The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 27, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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it oenu; liwni or upirr berth, CO owi'l.
nch: tut-rootn, 76 ctil,
Th. IMII.Y AT4IIIUN III Im. funiiil 1
M Ml Ih I'urllmiil Ml lliawvtl.liniiwH Th Inventory of ttl Nilttlo lit H. II,
,.:,Ir:.r;u:;,,v.n,;;:"v:r .;(";. rthwiek. d-d, dm wmi.y,
4ii ld wlm thlt Dim will rlv. mIiuwn tho nUtte III 1'lu.tsop county to
.. V Vttlgnd at 1,I33,H, nd In Colmnbl
rullnly, Till dim not Inuludn
n Int.rrst In , atrfcinbt
roiiTLAND, Ool. l7.-Oron and
Idaho, fnlr weather today, .xcspt rain Hoscom Smith, a, bnnher of ttui no
ovrr Western WaJihlniflon and or.r torloii. "Hunpy Smith" who wan kilted
Northctern Oregon.
U. W. Kurd of Newport la lu tha city,
In Altmka, hit bwn nrrxtrd In H'atllt
mi tlio churicD of lxilrig a, vmcrant. An
flijir brotlwr U on the I tori al staff of
(hit rtmr, Wwliiiiirton, I), C.
The McCulliiih will not be ready tor
vlKltnm tut a dny or two. Portland ha
- I vlnlt. d Hit itnllunit little vmH so hard
Knd Htcm or Alkin, Minn., ia in the ,, nh wm ,1I4V, tl (anp1 W1i
'"X- ! furbished before the offlcr f.l that
'ah li In a condition to aak Astorlan
John Hwltvr. of I'otlland I at ths
on board.
A. M. flmlth haa returned from a trip Honttlo In worrying yt over th re
to I'nrtland. I turn of ih Washington voluntwca.
- Hhe In pivpurliig a trig reception Inctud-
W. M HpalilltiK of DuluUi, Minn., la lug a naval piiraile and la trying to In-
vuinna Aaiori. i tim e the boys to go home by steamer
""" from Han Frmn Iw o. About 400, It
llev. Hairy of Warrenton spent ya- thought will that way.
terdny In Astoria. I
A Vancouver man, J. M. Btewart, has
Quntin Tann.wk of Portland U rg- reci-lved a oarlond of Jersey I-yar-old
leterwl at tha Parke. heifers. M head, from Omaha. They
" 'Mal him 65, a hrad In Nebraska and
rt. K. I'calnarnr returned laat night the freight amounU-d to 110 each. Mr
from a day'a vialt to Portland. , My ( (Vi.mnd t them in Oregon la
i gxl and h can got 1100 a hrad fur
N. Hujuman waa a paaaengnr yatr tlimi.
lay on lh Nahcotta from Ilwaoo. I 1
TT7 - ' The winm'a rluU of Ongon hav
' K,",'",m of f1rratrd. and iu the convention of del-
.v 1 ' m - m rratfa Im1ii hrlil III l'lirllultfl nunall.
th I'uiki-r.
In the poller rourt yratarday John
Iikr and lv lllungijulat wrr i-ai'h Anrd
15 for drunkrnnraa. -
Mr. J. V. Il.-I. h.-r will rav on Dili
niornlng'i train fir Cortland, whr h
will hrrraf'rr rraldr.
tutlon wai adoptad and officer elrotrd,
th" prmldrnt bring Mra. C. n. Wad of
IVmllrton. Nrarly all thr rltlra and
Important lowna of thr atutr wrr rrp-n-iiriiti-d,
Aatorla bring among thr cx
f ptlnna.
Ktiliir I)nliy. ugvl 13. (liiUKht.T of
Mr. ami Mra. It. IXUry, dUtl about JO
Tin- rmrrvrd arat aalr for Oorton'a
mloairrln opnna thla mnmlng at QrlRIn
A Itid i at I o'clock. '
Don't fall to ar lha grand parada by;
Oorton'i iiUnatrnla on their arrival In.
thfir own car 8atunlay.
A ntimlrr of nirn In thr rmploy of L.
I-tirrk arr rnjuyltig a holiday and are
aprmllng thrlr vocation In Portland.'
O. 1C. Pit mini noma, who hna lrn In
Aatorla In thr Intereata of thr ICvrnlng
Trlrgram. rrturnrd home laat night.
II H'iolrv, who haa vn vlaltlng
hi itauiilitrr, Mra. Win. Owona. In Re
aitle, for thr poal thrro wreki, re
turned yeatrntoy.
Much Intereat la tiianlfeatrd In tha ao
cl;il (tag of thr ICaglra to br held nrxt
Haturdny night, and Invitation arr
prlaed. Thr oltlcrra of tin MeCulloch
will probatvly br aakrd to aharr In th
featlx l:lri.
Thr following rrduerd are In
!Tert via the O. It. A N. brtwvw Aato
rln, Portland and Intrrmiyllate polnta
along the river: Fare, 26 crnta; arctlon,
o't:i'k yratrnlay rvrnlng. Thr UMIr
girl had illiilluuia arvvrnl wrrka Ago,
but had recovervd. Hit ayatrm waa
lif: weak, ami, culrhlng cold, ahr had
n utmigth to light It. Ilurlal will lr
moile in llrernwood prm.tery Haturdny.
The family hua the aympiithy of every
one In ltd nuMH-roii altllotloita.
A lurgi' houai' turtoHl out to a "My
Krlord from India" at FIkIktb oprrm
hoe limt night. That the porformance
a a B'xxl one waa allow n by the
laughter and applauar thivt gn1tl thr
artora at ulmoat rvrry tuni. Thr
a,e hea werr ainightly, the movement
ui live. In fact . thr whole action waa of
that huppy character to make the piny
what It really waa a aparkllng aucceaa.
The luat rut In furea to Portland may
have an overdoae effect on the amount
of travel from here. Thrre waa a tan
tallalng faaclnatlon atxut a 60-ocnt rate
that proplr could not reelat. A 16-ccnt
charge makea the trip altHr(hr too
commonplace. It hna been lUHproted
that Atorliii have not brrn tlng to
Portland brcauae they wlihrd to trade
there, but that they traded there be
raune they wlahrd to go to Portland.
Thoy wnntrd an excuse for a little run.
MUa Blgna Palmberg, recently an ly
ing from tha Coat, dralrea to announoe
to tha lading of Aatorla that aha haa
opened dreoarnaklng parlor on Ninth
Klrert, near Conunnrolal, next door to
Oelllngor'a printing orflca. Mint Palm
berg haa had thorough experience In
cutting and fitting ladle' garment of
all kind, particularly tailor-made aulta
and cloak of th latest and moit faah-
lonabl dclgn.
Hugh An
The Pccullur
Httuatlon of
Hugh Andrraon, well known In local
logging cumpa, waa arrraUrd by Chirf
of Police Hullix k und.T telegraphic In
atruclloti from ClilM of Police Mc
Uiughlln, of Portland. Hu U wanted at
Aberdeen, W'ttali,, to which place lir
will b taken.
He waa convicted of burglarly at
Aberdeen, huvlng It la aald, removed
furniture no claimed to own from the
hoiixe of hi wife from wliom he hud
arpurated. He waa aentencrd to three
year' confinement In tha penitentiary,
but through aom Inllsu-iice he waa only
kept a yrar In the county Jail and then
allowed to go. !
lie did not attempt to conceal hi
Id'ntlty whIU here, even keeping hi
own name, ana nia wwrmuouia nave
b-vn Known to nr Aorruwn uiuoiaia.
It ia aald tha hi preatit arrrat I due
t-j pilltlr, capital having bvrn mode
out of hi rat-Aping the penitentiary.
Later. A telegram from Halem laat
night tat' that Khrrlff Llnvllle op
poard the laauam of rniuialtlon ia-
per In the caae of AmK-raon In view of
the peculiar altuiUlon and the techni
cality of the crime for which he wa
nentencrd and beraua Andrraon during
hi rrldencf In Oregon haa ixn a
hard-working, law-abiding clllarn. Gov
ernor fleer auatuined Unvllle and An-
ilermn will b free aguin.
Tlir Aatorla Hate War Hurt a N on-
Thr Oregonian yealerday mUd:
The announcement made yealerday
that lh O. It. tk N. Co. hail reduced the
paaaengrr furr on II boiit Ix-twoeii
Port bind anf Aatorla and all Intermed
iate point to 25 cent and that the
White Collar line and Kamm'a line fol
lowed ault. rauel great rejoicing
among llckn broker. Of course, the
reduction from 60 cent to ii cent.
even when berth are furnlhed ul
or 2i cvni. will not particularly affect
tho travel between Atoi1a and Port
bind, but the change preaent poiwlblll
tle to the bnikera, especially the
Aatorla Columbia Itlver railroad at
one reduced thr rate be wren Port
land and Aatorla to 25 cent.
Puanenrera bound for Taoomii or
ftealtle can take paaaiige fiom Portland
by boat at 7 a. m. to Kalama and buy
a ticket there for thlr destination at a
saving of $1.50, or pajweiigere coming
Pmni1 from 8.ttle or Tacoma,
can come to Kalama by rail and byl
boai to Tortland and save the aame
amount. Paiaa-ngrra from Portland to
Tacoma or Seattle can also buy a tlckM
1 Portland and Astoria
. . FREE ... .
To provide tlie citizons of Astoria mid vicinity with the samo advantages as
the pt'Ojilo of Portland, we will, during the continuance of the prevailing
rates, furnish round trip fcickoUi from ,
Astoria to Portland and Return
' ' Absolutely Free
By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission
to the Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat, pur-,
chased of us, no matter what price the garment,
This will enablo those desiring to visit the Exposition to do so without cost
and at tlio same time to take advantage of our enormous soloction of
For Mons, Boys and Children. All our goods aro marked in plain figures.
CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will bo honored for a round trip ticket and
, an admission to the exposition with each purchase of a Suit or Overcoat.
; 1
Moyer Clothing Co.
The Popular Price Clothiers.
BEN SELLING, Manager. 3rd and Onk Streets, Tortlard
bw for Aatorla,' vt ofT th train at
Ooble and purchaa thHr ticket over
the Northern Pacific to thlr deatlna
llon at a aavlng of $1.32. ,
The- Aatorla Ik Columbia Itlver rail
road will not aell 1) i k rt to Portland or
Aatorla from Intermediate polnta for
ii oonta, and a paaaonger frmn Klata
kanle to Portland or from ltalnlor to
Aatorla muat pay a Z fare, but at
olthcr end of thu line puaaoiigera can
buy through tickets for 2S oenti, and
get off where they pleuae. It la rather
a (juet-r condition of thing when a pvr
aon can buy a ticket In Portland for
Aatorla by rail for 2i centa, ride CO
mlk- over the Northern Pacific line to
(loble, alight and buy a ticket to the
Pugot aound cltk at a aavlng of tl.H
The light between the rlvT line and
the Aatorla & Columbia Itlver railroad
weiiin likely to Injure I be Northern
l'UL'lllc more than either of them.
The Proioaal for a Tribute to the Mviii'
ory of Edward Young Approved.
The Atorlun la iut yet rulylo re-
ieiv.' contrlbutlona to the fund for the
pun.liue of an Edward C. Young II-
bruiy to Ij proaeou-d o the Agrlcult
unil collegv. Thla announcement Ik
deemed neceu.ry, for awerai citizona
h.ivo aireaily called with libcrnl dona
iIhi for th fund.
It will perhapa be Monday beforo the
Hat can be utarUrtl, aa the committee
to b- a:liictvd will Winn to meet and ar
range Ita plana. Then ttio approval of
rhe prvaldi lit of I lie college and the
board of regunta. w hile It la reasonably
certain they will endorite the move
inuiil. muat U) formally given.
There haa been a graalfylng Intereat
manlfeated In the project, and the aub
acrlptiotia from Aatorla will b. U'ra!
It la difficult to etidmaU) the amount
that can b raiaed, but from the In-
I -rent iniuilfeated the AiAotlan fee 1b
aafe In auylng that a thou Band dollars
will be rulml In t'lalaop county. Tlili
will be largely intr-uKI by sulwcrlp
lloiii from other places, bnd K has bn
hinted thiU the board of regvnts of
the college will find a way to duplicate
the amount ralHeU by popular dona-
tl ii.a.
The Ially Nw, l:i an article elae
wh"te iiuoted, hua warmly made the
en use Us own, and the Budget can b
r-lled upon to give valuable assistance
in the good work. AalorU A.ii be a
unit In nobly honoring the memory of
one of her gallant aons.
EuwAitn yo' memorial.
Astoria I'Hlly Nuwa.
rhe Kdwara loung memorial pro-
powd by the Astorlan should secure
the hearty support of all loyal Astorl
huh, aim a handHorne sum should be
ubfrlhed to carry out the Idea. It Is
the AKtorlan's propona) to purchase a
library fir the state agricultural col
lege, to b- known as the Edward C.
Young library. The object Is a worthy
one and there Is no doubt the people of
the city will see to It that the memory
of the brave young man Is perpetuated.
The steamer R. P. Elmore arrived In
yesterday from Tillamook.
The McCulloch began yesterday to
take on coal at Parker's dock.
A steam, barge ran full speed Into the
V hlte Star steamer Germanle as the
Inter was leaving her dock at Liver
pool for New York Wednesday, so dis
abling her that she was unable to make
the trip.
Notice is hereby given of the follow
ing changes In the aids to navigation
In this district, which affect the liM of
lights and fog signals, Pacific coast,
P'99, and list of beacons and buoys,
Pacific coast, 1898:
Cfoos Bay, Or. Lone Lee anuui buoy
(list of beacons and buoys, Pacific
coast, H98, page 40), a red black, horl-
lontally-atriped, first-class spar; was
established September 13. 1S99, In 10
feet of water, and marks the shoal, op
posite Pony slough, In the first bend of
the channel leading to Marshfteld. Pony
bend beacon light, southwest by west;
Russel point (tangent) northeast
thrae-elKhts east; Empire wharf, outer
end, north by east, three-eights east.
Columbia river light vesset No. 50,
coast of Oregon. (Mat of lights and
fog signals, Taclflc coast, 1899, page 22,
No. 70; list of bencon and buoys, i'acide
coast, IS98, pages 88 and 44.) On October
5, 1899, the position of this light vessel
was verfled aa follows: North Head
lighthouse, north by east, one-quarter
east; Cape Disappointment lighthouse,
north-northeast, three-eights ens, dis
tant 7T4 miles; Point Adams (old tower)
northeast by ithe east, Revon-ele-Ms enat.
The present position of this lightship
la, approximately, seven-eights of a
mile northwest, one-eighth west of fh
position as shown on C.
chart No. 6140.
the weat edge of the iboal, which Is
making to the westward. Tongue point
(east tangent) eaat-aouth-eaat, on
dgtvth eaat; buoy depot wharf post
light south by eaat, three-quarters eaat;
wreck of llva 6 Grace port light south
by weat, aeven-elghtha weat.
Weat aide of channel, buoy No. 3, a
black, first claas can waa moved Octo
ber 10, and ll now In 17 ft4 of water,
cloae to edge of sand bank. ' Deacon 2
poat light eaat-northeaat. Tongue- point
(cast bmgent), south -aouth weat, one.
'juarter weat.
West side of channel, Duoy No, a, a
black, Crat-claaa spar waa discontinued
on October 10.
Channel over Walker Island bar to
Martin Island. (List of beacons and
buoyi, Pacific coast, 1898, page S3.) Cot
tonwood Island shoal buoy no. l, a
black, flrat-oioas spur waa moved Sep
tember 29, and is now In 21 feet of
water, Coffin rock poat light, south
aoutheast, one-half east; Cottonwood
Island (southeast end) east-sou theast,
one-quarter east; Dobelbower landing
post light, west by south.
Cottonwood island shoal, buoy No. 8,
a black, first-class spar was estab
lished September 29 In 22 feet of water.
Cottonwood island (southeast end) east; Coffin rock post light, aouth
southeawt, one-quarter east; Dobelbow
er landing poat light, west-northwest,
five-eighths went.
Hunters poat light. (List of lights
and fog signals,' Pacific coast, 1899, page
24. No. IOC.) On October 10 the color of
this light was changed from fixed red
to fited white, the position of the light
remaining unchanged.
By order of the lighthouse board.
Commander. U. 8. N.. Inspector Thir
teenth Lighthouse District.
Oftce of United States lighthouse in
spector, Portland, Ore., October 24, 1895.
Lata' Ink.
tiraf a'Tailar.
I. D. Boyef,
Merchant Tailor
Jackets! Jackets! Jackets!
Pine Tailor-made Jackets reduced from $12.00 to $10.00
" " " 10.00 to - 8.00
" ' " " 8 00 to - 6.00
An Unusual Opportunity to Get an
Elegant Jacket at a Bargain.
Have You Seen Our Fall Line of Winter Muck Dres
Good Porllnn, Venetians, Whipcord,
Camel's Hair and Crcpons.
Bargains in Ladies' & Children's Shoes
ITT Ifirtk St.
Aft fl IVk API'
I Vlkl L .I .I Va Vlali
V. M. C. A. Build's, i
A first-clans place at moderate pncea
Iioonu for ladies and private parties
Open all NlgHt...
108 Fourth St., near Washington
The Eastern
Dining-room an1 lcranrfnt
J. V. i am.v', 4-o:.
t'rivtte Dining-rooms lor Ladies
.Heals 15c tp Opea ill Night.
.Bet. Morrisoa tad Tanhill
Portland, Oregon....
Calwiii Title 24.
e. i. tmnw,
PriTitt RaoBtfir Ladies.
ton St, near 5th
i rilUn I ...
E. House's
1882 ffl
128 Third Street, Nrtlani, Iregti.
The Best Cup of Coflte
Cream and Milk
1mm our own ranch
nme made Ties and caltes.
WATSON BROS., rrnpr's,
& Q. surveyj (i) fore patmiis pay lor wlint tliejr ordur
and no more.
OoluniDIa riwr. main ship channel, Wj (Wu the, fhfapfst. Brst
from Tongue Point to Jim Crow paint.
(List of beacons and buoys, Pacific,
coast, 18D8, poge 60 ) East side of chan
nel buoy No. 2, a rod, flint-class nun,
()pen6a.m. t8p.m. PORTLAND
was moved OotolH-r 10, and Is now, q
moored In IT feet of water, and mark
and (uirltst Senire in the .VurthWHt.
10!) and Ul Fourth St. '
open 6a.m. t8 p.m. PORTLAND
Ladies' $3.50 Shoes at $2.65.
Ladies' $2.75 and $3.00 shoes
at $2.25.
Ladies' $1.95 and $2.25 shoes
at $1.65.
Ladies' $1.50 shoes at $1.15.
We want room for Men's and Boys' Clothing
Here's a Snap, Good Overcoats at $9.75. '
Welche's Clothing Store,
225 Morrison St. bet 1 aud 2, Portland.'Ore.
Fresco Decorator::
and Scenery Artist
1 Latest Designs alT Wall Papers
' 127 FirstStreet, ?0Tnl
We Rent New Typewriters.
Many New Improvements Added SEE OUR LATEST.
Smith Premier Typewriter
L. AM. ALEXANDER & CO., Phone Main 574
Exclusive Pa:iGo Ojot Dealers. 215 fc'Urk St I'oi tiana
Hoefler's Bonbonniere
Vhtre the Tiatst Ci.dies i. the State 543 C0.1MCRCIU ST..
re Trepans' .id lla;s I. Stoci...M. ...ASTORIA. 0REG0!
Blank Books...
Of every description MADE TO ORPER, for
Merchants, Banks, Corporations and Counties.
Commercial Printing
. Q
In all its branches. Nothing too large ; noth
ing too small
Ve coadict the largest aid most complete establlshmcat
la the Vest, sod invite yoar patronage. Ve pro
dice oathiag shoddy. Let us hear from yon.
Because at our bouse we bave neither a bathtub,
nor hot water bandy. ...
Then ijo to the Russian Batbs at 217 Astor ft.
25 centa is the price. Private apartments for
ladies. Only the better class of patronage I.
catered to. Try one and you will come regularly.