4QO Commercial RAILROAD FIRMS CONSOLIDATE The Vanderbilt and Harriman-Goald Interests Have Agreed. WILL Yin OUT CUMI'ETITION The Absorbing of the Wagner Car Concern by the Pullman Company a Revelation to Manv. A special dispatch to the San Fran Cisco Examiner, dated Chicago, October! 22, says: j A New York man, well known in the financial world, now In this city, is au-1 thority for the statement that the next' few months will witness a sweeping consolidation of railroad interests that will wipe out the last vestige of compe tition between the Vanderbilt and Har-; riman-Gould interests. i According to this authority the con-: solidatlon of the palace car companies was the preliminary sep towards car ry in c out a deal which J. Pierrepont Morgan and his financial allien have been working for more than a year. j It has been a revelation to many railroad men to find that members of the Pullman Company Hoard of Direc tors are not only very heavy holders of stock In other roads of the Vanderbilt system, but that the Vanderbllts and their allien have ben for six months past quietly buying Pullman stock, un til their Interests are large, outside the 20,C00,e00 in stock which Is to be transferred in exchange for the Wag ner interests. This feature of the sleeping car combine has revealed a secret compact which has been In exis tence for many months, by which the end of competition between the palace car companies was to presage a more sweeping consolidation of Interests be tween the Vanderbilt lines and their former enemies. The division of Inter ests between the sleeping car concerns was an Important obstacle to .the car rying out of the Morgan plans for the consolidation of the railroads them selves, and Its removal makes compara tively plain sailing. Th- p'Mr? "f ,1. Pierrepont Morgan and lils alll", according to the authori ty qu-jtcd, aro no ls than the welding together of the railroad Interests con trolled by the Harrlman-Gould and Vanderbilt Interests. The entrance of Messrs. Field and other Chlcagoans Into the directorate of the Baltimore and Ohio, and the sub- . . - .. . - .. r ..-Ktif-iat- .-ii'if.'i'tVg I.,, 1 i I, III Mil li If Men's Clothing VAViW You wouM not think it jxwsiblo, but it is so. We can soli you a black clay woivtotl suit, lined with the tast of material we know of we use no other for f 10. These suits are made with round or square corners. Ask for lot 7172. Then we have some fancy worsted suits also with round or square corners, Jbr $9.75. These are made as well as our factory knows how to make cluthes, and if you can't get fitted in these, no ready-made clothing will fit vou. Ask for lot 6tWo, l llere is a particularly attractive line, the material is elegant and the workman ship superior in every way. They are cheviot suits of winter weight and we ask only SS.50. Ask for lot 903. The foregoing is not the only line of cheviots we carry. Ask for lot 71! and see what they are. You will be pleased with them as they are nice enough for anybody to wear. We have marked the price on these $10.50 just for a surprise'. sequent purchase of the Chicago and Alton by a financial syndicate domi nated by the same purpose of putting an end to rate cutting, are said to have been two steps In the plan Of consoli dation that has made the reel compar atively easy. EXPECT TRUCE TO BE BROKEN. Eastern Rumor Sas Both Northern Pacific and O. R. A N. Plan New Work Soon. Tacoma Ledgjr. There is a rumor In railroad circles at St. Paul that the truce between the Northern Pacific and the O. R. & N. may not last until February 4, the date set a the date of expiration. It Is said the Northern Pacific has surveyors out in the Bitter Root country and Is plan ning to begin work at the most favora ble moment. This Is In the direction the road agreed to remain passive. The O. R. N. Is credited with desiring to renew Its contracts for construction. There is little doubt that the North ern Pacific has surveyors In the Bitter Root country, and in fact local railroad men have not made any attempt to de ny the report to that effect, but North ern Pacific officials from President Mel len down Insist the truce will be un broken. President Mellon Is expected to be on the coast In a rhort time, and In com pany v. Ith a party of directors, will visit and Inspect the work In the Clearwa ter country. This visit may have an Important bearing on the fight for the disputed territory. BLACKGUARDING THE DENT. PRE55I- New Tork Times. What Is especially striking about the procedures of these citizens is the warm personal animosity to the presi dent of the United States that appears to Inspire them, and which is not In the least res'ralned by any polite pre tense of respect for the office which Mr. McKlnley holds. Nothing whatever re strains the anrl-imp-Tlallnts from mak ing accusations against the president of the United Sta.es of a kind which one would Imagine ordinary decorum would have prevented them from putting so very bluntly. Mr. Schurz had nothing more personal to say than that the president's policy In respect to the Phlllplnes was "a criminal blunder and a blundering crime," and then to de scribe the war In the Philippines as the "President's war." Mr. Edward Atkin son went further, as might be expected, and accused the president of a desire to turn this republic Into an empire. But Mr. Edwin Burritt Smith, the tem porary chairman of the convention, went furthest, and seemed to have ac cused the president of pretty much ev ery crime in the calendar, including deception. I UK MOKNIMi Young Men's Clothing VnYiViS We an selling twice as muth young men's clothing this year as vvtj did a year ago. This must mean that what we sold last year suited a lot of young men, and they have beii telling their friends alniut it. Yes, and it means that our stock this year is just new and nobby enough to catch them anyway. Ask to See Some of These Single-breasted sack suits, brown mixed chevift, strong or faint plaid as you choo-e. Double-breasted sack suit, brown her ringbone cheviot. ISingle-biVasted suck suit, fashionable colbr, double-breasted ve-t. Gray and red mixed, making a broken plaid. Single-biv:i-ted sack suit, with double breast eil v-.-t of gray Scotch plaid cheviot. Sinyle-brea.-d'd sack suit, with double breasted vest: gray cheviot with urplaid of green. Single-breasted sack suit, line cluck worsted. Some of these are pretty guy, some are quiet just like young men. Street, iimTMfilIMIiTWiniffiref PORTRAIT OF LEE FOR WEST POINT ARRAYED IN NORTHERN' BLUE Picture of the Great Soldier of the South Will Hang beside That of (iemral Grant. Chicago Times-Herald. A portrait of General Robert E. Lee, C. S. A., is to be hung in Grant Hall at the West Point Military Academy. To every graduate In the army, north and south, the appearance of the face of the great confederate soldier on the walls of his alma mater, side by side with that of his great antagonist, Grant, means the end of controversy, the end of bitterness, the end of all things (sectional. Lee as he appears in his place of honor will not be the gray garbed leader of a lost cause with the stars of a general shining in the field on his shoulder. He will appear In the blue uniform of the old army, with an eagle on the yellow ground of the Bhoulder knot, denoting the rank of a colonel of cavalry, the position the southron held when he re signed to cast his lot with the confed eracy. Colonel Mills, who won promo tion at Santiago, where he was shot though the head, is now superintendent of the military academy. He has been In correspondence with the association of te Daughters of the Confederacy, which has agreed to raise the funds for the painting of the portrait and to pre sent it to the academy. Colons! Mills has s'cured the permission of the War Department for the placing of the pic ture. Tne thought Is held and felt deeply by army officers and army au thorities that nothing but good to the coming generations of cadets can come from the proposed honoring of the memory of one of the greatest soldiers who ever owed his military training to Wcwt Point on the Hudson. The coming honoring of Lee forces reminiscences. Since the war of ceses slon the portrait of but one confederate leader has hung on the historic aca demic walls that of Albert Sidney Join .-ton, of the class of 1R26, and who gave his life for the South at Shlloh. The portrait of General Johnston was put In place long years before the war on the wall of the army officers' mess roon. at West Point. It showed him as a Kubaltern officer of cavalry In the United States forces. Johnston at one time was stationed at West Point, and the officers assembled there as Instruc tors voted to have him manage their mess. The quality of the food and ASKUUaN, RMiM, OOMR 7, BiQ. cooking Improved so under Johnston's management that his comrade In- duoed him to keep the position o man agvr Instead of having It "rotate," as was the custom. When Johnston was relieved the members of the ova voted to have his portrait palntel and hung In the mess. This was done und the I picture stayed there untouched all 1 through the dark days of the, war. In . the var 1S45, there was sent to West Point as a 'actieal ofllivr Marcus A. ! Il-mo, who had won the stars of a brigadier general of volunteers on the battlefield. Reno had gone buck to his rank of captain of regulars ut the I close of hofttltitie ltelio had been at Won. Point on duty but a few days , when the picture "of Johnston caught his eye. War passions were still high though another excuse was given for Reno's conduct. He was officer of the : day and wore his side arms. He drew ! his saber In front of Johnston's picture. , "A traitor has no place on these walls," he said. There was a "right cut" from I a practiced hand and the encircling ' frame and the picture of the confeder ate generdl was clft In twain. Reno was relieved from duty and sent West. He was dismissed from the service fifteen years afterward for an offense" committed on the frontier. At West Point today, where "time's effacing finger" has removed the last trace of , bitterness, the pot-trait ()f wlll hangj honored and In safety. The showing of a southern soldier's ! face In the gallery of West Pointers brings to mind tlon on the subject of the number of , . ti nnnn n. mlomtnrwin. mllllii-t. o .-ii ,t,.m l, n0 .1 11 n I j.b ffrtm itl..' South who iff. colors to fight for seces sion. During the war and ever since, because the foots are not generally knoien, it. was supposed by the people thxt West Point had educated southern I cadets only to have them turn against the government. As a matter of fact on the nuthorlty of General Cullom, who made the matter a study four fifths of the graduate held true to the union, and of those who came from below the Mason and Dlxen line ! one-half fought under the star and irli.. SnlNi nr.i.nlnllvu -n'that Were ClllUilC federal 1udgs born In Dixie almost to a man threw In their lot with secession. . Nearly every officer In the army ap J pointed from civil life In the South ' went with the stars and bars. The stu dents of Tale, Harvard, Princeton and i other northern universities who matrl j eulated from the states that seceded I went li: mass to the ranks of the con ; t'Merory. The intiuence or ramny ana spreads Itself like oil over the trou of birthright of statetV rights Influence bled sea of thought, and keeps the mind ! were not aiifflclent to wean from their smooth and equable In the roughest i union sworn allegiance a majority of weather. ; southern graduates. Lie himself had a struggle before he dropped the blue for the gray. No West Pointer doubts : that he acted as his conscience dlctat- ;ed. His portrait will be honored when it is put In place near mat 01 tne man whom he met at Appomattox. Boys' Clothing SomelMtdy's siiimII boy ii going to be mightily witislied with himself when his mamma gets him one of those new capo coats that have just come. We don't make tiny money to speak of on these, but we have to do something to stop some pnple from buying cotton. Now, whether he is three or fourteen years of age, he shall have one for $..'15. Don't believe it? Well come in and sec, and ask for lot 3D32. Just another word about tin bovs lo you want your little fellow to look real swell? If so, we have a line of boys' blue serge double-breasted suits, ages from 7 to 1 1, that are positively beautiful. Tln-se uits, in chilling an extra pair of pan's, we are going to sell this Week j'or $l.tii' We Hell't tell vou how we can all'oid it lor the story would be ton long for our space. A-k p n iieularly for lot IT is.'.. If lie' above price is too high, ak for b.t 17 These are suits nf a gray !ii. ture, includim; an extra p.iir of pints, for !?"."". They are dressy and are sure to do light the proud little wearer. Don't fail to examine them. CHaMIiERLAIN QUITE A PCRIST. Or.e of Mr. Chamberlain favorite VCMt(,ni ttf Uw hu dliU,h,er, relul French aloud. He U very choice (if their reading, and likes to be con- " d 'll,u' '"w boo Comes Into their hands. He it also very ...... . .. . . . ,, strut In the matter of their theatrical . , . , .. .. aitL-ndunce, and wlll never allow them to witness any play to which the most fastidious tuste could object. A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds; therefore Ut him seasonably water the one and dent ry the other. Two hearts can makt a love tfuit. but it Ukcs three, at lcat, to nuke home, und cue of the m 'met be that of a baby The young married rotiplen .hat mart out in lift with the idea that children are ntuani , and that tiny do not want and will not have lliein, are the kind that you ri.ul about every d iy in the newnpapiTKm the divorce column. A home without clnldrer. is not n home. Cod und Nature never in tended that there ahould lie a place called honle that did not resound with the palter of cliildmh footileps There are tens oi tnourana or nomet I that am rhl rl pu Ivrflliw of III.. I l.ttf nit li I o he would-be mother. There I are tens of t!iouancl of otliei holm scnild leas becauw the little one have dud al most as noon as they were born. In liotli cases Dr. I'ierce'a Favorite Prescription in a sovereign remedy. It acta directly on the delicate and important organs that make wifehood and mothrrliood ponitle. It makes them well, strong, vigorous, virile, and elastic, It doe away with the datixetH of maternity. It haninnen the uxual dis comforts of the expectant period and makes baby' advent easy and almost pain less. It insures the little new comer's health and an ample aupply of nourish ment. The prospective mother prepares herself for maternity by taking tne Fa vorite Prescription " and give her child a fair start in life by giving it a stroinr and well developed body Thousand of homes to -flay echo with babies' laughter, and bless tin great medi cine. Thousand of women who were weak, nervous, despondent invalids, are to day happy, healthy wives and mothers because of this medicine. Medicine deal ers sell it. Constipation kills slowly but it kills. Or. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cure it. That inexhaustible good nature which Is the most precious . gift of heaven. loreph Stockford, Hodgdon, Me. heal- ed a sore running for seventeen years ! and cured his piles of long standing 1 by using DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. it cures all skin diseases. For sale by Charles Rogers. ' Overcoats WtViVrt Our assortment is a surprie. 1'oit landers would come down In price and pur chnse these. LOT 7:U0. McnV covert cloth over coats $'..50. Styjwh and nstonishingly low price. LOT 8010. Men's blue beaver over coats, $!(.00. I f you say you can duplicate these for the money anvwhere ebe, it would be a statement hard to believe. U' Astoria, Proldent King. Farmer's Bank. 1 "If you scour th world you will Brooklyn. Mich., has used DrWltt's never find a remedy tqusj to On Mttle Early Risers In his family for ; Minute rough i,ure."yi Editor Fsck yean. Says thoy srs the best. These Ut. of the Mlcanopy, FIs,. "Hustler." famous little pills cure constipation, ) t cured his family of LCJrtpps and bllllousrirss and all liver tnd bowel . vce thousands from phtumonls, bron troubles. Bold by Choa. Rogers. rhltls, croup and all throat and lung . - Toil cannot aream yourm-u uuu . . fc . character; you must hammer and forge "ur"1' ongl "It did me more good than anything t ever used. My dyspepsia was of mont' s' standing; after sating It was terrible. Now I am well." writes 8. B. Keener. Holslngton, Kan., of Kodol DysponslR Cure. It digests what you eat. Bold by Chas. Rogers, druggist No man can be provident of bis time who Is not prudent In the choice of IiIm company. ' Est plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Curs will digest what you eat. It cures all forms of dyspepsia and itomach trou bles. K. R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., siivs. "ft relelvsd ms from the start s.nd cured mo. tt Is now my ever lasting friend." Sold by Chas. Rogers. .1.., I !.., mm vtrlll that good men pre '! practice. "When our boys were almost dead from whooping cough, our doctor gavs One Minute Cough Cure. They re covered rapidly," writes, P. B. Belles, Arglye. Pa. ' It cures coughs, colds, grippe, and all throat troubles. Bold by Chas. Rogers, druggist, Cleverness Is a sort of genius for In strumentality. It Is the brain of the hand. I wish to express my thanks to thejin 8Upn A nmnner as to bruise It as manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, ; veroly. It became very muoh swollen Cholera and Diarrhoea Romedy, for j and pained him so badly that ho could h:ilmr put on the market such a won-' not walk without the aid of orutohea. derful medicine," says W. W. Maa-ie was treated by physicians, also sliulll. nf Beaumont, Texas. There are ,.4 nveral kinds of liniment and two ftveTen lvTo aS and - "HM In b.th- enterv and cholera Infantum who lnb' nothing gave any relief must nlo feel thankful. It Is for sale until he began using Chamberlain's hy Chas. Rogers. I'aln Balm. This brought almost a Conscience Is ths voloe of the soul; the passions are the voloe of the body. For many years science has studied liquors. Result ths whole world uses whiskey. It has proven the best stim ulant and does not Injure nerves and tissues like coca wines and other drug ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey Is the Ideal whiskey. Bold by Foard A Blokes Co., Astoria Oregon. We are sure to get the belter of for tune If we do but grapple with her. Millions of dollars Is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa., O'.i the life of hor child, which she sav ed from croup by the use of One MIn. ute Cnuith Cure. It cures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. For cole by Charles Rogers. Oregon. ; iron tiles. Hold by Chas. Rogers. A golden mind stoop not to shows of dross. The "Plow Hoy Preacher," Ret. J. Klrkrnnn, Belle lllv. III., says, "After suffering from Bronchial or lung trou ble for ten year, I was cured by Ose Minute Cough Curs. It Is all that la cliklmed and mors." It cures coughs, oolds, grippe and all throat and lung trouble. Sold by Chas. Rogers, drug gist. To live In heurts we leave behind la not to die. On the 10th of December, 1897. Rot. S, A. DotiAhoe, pastor of M. B. Church, South, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., oon tract d a severe cold, which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He sajs: "After resorting to a number of IM-ca,M 'nclnes.' usually kept In ths house, to no purpose. I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted Ilka a charm. I most cheerfully recommend It to ths public." F ir sale by Chas. Rogers. Quod, ths more communicated, more abundant grows. the During the winter of 189? Mr. James ! Reed, one of the leading citizens and j merchants of Clay, Clay Co.. W. V.,- stiuck his leg against a cake of Jos cu ii ion cure in a wees urn ana hs believes that had he not used this mm. edy his leg would have had to be am putated. Pain Balm Is unequalled for sprains, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by Chas. Rogers. .HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re wnrd for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curs. F. J. CHMNEY A CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F ,T. Cheney for Ihe last 15 years, and be. Ileve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially nble to entry out any obligations mads by their firm. WEST A TRATJX. Wholesale Druggists, Toh do, 0. WALDING, KINNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall s Catarrh Cure I nk Pn (ntnrnal. ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Tea- , c m , n A 2T' bot' Hall's FamV Plllare's best.