on
from I.ndysiiillh, at express ratvs. llllj the lirllllunt qualities which have been
occupy hours In Uransmlsslon toi dlnplaycd by the brave regiments upon
London and then-fore It Is not Imperii-j whom tlie tank of repelling the Inva
ble that noinHhlng Is happening. I nnn of my South African colonies has
A M-Ial dispatch today amx-n.-d that b--n laid. In doing so, I cannot but ex-Culiiiii-I
Hnden-Powell, the British com-1 invss my profouwl ' sorrow that sv
nuimli-r at Mufeklng, Is aware that Tre-j ninny gHllnnt offloera and soldiers
tohn has given (H'tioral t'ronV orders should have fallen In performance of
to tay his hand, ns already there Is th'-li duly.
Ulte enough to employ the Boeri In
Acconllng to the latest account of the
first battle at Oleneoe, the Boer army
amounted to 7,000 men and about noon
anothi-r army almost as large, under
Oommandor tleneral Joubi-rt, advanced
ithln ,M yards of the Cllencoe oump
end then retired.
The l-r losw-a were very heavy,
fully 300.
Remarkable Letter in I'incinnaiti,
GermaDS, Prefers Rnlten Money j
lo Expansion. I
MANILA, Oct. 2H. 10 a. tn. General Young's column,
which left Sa;i Isidro at daybreak, in moving northward in
the direction of Santa Rosa, encountered the enemy strongly
entrenched just beyond Tuboatin river. A fight ensued
and the rebels were repulsed. Two Americans were killed
and one wounded. Pursuit waa impossible owing (o the
depth and width of the stream.
Top Hour Washington Building.
LnrgCHt and BcHt Equipped Offices
1h the Northwests
After a Brush With the British, the
Boers Shoot at a Party Collecting
the Uad and Wounded.
LONDON, Oct. 28. On October 21 a
strong Boer patrsl was encountered ax
Bhodes drift In thick brush. A sharp
ifkmnMi was the nsult. Two British!
were killed and two were wounded.
The Boers then retired to a strong po
sition on a Kopje at Pontsdiift.
Majoi Pltsen with an ambulance pro-
ceedod to fetch the dead and wounded
and while placing the bodies on a cart,
the Boers opened firs killing two
'Cetitlemen of the house of commons
I acknowledge with gratitude the liberal
provision you have made io repay the
expenses of military operations in
South Africa.
My lord am' gentlemen, I trust that
divine blessing may rent upon your ef
forts and those of my gallant army,
and restore peace and good government
to that portion of my empire."
According to Official accounts the Brit
ish Houted a Much Superior Foroe
of Boers.
LONDON, Oct. 27. During the me
nvnUry lull In fighting In Natal cornea
nws from the western border, which
temporarll shifts the scene of chief in-t-mponirlly
shifts the scene of chief ln
a! Klmlx rley, The sharp struggle ther
Tuesday appears to have been the re
sult of a sortie with a view of breaking
the cordon surrounding the place. The
' British, apparently 500 strong, met 700
j horses, but in spite of the sharp shoot
'ing, the British succeeded In carrying
i away their comrades.
I A special dispatch from Plentermaf'
j Itxburg, Natal, dated October 24. says:
"Nine hundred and eighty-eight Boerj
prisoners arrived here this morning."
Bo-.-i's, and, according to official and
other accounts, rouUd them after se
vere flKhtlug. in which the armored
j truing appear to have done valuable
! service.
I The Boers were strongly entrenched
sever mlli northward, and the British
brilliantly carried -the enemy's position
without serious loss, it is said the
Boers twice unfairly usejl the white
flnir. Botha, who was among the killed,
was a member of the volksruad and a
famous Dutch fighter. He distin
guished himself as a marksman at
was moved
Best work at our Prices, because we have the
largesrvoliime of Dental Work in Portland.
Best Crown and Bruise Work, 22 knrat gold
nor tooth .14.40
Set Tenth, fully gtiHrtiiitml rulilier $5 00
- Best (told Filling $1.00 lip
Best Alloy Fillilijf ." ROc up
Tenth extruded wahyiit pain 50c up
We employ only the most modern methods and
guarantee satisfaction.
Parliament Adjourns After the Usual
Fiction of the "Queen's" Speech
la Performed.
LONDON, Oct. 27. The house of eom-' Brenkonrstprult when "the
mona today passed the appropriation i fourth British regiment
bill, after which the measure was taken j down. He afUM-warda defended a farm
to the house of lords. At 2 o'clock the! house aualnst the British. When he
lord high chancellor, Earl of Sails-! surrendered the farmhouse, Botha was
bury and the lords, Lord High Chan-( found with five wounds, bathed in
A special dispatch from Cape Town
today gives details of the defeat of
700 Boers by the British at Rtverton,
cellor Earl of Salisbury and the lord's
commissioners, fully robed, took up
positions In front of the throne. The
black rod summoned the house of com
mons; the queen's speech was read, and ; north of Klmtxtrley, Wednesday, in
the lord high chancellor declared pari-; hloh th nemy was completely rout
lament prorogued until January 15. ed with heavy losses, the British loss
The house of commons then relumed ( being throe men killed and 20 men, In
to the lower house, where the speaker eluding two officers, woundod. This
read the queen's speech, after which, to probably the same fight, though a
the members filed past and shook hands, different date Is given, as referred to in
Take elevator on Wwliim 8 reet, near Fourth, ami ssk for the Portland with the speaker and the house then; the Cape Town dispatch of yee-terday.
Dental Parlors, Top Floor. I adjourned. The queen's speech was as j In which It was said offlolal reports from
Plion- oreuon. Jurown 4o.!. lao. lw Klmberley Tuesday announced that
CINCINNATI. Oct. 27. A number ofi
prominent German citizens recently ad-
dressed an InvitaUon to Hon. Carl'
Schurz to deliver an address in On-1
clnnatti and In a reply received today!
he a-iys: j
"It is a matter of regret to me to be ,
unable to acceed to your request to
deliver a non-partisan address on Im
perialism in Cinclnnatti. I would be
pleased if this question could be taken
out of party politics, because If this la
not done, the only choice that will be
left us next year will be between a
patty representing imperialism and
sound money, and another party which
In opposition to Imperialism will com
bine with It the unsound money Issue.
"No one can say ito me that I un
dervalue the danger that may arise
from free coinage, but I hold that Im
perialism is decidedly more dangerous,
for it means the ruin of our free In
stitutions. "I am of the honest conviction (hat
the greatest danger that now threatens!
the republic Is Imperialism. 1 believe
that It Is our highest patriotic duty to
set aside all party Interests and to do
our best to avert this danger."
MANILA, Oct. 27. An informal meeting was held here
this evening of the men proposing to proceed to South Africa
to fight for the British. More than 100 Englishmen, Aus
tralians and Americans decided to go. They organized a
party, and believe they can secure 200 more men.
5 e2S2S
Details of One nl the Mod Fiendish
Crimes in the Annuls of Crimi
nal Jurisjiriinilriiet'.
ST. LOl'IS, Oct. 27.-A special to
the Post Dispatch from Dallas, Texas,
says: Rev. C. E. Morrison was hanged
at noon today at Vernona, Texas, for
wife murder. He met his death resign
edly. On the scaffold he said to the
select party of 20 witnesses permitted
at the execution.
"I am innocent. Circumstances over
which I had no control have placed
me In tl.ia position. I have taken my
trouble in private to God. I admit I
have acted Indiscreetly, I have done
no worse, however, than Hundreds or
men who stand high In the religious,
social, business and official circles of
our state. I have done nothing to con
fess. I am In the hands of my Maker.
He knows I am Innocent."
The crime for which Rev. G. R. Morri
son, paid the death penalty was the
poisoning- of his wife In October, 1S97.
The facts show that for deliberate
flendlshness they are almost without
parallel In the annals of criminal Jur
isprudence. The motive for the poison
ing was in order to ride himself of a
pretty, amiable, loving wife, in order to
marry a lady poss;s9ed of a large for-j
fine, $100,000 of which was In cash. j
Morrison married his deceased wife
about 17 years ago. At one time they
lived in California, then In Oklahoma
Territory, from which place they moved
to Panhandle, Texas, where the crime;
MANILA. Oct. 27. Ruperto Santiago,
one of the wealthiest Visayana who had
taken oath of allegiance to the United
States, and who posed as a friend of
the Americans, has been arrested at
Hollo, while other Visayana are being
watched. The prisoner la charged with
organizing a revolutionary Junta.
Santiago owns sugar estates through
out the island of Neroes. It la asserted
that a council of 10 and the manager
of a Junta met dally at Santiago's of
fice for the purpose of engineering an
extensive scheme of collections for the
insurrection. One of Santiago's steam
ers was captured carrying supplies to
the rebels.
His arrest caused rumors of an out
break of natives at Hollo and precau
tions have been taken to prevent
A battalion of the Eighteenth regiment
and the marines of the gunboat Con
cord, forming the expedition at concep
tion, Northern Panay, which is search
ing for the Concord's coxswain, who
who Is supposed to be a prisoner, say
they found the place deserted and
burned every house as a punishment.
Deputy Sheriff Day Absconds With
Large Sum of Money.
EUGENE, Oct 27. Deputy Sheriff H.
J. Day has been found to be a defaulter
to the amount of $2100. H went to
Portland last Friday on business. Since
then nothing has been beard of him. A
reward of $100 is offered for his arrest.
The money taken was tax money col
lected during the past two month.
TACOMA. Oct. 27. President Mellen,
vice presidents Kendrick and Hanna
ford. Chief Engineer McHenry and a
party of other Northern Pacific officials
arrived tonight on a special train. They
will probably visit the Clearwater
was lured ashore by a white flag, and'eoumry before returning east
HJdDSdOV by the use
of Royal
Baking Powder is considerable.
Royal is economical, because it
possesses more leavening power
and goes further.
Royal saves also because it
always makes fine, light, sweet
food; never wastes good flour;
butter and eggs.
t r
, More im
portant still is
the saving i:i
health. Royal
Baking Pow
der adds anti
dyspeptic qualities to the
There is no
powder so
in practicsS
use, no
matter ton'
little others
may cost,
as tho Royal
(Continued on Eighth Page.)
Imitation baking powders almost invariably con
tain alum. Alum makes the fuod unvviiultuiiic