V flit M0UX1M1 ASTUK1AN. HtlDAV, UCT01IER it, mi The Corset Question Ladies' fair Underwear 1 one o tl)t nuvtt Impor tant of ninny crtitini(j to woman' dress JuM a lew hints i n il i uljtci: A proier ivi-ct mean-. Good Health. Pu-feci Form, C mtortto V ea-cr, Elegante to Utume Royal orictr Corxis tv tic lea. Km it iu nil tliHi j.id in rorsvtduin. Goods of in'riiihu' merit only are sold lietv. They itrtt tin' otilv Kn.l iliHt sreinliv rli-ap '! i-n'.i'e 'l g s. Tiey stand for lvi'ii'M.v, Ilenhli, ('(.nifoit. Hv ION SL'llS--wll-l tutiluil ami iu all cir.-. Vo... plated "Ont-iia" cly i , era r wl i i eei tiinoly flood values, for U and l.fti'. ti'pi att' iio iin'i.ti. siilu d.d tain. a c in ool-lited at ,Ve ami 75e m'Ii ; -'Mi ll ir'l i' cii'i.. M'. ; im- won-ted SI Ntid $1.5(1 ecl; s II. and woo! mi nn lio!i iln ii i i hK, ?.'.:! eaen. THE A DUNBAR CO., Headquarter for Pry llixids on the Lower ("ohtmhiu CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers maim uii.r; in ptwYcik Slock KxcIuiikc DIRECT VMS 10 akm lMId of faJe 21 4 -2 Is Chamhrr of l!ommrict iVu .mil BISHOP SCOTI ACADEMY 4. FoiixItU ISTU. till. il. U I'rliu-iital. HILL DENIES. Bay Most of the Reports Concerning the B. & O. Are Baseless. NEW YORK. Oot. IS. Rumors touch ing on the prjspects of plana of the Baltimore Ohio railroad are the aub-j iect of comment by James J. Hill, terminal facilities. "The B. & O. Is feeling the same conditions as thoee affecting the com peting lines. I don't think there is likely to be any friction unless tome on If. Insane." Christmas TVrm Opeaa Sept. II. 1HB. A BocMlns ! Ttr School Un4r yi"l luniiMnt olneo Uli- For oiIiIocum or Infomttlaa Jdr tto pnnclp.1. J. W. HIU. U. I).. P. O. .Imwor :. Portland, or. primary. ProparatnrT and Adojnlo tpr- SDl; I'oll.go Prtimtlom Unitary PkKlpllaa, uiul TTmiolnj. Uum at ail aaa raoalwd. my A mm SAMOA SITUATION'. ,. . k. Cur Action to Be Goverred by Views whose authority to speak for the road , . or Senators. is recoguueu. The retuwt that the B. 4 O. was shortly to retire Its preferred stock. Is suing shares of common stock In lieu of one share of preferred has been cur rent In Wall str today along with other products of conjecture, and was called to Mr. Hill's attention. "I have heard nothing of It," said he, "and If such a step were contemplated I should certainly know something about It. I can say this, however, and you may print It on my authority that of all the rumors, published and unpublished, now being circulated in regard to B .4 0., three-quarters are absolutely without any foundation In fact" Mr. Hill was also asked whether there appointed to settle the Samoan ques tion, but the matter will be ended by direct negotiations between the three governments. It is apparent that these negotiations' will consume several months, and as a preliminary to them it may be decided to put Into force some of the recommendations of the to high joint commlslon which some months ago Investigated the conditions NEW YORK. Oct. 2.-A special the Herald from Washington says: I'ntil further informed of the attitude prevailing In the Islands, of Great Britain on the German propo- sltlon to partition the Samoan Islands TO CURE LAGRIPPE IN TWO DAYS among the three power signatory to the Berlin treaty, ft is probable that Secretary Hay will not make a catego rical reply. Final action will certainly not be tak en by this government until the presi dent and secretary of state understand the views of influential senators with reference to the proposed disposition of Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. SSc. THAT JOYFUL FEELINiJ. KNAPP BROS., Health Food Co., Ksi Portland, Ore., MaiiulHctiirrrii of NIT Hl'TTF.K, the Food fur ulf and K It CFKK. VI. Drink. the HcuUli With the exhilarating sense of re-: newed health and strength and In- ; ternal cleanliness, which follows the ; use of SvniD of Firs. Is unknown tn! the Islands. In the meantime, there Is the few who have not progressed be no intention on the part of the ad- -on' the Kol.lJ;,l,m! medicines and ths rhea p substitutes sometimes offered j ministration to be pushed Into hasty ac- 'nit never accepted by the well-Inform- j was any possibility of the roads prov- tlon by the rumors of trouble In Samoa th"Ua,t'rnunF1gynirCo!CtU,J 1 lr.g a disturbing factor in any sense and the report emanating from German In the East, or whether, on the other sources that for the surrender of her hand, its policy would be found to be rights In the Islands of Lulla and Saa- Every Hand 0., ; ,: v-k TKIM.MI'.D HAT AT ALL I'KICKS ALL X K W LATI! ALL I'ATTKKXS K.UI.ISIYK STYLI'.S The Big Millinery Store ..Of Portland.. . . t The Largest Assortment The Lowest Prices r Kccclvctl an l!lcynt AMirtmcnt Xcw Street Hut? Stttch- ef lcft Tbiii I'ruwns, In I'lvc New Shnpcs. Wc bnliillc these rnimls Direct from our own Maou'situM. The only store In Cortland that carry these Kuluslve Styles Ihlldrens and Misses Hutu all Styles. .MAIL OKDCKS I'KO.MCTLY 1'ILI.KI). The Wonder Millinery Co., MILLINCKY KP.TAILHI) AT WHOLESALE CKICES Corner Morriwn ami Fimt iSU., I'OKTf.AND, OKIXJON. rosing a Sfeoialiy. HYbflHD The Photographer jPa u A no to A A) I X. W. CorniT Seven th ami Wellington MIlHnrrjr. -4-1- In thorough harmony with the eastern vil, Germany should be given the poo- MISS McRCA streets. trunk line association. "I see no reasi, ' ivas the reply, "why the road should be a disturbing factor. AH the lln are having more freight to carry east than they can session of Upolu and additional com- Commercial - Corner Tenth and pensation. It was significantly stated that the president proposed to careful ly guard every Interest of the United States In Lullla In view of American handle at present They are all enjoy- possession of the harbor of Pango-Pan-: Ing prosperl'y. There is a good deal j go on that island by this government of talk now about the scarcity of cars and to require adequate compensation to handle the big shipments the roads ' for the surrender of American claims Beautiful MIlHtiery" are receiving. It Is not a scarcity of cars that troubles them. They have to the Islands of Upolu and Savall. The authorities have determined that At prices within the reach of alL Call and examine tbenew styles. cars enough. It is an Inadequacy of there shall be no additional commission MRS. ROSS, Reaches for the delicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS nnuie at The Spa Candy Factory The largestt line of Lowney's Famous Chocolates ever hrought to Astoria. 183 ltth Street. A. D. COOXLEY, Trop'r. Thone 20fi4 rOUTLAM). OKKtiON Holmes' English AND- Business College 4H Yamhill t, Portland, Orryon. SIX DEPARTMENTS FiiKllsh, ItookkccpliiK, Shurthund, Tyrcwrltliiii. Pcnniunhip, Heed for circulars. Art. 5 pursuits are much more profitable to tile avenge person than any of the profs. lna A studious yminn uiiiii or woman can picp.ue (or a liu.iuru career in adoul oiic-fourtli the time required to rilueate for proiesiion, ami at aliout one fourth the cost. The succrwi of hiiiiilrriU of our uru.luntr. it rvrrv-day proof of ths value of a jir-u lioil education ICxuinine into the turrit of our school. I-ar Aoiraud what we'tca'ti. KfSludent of "ArmitroiiK's 0iiit)ined Theory an4 I'ractice of Bookkei piiiK" Icani to kcrp limika txuctly a lliry ate keep in liuU nea. New way to tcush; makci ImokkcrpiiiK easy. Invrtij;te. Call, or write. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill Sts. A. P. Armstrong. Prln. 0en all the uar. Siudents may cnt.r at any ihicv llnsincsi, Shorthand vid Knj;lish ilrpirtmcnts. Private or class itntrui turn. Cutalogue fret. ; The Lightest Store in Astoria !; rTmaTBCTTi I DOES -VOUR - HIISBAHIP WEAB CLOTHES? Why? A funny question you think None of my buiess you say 1 d008 concern you Whether his clothes fit Whether his clothes wear Whether helhas'paid to much for them If he has bought them from WISE THEY ARE RIGHT 20 per cent Reduction on Boys' Suits, etc. 20 per cent Reduction on Hats. 20 per cent Reduction on Underwear. 'MM This is Why! All f 10 Suits or Overcoats, now $ 8.15 All ? 127)0 Suits or Overcoats, now 10.00 All $15.00 Suits or Ovc.coats, now 12,00 All $17,S0 Suite or Overcoats, now 14.00 All $20.00 Suite or Overcoats, now 10,00 All $2.r).00 Suits or Ovorcoats, now 20.00 20 per cent Reduction on Pants. 20 per cent Reduction on Mackintoshes. 20 per cent Reduction all 'round. HERMAN WISE THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER ASTORlA,OREGOIl